
Awesome history lesson on the propaganda war and mission to brainwash the American people by the cabal Erik!

Really interesting information and details!

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Thanks Joe. As you know, there is so much you need to leave out to keep it from becoming a book. BTW, Badlands Publishing has a ring to it. Jon… BB… anyone.

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Great idea!!! I think you’re on to something!!

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

I would love to read books by you both. I would invest in this publishing company too.


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I do appreciate you Steve!

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Wow, fear and greed, fear and greed. Looks like the Mayans got it right and the world ended in 2012, we just didn't realize it.

The English cultural critic Theodore Dalrymple (Anthony Malcolm Daniels, Dalrymple being a pen name) had this to say about the current infection of political correctness, with which we are currently saddled.

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

― Theodore Dalrymple

These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. They can be found on the internet through searches. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Ideally get them posted in school classrooms. Thank You.

The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.



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Good information.

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Wow!!! Thanks for the info!!!!

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Thank you!

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

Thank you so much, David!

But I’m compelled to comment on the first part of Propaganda rule #1, propaganda’s Achilles heel:

“…reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad…”

The atheistic, utilitarian, materialistic assumptions driving this all are clear: denial of the soul and denial of the reality of God. For them, God is merely a useful or not construct — a predicate sadly in the lives of many today, — which assumption is in itself a product of both the self (sin), evil and propaganda!

But truth — God’s Truth — nullifies the powers allied against us, including the power of their propaganda. Faith solely in Christ, the whole of scripture, prayer and our obedience with love — seeking His wisdom — gives us the needed discernment as to what is good and what is bad and shatters all the wiles of their propaganda.

So what about the Christians we see following deceiving doctrines (originating from the exact same agencies noted in Erik’s fine piece) and unwisely siding with & promoting evil? It is because they are ignoring the whole of God’s Word in the acceptance of the deliberately false, propagandized constructs! ( the tragedies we’re daily watching unfold are demonstrable product of that: elaborate propaganda.)

There is truly a God-defined “simple confrontation between good and bad”; right and wrong; righteousness and evil — and the distinction is clearly written and discerned — even if the way out is so often anything but. That requires integrity, prayer. sacrifice, and often battles.

If we begin, though, with honoring and obeying the first things:: Love God with all your heart and soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself, then the way is clear. He will guard and He will lead. For we walk by faith, not by sight.

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I think many people just don't want to believe in God.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

True! & I’d add — It’s important to understand why that is.

…& how it can be that we will call “God” what isn’t God. We are very easily misled sheep.

— Blessings!

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

I'm old enough to look back and see exactly the same patterns repeated. What I'd want for young people is to see the patterns and not be manipulated. I didn't when I was in the middle of them...Although, there was nothing that would have made me scream for Ringo, so at least there's that. Great article.

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

Am in my mid-seventies here, and have lived a front row seat watching all this unfold - 50's, 60's, 70's. Embarrassed to admit I was a part of it, sucked into the vortexes of the first transformative decades, commencing c1963 - but blessedly able to extricate myself (with a massive dollop of Godly grace) by 1980. As we get older, we are better able to drone life's events. As Julie suggests, we see the patterns and realize it was by living through it we are better able to understand the oh-so-clear manipulation. We feel the panic of Chicken Little, and the sky is really falling.

With God's grace, our children and grandchildren will detect the patterns, though the pressure is omnipresent and all-pervasive. It is difficult to extricate ourselves, short of moving to a remote island in the South Pacific. In the meantime, Alberta's looking good - until it doesn't.

But God is in the heavens and we must trust He knows it all and all things work together for good. We will eventually be able to flip over this tangled back of the tapestry and see the masterpiece.

And, yes, even though I was at the prime age, I, too, never understood the hysterical screaming when the Beatles arrived in North America in 1964. Hahahaha - Ringo.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

Very well said, fellow ancient one 😂. We witnessed the whole thing first-hand. Lessons learned — sadly, some hard-won. But it’s with profound gratitude to Jesus even for that, that I give God the glory. He’s got us here for a reason. To tell what we remember, what’s disappeared from youth’s awareness with all the change and programming, for one. Tell of it, and of the many lessons even now being learned.


