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Propaganda 101.
Here is how propaganda works, and remember propaganda is a psychological tool:
First, one puts out an outrageous claim that isn’t backed by any actual evidence. Anyone who doesn’t immediately accept the claim without question is then attacked and their voice is silenced. Eventually, it comes out that there is no evidence to support the outrageous claim, but the emotions and feelings that were created by the original claim persist. These emotions and feelings are layered on top of each other as false claim after false claim occurs. The recipient of these false claims may even later know that the claims aren’t true, but they are driven by the emotions the false claims stirred up in them. The recipient of the false claims may even feel the need to protect or make excuses for the people who gave them the false information:
‘Their claims were wrong, but their hearts were in the right place.’
I would surmise that most people who hate Trump don’t even know why they hate him, it’s an accumulation of false claims that have left a residue of hate they can’t seem to scrub off.
Outrageous false claims, followed by the attack on the people who question them is not a new thing.
In WWI, the Germans were accused of killing babies. In WWII, the Nazis were accused of making lampshades from the skin and soap from the fat of dead Jewish bodies. In the first Gulf War, the Iraqis were accused of throwing Kuwaiti babies out of their hospital incubators to die. In the second Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan were accused of having weapons of mass destruction.
Before I move on, please don’t think I’m supporting the Germans, Nazis, Iraqis or the Afghans—I’m just pointing out that propaganda was successfully used against them, and part of how we view them is based on the propaganda, or the feelings that persisted from the false claims made against them.
During Covid, the “virus” was considered a death sentence, alternative treatments were considered poison, and the vaccines were considered 100% safe and effective. Until fairly recently, we’ve been told Ukraine is winning their war with Russia. While all of these things have been proven to be lies, the emotional damage they do lingers on.
‘Ok, we didn’t find any WMDs, but better safe than sorry.’ ‘Well, I suppose Covid wasn’t as bad as they made it out to be, but they were just looking out for our best interests …’ Or even, ‘because of masks and vaccines, Covid didn’t end up being as bad as it otherwise would have been.’
In many cases, false claims—propaganda—is used to justify an action. Once the actions occur, there is no taking them back after the accusations are proven false or baseless. One couldn’t take back the bombing of Bagdad, or the vaccines that were administered. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.
In other cases, attacks based on known false claims will result in real hate that it creates; if someone loses their whole family from drone strikes that were “justified” by known false claims, don’t be surprised if the person ends up being an actual terrorist someday, as the false accusations create real hate.
In the past several days, we’ve heard about hundreds of Israeli babies being decapitated by Hamas terrorists, and hundreds of Palestinians dying from Israel bombing a hospital. In both cases, the media ran with the stories without any actual proof. I believe both stories are propaganda used to escalate the conflict into a world war—one story demonizing the Israelis and another demonizing the Palestinians.
So who does the Deep State run media want us to back? I don’t think they really care; I think they just want a war. I believe the Deep State controls every aspect of this conflict from Hamas’ brutal attacks on Israeli civilians, to the “snail-like” response of the Israeli military.
I believe every country should have the right to defend itself from terrorist attacks, and I’m also not claiming everything is fake and nothing is real. I stand in the camp of believing brainwashed, manipulated Hamas terrorists committed acts of extreme violence against innocent people, but some of what we are hearing is propaganda, and all of it stems from manipulation and coordination from both sides’ puppet masters.
Both sides are controlled by the same group of people, and these people have an agenda: to start a world war.
Why am I asking the question, “Was the Israel/Hamas Conflict De-escalated”?
The headline from an ABC article on October 12, 2023.
“US, Qatar agree to prevent Iran from tapping previously frozen $6 billion fund.”
On September 11th, 2023, it was reported that the Biden Administration was freeing up $6 billion dollars to Iran in a prisoner exchange where the US would get back five prisoners being held by Iran, and Iran in return would get back five prisoners being held by the US. Surely, no one could be that tone deaf to unfreeze $6 billion to a known terrorist supporting government on the anniversary of the largest terrorist act to take place on American soil. Even Joe Biden couldn’t be that dumb, right?
Immediately after Hamas brutally attacked Israeli citizens, everyone quickly came to the conclusion that it must be funded by the $6 billion that Biden just freed up to Iran; even the purple haired Trump haters are thinking the two must be connected. The White House claims that every cent of the freed-up money is still sitting in the Qatari bank. This is what one would say if they got caught funding a terrorist act, but I believe they are actually telling the truth.
They finally told the truth about something, but in this case, it was to save them from criticism. I should point out that I have no way of verifying that the money is still in the bank, but it makes sense to me that it is. Why? I believe the Patriots have some control and wouldn’t allow it to get into Iran’s hands. I’m fine being called overly optimistic.
