If there is ever a disagreement between God and science, I have found the problem lies in the interpretation of the science. God has never changed, Science on the other hand is constantly changing.

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Good day to you. I have the opinion that as we evolve, grow in consciousness, we become capable of understanding more. That is why science seems to be changing. We are the change !

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I believe you are correct. The science doesn’t actually change peoples knowledge of it does so their opinions change, as they discover the knowledge of what God has created.

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Oh AH I love this article and cannot wait for Part 2.

This Awakening journey has been so very intellectually stimulating. I find myself constantly on the lookout for new knowledge and your writings have been great for my soul.

Thank you for your hard work and contributions!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I enjoyed reading your article. It certainly made me think.

I intuitively recognized the beneficial resonance of Q from the beginning even when the cryptic posts were over my head. WWGIWGA is a very high frequency vibration.

That said, I am not a fan of Christopher Langdon’s Theory of Everything. His CTMU is overly complex and my feeling reading it is he is enthralled with the narcissistic core of his own ego.

Time is the great illusion. A valuable “theory of everything” would remove Time from the equation. For example, you wrote: “Now… if I walk into a room and see a table and a chair, I cannot simultaneously observe their absence”

What do you - we - even know about that table and chair except what you learned about it in the past? You - we- do not see the table and chair as it is Now. I suspect if we could, we would see it in light of it loveliness.

Anyway, are you aware that the neo-Nazis are rather fond of Langdon’s perceptions?

“2018, Langan wrote an obituary on Facebook for Koko the gorilla (Wikipedia), in which he argued that the Western world should be admitting gorillas as immigrants instead of Somalis, claiming that gorillas are more intelligent.[7][6] Posts such as this one have been popular on neo-Nazi forums including The Daily Stormer, StormfrontWikipedia, and Vanguard News Network. Langan's high IQ score has also contributed to his popularity among the alt-right, whose members often subscribe to the belief that intelligence is based on racial characteristics.[6] “. (Link below)

While I agree in part with Christopher Langdon that 9/11 was carried out by George W. Bush, I find it odd that Langdon believed “that the motive was to prevent the world from learning about his theory, the CTMU”. Perhaps that is true in the context of God vs Satan/Lucifer? Still, for me, I don’t see “Divinity” shining through such a high IQ statement that 9/11 was a response to Langdon’s Theory of Everything”

Divine Essence is the sustaining field from which the experience of separate identity emerges into the ego self manifesting as the perception of separation from the Indivisible Essence - God.

It very well could be that my average IQ is simply not capable of really comprehending Langdon’s superior IQ but I didn’t find that you have toned it down into simpler terms to clarify his concepts. Perhaps that will be in Part 2.

The majority of mankind are journeying through a world of duality: the linear ego mind vs the nonlinear Self Mind that yet maintains connection to God the Creator.

“Transcending the Levels of Consciousness” is the purpose of the journey and how Time came to be part of the journey.

Nevertheless, looking forward to Part 2.

Peace 🕊


Edit : A super high IQ ought to be able to convey his insights into gems of wisdom benefiting all of humanity

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Thanks, Featherjourney, for this extra info on Langan.

Was intrigued by the Hypnotist's posting. The first read-through was, in part, over my head and I planned more read-throughs, but when I thought about it, I sensed the possibility that at times a brilliant, overactive, analytical mind like Christopher Langdon may get lost in its own brilliance. By that I mean in simple terms that the ongoing thrill of the quest and the stimulation of the brain can become the end.

We must never forget that the devil, like a prowling, roaring lion, seeks vigilantly to ascertain our weakness - and pounces swiftly when it surfaces. We may imagine ourselves to be above this: "Oh, pfffft! Of course I know all about demonic interference, but I am smart and careful." Maybe; maybe not. The devil is the master of cunning shapeshifting; we, on the other hand, are fallible. (One needs only to examine the rather tormented life of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a brilliant theologian who wished to examine faith outside the parameters. Of course, as a human, he could freely do so, but he hoped to officially share his ongoing musings and examinations publicly - and this brought confusion to faithful Catholics). A brilliant idea will be brilliant, 5, 10, 1000 years down the road, so one must be patient. In the meantime, it must be examined and evaluated, lest others needlessly be led astray.

