I’ve instinctively known that this is an ancient battle between good and evil, but you’ve (through this series) clearly explained much of what the evil is about. I suspect the Bible doesn’t spend too much time discussing this as the primary focus is this side of the veil. I’ve also thought that nearly any story used in books or movies has an element of reality in it, so I’ve wondered for a long time what is behind the werewolf/vampire ‘myth’. Now, you’ve provided us a foundation of what that truly is. I also have stated that I’ve learned more about the evil one in the last few years than the entire previous decades of my life. It’s interesting that the Prussians are from the same region. No wonder this region has given rise to the world’s worst ‘isms’! God bless you for delving into this and sharing with your readers; it provides us a ‘vaccination’ against the evil that will be revealed.🙏🙏

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NLT Ephesians 6:12,13, 14- For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits ( TPT - “that hold this dark world in bondage”) in the heavenly places. 13 - Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will be standing firm. 14- Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of righteousness.

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Very interesting. I am in the process of reading your book about psychopaths, which is also fascinating. I must say this: For anyone being oppressed by evil people/forces - CRY OUT TO JESUS CHRIST! He is the only one who can truly set you free, heal you, and grant you eternal life. Pray for God to open your heart and mind to the Bible. If you've never read or studied it, or only superficially, the Gospel of John is a great place to start.

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The best advice!

Jesus is The Way, the Truth and The Life.

But Satan can appear either as an angel of light or a demon of destruction, tailored to whatever furthers our false perception.They are adept tricksters and counterfeiters. Creating or solidifying our false or semi-false paradigms is how they deceive so many earnest and conscientious people. I think that is what Dr. Marzinsky encountered, solidifying a theory that can comport with a spiritistic model of the afterlife — For that poses no threat.

Not all light is the true light that is Jesus. Only Christ and His love and Power (The True paradigm) is a threat to the demons and to satan himself. This is the key to understanding these phenomena — and the cure.

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Many Ascended Masters radiate pure white light. Of course Yeshua is a great beacon of love and light. And anyone taking Yeshua as their wayshower ought to innerstand that the goal is for all of us to ascend to his level of consciousness. I write these words in the hope you will let go of the scarcity Matrix concept that HE is the ONLY ONE who can truly set you free. This program is a religious trap. And, Yeshua would be the 1st one to say so. Source Frequencies are NOT monopolized by Yeshua or a/o else. Just sayin'

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The Word of God says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death." Proverbs 14:12. Jesus (Yeshua) Himself said, " I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.". John 14:6. I am trusting in what the Bible says.

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Who says that those words are THE WORD OF GOD? Who wrote those words?

Do U know the man or woman? Or reptile? May I kindly recommend a book? Anna, Grandmother of Jesus by Claire Heartsong. This book carries the highest vibration of Yeshua that I found in words. The problem with The Bible(s) is they unfortunately they have been infiltratred by THE MATRIX. The Bible(s) contain Truth + lots of programs designed to keep people in boxes. This book by Claire Heartsong is the first book that I've read that's commensurate with the purest energies of Yeshua and the Essences.

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How do you know ascended masters radiate pure white light as you claimed above? Have you met any? The Bible is an occult document. You might read Steiner or Cayce so you have a much better understanding of it. It was almost entirely the "Holy" Roman Catholic Church, not the imaginary "matrix," that for centuries controlled the Bible. Translation, and mistranslation, and what books to include in it have always been issues nearly since shortly after the death of Christ Jesus.

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May the Lord have mercy on you and deliver you from this deception.

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Margot, TY for your well wishes. But I can assure you that I align with Source (GOD) in many of my thoughts. We will see where deceptions lie. Personally I put much more credence in my own personal connection to GOD than what is written in a book translated over and over by men with their many concealed agendas. As previously stated ... if you find benefit in this book, Great! Just pls let go of the conceited notion that ONLY YOUR CHOSEN BOOK (of whoever chose it for you) & ONLY YOUR CHOSEN MESSIAH (or whoever chose him for you) is THE WAY to Truth. Such pronouncments condemn all other pathways which is the Ultimate Religion Matrix Hi-Low Manipulation Powerplay. That is NOT and can NEVER be Truth.

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I did not choose Jesus. He chose me. It was not because of anything I had done or could ever do to earn it. He had mercy upon my sinful self, graciously called me and gave me the gift of faith. He washed.all my sins away, paid in full with His own blood on the cross, and He gave me His perfect righteousness. This is the glory and the wonder of the love of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Friend, I want that for you also. Peace with God, through His perfect Son.

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Yes! Thank you. For all your posts and prayers.


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But you are perhaps not cognizing the true and full meaning of Yeshua's words, Margo, because Jesus and his Father (and you) are one. If I identify as my Supreme Source and Creator (and I do), and if I were as fully Self-realized as Jesus/Yeshua/ Sananda was and is (which I am not), then I, too, might declare, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." I suspect, though, that "No one comes to the Father except through Me" is a Biblical (and perhaps deliberate) misinterpretation of Yeshua's actual concluding statement.

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Amen. MW. I just finished a note on this wrt premises here that, if tweaked by these truths, would pull together AH’s fine research.

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You'd do well to study the work of the Austrian genius Rudolf Steiner, and the work of Edgar Cayce, so that you understand much more about Christ Jesus so that you don't get too wrapped up in the new age mumbo jumbo. Both had amazing access to the Akashic Record. The so-called "program" you reference is not a "religious trap," whatever that is, but simply truth.

