To be honest I'm proud to be able to get this type of article. I know so many who are just hopelessly lost and have no clue what is going on. I've tried sharing and they literally can't hear me. I agree that the Cabal is being taken down, just wonder how many will never get what happened.

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It's like sharing the gospel with people. They can even read the Bible all day long and know it better than we do, but they will never "get it" until the Holy Spirit turns on the light. So speak it, pray, and leave it to God.

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Yes Margot! I completely agree 👍

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

A very good piece Erik. Initially I wondered where you were going but it is a masterful piece.

But as a non American , a supporter of Mr Trump and just so over the hideous judicial system he is contending with and then throw in this lot of “elections” it is becoming increasingly harder to maintain any form of faith in this man ever getting back in the WH. Your nation needs him back with urgency but the wider world also needs him back. For me he is the only “leader” on this planet who can make the courageous changes needed to bring sanity back. The west is in all sorts of deep trouble - drowning in a cesspit of global criminal corruption, war mongering and negligence with humanity. And honestly we the outsiders do blame America for the destruction on every front of the planet. Sad for the American people. Watching election results today brought it all home - don’t Americans - all 300 + million of you love your country enough to save it and yourselves?????? It seems it is left to the devoted few to fight for the nation and the devoted few who are putting themselves out there at great personal cost for the nation.

I am now so perplexed at what will it take to galvanise Americans. Stolen elections reign supreme it seems and nothing seems to change.

Btw - our lot are equally uninspiring and useless but we are a small nation and mostly sheep. They think america is going to “save “ us if we have problems. Our politicians are very lazy and not very bright. We are blessed with our own “Biden” idiot. 🤦‍♀️

God bless those who remain true and God is working seriously overtime to bless America but he is hanging in there. We all need to join forces snd gather the collective energy to help move the evil out - fast! Evil is now very annoying.

A very good piece from Erik - another great Badlands contributor. 👍

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

You should look to these articles and selected writers as the mainstream media is still lying for a living. Thousands attend each Trump rally and 2024 is likely where the real truth is revealed! The election won’t be fixed until next year based upon Trump’s comments. Don’t despair as the media here tells viewers that 80% of the country supports the Orwellian policies, where the truth is that only 10% or less do! Stay with Badlands and the citizen journalists to get a better perspective....

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I agree with you regarding the elections yesterday. The republicans took a hit, but it may have weeded out some rinos in the process. The results were so one sided election fraud quickly came to mind. They were much more careful than they were in 2020 when the Spanberger/Freitas race raised a lot of eyebrows. The silver lining is the results of this election hurt Youngkin’s presidential aspirations. Keep the articles coming, Erik.

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I am speaking of election results in Virginia.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

"the time between kneejerk reaction and understanding is shortening"

The amygdala (lizard brain) is an amazing thing. It can keep us safe from something coming at us so fast we cannot think first -- we just duck. But it can also initiate a 'fight' reaction when we'd better think first.

All of this 'hate someone,' 'kill someone,' 'destroy something,' 'kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out' stuff comes from our amygdala. But like any tool, it can be overstimulated, and lead us to improper action; the result is we learn to do what we should have been doing all alone -- think first. Then act. Most of the time, our reaction after analyzing and contemplating the situation is very different than our initial impulse.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

That’s why the 40K foot view is the best way to watch and respond, in my opinion, anyway.🙏🙏

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Yes, absolutely. The challenge is to develop the discipline to step back and think in the face of the sort of horror that [they] know will drive people to immediate anger and revenge. That is not so simple, but it is becoming more essential as [they] ramp up their play.

And, of course, the more they do this, the more practice we get. Discernment is I believe the most important tool that we are learning in this 5G war.

