Now we’re more or less on the right track! Demonic influences (aka the Spiritual Realm) are a key component of all evil in our world. It’s been this way since Lucifer and his posse were tossed from heaven.

Feel free to research it more through Michael Heiser’s The Unseen Realm. It’s an excellent exposition on the role of the spiritual realm through the Old and New (current) Testaments!

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Thanks for the tip!

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

I love your work, it really resonates with me.

This article was very enlightening and helps me make sense of many things I have felt throughout my life. I do believe the sooner We the People can find our own voices and peacefully and LOUDLY non-comply then we can truly defeat the Evil that has been the puppet master for millennia.

Looking forward to your next article (BTW I was very excited when I saw your article in my inbox:-)

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

A post by Will Zoll fits in nicely with this:


edit: Be sure to listen to JFK's 5-minute speech "The Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy," embedded in the piece.

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Will Zoll’s work, combined with this and a couple of other series is opening our eyes to the truth of this true conspiracy against humanity…..

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Indeed. I believe that this evil has been with us since the beginning of the world.

Genesis 3 tells us so.

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Thank you for identifying and collecting this information on the true history of the world! This history clearly shows clever planning over millennia by the evil one and his demons to thwart God’s creation and we are actually living through the ending segment of this ancient battle. Now, it is clear why we have feared the dark, why horrible things happen to ’normal’ humans and where the ‘things that go bump in the night’ originated. The Bible is very clear about the evil one’s rebellion against God and the core evil of the cabal proves this (the children).

This also clearly demonstrates the reason that (the Prussian’ Marxism) defiles definitions of plainly understood language in order to prevent progression towards identifying them.

In fact, it is easy to see that the NAZIs infiltrated our country post WWII, and operate out of DC…..otherwise this country would not be making anti-constitutional and anti-American policies all of the time.

This is a wonderful series and I will continue to use this as a basis for what I am doing in order to protect our God-given way of life and, more importantly, restore it to it’s roots.

God bless you for what you are revealing and helping us strengthen our community to defeat this evil. 🙏🙏. Words and definitions DO matter!

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Valuable contribution, thank you. If we didn't have great power, we wouldn't be worth eating. That is why they fear us so. Not only are we powerful - we are actually more powerful than they are. I am not meaning in sheer numbers, which is obvious - I mean one on one. Empathy is not a weakness - though it certainly circumscribes our behaviour, which they interpret as weakness because they can act without compassion. Empathy is our direct connection with the absolute. They lack this. They are partial people - lacking wholeness. They hate us for it, fear us for it - and ultimately they loathe themselves because of it, and project that loathing on to us. Pathetic creatures. We must pity them, feel compassion for them - and we will destroy them, by saving or extinguishing them. It is them or us. Their time in control is over.

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Read the Genesis chapter from Chuck Missler’s “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours”. The “sons of God” are the fallen angels who spawned the Nephilim and Anakin giants, whose existence great effort to conceal has taken place. I live near Giant City in an Illinois area known as Little Egypt, where wicken religionists practice their beliefs upon an unsuspecting public. During the second eclipse in April, a group of us King Jesus worshippers drove a ceremonial spike into the cranium of the buried Nephilim in Giant City Park. A prophetic act declaring the victory of our King over all demonic authority in this region. This was a pebble into the pond, but the ripples will become tsunami’s of glory in this region. My decree: “Carbondale is a city after God’s own heart.” Say this over your town, your city, and over our nation. Amen

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The Name creates the Form. There are subtle differences in names do to different geographical laws of nature. I'm looking forward to the next article in this series.

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Faith in any blood or bloodline other than the shed blood of Christ is ineffective and ultimately self destructive.

The Scriptures tell us that God has given us all a measure of faith.

But like a key, that faith is only effective if it’s applied to the blood of Christ. All other applications are counterfeits, whether they are quiet and unassuming or loud, threatening and Byzantine in complexity. Anyone who believes in their heart that Christ is Lord and confesses him with their mouth can be saved.

