I think one of the most important points you make in your article, this couldn’t be about Trump. This is key, when Trump walked off the stage in 2020, the enemy didn’t expect that, and in taking power, we now see their plan perfectly. But not enough. Things have not gotten bad enough just yet. But take a look at the vaccine data coming out, Tucker Carlson interviewed a vaccine injured woman on his show, the CDC and FDA are beginning to break down their stories. Yes, lives have been lost, but this is war. The missiles which found their way into Poland just as Trump set us all up for a message that would change history. Do you think Trump didn’t know the enemy would make a move to start a war? Of course he did, he played them like a fiddle. Messages went sent on each side. Each time Trump forces the enemy to make a move, we learn from them. Lastly, what is Elon about to expose? What is he finding down the dark corridors at Twitter? What happens when amnesty allows the heavy hitters in the digital army back on Twitter? There is undoubtedly a great deal happening. We are peeling the onion, there is no stopping this, we are in store for exposure beyond our imagination. Think about the normies and how much they will have to digest. We need to prepare ourselves mentally to assist. We need to pray God gives us the strength to carry out the duties we’ve been assigned. We have a big role to play. Pray and rest!
Amen to all of that! I completely agree my friend. We are going to have to help a lot of people cope and understand what is about to be exposed. It’s going to shock them.
In addition to prayer, which takes power from Satan and delivers it to God, and which is powerful and all of us can do -- we can prepare to help people cope. That is the best advice for most of us, because it is something we will be able to do. And it will be essential to winning the war for the Collective Mind.
You are exactly right Bill! I know that most of the people that I have tried to wake up and think I’m crazy are going to seek me out when everything goes down. I need to be gracious
Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022Liked by Joe Lange
Nobody could answer this question better than Jesus Christ himself.
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
-- Matthew 6:14-15 (RSV)
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
And also, Matthew 5:43 & 44 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
I hope this is all true!! None of us were surprised by the cheating in 2022, and most believed there was no reason to even have a midterm election until 202 was fixed. Your words, and maybe opinion, give us some hope. But I still think 2020 should have been fixed before it got even more complex and complicated! But they didn't ask me...lol
I completely understand. I was of the opinion for a long time that 2020 would be overturned before the midterms but now I can see why it had to happen afterwards. I think the table had to be set so that it wasn’t just about Trump’s election, it was about our entire election system.
It's about much more than election systems -- it's a war for the American system. Freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Elections are an important part of that, and may be the tool the Patriots use to expose and take [them] down.
But if we want our descendants to enjoy the way of life we have known, winning this war is imperative. Given everything is on the line, we can understand why it is taking longer than we'd like. But it will be worth it in the end.
I just came across this stack in my emails just now and my question is: Now that they have gone so far as to actually Certify Maricopa, this is really sedition or treason,(as I understand it) but what is the mechanism to bring about their downfall? The Judge to hear one of the cases is actually the wife of Bill Gates, there is such political and judicial incest in Arizona, I just wonder how it gets overturned ?
[They] have invested a lot of time and effort in infiltrating the system top to bottom. For exactly the reason you point out.
The path forward is anything but clear, because we are in uncharted territory. Organizations we always thought trustworthy are compromised, people in positions of authority are acting in the interest of people who are not their constituents, and in the end power is all that matters -- getting it and keeping it.
[They] will keep doing this until someone stops them. [They] have to -- if they ever do lose power it's pretty likely that they will end up in jail or worse. They know that, and there is nothing they won't do to stop it from happening.
I think that the COG/devolution plans in the works will address this, we can't be sure exactly how but one part of it is likely to be sealed grand jury indictments that will be served en masse, when everything is ready. Waiting for that is the hardest part, but the White Hats know that there is no alternative to winning, or they will be the ones in jail or worse. (Look what happened to the J6 'insurrectionists' -- and imagine what [they] would do to people who actually tried and failed to bring [them] down for real!)
Thank you for this article. It is very well thought out and written. As excruciating as it is to WAIT, we have to be very patient as to what events are about to unfold. This operation is a mastermind plan, and as Joe M. said in his video, it is The Plan to Save the World. The US is seen as a beacon of hope and I still have hope for our beloved Eagle, the United States, a symbol of might and strength. Our faith in God is EVERYTHING during these most difficult times. Without faith in God I believe I would be in a crazy house somewhere by now. The best advice that I can give to my fellow patriots is to "Be still and know that I am God". Psalm 46:10. God is the God of possible, Way Maker, Light in the Darkness. My heart hurts for the normies who are still asleep, and my heart hurts for the unbelievers because where does your hope come from? Yes, God's plan is active and he is using the most unlikely people ... a loud, obnoxious billionaire from NY, and an anonymous Patriot by the name of Q. May God bless and protect all of us are in the war together.
The biggest battle of this Information War has just been won. Musk buying Twitter and reinstating all banned accounts means that an Army of Digital Frog Warriors is about to be unleashed upon the world and they cannot censor us anymore. All of the truth is about to come out, especially about Election Theft.
