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Prudence rules my world.
At least, that’s what I tell myself. This, in part, explains my strong embrace of healthy skepticism, my total willingness to let others speculate about matters such as the Rothschilds, and my resolute unwillingness to knowingly ingest what appears to me to be something inspired—whether knowingly or unknowingly—Russian propaganda, etc.
We live in a multi-layered world where “shapeshifters” operating in service to an invisible enemy are seemingly faking the funk everywhere on the planet as we, daily, in our role as sovereign individuals, endeavor to stop for a minute—just a minute, mind you—in order to get something of a knowing look-see, or, at minimum, a better view through a purposefully cloudy prism.
In such an earthly realm as this, it appears better and more useful for me to stay in a more focused and practical lane. As that famous hymn counsels, we’ll all understand it better by and by, right?
This is especially true as Team Trump is successfully triangulating enemies of We The People all around the globe. Through a PEADS-secretive “Operation Warp Speed,” they are boxing-in the following freedom-hating “teams” adept at manipulating media of all types: Russia, China, and the nation-states heavily influenced by them as well as the Deep State globalists who often operate on the down-low with Russia and China in their opposition to We The People.
All three of these teams periodically work with one another and against one another, but all three are masterfully manipulated in one form or another by the Corporatist Industrial Complex that run the criminal syndicate of criminal syndicates and has no allegiance to any nation-state.
This is what makes them the Invisible Enemy.
This criminal syndicate is who Team Trump is going after in Operation Warp Speed. There can be no lasting success in the operation, however, without We The People in the United States of America recapturing our Congress and our Senate from the lobbying efforts of this Invisible Enemy.
Job number one: recapture the Congress.
Among members of the Make America Great Again movement, one of the more favored current mantras is Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. It is famously represented by the hashtag #NCSWIC. In this column, I want to discuss how Team Trump has brilliantly used Schedule F as something of the Tip of the Spear for an organizing philosophy that is American to its very core, and unstoppable.
“Schedule F“ refers to a category of federal government employees created by an executive order issued in the last few months of President Donald Trump’s first term in office on October 21, 2020.
Under this executive order, certain federal employees—perhaps a majority—who work in a range of positions capable of making or enforcing federal policies could be reclassified as Schedule F employees, meaning they would no longer be entitled to civil service protections and could be hired and fired more easily by appointees of the duly elected president.
If you are a discerning reader, by the end of this opinion piece I hope to have presented enough information for you to do some original research of your own on not only Schedule F but also on a Soviet-era communist defector named Yuri Bezmenov.
For me, research on Bezmenov should allow you to see how a singular and individually sovereign American organized a dedicated Irregular Warfare team to counter a decades-long communist infiltration plan designed to demoralize the greatest nation on earth, and in so doing destabilize its entire foundation, thereby resulting in a nationwide level of debilitating chaos that would ultimately allow for the normalization of a communist-led New World Order takeover of America.
In my theory, Team Trump, through sheer grit and determination, used American creativity and true love of country to develop and implement a very broad-based “Operation Warp Speed” battle plan—a plan, in fact, that may never be fully acknowledged—designed to turn the tables on our infiltrators, their collaborators and American traitors.
Operation Warp Speed, of course, was officially announced as a public-private partnership initiated by the U.S. government in May 2020 to accelerate the development, production, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.
In my theory, it was and is much, much more than that.
Team Trump knew that Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), had been warning about the potential for a global pandemic for many years. In January 2017, just days before President Trump's inauguration, Fauci gave a speech at a Georgetown University event where he stated that “there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases.”
In my theory, the operation is not “a” major initiative of the Trump administration, it is “the” overarching operation of Trump’s first term in office.
Broadly speaking, the plan likely had components that looked similar to this: pre-inauguration send in the “landing teams” as your transition force announcing a war-like effort to the whole world, identify and itemize the Executive Branch players with positions of responsibility & influence, make clear in your inaugural address what the overall game plan is, post-inauguration follow the money / contacts / associations through leak hunts, identify and itemize Obama Administration sleeper cells beholden to the Invisible Enemy, discover their networks and those of other wrongdoers, then put them in positions of conflict in order to smoke them out week by week, month by month, year by year.
Officially speaking, the cover story of the plan (when publicly announced, and it wasn’t announced until May 15, 2020) touted the United States government investing billions of dollars to support vaccine research and development, manufacturing, and distribution. The effort aimed to deliver 300 million doses of a safe and effective vaccine by January 2021, and this goal—much to the surprise of many—was ultimately met.
