Apr 25, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Wonderful article and much needed. I’m always disappointed when anons/truthers/patriots criticize one another. United we stand…divided we fall. We must put ego aside and focus on our mission…to take part and pride in Making America Great Again…and forever.

Well done! ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

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Hi American Hypnotist !

Regarding "the mission is not about any one of us individually, but about all of us working together to serve the truth and the mission to restore America to greatness"

I do support the goal to restore America to greatness as long as it implies to restore the WHOLE WORLD to the TRUTH and in a more peaceful way like an improved form of inter-national collaboration, a more harmonious and equitable development of all peoples, at their own pace of evolution.

I hope America could lead this tidal wave of change, but might also help other countries to become new POWERS of the Truth ...

May God permit and help us to make this goal a new reality !

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023Author

The Nations will rise again. America is playing a vitally important lead role (both for certain spiritual and legal reasons), but the entire world is implicated.

In the early decades of America's founding, the world saw her as a model society—I believe we will once again have that reputation as a country on the other side of this battle. Nonetheless, the particular virtues that make America great will be adopted in a way that is appropriate for each of the nations.

That's my 2 cents at least.

Thank you for your kind words and support!

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For almost two centuries and until the middle of the 18th century, the great nations of Europe were able to shine with their technical, scientific, socio-political, artistic and cultural capacities and wealth. It was the Renaissance and it culminated in the splendid period known as the Age of Enlightenment.

The French Revolution marked the bloody and tumultuous end of this era. It was then that a new "light" of hope and freedom slowly lit up and blossomed in the New World, with the founding and development of the United States of America.

That was almost 250 years ago (1776/2026), and that light seems to be sinking into the Darkness of a new form of societal obscurantism, much like the very dark, very gloomy times of the European Middle Ages.

I sincerely hope that each of us within this community gathered around the defense of the values of Truth and Freedom, will accelerate the return of the pre-eminence of Light over the darkness that seems to have spread unhindered throughout the world.

I hope and pray 🙏🏻✝️ our tiny blue planet can enlight the Universe with its diversity and large human wealth !

God bless us ! 🙏🏻✝️

🇫🇷 🕊️ 🇺🇲

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I desperately want the people (nations)and powers(spiritual) to be successful in winning this push back of evil(lies to pervert Truth). However I believe from the Bible(Truth) that there are still many supernatural events that must be accomplished for the story to be completely. The Bible is God's Word. It tells the story of how His Rightous Justice of Truth will be brought,finally, to all people, and the rest of creation back to The Way He made it to Be. Our sin,lies, niavity(sorry if spell wrong) have over the Ages caused a progressive death process that can only be stopped by the Death and Ressurrection of the perfect and sinless Jesus Christ. Thankfully that work has been completed. Earth's finite timeline is not able to show this. God's Word has let us in on this mystery.

Unfortunately, I think we are so arrogant as to think we can bring these things on by ourselves. Humanist thinking, in my opinion(Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Humanism, Progressiveness) all man alone thinking ALWAYS, though all of these start out as beautiful, well intentioned, but human alone ideologies, run thier way into very different and depraved versions of the originals. Human hands seem to be unable to touch Anything w/o bringing it down. Then God is pleaded to. This time I'm afraid too many people have not seen how crucial it is to have God front and center in this brutal war. Our Spirits need God's strength. He wants us to allow Him to rescue us.

" they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking bc futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.....claimed to be wise, thry became fools....." Romans 1:21 & 22

"since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gavethem over to a depraved mind...." Romans 1:28

The Lord is using these times to get us to See Him. Ive been astonished at how accurate to the events of now are identical to prophacy, and real time events of thousands of years ago. Truth feels so right, gives ma much needed Hope, & Peace. Please read Romans and be very Blessed. Always Love your writing.Good Luck!

Soorry so long😵‍💫🙊

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Didn't the phrase "Where we go one we go all" come from this movie?

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Lol, I meant to touch on that... by the time I was finished with this article it was 2:30 in the morning and I was exhausted. It actually slipped my mind, but yes, that's a critically important detail.

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Hello Ed !

You're right:

"The theatrical trailer for White Squall (1996), an obscure Ridley Scott disaster film, warned of “the calm before the storm” and provided QAnon with perhaps its most recognizable slogan: “Where we go one, we go all.” (This phrase was often abbreviated as WWG1WGA.) On YouTube the comment sections for videos of The Matrix and White Squall were often filled with discussions of QAnon."

Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/QAnon#ref1303218

Enjoy !

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Amazing Love this everytime a Little doubt comes in someone makes me alright again~ patriots and God in control ❤️🤍💙🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻❤️🤍💙

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Wow! Maybe your BEST article yet. Didn't U miss s/t critically vital? WWG1WGA ... Isn't it mentioned by Skipper in White Squall? Or am I making that up? Q has used this acronym over & over ... JFK angle ... U share so many emotional powerful insights btwn Q/DJT & our collective heroes' journey ... personally my life has been ravaged by the White Squall ... yet I remain more committed than ever Q, White Hats, global sovereignty for ALL humans & my connection to GOD has evolved into stronger more direct rel-ship as a result of facing the White Squall. Let's Evolve Together Now!

