Great perspective ! The real bad guys are the war-mongering reptile-brained blood-lusters on both sides. Nikki Haley? What a joke ! Ben Shapiro? Mark Levin? I believe their rabid stance on this will seriously diminish whatever 'credibility' they may have once had . The day has arrived when advocating for peace is verboten ! Well then, call me Verboten !!!!!

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Finish them! Yes, and there are a lot of men peeking around from behind the curtain on alt media.

Dead Baby Dave Rubinstein is pushing beheaded babies. He has been promoting DeSantis who does cool things in the open and subversive things like going to Israel to sign a 'Florida' anti-Semitic law. Also something about forced jabs. Rebel News is getting ratioed all over the place featuring Avi who is in a posted video about him shooting Palestinian kids. Jeremy at the Quartering obviously took the shekels, he posted an anti Palestine vid, Salty Cracker looks like he took the shekels as well.

If you know of anyone else please do mention them.

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I agree with your take on all of them,. but I hold out hope for the Cracker, as his sarcastic wit makes me laugh, and he seems very 'America First', not necessarily in a xenophobic way, but in a way required for these times, as very few except war profiteers and amoeba-brained sheeple want any war, especially foreign wars to come home to us. Yes, run-on sentences R Us !!!!!

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I like Salty too.

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As my brother observed back in 1968 when he refused to go fight in Viet Nam -- "You got the 'Good Guys' and the "Bad Guys' -- the question is who are the 'Good Guys' and who are the 'Bad Guys'?

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Are there good guys?? (Other than civilians)

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Thx Ryan excellent work as always ! I just pray for a world of Peace ! WWG1WGA WORLD WIDE !

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I think you are right that this is part of a bigger narrative.

An estimated 20 million died from the clot shots so far and some believe the death rates will only get worse. We see celebrities dying suddenly almost every day now, but behind those are many other people who don't get publicity. (See the Mark Crisspin Miller's Dying Suddenly substack for the weekly lists.)

Then we have the accelerating geo-engineering that is dumping the toxic substances of barium, strontium and aluminum on all western countries and engineering weather (including fires, hurricanes, tornados, etc.) that is destroying trees, plants and other species, not to mention depriving us of essential sunlight and poisoning our food, water and air. (See Agent131711's substack on this.)

Now we have the threat of a regional or world war, which some believe to be a religious war but I believe is a war over the oil and gas under the occupied territories. As Reuters announced yesterday, Israel has just awarded 12 gas exploration licences in the midst of the war! --https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/israel-awards-gas-exploration-licences-eni-bp-four-others-2023-10-29/ -- and as we know, the US blew up the Nordstream pipeline and Europe is hurting from the loss of the Russian supply. Israel, the US and Europe are keen to assure western sources of oil and gas, and when haven't wars been about resources and profit. Not to mention the precarious position of the US dollar, which the BRIC countries have been openly abandoning.

Above that is the depopulation agenda, which the MICC appears to be onboard with. A world war would get rid of more of us, wouldn't it?

Then there is the open border in the US, with around 7 million illegal aliens allowed to enter in the past three years, many of them young men as opposed to families. European countries have also been inundated.

It makes you wonder if there is a concerted effort to take down the west not only from without but from within, by whom, for what.

I just have observations and questions, but I sure would love someone to figure things out and explain them to us so we don't feel so tossed about on the tides of current events and at the mercy of extreme and dark forces (as you point out seem to be in play, Ryan).

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Yes, you are making good observations and asking the right questions! I’m in complete agreement with all that you are contemplating...

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"...but if their constituents express reticence to take a hard stance..."

The word reticence means "reluctance to speak", which obviously makes no sense in the context. The word you want is simply "reluctance".

(I'm a professional Copy Editor. Normally, I charge for the work but sometimes an article is so compelling and generally well written that I'll offer corrections for free.)

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Thanks! Fixing now

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You are very welcome. I love your work.

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THIS IS A GREAT ARTICLE. When I see Ryan has written one I read it ASAP! What I like about them is they can be easily shared with those behind us on the info timeline. I had a brother ask me if I knew anything about globalists the day his article came out on Victoria Nuland! I loved it, Perfect for him, not over anyone’s head. So thanks Ryan!

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They Don’t Care Which Side You Pick, so Long as You Pick that's where they lose because they are all bad guys so I don't choose. Terrific points Ryan.

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As Joe Lange and Erik Carlson have been telling us, the Cabal controls both Israel and Iran and has for decades.


The war in Ukraine has not worked out for [them] because they only control the Ukraine/NATO side, not Putin's Russia and you need control of both sides to create a world war.

