Greetings Frens and Patriots,
Welcome to Part 3 of the White Pill Emporium, a series in which we explain—while remaining as “religion neutral” as possible—how the Divine is involved in war to free humanity from the cabal. The Q operation itself is one of the best pieces of evidence that Divine intervention is taking place, and there is plenty of evidence to be found elsewhere too.
Although this is Part 3, I have endeavored to write it in such a way that it could stand on its own—you can start here if you like, and it won’t make a difference. (This wasn’t true with the first two installments, but I’ve since re-written things so that we can maintain this standard).
For some, the idea that Divine intervention is taking place makes perfect sense, and thus, they need no convincing that this is the truth; meanwhile, for others, such an idea is beyond preposterous. Even more, there will be plenty of people who would like to see
be professionally destroyed for the “offense” of making such a claim.So be it. The price to be paid for bearing false witness regarding matters of the Divine is far greater than the reward for being a “goodie-two-shoes” and sucking up to the Godless authorities of the present academic/”scientific” system (note to the savvy: the phrase “Godless authority” is a contradiction in terms, for all authority comes from God, but I digress…).
Those who have read some of my writings may know that I was raised in a hyper-progressive, atheistic, deep blue part of the country. Most of my surrounding culture was viciously anti-God, and the very notion that one could prove God’s existence (let alone have a deliberate, conscious relationship with God) was considered tantamount to declaring oneself schizophrenic.
Due to such an upbringing, no one could never have convinced me of God’s existence by quoting the Bible—I can assure you that the same goes for many people who you may be trying to reach to help them find God too. The reason I present to you all a means of proving God’s existence that doesn’t rely on scripture is, partly, to help you guys figure out how to reach people who are the way I used to be. You will find that an exacting, logical approach to metaphysics confirms many things written in scripture anyways!
Not only that, but, as said above, a thorough review of the evidence at hand proves (to my satisfaction, at least) that God is involved in the war to free mankind, and there are many things about the Q operation that would tend to confirm this.
Without further ado, let’s get into the heart of the matter.
Divine Intervention and Multiple Timelines
KAG Drogo (a very talented painter and anon) has recently published a phenomenal video explaining how Operation Warpspeed stopped the federal government from putting American citizens into FEMA camps. I put it to you that this event indeed does show us that we “changed timelines”.
It's not necessary to watch the video in order understand what I’m saying in this article, but for those who like to see the video, here it is:
Anyways, all trends seemed to indicate that the NWO was on the verge of completing their plans to permanently enslave mankind, and mass murder all who stood in their way. Badlands readers need no introduction to the NWO—most of you already know what I’m saying here. The important point I want to make is this: when events take an extraordinary turn for the better, against mind-bogglingly steep odds, then it is 100% reasonable to posit that Divine intervention is afoot.
I agree with KAG Drogo in his assessment of Warp Speed. The way I see it, the name “Warp Speed” has multiple meanings. In the first instance, it is meant to refer to the process of rushing out a vaccine—that “layer of meaning” was intended for the masses. But the hidden meaning, in my opinion, is that it refers to the process of forcing the cabal to rush out their “end times” plans faster than they were prepared, thus causing them to fumble and expose themselves (is that not exactly what has happened?).
The cabal’s original plan was to lock us down for years on end, and send all dissidents and “anti-vaxxers” to FEMA camps, presumably to be forcibly injected and/or put to death. Warp speed blocked them from doing this—though many blame Trump for the vaccine mandates, they conveniently leave out the fact that Trump never mandated anybody take anything. (One should always raise one’s eyebrow at those who persistently repeat blatant falsehoods of that nature).
I’m sure many of you can just feel it in your gut that God had a hand in this turn of events (and if that’s you, then you’d be right!) but let’s see if we can explain how this works in logical terms as well.
Enter, the CTMU…
The CTMU and God
If you’ve read the first two parts to this, then you will have heard of the CTMU (which stands for Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe), which is a theory of everything proposed by one of the smartest men in recorded history, Chris Langan. I won’t repeat myself too much here, since a partial introduction to this theory will suffice to explain what this article is about. In so many words, the CTMU confirms what is said in John 1:1, which is that the universe is a perfectly self-contained, living language unto itself.
