
Thank you Feather!

I think it’s vitally important that we go back and relearn our history based upon the truth instead of the constant lies.

That was my main motivation in writing this series.

We must wake people up!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

And thank you much for your work for us.

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Blessings Tim!!

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Joe, I have a question for you. Any way I can send you a DM? Tim

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Of course you can.

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I’m on Truth Social @JoeLange and on Spitballers Telegram chat @JdLange

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Feb 19Liked by Joe Lange

Amen brother! Thank you so much for the hours and days probably weeks you’ve spent on this series. I feel like I’m taking a course in History the Truth About America 😁 You’re appreciated!

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Sorry, I missed your comment from way back when. Thank you for commenting my friend.

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Oct 14Liked by Joe Lange

No worries Joe I read a Lot of Substack most people don’t even respond to comments or questions. You’re the exception. Blessings to you and your family brother.

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I do appreciate you friend!❤️

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Oct 16Liked by Joe Lange

Right back at ya brother.

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Joe, am I missing something?

The last Shah of Iran ascended the peacock throne in 1941, following the death of his father who founded the Pahlavi dynasty.

Reza Shah seized power from the former Qajar dynasty in 1921. He was later removed from power by the British, dying in exile. His son, the last Shah, was installed as a more amenable ruler to British oil interests.

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The s Shah was a royal figurehead and when the Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh nationalized the oil industry the CIA launched a military coup to overthrow him. The Shah then became the CIA puppet. The SAVAK was created to keep control of the government until the revolution toppled the Shah’s government.

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Joe, I’m reading this older article(excellent read) and I think I missed the one about the envelopes at funeral. What is that article called? Thanks!!😊

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I haven’t written about the envelopes yet but it’s still coming.

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Ah. I’m glad I didn’t miss it. Thank you for all these amazing reads.

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I appreciate you friend!

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Wow! It’s embarrassing how much I learned from this article. Joe Lange is the best.

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I really appreciate that my friend!!

The Beirut stuff I stumbled across as I was writing this article and had to make it a focus of this article.

This series is getting longer because I have a long way to go to get to the end.

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Oh I totally agree, but you aim't so bad yourself, Mr.Carlson. You two are the bestest

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

You knocked it out of the park! Thanks for the revisit to many of this nation’s sacrificial crimes against our military warriors all for the love if money and power. Heartbreaking is an understatement! I followed a former CIA exec on Twitter (Kevin Shipp) years ago who posted a documentary video on the shadow government that told us the CIA controlled the world. My heart rate is only now getting back to normal. One last thought, Jimmy Carter is NOT the worse president we’ve had, and I now understand why he didn’t get an envelope at the hwbush funeral! May the CIA’s days be numbered!

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The CIA sacrificed our good men and women in the military since their inception.

They are absolute evil.

The CIA was the single most dangerous weapon the cabal controlled when Trump became president.

I will prove that Alwaleed controlled them.

Just wait. It’s going to get worse unfortunately.

And great “catch”!

You beat me to the punch!

When I finally get to those envelopes at George H.W. Bush’s funeral, I was going to mention that Carter didn’t get an envelope.

I used to think he was the worst president when I was younger but I actually commend him for his sole effort without help to at least fight against this entrenched evil.

He was a good man and a very good Christian.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

I agree with your Carter thoughts. Looking forward to the Bush funeral column! Keep feeding our minds with the truths. Love your hard work.

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Thank you very much Carol!! A lot more coming!!

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Can't wait for that article.. It amazes me to think I was that naive for thinking the Bushes were just the best GOOD GRIEF

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GOOD GRIEF, indeed. 😄

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

They are just as "good" as their ancestry!

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I've often puzzled over the idea that Carter was our worst president ever. Now I think he underestimated the evil he was surrounded by and he was not ruthless enough to play the game effectively. I think he was a good man, too. Probably the last good democrat, before the marxist takeover of that party.

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I completely agree with you.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Carter looked puzzled when he didn't get an envelope.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Wow----and so many wonder why the dismantling of all this and so much more is taking awhile!!! Love your work and dedication! God Bless!!!

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Thank you my friend! This insurgency is deeply imbedded throughout our entire government and society.

