Oct 10·edited Oct 14Liked by Erik Carlson

DJT is arriving in our back-yard this weekend (Prescott Valley, AZ). There will be more people here, as usual, than at any event Kakala will pay people to attend. The rallies are cathartic. They bring people together with a shared energy of positive inevitability, kinship of ideals, and faith in a God greater than ourselves and greater than our enemies.

In our area we often discuss the three options you described. Most of us are not ready to tolerate another steal, however. In the case of a steal-in-progress I don't condone violence, but I do envision and encourage MASS protests by regular Americans. Many in our area are bound to also be a bit spicy if provoked. We will demand to be heard and will not tolerate being forced to dissemble--after all we have the right of peaceful assembly. We intend to use it if necessary....

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I trust in God. I also keep reminding myself of the things Trump has said, like "We caught them all. We have it all" etc. He and the patriot team are NOT going to just let the left take another 4 years, or even a fraction of that. They have to have made plans for every possibility of what the enemy would do. Trusting in Christ above all. In Jesus is the only totally safe place to be.

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Amen, Margot.

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I absolutely agree that Harris will not be allowed to "run the country" for the next 4 years. Not a chance. But I 80% expect that they will cheat her into winning the election - in unavoidably obvious ways. Naturally, I the 20% is hope that he wins and we can begin the process of opening and cleansing wounds.

I like your Lewinksy theory, back then I was clueless to any details we've since exposed, and that definitely adds up rationally.

Will respond more in a bit here but in sum I agree with just about everything you're putting out there.

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Look back at this thread and find the Monica Red Pill.

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I wasn't aware, thank you! That makes perfect sense.

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The author of this article is popping blue pills by the handful. Instead of embracing reality and finding a functional way to deal with it, he prefers to burrow ever deeper into fantasy and delusion.

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Ahh yes, another Black Piller arrives in queue.

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Pray tell, o wise one, what is the "reality" that the author is missing?

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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

Awesome piece, Erik. Spot on, and beautifully articulated. Quick Q: Why do you think Diddy was arrested now? I can't wrap my head around the DS timing and/or goal of this. Curious...

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Too far from the election and people would have moved on from it. We are conditioned to have short term memories and attention spans.

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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

Indeed Mr. Carlson, you hit the nail on the head. Our entire society is based on 4 year cycles, impressed upon us by the schooling system. We would do well to learn from the Chinese, to think and plan in 25 year increments.

Thank you for your insightful and thoughtful article, I have been musing on the election as well, and was surprised to see someone else post an echo of my thoughts.

Like you, I was often considered 'a conspiracy theorist', until my predictions of a "plague", lock downs, lawfare, and existential war all came true before their eyes. The jokes are fewer now, but I also became far more selective about whom to warn, you can't help someone determined to remain in the cult, and I no longer feel compelled to.

I don't share the weather manipulation, or MK Ultra practices that have evolved over the past 80 years, or the interwoven complexes that treat the population as cattle to be managed and harvested. I just suggested buckling up and getting prepped for a rough 6 months, this time I get grim faced nods instead of jokes.

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When I interact casually with people they are aware that things aren't good and to whatever extent they understand why. There is a demoralization and acceptance that is evident. Or maybe that's just me. I heard someone say in answer to the question what is happening ?, the reply was "you mean besides the collapse of America?"

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Sadly Wilson, I hear it a lot too, but "collapse" suggests its inevitable, like its a force of nature akin to a fallen log has no choice but to rot because that's nature's cycle. But people like us know this is deliberate and orchestrated. So i *always* fire back with "You mean the *planned* destruction of America."

Almost always, I get a confused, but still interested response. I know its foolish to lay out all the evidence in one massive infodump, its too much for anyone really. So instead I say something along the lines of this:

"they keep telling us they're smarter and know so much more than the rest of us, so why then do they keep making moronic mistakes any one of us can spot a mile away, that WE have to pay for, while they keep getting richer and can't be held accountable? haven't you ever wondered why its ok for them to do insider trading, but you land in prison? Do you really think it stops there?"

I have yet to see that -not- work on anyone outside of the cult. The much harder thing to do of course, is answer the follow up question of what to do. Because we can all see now how corrupted our judiciary has become. Answering that takes a lot of hours and a lot of beers/coffee to dig into.

