You touch on the IRS and the creation of the income tax in 1913. Every American should look at that situation in more detail because it shows us how we have been manipulated ever since.

On-line you can download the 1913 Form 1099 that became the standard ever since. Just spend a few minutes with that piece of paper and so much will become clear to you.

First, look at the standard exemption of $3000 for an individual. In 1913 the annual average income was $750, so you needed to earn four times the average to even qualify to pay anything. The income tax was sold “To tax the rich”. Some things never change for Democrats.

The second obvious thing we find is on Line 4. This is a deduction from income for dividends because they were taxed at the corporate level and should not be double taxed. So, a credit was given for supporting business.

The third and most obvious thing is the tax rate up to $50,000 was a whopping 1%! My how things have changed, or more accurately, been manipulated. Today, just based on inflation, the exemption should be well over $100,000!

Last, the total form is 9 lines and the instructions cover four pages. Today we have over 100,000 pages to define our tax system. Does that make sense to anyone?

The truth about how we have been screwed systematically for 112 years is right here in the government’s own paperwork. All we need to do is look for ourselves and think logically. But, our education system is working overtime to stop critical analysis and logical thinking. Guess why.

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Very interesting.

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That's great information however depressing it is. Criminals have stolen $22 trillion from our federal budgets but no presstitute bordellos covered it, and most Americans are clueless that it's missing, and is now likely a much larger amount of money that's missing.

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What amazes me is our government is not lying to us about the numbers. They have been documenting everything all along the way. The problem is us! We have failed to just monitor them. That is what they know and it is why they get bolder and bolder with their craziness. No one seems to care, so why stop?

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Exactly, Jim! One of the reasons I’m so encouraged by the number of ‘youngsters’ involved in this movement.!

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Living in a democratic republic is not a spectator sport. The problem is most Americans are too self absorbed, lazy or so ignorant, and uniformed that they won't even watch the government let along participate by holding the bureaucrats accountable. There are many decent public employees who will do the right thing when they're prompted by citizens. There are also many who hide behind the wall of bureaucratic bullshit so they don't have to figure out how to do something that a citizen is requesting them to do.

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There are numerous folks now pointing out, specifically lately regarding the mess in California, that you really can't blame democrats like Karen Bass and Newscum, they're just doing what democrats do.

The right people to blame are the people that elected these idiots and grifters, and this is what's now being pointed out. This sort of stuff will make people wake up, one normie at a time.

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Only 22 Trillion come on man, there is 175+ Trillion in UNFUNDED LIABILITIES ! No one ever looks at those ...?


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Our debt is just a line item. Strike through it. Done.

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Exactly, it's not like the bankers can enforce collection themselves.

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It is not my intent to disagree, but the unfunded liabilities are much greater than $175 Trillion. The key question is, “When will the debt be paid off?” I did the math last week and the unfunded liability of the interest on the debt is $642 Trillion.

The number you reference is the future liability increase of spending growing at the present unsustainable rate. My number is the total future debt just to pay the interest on $36.4 Trillion at the present interest rate. No one seems to do the math.

If we never borrowed another dollar, my $642 Trillion is still there to be paid. My friend, America is in deep doo doo. The only solution is bankruptcy ASAP! The good news is Trump declared us belly-up in 2017!

This is going to be great! Popcorn anyone?

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By the way, I did the same calculation last week and the unfunded liability was just $607 Trillion, but then the interest rate was 4.8%. It is now 4.9%. That small change makes a huge difference to America, but who is talking about the bigger picture? Everyone talks about distractions while we commit suicide gradually.

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As Catherine Austin Fitz has said, it is not missing….it is somewhere else and is being used against us.

We need to get it back.

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I can't wait for Trump to be sitting behind the Resolute Desk again and signing Executive Orders to undo every rotten thing Biden and Obama signed. Everything Obama signed and every dollar he spent was done illegally because he got into office using a stolen social security number, which is a felony.

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Don't forget that everything Biden signed and every dollar he spent was done illegally because he got into office using stolen votes, which is also a felony.

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Not to mention that he got into office having been already put to death.

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Not at the top of the list, but things will feel real again when I can buy an incandescent light bulb in the grocery store with nobody being fined or arrested. Now I have been told that incandescents, while flattering and mild, are not as wonderful as what has been hidden. Meanwhile we have unscented candles 😊

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Thanks Erik for all the work you put in to write these articles.

The DS Rat Bastard MSM has no impact on me because I refuse to consume any of it since November 3, 2020. Through alternative sources I feel as informed as I need to be. I have been turned off by FF and latest shiny object journalism for an even longer time, my attitude is that it is all fake & gay.

Government (at any/all levels) has not passed 1 law or regulation that has ever benefitted me or my family and friends. DOGE should start day 1 by closing and terminating employment of 90% of all of government. They could then spend the remaining time of their 18 month duration looking at the 10% left and cut any/all waste remaining. We would not miss a beat.

The number one problem is still the criminal fiat money system that must be replaced (Bitcoin?) before any changes will have any chance to stick. The corruption the fiat money system enables is endless.

I remain comfyAF and cannot keep the smile off my face since Trump Won. The Golden Age ( HT BB) is almost upon us:-)

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I concur completely, Joe!👏🇺🇸

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“In reality, the government isn’t just unneeded, they actually create many of the problems they claim to be protecting us from.” Nutshell!

Our work ahead is crucial and massive!

But God……!

Thank you for this article!

