“Not more tired than those...rooting out evil”. No Kitty we aren’t. HOWEVER, there is a huge difference between them and us. They HAVE assignments. And they know what the objectives are. Or at least they use to. Consider Air Marshalls who are now being “reassigned”. Notice THEIR reaction when asked to abandon their stated task?? For my entire life (almost 70), the answer has been in the “VOTE”. Until it wasn’t the answer. Authority has a Divine aspect to it; it is not to be trifled with!! Yet our authority has been usurped and our votes have been made meaningless. This is what has caused most Americans to grow weary. I don’t trust “plans” that are held in “SCIFs.” I trust people but not “plans”. We are growing weary because what has been our American go-to solution is clearly not available any more. We see McCarthy attempt to force his way into the speakership. He is a classic RINO. We know McConnell is in China’s pocket. We need some visible wins against the enemy. The antidote to weariness?? A few visible victories. You’ll be amazed at how quickly we will revive with some encouragement. In the meant...KEEP WRITING!!

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It is a proven fact WE cannot beat the machines. it will take more than votes, ballots, written/uttered words, laws {oxymoron} to fix this situation.

It's the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about. we are reliving the 1770's again. We just have to reach the precipice... Are you there yet???

Filled your car up lately, why is gas so cheap? the uni-party can read. WE are not the only ones penning these words. [they] know we know now...




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This is an information war and the biggest act of this war just took place and most people are missing it. For 2 years, our voices have been completely censored. The normies only heard the propaganda. Twitter is now ours. We are trained digital soldiers with memes at the ready to wake up the sleeping sheep. We could not do this until their ability to censor us had been removed. It was. Now the truth is going to drip out until it's a flood. The turning point of this war will be seen as the day Musk bought Twitter. You cannot win an info war when you are completely censored. Those days are over and it's our time to bombard the normies with the truth until it is undeniable. The Great Awakening requires the normies to be mostly awake. Now we have a path for that to happen.

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Kitty, what a great piece! And I agree with you 1000% - WE are the plan. Ask yourself - Has government EVER solved a problem or managed ANY program to the benefit of the people? The while idea of America is to GET GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE WAY AND OUT OF OUR LIVES. I would offer however, that whist I believe more and more people are realizing that it is the WE which will save America, our problems and frustrations are rooted in the absence of being able to see a PATH to the "End Game" which will enable us to start fixing America. In your Titanic example when they were "stretching their legs", in order to do so EVERY element that would make that happen were trained, disciplined, knew the big picture and what the end result would be, knew the plan and process to make that ship run - and their part in it and then participated accordingly. The captain didn't just say - "OK Lets go! Just get involved everyone and figure out how to help out, just know that WE can make this ship sail - somehow". Quite the contrary. While it looked like the solution was for everyone to work together for a common goal, long before he gave that order there were years of preparation, training, funding, organizing and planning. All he had to do was to "give the word". You see, for years and years I have always viewed the GOP, or conservatism in general, as unorganized, improperly funded (not under) and without a clear vision to the PATH to realize our goals. Trump gave us that. Then all hell broke out. And here are. The great awakening is not that we are now in a war against good and evil, it is that we HAVE ALWYS BEEN in that war. Its just that our soldiers have been compromised, weakened and have turned against the people they were once fighting for. Which is the Greatest Awakening - there never was 2 parties, there was always only one.

I believe that Trump and whoever knew what was coming. Planned a solution for years. So I don't believe for one second that Trump and whoever would lead us into into this war without knowing and enabling US (all Americans) to wake up and defeat the enemy. Devolution is ONE element of the enablement plan.

I could go on and and on, but in summary, we SHOULD do everything you laid out. It is very important. We just need to get people awakened, not necessarily change, so that when "a move" is made and exposure happens, it will be readily accepted and a mandate form the people to take action will ignite justice and enable all Americans to START working together to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. But I am concerned that we are beginning to see that "WE ARE THE PLAN" is becoming as insubstantial as "TRUST THE PLAN" in the absence of VISIBLE (not in the shadows) organization and leadership (in addition to Trump) which espouses courage and participation to achieve a very believable and attainable goal. This is what we are waiting for the emergence of. Some people lead, some people follow, some people just get out of the way.

