If there is ever a disagreement between God and science, I have found the problem lies in the interpretation of the science. God has never changed, Science on the other hand is constantly changing.

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Oh AH I love this article and cannot wait for Part 2.

This Awakening journey has been so very intellectually stimulating. I find myself constantly on the lookout for new knowledge and your writing have been great for my soul.

Thank you for your hard work and contributions!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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The trick to any good writing about a complex subject is to make it understandable and relatable at a simple level... well done.

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As Michael Valentine Smith observed from the pages of Robert A. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land: Thou art God.

Or as I have told my friends for the longest time: the history of the universe is written in the patterns of a single leaf - you just have to understand how to read it.

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Wow!!!! That was amazing American hypnotist! Thank you for your thoughtful reflection and research. I am so excited to read part two which I hope comes out soon… You are such a blessing to us! God smiles upon you.😊🙏🏻

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Great Article - it seems like the CTMU might be very deep to read and comprehend, but I guess I must get a start on it to see for myself. You ended sooner than I thought and I am now waiting for Part 2! Cool! You also made me recall something an old phrase 'The Map is not the Territory!' I think the best explanation of this map is not the territory I ever read was from a book I read maybe 40 years ago when I wanted to be a rich speculator in Commodities or stocks. The General Semantics of Wall Street. A book published in the 1950's I believe, but still a good read because it is more a book of philosophy and View rather than technical details. And example story from TGSofWS is about a man driving his car down the road with his 4 or 5 year old daughter in the car. He comes up to a Railroad crossing and as such puts on the Brakes to stop the car. The daughter asks him why is the car stopping as children can be expected to do. There are multiple correct answers to this depending on which level of Abstraction you want to go to. The author goes into this explanation. I will try to be brief, but he mentions the brake pedal being applied and the pressure of the Brake pads stopping the wheels from spinning, and this decelerating the car until it stops. Technical type of answer. Also correct to say the I took my foot off of the gas pedal and applied the Brakes! another level of answer. Still maybe even better is to say to the child because I am protecting you and me, my precious cargo, and I am slowing the car down to stop, so I can look both ways to make sure no Train is coming on the Track so that we can safely cross this railroad track without injury or accident. All are valid answers, but all are different levels of Map or Abstraction to explain the reality.

Okay, so another thing that the article and one of the comments below made me think about. I cannot say which is more important in hierarchy consciousness or Information. Both are necessary to experience the World. Still it made me think of the Holy Trinity and what does the Religious concept really convey to us. In the Trinity, the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son, well maybe they map to other more mundane concepts such as the Father being the Substrate of all and everything, the Holy Spirit being more the Female manifest world in the mult-verses or parallel verses within the Universe, while this leaves the Son of God, the Christ the role of Observer and partaker in the well spring of Creation! A position we can all aspire to reaching although most of us are not yet there, - not at all. We must learn, and stop or overcome our veiled immature falseness and learn to see, hear, feel, discern within Objective Reality! Well that is a thought in the works for me, maybe it is useful, but only if it is accurate. Thanks American Hypnotist ;-)

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close ... and really well done, but its more consciousness than information. More ontological than anything you've described. Consciousness is awareness- info is info, not necessarily awareness. good thinking, I just disagree a bit. I thing we agree that we - existence- are/is not based on "grit" no matter how small a particle they find-- they are missing the whole of it all-consciousness - Biig consciousness and local consciousness contribute to our Ever present NOw. or eternal now. the two ideas aren't completely exclusive- but I see a difference. We do create our reality thru the different levels of consciousness and our experiences therein. Thanks for all your work.

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Nice work making sense of what many would rather brush off as nonsensical to hide their egotistical need to believe what “the experts” believe. I recently read “Self and Unself” by Darrin Allen(the Expressive Egg on Substack) which gives me a similar connective vibe to what you’re alluding to so far. Looking forward to your next install! God Bless!??

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I absolutely loved this article. It reminded me of truths I had set aside in the middle of living in this world of delusional thought.

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The only reason the current fake government is giving up the election (Kamala the puppet) is because they have achieved their goals. They don’t care if they win and they are sitting back now.

So If we are hit with something after Trump’s in it’s just to give us a kick in the ass.

May they all rot in hell.

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Very good! Physicist John Wheeler states that we live in a participatory universe. As a God-trusting scientist, I have to agree, and I would add that we are both a participant and observer of our created world. (https://futurism.com/john-wheelers-participatory-universe). Blessings to all!

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In the immortal words of Ted, or was it Bill, doesn’t matter. Most excellent missive, looking forward to part two.

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I could not help but not an X posting by what seemed to be a genuine Barron Trump addy. It is hard to tell.

In it, he vigourously defended his father and then went on to end it: WWG1WGA

Any thoughts about that?

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