
Exactly, we all need each other.

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These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. They can be found on the internet through searches. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Ideally get them posted in scool classrooms. Thank You.

The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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Feb 14Liked by Erik Carlson

Erik - I love your beautiful message here.

I wish I could get past my sadness over waking my cousin up to the lies about the shots, only to have him avoid me like the plague.

Maybe it’s because he has Trump Derangement Syndrome and knows that I support him. Although he knew that when we were once very close.

I tend to believe the saying that people will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right. It’s what I have witnessed firsthand.

My sister and I are estranged from our older brothers because they fell for the psyop. She and I sometimes dare to believe they are waking up, but if they indeed are, their silence is deafening. 😢

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Feb 14Liked by Erik Carlson

Great article, Erik, and I do understand the war/foxhole analogy. I think it is quite appropriate.

But remember that an army marches on its stomach. Logistics are key to winning sustainable victories. This, matter of fact, is the greatest strength of the US Mil -- the ability to project force anywhere in the world on a moment's notice. Despite all of the apparent weakness we now see, there is still no other power on Earth capable of doing this -- and it all comes down to logistics.

Why do I say this? Simply to point out that not everyone is suited to being on the front lines, in the foxholes, with bullets whizzing overhead. Yes, there are many heroes who can and will step up in this way; but do not forget the unsung heroes in the rear echelons who keep the warriors on the front lines supplied. (In military slang, these folks are often referred to as 'REMFs' -- rear echelon mother f***ers.)

I recall somewhere long ago reading that only about 20% of a military's service members are front line combat troops. The rest are back there on the supply lines, keeping the front line supplied; and so it can be -- indeed must be -- in this war as well. Not everyone is suited to carrying an M-16 on the front lines; but then, not everyone is needed to. All can contribute something -- even the disc jockey in 'Good Morning Vietnam.' (As an aside, a grad-school buddy of mine was a Vietnam vet, and his job was a disc jockey/announcer for Armed Forces Radio.)

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Feb 14Liked by Erik Carlson

Nice work! I recently dropped a little red pill and have been doing so since I woke up 4 years ago. Whether it be mask wearing, shots or that Pres. Trump is not an enemy of the people. Encouraging other who are awake and exhausted to never give up. To fight injustices , even if on a micro-scale. I try to help people where and when I can whether it be supporting people putting themselves out there or offering good resources.

WWG1WGA soooo important.

And yes, pettiness needs to be a thing of the past.

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Excellent articicle Erik. I remember my dad telling me about Agenda 21 - 20 years ago! I have been slowly waking up to the fact that we truly do have an enemy within that is trying to destroy us. It took Covid to truly give me the mindset to start doing deep dives. I have tried to red pill many, so many have rejected me, but I probably used the wrong approach. Now adays I pray discernment over what I read and watch and also pray for more eyes to see and ears to hear the truth. God Bless. WWG1WGA

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Feb 14Liked by Erik Carlson

Where do the RINOs fit in here. The people that we are supposed to trust but are throwing us under the bus. It’s high time to call them out! What we know we can fight.

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Outstanding article! There are some of us who have the understanding and knowledge from not only the recent 8 years but from growing up since the 60's, with parents from living thru the 30's. Now with age gaps, I find myself trying to figure out how to nudge my 20 something's to awakening and being safe at the same time. They are only temp in a semi sleep state, dealing with end traumas, but I am still here watching and throwing backpacks of supplies unique to them when I can. "Lest we judge others" I will keep along the underground rail road and stealthfully help out. I know the target. Cheers and bravo for being so clear!

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Feb 14Liked by Erik Carlson

Thank you so much for this. I consider myself conservative now, but I grew up among liberals and I know them well - most are soft-hearted, caring people, naively believing what they are told. Most truly care about the world, about other humans and human rights, about animals, etc - just like I still do. Unfortunately we have far too many people who are Followers in the world - as opposed to Sovereigns - I include both sides in this. It has been extremely disheartening to see the very patriots (who I feel a part of) turn around and start heaping damnation and insults upon those who do not agree with them - even sometimes getting extremely picky about exactly which ideology others must agree with. It's extremely negative, divisive, and counter-productive, betraying even a kind of insecurity. I know what I believe to be right, but what is this need to pound it into someone else's face in order to feel... what? Solidarity? Safety? Correct? For example I was extremely dismayed at the reactions among patriots when Roe v. Wade was overturned and sent back to the states. I agree with that decision - that law was designed to divide us all. However, seeing fellow patriots screaming at the liberal women who were protesting the Supreme Court, calling them demons and whores... when I saw that, I realized the problem was much, much bigger, and it includes every single one of us conservative patriots too. Our own readiness to damn others IS the problem. Liberals readiness to damn us IS the problem. Judgmentalism and contempt are poisonous. Toxic.

And the only difference between us is that we believed different lies than they did.

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Everyday or week we learn another republican is bought. Senator Kennedy another two faced politician. We have innocent people in jail and criminals walking the streets to kill us with approval by our politicians. Not 1 politician got the Jan 6 prisoners out. Took money from their fund like Sidney Powell. He fake kraken call. We have seen all the town cryers turn to Benedict Arnold. I know if the rich were affected by this plan it would be fast forward. 2016 they wanted to take Obama out. 9 years later he still is running the country. His office on Pennsylvania Ave for Muslim Brotherhood? Lives of working class the true government slaves have no value with AI... that’s why the depopulation is being done... Americans have no clue the deaths from vaccines. Man made diseases for deaths... we are til today being lied to. Our military men have lived thru these horrors of killing civilians for depopulation. I really think think just 911 will destroy thousands of more lives. Government paying families for their killing of their own citizens... 🤬👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺

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Great read . Thank you . I believe you are spot on .

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Feb 14Liked by Erik Carlson

"Division in America recalls a Chinese finger trap—the harder the American Left and Right pull in opposite directions, the tighter the fingers are locked. This is what the Cabal wants and needs to maintain control over us." You nailed it, Erik. Great article.

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Feb 14Liked by Erik Carlson

Brad cgz has used wwg1wga as a handle and also has done some good work on the subject of propaganda (just saying)

I appreciate all of the badlands crew for the content they provide.

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I was responding to this


when this came in.

Here was my reply:

I'm not so fatalistic. As monolithic as their criminal enterprise is, we see the cracks in the facade. I do believe that we live in a dangerous time, and the threat of their agenda is a clear and imminent danger, but they are not infallible. I'd also posit, regardless of their failings, even if they weren't so evident, black-pilling only serves the opposition. Hopelessness is irrelevant as resistance to oppression is what defines our freedom and individual sovereignty.

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Feb 14Liked by Erik Carlson

Thank you, Erik, for writing this beautiful piece full of wisdom. I loved reading it!

We Must Climb the Mountain Together.


Wasn’t the bell on JFK’s boat/yacht where the original WWGIWGA came from?

We are all in it together ❤️

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Eloquent, very well written, I really could not add any better ways to put it.

Unity is going to HAVE to be a manifestation of everyone, who is truthful to themselves and to others; voluntarily cooperating.

Let's leave a World for our Descendants that our Ancestors would be truly proud of.

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