6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Your point about how humans will eventually establish some means of communication reminds me of the Star Trek TNG episode of Darmok. (There are echoes of the Epic of Gilgamesh in this episode as well. Interesting.)

There is a book that was written by Richard Dooling called Blue Streak - the book addressed swearing and free speech. There is a whole chapter on the word 'fuck' (which it is quite colorful and extremely amusing) but what I remember well was that because it was such a taboo word for something like five centuries, it is difficult to trace the etymology. The author points out that has changed over the last few decades, but the previously unspoken word has been replaced with other words that shall not be spoken out loud lest you risk scorn and being driven out of the tribe. Sound familiar?

I pulled out the book again and was flipping through it. Came across this paragraph:

" But, as we have discussed, let the newest rash of Pecksniffery and speech regulations be an incentive for the liberal use of vulgarities. Holding forth with a few contemptibly loud fucks every now and again reminds people that, for the time being, we may indulge in free speech whenever we like. We are not yet put outside with the cigarette smokers during our fifteen-minute breaks (Man, flash back to the 90s there). But the day is fast approaching when all speech will be regulated in the interest of civil rights and the prosecution of hate criminals, who commit gender crimes through the hostile and abusive use of illegal words.

The fuck you don't say today will be the one you won't be allowed to say tomorrow."

To re-read that today was a little jarring. Because he wrote that in 1996.

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I learned something unusual about Columbus one day, chatting with a young man whose mother was Basque. "Why," he asked me, "did Columbus' Basque navigators lead him so far South?"

What? They did?

The young man said those navigators did not want him to discover the Basque Cod fisheries. Oh my, those weren't discovered for well over 100 years. He also told me that the reason Portugal did not finance Columbus was because they did not want him finding out about their secret colony in Brazil!

We did NOT learn this stuff in school!

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No, we did not! Fascinating!

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Looking forward to hearing more about Pleiades. I was first introduced to this around 2021, and it had a very strange impact on me. Hope to understand it better!

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the best lies are close to the truth. it's hard to get rid of stories--much easier to modify them. don't trust the order. don't trust the details. trust the things that are hard to change. and, remember, which team someone was on when they did something is easy to change.

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The best way to hide the truth, is to make it seem "crazy". Ridicule is a great deterrent.

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True! It’s applied to all be knowledge for some time before finally being accepted. I am reminded of Semmelweis who discovered that infection could be spread between patients and advocated disinfecting their hands between patients. He was ridiculed mercilessly, suffered nervously breakdown, placed in a mental institution where he was mistreated until his death. It wasn’t until Pasteur that his findings were validated. Just one example as history is filled with this.

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Fascinating article. First I have come across the series and I will be reading more.

To your point about the Pleiades, I enjoy watching the TV series Ancient Aliens for many of the same reasons that you touch upon. The show points out pieces of history on this planet that people have tried to explain, and over time, have been accepted as fact. For even questioning the mainstream history, people are immediately attacked and debunked and chastised.

Mainstream science is in a horrible conundrum at present due to discoveries at Gobekli Tepe and Balbek. These sites show undeniable proof that the historical timeline that they have used to define our past is wrong.

So far, they are ignoring that. Using a discerning eye and mind, we can see that many of the so called "myths" and stories may tell a whole lot more fact and history that is as yet unshown.

Looking forward to the earlier installments!

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I’m a big fan of Ancient Aliens, too.

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Kamala says Americans must speak to ‘friends and neighbors’ about ‘where and how’ misinformation occurs


At an Oprah Winfrey town hall on Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris urged Americans to take action against "misinformation" by talking with "friends and neighbors" about "where and how" it can be spread. The event was packed full of Hollywood elitists listening to the Democratic nominee make a pitch as to why she should be elected president in November over former President Donald Trump.

The vice president's comments come after the Harris campaign was accused of "repeatedly deceiving and misleading" voters by spreading blatantly false information on the candidate's official campaign accounts. CNN released a fact check on the matter.

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No - no - no Not back to Commifornia (I live in San Diego) we in CA are trying to push back against the Far Left WOKE (no common sense) NPC's. I personnally refuse to be kicked out of my beloved State! The Weather is too nice and I love the Beach! LOL We need to NUKE Newsome!

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You're fighting the good fight in the belly of the beast. Thank you.

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Okamala needs to go back to California.

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I understood that mythology was some kind of smoke screne from a very young age, and I could see truth through the myst as it were...

