
Excellent work Hypnotist!!!!

Bring on the Awakening!!

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Thanks, Joe! Godspeed to us all!

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Extremely well said. Curious to hear more about the "off world intelligence, or something demonic" behind the scenes.😉 I'd wager that free will, and it's connection to your soul, including the battle to control it, may be in play.

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Thank you for your kind words.

I don't think the cabal could do what they've done without some kind of assistance—neither Yuval Harari nor Bill Gates or any of their buddies appear to me to be capable of the kind of discipline, insight, coordination, and long-range planning necessary to run the slavery matrix. I rather suspect they are proxies for a parasitic egregore of some kind. Whatever it is, I do think that our free will is capable of saying NO to it—hence why it expends so much effort in staying "undiscovered".

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Yes, but to truly be capable of saying NO , would require complete impeccability, on the physical, mental and spiritual levels .That which Sovereign beings have attained. No small task, but a task we must commit to. I'ts beyond intellect. It requires everything our modern society promotes against, a purified, ego less Soul.

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I agree we need to be Sovereign for our "NO" to count. Absent that, a being (or group of beings) capable of Sovereignty may be able to step in and do so for us—a bit like trading a psychopathic babysitter for a decent one. To be honest, I wonder if something like that has already occurred—if nothing can stop what is coming, then perhaps this means that a change in guard has already taken place, and we're just witnessing the chaotic transition.

I could be wrong about that—I'm just speculating.

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Re "...a change in guard has already taken place, and we're just witnessing the chaotic transition." This is correct. It seems thoroughly bizarre of course and perhaps one could say it is like a pantomime playing out.

Which it is of course. All the world's a stage and all the people merely players etc. etc.

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From the common man's perspective, a benevolent and wise Soverign Monarch may be the second best form of rule. Behind that of common men and women achieving the same, and forming a collective of sovereign beings. Not likely to appear on this plane in the immediate future, unfortunately. But we can strive for it. Ad Astra Per Aspera!

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Never gonna happen on this present fallen world. Only when the Lord Jesus Christ returns for Judgment Day, and then come the new heavens and new earth, when His people will be glorified (no more sin!) and His enemies thrown into hell.

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I am beginning to think Clif High could be at least partially correct. The off world force is probably the ones called the Elohiem. Or the "El"

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Here is Elena Danaan's take on it -- I post this not as an endorsement since I have no way of knowing whether it is true or not; but if it is not true it is a very creative and imaginative work of fiction:


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Like you, read variations over the years, including the Sumerian translations by Sitchen. Sumerian translations seem plausible and this is the first time I’ve read Federation material that even mentioned Enki. Seems fantastical, but the Bible is for Earth’s inhabitants so no surprise there are no mention of other life forms in the universe....the universe we can’t even imagine.🤔

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When the Bible was originally written, people were capable of imagining even less than today. Which is why numerous things are kept simple, God creating the heavens and the earth in six days for example. Talking about nanoseconds (the Big Bang) or billions of years (from the creation of earth to today) would have labeled the author as certifiably crazy. Those things were just not in the realm of possibility; they had to be described in ways that basically said what happened, and put it in a timeframe people could relate to. Six days' work and a day off -- that was something they could understand.

I have believed since I was young that there was something out there that we didn't know about, or at least we weren't being told about it. I can't prove any of it, it's just something that I feel -- there is much more to the universe, and the galaxy, than we know; and if we open our minds, someday we may learn about it.

Elena says it will happen sooner than we thought, and it's all part of and related to what Trump has been doing with the White Hats. What a time to be alive. 💖

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It’s very exciting!!

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I looked up Elena Danaan and found on her website: "Elena Danaan is an Archaeologist who spent many years working on diverse sites in Egypt and in France studying ancient cultures. Hereditary Shaman, she also studied Pagan spirituality, Magic and Alchemy. She was trained and ordained as a Druidess." Beware. Magic and witchcraft are forbidden by God's Word. I wouldn't put much stock in someone who practices these things.

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Which God forbade it? The divine creator of all life? I doubt it.

Jehovah? Probably.

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Wild Bill and Altab, thanks for the info share. Yeah, this all "down the rabbit hole" stuff. The Sitchin work has been continued and improved upon, imo, by Paull Wallis, of the Fifth Kind.

And the Galactic Federation materials include Michael Salla and Robert Greer and the disclosure project. Lot's out there. LOTS!

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Just got around to checking Danaan out. I think with this type of information, if it resonates with a person, they should use the inspiration in their own within journeys.

I have the Ashayana Deane information in this category. Check this out, if you are drawn to it. True? The extremely detailed information is very impressive.


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Behind the scenes, it's simply biblical. With permission, evil spiritual beings have driven the elites to carry out subversion of Yahweh God's purpose. The cabal have granted such permission for many generations, but this present generation will fall to the Great Awakening.

Isaiah 63 indicates the sons of God should have helped Jesus saved humanity but instead they chose to stand aside and let Him bear the cross.

Psalm 82 says these sons of God will be laid in the ground and die like men.

Dr. Michael Heiser's works on these subjects is most beneficial to help see through the clouds of deception.

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Very well written article, very well thought out too. I have been writing about these Parasites for a while now. They have a very complex history. You are 100% correct about the infiltrations, I like to refer to them as linguistic infiltrations; cultural infiltrations; soft infiltrations; hard infiltrations.

Linguistics are at the center of the manipulation game they play, this Segways into cultural acceptance of their demands for arbitrary hierarchy; giving them that tacit approval they used for the other two. Soft infiltration includes philanthropy and social manipulation; control of religion, which leads to hard infiltrations by both control and development of Government.