Insisting that we are being careful about demonic influences means deep prayer, an upright life, and steeping ourselves in the unfathomable layers of the Word of God.

Further, the thought that came to mind while reading the Hypnotist's posting was that Jesus said to come to Him "as little children." It is stunning that deep faith is available to serf and scholar, peasant and poet. Of course it is. He is God and loves us all and wishes all to come to Him. Some of the most beautiful people I have met are simple; they have a deep childlike faith and attachment to God that shames us who refuse to land, become rooted, and explore the depths, the height, and the breadth of treasure that is faith in God found in Holy Scriptures and tradition.

There is a deeply important simple message that MUST be conveyed right now - and it is almost too late. It surfaced during the Tucker Carlson American tour last month. Since our pastors, in the main, have been cowardly and self-serving, refusing to shout from the rooftops, it was left to lay people - often unlikely lay people - to remind us about the Christian roots of the American dream: "In God we trust." Russell Brand? Roseanne Barr? And others on the 15- person tour, like Charlie Kirk, Alex Jones, Dan Bongino, Glenn Beck, John Rich, and more, including Tucker himself, who pointed to faith, to prayer. God bless them for their bold witness. Seriously. They put their lives and the lives of their families on the line.

The simple message needed now is this:

1) Learn what sin is - seriously! Virtues and values have been lost. We have fallen into the trap that what seems normal and acceptable in our society is just fine - as long as we are nice, think about the "Man upstairs" from time to time, and have good thoughts. God, however, is more specific. He wrote a Book. He left us the bare minimum, the Ten Commandments - a good start. And then there are the profound words of Jesus Christ in the four Gospels.

2) Make a serious inventory of our sins.

3) Fall to our knees. Repent. Beg forgiveness of God for morally and spiritually turning away from Him. If you are Catholic, go to Confession. If you are Protestant or Jew, seek a pastor/rabbi for counseling.

5) Take concrete steps to amend your life. We are not alone. The Holy Spirit will help us. Just ask.

I know as surely as the stunning beauty of the sunlit yellow Maple on my property that this is the only sure path to full healing of our nations. We cannot dance around the Truth and hope all will work out. God persistently knocks on the doors of our hearts. Let's root out our personal and collective sin - and boldly go forth. The future - and the future of our children - is ours if we turn wholeheartedly to God.

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Blessings for this truly inspiring comment!🙏

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Beautiful comment. Thank you.

Adherence to formal religion is a lovely path…as is transcending formal religion into a field of pure spirituality.

Both levels require willingness and devotion. I can’t wait for Trump to win the election and for our country to make it through the chaos and turmoil that will ensue. I do not regret the distraction that politics has been in my life for the past decade or so but there are times when I long for the quieter mind devotion to the spiritual journey without the distractions…when our country has regained its moral footing.

Speaking of values and virtues, here is a wonderful website…scroll down and you can do a virtues card pick

Have a beautiful day



My card pick today was Unity! ❤️

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I agree on all counts with your statement, Feather. The primary reason I am outside as much as possible…doesn’t seem to be so many distractions from trying to find peace and pray!🙏

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We are on the same wavelength again 💕

I have a 1/4 mi trail through my woods and early morning, with the sunlight slanting in, quiets my mind and my heart easily slips into a prayerful saunter.

I hope you are having a beautiful autumn, my friend 💕🍁

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I loved your post Donna Ruth.