Officially speaking, the cover story of Operation Warp Speed involved collaboration between multiple government agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense, and the National Institutes of Health, as well as private companies and academic institutions.
In my theory, however, the plan was a truly clandestine operation implemented secretly as a whole-of-government effort that will never be publicly acknowledged. It had the benefit, however, of allowing Donald Trump to “capture them all,” given its unique tentacles reaching all aspects of the Corporatist Industrial Complex.
As a quick reminder, remember what President Trump told Joe Biden in quite the ominous warning in one of their debates:
“So when I listen to Joe talking about a transition, there has been no transition from when I won. I won that election. And if you look at crooked Hillary Clinton, if you look at all of the different people, there was no transition, because they came after me trying to do a coup. They came after me spying on my campaign. They started from the day I won, and even before I won. From the day I came down the escalator with our first lady, they were a disaster. They were a disgrace to our country, and we’ve caught them. We’ve caught them all. We’ve got it all on tape. We’ve caught them all. And by the way, you gave the idea for the Logan Act against General Flynn. You better take a look at that, because we caught you in a sense, and President Obama was sitting in the office.”
Through a multi-layered battle plan involving sustained applications of elite-level Ghosts In The Machine propaganda, efforts that have fooled many in the MAGA movement, Team Trump took an approach Americans seriously favor.
They did the Trumpian thing, they went on offense, not defense … and they did it before he ever stepped into office.
Having long since completed a Gramscian march through our leftwing social, political, and cultural institutions, Team Trump knew our adversaries have banked upon America’s conservative silent majority to be utterly confused and frustrated by the success of their long march.
Team Trump correctly ascertained that the traditional conservative approach, of course, is to defend.
Defend our traditional way of life, defend our constitutional republic, defend our embrace of freedom and commercial markets, etc.
Defend, defend, defend.
But Team Trump also knew we had a savvy adversary, with internal allies that have always been uncomfortable with certain aspects of American life. The freedom to be uncouth, for instance. Rambunctious. Adventurous. God-fearing.
And unapologetic.
America’s conservative silent majority has, in actual fact, been utterly confused and frustrated by the success of this Gramscian march … until Donald Trump came along as the antidote to all of that shiznit.
He had the singular wisdom to know that in matters of warfare, America prefers offense and innovation. He also had the singular wisdom to know that we were, in fact, in a war for our very existence.
This meant, to be effective in his effort to save the American Republic, he and his team of supporters had to not only be innovative, but they had to secretly turn the conservative approach on its head and go on the offense.
As irregular warriors.
They knew, given the decades-long invasion, only by going on the offensive could they instead deliver demoralization, destabilization, and chaos to the enemies of America, internally and externally, rather than receive it.
How was this “going on the offensive” action accomplished and how is it still being accomplished?
Well, I’ve already given you the clue.
Schedule F.
Being able to pull this off—and Team Trump has in fact pulled this feat off—is nothing short of political genius but … to heck with that earlier description of Schedule F—what the heck is the real deal with Schedule F within this battle plan, you may be asking?
No matter how you may define yourself politically, if the Republican Party has often been your choice of party or the political group identified with your chosen candidate or cause, it has often proved beneficial to read or observe the outlets opposed to your preferred approach to domestic or international affairs.
Here is an excerpt from a recent NPR article titled Recent infighting raises the question: How conservative is the GOP? … With some shapeshifting narrative enhancement quotes from within the controlled established.
Check it out:
A few weeks ago, Americans — or, the subset who get excited about these things — were glued to C-SPAN as the House voted 15 times for a speaker.
It was a show of a deep but hard-to-describe division in the party. While the overwhelming majority of Republicans supported eventual Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a faction of 20 Republicans held out. Among their demands were that the House not raise the debt ceiling without deep spending cuts.
What set them apart? To some, the rebel Republicans were showing their ideological purity.
“By and large, the reason why Kevin McCarthy has this problem in this conference is that these fiscal conservatives do not want to follow the Mitch McConnell Senate Republican strategy,” American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp told Fox Business. “They passed nearly a $2 trillion omnibus with winks and nods from Republicans because they don't have the stomach to reduce federal spending.”
There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. That’s surely the conventional wisdom among politicos on the right side of the ledger. And Matt Schlapp has done good work for our cause. He might not have been able to say what I can say in this Substack. Namely, a growing number of us have long since grown tired of that conventional wisdom.
