Please share widely. The reason Trump should win, by a landslide, can be summarized in a single question: "Are you better off now than you were four years ago? The Illegal Alien invasion is now costing the American People 150 Billion a year and it appears the Biden-Harris administration is setting the stage for mass Illegal voting by the 21 million Illegal Aliens that have invaded our country over the past 4 years. Given the razor thin margins, between Trump and Harris, this could easily result in a win for Harris and set the stage for a 2nd American Revolution.

How the Democrats intend to steal the 2024 election from Trump

The Biden-Harris Administration is paving the way for Illegal Aliens to vote


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Ryan/all - I apologize for not reading this stack, but your title prompted me to tell you about an incident that just happened to me a couple of hours ago.

Was walking with a friend just a little while ago. We had our iPhones in our pockets, but she was wearing an Apple watch.

I was recalling something I had heard where someone used the “N” word.

But I didn’t say, “N”. I said the abhorrent word aloud.

Immediately after quoting verbatim what I had heard this person say, I said, “I HATE using that word” to which my friend said, “Yes, so do I”.

Not even two minutes later, my friend received a phone call that appeared on her phone as “Technical Support”. She answered and the person on the other end said that my friend had called Verizon Technical Support – to which my friend said, “I did not call you”.

This person from Verizon said to my friend that she had heard our conversation and to be “mindful of the language you use”. Unfortunately, my friend was so taken aback that she didn’t think to say, “did you hear the words immediately spoken after hearing the “N” word?”.

Needless to say, it was a very short conversation that rattled my friend, but I think she is still under the impression that her phone accidentally called Technical Support. It’s too disturbing to think otherwise. She knows I am a dissident and knows all about the embalmer clots that I write about, so I’m sure this incident is rolling around in her mind.

Her call log showed that three other numbers were called within the same timeframe that she indeed did not make. They showed up on her phone as “#BAL”, “#MIN” and “Directory Assistance”. My guess was this was to make it look like her phone was randomly calling numbers.

Yeah, that pesky First Amendment keeps getting in the way, doesn’t it. ☹

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I would have obtained the asshole's name, number, and position title, then informed them that I would be filing a pro se law suit not only against them personally, but also in their capacity of a representative of Verizon Wireless. Then I would telephone the Verizon Wireless C suite CEO's office, and have the executive assisstant of the top asshole their deal with it.

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In the same vein Tommy Robinson (called a far right activist anti-Islam troublemaker) has been given 18 months in jail the UK. under the Terrorism Act. In July he failed to give police access to his cell phone and he is also charged with repeating false claims of libel against a Syrian refugee. While he is a rabble rouser this is another way of silencing the anti-immigrant citizens in the UK.

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Rabble-rousers are exactly the sort of people whose free speech must be guaranteed.

First [they] take an inch, then they take a mile...

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I didn't mean it in a bad way, I agree completely. We need the loud voices to speak the truth and as pointed out here we see how the overlords are trying to silence them

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I didn't take it that way either. I just used your term 'rabble rouser' to reinforce the point that the speech that needs to be protected is controversial speech. The more controversial it is, the more important the protection.

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"The same government that knowingly allows carcinogens and toxins into our food supply is not concerned about how words make you feel; they simply see an opportunity to expand their already rampant powers over the public." 💯

How interesting that their claims are often focused on "psychological" harm that is nearly impossible to define, let alone prove. (I am old enough to remember: "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me" and the equally profound - "I am rubber and you are glue - what you say bounces off of me and sticks on to you!")

While they constantly support the profitable destruction of nutrition in our foods and the even more profitable pharmacological industry (I am sure this audience knows that the Greek word for "sorcery" is the root word for pharmacy).

Thanks Ryan for the timely refresh. Your diligence and your insights are always appreciated!

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Well said. And, I said it then, I'll say it again, Alex Jones was the blueprint of their intentions. There is a way to stop and even fix this...if people have the courage to do so.

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Give some thought to how to fix this if you dare. I'd be curious to hear what you think could fix this.


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What could fix this? A populace that is sufficiently angry and disobedient coming to the realization that justice is gotten by being organized and fighting back. in defiance of the self-declared rules of your future. Look up "The Bundy Standoff"-there's your blueprint.

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Thanks Ryan.

I think the "Ruling Class" needs to exist no more.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Amen, Joe and thank you for saying that, God bless

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So many great points were made in your article- it's hard to stick to one. Great post.

The thing that's disturbing is how easily people on the left will self-censor to seem woke or appropriate. The left isn't afraid of consequences, because there are none when you live and breathe in a hive-mind.

Those on the right self-censor out of fear. Most of us on the right self-censor for fear of retribution or violence.

It's why speaking up for truth is more difficult and all the more admirable when you're conservative.

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I refuse to self-censor.

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One of the now more rarely mentioned assaults on free speech came years ago when the creepy--one's a pedo--Koch brothers successfully backed victory in the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling equating money with speech so that all the eugenecust, rascist creeps, like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, the Koch Brothers, etc., could more completely own the filth in Washington, D.C, our state houses, and municipalities that wasn't already owned because they're on video sexually abusing children, taking bribes, etc.

Closeted homosexual, former wrestling coach from Yorkville. IL, and serial sexual abuser of boys, Denny Hastert, didn't wind up by accident being the longest-serving House Speaker in history. He's good friends with sadistic rapist, Dick Cheney.

The assault on free speech has one primary goal for which free speech stands in the way. It's a very, very serious, very deadly, and humanity-enslaving end game. It's known as the "Green Revolution." Think of green to have two meanings: one is soylent green, which is disease, and death of large numbers of human beings being literally harvested on a number of levels; and the second is the trillions of dollars the wealthiest men on earth will put in their pockets at our collective expense, Elon Musk being one of them too, by the way. The "Green Revolution" is the rape of planet earth for rare minerals, and death by disease for much of humanity while the remnant is eternally enslaved by transhumanist AI.

WATCH THIS 2 HOUR EXPOSEE OF THE GREEN REVOLUTION It's exceptionally well done, and 100% sourced with primary source info


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Thank you, Ryan for another very enlightening article. These evil people make me sick to my stomach.

The only thing that continues to help me is the fact that I know God is in control and evil people will pay their price in the end

Thank you and God bless

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I agree with all your reasoning. But don't forget the first "First Amendment" right is freedom of religion. Our government was founded on many principles found in the Bible, and education was meant so that citizens could read the Bible, love God, family and country. All the rest comes second. Religious freedom does include freedom of speech, different religions working together. For all the points you made!

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Yeah Covid was fun! You stupid dipshit.

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