If it’s God’s character that one is questioning, then conduct a thorough and sincere searching of the Bible and He will reveal himself to you; cherry-picking from the Scriptures and tossing them into a religious/philosophical salad is simply a futile frittering away of precious time before one’s days to pass the test of life run out.

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I truly enjoy the Werewolf series, have purchased many of the recommended books and shared the links with others. I believe you have hit the nail on the head.

I grew up in Cincinnati, OH which is built on 7 hills, much like Rome and Constantinople (which are Sister Cities to Cincy). In the middle of Ault Park in Downtown Cincinnati is the statue you feature in this article of Romulus and Remus. I believe this is the exact same statue. I now look at it in a totally different light. Thanks for helping to open my eyes and mind.

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This foundation of origin continues to stretch the mind beyond the seemingly mundane and trivial allowed occurrences of the past leading to present. Deeper meaning of things, good, bad, or indifferent, has to be actualized if we’re to truly thrive in divine purpose. I continue to find more satisfaction in this type of revelation compared to any other. Thanks for your daring work and God Bless!!!

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"I believe that the moment a sufficient number of us recognize the true scope of what’s happening AND are able to accurately articulate it, this evil will be defeated once and for all."

The proverbial "tipping point"... I believe you are correct. "But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]." "And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." #GODWINS

Thank you so much for sharing this part of the Truth with us. It is valuable beyond words.

God bless you and your research, my brother! Can't wait til the next one.

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These articles could be 10x longer and still not be long enough. This is a profoundly fascinating topic. It ties many loose ends together.

I'm sure this is going to get back to the tower of Babel. Perhaps we all spoke AG before that event? If so, then I would expect Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek to be derived from AG?

As for cannibal flame-haired albinos:

A long time ago, on one of my rabbit hunts, I came across a theory about Martians and Earth: that humanoids once lived on Mars, at around the same time Atlantis flourished on Earth. Mars is more distant from the sun so it stands to reason that perhaps any people who did live there would have been exposed to less light. So perhaps they were albino in appearance? (Pure hypothesis here folks.)

The issue with these Martians is they were very warring and fought amongst themselves violently, to the point of self annihilation via nuclear war. They razed the entire planet. But, some escaped and were given passage on Earth. At Atlantis. Sadly, they brought their problems with them and eventually destroyed Atlantis as well.

What's interesting about this theory is the apparent remnants of civilization on Mars, including what appear to be pyramids.

... so all I'm sayin is.... what if the Koryos are remnants of a Martian invasion of Earth and we're all still dealing with each other to this day?

Another weird thing.... why was I drawn to learn German of all languages in high school? Almost no-one took that language, but I was drawn to it, as was my wife. Just an odd coincidence, maybe. Or maybe there's some kind of echo our DNA can still hear...

Can't wait for the next article... When this all started out, I think you said you'd wind up doing a 3 post series. Well, here we are on a epic journey through time... Congratulations on finding this topic. It's deliciously complicated and yet based. Perfect.

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fu qin.

ty. i just found a sfw cuss. “‘fuqin’. ‘hey, watch your language!’ ‘why? i’m practicing my chinese. rayciss!’”

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If you go to the Ark in Kentucky it tells us that God separated people and mixed up the languages, on purpose. And as a Christian I believe Satan's highjacked every area of cultural influence in society. He's extremely organized and has demonic underlings to do his bidding. (John 10:10-the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy).But exposure precedes the takedown and we're witnessing that right now. The important thing to remember is that God has already triumphed over Satan by Jesus's death on the cross, but humanity needs to get on board and start following Jesus's teachings.

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Your work is fascinating. With your love of research in histories, language etc., there are a couple of authors in biblical histories you may find interesting. Gary Wayne "Genesis 6 Conpiracy" and Timothy Alberino "Birthright" would add even more insight and tie into your research well. Connects a lot of dots we were never taught in the mainstream. What a time to be alive!

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Thank You for sharing your research , Be Safe

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