To think one key role of our military is to protect our borders. And yet, it's the one thing it's not doing.

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Our borders aren't under military attack.

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I enjoy all of your articles, Ryan, but I think this is your best one. You have articulated the NeoCon mindset beautifully, and it is never focused on “creating a more peaceful world”!

Great video clips chosen to demonstrate the 180 degree difference, Gen Flynn who knows all about the cost of war and is devoted to peace vs MacGregor who knows all about war and favors forever conflicts.

This was a great read. Thanks ❤️🙏🕊🇺🇸🕊🌎

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What I've witnessed repeatedly over the years with regards to blind support for Israel has been Biblical references. Many (most?) MAGAs are Christian but not so much followers of Christ's teaching as they are dogmatic followers of men's interpretations of the Bible. They 100% believe they are obligated to support Israel, even as evidence of Israeli involvement in 9/11 festers within that uncleaned, unhealed wound on our nation.

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Ecclesiasticus 17:17 says that Israel is the Lord's portion:

"For in the division of the nations of the whole earth he set a ruler over every people; but Israel is the Lord's portion." (KJVAAE)

Ecclesiasticus (not to be confused with Ecclesiastes) is an apocryphal book, generally accepted by Catholics and Orthodox but not included in many versions of the Bible.

Nobody is obliged to support another nation, not limited to Israel, except in the case of treaties for common defense (e.g. NATO). In most cases, we'd be better off not involving the US or other nations in wars that are not our affair.

Unfortunately the neocons and MIC see things differently. Lindsey Graham never met a war he did not like. Why Trump still supports him I cannot understand. Graham should be primaried by a true MAGA supporter.

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Prior to 1945, where was Israel?

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Prussia and Germany

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Germany gave them tons of trouble, almost ended them - which IMO is why the remaining German people have been permanently vilified in the media. The Tribe never forgets, and the only thing it loves more than lying is killing.

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Where it is today, but overrun by Muslims.

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In other words: what actual evidence do we have that present day Israelis are the same people that God delivered from Pharoah?

Knowing this is absolutely essential.

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They aren't and that is why the attacks on Gaza.....they likely are the true descendants of David. The Israeli Zionists came from western Russia prior to being thrown out.

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The Khazarian Mafia…the original “identity theft” and we know them today as the Zionists

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Which is why The Greater Israel project aims to annihilate the remaining people in the region because, IMO, of all people on Earth, Satan hates them the most.

Deception is the norm. What the masses most believe is true, is most often a deception brought into them from the one who hates all Creation and his Creator most of all.

But, he cannot touch Jesus, nor any Jesus protects, and he cannot FORCE anyone to believe anything.

But he can deceive, and that's what media is all about. Graven images, idols, false gods, murder, theft, covetousness, adultery, all on full display labeled as entertainment but actually changing what people accept, think, and believe.

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Khazarian Mafia, the original Identity Theft…and we know them today as Zionists - cloaked behind a Jewish faith when they have no allegiance to any religion but darkness

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Is there a difference between a people and a land mass?

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Yes, but what it really comes down to is who has power, and who is controlled by whom.

Modern Israel came about as a result of the Balfour declaration, a product of the British Cabal. Israel (along with Iran and its puppets, after the Shah was installed in what was it? 1952 IIRC) are still controlled by the British Cabal, and they are using this Israel/Iran war to try to precipitate WW3. Ukraine was supposed to do it, but Russia (not controlled by the Cabal) does not want WW3 and will only commit to a limited operation to run that same British Cabal and its NATO puppets out of Ukraine.

So far, and let's hope it continues, [they] have not had their way in Israel yet either, but they're still trying. They're also pushing (non Cabal) China into war with Taiwan (US, and therefore Cabal, puppet); my feeling is all the noise coming from Xi is misdirection, partly to stop his people from paying attention to the worsening economy and partly to make China look like a bigger world player than it yet is. An interesting theory about Taiwan:

Broken Nest Deterring China from Invading Taiwan




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Graham sold his soul to the Cult of Trump and has never renounced it. Of course Trump continues to support him.

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So True. And they're the ones who like to use the word exposed to define what trump did. I don't. If anything he exposed who his fan base actually is and those ppl are not Christians in any real sense. They're just killing as many ppl as possible and dragging the rest of us with them.

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Thanks Ryan for your work on this article, I agree with your take regarding the Uniparty and their unholy alliance with the MIC. It is now obvious to every Awakened person that the MIC wants war anywhere and always. I did not realize that until Trump made it so obvious.

I also believe that the DS Rat Bastard MSM has lost its audience. I believe We the People are the news now. I also believe that We the People have not come to understand this Truth yet. As a result we still have not fully embraced our new role.

As a result I think we over value any narrative that the MSM unleashes. I don't believe it has the unquestioned impact like preTrump narratives would have had. So I would like We the People to start ignoring or laughing off the MSM narrative and simply put forward the Truth and suggest how we should proceed.


