Incredible article. Thank you for the meticulous work putting all of this together!

I encourage everyone who reads this to share it.

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That's a lot of info, most of which I wasn't aware. I had no idea so many nazis were in control of NATO. At least they are all dead now. And NATO should also be dead.

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This wonderful and very informative article really clears away the intentional fog of created chaos (and the architect players of that game!) and gives a clear focused view of what the stakes are in this information/narrative war…nothing short of PEACE and the brotherhood of Sovereign Nations.

Thank you! I have come away from reading this article with an even deeper understanding of what Q meant by “The Plan” is Global.

Well done, Matthew Ehret ❤️🙏🕊🇺🇸🌎

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Concerning the SCO vs. NATO;

It is true that ex Nazi's and Vichy's were placed in charge of the new allied infrastructure because the socialist and Nazi's murdered all the mayors, and city leaders when they overthrew a Town. City, Country and placed their people into these positions, meaning there was no one remaining who knew how or had any experience in running a City, Town State, Country. If I remember correctly, even Gen. Patton complained about this fact when he was reprimanded for using Nazi's to run the infrastructure of recaptured territories from the Nazi's.

I am beginning to believe this was part of the Nazi and Vichy plan when they invaded and took over, this way they ensure they will have a position or say in how the area will recover, using the same tactic the elites use by funding both parties of a conflict ensuring they will have favor with the winner.

Ever hear of project Paperclip? America is just as guilty of giving favor to the Nazi and Vichy commanders and scientist's.

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The NEW JOE BIDEN doesnt sound or look anything like the REAL Joe Biden... How many JOE BIDENS have there been?

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Yes, that really stood out for me too - there's NO WAY the guy we now see on TV is the original!

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The new Joe Biden is an actor w a mask and gets his talking points from his handler Obama who is running his 3rd term. (And we have a significant amount of asshats who want Obama/Bjden again so US can be a full-fledged Commie nation).

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What a brilliant article Matthew! You laid it out perfectly with so much detail.

Loved this little nugget:

In fact, the position of NATO Commander and Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe was a position that was filled SOLELY by ‘former’ Nazis for 16 YEARS STRAIGHT, from 1967-1983.


But as we are finding out, our history is a complete lie and it is being exposed daily now.

What a time to be alive and actually witness the tectonic shift happening in the world as a cabal controlled debt slavery system is dismantled and replaced by a growing number of nations yearning for freedom.

Great article my friend!🔥👏🏼👏🏼

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This is a great review of what is actually going on in the world today, which has been purposefully hidden from us

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Thank you. That was refreshingly informative.

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❤️Wage Peace,

⭐️Keep the Faith



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Good grief, it just keeps getting worse with every article. Our once beloved country is just a cesspool of evil & corruption. It's disgusting & almost unbelievable. God bless the United States of America

Thank you, Matthew for this article even tho the information that you have presented is disgusting, it shows how unaware & gullable we, the people are. Hopefully no more

God bless

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All things considered, I prefer ‘M.A.G.’ as an official slogan. ‘Again’ implies reintroducing something, but the more I learn, the less impressed I am by our rapacious, greed-driven, entitled history as a nation. Everything needs to be pulled up by the roots and burned to ashes. Phoenix Rising.

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To many, MAGA means a return to our roots as a Republic, and getting rid of the administrative state/deep state that has taken over and ruled our lives for 60 years or more.

Ending many of the needless cabinet positions and agencies, abolishing the Intel communities and their over reach and suppression of our constitutional rights.

Ending our involvement as "world police". Extracting the US from the UN and the W.H.O. and NATO.

The satanic global regime WANT to destroy America and burn it down, they want us erased. That is the enemy we are fighting.

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Wow, a lot to digest, so I'm going to have to come back to this... Good stuff from what I have digested.

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Pray the Lord God the curse will be broken. If you think we are not under a curse you haven't been paying attention.

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This was astonishingly good, thank you so much.

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Wow, fascinating! Thanks for filling in huge gaps in my knowledge. It seems pretty clear which way the wind is blowing. . .

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Nothing like another black pilling session with this guy...you either Trust the Plan or you dont

stop the gloom, WE dont need or want it M8

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