The Werewolf Game - The Ancient Origin of Modern Conflict
In Which We Discover That the World Once Spoke One Language
This feature is a continuation of The Werewolf Game series, which explores some of the core tenets at the heart of the Deep State’s mass mind control strategy. Start the series here.
“Words are archeological artifacts” — Rogue Hypnotist
Greetings and Welcome to Part 5 of the Werewolf Game.
Don’t worry, you won’t have to go back and read the previous four articles to read this one—I write these articles in such a way that you can read them in any order you like. Each piece can stand alone, though I do recommend reading them all to get the Big Picture.
For newcomers, what is the Big Picture? Why make a series about ancient conflicts, Werewolves, and other such topics?
In so many words, it appears to me that modern events are being driven by said ancient conflicts.
Extensive research into history, language, occultism, and psychology has revealed the existence of an ancient cult that hails from the region of the world known today as Ukraine. More likely than not, this cult is in operation to this very day, and is behind the phenomenon that many call the Deep State.
It is almost certain that this cult is the original source of werewolf symbolism, and that they’ve managed to retain some degree of global influence over mankind for many thousands of years. They are known as the Koryos—and though we won’t be discussing them very much in this present article, it is important for you to know of their existence for full context. (The book Wicked Teeth: the Secret History of Werewolves is one of the few detailed sources one can find on them.)
Now, the Koryos are not the only group that appears to have worldwide influence. I posit that the Trumps and Kennedys are royal descendants of another “elite” society that was once (and still is) globally influential—but unlike the Koryos, I believe this society to be of a benevolent character. It’s likely the case that this positive group gave us much of what we think of today as “Tartarian” architecture (Part 2 goes into this in some depth, for those who are curious about that idea).
One of my reasons for positing the existence of a second, globally-influential group is the fact that all the peoples of the world once spoke ancient German. Almost no one in the English-speaking world is aware of this fact, but it is nonetheless demonstrably true. The main point of today’s article is to show you the evidence for this, and then to discuss the implications of such a history-defying discovery.
In the end, we will have hopefully made some progress solving one of Q’s riddles.
How To Assess a Truly Original Idea
The man who first brought this discovery of the ubiquity of ancient German to the English speaking world, Frederick Dodson bears an introduction—I will be borrowing heavily from his book Extraterrestrial Linguistics in this article.
If the title of his book throws you off, let me reassure you that Dodson is a multimillionaire success coach with an extensive background in history and linguistics, and recently published a book entitled How to Learn a Language in Five Days—which strongly suggests that he knows what he’s talking about, does it not?
One might ask what other sources are available regarding the ancient German connection to all world languages; however, to the best of my knowledge, there is no other English-speaking source on this matter other than Dodson. Dodson learned of this astounding information from the German author Erhard Landmann, whose works have never been translated (and are also very hard to find). Other than these two men, I’m unaware of any other source one can find on this.
Now, the standard academic practice of automatically dismissing information if it’s not backed up by multiple sources mathematically guarantees that new discoveries will ALWAYS be thrown away, regardless of their intrinsic merit. By definition, the first person to discover something will be its first and only source, until a second person comes along and investigates the new discovery. There is ALWAYS a first source before there is a second or a third.
The ”peer review” process doesn’t count for anything when all of one’s “peers” have been subjected to the same indoctrination. It’s time we got rid of the intellectual training wheels and learned to assess information on its face, using sound logic and first principles, rather than purely relying on “authoritative” sourcing. Ideas can be explored on their own terms and merits, regardless of whether or not they’re “popular” with whoever is in charge of things. This is something we must learn to do. All of us. Right now.
Historical Cover Up
When we say that everyone in the past spoke ancient German, this obviously defies the mainstream narrative that the Americas remained undiscovered by the Europeans until Christopher Columbus supposedly committed a navigational blunder of jaw dropping proportions.
Alas, the story of Columbus is very hard to believe if one asks oneself a few simple questions.
By the time Columbus set sail, the sciences of astronomy and sea navigation had already been in existence for centuries; India is on the opposite side of the world from the Americas, and yet somehow, Columbus landed in America “by accident”. I wonder how many navigational errors needed to be made on a daily basis to make that happen? And for how many months were said errors being repeated, compounded, etc?
It seems fishy to me that a wealthy, learned sailor of such as Columbus would even be capable of making such a huge mistake.
Did he not notice that the constellations above weren’t in the right place? I doubt it. If the man was who history tells us he was, then it’s far more likely that he sailed to the Americas intentionally (assuming any such voyage happened at all). Perhaps the entire concept that it was “discovered” was a psyop, intended to cover up something else.
Usually, this is the moment when people ask, “WHY would they cover up something like that?” At the end of the day, we don’t definitively know the answer to this question. We only know that the mainstream narrative is likely untrue because it has glaring holes in it—and that’s a good enough reason to investigate things further.
It does appear that the various nations of the world have gone through periods of relative isolation, but once all spoke the same language. What happened to cause all this? Let’s keep going as we ponder these important questions.
