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We live in crazy times. Sometimes things get so crazy, I can’t help but laugh about it. Sometimes I get angry. I suppose my energy level at the time of hearing a new form of propaganda determines whether I laugh at it or get angry. But then again, when the insanity involves children, I never think it’s amusing. One thing I can say for sure: the craziness we are experiencing is not organic, it is intentional; it is all a part of a communist plot to destroy America.
Trump understands this, but he doesn’t really talk about it that much. He doesn’t overtly and repeatedly define the collapse of America as a Communist plot to destroy America. Maybe here or there, but it’s not an ongoing theme for him. He mentions the Deep State a lot, ‘the swamp’, corruption, and wokeness, but he doesn’t talk that much about WHY all the destructive things we are experiencing are in fact happening. Most of us get caught up in the day to day, we focus on the events, and don’t focus on the bigger picture—the “why”. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is fully aware of the Communist plot to destroy America, he just doesn’t express it that much to us, and when he does, he commonly uses other words to describe it.
Let me start off this post by asking a question.
Do you think the Russian people wanted Communism back in 1917?
Sure, they were propagandized into thinking it might be a better option, but did they really riot in the streets for it? In my opinion, the answer is ‘no’, just as the German people didn’t want Nazism. It was propagandized on them, then forced on them. The early demonstrations were staged and fake. The citizens were rightfully afraid to push back against each system. Stand up to the Bolsheviks and you and your loved ones ended up dead. Stand up to the Nazis and the same thing occurred.
If we go back more than a century earlier, we see the Bavarian Illuminati led to Karl Marx, Marx led to the Bolsheviks, and the Bolsheviks led to Communism. Communism is and always has been a Cabal tool created and used to control the world, slowly implemented.
In America, we are pretty far along into the propaganda stage of Communism, but instead of calling it Communism, it is being forced on us through concepts like ‘wokism’. We are being told the government is the only solution to our problems, and that more government control is the answer. Many young people are actually embracing more government control, begging for more of it. Some think every American’s home should be monitored by the government. It really is this bad.
1917 wasn’t the first time the Bolsheviks—the Communists—tried to take over Russia. They tried earlier in the century, but it was squashed, and many Bolsheviks fled to Germany, where they were accepted with open arms. From that point on, Germany’s culture was progressively, morally degraded, leading to Weimar and eventually to the Nazis taking over. Communism starts off by eliminating God from a culture and eliminating morals. Sound familiar?
When the Soviet Union fell in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, why didn’t America celebrate and embrace Russia with open arms? We celebrated East Germany and other Eastern Block countries’ new freedom, and developed strong relations with them. I’ve even heard it said the CIA actually wrote the Scorpion’s song ‘The Winds of Change.’ I can’t confirm this, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
At this same time in the early 1990’s, America started to become a major trading and manufacturing partner with Communist China. Arkansas’ Clintons and Walmart seemed to develop strong partnerships with Communist China. Walmart seemed to take over towns throughout the US, running small, privately owned businesses out in the process. We later discovered that Hilary Clinton was selling classified information to China. Coincidence?
The US never seemed to ever embrace Russia, even after the Soviet Union fell. They were and still are used as a ‘yin to America’s yang’. I can remember after the Soviet Union fell, all of a sudden, we had a new villain, the Muslim terrorists, but they kept Russia on the back burner, to later bring them to the front burner as a villain at a future time. Even Hollywood started replacing the Italian Mob with the Russian Mob in movies.
Our country is intentionally being destroyed. It’s not a Trans thing, it’s not a gay thing, it’s not a Liberal thing, it’s not an illegal immigration thing, it’s not a corruption thing, it’s not a Godless thing. Yes, all of these things are pieces of the puzzle, but when you put the pieces of the puzzle together and take a step back to look at it, you realize it’s a Communist thing. It’s not to say all of these narratives and agendas aren’t really bad, especially when they involve children, it’s just to say there is a reason behind why these agendas and narratives are being pushed, and that is to usher in a new Communist, totalitarian state.
The narratives and agendas being pushed don’t seem to help Wall Street. Men believing they can menstruate doesn’t benefit anyone financially, unless you are selling tampons to them. I suppose your sales could possibly go up a fraction of a percent by attracting this very specific target market. The same could be said about selling light beer to Trans. Assuming you didn’t lose any of your existing market, the best you could improve your sales by targeting Trans is maybe a slightly larger fraction of a percent.
So why do they do it?
It’s not to make more money. They are following orders, orders to destroy their companies. Maybe not the founders of the companies or even the CEOs in every case, but people in key positions within the corporations are following orders to destroy their companies. It is why the Deep State Cabal chose them for their positions.
So why doesn’t Trump talk much about the Communist plot to take over America? I think it’s because as a nation, we have been conditioned to reject any talk about Communist infiltration in America. When someone mentions it, many people stop listening—they think they are talking to a crazy conspiracy theorist if you bring it up. They think you are a fascist. The same thing applies to Russia. We’ve been conditioned to fear Russia for 75 years, so any time the Deep State wants to whip us up into a frenzy, they just mention Russia. We are pre-conditioned to have the reaction they want us to have—fear and paranoia.