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great response. I agree. The progression is clear and all the indicators for what is to come are as well.

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Joe, would you be willing to start a Substack and giver some of this for us? We’re all here to learn more of the truth.

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It's a distraction from some very important things going on. Stuff that Badlands refuses to cover.

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Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?

Submit some articles to Badlands covering this stuff. Or start your own Substack.

Basically do something useful instead of knocking everyone else.

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good answer, Wild Bill.

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He already spent his last dime on "WATCH OUT!! JD VANCE IS A PEDOVORE!!!"

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What exactly are these big topics that Badlands REFUSES to cover?

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What kind of things do they refuse to cover?

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If I understand your question, why do you think the DS had anything to do with the Diddy arrest? This came out of the SDNY with a long history of taking out Deep State agents - Epstein, Maxwell, Weinstein, Adams, Hochul aide Linda Sun, 2 consecutive NYC police commissioners...

Q4484 Jun 20, 2020 1:00:58 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: c6f403 No. 9682825



Importance of SDNY control?


Weiner evidence collection

Clinton Foundation

Epstein evidence collection


(focus on above [for now])

[Watch NYC]



POTUS refusal to formally nominate?

APPOINTED TO POST BY SDNY JUDGES [unusual][removal of 'acting']?

The stakes are high.

They will fight.

Super bowl > puppy show


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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

I'm beginning to like 'door #1' more and more. This today:


...and the fact that all the 'bubbling under' scuttlebutt is Trump in a landslide. While nothing is 'too big to rig,' it can be too big to rig and hide it successfully.

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I also think that the financial "types", those handling massive Baby Boomer 401k's, etc. are panicking at the thought of the Feds confiscating huge amounts out of what we have saved for over 30 years. Sounds like Kammie (her handlers, actually) wants to take all our money to pay down the debt. I think most of the trillions in debt are due to theft by the Deep State.

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They don't want it to pay down the debt, just to be clear. Debt is what drives their entire system. They want to convert debt into real assets via various forms of foreclosure.

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How about those trillions that have built the Deep Underground Bases around the country? We need an accounting of where the money went.

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the two trillion the pentagon couldn't account for before 9/11 seems to have gone down the memory hole so why not every other theft and corruption?

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Yes. Buy gold and bury it somewhere, if she 'wins.' (not financial advice, just common sense)

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Does your local grocery store accept payment in gold?

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Not yet, and they don't take bitcoin either.

For such things, many recommend 'constitutional' or 'junk silver.' 90% silver pre-1964 US coins (also Canadian from the same era): mostly dimes and quarters, also some half dollars. Today they'd only give you face value for it -- but when TSHTF, junk silver, whiskey, cigarettes, and ammo will be hot commodities. All will likely become tradeable, until reason again prevails and a new system rises from the ashes of the old.

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Utterly ridiculous. The trillions in debt are the result of voters demanding more government than they're willing to pay for, and congresscritters and Presidents giving them what they ask for. There's nothing secret about it.

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You clearly know nothing about why and how the debt even exists at all. Why are all black pillers so predictably ignorant but certain they're right?

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Debt exists when you spend more than you take in. If I'm missing something here, please enlighten me. As for pills of any color, I prefer even ugly truths to pretty lies.

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Debt exists because banks create money. Congress is required by law to borrow from the Federal Reserve, the genesis of money in the USA. Every dollar the Fed creates is actually a Promissory Note (Federal Reserve Note). A promise to pay in the future. In other words, it is also debt. Literally, every single dollar printed is an obligation to the Federal Reserve. This entire game is designed to capture the people using debt.

When the people are debtors, they are easily manipulated. It enables and exasperates money scarcity.

There are 3 primary means of controlling people here: religion, law, and money. The banking class uses debt as their means to control. The legal society uses law. The pope (as an example) uses religion. Law is actually just an extension of religion really.

I know you're not listening, but for others it may help them understand this whole damned system.

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. . . exacerbates money scarcity. Well summed up, Gregory.

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You seem to have a very shallow understanding of the situation, but a level of conviction that would earn you a Dunning Kruger award 👏

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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

This is a great article, that starts out simple and gradually lead you into “tin hat land”. I could almost share this with my dad! lol. Question-I’m missing something here-why would the hurricane devastation force the eastern ports to open? Thanks for a great piece. I’d stand around and listen to you if I’d been at that event too!