What an optimistic assessment! I concur, too. For an organized crime prosecution, one must show a “pattern” of crime and that’s why (in my opinion) the 2022 midterms had to happen. Of, course, that’s only part of the story. It is interesting that the Maricopa Board of Supervisors is planning to certify AZ election results one hour prior to presenting the election fraud evidence to the courts.🤨. I’m curious how this will play into the plan. Many of us are fans of your rational assessments and we are especially thankful for your willingness to share these with “we the people”!
Thank you very much! You make such a great point! This is a conspiracy and it continues to this day. The evidence is piling up because of the midterms too.
I agree on Brnovich. He will be part of the Big Reveal. He hasn't acted previously because there is a timing in play - and so many impatient patriots have attacked him for being a BH.
He is a hero in my eyes, having received so much scorn - for following the plan.
You have laid it all out, very nicely 😃 And I love the Q-drops you point to!!!
I agree with you Jytte! I think there are very good reasons for Brnovich to look like he’s done nothing for optics since he was tied to Trump and it’s important that this doesn’t look like just politics. By removing himself the focus is now on the rule of law which is the same reason I believe Trump announced he was running in 2024. To remove himself from the law exposing the election fraud which I believe is about to happen
Brilliant update from Joe Lange, on what is really going on in Maricopa County that will eventually affect all of America in a very positive way. Thanks Joe
I totally understand that feeling that it is too corrupted in Arizona. I think the plan assumed that and knew that this evidence of corruption in the election was going to find its way into a courtroom and Kari Lake recently told us to pay attention cause we won’t be disappointed. I think the plan was always to get to the Supreme Court. A lower judge may try to slow that down but then they too become enemy combatants. I think everything is planned and timed
Joe- I just want to thank you for all your work -- your writing is logical and level-headed and this article is only one of many of your writings that has helped me understand what I find to be a crazy political scenario. On my own I would often walk away confused and irritated by all that I am absorbing -- but you have made it much more palatable. Again, thanks!
For those of us that have been following Q for a super long time are just weary of the same buzz words & phrases we’ve been listening to for years now. No one knows the exact moment the military & Trump will step in to end this shit show we’ve been watching since 2020. Everything is strategic. Instant gratification unfortunately, has become the norm. But good things come to those who wait, is still very relevant.
You are making excellent points! Huge changes are never easy and when done right requires time. I believe it’s taking so long because the plan is to restore the rule of law and the constitution, not just Trump’s presidency.
Speaking to this article, great work. Speaking to belief and hope you've expressed, even better, believing upon that which is yet see. Lisa's point in reflection of your assertion that Trump walked away is paramount but unfinished. Walking away did three things; educated US on the insurrection act; inculcated the Deep State and lured them to break the DoD law of war SS 11.3, Geneva Convention, Hague IV and UN Laws regarding belligerent occupation of territory by foreign powers and what Lincoln taught America in the aftermath of Foreign participation with Domestic Counterparts during the Civil War. These all lead up to a power set of tools for the Military's Use. These enemies are now TREASONOUS, they are being handled by ART 2 Presidential Authority to evoke the Military for STATE SECRETS purpose and that as Lincoln did Habeas Corpus being suspended treats them as enemy combatants stripped of Citizenship and Constitutional Protections. Proof; Absence of Due Process for J6 prisoners, NO HABEAS CORPUS no due process. Additionally, the deep state tried to make D.C. a state which confirms that Trump had dissolved the Organic Act incorporation of the Corporation of the United States of America in 1871 and the Sovereign Nation of D.C. This all had to enacted to set the perfect stage and allow the Military full legal authority to try any of the Election Fraudsters as Enemy Combatants having now worked with China and others to secure the Steal through Cyber and other intelligence means. Additionally, there were 19 flags at Trumps declaration of his Candidacy, because having dissolved the Organic Act the next President will be #19 after Grant was 18. Trump is the 19th President of this nation, Inauguration before 1871 was March 4th. Fraud Vitiates everything according to the Supreme Court. To strike all of the nonsense and RIGHT THE SHIP, this was the only way.
People keep saying there were 19 flags at Mar a Lago when Trump announced his candidacy. I saw 20. I checked again this morning while watching "And We Know's" podcast ,and there was a very clear photo showing 20 flags. They were easy to count in that shot because you can clearly see the top point of each flag.
Thank You Joe for another excellent article! We need to be reminded that help is on the way but we need to be PATIENT so that there will be a PERMANENT fix to prevent more election fraud in the future.
You are so right Emerald! If we want any chance at fixing things permanently and being rid of this global cabal then it must be done right. Blessings friend
I look at evidence, and there is a great deal to suggest Trump, and white hats are working to save our Republic, and nearly just as much that indicates they're not. What makes this so complicated is that we are in WWIII, and it's not a conventional war.
