Imagine for a moment, you are an undersized—even for your age—freshman in high school. It’s your first day at school, you are lost, intimidated, and maybe even a little scared. Eventually, you find your locker and start working on the lock. Across the way, a senior is scanning the hall for incoming freshman to bully, to extort.
As the bully looks over the sea of students, he eventually locks eyes with you. The look on his face says that he has found a victim to prey on, or maybe one of many. The bully works his way over to you and doesn’t waste any time; he tells you that you will give him your lunch money every day for protection, and he will be at your locker every morning to collect it. He tells you that you don’t want to find out what would happen to you if you missed even one payment. He says that high school can be a dangerous place without protection.
From day one, this is the high school experience that you know. Every morning, your mother puts your lunch money on the kitchen counter, and every morning you hand it over to the bully. After months of this routine, you forget your lunch money at home and come to school with nothing to give your bully.
The bully asks for the money, you say you forgot it at home. The bully knows he can’t allow a precedent to be set. He shoves you up against the lockers with all his might. As you hit the lockers, you realize the shove feels like it came from your eight-year-old sister.
As you quickly recover from the push, the bully can see a smirk in the corner of your mouth. There is a sparkle in your eye. The bully’s shoulders begin to hunch, and his face and eyes show defeat. He knows from this day forward, he will never be able to extort another dollar from you. His only hope now is that you won’t tell others that there is no need to fear him. He’s all bark and no bite.
This is the American Government in a nutshell.
The American Government extorts Americans through fear and intimidation. The American government tries to convince Americans that the government plays a vital role in their lives— that without them, everything we know would fall apart. The government wants Americans to believe that they are vital in maintaining the infrastructure, they protect the citizens from foreign invaders, they protect the streets, they provide for you in your old age, they regulate against what might harm you, they provide a healthcare system second to none.
In reality, the government isn’t just unneeded, they actually create many of the problems they claim to be protecting us from.
They create and incite foreign and domestic enemies. They create bad health from which they treat us. Because of taxes and the inflation they create, we can’t save enough money and must rely on them in our old age for social security. Their Critical Theory and welfare system creates a class of people who can never seem to escape the cycle of poverty.
The American Government must convince and continue to convince Americans that the government system must continue as is, and actually increase in its breadth and power.
Why can’t they allow a government shutdown to occur, especially now?
If the American Government was to shut down, people would begin to realize that we don’t really need them in the capacity they exist— that, not only would our lives not suffer with them being shut down, but our livelihood would be completely unaffected. The US Government can’t allow Americans to fully understand how unnecessary they are, they can’t allow Americans to understand they create more problems than they actually solve. This is why every time the threat of a shutdown occurs, the RINOs, Neocons, Liberals and the media paint a picture of Armageddon in our minds if a new budget isn’t quickly passed.
As Bill Murray’s loser character says in in the movie Stripes, as his live-in girlfriend has had enough of him and frantically packs her bags and moves out, “you can’t leave me, all the plants will die.” He couldn’t come up with a single sensible reason for her to stay. He offered her nothing but a few laughs in return. He was a leech, and he fully understood this.
In reality, the government offers us little to nothing in return for what they take from us. These mafia-like bullies aren’t actually giving us protection, they are the ones we need to be protected from.
The government can’t allow shutdowns, especially now. With Trump taking power in just a matter of weeks, the government couldn’t allow itself to be shut down a month leading into Trump’s inauguration. A month of being unaffected by a government shutdown would lead Americans to believe that maybe the government is too big, that maybe it does make sense to start cutting it back. That maybe some, if not most, of the government is unnecessary.
Heading into Christmas break, RINOs, Neocons and progressive liberals were willing to burn the midnight oil in getting a budget in place. Why not just wait until Trump takes office to get a budget in place? The government would be on holiday for half the time anyway. It’s not like anything was going to get done during this time period.
This is exactly why they had to get the budget in place.
If the government had shut down heading into Trump’s inauguration, when the DOGE team starts to eliminate government positions and departments, the American public would realize they hadn’t needed the government for the past month, so maybe they aren’t that necessary. This is a sentiment the Deep State-controlled US Government couldn’t allow.
Heading into Trump’s inauguration and shortly after, expect the RINOs, Neocons, progressive liberals and the Deep State-run media to attack all the changes that Trump’s team looks to make.
With Trump looking to make social security income tax-free, expect the media to push the idea that the strain it would have on social security would cause the social security system to collapse. Those who believe the propaganda will be begging for the income tax to stay in place. They may even insist that their taxes go up.