"I remember when the answers seemed so clear

We had never lived with doubt or tasted fear

It was easy then to tell truth from lies

Selling out from compromise

Who to love and who to hate

The foolish from the wise

But today there is no day or night

Today there is no dark or light

Today there is no black or white

Only shades of gray"

-- "Shades Of Gray," Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil

from The Monkees album "Headquarters" (1967)

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Yes, I’m old enough to remember that album! You’ve described this so well and you’re right, it the most important tool we have and what I pray for! You’re also right that they’re ramping up. Desperate times (for them) call for it! Thank you for all of your well thought out comments! Wonderful to read! Blessings!🙏🙏

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There are a lot of us here old enough to remember this stuff. I just thank God that I, and all of us here, still have the energy and interest to follow these posts. And I am praying for your husband in his battle 🙏

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For a trip down memory lane -- the top 100 songs of the 20th century -- listed by songwriter (since it is published by BMI, Broadcast Music Inc., who represents the songwriters like ASCAP). I'll bet you know almost all of them -- I do 💖


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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Erik, way too much truth in your article. You could make people feel almost accountable for their actions and speech-Free or Not!! Not many people would step out and associate the school shootings with long range goals of restricting or removing guns. Who would think of such horrendous things- the cabal, the deep state, the democrats, the rinos, etc. Don't forget Las Vegas, October 1, 2017 and the deranged Stephen Paddock. How many guns did he have plus ammunition. Just another routine, planned out slaughter of people to try and justify removing guns from law abiding citizens. I wonder, who planned that attack? I am curious, if the above group would try and outlaw that wicked cancer, which killed approximately 609,000 in 2019-heavens NO!! The profit making Pharma and their cash cow, worshipped, not sacrificed on the Alter of "keepem" sick!! Thank you David Rockefeller and your foundation for "Keepem" coming back for more. Sorry got off on a tangent and tirade.

Keep the Red Pills coming Erik-We need them!! Well Done!!!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I needed this today.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

"It is truly glorious. Praise be to God. And we are fortunate enough to have a front row seat to watch the drama unfold. To watch this epic story come to its dramatic conclusion." Amen! Thank you for this!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair …, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way …”

I guess I feel there are people still dying and getting cancers from the jabs. (the worst of times).

The elections last night with still voting machine snafus. (the worst of times)

Yes I am grateful to be alive during these tumultuous times. The eyes to see the good and how God is moving is a blessing. Opening the eyes of the blind.

Thanks for the encouragement in your essay.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I agree the Deep State is on the ropes and as Mohammad Ali showed the world in the boxing ring in 1974, the technique called "Rope-a-dope" was artfully used here against the Deep State which fell for it and have expended themselves trying to take down the white hats.

I never used to believe the line Q kept throwing out there.

"Patriots are in control".

What first convinced me otherwise? The Omicron variant of covid appearing suddenly just when the Deep State's little pandemic was going to pay massive dividends for their Big Pharma puppets with their boosters. It pulled the rug out from under them and they were left scrambling to deal with it.

The next thing to convince me was that the timing of the Ukraine-Russia conflict came at exactly the right moment to both tie up more Cabal resources, it was sweet to see George Soros and Klaus Schwab put out panicked tweets about Russia being a threat to their vision of a new world order and that Putin needed to be stopped at all costs.

Also the situation in Canada is becoming interesting, the whole Trudeau government is going sideways, the number of scandals, and open corruption is becoming so obvious that even the more deep asleep Canadian normie is noticing. I mean how to do you explain saluting a former SS Nazi in Parliament?

Who in their right mind would think they would get away with it?

Also it's suspicious that Trudeau is walking into so many scandals like starting a fight with India out of thin air! unless he were somehow being directed to destroy his own base of support with these scandals.

As for AI, If Blackrock can build a supercomputer to do predictive analytics so can the white hats, and they can disguise their spending as part of gov't funded military research.

I have an IT background and have been following AI developments since 2012.

I don't think true AI was invented in 1989, predictive analytics as applied to the stock and financial markets isn't that hard if you have enough compute power to throw at it.

Today AI is quite a different animal and I think the Deep State weren't anticipating things would move so fast.