Joseph McCarthy, the former Senator from Wisconsin was very aware in the 1950’s that Communists had infiltrated D.C. and the media, and they were planning to take over America from the inside. McCarthy was 100% correct in his fears and understanding. He was ridiculed and demonized by the media and other politicians for showing concern. He was considered a conspiracy theorist and a fascist. McCarthy was hated, and the history books make him out to be a pariah—a stain on America.
The only problem is that pretty much everyone he accused of being a Communist was, in fact a Communist. He was the villain because the media and other politicians had louder megaphones, and there were more of them. Sometimes—many times—perceived truth just means more people believe it, or more people are espousing it. Does Joseph McCarthy’s situation sound kind of familiar?
McCarthy died mysteriously on May 2, 1957, at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. On May 22, 1949, eight years earlier, another anti-Communist allegedly jumped from the 16th floor at the same military hospital. He was the Secretary of Defense and mentor to future President JFK; his name was James Forrestal.
(By the way, JFK’s body was examined at this same military hospital in Maryland. After he was assassinated, his corpse was thought by some to have been altered and tampered with while at Walter Reed Medical Center.)
And let’s not forget another famous anti-Communist who died mysteriously at an Army hospital in Heidelberg, Germany, on December 21, 1945—that would be General George S. Patton.
General Patton was arguably the greatest military leader our country has ever known, in my opinion at least the greatest in WWII. General Patton was a no-nonsense leader—anti-woke. He couldn’t care less about your feelings, brash to say the least. Often Patton’s efforts were sabotaged by other US Military leaders and those in the US Federal Government. But he was able to overcome this through superior military strategies and the confidence and admiration his soldiers had in him.
Sound familiar?
General Patton believed the Soviet Union posed a bigger long-term threat to the US and democracy worldwide than the Nazis. He believed that once the Nazis were defeated, the allies should march into Russia and defeat them as well, while they were weakened, to put an end to Communism for good. This belief didn’t sit well with many in the US Military and US Government who were secretly commissioned to further the spread of Communism throughout the world. One could consider these people to be the Deep State Cabal puppets within America. Because Patton sought the destruction of Communism, and had the American people behind him, I believe these Deep State players had General Patton assassinated, and they did it in a way to make it appear to be an accident.
James Forrestal fought to end Communism—labelled mentally unwell, died mysteriously.
Joeseph McCarthy fought to end Communism—demonized by the press and the US Government, died mysteriously.
General Patton fought to end Communism—attacked by the press while alive, died mysteriously.
JFK fought to end Communism—assassinated, followed by postmortem character assassination.
Donald Trump fighting to end Communism (maybe calling it by different names)—demonized by the world’s media and governments, and many believe multiple attempts have been made to assassinate him.
Anyone can see the common theme here: if you go against the Communist plan to destroy America, you will be taken out, or at least they will try to take you out.
We all know this is Trump’s nickname for Ron DeSantis. Does anyone think it’s a strange insult? I don’t know if I had ever heard someone attack another person by calling them sanctimonious. What is the definition of the word? Sanctimonious is defined as '“making a show of being morally superior to other people.” In other words, ‘holier than though’, ‘better than other people,’ or having an inflated opinion of oneself. But by definition, it says, “to make a show,” which doesn’t state whether or not the person actually believes it, just that they are presenting themselves differently than they really are, as in ‘not really as conservative’, or ‘not really as America First’, or not really as moral as they claim to be.
It doesn’t necessarily mean the person is representing themself to be the opposite of what they really are; it could mean they are just exaggerating. The definition of ‘sanctimonious’ allows for some wiggle room.
Do you know who else I later discovered used this word as an insulting nickname?
Joseph McCarthy.
When McCarthy was going after people within the US Government and Military for being Communists in the 1950’s, he made many enemies. One in particular was a man named Stuart Symington. Symington was the United States Secretary of the Air Force from 1947-1950. He was later elected to the Senate in 1952. He joined the Senate Armed Services Committee and Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Symington was a major critic of Joseph McCarthy and what was called ‘McCarthyism’. McCarthy had great disdain for Stuart Symington as well and constantly referred to him as “Sanctimonious Stu”, even in official Senate Hearings.
Maybe some reading this ‘sanctimonious’ connection between Trump and Joseph McCarthy think it is a little thin and can easily be viewed as coincidence. Okay, I’ll give you that. But let me ask a question, who was Donald Trump’s mentor as a young real estate developer in New York City? It was a lawyer by the name of Roy Cohn. Cohn was a victim of character assassination like so many others who have fought against Communism in America.
Later in life, when Trump was mentored by him, Cohn was labeled as a ‘mob’ lawyer. Some people have been critical of Trump for being mentored by Cohn and see this as evidence that Trump is somehow connected to the ‘mob’ and corruption. Others see this as evidence that Trump helped the FBI take down the Mob in the 1980’s. I believe the latter.