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It's difficult to transmit how we have been given a unique drone view of this century-long ++ soul-and-nation destroying enterprise. I note those who cock an eyebrow when I broach the topic and remark that those of our age (who might have even acquired a soupcon of wisdom) have fanciful , sugar-coated memories of days gone by. No, not so. As the years progress we see with greater clarity the deepening contrast between 1954 /1964 and 2024.

When the clock is telling the wrong time, it is time to reset. Can that happen? It seems impossible, but nothing is impossible with God. Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas addressed CPAC this weekend and reminded us how it could be done. It is do-able. He gets quite animated about 8 minutes in:


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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Thank you—so very much! What you say is important and true. And I’ll watch that.

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Just remember to turn up your hearing aid, oh fellow ancient one 🤣🤣

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If I'd been a screamer, I'd have screamed for Ringo. But then, I'm a percussionist.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

I played drums in a Beatles cover band - it was actually part of a class I was taking. My teacher and I (he had studied under Tony Williams) sat and went through the playlist to see what we could do to make it more interesting. The answer was not much. Poor Ringo must have been bored silly.

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

Very interesting essay connecting the dots between the New World Order plans in which eugenics was the goal underlying their encouragement of abortion, homosexuality, encouraging other sexual perversions (sexual perversion by definition means non-procreative sexual wishes, fantasies, impulses, and behaviors), and the use of environmental contaminants that have lowered the sperm count in men, along with forever wars, booms and busts, etc.

One thing I would like to say about Sigmund Freud: his work is often misunderstood, and the misunderstanding has been caused by the same globalist cabal because what Freud developed was a method for developing emotional freedom. He was a pioneer and developed a psychoanalytic method (free association) that meant a person would begin to learn a great deal about themselves and eventually be able to free themselves of many symptoms and even character problems that caused great emotional pain and suffering. The globalist cabal worked really hard to mock Freud and make sure his method was looked upon with derision and contempt. They worked to bury him precisely because his method was all about freeing the mind from the shackles of our own conflicts. While he developed the concept of trauma and the effects of trauma on the mind, he later learned that not all psychological pain was due to trauma, but some was due to trauma and some due to internal conflict that is often buried in childhood and only shows up as symptoms in adulthood.

The globalist cabal wanted people turning to psychiatric drugs, which they hoped wouldn't free them but would keep them dependent. So they tried to make Freud out to be quack who didn't know anything.

Everything else you wrote about I have verified from other sources. Thank you for this essay!

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Interesting take on Freud, it is true, he has been turned into a bit of a joke without being here to defend himself.

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

Right, I know! This goes back to the middle of the 20th century. Actually psychoanalysis was very successful especially after World War Ii, where many men with traumatic war neuroses needed treatment. Then the globalists in the form of the "intellectuals" were able to circumvent the success of psychoanalysis with the field of psychiatry.

The problem with the field of psychiatry is that no one who becomes a psychiatrist has to be in any kind of psychotherapy. So they are set up with knowledge about medications and very little knowledge about the therapeutic effects of non-judgmental listening over time.

So psychiatrists viewed themselves as medical doctors with a specialty in psychiatry, but they lost the knowledge that Freud bequeathed to psychoanalysts. Psychoanalysts have to have an analysis to be able to treat others, so there is the possibility that they understand how the treatment is effective. They could also understand the particular techniques which help someone be able to bear painful feelings. There was a. split between the two professions, and gradually psychiatry became the more 'accepted" profession. I am a retired psychiatrist, but I (as opposed to most psychiatrists) did have analysis, and I can't understand how any psychiatrist can help people without being in treatment for themselves.

So when I retired from psychiatry I saw the field as kind of doomed. It became politicized in the 1980's, just like so many other fields of science became politicized. Any time you mix politics with science or medicine you get bad science or bad medical care.

I just wanted to share the knowledge that psychoanalysis if practiced competently can make it possible for someone to re-work many aspects of themselves and lead to lasting positive changes in one's self esteem and love relationships.