Two of the most comprehensive researchers, reapectively, for pro, and con Trump/White Hats are Patel Patriot, and Brendan Lee O'Connell who has been doing WAY more comprehensive research, for much longer than Patel Patriot. O'Connell was imprisoned in Australia for his work, and his arm broken, left unset for days, and his sister murdered. Kirby Sommers has also exposed some really seedy sides of Trump, and she's more expert on Epstein/Maxwell than anyone, and she, like O'Connell, brings receipts. O'Connell, and Sommers have also both exposed Whitney Webb as the sleazy intelligence asset she likely is.
So here's a list of both of the evidentiary columns.
Pro Trump/White hats:
Everything so ablely laid out about devolution by Patel Patriot, and Cliff Hi; the huge line item for subterranean war fare for Armed Services, mostly Army as I recall but not certain; Space Force creation; the mention of Roswell by Don, Jr. when he interviewed his dad, which is a HUGE deal; Trump's uncle John being Vannevar Bush's protege on the Tesla file, and likely the UFO file as well since V. Bush was chief of that too; Trump's close friendsip with Richard Nixon, who turned on the deep state which is why the CIA Watergate Op was run which had NOTHING to do with the upcoming election as claimed; Nixon moved to NYC to help Trump raise money for a run for the presidency which was likely Nixon's revenge scenario; the border wall; the constant warnings about election fraud; the EO in July, 2020 allowing reimportation of prescription drugs from Canada the mere mention of which in the past made Big Pharma apoplectic; the uniform loathing of Trump by Dems, and Republiconartists; Trump's friendship with Roy Cohn, who served with RFK on American hero Sen. Joe McCarthy's staff during the Monmouth Hearings which were about WAY more than just Commies infiltrating the federal government; the trade policies Trump advocated, and won; ending the Iraq War; implementing JFK's National Security Action Memos 55, 56, and 57, the last of which limits the CIA's role in covert military actions; the horrendous botch of the end of the Afghanistan War is a neutral because Trump could have worked to end, and withdraw from day one; Trump's appointments are also largely neutral as he picked mostly losers, and freaks like Rex Tillerson, Bill Barr, Mnuchin who has weird connections to weird women like Megan Markel, Sessions, Acosta who laid down on Epstein's first prosecution but who then did go on the record in Congress to say Epstein was intelligence. That's much of the pro-Trump column, but not all.
Con Trump/White Hats:
Operation Warp Speed is a multi-billion dollar money laundering, eugenics bioweapon operation that has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, and permanently seriously injured many more, with more death, and destruction of people, and our society to follow, being run by the DoD, thus Trump as Commander in Chief signed off on it, the DHS, the FDA, the NIAID, Big Pharma, and the CDC; the CARES Act was written a year in advance of COVID19 hitting, and when Trump bragged, as he signed it, that it was the largest disaster relief package in history, what he neglected to note is it provided tens of thousands of dollars per murder victim to ventilate, sedate, and kill; Trump pardoned some really bad actors; and Kirby Sommers, and Brendon O'Connell make VERY compelling cases he's part of the black hats but essentially operating as a psyop.
My intuition is Trump is a white hat, and that Sommers, and O'Connell, both of whom do amazing, impeccable, deep research, and have for years, are misreading Trump's clear , close associations with REALLY SLEAZY people. I could go into something really disturbing Trump talked about publicly in Racine, WI where he called a Foxxcon 5G plant the 8th Wonder of the World, Foxxcon being a Taiwanese corporation substantially controlled by the CCP but it's too dark, and requires an in depth look.
My take is that Burning Bright, another Badlands contributor, is right on this: Warp Speed was about bringing down the economic system by printing YUUUGE amounts of money. The vaxx was just the cover story. (Another sleight-of-hand typical of Trump, no?). And the failure had to happen while Trump stood down. Read about it in far more detail from BB here:
Thanks, I'll read it. My instincts, which are very good, tell me Trump is a white hat who has deeply infiltrated a criminal network that goes way back well before the work his uncle John was doing. On the other hand, O'Connell, and Sommers don't mess around. They are really amazing researchers, and their work gives me pause when it comes to Trump. I can't see how allowing the DoD to run a massive money laundering eugenics operation on the entire planet which ulimately results in millions of illegal people to flood across our border, and signing the CARES Act, literally drafted a year before the scamdemic figures in any war game scenario.
On the other hand, say Trump's a covert black hat posing as a white hat psyop. He'd largely be a failure as he's awakened, and energized millions of Americans to take action.
In my opinion, if we get a digital currency then I'll be nearly 100% convinced Trump, and Q were evil psyops. That's the ultimate indicator of evil winning.
Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022Liked by Joe Lange
You're right, Trump is an enigma. He's hard to read, so it's natural for discerning minds to come to different conclusions about him.
This criminal network -- the Cabal, who Burning Bright often refers to as [them] in brackets, has been around for centuries and some say since the time of Christ. It has been put forward that the reason Christ was crucified is that He had the money-changers (forerunners of today's Cabal) tossed out of the Temple.