BTW, Musk owns two companies with massive AI resources, Tesla and X.

Tesla has their own internal AI machine with 16000 Nvidia A100 GPUs second only to the top one, Meta with 21400 GPUs. Also Musk has directed that Tesla buy another 10,000 NVidia H100 GPUs at a probable cost of $300 million(each GPU retails for $30000 each).

He's put in an order for 10000 more H100s for X as well for power their new AI.

I think the war with the Cabal will naturally involve AI since this is an Info War after all.

The dangerous thing is that the Cabal control some of the biggest AI tech companies out there, such as Microsoft which has a 51% share of OpenAI which developed and deployed ChatGPT and GPT-4.

They also control Google which also has massive data centers along with Amazon-AWS so there is a rush on to develop "human+ level" AI as soon as possible.

Anyone interested should read this report: https://www.stateof.ai/

The Canadian government under Trudeau has stated they intend to look into using AI for monitoring and handling the spread of "disinformation" so I have no doubt they plan to do a CCP style social credit system with constant AI monitoring of individual behavior to punish those who deviate from "acceptable standards".

I personally think the White Hats anticipated the release of the covid virus and used AI to design a covid variant which actually spread faster and was not lethal to the majority of people.

It literally killed the pandemic and the plans of the Cabal to use it for boosters and further lockdowns.

The danger here is that when you corner a dying viscous animal it becomes even more dangerous, as we are seeing with the attempts to start WW3.

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All good points. With the Cabal on the ropes it makes me think of that scene in Lord of the Rings when the dragon is falling from the bridge and grabs Gandolf. There are still a lot of people who will be hurt before this war is over.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

That's what I'm afraid of, I personally believe the Cabal has a plan in place called "Operation Sore Loser", they know they won't win so they'll commit a form of murder-suicide.

These attempts to start WW3 are part of it but I think that will fail as nobody is apparently taking the bait.

The backup to that would be massive local level social disruptions using infiltrated terrorists and saboteurs but I also think that's been mostly accounted for but there will be exceptions.

The CIA branch of the Cabal may very well activate their remaining MKUltra human-bombs on suicide missions to destroy and cripple critical infrastructure and cause general mayhem.

What I am sure of it that we will not be seeing the trials of the upper level echelon of the Cabal. We might see Soros or Schwab on trial but not the people behind them.

Their political pawns(like Biden and Trudeau) will sacrificed first then their mid-tier management like Gates, Soros and Schwab etc.

The power brokers will either attempt to hide or they'll suicide to deny us the satisfaction of seeing them swinging from the end of a rope.

I firmly believe Trump knows the names of these people in the shadows, he told us as much and they're names we wouldn't recognize.

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You never know what God will do. Nothing is impossible with Him.

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🙏🏻✝️🕊️ May God have Mercy and pity to [Them] and bless all of those who are fighting for His Word and HIS Truth ! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻

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And Gandalf the Grey became Gandalf the White! LOve it! The devil also thought he had defeated Jesus at the cross, when that was actually when the victory over death was taking place, sealed by His resurrection.

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Thanks for the link.😊 I have saved it to read later.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I sure enjoy your articles. Thank you so much for your work!

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Thanks Eric. Love it. I am waiting with baited breath for Grok truths!

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Yes. But bated, not baited.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

So well written! Thank you.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Great article...except for one ironic point. I don't think the hoolrror stories related to the Uyghurs have ever been independently verified. In fact, I've seen some reports from independent journalists, with no ties to China, reports that they TRIED to verify but couldn't. It is not a stretch to think that the same lies being told ad nauseum about Russia in Ukraine and more recently between Palestine and Israel are similar to the claims meant to ostracize China. As such, an ironic baseline with which to frame the current situation.

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Good point, but believing the atrocities are occurring in China there’s still no outrage by the liberals.

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Yes...that is the key takeaway here, underscoring both their hypocrisy and blithe ignorance. Useful Idiots, the lot of them...

