It is my belief along with thousands if not millions of other “awake” anons, that Xi, Putin & Kim have all been working with Trump for a very long time, perhaps even before he rode down the golden escalator of Trump Tower, to rid the planet of the corrupt evil that the satanic cabal has brought to our doorsteps. I believe that Trump is our modern day David that will defeat this Goliath and prosperity will ensue for a substantial period of time. What a time to be alive!!!🙏🏼✝️

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I believe in this theory, overall.

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I agree

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Who else is aware that Xi Jinping's father was assassinated when he was a very young boy? It's EVERYONE AWARE that Xi it's LITERALLY Chinese royalty from the dynastic periods❓ Perhaps Xi, waiting in the wings, it's avenging his father's DEATH ❓

Much like the narrative of JFK & JR,; TRUMP will finish what was started long ago with the assassination of JFK❓🤔

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....doing a quick check on your info, and I am not able to corroborate your statements. Do you have some 'sauce'?

" Xi Zhongxun died in 2002 at the age of 88."


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I loved this article. It was well written and thoughtful. Enjoyable read...which is so refreshing. I’ve forwarded it and I hope you grow your base. I’ve been following you long enough to know you research everything you put into print. I appreciate the research that I do not have time for. Trust with the author is everything in a read for me...I’m so very tired of the slants and mistruths we get from the MSM.

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Very much appreciate this, Silly.

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Good read and good observation fren,

“Hu was a Globalist’s dream, working with George Bush Jr. and Barack Obama alike in order to ‘strengthen’ ties between Globalists the world over while ever weakening the position of sovereigns.” Keep up the good work!

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Thanks David!

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I was not in the position to clearly understand Hu’s role, but the events during his “reign” seemed to not be to the benefit of either the Chinese or American citizen. That is telling and seems to support your more knowledgeable conclusions. I have observed more recently the actions of Trump in China and paying more attention to the body language of various leaders of interest. The reaction of the global media complex is much more revealing. In fact, the media/political reactions to Putin, Xi, various people running for office, and events in Brazil, to name a few tell me more about the roles they might have in defeating the globalists’ stranglehold. You are also so correct about being awake. Today, visiting family in NJ, took grandchildren to a science museum, and while watching a show in a planetarium was alerted to the show being financed in part from a sister foundation in China. With big bird and other TV characters, a Chinese puppet was introduced and taught a few words in Chinese...my 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10-year olds loved it. I couldn’t take it at face value.

Thank you for your willingness to help educate us. Wonderful!!

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I map the reactions of the Media Industrial Complex.


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ALtab said "grandchildren"

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Thank you BB!!! I am looking forward to your brilliant discussion of Xi and how he is working toward a unified China. We can see the partnership of Xi & Putin forming. It will be fun to explore how Trump can also work with those two leaders!!!!!

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I believe they've been working together behind the scenes for a very long time, with every move planned well in ahead to advance sovereignty for all nations!

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Yes. The takeaway from this is, things are not always what they seem. Legerdemain comes in many colors and flavors. What they are doing, what they are saying, what they say they are doing, and what others are saying about them are not the same thing. It is all about the narrative, and what we are allowed to see is limited to that which supports the narrative they want us to believe.

Belief -- that is what it is all about. This has been a massive psy-op, in the works for a long time. First we start out thinking maybe since the 2020 election... then we see signs in the distance pointing back further... 9-11 maybe... then the Cold War, then WW2 and pretty soon, once your mind starts seeing it this way, you realize that there is convincing evidence that this has been happening for centuries and possibly millennia.

At that point, you become aware of how entangled and complex the whole mess is, and the corollary to that, is how evil it is. And it truly is evil, of a magnitude that we are at first incapable of comprehending. A world with such evil in it is not a place most of us would choose to inhabit, so we try to deny it. As the evidence mounts to the point where denial is no longer possible, we then find ourselves enlightened to the point of realizing how the world truly has worked ever since history books have been written. And that the history in those books, part of the psy-op. Controlled by [them].