So it was time for a new war, where [they] control both sides. Enter Oct.7.

Putin is right, this could easily spiral out of control and outside of the Middle East. That is exactly what [they] want.

Ryan, you are right; the side of peace is the only rational one. But as you point out, the 'rationality' in DC if you can call it that, has a very different motivation than the average citizen: wars are where the money, power and control are. That is what [they] want, and they mean to get it.

Fortunately [they] are losing power, but they are still dangerous. This will be a test of whether the White Hats actually control enough of the Game Board to steer this conflict into a localized skirmish, rather than a more widespread conflagration.

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Well stated, all the way through. And I'm in agreement - what we're witnessing now, as heartbreaking as it is, seems just the opening volley for the war the West really wants - NATO/EU/Israel against the ever-expanding BRICS and Arab state alliances.

Things are about to get even more terrible than they are. We're one false flag/propaganda operation/psy-op/international misunderstanding away from WW III.

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Nailed it DPFlorida

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At that point, we will be required to destroy this current regime ourselves, as it isn’t Americans causing this. These bastards are so anti American, we couldn’t gave more evil,destructive enemies. Time for bullets to fly. We been inthe cartridge box for three years going on four. Time to open fire.

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There's nothing the rat bastards want more than for Patriot Americans to "open fire," so they can expand the J6 narratives and dishonest indictments to a million of us. When I see a post like devoalan's, I wonder, is he merely unwise, childish--or is he a troll, consciously on the enemy's side?

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Actually silly, what you fail to realize is we are at fucking war. You can ride your high horse to hell, me I’m willing to fight and die if need be for your freedom to do so. By the way, Esther, when it gets to the point I’m referring to, there will be no courts, no laws, no j6 committees, no semblance of order. But I’d prefer fighting against this tyrant, and the deep state that stole this last election, than laying down while you take it in the ass. I’m not sure what you’re insinuating with the barbs thrown, but I can tell you what we refer to as manhood in this part of the world. Wake up, and be prepared. After the last stolen election, do you really think you can talk and vote your way out of this? And btw, the rat bastards may think they want us to react, until we do. Once that pin is pulled deary, you will see what freedom means to those of us that your ilk will attempt to quell. Fuck, you piss me off. Can I call you Neville?

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We most certainly are at war. It began in the garden of Eden, and the current open phase of it began in 2016 with the election of Trump. I have been astonished to discover the truth about "We war not against flesh and blood..." to see that the real weapons that devastate the enemy are NOT violent ones, but researching and telling the truth, sharing what we learn and preparing to take much more responsibility locally.

However, there IS a violent part of it, and that is being done secretly by the US and other military.

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Thank you, Ryan for your incredible articles. I look forward to them as they are so very informative and thought provoking. I just wish I would have been aware of this info ten years ago, but I'm sure all of this awakening is part of God's plan. Most awake Americans know this, but it's difficult for those of us who are old & realize we have been lied too & are still being lied to by these evil satan filled people, but there's always hope

God wins in the end. God bless you & your brilliance

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Oh, and great title!

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Thanks Ryan I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this current DS Rat Bastard MSM shit show.

As I have stated many times before MSM = LIES. Every one of their narratives is a lie. If you start ANY debate with their narrative you lose.

I usually listen to Chri Paul’s I’m Your Moderator podcast daily (as he puts them out). I share completely his point of view that the HAMAS attack story is total bullshit. Parachuting gocarts is absurd and a border breach with no immediate response is out of the realm of possibilities.

Did we learn nothing from the 9/11 DS Rat Bastard H.W. Bush and gang inspired killing of Americans that these criminals know no bound on the depths they will sink or the humans they will sacrifice to foment war and enrich the bankers and MIC?.

I am not moved nor can I be “shamed” or “herded” into believing the US should send 1 penny overseas… to anybody…for any reason.

The silver lining that I see in this cloud is that the US had NO Speaker at the trigger point of when this whole bullshit story was launched. If you remember 9/11 by evening of the 1st night you had all the Uniparty joining hands singing kumbaya while they began spending as fast as they could (and passed laws to remove our God Given Freedoms). So this time they could not immediately send our money to all their overlords. And as time has progressed any of us who have lived through times like 9/11 can readily see that the same “unanimous” support is NOT there this time. Coincidence? I doubt it. “Left” & “Right” (Normievillians) questioning the Uniparty & MIC? Coincidence? I doubt it.

We the People are on the march and will not be deterred or denied.

Shits gitt’n real… and I am ComfyAF!!!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Hi Joe !