How to Investigate the History of Languages
Over long spans of time, languages undergo transformation.
If you were to listen to a German speaker vs a native speaker of ancient Aztec, then the connection between these languages would likely be impossible to hear. Nonetheless, the resemblance between these languages becomes impossible to ignore when you start to break words down to their smaller components and write them out.
In our previous article, we mentioned that an earlier version of the Trump name was Drumpf, which is a German name. You can see how the essential structure of a word is preserved while its pronunciation has altered slightly. When we investigate the connections that may or may not exist between words, what matters is that they resemble each other overall, not that they’re 100% “identical”—once we pass a certain threshold of resemblance, it is reasonable to think that a connection exists.
Is it more or less likely that Aztec and ancient German share the same vocabulary by sheer bloody accident, or because they’ve had some kind of contact during a period of history which has been obscured from our view?
What goes for the pronunciation and spelling of a word also goes for its meaning—if the meaning of two words points in the same direction, even if they don’t literally mean the same thing, then we can safely assume that a connection might exist there. For example, in Aztec, the word for “sky” is wolkaan, whereas, in German, the word “wolkan” refers to clouds—it would be silly to think these words have nothing to do with each other just because they “technically” mean different things.
Thematic resemblances, phonetic resemblances, and written resemblances all count when you’re studying etymology. It’s far more likely that if two languages are near-isomorphic (meaning, similar in almost all essential parts), it stands to reason that said degree of resemblance passes the threshold for being an “accident”, and this means its’ more likely the case that they had contact than not.
As Q once asked, how many coincidences before it’s mathematically impossible?
A List of Aztec Words and their Ancient German Counterparts
Without further ado, here is a list of words in Aztec next to their ancient German counterparts. I will list these words in the following way:
Aztec — meaning of Aztec word — Ancient German — meaning of ancient German word.
Here is the list:
A Wizotla — wise, old — Uizota (the “ui” is pronounced as a “w”) — the wise one
Tes Uin — wine — Te Win — wine
Te Tilia — vanity — Is Itila — “is vain”
Palatenco — palace — Palato — palace
Ite Cucuc — “type of bird” — Cucuck — cuckoo
Ihi Otema — to fill something with air — Ihi Atemo — “I breathe”
Xo Comic Tia — to be drunk — So Comic Tuan — to act weird
Uica Tiuh — to march, to accompany someone — Ueca Zeigon — to show someone the way
Teote Machtilli — religious instruction — Teot Machtilih — mighty God
O Nech Uel Mati — not well done — O Ne Uola Machti — “that is not well done”
Tl Alte Cutli — God of Earth — Te Alt Cot — the old God
Uel — good — Uola — well, good
Ton Antzin — “our mother” — Tin Ana Sin — female ancestor
Tlanque — long — Lang — long
Tia Machi Liztli — skilled, crafty — Tia Machoti Lizt — the art of making
T Lanque Ce Mila — long distance runner — Langa Mila — “the long mile”
Eo — everyone — Eo — everyone
Pohua — to read — Pouhan — book
Ic Notl — poor person — Ic Not — is not, aka “is in need”
Te Neuel Machiti — healer — Niuwa Machoti — one who “makes new” (when we are healed or something is fixed, we often say, “good as new”)
Mixca Hui — mixture — Miscan, Miskan — mixture
Quena Mi — to know me — Chenna Mi — to know me
Quenamican — a person who nobody knows — quen nami — no name
Namen — names — Namo — names
Te Owa — priest — Te Ewa — priest
Te Yo Liuht La Machtiana — master, preacher — Te Goliuhta Machonti — “the one who enlightens”
Ochan — search — Suochan — search
Qualitla — to like, nice — Qualitat — quality
I Uin Tia — to get drunk — In Uin Tua — to put into wine
T Lazi Ui — to be lazy — Lazzan — lazy
Ipan, Pan — above, on, over — Upan, Ufan — above, on, over
Xac — basket — Sackil — sack
Itz Caltic — cold — Iz Calta — it’s cold
Nic, Nicte, Nite — not — Nicht — not
Ic, Ix, Iz — is — Ic, Ix, Iz — is
Caualatia — defense, to prevent — Caualtia — violence
Vel — many — Vil — many
Ehe — wind — Wehen — blowing of wind
Te Apoa — opening — Te Opanon — opening
Qua Lanca Nemi — to take a long time — Lanca Nemi — to take a long time
Nite Ne Machtia — to warn, to admonish — Nit Ne Mach Tiza — “don’t do that!”
Again, I ask everyone, how many coincidences does it take before it’s not a coincidence?
For those who wish to explore this further, I recommend Levels of Heaven and Hell, and Extraterrestrial Linguistics by Frederick Dodson. I’ve only listed a handful of the Aztec-German words above that he lists in his books—I think you guys probably get the gist of it by now?
Ancient German is not the same as modern German, so if you don’t recognize any of the above words in German, that would be why.