Pick your spot on the LINE and HOLD it!

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The frustration is real. Yesterday, I saw more people, of all ages and backgrounds, than ever wearing facemasks. I was, and am, truly disheartened to see how the media continues to dominate their minds. In my own family and small circle of friends, I send earth-shattering information that should evoke a response, but it hasn't yet. This breaks my heart. We know that the children should be a point of agreement, even when we agree on little else. But, it hasn't happened yet. Still, I keep feeding them critical information on this; dripping out verifiable information on the COVID scam, election fraud, money laundering, medical involvement in our illnesses. Crickets. When will their pivotal moments happen? When will they reach the precipice? Soon, I pray.

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The smallest gear in a machine is as critical as the next one. No matter how insignificant it may appear, it is needed. Take it out and the whole thing stops functioning correctly. My part, as small as it is, is to continue to work on family and friends in showing them what I can about everything. When all this started for me in 2017, my first flip was my sister who lived in Seattle. Although she was already on the fence about everything going on, sh!t just wasn't adding up for her. We have never spoke of politics, so when when she got that call from me it was that extra nudge that I gave and she saw it for what it was, corruption at the core. As they say, once awakened you can never go back and pretend it never existed. My father is another story, I may have approached him in the wrong manner and during our conversation, out of my frustration, I told him he was being lied to by the media. Pump the brakes, he lashed out and said it was not true. So I learned I have to approach without attacking his beliefs, mind you that for a lot of people they would have to admit they were wrong and that is a very difficult thing for them to do. My part is small but it is a part of a huge awakening movement that some day we'll see the justice we are all looking for, don't ever give up, our great country is worth fighting for till the very end, no matter how long it takes.

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Oh, my! What encouragement for those raised in our fast food society! I’ve read Good to Great, and although it is obvious there IS a plan and great strides are being made, you are correct in pointing out why is requires time and how it eventually will break through. But, equally important is “we the people’s” direct participation at our level because it won’t mean anything without that role! I consider the continued “elections” without remedy may be to use the patterns, methods and continued occurrences to bring a massive RICO case through the courts. Time will eventually tell, but thank you for your encouragement. We need to encourage each other in this “long-to-us” war and never forget the many who have been aware and fighting this war far longer that many! God bless you in your excellent work!🙏

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("I can't take it anymore", he said mistakenly.)

The deep state psyops is to produce DEMORALIZATION! You are SUPPOSED TO FEEL demoralized. Part of the fight is against these pernicious psyops! Those who look yearningly at the past, desiring for things to go back to "normal" are not completely awake or "red-pilled" yet. Such yearning leaves you vulnerable to demoralization. It is difficult to accept, but THINGS ARE NEVER GOING BACK TO NORMAL! Understand, "life" as it was in the past was a gigantic illusion, with unseen evil functioning out of our sight. Now it is being exposed - you want to go back to the sewer? Put flowers on that grave and march into the fight for our future!

Get mentally engaged in the fight. Fight against the demoralization. Don't attempt to "feel better"; pills can do that. Rather, ENCOURAGE and STRENGTHEN each other to ENDURE! Quit whining and FIGHT against the negative influences of evil!

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I love the heart and gentle nature of this article Kitty. Perfect visions and a swift boot in the rear we all need at times. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed the past few days and I’ve come to realize, [they] are making a lot of noise. A lot of distractions with most not making us feel too good right now. I know that’s by design.

And Twitter, although now allowing free speech, is like walking into a classroom filled with children throwing little bean bags at each other. Incoming!!! Duck!!! Wow, close one!! It’s quite the circus right now.

Blessed are we to have each other. We are truly powerful United. We will endure, we will win in the end. We will learn a lot about ourselves. Thank you Kitty. Love your writing!!

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Thank you! Your articles put a big smile on my face and a good shot in the arm! Excellent pep talk!