The proof for this has already been published more than a couple decades ago in a highly technical paper written by Langan (which you can read HERE), and mainstream academia has steadfastly refused to debate him on the merits of his work. (Recently, an insidious troll by the name of “Professor Dave” made a take-down video purportedly “debunking” the CTMU, wherein he lied dozens of times about Chris and his work, and, amazingly, failed to make even ONE factually correct statement about the CTMU).
To make a very long story short, the CTMU shows us that God exists by way of logically proving that God is the ultimate source of coherent meaning and that, without God, the universe would be utterly unintelligible. Indeed, that’s what language (the Word, Logos, etc) does: it stabilizes meaning. You see, you can’t have a functional universe if the objects, events, principles, etc that comprise said universe evince no stability of form or meaning—in other words, x MUST equal x, or else the entire universe collapses into formless, indecipherable goop.
God is THE source of all stable, coherent meaning.
Self-Dual Monism
If you want a coherent theory of everything, you need to be able to reconcile how the universe can somehow be one thing and many things at the same time. It’s not enough to simply say, ‘well that’s just the way it is’—you need to know the how and the why behind the universe’s design if you’re going to claim to know anything close to ultimate truth.
It turns out that language and mathematics are both means by which the universe can “self-divide” and become many (in the beginning was the Word…).
Everywhere one looks, the universe is factored into a physical half and a non-physical half, which are referred to in the CTMU as the terminal and the non-terminal domains of existence. Colloquially speaking, these terms roughly equate to the realm of materiality and the realm of spirit.
Many spiritual and religious teachings have told us of the existence of a non-physical, “spiritual realm” since the beginning of recorded history, however, the CTMU explains how this works in exacting, technical terms. To ease our comprehension of how this works, one can think of these domains as being the part of reality that you can see (the physical realm, terminal domain, materiality, etc) and the part of reality that MAKES the stuff that you can see (the spiritual realm, non-terminal domain, etc).
What you experience through your physical senses as a physical being amounts to the “output” of a metalinguistic process that generates literally everything—including, but not limited to, the various objects and features of the physical world AND your very consciousness as well. (Don’t worry if you don’t know what the word “metalinguistic” means just yet—things will make more sense if you keep reading).
With these ideas firmly in place, it becomes possible to theorize about things like time travel and the “paranormal” in a way that doesn’t require the total abandonment of logic. The key to it all is to realize that causation doesn’t work the same way in the non-terminal domain as it does in the terminal domain that we can physically sense.
(IMPORTANT: I have “simplified” much of the terminology of the CTMU to make it’s features easier to understand for laypeople, but my explanations should only be seen as, at best, a very informal introduction. Though I feel very confident that I’m right about what I’m saying, it would be a disservice to Langan to not offer the caveat that he is the ultimate authority on these matters, not myself.)
On Timelines and Causation
In the terminal domain, causation works more or less the way we think it does—a billiard ball bumps into another, thus causing the second billiard ball to move, etc. You get the idea. I call this linear causation, and the defining characteristic of linear causation is that it places the cause before the effect.
On the flipside, the phrase “non-linear causation” may come across as oxymoronic at first, for isn’t it the case that effects are always preceded by their causes? Doesn’t “non-linear” causation imply, to alter the example above, that the second billiard ball could be “caused” to move before being hit with the first?
In non-linear causation, the order of cause and effect can be reversed, where the effect happens, somehow, before the cause.
Allow me to cut to the chase here: what is required to make the 2nd ball move first is to somehow shift into a new “timeline” where it’s already in the new location. As preposterous as that may sound, there exists a plethora of empirical evidence and logical explanations to support the notion that such things are possible.
Remember how I said that physical reality is one part of the sum-total output of a metalinguistic process that generates both material reality and consciousness itself? Timelines are being constantly generated and refined according to the influence of all minds that participate in them. This means that you can move the 2nd billiard ball either by physically moving it, or by jumping onto a different timeline in which it’s already sitting in its new location.
You cannot influence things in a “non-linear” fashion from inside the terminal domain, however, the terminal domain is itself dynamically coupled to the non-terminal domain where such limitations don’t apply.
