This article is a must read for digital warriors and those awake.

Fighting the Deep State/Cabal isn't a trivial matter and isn't for the faint-hearted because the personal cost will be high.

Where I am in Canada we have on display an openly psychopathic government with a malignant Narcissist at its head. He's been so obvious since day one yet millions of Canadians kept ignoring the warning signs of what was to come.

Now most people are aware and awake to parasites like Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, (gee did the public applause for a Nazi in Canada's Parliament give it away?), the only problem is most people don't know what to do about it, they don't realize that Normie solutions don't work with "non-neurortypical" people.

Evil is right on our faces in Canada yet the latest polls show that 40% of the citizens still support these people! https://338canada.com/federal.htm

I've tried to wake people up here during the Pandemic and have been told I was insane, a conspiracy theorist, I need help etc.

I still speak out but the cost may soon be life imprisonment here if certain Bills in Parliament go through, yet there are dozens of morons around me who think these kinds of laws are a "good thing"!

Sometimes I just want to hit the Emergency Escape eject button and simply escape what is to come and let the foolish and the ignorant around me suffer for their blindness.

I might still do that though time grows short here in the Great White North.

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Come to Us. Cross border in the woods if necessary. We Patriots in America are riding the tip of the spear and we will win.

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I'm in the last bastion of sanity in Canada, namely Alberta.

We have a provincial Premier who is actively fighting Trudeau and the WEF/Cabal in Ottawa, she has a lot of support here and also our neighboring province Saskatchewan has adopted an anti-globalist attitude as well.

Problem is the WEF has infiltrated the two major cities in Alberta with their own people installed as mayors, though the rural areas are almost completely conservative.

If Trump is elected and it's almost a certainty he will be then it's the end of Trudeau here. how do I know this.

I've mentioned on other blogs that Tucker Carlson coming to Alberta to interview Premier Danielle Smith and to publicly troll Trudeau with a "warning" that he was here to help liberate Canada. But it wasn't a joke and I believe the warning is real and a message from the Trump/MAGA camp to the Cabal in Canada.

More details on my analysis here.


If I need to flee it's only a 3.5 hr drive to the Montana border so not impossible to cross over if needed.

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Vampires sucking peoples energy, is necessary. They hide from the Sun ☀️ they even are attempting to blot out the Sun. Well Ephesians 5:11-14 is a good one … expose evil, once exposed becomes visible, once visible becomes light. This relates to what’s going on. Case in point the mRNA shots have fallen out of favor. Now charges, arrest,

Trials shall come. We hope anyway. Over the last 4 years, it is revealing that most people can not will not accept the facts that some small amount of evil people working in government private industry

Press, media, Hollywood and politicians could be so

Arrogantly psychopathic. The response is deny there is a war on US, 1. 2. That people could be so

Evil. 3. Some people deny evil’s existence.

Thinking the enslavement of using people as batteries in the Matrix is an accurate story of just what these people think of the villagers. Walking energy sources for there dead Spirits whom has chosen to pursue their demonic insatiable lust.

God Wins. So do we when we connect to our Lord in Christ. They the evil have had a long spell of being hidden and now the masks falls off and it’s time our gloves come off and meet exceed their

Parasitic sucking of human kinds energy.

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The greatest trick the Devil pulled is convincing people he didn’t exist…

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Totally agree!! I was going to add that in

But this is sooo true. I’m flabbergasted when people say there’s no evil!!??

So my response is No Evil then there’s no

God to them

Then reply

We can do whatever the hell we want !!

And they say well yeah…

Shake my head the best latest one was a 18 year kid say Lucifer was a hero bc

He brought technology to us.

By tempting eve to eat from the tree of knowledge…so you could play video games wow unbelievable truly.

I have no idea where he got that notion.

The Greatest Trick indeed.

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Yeah I grew up with no religion but at this point it’s obvious to me there is a battle between good and evil happening…

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AMEN!! So true!!! Can't tell you how many people told me I put "too" much emphasis on satan. The war is REAL and SO is Satan!

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When people are forced to acknowledge Satan then they are forced to look at their dark side

Heaven forbid about facing your inferior shadow self.

If after 4 years of all the events going down, you’d think everybody might

Say this is F’d

And start peeling away the BS.

War is on us is real

Satan is real

Which makes Christ and God and Holy Spirit Real.

Both God and Satan blind our eyes.