Many reading this believe, like me, that some sort of “Devolution” is happening in the US. While Biden and his Deep State handlers are doing everything in their power to destroy America and usher in a Marxist, Communist government that will eventually lead to a “one world” globalist government, I believe Trump and the Patriots are working behind the scenes to do everything in their power to minimize the damage.
I believe “Devolution” is happening on several fronts, with one being within the Federal Reserve. I believe Jerome Powell and others are doing their best to keep the US economy from imploding, while Janet Yellen and her Deep State controllers are doing their best to undo the good that Trump ally Powell is doing. Yellen has been placed under the spotlight, saying the US economy is excellent and America could easily fund two wars.
The American economy is a complete mess, and all the positive economic data that is coming out is completely fabricated. Every month this year the “jobs growth” numbers have come out strong and then have been revised down later in the month with zero fanfare, zero coverage. This is the equivalent of flipping a coin nine times and having it come up heads nine times in a row; it’s statistically, extremely unlikely, unless both sides are heads.
Another way the government is fudging numbers is by deciding that certain out of work Americans aren’t looking for work, therefor they aren’t a part of the unemployment figures. Homeless people aren’t actively looking for work. Three million Americans who stopped working during the Covid lockdowns have chosen not to go back to work. They may have chosen to reluctantly retire early or homeschool their kids, or just gave up looking for a suitable job. They have been conveniently removed from the unemployment figures. Add these 3mm people back into the unemployment figures, and the unemployment rate would nearly double.
But by far my favorite manipulation of the “jobs” numbers is what they are doing with full-time and part-time jobs, not to mention second jobs.
If someone takes a second job to keep up with inflation, it’s considered two jobs. Yay! But the best manipulation of the numbers is when they report 250k new jobs are created, but they fail to mention that 1mm high-paying full-time jobs were lost, and 1.25mm part-time minimum wage jobs were created. So essentially, 1mm $100k a year jobs were lost, and 1.25mm $20k a year jobs were created. In this scenario, $100 billion in income is lost, and $25 billion in income is gained. Somehow through the magic of illusion, this is presented as a good thing—250k new jobs.
Or how about Janet Yellen going to China on July 6th to beg China to buy US Treasuries.
China agreed to buy $20 billion in US Treasuries through Hong Kong under the assurance Ukraine wouldn’t be allowed into NATO during the upcoming NATO Summit. Following Yellen’s “shroom-trip” meeting with Chinese officials, China bought US Treasuries for the first time in eight months. A week later, the NATO Summit occurred and as many may recall, Zelensky was ignored by the other NATO leaders. Zelensky went from being the “belle of the ball” to a wallflower overnight. This is likely when it was determined Ukraine was no longer going to be used as a means of creating a world war and the support for it would quickly begin to unwind.
I mention this not to “black pill” anyone into thinking we are headed towards a Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome existence, but rather to understand that as bad as things are, the economy is actually staying afloat. This could only be happening if the “good guys” are undoing some things the “bad guys” are doing.
I don’t believe the Deep State has the power to pull the plug on the American economy; they can create a lot of drag on it, but they can’t kill it. I understand some reading this have a different opinion about the American economy and believe it will completely implode. That’s fine, we are all independent thinkers and I respect everyone’s opinion. I view people not being able to buy a house for a couple of years and paying way too much for groceries, and racking up credit card debt something we can come back from when Trump is back in office.
While it may seem like we are headed towards another world war, I believe cooler heads will prevail.
The Deep State definitely wants another world war, but I don’t think they will get the escalated version they are looking for. It’s hard not to notice that the Uniparty seems to all agree that we must go to war now. In my opinion, it’s not a coincidence that the Israeli situation happened a week after Ukraine seems to be losing its funding. It also seems that every time the Uniparty agrees on anything, it’s a bad thing.
The Uniparty (RINOs, Neocons, and Liberals) all agreed we should go to war against Iraq and Afghanistan and pass the Patriot Act following 9/11, and they all agreed draconian efforts must be used to stop the spread of Covid. I believe the Uniparty is currently being exposed for what they are—Deep State puppets. The spotlight is being shown brightly on them all.
The RINOs and Neocons that Trump and MAGA have accused of being “war hawks” are now calling for war. The progressive Liberals have been painted into a corner where they can’t support Israel or condemn Hamas or Palestine. Some liberal organizations have actually shown support of Hamas and Palestine. But honestly, who knows who is controlling their Twitter accounts. Every possible move they can make is a losing move.