There’s no quick fix. It’s a real war and must be done the right way to uproot it all.

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The big question is how the Bushes live with themselves, given all the blood they have directly shed? Those generational demons are just passed down without skipping a beat. And they purport to be Christians. Don’t let anyone who claims to be a Believer fool you. You will know them by their fruit, not their words!

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Amen my friend.

They had me fooled for a long time with the help of the CIA controlled media.

Once you are awake to the evil, you can’t unsee it and your view of everything changes.

Peace my friend

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Did it never give you pause that H.W. was head of the CIA, as well as a member of some creepy secret club called the Skull and Bones? 💀👹😄

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Excellent question. I’ve wondered the same.

The battle is really in the heavenlies,against spiritual forces of wickedness.

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Truly God versus evil.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Psychopaths feel nothing

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Great piece Joe, it really pissed me off! I was a USMC 0311 when the Beirut shitshow happened and knew a few marines who were there and never got to come home. Your pulling on the threads of this grotesque tapestry has finally created a hole large enough that even I can see what a fucking fool I was to trust and believe our government. I am going to change my interwebs handle to @pawnnomore to let anyone who sees it know that I have finally pulled my head out of my ass and now can see the true enemy. For that Joe, thank you. I look forward to you getting to the part of your essay (assuming this is where you are going) about Bush & CIA et al being behind 9/11.

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I’m sorry to hear about your friends.

Reading about what they went through in that Foreign Policy article was heartbreaking.

I love your new handle!

I’m going to steal that as a hashtag and spread it everywhere.

Blessings friend and thank you for your service.


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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Thanks Joe but as we chanted back in the day when shit got tough/real IIWII (it is what it is). Thanks to your articles, I now know it never was what it was just what the deep state wanted us plebs to trust/believe what they said it was and to spill our blood for their financial gain. FUCK! This really pisses me off!

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It makes me angrier than anything. We’ve been constantly lied to and sacrificed.

We must win this war and we need to wake up as many people as possible to their evil.

Once people are awake to it, the enemy can never win them back.

The Great Awakening is their biggest fear and our numbers grow every single day.

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Thank you for your service, Andrew King. Those who have been to war, truly bear the worst of the terrible injustices that our government has perpetrated on it's own people. You have every right to be beyond angry for being so betrayed and used, as if your life was so inconsequential, by a govt and country you believed in. The men and women who served in the Vietnam war had it worst of all, bc unlike WWII, where those soldiers were greeted with ticker tape parades and a hero's welcome, Vietnam vets were spat upon and reviled, and treated like the enemy. That will be an indelible stain and embarassment on America forever. It makes me want to cry. The wars since then have opened the eyes of many patriots, like you, who did their duty to their country, only to find out it wasn't a two way deal. Uncle Sam turned out to be a psychopath. I'm sorry. I have no more words.

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And yes, I am going to get to 9/11 and it’s going to be several bombshells.

The truth is brutal.

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I want to hear about Dock Cheney’s role during the W administration

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As a Jewish person I just hope you are not going to tell us Israel was at the center of it. This would be vey hard to take.

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WOW! What a riveting read!

You introduced a few new names and some twists on intentions of some familiar people to me but the Purest Evil DS Rat Bastard is still H.W. Man what a 180 from my earlier view of him and his family. Glad he got his just reward during Trump's 1st term.

Learned lots, can't wait for your next installment.

Thanks Joe!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you Joe! I agree with you. Poindexter was just a puppet of Bush’s.

George H.W. Bush was evil and the biggest puppet in the world for decades that the cabal controlled.

I believe he’s rotting in hell waiting for God’s final judgment.

Wait till I get to his two sons.

The apples didn’t fall far from the tree.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

...or as some say, the turds don't drop far from the horse...

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That’s perfect!!😂😂😂

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Joe Lange


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The Bible says, "The LORD has made all for Himself, yes, even the wicked for the day of doom." Proverbs 16:4 NKJV

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

The more I hear about the Bushes, the more I realize just how much influence he had. A puppet, but very close to the top?

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He was a top puppet during his reign over the shadow government.

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Where is Oliver North?? What’s his deal?

