

1. Consider replacing AL cooking utensils with wooden type.

Cookware with "non-stick coating" are often composed of AL or AL-alloy. Consider replacing with stainless steel. Definitely don't use if "coating" is cracked or fissured.

2. Use AL foil once, then discard. If cleaned & re-used, it could release very small flakes.

3. Antiperspirants & deodorants. Read Ingredients label CAREFULLY, as manufacturer often splits ingredients into (2) sections: Active & Inactive, and these (2) lists may be printed at (2) separated & different locales (eg. at top & bottom of canister) on product. Consider NOT using, if it contains AL. I think Arm & Hammer and Old Spice stick for men both do not contain AL. Skin can absorb product constituents.



Ubiquitous in many hair & skin products, shampoo & conditioner.

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Awesome addition, thanks Paul!

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Thank YOU !

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I much prefer my cast iron to anything else I have ever used. The flavor is better, cleanup is so much easier and once properly seasoned it is the best non-nonstick I’ve ever used.

Plus it helps me to ensure my mineral content even though the MSM has decided (like with all things that were once KNOWN as good and healthy) that it’s such a low amount its of no use. I don’t believe that in the slightest any more than anything else ‘they’ say today.

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I use cast iron as well forgot to mention it lol

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How Dare You Forget !

(I'm squinting my eyes like Greta ! HAHAHA.)

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Hahaha 🤣

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Yes, I agree also. Well-seasoned.

Bacon & eggs are never better !

& A great source of some iron (Fe) too.

A return to working basics. Such, are never out of fashion.

Thank You.

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Stainless steel is best way to go in cookware that’s all I use.

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I agree !

And for long oven-cooking, brown-clay covered pots or open pans are very good. Clean up is a snap. Soak in water & scrub just a bit with a pad. Pampered Chef or similar brands.

(Oh brother, the BadLander is gonna just luv these replies ! I'm gonna get a note: "My site isn't a freakin' cookin' show !").


but I'm Italian !

worse ! Sicilian...meow...

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I don’t think Sicilian is worse..(I know your joking) However, WE ARE MUCH MORE REAL THAN THE ITALIANS THAT THINK THEY ARE GODS GIFT. I am Sicilian and I will admit many Sicilians can be coarse, but most aren’t anymore. Anyway, WE ARE AMERICANS FIRST Sicilians second. Our families came here to escape the poverty and oppressive nature of their world whether it was the church or the mafia or the culture. But If they were here alive when this Government took over our world and decided to kill us, they would have take all the money they could put there hands on and gone back to Italy..My beloved grandfathers family had a most prolific vineyard outside of Palermo. He only came to America to bring back his errant brother. But eventually stayed and made his fortune in bootlegging. He got all his wine from his family in Sicily. We are from the best of Europe, because we were the at the crossroads of the world in ancient times and tolerated the dominance of many countries. The Mafia started to PROTECT the Sicilians from the Spanish, English, German, and French. We learned a lot from the dominant cultures, some good some bad. But we are of tough stock and should be proud of it. After all, we did NOT CAPITULATE TO THE GOVERNMENT WHO SAID THE VACCINES WERE GOOD TO TAKE.. WE just didn’t believe or trust them. It is in our BLOOD NEVER TO TRUST GOVERNMENT OR Vatican. God is all there is and we in America now and must make amends to God and this is THE week to do it. Whether jewish or catholic or Protestant....Holy Week includes Passover...and my friends BEG AND PRAY TO GOD NOT TO DESTROY AMERICA. It is a time of remorse, crucifixion, redemption and resurrection. Enjoy your holidays and make sure you take the time to beg and plead that we will survive the oncoming desolation because God is very close to us this week. Take advantage of it and ask HIM for help. He will hear your and send a redeemer or Messiah. ITS REALLY ALL OUR CHOICES NOW THAT WILL REDEEM US..happy HOLIDAYS!

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Well that was/is a Beautiful Story of Your Family's History.

Thank You So Much !


David Chase, Creator & Writer of The Sopranos also mentioned how...indeed...The Mafia was formed INITIALLY, for Noble Purposes.

One other reason, besides the history that you offered, was to Protect the poorer 'ordinary' folk from bastard corrupt fellow Sicilians. There comes a time, of force, meeting force. There is a Sopranos episode (late in the series), scene set in a kitchen, following a funeral (I think) when Meadow explains such.

Of course, as Our Founders realized, Power unchecked, will readily become excessive, oppressive, & corrupt.