Atheistic materialism, whether people realize it or not, amounts to the belief that the terminal domain is the only domain that exists (and for no better reason than the fact that it’s the one that is physically visible!).
When you accept the existence of the non-terminal domain as described by the CTMU, then all kinds of so-called “paranormal” phenomena cease to be mysterious. This includes things like telepathy, synchronicity, retrocausality, and so on. All of the limitations of materialism disappear when one couples the material realm to a dynamic, mental/spiritual realm that is fundamentally unbound by physical causality (aka linear causality).
A Convenient Metaphor
To help us further wrap our heads around these concepts, let us think about the relationship between computer programmers, computer games, and playable characters. Rest assured that I don’t mean to imply that we live inside of a computer—I mean it strictly metaphorically.
In any event, when you’re playing a computer game, you are interacting with code (recall that the universe is a living language unto itself...), and that code is responsible for generating the environment in which the game takes place. That code is also responsible for setting the boundaries for what anything inside the game can do. To play the game from start to finish (which we will refer to from here on out as a “run”) would be akin to creating a timeline.
Notice how, in this model, things aren’t guaranteed to play out in any particular way—instead, a timeline is created on the fly by the choices a given player makes. In real life, just as in a computer game, we experience a limited domain of freedom/choice, where the factors that limit said domain include our environment, our health, our level of intelligence and wisdom, and so on.
Physical reality (terminal domain) is akin to the display of a computer game, whereas metaphysical/spiritual reality (non-terminal domain) is akin to the processor that runs the code (that, in turn, produces content that one can see in the display). Whereas a computer game character is perfectly trapped inside the display of the game, humans aren’t bound by such limitations—for we have one foot in the physical realm (terminal domain) and another in the metaphysical realm (non-terminal domain).
From the perspective of a computer game character, all the events that take place within a particular run of the game do indeed happen in a linear sequence. Event A leads to Event B, which in turn leads to Event C, and so on. Events that happen in a linear progression INSIDE the game are made possible by CODE that exists “OUTSIDE” of the game. And if a character were somehow able to "reach outside” of the game to directly alter the code, then they could alter events and circumstances “inside” the game in a non-linear way.
Have you ever heard of people’s cancer disappearing in an instant? And have you ever heard of other similar miracles that seemingly defy the laws of physics as we know them?
If I’m understanding things correctly, these are ALL examples of a new timeline being generated from within the non-terminal domain, and then subsequently “taking over” from where the “old” one left off.
The mind-blowing truth about time is that it doesn’t “move” anywhere per se—what’s really happening is that we live eternally in the “present moment”, and are constantly generating “time” by virtue of our minds interaction with the terminal and non-terminal domains. It is for these reasons that NEITHER the past nor the future are totally set in stone. (If you think about it, how else can one explain things like the Mandela Effect, or the millions of people out there who sincerely testify that they’ve experienced various “synchronicities”?)
Is Donald Trump a Time Traveler? Have We Stumbled Upon the True Meaning of “5D Chess”?
Many people believe the Trump family knows how to time travel, owing to the fact that his uncle John Trump received Tesla’s papers after Tesla passed away, and it is theorized that said papers contained instructions for how to time travel (or something to that effect).
In support of this theory, many have cited a series of books published in the 1890s by an author named Ingersoll Lockwood that seemingly predict the present events of today. Among these books are The Last President, and Baron Trumps Marvelous Adventure, among others.
The resemblances between the contents of Lockwoods books and certain aspects of the Trump story are indeed uncanny…
Lockwood’s books center around a character named Baron Trump, who lives in Trump Castle, and has a pet dog named Bulger. Fast forward to the present day, and we indeed have a real life Barron Trump, who presumably spends a lot of time at Trump Tower. Furthermore, the Trump family has a dog named Patton, and it just so happens to be the case that Patton was famous for winning the Battle of the Bulge.
But the coincidences don’t end there.
In Lockwood’s book, The Last President, a riot takes place on 5th avenue, at the exact location where the NY Trump Tower exists today. Not only that, but in these books, Baron receives mission-critical instructions from a man known as the “master of all masters”, whose name is Don.
The coincidences don’t end there, I could keep sharing more but this article is already very long, so I’ll leave you with this video if you’d like to keep traveling down this rabbit hole.