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Thank you for this, everything you said makes perfect sense. Especially when you look at the direction they took things. It really fills in the blanks.

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I would also add that modern day psychiatry got taken over by BigPharma and those psychotropic drugs are a nightmare

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Wonderful explanation of the differences! I was not aware of most of this! Thank you for sharing.

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Great comment, Thank You!!

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Don't discount the role The Frankfort School has in the moral and cultural degradation of our nation.


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you are absolutely right. Thank you!

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You’re right on the money Eric. Your article confirms 60 years of just knowing deep in my gut that someone was pulling society’s strings because the crazy changes, apart from being totally crazy which alone, should have made them readily identifiable to any thinking mind, happened far too quickly to have happened organically.

I mean, 5 years ago gender dysphoria wasn’t even a thing in the circles I move in.


Heck if you haven’t got it, or at least know someone who has, you think your missing something!

And the Beetles?

Well I was about 13 when they turned up in Australia the first time and I just could not believe the female reaction to a quartet of the most effeminate, soppy, unmanly, ugly undesirables I had ever seen.

They bore nothing in common with the hitherto recognised model of manliness, and suddenly every female less than 20 was insanely attracted to them?

It just made no sense.

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If I had been creative, Paul, I would have described the Beatles the same way!

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A good promoter and manager will plant screamers, laughers, cryers, or whatever is needed in the audience.

It’s why laugh tracks and (coached) studio audiences are so effective. Our base instinct is to run with the herd.

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I had heard that the Beatles appealed to young girls because they were 'safe' compared to the darker sexual energy of Elvis. Elvis had his own issues, but when I look back and compare the two, sorry fab four....You aren't in the same league.

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As a Gen X, I never understood the appeal of The Beatles. My late mom owned a copy of their debut album, so I could study it carefully. The only thing that was "appealing," IMHO, was they were unlike anything else out there (sound/appearance).

Honestly, I must rather preferred her Ray Charles "What'd I Say" album. I could listen to RC ALL DAY.

Knowing what I know now, I have to wonder if the entire "British Invasion" was either part of a larger psyop, or one on its own.

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

Great article Erik! I have always viewed the field of psychiatry with side eye and this article highlights how Tavistock and the DS Rat Bastards have been intentionally searching for ways to control the masses. Trump's leadership and the MAGA movement has forces the cabal to accelerate their plan where now it is very obvious that they are trying to screw us.

Now that We the People are awake and our numbers are growing exponentially we will never go back. Sharing the Truth as you do is the key weapon we all can wield as we take these evil bastards down... brick by brick and scumbag by scumbag.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Seems like Trump might be a psy-op as well, the way the MSM buries him for a while and then brings him back into prominence. They manipulate America’s love-hate relationship with him.

And I definitely don’t trust that whole Carlson-Putin thing.

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Trump seems like an op to me, albeit a very entertaining one. He seems to be the most convenient of psychological associations.

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Wow amazing article I am only down to “netflix ceo” I’ve watched “Century of the Self” a BBC special few decades ago now. Edward B. Related to Darwin as a cousin, wrote the book literally titled “Propaganda” a word Edward said was made a dirty word by the Germans.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

I have not completed the article but for purposes of this thread’s real estate, wanted to loudly voice my appreciation to Mr Carlson for daring to point his keyboard’s energy at that Perfidious Albion vs the well worn scapegoats and incompetents on the left side of the Atlantic.

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

There is not a single topic in your post that isn’t correct! I was a teenager in the ‘60s and have always asserted that the teenage revolt against the culture, the women’s rights movement, and the move from harmonic music over several years to ‘discordant noise with a beat’ was a huge disservice to the citizens in the US. I wasn’t particularly impressed or interested in the Beatle’s music and thought the behavior of the screaming crowd was ridiculous (didn’t realize it was mind control as a teenager); nevertheless knew this was weird.