Let me ask another question: who was Joseph McCarthy’s chief counsel during the Army-McCarthy hearings in 1954, and assisted in McCarthy’s investigations of suspected communists? That would be none other than a young Roy Cohn. Cohn worked closely with Joseph McCarthy to fight Communism, and later became Trump’s mentor. James Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense, fought Communism in America, and became JFK’s mentor. Again, all are victims of character assassination, while McCarthy, Forrestal, Patton, and JFK were likely victims of actual assassination. At what point are there too many connections to dismiss things as being coincidence?
I believe there was a 30-year plan implemented in the sixties to destroy America through Communism. The mid 1940’s through the 1950’s was used as a time to set it up, to get assets in place, and the 1960’s was when the plan was put into action.
The 1960’s was the decade used to divide the country. Black and White, men and women, young and old, conservative and liberal, war vs peace. It was also a decade Satanism was interjected into the American culture. It went from secret societies to commonplace, showcased in movies, music and even boardgames.
The 1970’s was a decade used to tear down the economy. High gas prices, high inflation, high interest rates, and high unemployment. The decade the US got completely off the gold standard.
In my opinion, the 1980’s was to be the decade the final death blow to the United States was to occur. Except an imperfect man from California became a two-term President and put a monkey wrench into the plan. They tried to kill him in his first year of office, and yes, I believe he made many concessions to remain in office, and to stay alive.
The 1980’s was the decade the US got its swagger back. The economy turned around, innovation took off, the entrepreneurial spirit was ignited, and people were proud to be Americans again. Yes, it was a decade of excess, and plenty of bad things occurred, but it was a ‘change of course’.
We had a Deep State Vice President, who Reagan was forced to accept, running drugs to fund the Deep State’s operations. But Reagan put a major roadblock in the way of the Cabal’s Communist takeover of the US. The Soviet Union was running on fumes and couldn’t last beyond the decade. At this point, the Cabal allowed the Soviet Union to fall and doubled up on destroying America from the inside. But they had to start the process over.
The 1990’s, like the 1960’s was a decade of dividing the country, as well as a resurgence of Satanism, Satanic Panic. Moral standards were lowered, led by the highest office. Fewer and fewer Americans cared about our leaders maintaining even baseline moral standards. People and groups who opposed the government were squashed. Political correctness found its way into our universities; this concept is a tried and true Communist tactic specifically designed to take down a society from the inside through division. ‘Wokeness’ is just political correctness on steroids.
The 2000’s brought war, control and fear. Like the 1970’s, our economy was on life support. 9-11, Iraq, Afghanistan, the financial crisis of 2008. All tools used to weaken the American economy while gaining more control of its citizens.
In my opinion, the decade of the 2010’s was when the new death blow to America was to occur, except another imperfect man, this time from New York, ruined their plan.
Again, the Cabal had to start over, but this time they had to quadruple their efforts to divide and destroy. First, they had to remove Trump from office, and now the Deep State Cabal can no longer use another 30-year cycle, as too many people are waking up. They need the process of destroying America to occur in a fraction of the time.
Recently, I heard Trump use the terms ‘Marxist’ and ‘fascist’ in describing the DOJ and FBI. To me, he seems to be transitioning from using terms like ‘the Deep State’, ‘the Swamp’ and ‘Chyna’ to terms that more accurately describe who is behind all the corruption and propaganda—the Communists.
Early on, Trump referred to Biden as Sleepy Joe Biden;’ now he refers to him as ‘Crooked Joe Biden.’ Early on, we were led to focus on Biden’s mental and physical deficiencies. Now we are being led to focus on his corruption, hence the nickname change. The nicknames Trump assigns to people matter. Hillary was always ‘Crooked Hillary’.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden’s recent fall was staged to get us to focus on his mental and physical issues again, rather than his corruption.
In summary, it’s difficult not to see the connections between the patriots who fought Communism in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s and Trump today. There are too many connections to explain away as coincidence. Trump is a modern-day Joseph McCarthy, James Forrestal, General Patton and JFK all rolled into one. While Trump may not say it a lot, he is fully aware that the driving force behind all the ridiculousness and destruction we are currently experiencing is the push to create a Communist State in America.
As I mentioned in my last post, things are as confusing as ever before. It’s like we were once asked to juggle three balls, and now we are being asked to juggle five chainsaws, which requires so much more focus. We are being pushed and pulled from all directions. Nothing makes sense until you back up and look at things from a 40,000-foot point of view with the understanding that it is all a Communist plot to destroy America.
But fear not, the Communist plan won’t achieve its ultimate goal. The plan will implode before the pinnacle is reached. The plan is being turned on itself. While it is painful to live through, it is necessary to stop the cycle once and for all.
We will have our country back—back and better than ever.
God bless America. God bless us all. Stay strong and stay positive.
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That’s a great article Erik! I like the way you connect the dots my friend!!
So well written, educational and inspiring. Well done!! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