At that point, we are ready to take them on. We have nothing left to lose -- if we lose and [they] win, we're no worse off than we would have been doing nothing. But if we and the Sovereign Leaders win, the yoke of evil will be ripped off, and perhaps forever. The true Age of Enlightenment will begin.

This fight is that important.

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Truth is stranger than fiction. The more you learn, the more true you realize that truism is.

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Well said what I pray for everyday we all can feel it coming the age of SPIRIT melding Body Mind true enlightenment from within without. Living Freedom with Justice For ALL. It’s our job to see and name the enemies GODS promise to make a way for our Victory.

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Thanks for reading, Emerald!

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What do you folks think about the old way of voting?? A much more HONEST way of voting?? Paper ballots are more tamper proof if done THE OLD WAY. And don't let the DNC, or the RNC tell you it can't be done This is how it works. Everything is done in one room only with a camera recording all. After the people mark their ballots, they use their phone camera to take a picture of their ballot before placing it in the Ballot Box, which CANNOT be moved!! Then the votes are counted, ballot by ballot, pulling out one at the time, with every member of a committee verifying the vote - verbally (all recorded), then marked on each committee member's sheet. Then on to the next ballot, and counted ballots placed in another Ballot Box, which CANNOT be moved!! You'll have a recorded verbal count, with each committee member's tally sheet marked. There is no room for mistakes, fraud, rigging, double voting, etc. It would be tedious work, yes, but we'd have a better chance on having a more honest election.

The two hardest  and/or having your state legislature issue paper ballots with monitored counting, which will be next to impossible. Don't forget that many of our professional politicians are subsidized by Big Money and know when Trump gets in, they're out/  They'll try it on Nov. 3, 2020 because they've been getting away with it for so many decades. As they get off their buses, herd them into a paddy wagon or ICE van. All illegals, with their families, automatically deported, and also all those naturalized after June 2015, when The Kenyan changed the Swearing in Oath. Others penalized according to Voter Fraud Law.

The hard part would be checking for illegals or non-citizens in those democrat run states, like WHEN they came here and WHEN they were naturalized, We also know we have to keep an eye out for illegals and felons being driven to the polls in groups, so we can take pictures or videos, including the plate number of the vehicle. We should also be putting "Alien or Non Alien" on all drivers licenses! We have opened the doors to the country, given away all legal citizens benefits and removed all reason for those people to stay where they are. Here is another good idea from a FB friend.

 Any polling location allowing, (knowingly or unknowingly), illegal voters to cast a ballot, democrat or republican, must have all ballots cast held for verification by the proper authorities, witnessed by an independent committee of registered voters. Results should then be declared and official count then included in the national totals and negating all illegal votes; and those casting such votes must be brought to justice! They, and all family members,  should be fingerprinted and summarily deported, with a lifelong ban against them ever being allowed to enter our country again.

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Agree on virtually all points.

Thank you for reading.

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I live in a small community and still we vote on paper ballots

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It's pretty easy to make an electronic voting machine and system that is accurate and 100% un-fraudable. Computers are actually very good at counting, it is what they do. Incredibly fast and 100% accurate. (I know whereof I speak; I'm a 68 year old electrical engineer, Life Fellow of my professional association and worked in product design for many years.)

It is much harder to make a machine that can be manipulated. The software is orders of magnitude more complicated, because in addition to the input from the voter it must consider instructions from the Controllers. But of course with sufficient money and time such a machine can be built. 'Modern' voting machines are like this, originally designed to help dictators like Hugo Chavez 'win' when he was despised by his people.

Politically these days it might be more acceptable to use paper ballots and human counting, though for a political subdivision the size of an average US state, there is virtually no chance that two separate counts of the ballots will give you the same answer, and little chance that either of them is actually correct. However, leaving fraudulent intent aside (the goal of your proposal), it's likely that the counts will be close to each other, and close to correct.