It is not a coincidence that either side find themselves in the situation they find themselves. They have been set up. The Patriots have set them up. They are being forced to “out” themselves for what they really are—Deep State puppets.
Think back to when Trump announced that the FBI was going to raid his Mar-a-Lago home before it happened, or when he announced he would be indicted numerous times. He forced the Deep State’s hands. He forced them to act before they were ready to act. He knew their intentions, but beat them to the punch, forcing them to act before they had their conspiracies fully planned out.
In the case of the FBI raiding his home, they didn’t have time to “plant” evidence. They did their best to make it appear Trump had illegally possessed classified documents, but empty manila folders marked “classified” wasn’t going to hold up in court. It worked for the CNN and MSNBC crowd, but it certainly wouldn’t hold up with the US Supreme Court.
How does any of this relate to Iran?
As already mentioned, Biden’s Administration announced they were going to free up $6 billion to Iran on 9/11, which we all understand is completely tone deaf, but why did they even announce that they were going to do it? Why wasn’t it done in secret?
I theorize that Trump and the Patriots found out that Biden, and likely Obama were going to secretly send Iran a big sum of money, so the Patriots forced the hand of the Biden Administration to acknowledge publicly that they were going to release $6 billion to Iran, and Biden’s Administration had to play along in public. They had to make the public statement, or people would realize they aren’t fully in control.
I believe this has occurred many times, they have been forced to say or do something, otherwise the people would understand they are not in complete control. An example is the FBI raid, or the indictments against Trump that eventually get thrown out of court.
Now, I’m not suggesting that Iran isn’t being funded by the American Deep State, but that the $6 billion information was released to force the Biden Administration to attach themselves to it publicly, and the public announcement actually kept the money from finding its way into Iran’s hands. According to Qatar, the money is all still there.
I believe Iran is controlled by the British MI6 and the American CIA, or rather, Deep State factions within them. I believe Iran funds and executes acts of terrorism for the MI6 and CIA. I’m also beginning to wonder if MI6 and the CIA are about to turn on Iran. If they turn on Iran, they will need to completely wipe them out, too many skeletons in the closet so to speak.
I’ve noticed some Neocons have been calling for the bombing of Iran. Are they ready to move on from this cash cow that they have been milking for 70 years? Do they feel the “jig is up,” and they therefore have to burn the place down? I honestly don’t know the answer to this question.
If one looks at the Deep State as organized crime, you realize there are different levels. Even within the Italian Mafia, you have the Boss or Godfather, under him you have Capos, under them you have Soldiers and under them Associates. Within the Italian Mafia, you also have different crime families. Sometimes one crime family will snitch or turn on another crime family to gain power or territory, or just to protect themselves. A big mistake people make about the Deep State is in thinking it’s all one big, cohesive unit. The truth is they are constantly stabbing each other in the back to gain more power. This applies as well to the Cabal puppet masters. Within the Cabal, there is a constant power struggle.
To complicate things even further, organized crime isn’t just the Italian Mafia; above them are the Jewish Mafia, who run all of organized crime. If you consider the Italian Mafia ranking system, the Cabal is the Godfather, the Jewish Mafia is the Capos, and the Soldiers are the Italian and other Mafias, and the Associates are politicians, CEOs and intelligence agents.
The Jewish Mafia never wanted to be seen as running organized crime, therefore they created the persona through books and movies that the Italian Mafia runs things.
The truth is that Meyer Lansky ran organized crime for decades, he had associates running Hollywood "(Micky Cohen) while others ran Las Vegas. The Jewish Mafia ran and still runs drug smuggling operations with the CIA. Some may remember the movie the French Connection, which was actually the CIA and Lansky running drugs from the Vietnam War through France and into the US. Much of the money that was produced through the Vietnam War drug-running went towards creating the State of Israel, a hornet’s nest right in the middle of the Middle East.
While the early development of the State of Israel was heavily tied to organized crime, they later had to turn their backs on it a bit. Israel needed to appear a little more “legit” in order to get official funding from the US Government.
‘Sorry Meyer, we can’t be seen with you anymore; you are a little too radioactive. ‘We appreciate all that you’ve done for us, but from this point forward, we don’t know you.’
Back in the 1980s, Rudy Giuliani took down the Italian Mafia in New York, and I believe he was helped by Donald Trump. But in actuality, this RICO case didn’t eliminate the top-level group of organized crime members. Organized crime didn’t go away. These weren’t petty criminals on the street that were taken down, but nowhere near the level above them. It seems what was eliminated of the Italian Mafia was replaced by the Russian Mafia. The true “Capos”, the Jewish Mafia were never taken down.