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Very GOOD comments, Feather!! 👏👏. You’ve opened my mind up to thinking more about this! Blessings!🙏🕊️

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Blessings back atcha and a Spirit Hug 💕

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Such excellent and thought-provoking content from all of you! For you Featherjourney, wasn't Lucifer a brilliant and beautiful creation? Still, Lucifer's mind soured on God independently of of the reality he was experiencing. He chose his own self to be superior, in spite of his intelligence and knowledge. Why? How does the self, even while recognizing the perfection of God as the Creator, decide that they are superior to Him? The wild card present in God's Creation is Free Will, and the reality that it is allowed. Perhaps Lucifer was, like us, limited in his understanding and knowledge of God, and because he could not muster enough simple faith to believe in the reality of His existence despite a lack of proof, Lucifer began to believe in himself more. It is the freedom to choose faith, hope and love that brings us to God (just like a child). That is why even simple-minded folk can be great believers. It is also apparent that courage stems from having faith too.

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Kathy A Rathbun makes good observations above!

I say we have to deal with the reality of personal sin (rejection of God’s ways). All religious paths don't lead to relationship with God (now and forever).

Jesus unequivocally stated: "Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. " John 14:6.

We must be very discerning as the new age "all is God" easily Creeps in rejecting God's clear word.

PS 86:10 For you are great and perform wonderful deeds. You alone are God.

11 Teach me your ways, O LORD,

that I may live according to your truth!

Grant me purity of heart,

so that I may honor you.

12 With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God.

I will give glory to your name forever,

13 for your love for me is very great.

You have rescued me from the depths of death.

PS 119:25 I lie in the dust;

revive me by your word.

26 I told you my plans, and you answered.

Now teach me your decrees.

27 Help me understand the meaning of your commandments, and I will meditate on your wonderful deeds.

28 I weep with sorrow;

encourage me by your word.

29 Keep me from lying to myself;

give me the privilege of knowing your instructions.

30 I have chosen to be faithful;

I have determined to live by your regulations.

31 I cling to your laws.

LORD, don’t let me be put to shame!

32 I will pursue your commands,

for you expand my understanding.

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I love the passages you have chosen to express a prayer to our Creator!

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Excellent thought-provoking content from you also.

Free will is an interesting ponder isn’t it.

Our true reality and identity, established for eternity, would be that we are as God created us to be. The gift of Free Will would not then be a way for us to re-create ourselves contrary to what God created…but during an insane error in our thinking we contemplated that very notion. Not unlike Lucifer, the beautiful Angel of Light that God created but who contemplated being better at creation than God Himself.

The Bible tells the story that after Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit, they fell into a deep sleep and no where in the Bible does it say they work up.

Free will does not mean we can establish the curriculum of creation; the parameters (Love, Joy, Wisdom, etc) were set by God, but we certainly can choose to delay remembering our part in the grand glorious expression of Being One with our Creator.

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I agree with you, especially the part about being dissatisfied with God and choosing to ignore Him. I think too that this error in thinking is very real and very common. I did this very thing throughout my youth unconsciously by acknowledging God, but not submitting to His will.

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The trick to any good writing about a complex subject is to make it understandable and relatable at a simple level... well done.

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Wow!!!! That was amazing American hypnotist! Thank you for your thoughtful reflection and research. I am so excited to read part two which I hope comes out soon… You are such a blessing to us! God smiles upon you.😊🙏🏻

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As Michael Valentine Smith observed from the pages of Robert A. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land: Thou art God.

Or as I have told my friends for the longest time: the history of the universe is written in the patterns of a single leaf - you just have to understand how to read it.

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Great Article - it seems like the CTMU might be very deep to read and comprehend, but I guess I must get a start on it to see for myself. You ended sooner than I thought and I am now waiting for Part 2! Cool! You also made me recall something an old phrase 'The Map is not the Territory!' I think the best explanation of this map is not the territory I ever read was from a book I read maybe 40 years ago when I wanted to be a rich speculator in Commodities or stocks. The General Semantics of Wall Street. A book published in the 1950's I believe, but still a good read because it is more a book of philosophy and View rather than technical details. And example story from TGSofWS is about a man driving his car down the road with his 4 or 5 year old daughter in the car. He comes up to a Railroad crossing and as such puts on the Brakes to stop the car. The daughter asks him why is the car stopping as children can be expected to do. There are multiple correct answers to this depending on which level of Abstraction you want to go to. The author goes into this explanation. I will try to be brief, but he mentions the brake pedal being applied and the pressure of the Brake pads stopping the wheels from spinning, and this decelerating the car until it stops. Technical type of answer. Also correct to say the I took my foot off of the gas pedal and applied the Brakes! another level of answer. Still maybe even better is to say to the child because I am protecting you and me, my precious cargo, and I am slowing the car down to stop, so I can look both ways to make sure no Train is coming on the Track so that we can safely cross this railroad track without injury or accident. All are valid answers, but all are different levels of Map or Abstraction to explain the reality.