As RFK Jr. looks to overhaul the healthcare system, expect the media sentiment to be that RFK Jr. doesn’t know what he is doing— that he is reckless and his changes will cost millions their lives. They will say RFK Jr. will ban vaccines, when in fact, he will make them optional. They will say removing fluoride from our drinking water will cause cavities, which will lead to overall bad health. Propagandized Americans will fear they won’t have access to medicine and procedures that they believe are necessary for their survival. The stress created by the media will actually cause more health issues.
Following the changes to the healthcare system, as was the case with Covid, every death will be blamed on the changes. Every cavity will be blamed on the removal of fluoride from our water system. Every heart attack will be blamed on saturated fat as seed oils are removed from our food system and replaced with animal fat and beef tallow. The removal of Big Pharma ads from broadcast television will be portrayed as an attack on free speech, when in fact, 70% of broadcast television’s ad revenue comes from Big Pharma, which means they essentially control the media, which means there currently is no free speech in the media.
As Trump replaces leaders in the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA, the media will claim these departments are being used by Trump to attack his opponents. As criminals are being indicted and convicted of their crimes, the media will say their only real crimes are opposing Trump. As criminals face justice, the media will say they are being persecuted. We’ve already seen the glorification of a cold-blooded assassin … expect more of the same going forward.
As the military leaders are being replaced, the narrative will be that it will make America less safe, that it will lead us to war, or that these new military leaders are the puppets of our perceived enemies. The Deep State will insight tension overseas through rhetoric and false flags. This will occur domestically as well, as they promote fear in some and non-adherence to laws and authority in others.
As Trump eliminates, or at least defunds the Department of Education, the Deep State media will claim the US education system is already inadequate and underfunded, and that Trump’s actions will put our citizens even further behind the rest of the world. In reality, he is removing the mind control, woke, DEI agendas that are being used on students.
As Trump looks to cut regulation, the sentiment will be that it will increase the level of corruption in big business and Wall Street. In truth, the white-collar criminals can’t hold a candle to the corruption of the regulators who are in charge of overseeing them.
Expect some who have jumped aboard the Trump Train to now try and derail it. Not everyone who is speaking up against the Deep State is truly MAGA. The Deep State has some smart people. They understand that if something is inevitable, like Trump becoming POTUS again, or if it is inevitable that information is going to come out about the Deep State, it is better if the information is first exposed by someone they control.
Without naming names, be careful of who you trust. Someone who is exposing the Deep State may actually work for them. “But they’re exposing the Deep State.” Yes, but as I mentioned, if the Deep State knew that information was going to come out, and there is nothing they can do to stop it, it’s better for them to be the first to expose it. If they can gain trust by having their assets expose their corruption, those assets can later be used to lead the people astray.
In the 1970’s, the Church Committee was investigating the CIA and their abuses of power. The CIA knew there was no way to completely avoid being exposed, so they had their puppet, Carl Bernstein, investigate and write about how the CIA manipulates the media. This shifted the focus away from the CIA creating false flag mass casualty events, assassinating world leaders, controlling and overthrowing governments to the narrative that your favorite talking head may be getting kickbacks for not saying bad things about the CIA.
Who are today’s Carl Bernsteins?
Be leery of everyone, especially of anyone who came out of nowhere and gained a huge following overnight. Be leery of anyone who has only supported Trump the past year. Be leery of anyone who says one thing and does another, who calls out the Biden Administration, yet votes in line with them. Be leery of anyone who seems to care more about a foreign nation than America. Be leery of anyone who has never been kicked off of social media, or whose reach far exceeds the quality of their content.
This doesn’t mean one should be negative and black pilled, but just be mentally prepared to quickly cut ties with anyone who starts to turn on Trump or his allies. No, their opinion hasn’t really changed, they aren’t privy to new information. They were always commissioned to turn on Trump when the time was right. They may not even directly turn on Trump, but try to sow discord between Trump and his allies. Expect it.
With the recent terror attacks in the US, I fully expected that it would occur. I understood that the Deep State Cabal wouldn’t just give up. I knew that they would incite fear and do as much damage as they could on their way out the door. And this isn’t likely to end with Trump taking office.
How many terrorists were let into America the past four years. How many terrorist cells are waiting to be activated? How many of these terrorist cells are run by the FBI and CIA?
Since the day Elon Musk publicly backed Trump, I’ve been waiting for a false flag event to occur involving a Tesla. My prediction has been that the Deep State would drive a Tesla through a group of pedestrians and claim that it is an autopilot malfunction. This would not only kill and injure innocent Americans, creating fear and a distraction, but also hurt Elon Musk financially.
