Another banger PIP! BOOOM!

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I am an admitted novice when it comes to Bitcoin/Crypto.

The concept of the 21 million coin limit to control inflation could align with the idea of the "Shekel" as the means of pricing in the economy the Lord offered His covenant people in Lev.26 - though there the Trust was in the Eternal Trust-worthiness of our Loving Creator.

What has always troubled me is the assurance I hear that Bitcoin will never be centralized and cannot be manipulated; the first which no one can actual guarantee, the other which, though technically true does not mesh with common understanding of the concept of manipulation.

For example: What do we call the 231 cases of stolen Bitcoin (nearly untraceable) totaling $1.7 billion dollars in 2023 (that's over $7 million per hack) and the fact that more than 80% of the hacks are from individual's wallets. Put another way - with a price of $60,000 per coin and roughly 19.6 million coins minted, the total market value of the coins is $1.176 trillion US dollar - meaning more than 10% of the market value was hacked/stolen. And a complete aside - our current debt is 34 trillion clams (cuz' dollars mean nothing) and our GDP is roughly 25 trillion. Which would mean the implications for conversion could create significant hoarding and immeasurable disparity - and that's just here. Sorry - but all of that smacks of the GESARA/NESARA nonsense. (Hope I did not offend anyone.)

I will gladly do my own research, but if you can help me understand how a "trust-less" solution is superior by sending me to a good resource I would appreciate it.

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Read the bitcoin standard. And learn what nodes are and then become one and then you will be living in the decentralized Bitcoin world 🙏😎

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Do the stats above not matter then? The hacks and vulnerabilities?

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If you were God and you watch as all of your children are enslaved and then brainwashed to believe they were free and at the core of the enslavement was a corrupt fiat system controlled centrally by evil deceitful people how would you help?

Perhaps by inspiring the creation of a new decentralized financial system that freed even the dumb ones? A system which was a nonviolent revolution that slowly then suddenly took power from evil and gave it back to the people and with it control over energy and all the resources you supplied to help them make a beautiful and peaceful and prosperous earth.

Everything good in our world is inspired by God 🙏❤️

If I am wrong the only currency that will matter in the future is bullets.


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One last stab at this before I wear out my welcome.

I am not influenced by your appeal that this might be God's plan. God's plan, His Everlasting Plan, was Jesus and the Holy Spirit and His Word. He has made it clear that the enslavement He is concerned about freeing us from is the enslavement to sin - which brings the second death - and Jesus has already paid our ransom (all of us - the choice is ours to accept it).

(BTW - Jesus was God's plan and very few believed Him - even His selected apostolos asked Him after His resurrection if he was going to, NOW, restore the kingdom to Israel. His way are so much higher than mine! Everything "good" in the world is from God...but how He defines good matters!)

Next - my understanding is that 90% of all coins are held by 1% of the "bitcoin train" - which feels like centralization (even though non-governmental) to me. But I am not supposed to care about the statistics?

When I copied the term "hacked" from the articles I read it was a reference to the stealing of Bitcoin from the rightful owners not the actually "hacking" of a coin - the good news : stealing was down about 52% last years, but still represents a 10% market share being heisted.

What God says is to store up our treasures in heaven, to be good stewards of the blessings He gives, and to work that we might eat and share with those in need (among other things).

Thanks to all for your patience - and recommendations!

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Thanks for the clarification on the hacks! God bless.🙏🙏

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Watching Rugpull Radio starting from Episode 1 and reading all the books they go through from the beginning helped me tremendously.

Everybody's journey is different but that work really well for me. It took me a couple of year of digging before I jumped onto the Bitcoin train, but I am so glad I did and am comfyAF.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Do the stats above not matter then? The hacks and vulnerabilities?

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I thought Bitcoin couldn’t be hacked, but apparently I was wrong??

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It's not that the coin gets hacked, but the exchange where the coins are held do. To get around this, one should not leave their coins out in the public where they can be found. If you aren't actively using your coins, keep them in a secure offline wallet (on USB drive). Those coins are now not accessible via the internet. However, if you do possess millions or billions of value in BTC, you could still be targeted at home just as in the past with gold or silver bullion. Offline wallets are getting more sophisticated though so you may need biometric data plus a passphrase to access the funds.

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Definitely not in the millions/billions class! Than you for the clarification and advice!

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By "hacked" the article - linked below GKB555's request - was referring to it being taken out of the rightful owner's wallet not the coin itself (the blockchain) being hacked...I just used their language.

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i didn't see any proof did you ?!???...just a claim tbh

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so. dont trust the plan.