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I think it could have been portrayed that the port closures would keep the people from getting the supplies they desperately needed.

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It's all mental chess?


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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

Ah -of course. Thanks. 😊

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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

I hate to admit that we won’t get this resolved immediately, but I do pray it will be a landslide for Trump that the furious cabal minions here take straight to court vs. a successful Harris cheat that the conservatives will have to take to court.

It might be more likely that Trump does win and they march straight to court as it would (via discovery) allow all of the cheating evidence to be included in the official record. Now this smacks of the perfect sting & pincher movement. One can hope (and pray, too)!

Thank you for sharing your God-given gifts with us! Blessings to you and your family.🙏🙏

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You ignore a very real 4th possibility: Trump plays the Trump Card and drops the truth of 2020 election fraud that is irrefutable. Maybe Scotus weighs in and nullifies it due to fraud. How many times did Trump say that you don't get to rob Tiffany's and keep the diamonds? If he waits until after the election, the optics are terrible and it looks like political retribution. I believe the truth hits in Red October.

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Yes, I guess that’s what I meant when I said election fraud could be exposed before the election. But as you point out, it could nullify a 2024 election all together.

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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

Interesting... and possible.

Whatever happens, buckle up your seat belts. The train's about to leave the tracks...

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This would be like fighting the river with a fire hose. The media has already brainwashed too many to accept the results, and this late in the game it won't have the psychological impact on the masses you would like to see.

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I think this election year, with the media presenting the race as nail biter close with national polls looking basically close to 50 50 is the Narrative setter. The media may not be lockstep together and are sort of in their own "archipelago" as Burning Bright says. They [CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Wapo, et al] aren't unified in knowing the election will be stolen successfully, but their higher up pupeteers who set the narrative [ie: CIA and intel community deep state] only know the effort to steal it will occur. So I'm not sure that Intel of an assured steal is being given to each msm media outlet. Even fox News. Their strategy in 2016 didn't work by grossly overestimating hillary in polls and all but assuring her win, and DS underestimating Trump by not cheating hard enough. Llast time in 2020 worked by overestimating Biden in polls and having Covid and mail in balloting as the Official Story and rationale. Now, there's no pandemic, more election integrity laws/ more awareness of fraud, Trumps popularity growth exponentially, and Harris being a bumbling fool. They can't underestimate Trump this time and acknowledge it, and they cant go all in on an assured kamala victory, so they just revised to basically running a "2 man under" madden defense so to speak and play it somewhat "safe". Harris wins by fraud - "this was projected as a close election" Harris wins by stealing NC GA NV and Trump wins WI PA and AZ and MI, easy cover story - Trump can't cry fraud if he wins swing states he had a legit chance to win. Basically, media is gonna accept a Trump win on election night or a Harris win. The question becomes what the follow up narrative is if Trump wins. That's why you see more stories of Russia russia Russia, more Jack Smith, table top TIP game exercises and the mini movie coming out, more "what a second Trump term will do to democracy". We should be prepared for anything like Erik said

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Zero possibility. If there were one iota of evidence of massive and systematic fraud it would have been exposed years ago. Every single time any of the grifters pushing this lie has been in a position of put up or shut up, they shut up. As for Trump, he's 100% into instant gratification. The idea that he could be playing some kind of long game is laughable.

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You sound vaccinated

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And boosted.

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funny, for a split second i thought we had common ground (Zero possibility). But then you had to absolutely ruin it going full retard.

The election was absolutely stolen. It was proven with hard evidence. Deep state courts universally refused to hear evidence.

As for Trump and gratification, he's been working on this since he and JFK Jr were friends. Again: just stop talking.

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Backing up lies with more lies doesn't make them true. How about all those civil suits that got dropped like a hot rock when the plaintiffs were given a chance to present their "evidence"? I suspect their lawyers managed to explain that lying on social media might make you a jerk, but lying under oath makes you a felon.

And if those mean ol' courts wouldn't hear their evidence, why not present it to the public? Aside from the fact that any "evidence" they presented was quickly debunked, and that can get expensive. Just ask Pillow Boy.