By now, I’d say the case for “timeline manipulation” has been well stated. The evidence for it is everywhere, and most belief systems that acknowledge the existence of a non-physical, “spiritual realm” are able to furnish a rudimentary explanation for how such things might be possible. When science and spirituality combine, all limitations disappear save for those that are required to maintain the stability of the universe itself.
Conclusion, For Now
The fact that we can alter reality by virtue of our minds being “embedded” in the non-terminal domain shows us that mind indeed CAN manifest things in the physical domain, by way of various metaphysical processes.
But who created our minds? And what mind is the ultimate mind from which all other minds are derived?
The answer is quite blatant: the answer here amounts to a fully rational description of God!
Owing to the hypnosis and programming of the modern academic system, we tend to think of the universe as a “thing”… but what if that’s wrong? What if the universe is actually a BEING?
Well, according to the CTMU, God is the identity of ultimate reality, and reality is indeed a vast, living, conscious being.
Given that God is “conscious” (put in quotes because God’s consciousness is of a fundamentally different order than the kind we experience as humans), it stands to reason that God hears our prayers and intentionally answers them. Obviously, God would need to find a way to communicate to us humans in a manner that can be recognized by ourselves on our level of existence.
God would not send us signs and clues that He knows we can’t read. What would be the point of that? To think that God intentionally communicates to us in a manner that couldn’t be deciphered by ourselves would be an absurdity.
Gods ways are not as mysterious as many claim they are, and I frankly wonder if that, in and of itself, is a psyop. Off the top of my head, I can think of a dozen or more industries and power brokers who profit very handsomely from the fact that people assume that God is somehow inaccessible or incomprehensible to them.
At the same time, God probably won’t send messages to people before they’re ready—He may choose, instead, to populate our environment with clues that can be understood by those who have the will to learn and understand, thus filtering out those who aren’t able to handle the truth yet.
All I’m saying is this: Donald Trump, more than anyone else I’ve ever seen, could be described as a living avatar of the American spirit itself. The Trump/Q operation appears in many ways to be a response to the prayers of millions of Patriots. It’s very conspicuous how well he has been cast into this role, and I don’t believe that this is an accident. I believe Donald Trump was chosen for this role, perhaps even before he incarnated physically.
Case in point: did you know that his first full day as President occurred exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days after he was born? What are the odds that that would happen by pure coincidence, especially when one considers the hundreds of other coincidences and Q proofs associated with Trump and Q?
I shall end where we began: there is no doubt in my mind that Divine Intervention has placed us on a new timeline where we finally achieve total freedom from the cabal. From where I’m standing, it’s clear that the Trump and Q operations have furnished us with the means to know for ourselves that this is true, but have allowed us to meet them halfway by taking the initiative ourselves to learn the truth.
When we pray to God, and intelligently work with the feedback we receive, then we begin to enter into a conscious relationship with our Maker—it may seem like I’m toggling between giving the Q team credit for rescuing humanity vs giving all the credit to God, but the reality is that I believe Trump and the Q team are intentionally collaborating with God through the same means that are available to all of us (namely, prayer, the observance of signs, etc). Ergo, credit goes to BOTH.
Yes, it all sounds too “far-fetched” to be true, but the alternative explanation—that all of this is happening purely by coincidence or by the hand of man alone—is even less credible than the Divine Intervention theory to which I personally subscribe.
And with that, dear Frens, I will get back to writing…
As I like to say, stay stocked up and prayed up! A better future is just around the corner, and nothing can stop its arrival.
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The prophet Kim Clement prophesied Q and A along with Trump having a weapon in his hand and the weapon being an idea(information warfare). He called Trump a genius and that wasn’t of himself, it was a gift from God.
Many Americans understand that there are major spiritual aspects to this war, and Trump's victorious sweep. He also had next to nothing to so with Warp Speed. The covid op was all set up years in advance, and he walked into it, and made the best of it. If he didn't the media would have crucified him, and they tried to anyway.
Much of the CTMU is a clever expression of information that the German/Austrian genius Rudolf Steiner released that had previously been occulted. He called his field spiritual science, and he could read the Akashic Record. Much of the occult carries a negative connotation but not all of it is dark. There's a light side, and Steiner was a truth warrior.