Just look at the word "Government"

Govern = Control

Ment (mentality) = Mind

The zombie thing is really a symbol. That which is empty of the sense of God Self within. So the endless "hunger" is the sense of always being empty, yet due to desire, always seeking fulfillment in the outside world.

Those who see god in themselves will see it everywhere and always be content.

Those who see emptiness in themselves will see that everywhere and always be hungry. Yet nothing they can find in the outside world will ever satisfy them.

The "Gods" these Parasites "serve" are not the native form of the gods, regular humans sense through traditional symbolism. It is very likely at this point that they are consciously serving an off world invasionary force. The consensus is that they are called the Elohiem.

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Exactly—a zombie was always an occult metaphor to refer to a being who isn't "dead" but isn't really "alive" either because they have no soul/will/connection to God/etc. It's telling that zombies usually want to eat brains—their brains were consumed, and so they must go forth and consume other peoples brains. This is a perfect metaphor for the way that indoctrination can spread as a sort of social contagion.

Whatever this offworld force may be, it does seem to be very adept at using human beings to spread self-defeating ideologies, using extremely subtle manipulation of language/culture to do so.

Thanks again for your kind words and support!

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You are clearly seeing the deeper meanings in what is going on. What really blows my hair back is that we are all experiencing a time in which these Parasites have become so desperate and so greedy that they are now trapped in their own movement; resulting in so many people being able to actually "see" what it is they are doing. As I reflect on everything I've seen so far, I find myself feeling a deep sense of gratitude for being a part of this awakening. Thank you for that reflection.

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Bravo Nefahotep!

Your name is Egyptian? Curious of the meaning.

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The translated meaning: Nefer means beautiful. Hotep means peace. But the hieroglyphs show it also means balance between the living world and the world of the spirit. I liken it to be "balance is king of two lands." I have been studying ancient symbolism for awhile. It gets interesting. I only spell it nefahotep because it is easy to pronounce.

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"means balance between the living world and the world of the spirit."

I will keep this explanation as the best one to me: I like its deep meaning !

God bless you ! (even in ancient Egyptian if needed !) 🙏

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God bless you too 🙏 Life experienced deeply awakens us.

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

The war is already won by God. Probably the main reason it is not yet over is that God want to heal the human beings who were very wounded by dark forces and still are under the dark spell. But when you look at a sunrise is clear that nobody can stop the sun to rise. Maybe that is the reason that sunrise is so optimistic. Cannot be stopped.

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It's very nicely said / put !

Thank you. God bless you ! 🙏

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Exactly! I’ve studied various ancient cultures’ systems of worship. You are spot on. As Marxism (as an example) removes any possibly of a higher power, so do these blood cults. Satan was given a ‘time’ to rule the earth and this seems why the cults still operate. God created humanity with individual worth and freedom and your comment captures the evil ones’ greatest fear:

‘Could it be because humanity is more powerful than whatever force may be out there trying to enslave the masses against their will?’

Thank you. God bless you.🙏

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

"We are told [by High Vaunted Science in their Vaulted Ivory Tower] that we can’t know the true purpose nor the true nature of anything in particular; but, ironically, to declare something to be “unknowable” presupposes a degree of direct knowledge of that which allegedly cannot be known."


Scientist #1:

There is No Such Thing, as absolute truth !

Scientist #2:

Absolutely !!

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BINGO. That hits the nail on the head.

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

I really enjoyed your article. Spiritual and uplifting. Truth will set the world free. Thanks for sharing.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

You covered all the bases and my concerns after so many years and experiences. Thank you. Nicely written article that says it so clearly. I appreciate what you have done. This time I can pass it onto the non listening ears because of how you have said it.

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Thank you kindly! Best wishes to you in your efforts in sharing this info with others.

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Great comment, and agree, this needs to be shared!

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Excellent piece but I do view a couple things differently. Ba'al and Molluch aren't God's they're principalities. And when Eve listened to Satan in the Garden she gave him authority over man that God couldn't correct/overcome until Jesus. We've regained authority but we don't know it yet. Watch for my substack.... I've just went through Eschatology school and I'm ready to share the news!

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That's excellent to hear that you're starting a substack—the way I see it, we need all hands on deck in this moment in history. We may not always see to eye to eye on all the details, but the more of us go out there and tell the truth (as best we can) the merrier. I wish you the best of luck!

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

Well written article, clear, understandable and logical. Now need to check out the book you mentioned.

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by American Hypnotist

A truly thoughtful piece. Brings Peace💛

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"...certain Aztec gods bore the same demands; the phenomenon is known worldwide by many names."



Mayan, with a predilection, for beating hearts.


"So The Flowering


Of Life...

Wove its web

Face to face,

with The-shallow...

And their gods sought out

And conquered


Do the leaves of green..."

~ Jon Anderson {YES}

The Ancient.

Giants under the Sun.

Tales from Topographic Oceans.

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When the master had 500 acres of cotton he needed slaves to harvest before their were machines. When machines do all the manual work and robots do all the skilled labour and computers do all the brain work we all become useless eaters (yes even you WEFfers). At this point, men get soft bodied and addle minded and machines and computers fail slowly then all at once and the whole satanic system of systems control nothing and men are free to seek food and shelter or die trying.

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Thanks for the good essay! They are preconditioning both sides (patriots/woke masses) as I assert in the following short essay:


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Great lesson on how our language has been twisted to serve their evil ends. Zombie Apocalypse indeed. I am waiting for normies to wake up so we can share our Great Awakening!

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Such an incredibly important topic. Charles Clemens also touched on this very topic yesterday, saying it is a spiritual war. I agree completely. It is the fundamental reason for all the madness that has been going on for ever, but seems to be coming to a crescendo.


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