The 60’s did absolutely begin the destruction of the family and you’re also correct about the massive change from ‘others’ to ‘me’ focus that has led to a fractiousness in society, fueled by media at the CIAs bidding and implemented by the psychiatrists. The psychological impact really took off in the US in the 60’s and this coincided with the turn against God. I’ve studied quite a bit about the MKULTRA program which, of course, came about because so many Nazis brought it with them….they did a lot of ‘study’ on the victims of the holocaust. I’m of the opinion about several things:

- that this program has never been stopped; it’s morphed into something controlled by the psychiatric system. I call to mind all of the lone wolf shootings. They are all patients of psychiatrists and normally killed during the takedown. Hmm….the CIA is specialized in cleaning up loose ends. Lately, they are all trans or some version of truly weird.

- I believe the CIA has not only created much of the ‘entertainment industry’ but through MKULTRA-like conditioning and/or blackmail has control of virtually all of the stars of any stature. Hmm…how many celebrities are on the Epstein Island list? Most of the majors.

- The CIA has had a hard time trying to convince the citizens it’s an agency for the good of the country. Major writers stepped in and have written good books about the agency, Robert Ludlum, Tom Clancy, Vince Flynn and Brad Thor to name a few. Several of Ludlum’s and Clancy’s books have make very good movies. I’ve wondered for years how much influence the CIA has had over authors. Patricia Caldwell’s earlier books are good, but her picture has morphed from a fresh, smiling face to a hardened character of some type; apparently she was influenced, and maybe completely controlled? I’m leaving the adrenochrome out of this post….

- that the massive increases of the population on anti-depressants demonstrates a ‘bewildered population’ that has no sense of security and are very easily manipulated by suggestion. Years of fear porn has changed a solid foundation to one of quavering sands. This is part of what happens when God is removed.

- that the vast majority of churches no longer teach God’s word, and have become a big part of the mind controlling efforts…

- I’d be hard put to believe ANY foundation is created for the reason stated on the websites and I believe the same regarding any and all think tanks.

Just a few of my non-politically correct opinions

Thank you, Eric for another excellent article! You are among those uniquely gifted by God for your role in this ancient war between good and evil. Thank you and may God bless you and your family supporting you behind the scenes. 🙏🙏

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Your “non-politically correct” opinions are spot on! What a great comment, ALtab! Thank you ❤️🙏

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Yes I think most of your observations are correct, especially about the mass shooters being subjected to MK Ultra. That one I’m certain is true.

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Loved this reply ALtab. This article really hit home for me too.

It really puts a smile on my face though to see We the People and our Awakening in progress. It is truly an amazing time to be alive.

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There you go again, ALtab with another great comment

Thank you very much

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It’s more proof that satan is, and has been, using every form of deception since God booted him out of heaven, proving that there really is a demon behind every bush.

Thank you for enlightening us so we stay vigilant.

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

Another amazing onion peel exposing more of our respective and increased generationally manipulation(s). I guess the disturbing information is being unraveled, now when to see how it ALL gets raveled back into a better place. Thanks and God Bless!!!

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

"Some reading this won’t believe some of the things I’m going to present."

I don't think you'll get much argument from Badlands readers, Erik. Those who have not awakened, likely a different story. Regarding the Beatles, the only part of it I'd not heard about was the guy who wrote all the Beatles' songs.

There were many other 1960s bands that contributed to that culture -- Crosby Stills Nash & Young, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin -- the last two plus Jim Morrison of The Doors all died in 1970-71 at the age of 27 -- as did Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones who died in 1969, two years to the day before Morrison. All drug related. Coincidence? I really don't believe in those any more.

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I heard Brian Jones was the real musical force behind the Stones. Interesting that he died so early on.

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Don't forget who Jim Morrison's father was.

USN Rear Admiral George Stephen Morrison served during the entirety of the Vietnam War. He was commander of the US naval forces in the "Tonkin Gulf Incident" in 1964. However, RA Morrison was also instrumental in the evaluation of refugees after the Fall of Saigon ("Operation New Life").

Makes you wonder what else Jim's dad was involved in to make him the way he was.

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Mind Kontrol ultra

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Hey, Bill. I think you’d like reading

Dave McGowan‘s writings about Laurel Canyon (which Erik mentions here) It will tie up a lot of loose strings. They can be found on line & are are yet another revelatory wild ride. Hang on to your hat.