And as you point out, however the votes are tabulated, making sure that people who vote are actually qualified is another issue, and a human one. Computers can provide tools to help (cross-referencing property ownership and voting databases for instance), but in the end somebody will have to decide whether a person is who (s)he says they are, and if they are qualified to vote.

The one thing that is certain in all this, is that almost anything would be better than the mess we have now.

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can you elaborate on "The Kenyan changed the Swearing in Oath"? I don't recall ever hearing that.

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Only LEGAL citizens have RIGHTS in ANY country, including the U.S.A. Don't forget - on 21 July 2015, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued a policy alert with the subject "Modifications to Oath of Allegiance for Naturalization" [PDF]. Immediately, social media users and blogs declared the policy change a fundamental threat to American tradition, posting tweets decrying the changes and circulating articles holding that President Obama had removed "a pledge to defend the USA" from the oath:

New “adopted” Americans won’t have to pledge to defend the USA. Yes, you heard it right! Obama’s administration removed the lines that required that they pledge to defend the USA ''from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic''.

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I am almost 100% Xi is a white hat and his predecessors Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin were globalist sell outs to China. First of all, I think that communism is evil and the CCP is a criminal organization. Xi, for optics, unfortunately has to pretend he is a loyal, Mao loving commie. It would be political suicide for him to tell the truth about Mao because the "Mao as savior" narrative has been engrained into China's culture.Yeah, bad things happen in China, but I think they have a deep state and Xi isn't responsible for this any more than Trump is responsible for the bad things that the CIA did during his term.

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The cultural subversion in China puts ours to shame.

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Great insight. Thank you for recognizing President Trump’s intentions, patriotism, and stealthy genius in his quest to save America and possibly the world.

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Thanks for reading, Vern!

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You said a mouthful regards whatever the future will bring. I pray it will be good.

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I have confidence it will be. Thanks for reading!

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"Come gather 'round people wherever you roam and admit that the waters around you have grown and accept that soon you'll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth savin', then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone. Oh the times they are a-changin'. " .....You're a wordy guy and I like what you say. My old head has to read and re-read things a few times to make sure I didn't miss anything. Thanks... I know, don't applaud throw money....paper money....

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I am quite wordy, right?!

Hey, at least you're getting some entertainment out of it.

Thanks for reading!

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Excellent and very well written

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Thanks Cathy!

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Thanks for all you do.

I’m Canadian and I am impressed with your research.

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I married a Canadian :)

We're going to make this whole world sovereign and free again. One step at a time.

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Yes. The US Marshal’s were at our Privy Council in Toronto, Canada a couple of weeks ago. They can enter via our USMCA Agreement. Our corrupt Government is involved in the 2020 Fraudulent US Election ( Dominion Voting Machines). We are a security threat to the USA as we let Chinese Troops into Canada and they can easily cross into the USA. Our PM tried to assassinate President Trump after he left a G7 meeting. Plus other crimes they committed. Our Privy Council has been arrested.

I’m very grateful for President Trump, the US Military and the USA.


Take care of you and your family.

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thanks again, I'll share to my fast asleep friends on FB.........

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Thank you!

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BB, much to think about after reading this piece you’ve given us . The Russian theatre has consumed my attention to such a degree, I shudder to turn my head to see what’s occurring on the China stage, it’s mentally draining isn’t it? By design. I believe our tendency will be to look at the both stages through the same lenses, also by design. Prior to reading this piece I had told myself to just not look at the China stage until I can look at it properly. Good lord don’t we have enough trauma watching just one piece of this physiological drama? But the timing between the two stages, not accidental. I’m going to read this piece a few more times, excellent work!! We need your tiger eyes on this stage!!

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Certainly difficult to parse all theaters at once, which is why it's always important to follow multiple voices.

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Thank you Burning Bright, I been telling people the same thing, ever since the video dropped. All you had to do is start the video a few minutes earlier, you could plainly see the Hu was confused & the other gentleman has trying to help him by trying to cover the paper with the red folder, but Hu kept uncovering it.

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