And there are losses in this war. Sometimes intentional, the Russians call it 'strategic retreat.' Sometimes you have to absorb a painful loss to keep a strategic advantage. The demolition of the world's financial systems will likely cause much more pain and suffering than anything related to C19. This game is being played above our level, only in time will we know the complete truth.
And, even if a CBDC comes our way, remember that it can be undone. Things are going to get worse before they get better, but I believe the White Hats win. As Burning Bright often says, "You're going to like the way this ends."
This insight into who DeSantis really is only serves to intensify my suspicion of Trump, on one hand, only because it shows how controlled any POTUS is, but if you listen to this really deep inside account of what happened to Trump perpetrated by Zionists, it takes away the Trump is owned by Israel narrative. DeSantis plays a very clever game of deceit, as does Musk, which fools many people. I'd go so far to say DeSantis is a phony, cut throat, egomaniacal POS. Trump may be too, although I tend to doubt it but I don't discount top researches like O'Connell, and Sommers who pay really high prices for going public with their findings, and have put some deeply disturbing truths about Trump out there, especially Sommers as she was a sex slave for a top Ashkenazim POS.
Something tells me you'll find this summary of the Khazarian Mafia and their relationship to the Ashkenazim and Rothschilds interesting. On welovetrump, which can sometimes tend to the extreme; but it is a pretty decent summary of a number of Internet sources.
Cool, thanks, and make sure you listen to that discussion about DeSantis, and Trump. It's insight about internal Republiconartist politics that's really tough to find. It makes me appreciate Trump more than I already do. I sent him money, and voted for him. The construction manager of Trump Tower Chicago told me he feared Ivanka would be a spoiled pain in the ass. He said she is super smart, really nice, and was the best dev. mgr. for whom he had worked.
I appreciate you taking the time to make that comment. That was a lot of work.
I think you know what side I’m on when it comes to Trump and I don’t believe at all that he is on the side of the enemy.
What caught my eye right off the bat was the assertion that Nixon raised money for Trump’s presidential run. Nixon died in 1994 and that was long before Trump ever thought about running for president in my opinion.
I would be skeptical of any info coming from someone who told me that but that’s just me
The letter that Trump framed, and hung on a wall in the WH from Nixon mentions that Pat Nixon thinks Trump will win the presidency. Nixon moved to NYC to help raise money for a Trump run for POTUS. This goes far deeper than you may know. Dark Journalist has broken deep info including that DH Byrd owned the Dallas Book Depository when JFK was murdered. He's broken other info using Watergate sources, like Douglas Cady. He ALWAYS beings receipts. I don't follow bull shitters. This is who I am, below, as recognized by the Chicago Tribune. I'm under 42nd Ward, and took on the Mob in Chicago. Was almost killed for my work in 2011. I know people in NYC who know 2 of Trump's children. They're great people. The Trump Tower Chicago construction manager LOVED working for Ivanka who was the development Mgr. on that amazing building. Said she was so cool
I tend not to believe it either but I remain cautiously skeptical. I find this AMAZINGLY very informed discussion about the insider moves in Republiconartist politics around Trump, and DeSantis, who these 2 very bright guys basically trash as one who has been set up as a divide, and conquer hedge against Trump, very much in Trump's favor. DeSantis has all the red flags: takes huge money from the inbred, socio-psychopathic Zionist filth that own Congress, dominate finance, media, and so-called "intelligence;" Yale grad; sheep dipped in Armed Services through JAG; spent a short time as a con artist in Congress accomplishing nothing before he was moved up to governor where he plays a very good conservative game but will NEVER cross his Zionist masters who surely look at him like a goy slave. Trump is up to his eyeballs with Kosher Nostra nonsense but I tend to believe he is more of an infiltrator than a collaborator. Whatever he took from the WH has the criminals terrified. Dark Journalist uncovered some weird things about what was on the inventory list from that illegal FBI raid, and has some interesting thoughts about what Trump may have taken thinking it may be related to the illuminating brief discussion Don, Jr. had with his dad about Roswell.
I think one of the most important points you make in your article, this couldn’t be about Trump. This is key, when Trump walked off the stage in 2020, the enemy didn’t expect that, and in taking power, we now see their plan perfectly. But not enough. Things have not gotten bad enough just yet. But take a look at the vaccine data coming out, Tucker Carlson interviewed a vaccine injured woman on his show, the CDC and FDA are beginning to break down their stories. Yes, lives have been lost, but this is war. The missiles which found their way into Poland just as Trump set us all up for a message that would change history. Do you think Trump didn’t know the enemy would make a move to start a war? Of course he did, he played them like a fiddle. Messages went sent on each side. Each time Trump forces the enemy to make a move, we learn from them. Lastly, what is Elon about to expose? What is he finding down the dark corridors at Twitter? What happens when amnesty allows the heavy hitters in the digital army back on Twitter? There is undoubtedly a great deal happening. We are peeling the onion, there is no stopping this, we are in store for exposure beyond our imagination. Think about the normies and how much they will have to digest. We need to prepare ourselves mentally to assist. We need to pray God gives us the strength to carry out the duties we’ve been assigned. We have a big role to play. Pray and rest!