Do you seriously expect me to believe that Trump spent decades wheeling, dealing, scheming and scamming as part of some long term plan to "save" the country? Please excuse me while I go look for my eyes. I just rolled them so hard they fell out.

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I appreciate these comments you're dropping. It's important for this group to be reminded that there are otherwise intelligent, well-spoken (written) members of our society who still triple-down on their laughably a$$-backwards TDS narratives. The willful ignorance of useful idiots like this must always be taken into consideration, and I am personally grateful for the self-sorting it provides.

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You're gonna be fun. Hahaha!! oh yes

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If you are interested in learning about the fraud Captain Seth Keshel has excellent documentation and analysis

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MONICA RED PILL--you haven't heard this one, yet

At the time of the Clinton Impeachment, I was a member of the John Birch Society. We were pushing the impeachment because Clinton had sold Long Beach California Port access to the Red Chinese, and other actions putting America into deadly peril. Then as now, Congress were deep state traitors. How to get him off without being convicted? The Mockingbird Media shrieked up the Lewinsky affair "and then he lied about it." The sheeple ate it up and the treason rolled on, though I think the Chinese did leave Long Beach.

Another important thing to wake up to.

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Interesting. Apparently, the affair didn’t go public until a year after it ended. This answers why it would get out.

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Definitely consistent with their MO too. It's the perfect distraction to drown out the sale...

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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

For Trump to truly "win", there is an additional 20% or so that need to be shaken hard enough to wake up. There are many who never will, but America needs to be overwhelmingly "awake". Hard evidence must be exposed and irrefutable. I believe the election and the drama around it will force legal action that will fully expose how the despicable actions of the last several decades has turned us all into debt slaves - and that it CAN be stopped, and there WILL be hope. The buy in will be overwhelming, and the justice can then begin.

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I've read at least throughout these past 4 years, you don't necessarily need close to 100% of the country fully awake. I would say you need maybe about 60-65% awak-ened. There are going to be different levels of Awake. Spectrum of normie adjacent awake [seeing biden and Harris admin incompetency / inflation, the basic optics], slightly more "Tim Pool Benny Johnson Dan Bognino Joe Rogan awake" , regular normie center left or complete moderate biden voter and then us Anons. there's levels. Mostly everyone in the country feels their wallets and families affected, and saw assassination attempts on Trumps life, and see how retarded biden and Harris are. A lot of the extra votes for Trump will be from the slightly normie awakened who didn't vote last election or before or the defecting liberal dem voters begrudgingly swallowing hard and closing their eyes while they drop their ballot in the box checked off for Trump.

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Many with terminal TDS will just sit out this election, unable to support Heels Up Harris but not mentally free enough to vote for "that man".

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I have a feeling that the majority of people just sit it out, unless there is something extraordinary to vote for. Obama was that thing for the Left, and still, the turnout wasn't spectacular. We are told stories about politics, not truths, and the story is always how "close" the vote is. I think we have seen behind the curtain well enough that we understand how manipulated the machines are - and how the documents are backloaded to support the number. Trump's populist movement has become extraordinary, and the desperate moves by the manipulators to make him "lose" was beyond belief (more than 100% in how many districts?) - but it still wasn't enough to cause an uprising by the people to demand accountability. Perhaps this time.

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I don’t know WHY God spared Trump’s life—but was no coincidence. Only He knows who will be president but we do know it will be for His divine purposes. We do have to be prepared for Babylon. This country has mocked God and we are told that He will not be mocked. God does win. Suit up with the armor of God—it is a nasty battle every day.

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There’s another: Kamala withdraws due to circumstances

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She could develop some serious illness or problem to get out and save face. She has to know she is in way over her head!.

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Conspiracy says she’s on video. Thank you Diddy!

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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

Great post, and I would love to see a giant sting. I want massive arrests! However I will love a 49 State sweep as well.

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Yeah, catching them all in the act would be awesome. But I’d like to go to bed election night knowing Trump won.

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I think a lot of Dems will not vote at all. If I were a Dem (demented) I would stay home.

