The prophet Kim Clement prophesied Q and A along with Trump having a weapon in his hand and the weapon being an idea(information warfare). He called Trump a genius and that wasn’t of himself, it was a gift from God.

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All should be aware that Clement was a false prophet. God said if a prophet prophesies and it does not happen then he is a false prophet.

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Many Americans understand that there are major spiritual aspects to this war, and Trump's victorious sweep. He also had next to nothing to so with Warp Speed. The covid op was all set up years in advance, and he walked into it, and made the best of it. If he didn't the media would have crucified him, and they tried to anyway.

Much of the CTMU is a clever expression of information that the German/Austrian genius Rudolf Steiner released that had previously been occulted. He called his field spiritual science, and he could read the Akashic Record. Much of the occult carries a negative connotation but not all of it is dark. There's a light side, and Steiner was a truth warrior.

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He didn't walk into it blind. He knew exactly what they had planned which is why he forced their hands to collectively and simultaneously offer vaccines or be barred from the market entirely. So, they all magically have jabs at the same time 5 months later? Revenue pours in, jabs roll out but i believe most were purely placebo.

We have been at war since 9/11/01, it's just that they had no one playing against them (in the open) until 2015. That was the announcement to the cabal. It was a genius power play that no one checked. Hahaha!! So brilliant.

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I like reading the daily Badlands Media but I don't agree with this:

"The cabal’s original plan was to lock us down for years on end, and send all dissidents and “anti-vaxxers” to FEMA camps, presumably to be forcibly injected and/or put to death. Warp speed blocked them from doing this—though many blame Trump for the vaccine mandates, they conveniently leave out the fact that Trump never mandated anybody take anything. (One should always raise one’s eyebrow at those who persistently repeat blatant falsehoods of that nature)."

Trump should never have locked down the country nor spent billions on Warp Speed. We don't know if he would have implemented "forced vaccination, like Biden did, because he lost right before the mRNA bio-weapon was made available. "You don't need a Q to know which way the wind blows.


Please share widely. If you work or are a parent be aware that state legislation is being passed to "force vaccinate" your children and those that work. The main focus of this essay centers on talk of a coming Plandemc 2.0 and Trumps ongoing support for mRNA injections. The "forced vaccination" agenda is coming back. The right to refuse any vaccine, especially a mRNA injection, is a basic human right that we must fight to preserve. The second focus is the growth of the Anti-Globalist movement and the Globalists attempts to label us as Pro-Russia, Xenophobes and Racists which, of course is nonsense. The essays are for those that want an indepth analysis of current events. If you were to print it out it would be 61 pages. Don't do that.

Trump's Election Victory is major win for the Anti-Globalist Movement World Wide

But his recent statements about mRNA injections are concerning


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Well written article! You have explained and put into words the ideas that have been disconnectedly developing in my mind through these times. Thank you and keep up the good work!

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Excellent! Words are alive and therefore there are many ways to say the same thing, however it does take a spiritual mind to truly understand them!

Ha! 17 comments ahead of mine. Wink wink

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Thanks for that refreshing and encouraging read, friend.

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Really making me think AH and that is a good thing.

I have know that is word that the Hand Of God to break us out of the Evil that the Cabal has trapped us in. With that it makes sense that Trump/Q are part of God;s Plan. Mind blowing but not...

Looking forward to your next article.

Merry Christmas!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I've always found this area fascinating and empowering in reverence of accountability kinda way. To be truly accountable for all we believe together. That's a massive responsibility when it's given to you.

What a great article, thank you!

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SPOT ON- you are now the second to say this- i am a student of many disciplines. If all are saying the same thing just different terminology. If it walks like a duck- currently reading the Michael prophecies. Christ LOGOS-all is one

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Basically, this is describing "The Conscious Universe" that Dean Radin wrote a book about. BTW, American Hypnotist, you need to revise your use of apostrophes. The rest of your writing is excellent.

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Could you be more explicit about the apostrophes, Manolis? Give an example or two?

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You want me to work for no pay? Usually, I get paid for copy editing. Well, OK:

"...to make [it’s] features easier to understand..."

"...Baron [Trumps] [Marvelous] Adventure..." (Marvellous).

"...the contents of [Lockwoods] books..."

And a bonus: "...as a “thing”[…] but what if that’s wrong?" (The ellipsis should not be used here as it indicates missing words. It should be replaced with a dash.)

There are more missing apostrophes. See if you can spot them.

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This is a fair introduction to the wizarding world (better than Rowland's Hogwarts and all). When one realizes the only time is NOW and the only spatial location is HERE then the fun and games can really begin.

One can begin to glimpse it along the Hubbard-Velikovsky-Heinlein vector... or as Michael Valentine Smith proclaimed: Thou art God.

Act accordingly.

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Thou art God, and so is everyone else. Act accordingly.

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Why I like Facebook

The ability to edit

When "IN FLOW"

My fingers cannot type fast enough.

Sloppy work?

Mis spellings?

Mistakes have value too!




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Nice to see that Badlands has jumped to a new time line with respect to allowing its followers to acknowledge the outstanding work of KAG Drogo on their platform (even if the link to his work was omitted). This is further evidence of the Divine Intervention of which you speak. Onward solider!

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I've experienced meeting some state or "Being" who proclaimed HirSELF as "The Scribe," author of all characters in the Play or Game. You could say it is the Spark of Life from the Divine that is like an Escher staircase that endlessly unrolls; it is a Substance that embeds itself within its emanations, a fractal branching set of microcosms with "higher" macrocosms.

I could go on and on with more metaphors of Trees and branches containing fruit and seed with more trees and branches containing....etc. etc.

In this state you could say that "God" communicates with "us," but the realization keeps popping through (which is unnerving to that film of ego or "me" that lingers) that "I" am God talking to myself. And "I" am talking to and perceiving My Self in the Mirror of Matter. (you feel you could reach for your neighbor's pie but something tells you not to!)

An important take-away from this moment: all characters (personae) are "on a run," but no one really dies, as "we" are made of the Breath or Will of "God", a sensitive chaos that can take on an Image, an Impression (magnetic field recording medium); which substance is mutable, transitory, shifting, molting, regenerating....the substance of the ST-One of the Philo-Sophia-er as it were.

The characters have their run, but return back into the "pen" or "inkwell" of The Scribe, making "us' part of a Never Ending Story.

When you as the character touch upon this inner truth then the fear of Death passes away.

Yes, there are good guys and bad guys, and injustices, and Opposers in the Game, but the terminal wold is Two-terminal, it's electrical and there must be Flow to make the Story keep flow-ering.

When the curtain falls, all the actors meet up afterward "you were a great villain! I get to play him next time!"

To have a Game, one team wins and the opposing team loses. Suffering produces electron flow just a love does. It is the contrast and tension that makes the Game.

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I, too, subscribe to your Divine Intervention theory, American Hypnotist. Thank you for this excellent Part 3.

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