Amen to all of that! I completely agree my friend. We are going to have to help a lot of people cope and understand what is about to be exposed. It’s going to shock them.
Blessings patriot
You are especially right about the Normies, Joe.
People often ask, 'What can I do?"
In addition to prayer, which takes power from Satan and delivers it to God, and which is powerful and all of us can do -- we can prepare to help people cope. That is the best advice for most of us, because it is something we will be able to do. And it will be essential to winning the war for the Collective Mind.
You are exactly right Bill! I know that most of the people that I have tried to wake up and think I’m crazy are going to seek me out when everything goes down. I need to be gracious
May God be with you, Joe 💖
Do we take our time helping them cope after the bullying and nastiness they exhibited to the non mask wearers and UN vaxxed?!
We have to be better than them in my opinion. We live by faith and we should offer them grace and mercy just as God gives it to us.
Nobody could answer this question better than Jesus Christ himself.
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
-- Matthew 6:14-15 (RSV)
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
-- Matthew 5:9 (RSV)
Love that!!
And also, Matthew 5:43 & 44 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
Amen, Margot.
100% agree Lisa. NCSWIC.
I hope this is all true!! None of us were surprised by the cheating in 2022, and most believed there was no reason to even have a midterm election until 202 was fixed. Your words, and maybe opinion, give us some hope. But I still think 2020 should have been fixed before it got even more complex and complicated! But they didn't ask me...lol
I completely understand. I was of the opinion for a long time that 2020 would be overturned before the midterms but now I can see why it had to happen afterwards. I think the table had to be set so that it wasn’t just about Trump’s election, it was about our entire election system.
It's about much more than election systems -- it's a war for the American system. Freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Elections are an important part of that, and may be the tool the Patriots use to expose and take [them] down.
But if we want our descendants to enjoy the way of life we have known, winning this war is imperative. Given everything is on the line, we can understand why it is taking longer than we'd like. But it will be worth it in the end.
I completely agree Bill! This was never going to be easy because it’s a real war.
Victory is the only option. Whatever it takes. We must succeed.
I just came across this stack in my emails just now and my question is: Now that they have gone so far as to actually Certify Maricopa, this is really sedition or treason,(as I understand it) but what is the mechanism to bring about their downfall? The Judge to hear one of the cases is actually the wife of Bill Gates, there is such political and judicial incest in Arizona, I just wonder how it gets overturned ?
[They] have invested a lot of time and effort in infiltrating the system top to bottom. For exactly the reason you point out.
The path forward is anything but clear, because we are in uncharted territory. Organizations we always thought trustworthy are compromised, people in positions of authority are acting in the interest of people who are not their constituents, and in the end power is all that matters -- getting it and keeping it.
[They] will keep doing this until someone stops them. [They] have to -- if they ever do lose power it's pretty likely that they will end up in jail or worse. They know that, and there is nothing they won't do to stop it from happening.
I think that the COG/devolution plans in the works will address this, we can't be sure exactly how but one part of it is likely to be sealed grand jury indictments that will be served en masse, when everything is ready. Waiting for that is the hardest part, but the White Hats know that there is no alternative to winning, or they will be the ones in jail or worse. (Look what happened to the J6 'insurrectionists' -- and imagine what [they] would do to people who actually tried and failed to bring [them] down for real!)
Thank you for this article. It is very well thought out and written. As excruciating as it is to WAIT, we have to be very patient as to what events are about to unfold. This operation is a mastermind plan, and as Joe M. said in his video, it is The Plan to Save the World. The US is seen as a beacon of hope and I still have hope for our beloved Eagle, the United States, a symbol of might and strength. Our faith in God is EVERYTHING during these most difficult times. Without faith in God I believe I would be in a crazy house somewhere by now. The best advice that I can give to my fellow patriots is to "Be still and know that I am God". Psalm 46:10. God is the God of possible, Way Maker, Light in the Darkness. My heart hurts for the normies who are still asleep, and my heart hurts for the unbelievers because where does your hope come from? Yes, God's plan is active and he is using the most unlikely people ... a loud, obnoxious billionaire from NY, and an anonymous Patriot by the name of Q. May God bless and protect all of us are in the war together.
Love that! One of my favorite verses. God is in this fight and if He wasn’t we wouldn’t be winning.
Blessings to you my friend
I love your thinking. Thanks for this post.
And re Q
Post 4951 on Nov 12, 2020
“ How do you 'show' the public the truth?
How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?
How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.
It is crystal clear to me that the American voters had to be shown the truth…which, following the law, would come out slowly and yet irrefutably!
I think you are exactly right and that’s a great Q post I wish I had shared in the article. Blessings friend
The biggest battle of this Information War has just been won. Musk buying Twitter and reinstating all banned accounts means that an Army of Digital Frog Warriors is about to be unleashed upon the world and they cannot censor us anymore. All of the truth is about to come out, especially about Election Theft.