If one understands the Deep State is run like an organized crime syndicate, it is easier to see what is happening in Israel right now.
The same people who control Deep State assets within the Israeli Government also control Hamas, and Iran. The Hamas attacks on Israeli citizens could not have happened without the Israeli Government looking the other way, standing down and allowing the terrorist attacks to occur, willingly or unwillingly. The Hamas terrorists probably truly hate the Israelis due to their conditioning and past experiences, but the people above the terrorists are using them for their agenda. The Deep State factions of the Israeli Government, Hamas and Iran couldn’t care less about their own people; they are perfectly willing to sacrifice them to appease their Cabal masters.
The same could be said about the American Deep State.
Iran funds terrorism worldwide, but the funding and control comes from MI6, the CIA and Mossad. The Cabal controls MI6, the CIA and Mossad. Hamas and Iran are like “Associates” that will be sacrificed if the Cabal deems it necessary.
During and after Trump’s presidency, he has been shining the spotlight on the Deep State assets. He brought Fauci up on stage everyday early on during the Covid narrative to show us that he and the people who control him are corrupt. He has done the same with the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security. He has shown us the Marxist agenda of the progressive Liberals. He has shown us that a Uniparty exists, that the Neocons are working hand-in-hand with the Liberals. Trump has shown us the corruption of the Biden Crime Family, and how others are tied to them. In fact, I believe Trump picked Biden to run against him because he has so many ties to other corrupt people. They will all eventually be tied in together.
I believe Trump knows the American Deep State is funding Iran and were looking to fund them even more, and that is the reason the Patriots forced the Biden Administration into admitting they were going to give them $6 billion on 9/11. Having to publicly acknowledge it means the money can’t actually be used by the terrorists without flashing red lights going off; it is too easy to now tie it back to them. It was like Trump pulled a fire alarm to avoid a fire from being set.
Trump has done two things very successfully in bringing down the Deep State: He shines a spotlight on them, and he beats them to the punch, forcing them to act before they are ready to act.
Where does this leave Iran? Does the Cabal who controls them need to burn them to the ground, through NATO airstrikes in an attempt to show support for Israel? Or does the Cabal manipulate Iran into escalating things, creating a larger war? Or has Iran been essentially taken out of the equation due to the $6 billion being brought to the public’s attention?
I believe Trump and the Patriots defused a bigger situation from happening. I believe the conflict between Israel and Hamas was supposed to escalate into a much bigger war, but now Iran likely won’t be able to be as involved as it was originally planned due to the public knowledge of the $6 billion that was freed up to them by the Biden Administration.
Not only do I believe Trump and the Patriots have defused a bigger war, but they have exposed the Biden Administration, the progressive Liberals, the Neocons, and the Uniparty. All of these Deep State puppets are being forced to show who their allegiance is to.
The progressive Liberals are being forced to show that they support terrorist organizations. The Neocons are being forced to show they support war. They both are being forced to show who funds them. They are being forced to show that they all work together, in unison.
The people of Israel and Palestine are acceptable collateral damage to the Cabal. Their deaths are used to create narratives, to push forward agendas. As horrific as the situation in Israel and Palestine is, I believe it was intended to be much worse. If not for the Patriots forcing Iran and the Biden Administration into the light, who knows how much worse the carnage would be?
Escalating a conflict to a world war can bring the death tolls for thousands to millions.
“The Patriots are in control” doesn’t mean every atrocity can be avoided. As with the US economy and the situation in Israel, I believe the de-escalation of much worse scenarios is occurring.
Recent news would have one believe that the US will get involved in the conflict, actual “boots on the ground”, but as this is being written, it hasn’t happened yet. US troops are on standby, Naval ships are en route, but this isn’t “boots on the ground.” Maybe the Deep State will eventually get US “boots on the ground”, but hopefully if this occurs, it will be to de-escalate the situation even more. It may require things being pushed to the brink before real change occurs; it may be necessary.
I could lose hope and think the Patriots have lost and the Deep State has won, but I can’t ignore all the times over the past two and a half years that we’ve been shown obvious evidence that the Patriots are in fact in control.
Roe v. Wade being overturned with little to no violence, Trump’s executive orders being re-upped by Biden, Jerome Powell being re-upped, Ukraine not escalating into a world war.
Why would this time be any different?
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In 24 hours we’ve gone from Israel bombed a Palestinian hospital to Hamas bombed a parking lot. The Cabal narratives are no longer working. They can’t even keep a hoax alive for a day anymore. We are winning. 🏆
Fascinating, thank you Eric. I learned a lot about the mafia I didn't know you connected a lot of dots for me.