It’s is incredulous how all these years they sold the American People this bill of goods.Fighting For Freedom and all along they were constantly stealing and killing. I remember all these Congressional hearings. Where did that get us? Just further down the road. They set up Saddam Hussein and Morimar Khadaffi. The War on Terror was the Terror CIA created. How many lives were sacrificed for arms dealing and drug running? This makes me sick.

Thank you Joe for your awesome research and your presentation. The Truth is coming out. NCSWIC. I know it!

God Speed, my Friend.

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I’m not exaggerating when I keep telling people that we’ve been lied to about everything our whole lives.

If you start with that premise and then start to dig and research, you are going to find the ugliest of truths.

It will absolutely break your heart, make you sick and then very angry.

That’s why when I first started writing the first article in this series about over a year ago, that I had to just set it aside and recuperate.

I had to literally decompress before I could pick it up again and begin to write about these topics.

Blessings Pamela but buckle up. It’s going to get worse.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

I can only imagine, Joe. May God strengthen!

“May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you! May he send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion!

May he remember all your offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! Selah

May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans!

May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the LORD fulfill all your petitions!” (Psa 20:1-5)

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That really means a lot to me my friend! Those are great verses.

Thank you for your prayers.

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Tim, brother, keep those exhortations flowing!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

“All mankind are liars.” (Psa 116:11)

Truth be told, there’s only one who is not, and he said, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life.”

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Amen to that!

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We have lost our presumption of innocence and that is heartbreaking.

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That’s true but it’s necessary for a complete cleansing.

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Yeah, you’re right. My prayer and my hope is I see it. Pray.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Better to know the truth than stay in the dark. This won't end until we demand it.

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I agree Bill!

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Terribly heartbreaking! All my life, I labored under the notion that America was a great country. That our actions were always driven by a noble cause. To find out it couldn't have been farther from the truth was truly devastating. The extent of our culpability was almost too hard to bear.

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It was brutal to me too. I started this series almost a year ago and stopped cause it was too much. I had to decompress.

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I understand. I just try to remember happier days. The sun shining through the trees on an autumn day. My family is MIA and that’s hard. I have my God, my dogs, a beautiful place to live and a good business.I have to remember my blessings in the midst of such heartache. It’s a hard thing to do. I cry a lot. I pray a lot. I am so thankful for Jesus. I heard Him say, not only come to Me but press into Me. It was a rhema word. So that’s where I am. I miss what I thought was a good world.

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Love that!!

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Thank you for responding, as well as your other comments, that point to the heartbreak of lost innocence, which is always painful, no matter how old you get. I hope we can look forward to future happy days. Maybe the price for that is the pain of loss of innocence, bc we can only move forward armed with the painful truth. Bless you. Yes, we all have things to be grateful for and I strive to remember that everyday.


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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

I served under the Carter Administration in the US Army and remember the attitude of the Military. We felt Carter was Imbecilic. The failed mission which took the life of 8 Servicemen and was aborted eventually because the operation was so flawed., is one for the History Books under Carter. During my time in service, we had weapons from the Vietnam days still being used, beat to hell, jammed after every round on the firing range, gas mask without filters, old worn-out equipment, and a military Chain of Command filled with Brownnosers and Yes-men. Suicides and attempted suicides of many women who came in to serve in the first C0-Ed trained Army of 1978 were treated like trash. Two ladies im personally aware of were Court Martialed for "Damaging Government Property" themselves, after failed suicide attempts. Reagan followed Carter and did nothing to eliminate the suffering of the Veterans who served during Vietnam at our VA institutions. Many who were still serving after Vietnam were very mentally and physically sick personnel who were never offered help. Heroin addiction within the ranks of men was high. The men I served with at Flak Kaserne had stress levels so high they were all missing patches of hair out of their heads. It was so severe, yet no one offered any help. They were tossed out but their addictions were a result of prescriptions from the Army docs, who could offer nothing else. These are the things I remember from the Commander in Chiefs who took no interest in our Military or Veterans. My saving grace was GOD and the15 siblings I grew up with in the toughest part of Detroit, that built a backbone in me which gave me the will to survive. Donald Trump was the first and only President in my lifetime who took an interest and TRIED to make it better after Obama depleted and shamed our forces, leaving them nothing and actually forcing fighting men in Afghanistan to pay for their third meals per day in combat due to "Budget Shortages." The History books will always be incomplete until the truth from a soldier perspective is realized..