And the timing of that is also perfect! A storm approaches!
Drip…drip…flood 😁
What an optimistic assessment! I concur, too. For an organized crime prosecution, one must show a “pattern” of crime and that’s why (in my opinion) the 2022 midterms had to happen. Of, course, that’s only part of the story. It is interesting that the Maricopa Board of Supervisors is planning to certify AZ election results one hour prior to presenting the election fraud evidence to the courts.🤨. I’m curious how this will play into the plan. Many of us are fans of your rational assessments and we are especially thankful for your willingness to share these with “we the people”!
Thank you very much! You make such a great point! This is a conspiracy and it continues to this day. The evidence is piling up because of the midterms too.
Great article Joe!
I agree on Brnovich. He will be part of the Big Reveal. He hasn't acted previously because there is a timing in play - and so many impatient patriots have attacked him for being a BH.
He is a hero in my eyes, having received so much scorn - for following the plan.
You have laid it all out, very nicely 😃 And I love the Q-drops you point to!!!
Well done 👏👏👏
I agree with you Jytte! I think there are very good reasons for Brnovich to look like he’s done nothing for optics since he was tied to Trump and it’s important that this doesn’t look like just politics. By removing himself the focus is now on the rule of law which is the same reason I believe Trump announced he was running in 2024. To remove himself from the law exposing the election fraud which I believe is about to happen
And thank you for your encouragement!!
Brilliant update from Joe Lange, on what is really going on in Maricopa County that will eventually affect all of America in a very positive way. Thanks Joe
I really appreciate your encouragement my friend!
I totally understand that feeling that it is too corrupted in Arizona. I think the plan assumed that and knew that this evidence of corruption in the election was going to find its way into a courtroom and Kari Lake recently told us to pay attention cause we won’t be disappointed. I think the plan was always to get to the Supreme Court. A lower judge may try to slow that down but then they too become enemy combatants. I think everything is planned and timed
Joe- I just want to thank you for all your work -- your writing is logical and level-headed and this article is only one of many of your writings that has helped me understand what I find to be a crazy political scenario. On my own I would often walk away confused and irritated by all that I am absorbing -- but you have made it much more palatable. Again, thanks!
That really makes my heart smile Ginger!! So glad I could encourage you my friend!
For those of us that have been following Q for a super long time are just weary of the same buzz words & phrases we’ve been listening to for years now. No one knows the exact moment the military & Trump will step in to end this shit show we’ve been watching since 2020. Everything is strategic. Instant gratification unfortunately, has become the norm. But good things come to those who wait, is still very relevant.
You are making excellent points! Huge changes are never easy and when done right requires time. I believe it’s taking so long because the plan is to restore the rule of law and the constitution, not just Trump’s presidency.
Blessings friend
I believe...& this is everything, that I learned much from Your Piece.
Thank you, Joe Lange.
Soldier On !
And ALL, Always.
Timing, Evidence, Numbers.
It All Stacks Up & Signals.
Thank you very much Paul! I really appreciate you!
And I You & Yours.
& THE PEOPLE ! ! !
Speaking to this article, great work. Speaking to belief and hope you've expressed, even better, believing upon that which is yet see. Lisa's point in reflection of your assertion that Trump walked away is paramount but unfinished. Walking away did three things; educated US on the insurrection act; inculcated the Deep State and lured them to break the DoD law of war SS 11.3, Geneva Convention, Hague IV and UN Laws regarding belligerent occupation of territory by foreign powers and what Lincoln taught America in the aftermath of Foreign participation with Domestic Counterparts during the Civil War. These all lead up to a power set of tools for the Military's Use. These enemies are now TREASONOUS, they are being handled by ART 2 Presidential Authority to evoke the Military for STATE SECRETS purpose and that as Lincoln did Habeas Corpus being suspended treats them as enemy combatants stripped of Citizenship and Constitutional Protections. Proof; Absence of Due Process for J6 prisoners, NO HABEAS CORPUS no due process. Additionally, the deep state tried to make D.C. a state which confirms that Trump had dissolved the Organic Act incorporation of the Corporation of the United States of America in 1871 and the Sovereign Nation of D.C. This all had to enacted to set the perfect stage and allow the Military full legal authority to try any of the Election Fraudsters as Enemy Combatants having now worked with China and others to secure the Steal through Cyber and other intelligence means. Additionally, there were 19 flags at Trumps declaration of his Candidacy, because having dissolved the Organic Act the next President will be #19 after Grant was 18. Trump is the 19th President of this nation, Inauguration before 1871 was March 4th. Fraud Vitiates everything according to the Supreme Court. To strike all of the nonsense and RIGHT THE SHIP, this was the only way.
People keep saying there were 19 flags at Mar a Lago when Trump announced his candidacy. I saw 20. I checked again this morning while watching "And We Know's" podcast ,and there was a very clear photo showing 20 flags. They were easy to count in that shot because you can clearly see the top point of each flag.
