
I think you’re right!! They are completely panicked and looking desperate!

They have to sound even more shrill and alarming, just to get their left wing viewers from flipping the channel. It’s not working.

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Jan 16Liked by Joe Lange

I agree that the regime is panicked and desperate. Which is all the more reason to be very situational aware and alert to one's surroundings and social behaviors. There is nothing more unpredictable than a scared, cornered animal.

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"His keepers must have done something to get him fired up"

Maybe they hot-wired a taser to his balls...

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His chin???

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DRUGS, just like Hitler used to get fired up.

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😂😂😂just getting to this great article. As we used to say, “Thanks a lot for the visual!”

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Oh my goodness, Wild Bill. You did it again, I'm still laughing

Thank you

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Jan 16Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Well-spoken, sir. The ground is being cut out from under their feet. And lol, love the LOTR Uruk-hai reference at the end.

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I was hoping somebody besides Burning Bright would catch that!

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Jan 16Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Lol. Got your back!

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Anything LOTR rocks. I’m just binge reading your work Ryan, really great reads. Thanks 😊

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Liked by Ryan DeLarme

I enjoyed your take Ryan.

We are winning BIGLY as Iowa showed last night. And the best part is that this is happening while the DS Rat Bastard's MSM talking heads still have their platforms to squawk and madly spew their nonsense. Wait until the hammer drops and these people are shown the door. Brings a big smile to my face.

And this is only the 3rd week of 2024... Love this front row seat with eyes wide open...

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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If we recall, every time the left say it is us doing something, they are the ones doing what they accuse us of. So watch Hitler & the Nazi's go full speed ahead.

It disturbs me to think that our real President is still allowing any of this craziness to continue.

STOP ...... ENOUGH already. If people are not awake, so be it. They are fools and let them go.

When I get like this, I just quit watching any of it and go to where there is a peace. I remind myself, whatever happens or happening, God has this and there is not a thing we can do about it.

It all is just so sickening......every thing we go through each day.

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"whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

-- 1 Cor 10:31b (KJV)

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And an Amen to that sir.

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Thank you for the great article!! Seriously does anyone watch MSM? I watched Trump’s glorious win on Fox News (I had to look up the channel number because it’s been that long) just to watch the talking heads with their tight facial expressions and obvious distaste. Brit Hume made some snarky comment about “unless Trump does go to jail”. I could see his disappointment in the outcome and his weasel comment about jail was all he could offer. Paper ballots and same night vote counting has Trump taking every county in Iowa but one. Oh how we need to return to paper ballots, one day elections and voter ID. I’d love to see a real election take place!!

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Sadly, I do watch the MSM. "Know your enemy" and all that. Though, rarely am I surprised by anything I see there, and often I wonder how many braincells were lost to the cause.

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If everyone is Hitler, no one is Hitler.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Ryan DeLarme

All 25 of his staff and the media chanting 4 more years is laughable.... I couldn't hardly listen to this nincompoop's rambling speech about warriors he knows nothing about. Yes we saw the staged J6 FBI sham perpetrated by you joe.... It was quite a sight as your people hid under tables as they were told to do. Your Capitol Chief doesn't even believe this phony stagged attack by you Joe. Now you are unleashing your rampage onto innocent AMERICANS by illegally opening our borders to criminals. Joe...Come on Man, you were napping during the entire event on J6. Now a Bunny should take you off stage and to your quarters for an ice cream cone and a ride back home to the lazyboy for a nap. READ>>>>Turn RIGHT and walk 12 steps where Jill (Your wife, not your sister), will lead you to the bunny.

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Jan 17Liked by Ryan DeLarme

I would never miss a Badlands!! Always good takes on the insane events

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What these communist dogs are looking to do is secretly, behind closed doors, install Gavin Newsom as POTUS and "Big Mike" Obama as Vice and lock up D.C. for the next 16 years; never, and I mean, never underestimate a communist, socialist, Marxist pig! The Deep State is a lot deeper than you think!

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Never underestimate Trump and his '200 generals' either.

"The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last...

The great battle of our time."

-- J. R. R. Tolkien, Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

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Wild Bill, I hope that I am wrong; I pray that you are correct! I have a friend of 30 years whose father and uncle served 10 years in a Cuban prison from 1969-1979 for refusing to accept Castro's communist party and says what is happening in the United States happened in Cuba!

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Indeed. The question is, what do we do about it?

I believe we will have free and fair elections in 2024, and that Trump knows this and that is why he is running. Why submit himself and his family to everything they are going through for nothing? He knew [they] would do exactly what they are doing. He knew he could not win if they could fraud 2024 as they did 2016, 18, 20, 22...

So he knows something that we do not know -- that there is a plan. Our part is to be steadfast in our support of him and his patriots. This is a 5G Narrative War, and much of it is being fought in spaces like this, and on social media. We can all fight back, each in his or her own way. Though there may be some kinetic action, it will likely backfire. This war is for the hearts and minds of the people, the Collective Mind as Burning Bright calls it; and it is there that it will be won.

That is something the Cubans, unfortunately, did not have.

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Wild Bill: I live here in Florida. I have been attending Conservative Republican meetings where local and State Candidates show up as guest speakers, and I keep parroting that we have to change the voting process by 1.) Eliminating Soros-Backed Dominion and Smartmatic Machine Voting 2.) Same day voting 3.) No mail-in absentee ballots, and 4.) Voter ID until then, we will not ever have fair elections. The only way we can win this election is by outcheating the DemonRats. United We Stand Divided We Fall!! This may be the year of 2A! Freedom is not Free!!