In any event, ancient German words (or close derivations thereof) can be found in languages all over the planet. We will share even more of the evidence in our next article.
More Connections
Recall one of my original premises: that Trump is a descendant of a powerful society/group/etc. His name is German, and German was once spoken by everyone on Earth—this alone doesn’t make for a “proof” of anything per se; however, one must wonder how an outsider such as himself would have been able to amass the worldly power that he has amassed throughout his lifetime.
One thing that separates the “elites” from the rest of humanity is that the elites do seem to know how to gain worldly power (we will return to this point again soon).
The fact that Trump is hated by the MSM and Deep State, combined with the fact that he clearly knows quite about wielding power in this world, and also combined with the fact that his name hearkens back to a language once spoken by the entire planet all goes to suggest a royal lineage of some kind (our previous Werewolf Game article went into this topic to some extent).
Now, I have a couple more words to share with you guys:
Did you know that the Aztec word Sacatlan, which means ancient Mexico translates to ancient German as Saschenland, which means country, or, more specifically Saxony? Not only that, but the Aztec phrase Ani Sazi means “ancient ancestors who built the cities”, and translates into ancient German as Ahnen Sachen, meaning ancestors from Saxony.
Montezuma is potrayed as having red hair… and the Koryos (werewolf cult) are also known for having red hair. What does all this mean?
Are the Saxons an ancient counter-balance to the Koryos? Or, conversely, are they related in some sense? Could it be a little bit of both?
The Owls Are Not What They Seem
I’m still researching these matters, so I will refrain from saying anything too conclusive too soon, but it seems to me that the “good guys” and “bad guys” are more closely related than one would assume (this doesn’t imply any overlap in aim or practice, however).
In our previous article, we discussed the Celtic/Druid royalty connection between Trump and the Kennedys; however, it should also be said that many researchers equate the Druids with the Illuminati. Now that we’ve discovered an important connection with the German language and Trump, I can’t help but be reminded of the fact that the Illuminati reportedly began in Bavaria—a part of Germany.
In Q’s post 189, he told us to follow the “Y/Owl” symbolism across the world—indeed, one of the Illumaniti’s symbols was the Owl… and the ancient German term for “Holy Owl” is Wai Ulu. Again, I owe credit for this discovery to Frederick Dodson.
Has anyone yet decoded the significance of the “Y” in “Y/Owl”? Are we barking up the right tree, here?
Q’s directive to find the Y/Owl all over the world strongly suggests that whatever the “Y/Owl” may be, it must be a global phenomenon. Otherwise, why tell us to follow it “everywhere”?
The ancient German connection is indeed a worldwide phenomenon, and I’m unaware of any other attempt by anyone else to figure out what the “Y” stands for in Y/Owl. Perhaps the wai in wai ulu fits the bill? Unless, of course, the Y is supposed to symbolize two horns, or something like that, (which is a distinct possibility, given the fact that we’re talking about dark occultists).
A Tale of Two Elites
A highly likely explanation for the “elites’” ability to gain and maintain power is that they have knowledge about true history, and, even more broadly, information about the true nature of reality that the rest of us don’t know. It’s tempting to give the dark occultists all the credit for hiding the truth from us—and they do, indeed, deserve much credit for that—but that’s not the whole picture.
When it comes to keeping knowledge alive, we have a role to play ourselves.
Consider the absurdity of the fact that Aztec and ancient German are nearly identical, and yet no one’s ever noticed or bothered to look into it. Is that entirely the Deep States fault? Why hasn’t that sparked worldwide fascination by this point? Erhard Landmann first published his book on the subject in 1986, so we’re just a few years short of this information being available for four decades.
In any event, if ancient German was spoken all over the world, then one would expect the negative elites and positive elites (if those two distinctions are correct) to be connected to it in a profound way. Both would speak it, and one would expect to find a lot of ancient German names amongst elite members (which we do: Drumpf, Schwaub, etc).
Knowing the origin of words and languages teaches you how the collective psyche morphed over the years—in an information war, knowing the origin of things confers a strategic advantage. Perhaps the “elite” are the elite simply because they’ve retained an information advantage over mankind going back to “the beginning” (whatever that might have been).
What really happened that confounded our languages and isolated us for so long? Whoever knows the answer to this question could conceivably maintain an upper hand over mankind indefinitely—until such time that the people come together to solve the numerous mysteries associated with their existence.
With all the above said, stay tuned for the next installment of the Werewolf Game series, in which we will present more evidence supporting the idea that ancient German was once spoken by everybody, among other fascinating things.
The plot continues getting even more interesting from here.
Continue on to Part 6.
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This pursuit of yours is fascinating, American Hypnotist. I'm especially struck by this question: "Is it more or less likely that Aztec and ancient German share the same vocabulary by sheer bloody accident, or because they’ve had some kind of contact during a period of history which has been obscured from our view?" Since SO MUCH of human history has been hidden from us, pretty much ANY revelation is possible. I eagerly await your next installment.
Love your work and I look forward to your next article.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!