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I really appreciate your comments my friend and it is heartbreaking to learn the truth of how our most dedicated Americans have been treated.

Everything has been lip service but that’s all going to change.

We saw a glimpse when Trump was in the WH but a permanent change is coming.

The entire world changed the day Trump became president.

We just haven’t been able to see it yet even though there is plenty of evidence that things have changed.

Mass arrests are what’s going to change history.

Blessings friend

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Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

The entire Military structure must be destroyed and then rebuilt to make it better. The Pentagon of Traitors FIRED! The VA must be completely eliminated. They are the keepers of the dirty secrets and science experiments performed on everyone who serves. It only exists to study us and keep controls in place. Every Veteran is a lab rat.

Trump has his work cut out for him. I pray he pick his Son Don Jr as VP because I do not believe anyone else can carry on his mission to Make America Great Again, once his time is up.

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You make some excellent and very important points Catherine.

Everything, including the military, need to be cleansed.

Blessings friend

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Bless you!

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Most of our govt needs to be rebuilt. Too much of it is damaged beyond repair and there are far too many unelected bad characters, funded by our tax dollars, who have way too much power...John Kerry, Bill Gates, and I was shocked to find out John Podesta has been given some role in the climate crisis scam, as well. Disgusting. Too many tax exempt "foundations" created to help, but actually harm. I can't breathe, just thinking about them all.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Amazing, history gathering article! I believe it! This corruption has gone on for years, I’m thankful someone like you and your staff have the know how and God given understanding to write and publish this with attached previous unaffiliated articles for proof, as the years have passed.

May God bless our Marines! And all those in our Military!!!

All those who have given their lives to protect America but were used for political corruption and monetary gain are true HEROS, blinded by those in authority who they/ we’ve thought had our best interests. Gods vengeance on those that have used their positions for self gain!!

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My dad was a Marine and my hero. Thankfully he wasn’t sacrificed for no reason.

My heart breaks as I find this information and again when I write it.

Then I get so angry.

God says vengeance belongs to Him and I trust that.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

I understand your anger. Just reading that all those marines were killed purposely makes my blood boil. We just buried two great relatives in the last year who were in Vietnam when they dumped the Agent Orange on them. They died horrible, debilitating deaths from it. My dad served in the army and fought in the Korean War. What they have done to our vets can never be forgiven. I had no idea until your series just how evil and diabolical the CIA is!! May God’s wrath rain down on each and every one of them.

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Blessings my friend. Prayers for you and your family.

I’m sorry for their suffering.

The cabal and their CIA puppet only see us as Guinea pigs and sacrifices unfortunately but we need to wake people up to that truth.

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It certainly is a very powerful experience to learn this depth of details regarding our history, long covered up by ruthless enemies within. I remember sometime after 9/11 and having access to the internet! watching a video titled: Everything Is A Rich Mans Trick, learning how both sides of all our wars were financed by the power elite wealthy players…the lives of our soldiers just pawns in their schemes of wealth and power.

Thank you so much, Joe. Is it just me or are Americans more interested in learning this history now than we have ever been. Our enemies today have been with us for so many decades…over a century!

The Great Awakening! ❤️

Excellent read, Joe!

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The truth of our history must be exposed and brought into the light for the world to see.

True freedom.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

The truth must be exposed if our country is to survive.

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I agree!

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

I’m still amazes that YouTube doesn’t remove Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick. I’ve watched it several times over the years.

I’m sure I’ll watch again.

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Me too!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

I had thought Poindexter was somewhat off many years ago, not sure why, but General Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr.? Man, the heroes just tumble and fall here on Substack. Sad. Next thing we know, Will Zoll is going to tell us Schwarzkopf is Prussian.