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I believe that 'the plan' includes just this sort of thing, and that the '24 elections will be overseen by military loyal to Trump's '200 generals' -- mostly reservists and Guardsmen, who served active duty pre-woke. But that is just my guess, and the plan may be different in the end. Trump's running tells me that there is, however, a plan including fair elections.

Trying to out-cheat the Democrats, while a tempting idea, likely won't work. Don't attack an enemy where they are strong, hit them where they are weak. Like the old saying about never mud-wresting a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it.

Keep up the good work, MTP -- a voyage of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Hackneyed, I know; but true.

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Wild Bill, Think this through for a minute: the DemonRats, Deep State, Lamestream Media, Big Tech, and Globalist have the FBI, CIA, NSA, and every other alphabet agency at their disposal! The Twitter files uncovered that with the FBI's involvement with the 2020 election, not only will they use the J6 "pep rally" (even though the Summer of 2020 was the actual insurrection) as a precursor for election integrity, why they are making an example and going after people who attended the pep rally and are locking them up in the dungeons of D.C. These people are out and out demons! They have an agenda! The RepubTurds are no better. I believe they are in on the rouse together! Have you noticed not too many Republicans stood up for President Trump? Have you noticed no Repubturds have come forward on behalf of J6 prisoners? Have you noticed the RepubTurds were quiet in the Summer of 2020; is it starting to make sense now?

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Here's an interesting and encouraging post from Clandestine:


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This is the part I just can't buy.

I see no reason why the Deep State would steal the election in 2020 but permit a fair one in 2024.

There is ONE way the Deep State would allow a fair 2024 election: If it's Biden vs Haley. I.E. where they win either way.

I can't see how they would permit Trump to take office. They'd start a Civil War first.

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It all depends on who is really in control, doesn't it? If the Deep State remain firmly in control, they will just keep doing their thing.

But if you look around and see how confused and conflicted [they] are, and the stupid mistakes they are making, and how hard they're trying to keep Trump off the ballot, the more reasonable conclusion is that their control of the situation is deteriorating, if not gone.

2024 is going to be a wild ride, and the truth is nobody (here, anyway) can say with any certainty exactly how things will play out. But the general opinion is that [they] are losing strength, Trump is winning and after all, he would not even be running unless he knew that the '24 election will not be under [their] control.

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This is very confusing to me.

I don't see Trump as having a particularly strong hand. They're saying if he's a convicted felon he will lose many votes from Independents and even Republicans. Since the Democrat strategy is "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" I'm sure they'll nail him with something.

Then they run against "Trump the felon" and the "no felon on the ballot" plan will come through.

Right now they are doing litigation. "You can't take Trump off the ballot, he's not a felon" the judges will say. Then they will make him a a felon after he clinches the nomination. "See? He's a felon! Take him off the ballot now!"

And then Trump has the problem of running for president from jail.

Republicans are split between those that want to stick with Trump-the-felon-in-jail and those that say "We can't win this way. Push DeSantis or Vivek or SOMEONE ELSE."

Republicans are split.

Biden re-elected AND takes both houses of congress because Republicans can't keep the House with the divided party.

They stack the Supreme Court, impeach Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

The Bill of Rights is deemed unconstitutional. Guns are made illegal. And then trains take us to the FEMA camps.

And once there, when you take a shower to get rid of the lice, poison gas comes out of the shower heads instead.

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Biden is an insult to America and her people courtesy of the CCP. I can only stand to watch him when he's falling down or crying.

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I refuse to listen to this puppet, whom I don’t even think is the real Joe. Nevertheless simple conclusion: every word democrats spew is a projection of whom they are. And he did not get 81 million votes, no insurrection, and FJB

IS about as succinct as it gets!

Thanks for listening for us .... Fauci Biden gates Klaus are unlistenable I can’t hear YOU!

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Obama is anything but a polished gem. He and Biden are both evil.

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Polished only in the sense that he convinced a lot of people he was something other than what he really was. Joe Biden convinces no one.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

He was a "clean Negro" isn that what Joe-Zo called him. His shoes were the only thing polished besides his teeth 😁 Hell, Joe would have given him a job as a Chauffeur or a shoeshine boy back in the day when those "colored kids" were rubbing his hair on his legs.(He really liked that alot) Joes an equal opportunity employer..He loves kids of every color......Come on man!

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dogface pony soldier. come on, man. jack. lets go, brandon. corn pop. sniffer. soap-on-a-rope-shower-dad.

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Great writing, Ryan!

I didn’t listen to Biden’s speech; only heard about it but not as thoroughly as you have reported. Thank You for that because I would have missed the shocking narrative that [they] are spinning!

Ok…not shocking really. They have NOTHING to run on but attacking Trump and God-loving MAGA supporters.

This msm coverage has gone far beyond just propaganda and is now in the category of psychological terrorism. It saddens me and disturbs me that anyone could be taken in by such garbage…but that hatred dwells in the hearts that welcome it.

We have Love of Country, Love of Trump, Love of our fellow Americans on our side….we understand the global satanic strategy and clearly see that their panic is escalating….because we are winning!!


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"hatred dwells in the hearts that welcome it"

Indeed it does. Remember Ephesians 6:12:

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (KJV)

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Hit the nail on the head!

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