But we Sicilians are a plucky bunch & just think of the luck we had ! when those damn proper Italians emptied the prisons & booted us off the boot, & we swam to that island, that just luckily was named Sicily. HAHA !


It does indeed seem we're living in an end times vibe.

Pray & Watch.

Blessings To You/Yours.

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blessings to you and your family....happy easter and remember its not about the bunny..

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Thank You So Much For The Blessings & A Return To You.

No bunny, no santa either.

Understood !

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Ceramic pots are good too I’m Greek and I love to cook 😃

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A Sister of The Mediterranean !


You guys started the whole Science, Philosophy, Architecture, Sculpture, etc.

There were earlier Civilizations with many Wonders too.

I'm a firm believer in reincarnation & I think I may have had a lifetime or two there. Love the Ancient Ways.

Salute !

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Mar 31, 2023
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I told you the Sicilians were worse than the Italians !



Fauci would have been undone a long time ago if in Sicily. We live in a fake ultra liberal morass.

Nuremberg.2 is our only hope.

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Apr 1, 2023
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Cornish hens are delicious !

I like your Name.

Sounds musical.

Spiro sounds Greek.


I'm a mutt:

1/2 Sicilian.

1/4 Irish.

1/4 French.

But All American !


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Some time ago (~30 years), I read a study in which cadaver brain tissue in Alzheimer's patients was found to contain AL.

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In the 80s I recall hearing the same thing. It came out and then disappeared like most things that are inconvenient to the narrative they peddle.

They’ve been killing us off with this crap and many other lies for decades and decades.

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"It [Health Reporting on AL within Alzheimer brain tissue] came out and then disappeared..."


Yes ! Always the most important data disappears from the stream.

But as WE share facts & tips, WE ALL can choose Healthy Alternatives.

WE assist each other in the smallest ways. Subtle Energy is Powerful.

Thanx & Blessings !!

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There’s definitely a link between Aluminum and Alzheimer’s, it’s just been downplayed and “debunked” over the past decade or so...

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Yes. And a host of other adjuvants.

Thank You for the article.


(I have seen a number of remedies for post-vax cleansing, that Drs. & others are selling. They may work. I don't know. It may be worth a try for those concerned).

Not to be silly, or un-careful with what we allow in our bodies, but The New Testament does say something like "And you may take in poisons, & they will not harm you."

So... perhaps the above might offer some solace to those who didn't want to take the shot, but felt they had to, so they could maintain their employment, to take care of their family. I have heard a number of men & single mothers, say this.

I believe with focused mental thought, visualization, & other such things, perhaps some sort of internal cleansing of these toxins, might be advanced.

There are numerous books available on such ancient techniques. Likewise, one can create/invent their own technique, within one's self. It won't cost a dime & one wouldn't have to ingest anything.

"Mind Is The Builder."

~ Edgar Cayce

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Mar 31, 2023
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Great Advice ! Chemical leeching of AL ions.

Thank You.

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Mar 31, 2023
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Excellent real-life story.

Your logic sounds reasonable & sound to me.

Perhaps the OJ-chaser liberated even more AL from the antacid (Mylanta), since (as you know with your Chemistry background) the stomach can become very acidic, depending upon its contents (high protein vs. carbohydrate meal (e.g. intake of "spicey foods" will cause parietal cells to secrete more HCl). Also, amount of food that causes stomach stretch & distention, can also increase amount of HCl secreted.

That's why our mothers said "Eat slow !"


Thank You.

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Mar 31, 2023
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"...but it does provide a nice anecdote by way of warning."


I COMPLETELY AGREE. Medicines often have intake instructions that should be followed. Great Advice & Caution !! from Your Story.

I reckon (but not sure) that some of these metal constituents may be secondary to product manufacture, which the manufacturer does not go to the expense of removal, because they believe it will act/behave biochemically as inert (won't be digested & absorbed into blood).

Buuttt... in light of your story & Chemical Reasoning, admixture with ingested acid, creates a neo-formed AL-containing complex, that is readily absorbed.


Follow Manufacturer's Instructions.

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Basic rule: if it doesn't occur in nature, don't eat it.

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That's been my conclusion as well. It took several years to recondition my taste buds by dropping diet sodas. As the article points out, at the time every bit of research I did on artificial sweeteners said they were ok and it was only when I started looking at the funding of the research that I decided there was a conflict of interest. Once I cut diet sodas, I started to lose weight and my taste buds started to become normal making anything prepackaged increasingly revolting.

