I very much concur with the notion that the United States (indeed the whole world potentially, but that’s not my direct concern) is operating at a high level of efficiency as compared to older times.
When it comes to society working to provide affordable solutions that respond to the needs of its people, we are definitely at a very high degree of effectiveness.
That degree of effectiveness, I would argue (and I sense that’s one of your points) is still woefully less than the potential degree of effectiveness which Americans could enjoy without needing to find new resources or even radical improvements in current technology.
America was once in a position whereby every single physical need of every single citizen was met: America’s standard of living was so much higher than any other country, it was almost unbelievable.
Yes there were inequalities and injustices, that’s not my point. My point is that American wealth, created by itself by its own people, was more than enough to sustain us as a country virtually permanently.
What changed, I would posit, is communism, which gradually and imperceptibly took hold inside American institutions at every level within a short few decades. Communistic sabotage of the American dream was deliberately introduced into the very fabric of American social and political life, including and beginning, of course in our education system.
That’s why I don’t spend much energy worrying about how the America we are on the brink of achieving (which was introduced to us all too briefly in 2016) will be able to function given the seemingly insurmountable debt and divisions we presently endure.
The America we are on the brink of achieving will have (eventually) removed all the wasteful drains on her resources. I foresee an America where there will be no need to even talk about balancing our budget, cutting entitlement spending, funding a modern infrastructure and ensuring that everyone has virtually free health care permanently.
How can any of this possibly be feasible? I believe the math is simple.
In my estimation, America has been losing more than $10 trillion every single year for the past at least 30 years through corruption and theft by the people who have been “running” our government and big business.
If we are able to amputate widespread and large scale public and private corruption from the body of America, we will easily fund everything we used to do, with plenty left over.
This reasoning makes it very easy to ignore all the RINOs and neocons who insist that America’s problems are too deep seated and complicated for the easy and false fix presented by America First and MAGA.
Trump has already shown us from 2016-2020 what is possible and precisely how much untapped potential exists in America today.
Our job is to maintain that focus, (don’t get lost in the weeds with petty squabbles and shiny objects) and do our part, however modest or grand that may be, for the common good as you articulate so well.
Great points, friend. I agree the full potential of efficiency has never been reached. Even at America's peak, it was a grain of sand in the hand of a giant. Nevertheless, it proved the point.
I do think communism was a major intrusion point that contributed to the situation at hand. I also think that communism is itself just one tentacle on a hydra with many tentacles. I would argue the other tentacles are less well known, such as monetary corruption (and general incompetence of the masses with respect to monetary principles), religious corruption and rigidification (magnified greatly by the relatively recent concept of inerrancy, introduced as a response to the enlightenment, I've heard), and legal/lawful corruption and conceptual illiteracy of all three of these points. There are more, to be sure, but the rot goes deep and as far as I can tell the founders knew it and also knew that the full potential of the country they founded was to be fulfilled by men of a future age. Are we those men? I hope so. But, I would argue, until we take up the reigns of gaining key knowledge and understanding of the full mechanics of civilization, whatever freedom we claim from our efforts will be short lived. The shadow men are patient. They have perfected their methods over thousands of years. We would do well to create a tradition of freedom to counter their machinations--conceptual swords and shields to eternally defend the truth from the expert liars and fraudsters of the parasitic elite.
Great article, very positive, hopeful and patriotic. This writing / idea / concept could be applied anywhere in the world, regardless of any political or religious aspect. It depends first of all on the individual will of each of us!
I will have to read it a few times and maybe even translate it into French to share it! 👏🏻👍🏻
I love you guys, grateful for all the news you put up. Wanted to share something beautiful with you if you haven’t seen it yet. The whistleblowers of Project Veritas made a video standing with James O’Keefe and they even revealed their
Great article. I just hope we get rid of the bad guys really soon. I understand running a sting operation you got to get on the inside you got to be one of them You got to gain their trust etc, etc.... But us minions out here are super tired. Don't we have men in the military that take care of these kind of people? Where are they?