Well written my friend, saying mein comph[spell], would to the modern lexicon seem to mark me as a neo nazi, or some such derogitory thing, but that maybe evidence of the stick used to beat us into submission. Therefore I will simply say my Fren

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If you want Trump to win share this essay with everyone. This essay exposes how the Harris-Biden administration has set up a "Opportunity for Illegal Aliens Economy" that is displacing American jobs and destroying American cities. It is important to watch and read the videos and links to fully comprehend the essay. The media is not sharing the real story I just updated it at 9:00 AM (09/20/2024). To me the solution is clear. Every single Illegal Alien, that came in during the Biden Administration, must be deported. And after that absolutely no more Illegal Aliens should be allowed to enter the country. What is required is a "carrot and stick approach." The "carrot" is we will pay to have them sent home. The "stick" is absolutely no more money will go to Illegal Aliens, period.

Don't ignore Springfield as the Illegal Alien "Great Replacement" is coming to your city next

The only viable solution is mass deportation


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I expect the vast majority of illegal aliens to self-deport, returning to their native lands in order to collect their GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) funds (by whatever other name these blessings might be designated). I believe President Trump expects this, too.

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The Wiki says it is a hoax. First I've heard of it. Do you have any links with more info?


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Common Bruce - you don't honestly believe anything you read in Wiki do ya? I mean, Wiki has the same credibility as SNOPES! Listen, I have a full PDF on GESARA or NESARA. If you email me (one24win@gmail.com) and in the Subject - say "Would Like the Gesara PDF Please" I will gladley attach it to an email for you. Bryan.

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Harvey Francis Barnard's NESARA proposal was first written in the early 1990s. He initially drafted it and sent copies to members of Congress around 1996, hoping to gain legislative support. In 1999, Barnard self-published a book titled "Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform", which outlined the details of the NESARA proposal.

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"beyond our solar system"......oh well....good read anyhow. Thanks!

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Couple books that might make you think a bit differently about history as we have been taught:

Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA, by Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara


Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream, by David McGowan


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"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

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I totally agree Sonia, in fact you might want to check out this website of a young man Darius who travels Out Of Body (OBE) at will - and has been able to basically show us the physical Construct of our existance. He not only tells about it but has Pictures - he created- to show those Constructs and the different realms involved, really fascinating! https://dariusjwright.com/ He is also on Youtube.

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Thanks, Bryan.

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Yes, the solar system is actually real. Flat Earthers really struggle with reality sometimes...

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Disconnecting humanity from direct communion w/ cosmos & centuries-long viable social cultures by forced invasion of insane abhorrent violations of natural law & illegal migrants may FUCK up Europe. But that Fucking Bullshit ain't gonna work in USA. Meanwhile Russia, China, India, NK, SA, many African nations & BRICS have banded together to defend their social fabrics & evict Satanist Nutjob Zionists. Hopefully Japan takes back its manhood ASAP.

FUCK ALL Child-Eating Zionists! Send 'em ALL back to other side of the Multiverse. No reincarnating on Terra!

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Hey Sovereign Yogi--- check Darius out https://dariusjwright.com/

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Loving all of it!!! Makes so much sense.

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Highly intriguing! Keep going!!

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The language similarities are so significant that it’s odd to NOT realize there was a source language in ancient times. The Sumerians’ ancient stories address the stars, too, and go into the past when people came from the stars to mine gold (gold mines in Africa date back over 159k years) to fix the atmosphere in their home. I believe it was a science magazine article that stated gold flakes could fix the holes in ours. The Sumerians were told that dna from them was manipulated with dna from the humanoid form here and in vitro fertilization was used. Apparently they experimented with mixing other species, too. The aliens then proceeded to teach the ‘created’ species math, science, agriculture, etc. The possibilities of the true history are fascinating as all of the ancient civilizations believed people descended from the stars (Sirius and Pleiades most often referenced) to assist in man’s development here. Maybe this is where the choice to know originated in the Q posts. People also state this can’t be true because the Bible doesn’t mention this (it doesn’t mention the dinosaurs, either), but I consider that the Bible was God’s communication to man on earth…He may have done the same thing elsewhere in the universe. It’s so massive we can’t begin to comprehend it and it would not be surprising that there are humanoids elsewhere.

I think after reading this series there is likely more to the Dog Star than meets the eye…and that’s likely ancient knowledge of the cabal and possibly why genealogy is so important to them.

Fascinating series, nonetheless, and I have digested each article with the premise I don’t know much. Your points are well reasoned and interesting stuff!!

God bless you!🙏🙏

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