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The Gospel of John is the most beautiful book of the New Testament, in my opinion, and is a very occult document. Rudolf Steiner, who was a genius with incredible access to the Akashic Record wrote, and lectured on this book. He called it the most significant book ever written in human history. Edgar Cayce, like Steiner, was a devout Chrisitian who also had incredible access to the Akashic Record.

Cayce, who is the most rigorously documented psychic in history, had difficulty with the reality of reincarnation when he saw the last lives of people. In his hypnogogic state while giving readings for people, once the reading was over, he could not recall what he had said about them so when he would read the transcripts of his readings in his early days of giving readings he was a bit confused, and doubtful of his abilities. There are however more than a few passages in both the Old, and New Testaments that allude to reincarnation.

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Read " Rape of the Mind". The tyranny playbook.

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Thank you for creating in-site into the darkness. May God bless you and keep you safe.

Never cower to evil. Never surrender !

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"you can get in a HEAP of trouble for talking about this stuff"

Can you provide any further insight into this comment?

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Get in trouble with who … Satan?

My God is more powerful than him and his minions put together.

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I do not recall who it was, but on YouTube there was a woman interviewed about her exposes on psychopathy. When she discussed her experiences, she was plain to mention how dangerous it was to even talk openly in educated circles about the topic. Physically and mentally dangerous. Literal death threats for discussing the topic. Losing her job, etc.

So I would say a Heap of Trouble means - destruction of career or livelihood up to being "suicided".

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Amazingly devious how these practices metastasized, evolved, and have formed different sects throughout time, from major to minor mind altering infiltrations and all it’s distinct methodologies. Not an easy subject to experience and/or learn, much less explain, but thumbs up on all your efforts of awakening. But, yeah, let’s get rid of the perpetrators first!.....then....!?! God Bless!!!

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wOW! This makes a lot of sense. the child sacrifice for adrenochrome just didn't give enough reason, in my mind -- but to create hungry ghosts who can be summoned is prolly what's happening in some cases. Thanks for writing about this difficult stuff.

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dude! so well written. at a certain level, though some of this is not what I MYSELF have believed, i need to learn what THEY believe in order to understand. small puffs of blue smoke emitting now…

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Reading "Wicked Teeth" this cult Koryos has its origins in steppes area above the Crimea, same land that Rothschield family comes from, the ancestral home of the khazars who became the ashkenazi. Nazi's were crazy for werewolves and the occult. I can see how this ties into Will Zoll's Prussiagate also on substack.

At one time I thought pedos were just sick bastards who were abused and who needed help, now I see them the alphas as evil whose only cure is to be buried with a silver dagger in their black heart.

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Well this will sound weird but... what if Jesus has always intended to save them as well. Is there any baby born who is truly evil, or are they all tortured souls who cannot escape their prison?

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Methinks Jesus might have to send back to Source some few of these innocents who were "turned," to start out innocent all over again—thus releasing those "tortured souls who cannot escape their prison."

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Good info. Thanks

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I love the Prussiagate substack too!

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It’s important to know about this stuff.

Know thy enemy ‼️

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Thank you! I found this article insightful and thought provoking. It is definitely a dimension in the 5G war that is valuable to consider.

From the earthbound perspective, this idea of trapped spirits can be an accurate description, but from a higher-world, or heaven perspective, these earthbound entities might be better described as personality fragments. Go into a bar and you can feel the heaviness. you might come out with a sense of depression, anger, frazzle other emotions. Some might pick up entities, personality fragments released by those at the bar under the influence of alcoholic "spirits". At the time of death, the Soul leaves the body but the aura, the interface between Soul and body, Or rather, those parts of the personality not needed by the Soul, remain in a cloud around the body, dissipating over about three days. Hang close to a recently deceased body and you just might pick up a nasty personality fragment and the need help of an exorcist in disposing of it.

It seems that those who remain with living bodies in this world but whose psyches have been fragmented by early childhood, PTSD, media, or MK Ultra type trauma are the larger problem. The inner critic could be viewed as a schizophrenic voice which shames us incessantly. We can see how big this problem is by how many people around the world put on masks when told, or rolled up their sleeves for the jab when prompted. The people on the far left AND on the far right who are willing to take up rocks, guns, or rockets to destroy the heathens. These people seem to be unconscious when called upon by the media or their handlers to obey irrational commands.

The Great Awakening may, to a large extent, involve seeing clearly that the news media is just lies and behavioral triggers and that the inner critic, the suicidal mass murder who keeps whispering to us, and the garden variety spirit we pick up at the bar are nothing nothing more than psychic post-its that we thought were part of us.


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I work side by side with the “willfully ignorant”. I see it daily. But forgiving them is key. They have committed a kind of suicide and we must forgive them for making us watch them die. Great article. I look forward to the follow up on “Hell Is Organized.”

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the reforming of informed tribes(patriots) is what will destroy the cabals of secret societies.

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Dr Lee Merritt was just on Dr Bryan Ardis' show and gave a very good history and run-down of what's happening and from whence it came...I don't think she knows the Urantia book, but her review mirrors it perfectly. Highly suggest everyone watch this interview! It is so good I saved the URL because things disappear these days. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5GLDQKDFsaCF. Blessings to all!

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Do not fall victim to the false reading of Romans 13. You have no biblical obligation to follow an evil government. Reading and commentary in this podcast: vichttps://soberchristiangentlemanpodcast.substack.com/p/s1-dlm-appendix-a-doctrine-of-the

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This falls right in line with what I posted about how I believe UFOs/aliens are really demonic beings.


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This is a brilliant series. Thanks for writing it. Your understanding of human psychology is exceptional.

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