I hope you’re right about all of that my friend
Thank You Joe for another excellent article! We need to be reminded that help is on the way but we need to be PATIENT so that there will be a PERMANENT fix to prevent more election fraud in the future.
You are so right Emerald! If we want any chance at fixing things permanently and being rid of this global cabal then it must be done right. Blessings friend
Joe...over the target as usual! Thank you for putting in this effort!
Thank you so much my friend! Your encouragement is a blessing to me!
Appreciate you!
I look at evidence, and there is a great deal to suggest Trump, and white hats are working to save our Republic, and nearly just as much that indicates they're not. What makes this so complicated is that we are in WWIII, and it's not a conventional war.
Two of the most comprehensive researchers, reapectively, for pro, and con Trump/White Hats are Patel Patriot, and Brendan Lee O'Connell who has been doing WAY more comprehensive research, for much longer than Patel Patriot. O'Connell was imprisoned in Australia for his work, and his arm broken, left unset for days, and his sister murdered. Kirby Sommers has also exposed some really seedy sides of Trump, and she's more expert on Epstein/Maxwell than anyone, and she, like O'Connell, brings receipts. O'Connell, and Sommers have also both exposed Whitney Webb as the sleazy intelligence asset she likely is.
So here's a list of both of the evidentiary columns.
Pro Trump/White hats:
Everything so ablely laid out about devolution by Patel Patriot, and Cliff Hi; the huge line item for subterranean war fare for Armed Services, mostly Army as I recall but not certain; Space Force creation; the mention of Roswell by Don, Jr. when he interviewed his dad, which is a HUGE deal; Trump's uncle John being Vannevar Bush's protege on the Tesla file, and likely the UFO file as well since V. Bush was chief of that too; Trump's close friendsip with Richard Nixon, who turned on the deep state which is why the CIA Watergate Op was run which had NOTHING to do with the upcoming election as claimed; Nixon moved to NYC to help Trump raise money for a run for the presidency which was likely Nixon's revenge scenario; the border wall; the constant warnings about election fraud; the EO in July, 2020 allowing reimportation of prescription drugs from Canada the mere mention of which in the past made Big Pharma apoplectic; the uniform loathing of Trump by Dems, and Republiconartists; Trump's friendship with Roy Cohn, who served with RFK on American hero Sen. Joe McCarthy's staff during the Monmouth Hearings which were about WAY more than just Commies infiltrating the federal government; the trade policies Trump advocated, and won; ending the Iraq War; implementing JFK's National Security Action Memos 55, 56, and 57, the last of which limits the CIA's role in covert military actions; the horrendous botch of the end of the Afghanistan War is a neutral because Trump could have worked to end, and withdraw from day one; Trump's appointments are also largely neutral as he picked mostly losers, and freaks like Rex Tillerson, Bill Barr, Mnuchin who has weird connections to weird women like Megan Markel, Sessions, Acosta who laid down on Epstein's first prosecution but who then did go on the record in Congress to say Epstein was intelligence. That's much of the pro-Trump column, but not all.
Con Trump/White Hats:
Operation Warp Speed is a multi-billion dollar money laundering, eugenics bioweapon operation that has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, and permanently seriously injured many more, with more death, and destruction of people, and our society to follow, being run by the DoD, thus Trump as Commander in Chief signed off on it, the DHS, the FDA, the NIAID, Big Pharma, and the CDC; the CARES Act was written a year in advance of COVID19 hitting, and when Trump bragged, as he signed it, that it was the largest disaster relief package in history, what he neglected to note is it provided tens of thousands of dollars per murder victim to ventilate, sedate, and kill; Trump pardoned some really bad actors; and Kirby Sommers, and Brendon O'Connell make VERY compelling cases he's part of the black hats but essentially operating as a psyop.
My intuition is Trump is a white hat, and that Sommers, and O'Connell, both of whom do amazing, impeccable, deep research, and have for years, are misreading Trump's clear , close associations with REALLY SLEAZY people. I could go into something really disturbing Trump talked about publicly in Racine, WI where he called a Foxxcon 5G plant the 8th Wonder of the World, Foxxcon being a Taiwanese corporation substantially controlled by the CCP but it's too dark, and requires an in depth look.
I hope my intuition is correct about Trump
My take is that Burning Bright, another Badlands contributor, is right on this: Warp Speed was about bringing down the economic system by printing YUUUGE amounts of money. The vaxx was just the cover story. (Another sleight-of-hand typical of Trump, no?). And the failure had to happen while Trump stood down. Read about it in far more detail from BB here:
Well worth your time, Dennis 😉
Thanks, I'll read it. My instincts, which are very good, tell me Trump is a white hat who has deeply infiltrated a criminal network that goes way back well before the work his uncle John was doing. On the other hand, O'Connell, and Sommers don't mess around. They are really amazing researchers, and their work gives me pause when it comes to Trump. I can't see how allowing the DoD to run a massive money laundering eugenics operation on the entire planet which ulimately results in millions of illegal people to flood across our border, and signing the CARES Act, literally drafted a year before the scamdemic figures in any war game scenario.