I figure people wake or sleep

I plant seeds and realize

Some may never get it

Used to drive me crazy yet now

Just Trust God to ways.

I like to shake em up… my attitude now is please wake up the sooner you do the sooner we get to some

Higher purpose and stop the genocide, wars, invasions, thieving conniving human trafficking abortions etc

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Spot on!

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Very good! Thank you!

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Welcome Kathy!! Thanks for the comment. I know I’m not some isolated crazy raging at the evil we face.

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Growing up when I was a teenager we played a game called "bullshit." Somebody would say something, sometimes outlandish, and if someone thought it false, one would simply say "bullshit." I got pretty good at sniffing out bullshit. I called bullshit on the covid scam from the get go, but, I'm far from infallible as I got totally played by the 9/11 bullshit. Judy Wood provides superior forensic evidence of what happened in her book "Where Did The Towers Go." Turns out Bush and Cheney are psychopaths. Nice story on the Werewolf Game - looks like a great drinking game. :)

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Loved playing “Bullshit” in college!

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Fascinating article. I look forward to your next article.

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You have truly provided an insight to the would-be rulers and where their power is obtained. The area of western Russia, including Ukraine, is where the Prussians eventually were; their leaders were not only enemies of morally, but also were the source of all the ‘isms’ to cull the herd and rule over the remnants of. Serial killers are of the same sick ilk! It’s getting much easier to see them as they inadvertently show us their true intentions. Thank you!!

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Very, very good! Well-reasoned, well-written, and well-organized. I'm looking forward to your next installment.

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Wow! Such an intriguing article! It fits the system we are at war with perfectly.

The emphasis - since Q - on Exposure and understanding that the psychopathic controlling system can’t afford Exposure fits the increasing tempo of “their panic”…we sense it and we intuitively know that their panic is on the rise.

I do have a reserve of some compassion for those who have been blackmailed into this dark world….or those who have been MKUltra-ed into it. Still, many are useful and even willing (greed, lust) tools for the very top. Who is at the top?? They are still well hidden.

Thanks for a great read…staying tuned for part 2!

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Great stuff, this is a critical subject. I hope that in part two you can touch on the likely fact that psychopaths can reproduce - it is done by ritual abuse. It is passed from psychopathic parents to their children in this way, as well as to traumatised non-related. The human psyche can be fractured and split, and the psychopathic personality is often a survival fragment, ironically seeking its own healing through repetition of hidden trauma inflicted on others. These are immensely dangerous people, and should never be allowed anywhere near power over others - and they've been lording over us for millennia. Not for much longer though.

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Another good reference is Robert D. Hare's book, "Without Conscience." Hare was instrumental in creating the Psychopath Checklist (PCL-R), which is a rating scale designed to measure traits of psychopathic personality disorder. This book opened my eyes to these people, who are truncated in almost every dynamic of life.

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I am inspired to try the Werewolf Game!

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A game of honing one’s skills at discernment. We are all players, we are the Villagers! 😊

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we're all playing it right now, with what we once called communists, but really they are Khazars.

They use rhetoric as metaphorical shields, which act as a psychological onion. Each layer protects the inner layers. In modern times, with newly added layers, it goes like this:



Rap Culture

Rock N Roll Culture



Jew (false Jew, super emotionally loaded layer these days after 400+ movies related to WW2

Khazarian / Satanist < the core of the onion

Each of those is a different political mask which hid behind it a former face. But they all follow the same chain back to the same core, layer after layer.

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Quote from the linked article entitled, "The Future Of War" The origin of fourth-generation war lies not in technology nor in tactics, but in a vastly larger phenomenon: a growing and near-universal crisis of the legitimacy of the state. All around the world, the state has become a prisoner of a new class—an elite class that can’t make things work, that uses its wealth and power to insulate itself from the consequences of things not working, and which cares about only one thing: remaining the elite. https://chroniclesmagazine.org/society-culture/the-future-of-war/

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I have been railing on the institutional 'covert narcissism' sociopathy of our latest culture revolution for the past few years.

Suggested reading: "In Sheep’s Clothing" by Dr. Simon for the playbook of the DARVO (deny, attack, reverse victim & offender) inspired criminal enterprise. The arguments and manipulations are repetitive, uninspired and predictable once you understand the playbook.