And, just to throw another conspiracy theory onto this pile, today I learned Jr's dad, "Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf (/ˈʃwɔːrtskɒf/; August 28, 1895 – November 25, 1958) was the first superintendent of the New Jersey State Police. He is best known for his involvement in the Lindbergh kidnapping case. "

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Schwarzkopf_Sr. That Wikipedia article is an interesting read in light of the CIA tie Joe Lange is making to Schwarzkopf and the weirdness in the Lindbergh baby "kidnapping" story. My brain is exploding.

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I saw that the Lindbergh case was in his background.


What would the cabal have to do with the Lindbergh kidnapping and why?

Lindbergh forced to play ball with the CIA?

Just gonna leave that nugget right there.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

I thought I read someplace Lindbergh was a Nazi sympathizer and more. Never got it verified? But then there were a lot of American businesses that profited on that side of the aisle. Henry Ford comes to mind.

You are by far the best “researcher” on substack IMO. Never tire of your insights. It’s like going to history class all over again only this time without the propaganda. God bless. I’m glad my dad is with Jesus and doesn’t have to see all this evil uncovered. Truly the term Ugly American resonates.

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Thank you Judith!! Your encouragement and support of my work means the world to me and I really appreciate you!

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Something definitely more behind that line!!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

I think there are many situations, like the Lindbergh kidnapping, that we don’t know the truth about. What about all the well know people who have died in plane crashes & other unusual circumstances

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Great point!

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Don't you find yourself looking suspiciously at every single historical or cultural event that's ever happened? I mean, everything going forward is suspect, but now you have to go backwards, as well, and question everything. Mrs. O'Leary's cow. Yeah, right! Did John Wilkes Booth really murder Lincoln? Why was Rosemary Kennedy lobotomized? Did Queen Elizabeth kidnap 10 children from the Kamloops school in Canada? For what? Why did the Royal Family have such questionable friends: Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell? Did Obama smuggle children into the White House and have taxpayers foot the $65,000 bill? Why did John Kennedy Jr's plane crash? Did we really go to the moon? It's endless.

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"My brain is exploding". 😄 Don't know how long a person can sustain daily brain explosions and not suffer permanent damage! Sometimes they happen when you're not even expecting it. Like when I found out, in 2017, the democrat party were now communists, looking to stage a coup on our country. Wait, what?! 💥💥💥 Mind exploded. And so it began.

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This series of articles are fascinating, brilliant and deeply disturbing…yet not surprising. Keep revealing the truth. Eyes wide open. Slowly but surely the people will awaken from their slumber. Love you Badlands guys…you’re bad asses for sure!!

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Thank you Kathleen!

I really appreciate that encouragement!

I’m just trying to do my small part in this “Information War.”

Blessings friend

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

How does GWB wake up every morning? What an evil family!! Great article, far from a warm and comforting piece.

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Wait till I get to what I’ve dug up on GW Bush and Jeb.

They are his evil little minions.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

These articles get my blood pressure rising, but we need to know this to move forward. Maybe on your next article, I will enjoy some whiskey to take the edge off.

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I usually have some whiskey or an ice cold beer as I dig and write.

A lot of what I find is just shocking.

The web of connections is staggering.

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Don't blame you as I might need 2 or 3 whiskeys or beers before I write about this evil stuff,

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Indeed. Kentucky Bourbon is my intoxicant of choice, as well 🥃

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I would love to know more about Laura Bush as well.

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I haven’t dug into her at all because she had no power but there is no way that she was ignorant of this family’s history.

Look at her face when she read that note at George H.W. Bush funeral.

She knows all about it.

Guilty as sin.

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Oh gosh! In the 1990’s Iraq...who set fire to those oil wells and who cleaned them up? Halliburton. Dick Cheney.

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That story is coming!😁

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Joe Lange

Great article!! The name Bakhtiar was familiar, so I looked him up.

The Bakhtiar I remembered was Shapour, cousin to Teymour. The Shah executed Shapour's father, and SAVAK assassinated Teymour.

I remember Shapour being PM, hearing his name on the news. He was PM for a few weeks and tried to disband SAVAK and started numerous reforms, but the crazy Ayatollahs were on their way in and fatwas ensued.

Is there no place on earth where our government hasn't been the bad guy? And then lied to us?

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The CIA has literally been the evil around the world, propping up every evil dictator and starting every war.

They must be disbanded along with a lot of other countries intelligence agencies.

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