I suggest you go on Truth Social and follow TommyMac171. Then you will see how many indictments there are and why President Trump expanded GITMO. The Global Military are working hard. I appreciate them and their families. This Military Operation started in 2016. Have a wonderful day. I hope you get some rest.
Grreat post, DDS. The other thing is, when rooting out these 'bad guys,' you have to get them all. Any left behind will fester and resume the rot at the core of society.
That takes time, and a lot of careful effort because these bad guys don't want to be gotten. But their greed, arrogance and lust gets them in the end. Mostly, what is required is patience. The process can be frustrating to watch, especially when much of it is going on 'in camera' with little visible progress from the outside.
There were two vaccines. Trumps’s and Deep States.
Trumps had Hydroxychloroquine , Azithromycin, Zinc , Ivermectin, and Doxycycline in it. The Real Trump has been in the Cheyanne Military Complex since 2019.
I believe Tommy posted the above. You can also follow Dean1776NCSWIC, Quarham17, The 17thLetter.
I have done a lot of research. I’ve read the attached. I follow Monkey Werks on YouTube. He shows the Military Planes that are up. I also have the attached flight tracker. If you press U, it shows the number of military planes up worldwide. If you tap on the plane it shows you what type of plane it is.
I follow several people on Truth Social, Telegram, Rumble and on Substacks. I don’t lie.
Cool. I was actually talking about the vaccines with Ivermectin in them. I’ve heard Trump issued saline vaccines, but never Ivermectin ones. Not sure either is true, tbh.
I think people forget the role they play in the wider ecosystem of their country. These days there are so many people relying on others to produce what everyone needs.
Ask yourself, what do you bring to the bigger picture. How do you contribute to the society in which you live. Are you a net contributor?
"a universal father of all things naturally and logically leads to a universal brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind."
THIS *EXACTLY* reflects why the Lord's Prayer starts with the words "OUR Father", implicit in which is an affirmation of our common brother/sisterhood. ☺️🙏🙇♂️
Excellent read!! Thank you Justine. Badlands media is helping us prepare for a bumpy landing before we arrive in a new world. Knowing the errors made in the old world is the most important aspect. How did we get here ... Justine summed it up beautifully. We are so blessed with the talent here at Badlands Media!
"[Author] Napoleon is a clinically and medically-trained psychologist, forensic analyst, and lawyer, who claims to have worked directly with cabal types in Hollywood and elsewhere during his time."
For those interested, in the Direct Insights & Methodologies, used by past "INSIDERS," Jon Rappoport, in his Matrix Series, conducts long & introspective interviews with 3 Insiders. You can hear directly from these types, in probing-interview style by Jon, to reveal the psychological mechanics of social & individual manipulation. But also healing or "reversal-of-trade," as in his Jack True Inter-Views, who chose another path/way.
This read was brilliant!!! The evil powers that be know human nature, but not enough to know that what has been instilled in us by our Creator is to belong, to be free, and to love...
Even though we have been manipulated for a very long time, doesn't mean that we as 'family' will not wake up, and that's what's happening...for me I believe that our Creator has put us into families so we have a sense of belonging, and that's what we crave.....thanks Justin for this read as I look forward to more!!!!
Very insightful analysis, perfect logic.
I very much concur with the notion that the United States (indeed the whole world potentially, but that’s not my direct concern) is operating at a high level of efficiency as compared to older times.
When it comes to society working to provide affordable solutions that respond to the needs of its people, we are definitely at a very high degree of effectiveness.
That degree of effectiveness, I would argue (and I sense that’s one of your points) is still woefully less than the potential degree of effectiveness which Americans could enjoy without needing to find new resources or even radical improvements in current technology.
America was once in a position whereby every single physical need of every single citizen was met: America’s standard of living was so much higher than any other country, it was almost unbelievable.