Before the Best is yet to come, the worst seems being already there ..


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Underneath the war drums on both sides, is the hidden power elite cabal. Doesn’t really matter to [them] which side America takes as long as [they] get us involved, financially yes, but some level of going kinetic would be helpful to their global agenda, at the heart of which is further weakening the great United States of America…at its weakest thanks to the Biden Administration. [They] need to trigger the chaos on our own soil…with millions of military-aged men who have crossed our southern border and are among us now, waiting for the signal to unleash hell in America. (Well that would be one way to postpone the election!)

And the corrupt DC swamp is all in! This has gone beyond keeping the coffers of the MIC full…this is a long time in the making planned strategy. Decades of a liberal “progressive” Marxist invasion in our universities; using every tactic in the book to foster cultural, gender, and race division. Stealing the 2020 election. Nonstop attacks against our 1st and 2nd amendments. Relentless attack against our beloved President Trump, a man of peace.

We are going to find out just how much America values Freedom, because our freedom is definitely at stake.

Thanks for this timely article, Ryan!!

Bit of a cliffhanger at the end there…looking forward to your continued insightful thoughts ❤️🙏🕊

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Excellent work describing the whole process of continuous war. Who it helps and who it hurts. The entire article seems to describe a theory I’ve had for quite a while.

There’s a reason we see this, “The massive protests that have popped up in countries like Lebanon, Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and obviously Iran (all countries with formidable militaries) are blaming the United States just as much as they blame Israel for what’s happening in Palestine.”

Will Zoll’s series on the Prussians was what made the theory click in my mind. The protesters above referenced are correct. The Nazis (Prussians) likely didn’t actually lose WWII, but went underground and with both public programs and many more underground ones, came to infiltrate and establish their new headquarters in DC. There, through the intelligent agencies and a massive network of surveillance utilizing technological advances, addition of massive bureaucracies and the (also massive) war machine of government and corporate marriages joined the same deep states in other countries on their way to a world totalitarian governance. Fortunately for the world’s patriots, the technology the Nazis planned to seal our fate, via a massive network of anons and truthers; this same technology is being used to take them down. This is why the precedent established by the Trump indictments ensures that the collapse of their HQ in DC will be according to the (Constitutional) rule of law!

Thank you Ryan for another excellent example of truth revealed!! God bless you.🙏🙏

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Well said!!! ❤️

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Thank you!

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I would be glad to read your own analysis and comprehension of this article published by Noah today (it was difficult for me to read it in such a webpage format, and I'm not sure I correctly understood it):

"Jonathan Cahn: Biblical breakdown of Israel-Hamas End-Time Mystery"


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I second Feather's recommendation and link to Greg Hunter's website. He does offer an excellent summary of the interview.

He also points out that while he is talking to an American audience, the same situation is true in the entire Western world.

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Although I’ve heard the name, Johnathan Kahn, before, I am not very familiar with his interpretations of Bible prophecy.

This article references an interview by Greg Hunter that got over a million views!

It presents a deep dive into Biblical analysis on Israel and Hamas…calling it an ancient mystery replaying in modern times.

The word Hamas is in the Bible….Israel was attacked from what is now known as Gaza in ancient time.

Biblical giant Goliath came from Gaza in ancient times.

Johnathan is a Jew who believes in Jesus /Yeshua and points out that 2000 yrs ago, the Jews, so focused on waiting for the Messiah, missed His coming!

The transcript on WLT is a terrible format…one ridiculously long long ramble without any sentence structure - very difficult to read!

Try Greg Hunter’s website for a better summary.


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Thank you so much to Featherjourney and Wild Bill for their own takes and explanations !

I will have to read and watch the different sources several times to be sure I really well understand them ...

Please find below the takes by Mirianmae I sollicited directly as I know she appreciates Rabbi Kahn:




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I know about this matter since a while, thanks to Noah I read and follow since I discovered the name of Donald Trump in Florida in 2013, and then had been very surprised to see him coming down the golden escalator and being elected President ...

I link this matter to the numerous stories we read these last few months about UAP / UFO and maybe DEW also ....

🙏🏻✝️🕊️ May God have Mercy and pity to [Them] and bless all of those who are fighting for His Word and HIS Truth ! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻

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I can't watch such a long video but I did watch random sequencies and I'm convinced this matter is fully linked / tied with our current discussion ....


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There is a distinction between rich, corrupt war mongering politicians and standing for Israel whose massacre matches 30,000 Americans lost in 9/11. Since you brought 9/11 up. When they come for us, don’t straddle my fence…I’ll be shooting from only one side.

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