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Great article and we have similar viewing/reading lists. I watched that exact video on the werewolf game (that host has been through a lot of hell, so he's trying to wake people up, often his guests are sleep walkers) and Charlotte Iserbyt's book should be mandatory reading. Our kids aren't in public school partly because of her work.

I'd like to address this:

"Opening up the border, putting pornographic material in elementary school libraries, and a host of other things that the Deep State does are simply and obviously without justification."

"Without justification" might not be accurate...

I've been aware since I was young, not fully awake but I was born with a natural distrust of authority, even my own mother. I had to know for myself, not just take their word for it. This seems to have granted me some ability to both identify and understand the motives of psychopathy as I've orbited our sun 51 times.

But beyond that innate distrust, there really does seem to be an organized and consistently pervasive influence that binds psychopaths and their sociopath henchmen together, and that influence does provide both an explanation and holistic motive that makes logical sense, even if it sounds completely irrational...

What if God is real? And, therefore, what if Satan is real?

Quite frankly I've never doubted there is an intelligent designer of the Universe and all that's occupied here, there are simply far too many coincidences. Furthermore, if entropy is the norm than life is the antithesis of entropy because it is highly organized - so well designed that the code to recreate it is embedded in DNA. Darwin was correct the life adapts, but life doesn't jump species - I argue what we experience is intelligent iterative design. And, I would argue that life is inherently cocreating with this intelligence.

But the destroyer... he who was called the prince of music, let's call him the prince of entertainment - he wasn't satisfied with the adoration he received as the prince of entertainment, his Ego needed more. He desired the power of the Creators full imagination. But, let's say that this power was denied him and he really was cast out of whatever dimension of reality he once experienced with the Creator.

I know that cannot be empirically proven, but entertain the idea because then seemingly random things DO start to make a lot of sense.

If Satan is real and stories about him are not just metaphorical, and if free will is inviolable, then now we can see that it is only by influence and suggestion that humanity may be manipulated, and that influence and manipulation is well documented throughout the ages if not properly attributed.

Actually, Paul Harvey did a great monologue about Satan many decades back... maybe in the 70s? I've heard it recorded. But essentially, just about every system the psychopaths design serves ultimately to lead humanity away from their Creator and toward their destruction. And, most are unable to see this correlation.

While open borders and pornography do not require such a long explanation - they exist to dilute the collective will of the people, one by infiltrating historically successfully defiant people with historically conquered people who are ultimately easier for psychopaths to manipulate, and the latter to erode strong family values which weakens families, houses, neighborhoods, communities, and therfore countries. Both weaken America making it easier to conquer.

But, even though it's rationally risky, I think the binding intelligence behind the centuries of efforts by psychopaths to rule the world and the darkness and deception underwhich they operate is very consistent with the model that serves Satan, which is to say: serves the destruction of life.

Clearly Madonna believes in him and is active in her attempts to bring him new disciples by conducted mass ritualistic ceremonies in her concerts. I think the media industry very much believes in Satan. We shall see.

To be clear, I didn't start to believe this until I was about 45 cycles in... but I'm saying - it adds up. The motive is there, the influence is consistent, crosses centuries and cultures, and it also describes so many self-destructive irrational behaviors like alcoholism, pedophilia, pornography, psychopathy, etc.

An abrupt end here but there's only so much I can write from a phone. I look forward to the rest of your article. :)

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It seems to me that our Creator loves all of Creation, including the satanists. God is patient, and we have forever to "come 'round right." Some few, though, as I understand it, go so far wrong as to become beyond redemption, and they must be returned to Source to be reintegrated, and then start anew all over again. Although there is so much unspeakable darkness, it can exist only in the absence of Light, which expunges all darkness. I don't believe in Satan, although you're right, Gregory: clearly Madonna does. I'm also looking forward to Part Two of this important piece!

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Werewolf game! Good name, I go about it a little differently, but I think it's the same concept. I see their auras. Black or dark are evil always, white lol I almost never see pure white, it will be white and pink or similar color arrangements.

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If we all had the ability to see auras it would be a very different world

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I agree. Unfortunately, I only see them for sure when someone dies. I will see auras at other times, but those are glancing views. Still work but they aren't 100%.

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Check out the Werewolf the Apocalypse game. Pay especial attention to the name of the evil military industrial complex company that serves as the primary adversary. Then look to the name used for the game's spirit world. Tell me this isn't related to comms.

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Excellent article! Ordered book, Psychopath Proof. Thanks!

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