Yes there were inequalities and injustices, that’s not my point. My point is that American wealth, created by itself by its own people, was more than enough to sustain us as a country virtually permanently.
What changed, I would posit, is communism, which gradually and imperceptibly took hold inside American institutions at every level within a short few decades. Communistic sabotage of the American dream was deliberately introduced into the very fabric of American social and political life, including and beginning, of course in our education system.
That’s why I don’t spend much energy worrying about how the America we are on the brink of achieving (which was introduced to us all too briefly in 2016) will be able to function given the seemingly insurmountable debt and divisions we presently endure.
The America we are on the brink of achieving will have (eventually) removed all the wasteful drains on her resources. I foresee an America where there will be no need to even talk about balancing our budget, cutting entitlement spending, funding a modern infrastructure and ensuring that everyone has virtually free health care permanently.
How can any of this possibly be feasible? I believe the math is simple.
In my estimation, America has been losing more than $10 trillion every single year for the past at least 30 years through corruption and theft by the people who have been “running” our government and big business.
If we are able to amputate widespread and large scale public and private corruption from the body of America, we will easily fund everything we used to do, with plenty left over.
This reasoning makes it very easy to ignore all the RINOs and neocons who insist that America’s problems are too deep seated and complicated for the easy and false fix presented by America First and MAGA.
Trump has already shown us from 2016-2020 what is possible and precisely how much untapped potential exists in America today.
Our job is to maintain that focus, (don’t get lost in the weeds with petty squabbles and shiny objects) and do our part, however modest or grand that may be, for the common good as you articulate so well.
Thank you.
Great points, friend. I agree the full potential of efficiency has never been reached. Even at America's peak, it was a grain of sand in the hand of a giant. Nevertheless, it proved the point.
I do think communism was a major intrusion point that contributed to the situation at hand. I also think that communism is itself just one tentacle on a hydra with many tentacles. I would argue the other tentacles are less well known, such as monetary corruption (and general incompetence of the masses with respect to monetary principles), religious corruption and rigidification (magnified greatly by the relatively recent concept of inerrancy, introduced as a response to the enlightenment, I've heard), and legal/lawful corruption and conceptual illiteracy of all three of these points. There are more, to be sure, but the rot goes deep and as far as I can tell the founders knew it and also knew that the full potential of the country they founded was to be fulfilled by men of a future age. Are we those men? I hope so. But, I would argue, until we take up the reigns of gaining key knowledge and understanding of the full mechanics of civilization, whatever freedom we claim from our efforts will be short lived. The shadow men are patient. They have perfected their methods over thousands of years. We would do well to create a tradition of freedom to counter their machinations--conceptual swords and shields to eternally defend the truth from the expert liars and fraudsters of the parasitic elite.
Very well said. Amen.
Hello Justin !
Great article, very positive, hopeful and patriotic. This writing / idea / concept could be applied anywhere in the world, regardless of any political or religious aspect. It depends first of all on the individual will of each of us!
I will have to read it a few times and maybe even translate it into French to share it! 👏🏻👍🏻
🇫🇷 🕊️ 🇺🇸
Glad you enjoyed it. I'd translate it but the only friend I know is my last name :)
I hope for you it's more like your only French ! 🇫🇷
It would be so sad if it were actually your only friend ... 🥴
I love you guys, grateful for all the news you put up. Wanted to share something beautiful with you if you haven’t seen it yet. The whistleblowers of Project Veritas made a video standing with James O’Keefe and they even revealed their
Thank you for sharing it !
There's an article also on TGP about this story :
Great article. I just hope we get rid of the bad guys really soon. I understand running a sting operation you got to get on the inside you got to be one of them You got to gain their trust etc, etc.... But us minions out here are super tired. Don't we have men in the military that take care of these kind of people? Where are they?