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There is no political solution to a spiritual malady. True. people need to get involved on a local level but not in politics. If the “plan “ is about trying to change a hyper corrupt demonic government, there is no battle that can be one. Team Jesus is the only real solution. Satanic forces have taken over all positions of power, as scripture tells will happen. Repent and believe in the Gospel, We cannot do anything to save ourselves, family or country, outside of Christ. The Way, the Truth and the Life. Most Americans are still living in a heavy dose of brainwashing and have become like sheep being led to the slaughter. Trust the real plan, Jesus, and stop living in fear. Faith without works is dead. WWJD has never been more important than now.

God Bless 🙏

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This a great Plan “TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY” One Big Beautiful Patriot at a time! God Bless Us Everyone! Stand Your Ground! Keep Pressing In! “GOD IS NOT FINISHED WITH US YET” IF YOU SINCERELY/SERIOUSLY DO NOT KNOW YOUR CALLING! ASK YOUR MAKER! YOU WILL GET AN ANSWER IF YOU REALLY MEAN IT! GOD TAKES ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS DEADLY SERIOUS! He proves this by the cross! Know your maker! He drew up the blue prints/plans TRUST HIM! HE IS THE MASTER OF ALL CREATION! 🙌🔥🕊️ WWG1WGA AMEN 🙏 AMEN SELAH•••”L”)

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Very nicely articulated...Thank You. Am getting involved with our local Law enforcement. I am not involved/on any Social media. Also am on fixed income and would like to chip in and wondered if somehow all the "Badland" writers etc can do the "Buy me a Coffee" thing to donate ? Those that use the Coffee thing are easy to support from time to time.



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"Under Gadde, Twitter devised complex policies that included graduated penalties - strikes - for tweets about Covid or elections it viewed as problematic."

~ Alex Berenson


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Actually this case is a different case, there are 2 Brunson cases, they are brothers. This case is not the one about election fraud. This case is about 388 people not upholding their oath. Simple and constitutional review of enemies foreign and domestic that attacked our constitution. 388 in Congress decided to ingnore their oath to investigate this threat that occurred and 100 or so in Congress brought it up and the corrupt 100 or so dis missed it without investigation. They actually need 4 on this vote to proceed. As I stated in my first statement, Lisa, I assumed people reading this use the English language and understood that I clarified this was a vote to be heard. As well, a clerk of one of the justices in the Supreme Court contacted and requested from Brunson if they could expedite re writing the case and submit ASAP. My friends be accurate, it’s 4 votes needed to move forward to be heard a, as I stated. As well 95 percent of cases do not have a clerk reach out and ask for the case to be cleaned up for acceptance to vote to be heard. Your number of 95% is more accurate on the number of cases that never even get a vote to be heard. Your both missing my point by a long shot and want to get technical which is a waste of everyone’s time. Sense you both missed it in my first statement, if the Patriots are serious about keeping the troops from growing weary, this is a real win that would do so, so they should spend some time on that instead of worrying about the weary, change it with a real win. Trump put 3 justices in that are supposed to be constitutional, Clarence has been true to the constitution, that’s 4. Why are the patriots, digital soldiers not making people aware of this scenario that in one decision could go a long way to remove a large number of the puppets of the deepstate/cabal? Would this not only be a visible, tangible win for the weary and a red pill for Sheeple, as well as rest to a constitutional republic without having a kinetic war are military step in? Brazils military stepped in for its citizens because according to their constitution it was time after a corrupt judge would not uphold the constitution. If the Supreme Court does not do their constitutional duty we would be in that same position. Do your homework on this case. This will be my last statement on this. I have done much research in this, it’s your turn. If you can’t see it then do some research, it’s a clear path. The case is on the government website, Epoch times has a long breakdown of it as well…… god speed

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I just had an experience in my neighborhood that was very moving and incredibly encouraging. I saw a woman with heavy groceries and carried her bags home. I do not think I would have stopped if I hadn’t read this first thing today. Thank you. I made a post about it if anyone wants. Her life is really hard. And she has SO MUCH faith. I was in awe of her and God. https://t.me/amyloftusmusic/3379

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