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That's the ideal. But the real issue is exposing election fraud. Trump must be inaugurated to do so. The unknown is such: is it exposed by the process of Trumps petition to be declared the rightful winner of 2024? This method didn't "work" in 2020 [or at least we speculate wasn't part of a greater awakening plan by Trump and team assisting him] - all it did was get anons/patriots to dig for info, fight in state/county government for election reform - some of which has been successful in some states/ with election fraud awareness/awakening. If this plan and the follow up efforts of 2021-2024 didn't put Trump in the white house, then there would be no point for the same strategy to all of sudden work this time. Unless to prove that even with election reform and patriotic work we still have election problems and we will solve them by petitioning courts and "this time will be different and scotus will take the case!" I don't think that's trumps strategy. My guess is that the election fraud is exposed by him winning on election night/few nights after, and the aftermath of the win. Democrats legal challenges, media narratives, then trying to block him from getting inaugurated, will trigger outcomes unfavorable to then concerning EOs on election interference. Then once inaugurated, Trump will declass a lot that becomes the "flood" from the "drip drip" information over the past 8 years.

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Trump only squeaked out a win in '16 because Clinton wasn't all that popular with Dems and was pretty much universally reviled by GOP voters. Enough people in key states held their noses and voted for "not Clinton". He might be able to pull off the same thing against Harris, but it's far from certain. She's not terribly popular, but her lower profile means she doesn't provoke the visceral revulsion that Clinton did. Even if he does win the idea of some kind of landslide is ludicrous. His base is deep but narrow, and his increasingly unhinged and incoherent rantings seem designed to alienate everyone outside that base.

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Lol.....look everyone, he used the "unhinged" trope. Could "unfit" or "Hitlerian" be next?

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lol, like

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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

That's a very interesting point about the Lewinsky/Epstein timeline connection. I had never considered her to be a honeypot but it makes total sense now. I was a teenager during that time and wasn't awake to all that was going on. It is interesting that Lewinsky and Epstein are both Jewish and most believe Mossad used Epstein to blackmail famous people and politicians so it definitely fits! Another dot connected!

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I remember watching the Bill Clinton grand jury questioning on tv, and sitting there with my mouth hanging open when he answered a question about his relationship with Lewinsky with "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the—if he—if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement." I thought, "This cannot be real. The President of the United States lying straight to us on live TV in such a Twilight Zone manner"

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Another WOW delivered by you, Erik. Yes indeedy! The line about remaining positive is most important. Mahalo for the reminder! It is easy to get sucked into the lousch producing negativity of it all and forget what times we are living in. But as is the case when we are witnesses to the death wave that is rolling over us all, we must remember to stand in a loving place. Send them your love, as Stevie Wonder wrote, and this dramatic uptick is certainly no exception. Meantime, there is Hawai’i, my home, my Alohaland. There is a ton of military movement and the sleepy locals are none-the-wiser. But something is happening and I hope we don’t see another Lahaina on Oahu this time. Please and no thank you. Keep the good stuff coming, sir! Malama pono.

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Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson


God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Liked by Erik Carlson

Are you familiar with Derek Johnson @RattleTrap1776 on Telegram, X & Fakebook? Telegram is his best channel. Also he has a website thedocuments.info. He backs everything up with .mil & .gov websites. He has many videos on Rumble. It’s a lot of information but I believe & so do many others (over 167,000 on Telegram) more on X that he is 100% correct. He has also been to Mar A Lago on more than one occasion. Check it out but be prepared to research a lot of information.

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Yes, and he must be over the target(s) as there are many trying to completely discredit him.

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He had numerous useful posts that I've seen so far, and he obviously knows the plan is in play.

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Thank you, will also check him out, I hate Tgram but what can ya do.

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Yes, me too there is a lot of garbage on telegram but Derek puts out the most information on that channel that I know of. I don’t have Fakebook so I can’t speak for that. He’s not in it for the money, & he backs everything up with legitimate government websites. His Rumble live’s can go on for hours but that’s just him trying to catch everyone up.

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He keeps trying to make the populace aware of the fact the Trump has been CIC this entire time but he shouldn't be. No one should know this, if it became publicly obvious this was the case during this period in time right now, it would actually be deleterious to the cause IMO. That awareness can only happen AFTER "the swamp" has actually been drained and after 1 or possibly 2 new generations have been educated without deep state influence in education and media.

So, he knows the truth, but he doesn't understand the plan. IMHO. How does one reply to his video posts? It seems he's turned off TG comms?

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