I suggest you go on Truth Social and follow TommyMac171. Then you will see how many indictments there are and why President Trump expanded GITMO. The Global Military are working hard. I appreciate them and their families. This Military Operation started in 2016. Have a wonderful day. I hope you get some rest.
Grreat post, DDS. The other thing is, when rooting out these 'bad guys,' you have to get them all. Any left behind will fester and resume the rot at the core of society.
That takes time, and a lot of careful effort because these bad guys don't want to be gotten. But their greed, arrogance and lust gets them in the end. Mostly, what is required is patience. The process can be frustrating to watch, especially when much of it is going on 'in camera' with little visible progress from the outside.
Thanks DDS. I am now following TommyMac171. Question. Why is President Trump still promoting the deadly unnecessary COVID MRNA vaccines?
There were two vaccines. Trumps’s and Deep States.
Trumps had Hydroxychloroquine , Azithromycin, Zinc , Ivermectin, and Doxycycline in it. The Real Trump has been in the Cheyanne Military Complex since 2019.
I believe Tommy posted the above. You can also follow Dean1776NCSWIC, Quarham17, The 17thLetter.
They also post good information.
Have a wonderful day!
How do you know that? Seems like wishful thinking to me, but hopefully I’m wrong.
I have done a lot of research. I’ve read the attached. I follow Monkey Werks on YouTube. He shows the Military Planes that are up. I also have the attached flight tracker. If you press U, it shows the number of military planes up worldwide. If you tap on the plane it shows you what type of plane it is.
I follow several people on Truth Social, Telegram, Rumble and on Substacks. I don’t lie.
Have a great evening! Take care!
Cool. I was actually talking about the vaccines with Ivermectin in them. I’ve heard Trump issued saline vaccines, but never Ivermectin ones. Not sure either is true, tbh.
They are us. Remember the fourth box.
Wow, best article I’ve read for a while.
I think people forget the role they play in the wider ecosystem of their country. These days there are so many people relying on others to produce what everyone needs.
Ask yourself, what do you bring to the bigger picture. How do you contribute to the society in which you live. Are you a net contributor?
"a universal father of all things naturally and logically leads to a universal brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind."
THIS *EXACTLY* reflects why the Lord's Prayer starts with the words "OUR Father", implicit in which is an affirmation of our common brother/sisterhood. ☺️🙏🙇♂️
Powerful statement ! 👍🏻
A great article! I was thinking something that would throw a monkey wrench into their whole operation, but I'm afraid most aren't ready yet.
Excellent read!! Thank you Justine. Badlands media is helping us prepare for a bumpy landing before we arrive in a new world. Knowing the errors made in the old world is the most important aspect. How did we get here ... Justine summed it up beautifully. We are so blessed with the talent here at Badlands Media!
HE is named Justin (and actually seems to be a man / male) 😉
Really Really Good Justin.
Thank You.
"[Author] Napoleon is a clinically and medically-trained psychologist, forensic analyst, and lawyer, who claims to have worked directly with cabal types in Hollywood and elsewhere during his time."
For those interested, in the Direct Insights & Methodologies, used by past "INSIDERS," Jon Rappoport, in his Matrix Series, conducts long & introspective interviews with 3 Insiders. You can hear directly from these types, in probing-interview style by Jon, to reveal the psychological mechanics of social & individual manipulation. But also healing or "reversal-of-trade," as in his Jack True Inter-Views, who chose another path/way.
Badlands media via email is where guys like this post some Good pieces.
This read was brilliant!!! The evil powers that be know human nature, but not enough to know that what has been instilled in us by our Creator is to belong, to be free, and to love...
Even though we have been manipulated for a very long time, doesn't mean that we as 'family' will not wake up, and that's what's happening...for me I believe that our Creator has put us into families so we have a sense of belonging, and that's what we crave.....thanks Justin for this read as I look forward to more!!!!
Very interesting:
Drollinger: America's leaders need to be built up in Christ
Enjoyed the piece. Well said!