I don't believe a word they say. Maybe I listen to a little too much Chris Paul, but I don't trust any of their stories or their videos. So I do not support any Sleepy Joe bombings nor do I believe they are real.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Great comment, Joe 👍❤️

It really started in ernest when Trump first spoke those Famous words: “FAKE NEWS” !!

What a Master Player on the game board. We are living in Historic times ❤️🕊🇺🇸🕊🌎

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When I think back about how I saw the world and his comments back then... it amazes me that the same words look so different now vs then...

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I was immediately thrilled when I first him say it…just didn’t think it would take this long to expose it to the normie mind

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Trump a "Master Player"? Now there's some fake news. Fact of the matter is, Trump got endlessly played by the so-called deep state.

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You have a lot of catching up to do.

Trump with the help of military intelligence knew exactly what the DeepState was about…he Masterfully played the game of exposure

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Trump also got massively and systematically played by the military. A little calculated flattery was all it took to steer him around by the nose. Trump has no understanding of the system or how it works and he continues to refuse to do his homework. You can't do anything about the "deep state" when you don't even understand what it is. His supporters' proposals read more like a wingnut wishlist than any kind of coherent plan. Even if he somehow manages to finagle his way back into office, he won't do any more swamp-draining than he did the first time. (Rearranging the alligators doesn't count.)

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Meanwhile, we have a well-planned and executed invasion of our country's border. The US Government is wholly complicit and has committed treason.

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Complicit? Hell, they ORGANIZED the whole thing! Obama is the head of the snake!

Exposure, disclosure, justice. NCSWIC.

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But it was Bush or Clinton ?who started it with the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement - Bush started it in the sense of bringing the NWO into the public consciousness

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Pretty sure it was Bush, NAFTA made it easier for the CIA and Cartels to smuggle drugs across the border. It really had little to do with 'free trade.'

Another example of doublespeak, of which Orwell would be proud.

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NAFTA was a large net benefit to ordinary Americans and US manufacturers.

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Very interested to see how this thread develops here within a more aware and educated audience. Within the Remedy Seeking Patriot circles, AVR is a lightening rod of controversy, similar to Trump but on a much smaller scale. So, let the fireworks begin.

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As the American ship of state founders on these shallows we will survive and come to find a way toward peace - free of the those of the MIC - who seek only to destroy.

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Can you add an audio version to your articles? I'd love to listen on the go.

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The SubStack mobile ap has audio versions of each article!

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Pro Flynn stuff here. Anyhooo I used to think conservative was the freedom side. I think many of them do also but it's rife with nuance the higher-ups never mention. So it's only a ruse. Thus the uniparty. There's no hope to be placed with them as they're the left's preferred tools of engagement and it's done in plain sight. I wouldn't discuss anything with conservatives as they're missing the entire point and it's too sad to watch. Nice ppl some of them. A few of them.

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I think what you're missing here is the corporate control of the Five Eyes, Israel, and Ukraine. The Crown Temple Bank of England managed the USA's bankruptcy. They own the corporation, and they run the corporation for one purpose, to stack up gold. As our currency loses value, guess who is stacking up gold coins? The USA is a foreign corporation that is exploiting the states. I believe all the intel agencies work directly for the Crown Bank. They are all initiated warrior priests...Templars. I'm talking about all the alphabet agencies from all the Crown Bank lands mentioned above. When the USA sends troops, funds, and equipment to Ukraine, we should all see the Crown Bank using its resources strategically and for its own purposes. There is no push from congress to fund Ukraine. It's all the corporate ownership of the USA forming policy. This is taxation without representation.

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US failed to stop deadly drone attack due to identification mixup: Report

There was reportedly some confusion on the base when the U.S. drone returned about whether the other incoming drone was friendly.


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This article actually makes some very reasonable parts, but the Trump cultism seriously undermines it. Trump never opposed the MIC and instead served their interests right down the line. One of the few things I actually agreed with candidate Trump about was opposition to "stupid wars". Too bad I could count the number of those wars President Trump stopped on the fingers of no hands. And the idea of Trump as some sort of master strategist is just beyond ludicrous.

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It was first used to go after Al Qaeda and, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service published May 11, 2016, has since been used “37 times in connection with actions in 14 countries and on the high seas.”

Is this report available online? Can you provide a link?

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Yes indeed, our true enemies are among us, some pretend to lead us and many are greasing the wheels of the financial system. I pray for peace 🙏

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THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX better known as the Pentagon is the home of the sniveling, cowards who have played the government's 'game' successfully and achieved a high rank in some branch of service. Does that mean all above say Sergeant are questionable? They are to me, but no, they give themselves away much sooner. These are the men (?) Who will send your children to die in their forever wars.

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I believe the biggest problem the military has is the recruitment of willing and qualified applicants.

Most of the 19 to 34 year olds don't meet the standards and don't want to join up. That leaves the draft, in case they want to ramp up numbers, but I believe that will be a flop if they try to enforce it, with the rebellious generation we have today!!!%

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You're right John. Even if they don't enforce the draft, some guys are overweight, almost all are out of shape. Then we have the trans, bi and 57 other genders they think. What a crock!!!% And they bought into it,

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