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Very well put together and very thought provoking. Thanks for this excellent article.

Softwar and the TRUST discussion throughout really sold me on Bitcoin,,, glad to be on the Bitcoin train.

Love your work,

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Jul 11Edited

Ironic that Q says Trust the Plan when part of the Plan was to shatter the blind trust in the institutions we've had for the past 200 years.

TBH, Q was hard to believe or trust at the beginning but the intentions and direction of the Q operation made a lot of sense. Get people to believe nothing and question everything, get people to think for themselves, an almost impossible task for a population which stopped being taught to think for themselves for at least a century.

see below on the Prussian education system,



Unfortunately for us once societal trust is shattered it's very difficult to rebuild and results in mass chaos and social instability for a long time.

For example many patriots trust Trump but a significant minority still don't, even if they like his message.

As for Bitcoin and trust, yes we don't have to trust a middleman or 3rd party, but why should we trust the system at all?

Bitcoin's origins are murky and also the system is built on a house of cards, mining BTC entails extreme energy usage, extreme volatility in value when exchanged against traditional currencies, no security against theft (how many BTC exchanges were hacked or shown to be fraudulent), non-universality (no standardized, accepted system of exchange).

Yes the BTC blockchain algorithm is solid and has been proven to work but there is still no widespread acceptance of it.

Also it's suspicious because it's a digital currency it's a lot like the CBDC promoted by the Deep State and central bankers and most naive people will assume they're the same thing.

BTC actually fulfills one of the statements made by Klaus Schwab, "In the future you will own nothing and you will be happy", Bitcoin being completely digital and backed by nothing material or tangible means if you own BTC you literally own a bunch of digits in a digital wallet, literally nothing.

BTW one weakness is since BTC is digital it can be traced and also locked out of any digitally based economy, specific BTC are like paper currency with serial numbers which can be locked out of a digitial exchange system.

Of course that assumes the central exchange is controlled by some entity and isn't operating completely independently of the infrastructure.

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Trust like respect is earned, not to just be given away!!! I've done written contracts, and hand shake contracts. The hand shake contracts were always much smoother and easier to conduct than the written contracts. The party doing the hand shake contract knows that his character and word are on the line if he doesn't fulfill the contract to the specifications required. The written contracts took a lot more time and included way to many people and legal fictions. Great post PIP... Thanks for your efforts.. Peace...

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At the heart, Trust is the fundamental recognition that human cognition itself has a natural limit, beyond which it is impossible to travel cognitively. Meaning that some Truth simply cannot be known, in the human dimension, through Thought. But that does not mean Truth cannot be known - because “human” is just a part of our fundamental identity. Trust is our greatest weakness, pointing right at our relative vulnerability - and Trust is our greatest potential, pointing right at the inescapable reality of our ultimate transcendent possibilities. Now we decide.

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Excellent work. Shared.

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I trust God, Trump, gold, and silver.

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With a hard limit on how many Bitcoins can be mined and nothing behind them but scarcity to to create value and nothing to sat how they will be dispersed to those who have none, sorry GMONEY, but this all smells like a precursor to a fiat scam that that plays right into the hands and mantra of the WEF: "You will own nothing and be happy."

I am still waiting for an explanation of how the "blockchain" can add value to a fiat currency. and how this fiat currency will hold up against any future hard asset backed currency. And for starters how about an explanation in Plain English and not some "insider mumbo jumbo"?

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Our trust should be in the Bible and Jesus alone.

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The BOR is playing out before our eyes. If you want real info on this world seek out The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog on all kinds of channels and social media. Lean in hard on the promises of Jesus. He is the only way.

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" One must only look to see. [ SYMBOLISM will be their downfall ] "

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I read the previous article regarding Bitcoin and I am still uneducated about the various aspects of it; understand that it is good for individuals and bad for the enslavers of humanity and it’s apparently completely secure due to the blockchain function. Your article on trust is an excellent reminder of how important trust is to the lives of all people. Thank you for your thought-provoking post.

God bless you.🙏🙏

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The Federal Reserve must be abolished and legislatively prohibited from being reestablished under the same penalty as treason. However, I’m not foolish enough to believe that the US will endure as we know it forever. All republics come to an end and typically morph into dictatorships. My trust is in avid alone. As much as I like and support Trump, even he doesn’t have the same agenda as I in every area.

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Is Bitcoin part of the quantum financial system? I do not understand the difference. But I've heard that producing one Bitcoin takes a whole bunch of energy from the power grid. Can someone explain how this works?

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Thank you for this uplifting article. I guess we'll know on November 5th.... If not sooner.

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