On the other hand, say Trump's a covert black hat posing as a white hat psyop. He'd largely be a failure as he's awakened, and energized millions of Americans to take action.
In my opinion, if we get a digital currency then I'll be nearly 100% convinced Trump, and Q were evil psyops. That's the ultimate indicator of evil winning.
You're right, Trump is an enigma. He's hard to read, so it's natural for discerning minds to come to different conclusions about him.
This criminal network -- the Cabal, who Burning Bright often refers to as [them] in brackets, has been around for centuries and some say since the time of Christ. It has been put forward that the reason Christ was crucified is that He had the money-changers (forerunners of today's Cabal) tossed out of the Temple.
And there are losses in this war. Sometimes intentional, the Russians call it 'strategic retreat.' Sometimes you have to absorb a painful loss to keep a strategic advantage. The demolition of the world's financial systems will likely cause much more pain and suffering than anything related to C19. This game is being played above our level, only in time will we know the complete truth.
And, even if a CBDC comes our way, remember that it can be undone. Things are going to get worse before they get better, but I believe the White Hats win. As Burning Bright often says, "You're going to like the way this ends."
I completely agree my friend
This insight into who DeSantis really is only serves to intensify my suspicion of Trump, on one hand, only because it shows how controlled any POTUS is, but if you listen to this really deep inside account of what happened to Trump perpetrated by Zionists, it takes away the Trump is owned by Israel narrative. DeSantis plays a very clever game of deceit, as does Musk, which fools many people. I'd go so far to say DeSantis is a phony, cut throat, egomaniacal POS. Trump may be too, although I tend to doubt it but I don't discount top researches like O'Connell, and Sommers who pay really high prices for going public with their findings, and have put some deeply disturbing truths about Trump out there, especially Sommers as she was a sex slave for a top Ashkenazim POS.
Something tells me you'll find this summary of the Khazarian Mafia and their relationship to the Ashkenazim and Rothschilds interesting. On welovetrump, which can sometimes tend to the extreme; but it is a pretty decent summary of a number of Internet sources.
Cool, thanks, and make sure you listen to that discussion about DeSantis, and Trump. It's insight about internal Republiconartist politics that's really tough to find. It makes me appreciate Trump more than I already do. I sent him money, and voted for him. The construction manager of Trump Tower Chicago told me he feared Ivanka would be a spoiled pain in the ass. He said she is super smart, really nice, and was the best dev. mgr. for whom he had worked.
I appreciate you taking the time to make that comment. That was a lot of work.
I think you know what side I’m on when it comes to Trump and I don’t believe at all that he is on the side of the enemy.
What caught my eye right off the bat was the assertion that Nixon raised money for Trump’s presidential run. Nixon died in 1994 and that was long before Trump ever thought about running for president in my opinion.
I would be skeptical of any info coming from someone who told me that but that’s just me
The letter that Trump framed, and hung on a wall in the WH from Nixon mentions that Pat Nixon thinks Trump will win the presidency. Nixon moved to NYC to help raise money for a Trump run for POTUS. This goes far deeper than you may know. Dark Journalist has broken deep info including that DH Byrd owned the Dallas Book Depository when JFK was murdered. He's broken other info using Watergate sources, like Douglas Cady. He ALWAYS beings receipts. I don't follow bull shitters. This is who I am, below, as recognized by the Chicago Tribune. I'm under 42nd Ward, and took on the Mob in Chicago. Was almost killed for my work in 2011. I know people in NYC who know 2 of Trump's children. They're great people. The Trump Tower Chicago construction manager LOVED working for Ivanka who was the development Mgr. on that amazing building. Said she was so cool
I appreciate you friend but I don’t believe at all that Trump is on the side of the enemy. The enemy hate him for a reason.
Way too much evidence that God is in this fight and raised Trump just for this moment.
I tend not to believe it either but I remain cautiously skeptical. I find this AMAZINGLY very informed discussion about the insider moves in Republiconartist politics around Trump, and DeSantis, who these 2 very bright guys basically trash as one who has been set up as a divide, and conquer hedge against Trump, very much in Trump's favor. DeSantis has all the red flags: takes huge money from the inbred, socio-psychopathic Zionist filth that own Congress, dominate finance, media, and so-called "intelligence;" Yale grad; sheep dipped in Armed Services through JAG; spent a short time as a con artist in Congress accomplishing nothing before he was moved up to governor where he plays a very good conservative game but will NEVER cross his Zionist masters who surely look at him like a goy slave. Trump is up to his eyeballs with Kosher Nostra nonsense but I tend to believe he is more of an infiltrator than a collaborator. Whatever he took from the WH has the criminals terrified. Dark Journalist uncovered some weird things about what was on the inventory list from that illegal FBI raid, and has some interesting thoughts about what Trump may have taken thinking it may be related to the illuminating brief discussion Don, Jr. had with his dad about Roswell.