Man AH your articles blow my mind every time I read one. WOW another great read. Your writing resonates with me.

I look forward to your future articles especially when you tie it all to present day.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thanks for your serious research and thought into this. I have often thought the peoples of the world had contact with each other centuries ago. The question no one answers, how were the pyramids of Egypt built? It required engineering!! The language connections are fascinating.

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The question of how the Egyptian pyramids were built has been extensively answered. Archaeologists have found quarries where the stones came from, tools that were used to cut the stones, barracks where the workers lived, dumps where they disposed of their trash, extensive notes and records and far more. It's clearly established that the tools and engineering skills necessary to build the pyramids were all available to the ancient Egyptians. A few details are still up for debate, but the fundamental questions have been answered.

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Thank you for the pyramid explanation. I missed that in the news whenever it was out there. Glad there was credible evidence for these remarkable structures! Appreciate your time to write. sandy

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There's a town in southern France, my cousin took me to visit the museum there, dedicated to a local werewolf tradition!

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My college years were full of the Study of Art History (ancient to modern). Your work has mapped onto to many things I know. It is all so very interesting. Thank you! I find myself now wondering how Clif High's information relates to the koryos if connected in anyway?

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Yes, art history was my minor in college. Art tells us much about the history of people around the earth. It’s interesting that art went from depicting what people saw….until the advent of modern art. Why the focus on nonobjective after showing what was seen? Timing likely isn’t a coincidence.

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I'm glad you mentioned Uncle Clif. I've been following him for a number of years and it is clear that much of what he has presented is involved with our world today. The whole damned thing nearly endlessly interconnected and complex. Not only the ideas from this writer (AH) but Clif, as well, then there is Anatoly Fomenko, whom I rarely see mentioned. The whole Tartaria/Mudflood/Nibiru jive has some relevance somewhere somehow, too.

As an aside, and at the risk of tldr I've studied quite a bit of Art and I don't suppose that Art History has escaped the revisionist's slashings but these have come mostly in the form of Modernism+. Luckily, there are still extant works of art and architecture that have withstood the onslaught of the last century and are ready to edify and lead the way to an understanding of our true history. I hope.

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I have wondered for years and years about the ‘sudden’ rise of zombies, in all kinds of genre, including the series based on the Song of Fire and Ice. This may very well be the source of the zombie genre. The zombie genre is more recent (last 30 years or so) and I no longer believe in coincidences.

My curious mind about the number of caves and huge tunnels around the world serves a purpose(s) and whatever it is….apparently worth hiding. Some we think we know…trafficking…. I agree the Bible is the best historical source.

There is SO much we don’t know or understand. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and asking the questions! God bless you.🙏🙏

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The Bible was never meant to be understood as a literal history, a fact that was universally understood even among believers until relatively recently.

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The world was screwed up beyond repair. God cleansed it and saved Noah’s family, totaling 8 souls. Again, God gave the same instruction to fill the earth with humans. Several generations later, men wanted to do things their own way and started building the tower to reach the celestial places; this time God did not cleanse the earth. He just confused every single individual via the introduction of many languages.

**Bible Verses:**

1. **The world was screwed up beyond repair.**

- **Genesis 6:5** (NIV): "The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time."

2. **God cleansed it and saved Noah’s family, totaling 8 souls.**

- **Genesis 6:9** (NIV): "This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God."

- **Genesis 7:7** (NIV): "And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood."

- **1 Peter 3:20** (NIV): "To those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water."

3. **Again, God gave the same instruction to fill the earth with humans.**

- **Genesis 9:1** (NIV): "Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.’"

4. **Several generations later, men wanted to do things their own way and started building the tower to reach the celestial places.**

- **Genesis 11:4** (NIV): "Then they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.’"

5. **This time God did not cleanse the earth. He just confused every single individual via the introduction of many languages.**

- **Genesis 11:7** (NIV): "Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."