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You're right—that was an important detail I had meant to include, but I was working on this thing until 2:30 in the morning and it just totally slipped my mind to include that part. Oops!

I salute you for your steadfastness in the midst of the White Squall. It is precisely because of Patriots such as yourself that humanity stands a chance at once and for ridding itself of the cabal. Godspeed sir!

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WWG1WGA was engraved in the Ship’s Brass Bell in the movie. The Skipper made reference to it when he was addressing the crew.

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Whoa!!! I MUST see this movie!!! Where can I find it?

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Hi Yogi !

You're right:

"The theatrical trailer for White Squall (1996), an obscure Ridley Scott disaster film, warned of “the calm before the storm” and provided QAnon with perhaps its most recognizable slogan: “Where we go one, we go all.” (This phrase was often abbreviated as WWG1WGA.) On YouTube the comment sections for videos of The Matrix and White Squall were often filled with discussions of QAnon."

Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/QAnon#ref1303218

May God hear you and all of our prayers !

God bless you and all of us around here !

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Outstanding, anon. Reposted to Gab.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Because the left is too self-important, they never take the time to fathom the meanings of Trump and others. They dismiss us all as lesser beings. This does not bode well for them. However, it provides us necessary cover. And as a bonus, much merriment watching them aimlessly and cluelessly squirm.

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Bingo! You hit the nail on the head.

In many ways, the left has become so arrogant that they're a worse enemy to themselves than any of us could ever be.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

A top man Trump appointed to .... Pentagon? turned to Mike Pence and said, "Thankyou for guiding me through the biggest military operation in history" or something similar. Who was he?

“hey everybody, there’s a top secret military operation going on right now!”)

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There are moments when they almost let it slip and lose all plausible deniability. I believe that's done intentionally. They're throwing us a bone every now and again, and tow the line as close as possible.

Sort of reminds me of when Trump posted the "and my next tune is nothing can stop what's coming" meme. It's right on the edge of declaring what's going on, yet at the same time it still doesn't quite fit the legal standard for "proof beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt" in regards to any particular operation.

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Yup:) The man who said this was the 'ever lurking about' Christopher Miller:)

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Loved this article. Think I will have to rent White Squall now:-))

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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It's a really important movie. It has so many comms in it that to fully write about all of them would fill a book. Cheers!

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I agree !

I think you'd better ask our Burning Bright (Tiger AND Wife !) to begin to write the book as soon as possible because it will likely be loooooooong !

God bless you both !🙏🏻✝️

🇫🇷 🕊️ 🇺🇲

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

TRUMP is Master of our Rousing HUMAN Transition! You dear sir must be Alliance Military? 🫵🏻🇺🇸

"Anons are a bit like the “trouble children” of society, insofar as they refuse to conform to the cultural dictates of mainstream society—anons are, by nature, high psychological trait known-disagreeability, which partly accounts for their independent mindedness. This is a double-edged sword, for on the one hand it makes them the cream of the crop when it comes to independent research, however it also means that they are more prone to “do their own thing” instead of being part of an effective team."

💥WWG1WGA💥 White Squall~Storm is Upon USA & World! PrezTRUMPs ringing d'Bell!

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Also reminiscent of the Fellowship of the Ring...

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That's an astute observation. I wholeheartedly agree.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Outstanding analysis of the authenticity and purpose of Q comms. Very encouraging to those of us who have been following and believing from the beginning but may not have the research skills of true “anons.” I’m so thankful for these anons. Without them, us, Skipper Trump, and Divine Intervention, this war for Truth and Freedom cannot be won! The storm is building and it may be bigger and worse than any one of us is prepared for. Only God knows! Thank you so much, American Hypnotist, for your time and talent.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Refreshing viewpoint! I needed that today. Thx

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That was an outstanding description of the White Squall metaphor for our time!

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Great article

Trump said we’ve 18 months to go before he’s back

The storm is brewing, every day I see encouraging signs

Eg biden/harris ticket that must deny a popular Kennedy for the Dem nomination- will wake a few Dems

And when 2024 numbers come in (fair election) the Biden/Harris stolen 2020 election will be obviously fact not fiction

Looking forward to seeing HUGE Trump rallies and no one out for the BH

Kennedy will make waves in or out of the Dem nomination

Ring the bell


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Do you have a link to Trump saying that? I'm behind on watching many of his speeches and I'd love to hear the full context of that. Cheers!

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I think it was Iowa


If not it was Texas

Defected show on Badlands media, Rumble

Is a good way to stay up to date with what Trump is bringing to the fore

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Awesome article!

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