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btw, I'll look that up, when I have some time... too many things to read, so little time 💖

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I recently watched a video about the "Wrecking Crew," who were perhaps the pre-eminent session musicians in the LA scene in the 1960s and into the 70s. They also mentioned the Laurel Canyon scene.

The Mamas & The Papas released a song in August 1967 called "Twelve Thirty, Young Girls Are Coming To The Canyon" which I always liked and wondered what it was about. When I heard the story of Laurel Canyon, my mind immediately went back to that song. From a comment on songmeanings.com:

"This is such a beautiful song and I can't believe I had not heard it until this year! It has a lot of the spirit that the 1960's had in it and it is really....groovy....to get that feeling again. John, Michelle and Cass all lived in Laurel Canyon in Los Angeles as did many others, such as Jim Morrison, Micky Dolenz, David Crosby, Graham Nash, Joni Mitchell and Frank Zappa. It was rustic, peaceful, quiet and to get to the buzz of the big city you just had to drive (or hitch) south on Laurel Canyon Blvd down to Sunset Blvd. You can read more about what I call the "Laurel Canyon Sound" in a book called "Canyon of Dreams: The Magic and the Music of Laurel Canyon" by Harvey Kubernik. I loved reading this book."

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

A chillingly ironic quote, when seen through different different lenses.

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

Excellent overview. A keeper. Thank you!

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

Fascinating history re: the Woke Culture programming and everything that went before.... however I was one of those teenage girls screaming with joy when the Beatles came to my city... didn't require any coaching or role modelling - they were freaking Fun ! & Happy ! and they gently mocked the older generation. We, who were born in the '40's and '50's badly need that social outlet. But the big marker was when young Paul McC. was disappeared in Autumn of '66 and subsequently replaced by lookalike WIlliam Shepherd- that was the big Tavistock coup. Some clever plastic surgery and coaching, plus growing the hideous mustaches the band sported in 1967 hid the changeover and voil;a -they stopped touring - wonder why? New Fake Paul could not play left handed guitar very well and he was 3 or 4" taller than young Paul and had different colour eyes. And he was a Cabal puppet! Mission accomplished - ice cold water all over the rest of the young British musicians - co-operate with us or else !

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Apparently Adorno was a musicologist and understood how to make music that moves people.

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Feb 28Liked by Erik Carlson

This is a good primer on Adorno👇🏼https://www.openculture.com/2013/06/hear_theodor_adornos_avant-garde_musical_compositions_.html

His philosophy is impossible for my puny brain to comprehend, but I have a feeling that it is brilliant demented flapdoodle.

You can find online a guy who makes a good case for his authorship of Beatles music (in the service of Tavistock) by showing how musical themes were likely taken from operas. Fascinating. Emotional manipulation was the purpose, I’d guess.

He viewed atonal music as the best & highest musical expression & wrote some truly crazymaking compositions. (Abominable in my book, but I love 60s Jazz & Handel, which he evidently scorned, so…).

Keep up the great work, Mr Carlson!

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yes, but to deliberately create music as propaganda -what a creepy thng to do ... I suppose that is what most pop music especially these days is all about - anyway Eric sorry about posting twice on the same subject, on your thread - I thought the first post I made got lost so I tried again... I did not intend to hog space.

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Oh my goodness…Erik, this is your best article yet (although I like all of them!)

Funny, much of it is familiar as parts but in this case, the whole is great than the sum of it’s parts!! Well done and Thank you for the work you put into it!! Seems some of you Badlands contributors have a gift for putting our history into present-day context…the emerging reality is often shocking and disturbing but absolutely necessary to grasp.


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I sooo agree with you Feather. Thank you

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Feb 23Liked by Erik Carlson

Wow! Such a well written masterpiece outlining how Tasvistock came to be. I remember going down the rabbit hole years ago and I couldn’t believe it. CIA, MK Ultra, Laurel Canyon, counter culture, etc. I learned much more reading this today. It connected all the dots for what has happened to our culture over the last four years or so. Just insane! Thank you!

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