When I hear news of a mass killing, a false flag event, I just assume the FBI and CIA are connected to it. How connected are they? Did they manipulate a patsy into doing it? Did they do it themselvesm and are they blaming it on a patsy? Was the perpetrator on their radar? Was the perpetrator one of their MK Ultra mind control victims?
Rarely do we find that the intelligence agencies weren’t somehow directly involved or aware of the threat beforehand. At the very least, they control the media that push forth propaganda that leads to mass killing events. Maybe they convince a transgender person not only that they are living in the wrong body, but that driving to a Christian school and killing innocent children and themself, somehow is making a difference.
Who benefits from acts of terror domestically and abroad?
I would argue that the military industrial complex thrives off of the fear of war and terrorism. The FBI and CIA suddenly become more necessary in the eyes of terrified Americans. If it is believed that the acts of terror are perpetrated by radicalized Muslims, Israel immediately garners more support as well.
How is it a trans shooter can shoot up a Christian school and we know nothing about the killer or their motives a year later, but we know everything about the recent New Orleans killer within a day? We are even allowed to see that he had an ISIS flag in the truck that he drove. Reporters were allowed to walk through his house the next day.
In this case in particular, it is obvious that we are being fed a narrative. It seems as though they want us to know it is obvious we are being fed a narrative.
With everything we are presented, I just automatically assume we are purposely being misled. Today, we are supposed to blame the motivation of the New Orleans killings on the radicalization of an ISIS-supporting Muslim. Eight years ago, when a gay Muslim killed 49 people in a gay night club in Orlando, we weren’t even allowed to acknowledge that he was gay or a Muslim. This wasn’t the narrative the Deep State was trying to push then, but it seems the Muslim, ISIS angle is something they are trying to push now.
We must be prepared for more mass killings and false flag events. We must be prepared for more fear mongering. Every change the Trump Administration will look to make will be preceded by propaganda that will be used to convince Americans that the changes will be bad for them and the country. If we understand what is coming, it shouldn’t affect us as it will others.
Why can’t we have government shutdowns? It exposes who is really behind many of the issues we face.
How is the government any different than the Mob and organized crime? The Mafia extorts protection money from businesses, claiming it’s for protection.
It’s not a coincidence that in 1913, the same year the Federal Reserve and income tax were created in America, the IRS was also formed. If you don’t pay your taxes—the extortion money—the IRS will ruin your family’s lives. This is the equivalent of the Mob burning down your business.
The next few months won’t be easy for many. Be prepared to offer insight to those who will go into panic mode. One of the best ways to alleviate their fears is to tell them what will happen before it happens. Tell them what the Deep State will say and do leading into the changes that will occur under Trump and his allies. Explain to them why the propaganda will occur. When they do panic, remind them of how you told them it would occur exactly as it is occurring.
There is no way to avoid what we are experiencing and will experience. We may not be able to avoid the chaos and fear mongering, but we can choose how we allow it to affect us.
There really was no way to take back America that didn’t involve chaos and the loss of some lives, and this is exactly what is happening.
America is being taken back.
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You touch on the IRS and the creation of the income tax in 1913. Every American should look at that situation in more detail because it shows us how we have been manipulated ever since.
On-line you can download the 1913 Form 1099 that became the standard ever since. Just spend a few minutes with that piece of paper and so much will become clear to you.
First, look at the standard exemption of $3000 for an individual. In 1913 the annual average income was $750, so you needed to earn four times the average to even qualify to pay anything. The income tax was sold “To tax the rich”. Some things never change for Democrats.
The second obvious thing we find is on Line 4. This is a deduction from income for dividends because they were taxed at the corporate level and should not be double taxed. So, a credit was given for supporting business.
The third and most obvious thing is the tax rate up to $50,000 was a whopping 1%! My how things have changed, or more accurately, been manipulated. Today, just based on inflation, the exemption should be well over $100,000!
Last, the total form is 9 lines and the instructions cover four pages. Today we have over 100,000 pages to define our tax system. Does that make sense to anyone?
The truth about how we have been screwed systematically for 112 years is right here in the government’s own paperwork. All we need to do is look for ourselves and think logically. But, our education system is working overtime to stop critical analysis and logical thinking. Guess why.
I can't wait for Trump to be sitting behind the Resolute Desk again and signing Executive Orders to undo every rotten thing Biden and Obama signed. Everything Obama signed and every dollar he spent was done illegally because he got into office using a stolen social security number, which is a felony.