- **Genesis 11:9** (NIV): "That is why it was called Babel—because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth."

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The verse that speaks about the inspiration of Scripture and its truthfulness is found in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV):

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

This verse emphasizes that Scripture is inspired by God ("God-breathed") and is valuable for guiding believers in their faith and actions.

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So interesting but the real battle now, is between Globalists and Anti-Globalists. LOL

Kamala Harris and the Globalist Democrat Machine

An Existential Threat to our Inalienable Rights and National Sovereignty


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You really don't think they are related?

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Kamala is a globalist? Seems obvious to me.

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Mind blown. I’ve read them all today. So many questions. So many theories out there. You’d sounds just as plausible. Thank you. I’ll be saying psalm 23 tonight before I go to sleep.

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“nescience” Perfect word. Just wanted to chime in with that ... I shall now continue reading.

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…had to look it up as well as lycanthropy. Learned two new words today!

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It's a great word.

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I came across Badlands I guess late in the game.. but I’ve been following a guy.. “Just Me Joe Lange” who has a telegram page .. I’m wanting to ask him a couple of questions. Is anyone familiar with him or how I can ask him these questions? I appreciate anyone’s help. 🙏🏻

Thank You!


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Do you mean Just my opinion, Joe Lange? His articles are fantastic.

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Yes.. that is him! He’s very intelligent and I wanted to ask him a couple financial questions. Thank you!

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He’s on Substack

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Joe Lange on Substack is great! Don't know anything about Telegram, never used it, so don't know if it's the same guy. Here's a link to his latest article:


You could try posting your questions in the comments to this article and explain; Mr. Lange is really good about acknowledging and replying to comments.

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Thank you for this insightful, thought provoking, well written series. So much resonates for me. I plan to read more of your work and dive into some of the references (appreciate the links!).

I would be interested in your thoughts on the idea that the continents were once one land mass and perhaps be related to the worldwide similarities you explain. I read about this theory as a kid and it seemed plausible because the continents are shaped like they might've been one land that broke apart and spread. But I think the geologic timing attributed to this occurrence, like much of "history" and modern science, is an incomplete picture of the truth and inconsistent with my own ideas and faith.

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As usual I love your work.

I don't mean to be dismissive, but as an engineer, I think about how hot it would be living in caves 30 Km underground - 100's of degrees F. Must have very good HVAC.

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The idea of massive, widespread caves 30 km down was just one silly thing in an article full of them.

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You might be interested in Walt Brown's work on Creation Science, or the Hydroplate theory. https://www.creationscience.com/ or https://www.youtube.com/@BryanNickel_Hydroplate for a series of explanatory videos. He talks about the Mohovicic Discontinuity and about how easily man could have migrated across the continents post-flood. It ties to the ice age: When so much water was tied up as ice, many land bridges were exposed.

Plus, there are others who have written about Noah's work and travels post-flood (KIM he lived for another 500 years), following God's command to fill the earth and subdue it. https://gen-e-sisone.blogspot.com/2012/02/ancient-history-revisited.html

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I've just read the first part (fascinating so far!) but have to stop and ask a question: In this article, you talk about the Mayans and their language, but I looked at the linked Part 5, and it's comparing the Aztecs with Ancient German. Mayans and Aztecs are not the same people, so I'm confused.

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"The Scythian" touches upon the "wolves of Ares" werewolf worship cult in pre-medieval Ukraine. Its in the Russian language, with English subtitles, but worth a watch as it touches upon the exploitation of young men, the raids, and the worship of an ancient war god, including to get into an "enhanced bezerker state" to kill.

You'll have to get the BluRay version if you're in the USA, and turn on the English subtitles.


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Yeah, the preview is pretty alarming. With this werewolf stuff in our consciousness, these human-monsters now seize our attention when we come across any type of monster on the screen. Not sure that’s a good thing, yet awareness helps us identify evil when we see it.

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