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I had the same thought. Unless we have seen it or personally know someone involved, how do we actually know the Uyghur horror stories are true? Not saying they aren't, just agreeing with your point.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I see the middle east this way.... Most are ultra rich... Any one of those middle eastern countries could give these Palestinians some land, some money and an end to this BS, IF they actually cared about solving a problem. Instead, they use these people, the exact same way America uses BLM, NAACP, ANTIFA ect.... Sharpton, Jackson, Democrat politicians have used black people to enrich themselves and make themselves relevant every time they need money or a vote. They use LGBTQRST, LATINS, ASIANS....doesnt matter what ..... The POVERTY PIMPING game has worked over and over again and whenever it doesn't, they call people to war. People respond as predicted or CONDITIONED and burn down cities, loot, kill and behave like lunatics. That population of insane within the groups paid or unpaid, can be counted on to do the dirty work needed to gain the results necessary.

Money always ends the "CONFLICTS" and that's the REAL GAME. Pay up and all the problems dissolve for another day in the future. Nothing ever really gets fixed. It's a game and the victims are always the working guy/girl who pays the taxes to fund the mayhem. Palestinians groomed, brainwashed, ignorant, violent and ready to act like animals, just like what we have here. No one wins except the ones who get the money and the ones who get the kickbacks from the money. Everyone a USEFUL IDIOT in the SCAM. ...... I have no use for the PLO/Hamas/ect... in the same way I have no use for the BLM /ANTIFA ect... rioters here. They should all be dumped into shark infested waters and done away with. The folks at the top, same thing. Maybe then, the rest of us can finally live in peace and prosperity. Im so tired of dissecting this SCAM year after year. Thats my take!!

Thats just my take

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Useful idiots, not realizing they are being used.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Next it will be the Illegals to attack the Citizens. Its already begun. Employers are being incentivized to give jobs to illegals by the Obamiden Regime. Violent Convicts in prison, records sealed, released to become Homeland Security Enforcers. Obamas Executive Order while in office, made this possible. The Army built against us will be extremely dangerous. No telling about the ARMED and DANGEROUS 87 thousand "IRS AGENTS" planned against us by the Democrats. People need to wake up if they haven't already. Our soldiers and national security can be paid from the BLACK PROJECT MONEY.. SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT! Johnson has the right idea in holding the spending up!!

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This is Oblowmers secret army. And the Dem and Rhinos voting machine…

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I'm not too concerned about the IRS agents, because I'm wondering if they might actually be used later against the bad guys...remember, that's how they got Al Capone.

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All taxation is theft!!! Prove me wrong please... We The People don't belong in their courts enforcing Color of Law and Not LAW!!! What Law does the Declaration of Independence require for We The People? And how do Codes and Statutes fit into that law???

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Weren’t they defunded by the House in a bill, I think, correct me if I’m wrong, & passed by the Senate. I think it was the last ‘keep the government from shutdown’ bill.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

So they will be called another title, Laws dont mean anything. They have the cash already to make anything happen. They opened the boarder and made a way for an army to infiltrate. They can do anything they want, and they do. They have been running the sex and drug traffic all along. Government can't do anything to stop it. Its all smoke and mirrors. Everyone paid off. LAW/ What Law? DOJ is OWNED!

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The so called Palestinians have been so brainwashed that they wouldn’t accept land in another wealthy Arab country. You know it’s “from the river to the sea, palestine will be free!” Blood soaked battle cry. Soaked with Jewish blood.

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Thank you Erik. You always enlighten me & help me realize I am not as stupid as I think I am. You & your writings have been a blessing to me & I'm sure most if not all the "Badlanders" that have the opportunity to read them

Don't EVER be discouraged as many people are finally waking up & you are helping us.

Thank you again & God bless

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Excellent, very compelling piece. Thanks for another one!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Erik you get better and better with every word you write. Awesome inspiring article. Keep it coming! Well done.

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