Okay, so another thing that the article and one of the comments below made me think about. I cannot say which is more important in hierarchy consciousness or Information. Both are necessary to experience the World. Still it made me think of the Holy Trinity and what does the Religious concept really convey to us. In the Trinity, the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son, well maybe they map to other more mundane concepts such as the Father being the Substrate of all and everything, the Holy Spirit being more the Female manifest world in the mult-verses or parallel verses within the Universe, while this leaves the Son of God, the Christ the role of Observer and partaker in the well spring of Creation! A position we can all aspire to reaching although most of us are not yet there, - not at all. We must learn, and stop or overcome our veiled immature falseness and learn to see, hear, feel, discern within Objective Reality! Well that is a thought in the works for me, maybe it is useful, but only if it is accurate. Thanks American Hypnotist ;-)

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close ... and really well done, but its more consciousness than information. More ontological than anything you've described. Consciousness is awareness- info is info, not necessarily awareness. good thinking, I just disagree a bit. I thing we agree that we - existence- are/is not based on "grit" no matter how small a particle they find-- they are missing the whole of it all-consciousness - Biig consciousness and local consciousness contribute to our Ever present NOw. or eternal now. the two ideas aren't completely exclusive- but I see a difference. We do create our reality thru the different levels of consciousness and our experiences therein. Thanks for all your work.

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Nice work making sense of what many would rather brush off as nonsensical to hide their egotistical need to believe what “the experts” believe. I recently read “Self and Unself” by Darrin Allen(the Expressive Egg on Substack) which gives me a similar connective vibe to what you’re alluding to so far. Looking forward to your next install! God Bless!??

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I absolutely loved this article. It reminded me of truths I had set aside in the middle of living in this world of delusional thought.

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There is only one name by which you must be saved

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The entire post is fascinating and informative! I have, for years now, told the people in our Sunday school class that there is no contradiction or conflict between religion and science…we just don’t know enough to comprehend that both are the products of God, so there isn’t going to be. We can just barely comprehend only a tiny amount of God’s creation. All of what is happening is in His timeframe, too. Thank you for continuing to share your research with us! God bless you.🙏

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Speaking of Science and Religion, Zerohedge posted an article on Near Death Experiences (reprinted from Epoch Times)

Scrolling down…

“Beyond Cultures, Religion, Age”

“No matter where on earth they (NDE) happen, it doesn’t make any difference. Whether you’re, say, a Muslim in Egypt or a Hindu in India, a Christian in the United States, or even an atheist everywhere in the world, that near-death experiences occur, and whatever their prior belief system was or wasn’t, the content of what happens during a near-death experience is strikingly similar.”


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Good stuff. Nonetheless, I have reached the inescapable conclusion that this is less a physical place than a mathematically-encoded containment field construct. It fails my reality test, unless we use “bunny ears” around it. The Matrix film did not appear by chance, when it did. We were being readied.


Not all are capable of surviving that eventuality.

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Interesting 🧐

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Very good! Physicist John Wheeler states that we live in a participatory universe. As a God-trusting scientist, I have to agree, and I would add that we are both a participant and observer of our created world. (https://futurism.com/john-wheelers-participatory-universe). Blessings to all!

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In the immortal words of Ted, or was it Bill, doesn’t matter. Most excellent missive, looking forward to part two.

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I could not help but not an X posting by what seemed to be a genuine Barron Trump addy. It is hard to tell.

In it, he vigourously defended his father and then went on to end it: WWG1WGA

Any thoughts about that?

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Whether Barron did or didn't personally write that post, I believe it's something he would do.

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