That's when i started to go down the rabbit hole of what's in our food supply and came to realize how we're being poisoned. Even more worrisome was how the internet was being sanitized of legitimate studies that were critical of any industrial ingredients. Articles critical of certain ingredients with sound research simply weren't available anymore.

Sadly, hitting the grocery store to buy nothing but produce and meat still doesn't insulate one as chemicals are used there too. One has to literally source food from one's own garden and livestock.

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Corporate evil flows from a single source, the owner. The stock company has been a disaster that has taken 500 years to fully reveal itself. The evil that the USA company does to us is analogous to the evil that the Dutch India Company did to India and China. Corporate governance is a disaster. The singularity of the owner of the corporate system and of the financial system is not doubted by me. There are many who think they own a piece of stock, but really the stock owns them. Who do you think the owner is?

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The government agencies that regulate food, drugs, medical are all corporations or are run under corporate hierarchies. These are the real corporate problems.

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The devil wants the whole world incorporated into his corporation.

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Thank you for this great information that I will share with family and friends.

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What a great, well sourced and informative article! You have done a great service by so thoroughly covering this topic and providing a great tool to pass on the help educate others. Thank you!

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My pleasure!

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Excellent information, thanks!

Most health-conscious people don't realize that nutritional yeast and "natural" flavors are both MSG based. The latter shows up in many supposedly healthy snacks and almost all 100% fruit juices.

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Nutritional yeast is MSG based? Wow I definitely learned something new today...

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Nano materials in general, enough research has not been done to effectively determine the harm they are doing, certainly no long term studies as they have not even been on the market long enough. What we do know is that their size allows the to much more easily cross the cell membrane.

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Carrageenan seaweed is a GI Destructive natural additive that is in multiple foods. https://draxe.com/nutrition/what-is-carrageenan/ Every wonder why newborns end up on Nexium? It is in their food and formula. In your Dairy products. Has been for decades.

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Under MSG the items inosinate and guanylate are not chemically related to MSG, but are considered nucleotide breakdown products. These compounds, like MSG, enhance the “savory” flavor which allows the use of less meat. Metabolism of these chemicals have nowhere to go other than uric acid.

A significant item missing from the list are advanced glycation end products. These are found in deep fried foods that are breaded and fried at very high temperatures. These are items such as fried chicken, chips, etc. Essentially this condition creates a chemical bond between sugar or fatty acid and an amino acid (protein).

Both class of items mentioned here are highly inflammatory, thus changing cellular energetics, in an attempt to clear them.

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Interesting! Maybe that is why some days I have a lot of joint issues but most I don’t. I rarely get fast food.

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Spiro Ketal & All,

"The soul of the Celt has a particular universality of its own: all of life and the world is interpreted in terms of light and shadow. But that innate generalism of their souls has never enabled Celts to achieve military conquest, imperial possessions, huge wealth, or cultural predominance. Early in their history, they were confined to the extremities of France (Brittany), of England (of Wales and Scotland), and in Ireland as the outermost tip of the European continent, dominated by Romans, Vandals, Franks, English, Normans, Danes, and others.

Celts developed the only power that remained: verbal expression and a corresponding mercurial agility of spirit. Oralism, not mentalism, is the mark of the Celt. The aspect of their peculiar style that became most noteworthy and most celebrated was their remarkable verbal expression of emotion.

At that one thing the Celts excelled. The Irish turned their style to express Celtic twilight: the two dusks of birth and death. The Scots concentrated on the play of light and shadow, never clearly happy, never undoubtedly sad. The Bretons took refuge in the shadow as a covert for their perseverance.

But the Welsh took up the light in style and developed the distinct colors of their singing into a Pindarism all their own; and the clarity and brilliance of their language became a more powerful factor of identity than their nationalism or their religion. They maintained the Celtic shadow as a secret background in which to treasure their emotions. The great presumption of "Welshism" was that the visible and material world was merely a clothing or garment thrown over the living heart of sublime and beautiful reality."

~ Malachi Martin (1976)

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Excellent research! Thank you!

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Great article! Excellent.

Check out my Five Whites article





Bless you and your service

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"that comfortable numbing" 🤯

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We are doomed...unless you have space for a garden and chickens or more...(which I no longer do).

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Thank you for this thorough article on dangerous food additives. I like that it didn’t only say what to avoid, but gave details, which can be an excellent motivator to make needed changes.

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Great article but missing a word or two of warning about white sugar. There's not much point avoiding HFCS if you're going to stick three spoonfuls of white sugar in every cup of coffee.

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