It isn’t that they don’t have the stomach to do the right thing and set this country back on a rational and reasonable course whether that is financially, legally, or morally … no, not at all. They are merely the controlled opposition of the UniParty. The Democrats run the UniParty but are merely the controlled proponents of the Deep State.
Ultimately—and you may certainly have guessed this by now—the Deep State are merely the foot soldiers, the enemy combatants if you will, secretly employed by the Invisible Enemy of humanity.
This is, of course, primarily speculation mixed in with heartfelt opinion on my part.
(I hope to have a book discussing all of this ready for publication in the months just before the 2024 election for President.)
I will say in this column, however, something about the imperative of Schedule F. And to set the stage, I want to casually make use of ChatGPT research throughout this column.
In politics, “imperative” is often used to describe a situation or policy that is deemed critical, urgent, or necessary for the public good or national interest. An imperative policy or action is one that is regarded as essential or mandatory, and that must be implemented or followed without delay or deviation.
For example, a government may describe a new law as imperative to improve public safety, or a military leader may deem a particular strategy as imperative to win a battle. In political discourse, imperatives are often used to persuade or convince others of the urgency and importance of a particular policy or course of action.
The use of “imperative” in politics may also refer to a moral obligation or duty to act in a certain way. In this sense, an imperative policy or action is one that is seen as morally justifiable and necessary, and that carries a sense of ethical responsibility to address a problem or injustice.
Critical, urgent, or necessary for the public good or national interest.
That aptly describes how We The People, representing the base of the Republican Party, view the national refusal by the UniParty to reduce federal spending. The effort to limit federal spending is designed to reduce the influence and power of the leviathan—the power of centralized government to bulldoze the rights of individual sovereign citizens of this nation-state.
As is often stated, money is not the root of all evil, but the love of money most certainly is. For a leviathan, the love of money equates to a love of power. The love of power for a leviathan is tantamount to total control. For an individual sovereign granted inalienable rights by God Almighty, an out-of-balance power dynamic between individual sovereign and centralized government is an inherent conflict that cannot stand.
And shall not stand.
So … Schedule F is not just a policy or course of action. It is a nuclear weapon in the arsenal of the true Operation Warp Speed, a top secret battle plan designed to take on the criminal syndicate of criminal syndicates.
Further, it is a nuclear weapon that was locked and loaded before Donald Trump’s “landing teams” invaded the federal government as a “transitionary Special Operations force,” like Army Rangers scaling the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc during the D-Day invasion, seeking any and all information necessary to return power where it belongs—to We The People.
You do remember Donald Trump’s inauguration speech, don’t you?
I certainly do.
Today's ceremony, however, has a very special meaning because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.
For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have bore the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed.
. . . .
What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.
January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.
. . . .
And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty creator.
So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words: You will never be ignored again. Your voice, your hopes and your dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.
Together we will make America strong again, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America proud again, we will make America safe again.
And, yes, together we will make America great again.
Thank you. God bless you. And God bless America.
That resonated with me. Bigtime. Still does. And that’s why Schedule F has been, and remains, so important to me.
To the matter of Schedule F and its diverse application as more than simply a devastating nuclear weapon, consider the following:
If you have a discerning eye, we just saw the dramatic application of Schedule F in the fight for the all-important position of Speaker of the House.
In the immediate aftermath of Kevin McCarthy’s selection as Speaker, I posted a Tweet saying the following:

To which an online friend responded with the following:

Pat has since passed away, but the fight continues.
Because the hashtag is true.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Badlands Media articles and features represent the opinions of the contributing authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Badlands Media itself.
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I love everything you post. ( You have probably seen the above).Trump has an Executive Order Re: Expanding GITMO. At least once a week a plane is going to GITMO.
I know you know about Devolution/ Continuity of Government.
You also probably know about Deep State’s 16 year
plan for us.
The US has been under Military Occupation since 2016. Trump was asked by the Military to take down all of the corruption. The ‘ Real President Trump’ has bee in the Cheyanne Military Complex since 2019.
There were two vaccines- Trump’s and DeepState. Trump’s had in it Hydroxchlorquine, Ivermectin, Azithremycin, Doxycycline and Zinc.
Have a wonderful day!
One thing is for certain, Warp Speed was about much more than the vax. Only time will clear the mists enough to see the full extent of it, if even then. And only in time will We the People see the true extent of the KM/Deep State/Cabal operatives not only here in the USA but also all over the world. It's coming out now, but many are still asleep.