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They are the problem

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Just look at California and Los Angeles. The governor and mayor are totally inept and concerned with things other than Californians. What a catastrophe they created. The mayor isn’t even at the press conference this morning because they probably boo her right out of the room.

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I have a friend who is in the insurance business and, until recently, worked in Southern California and her firm did a lot of business in Pacific Palisades. She had worked the fires in 2017-2020 in Northern California. I checked in to see how she was doing. Her analogy was Northern California losses were the Geico gecko. LA is Godzilla. Guaranteed that a lot - a lot - of those homes are underinsured. Frankly, there may not be an insurance market left in CA - it was already bad, which is why carriers were pulling out in the first place. Which affects so many other things - not just those who suffered physical losses. What happens to mortgage and real estate? You won't be able to buy/sell property if you can't get insurance. Cost of building materials? She is semi-awake, and she felt that if this was on purpose, it is an attempt to crash the economy. Like a 2008 event. Some carriers may not survive this, which will affect people outside of CA.

Insurance is always a convenient whipping boy and they are no angels, but it is time to hold government's feet to the fire on this, no pun intended. I heard Palisades apparently canceled brush clearing which is fucking appalling. It has been abundantly clear over the last 10 years that brush is an issue. The state has done very little about it. Where is all our money going?????

Lastly, if government drags their feet on this in terms of permits, etc., then it is to frustrate the owners so they give up - and who then comes into buy at discount? Developers? Foreign investors? Again, 2008 redux.

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If my home was totally destroyed I would take the insurance money and run away. Building a home in an area famous for devastating fires and Santa Ana high winds to fan the flames is risky business. I am surprised anyone would insure a property in that situation.

The solution is great fire protection and rapid response with well trained personnel. But in California the emphasis is on diversity and destroying water retention lakes to save fish. The combination of inept governing and potential devastation is what we are witnessing today.

I have seen several stories pointing to arson. Is this a deep state attempt to divert attention and speed up the bankruptcy of America? Let’s understand what is really going on in California. I am very suspicious of real evil at work.

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It IS real evil. 💯 planned.

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The money was laundered and given to those who planned the destruction.

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Who comes in to buy? Front men representing China. Just my guess.

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LA has a plan to rebuild as one of those greenwashed 15-minute cities. I suspect they will start in Palisades. Nobody will be able to re-build, they'll all end up selling their properties to the city, if they get anything at all (the bank holding the mortgage may get it first). They can use eminent domain if nothing else -- after all, isn't creating the new world an important public good, worth taking private property for?

edit: add link --


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I read this Breggin article too, very interesting. Think they’ll get it completed in time for the 2028 Olympics? CA doesn’t finish projects on time or even start them a lot, but this time it’s different-can’t have the world seeing so cal looking like a war zone 🙄

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They got the I-10 freeway fixed up in record time after that earthquake a while back, by offering the contractor performance-based bonuses. Money talks.

Also remember the city will likely exempt itself from its normal permitting process, much of the reason for delays.

Bottom line, when there is a will there is a way. Nothing embarrasses bureaucrats more than looking incompetent, so they will find a way.

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I saw somewhere that Newscum has invited President Trump to come out to California to view the fire damage! Very interesting isn't it?

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He’s already committed crimes against humanity and treason. Meeting with Trump will not change things.

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it will simply be used to garner empathy to support extortion money from the taxpayers to rebuild.

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A few years ago, most would have believed the coverup of the true agenda, but not anymore.

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Nice job of breaking down all the chaos occurring right now. I had a long conversation with my wife last night, as she panics about finances. I explained that if she could just listen to what I had to say, and it came to pass, it will help her see the pattern, and cope with the controlled collapse. I'm gonna try and get her to read this article. Thank You!!!

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Good luck Captain, and thanks for your service.

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Erik, another great post. All codes and statutes are corporation by Laws and NOT LAW!!! The Declaration of Independence provides for We The People "The laws of Nature or of Nature's God." A natural Law is Gravity, gravity doesn't care what color your skin is, or how much money you make, even what religion you believe in, if you step off a roof you will land below regardless of your station in life... Our government was corrupt as soon as it began, and today is so much worse. Out of 535 members of congress only a hand full are not complicit in felony crimes.

The founding fathers never intended for professional politicians. They expected the elected representatives to be the ordinary people of the town. I don't believe our government is savable in it's current form. If, Trump gets the Federal Government back into the box that is the Constitution. It may be savable from there.. Just my honest opinion. It's hard to convince a public that everything they have been taught is based on lies. Most fear not following corporation rules and regulations even if they don't apply to those people... They volunteer for their abuse... Again Great Post... Peace...

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That’s why FULL exposure must begin on 1-20-2025!

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This article really hits home! I've been warning about the exact same issues and especially about the many "MAGA" fakesters among us. For my troubles, since I suffer from forthrighteous naming of names, I am used to being excoriated and hated for holding these viewpoints. Keep it up, Mr. Carlson!

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They can’t allow vaccines to be made optional either...people might then realize that not vaccinating won’t lead to widespread death and destruction and then how would the pharma giants survive?

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Good point. You can’t allow the vaccinated to see the unvaccinated are doing just fine. Therefore, vaccinate everyone.

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As much as I dislike the vaccines, they should not be taken away. It will quickly become apparent the vaccines are not good. You need to show them and educate people about the dangers of the vaccines.

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"The Deep State will [insight] tension..."

Should be "incite".

"Be prepared to offer insight..."

This the correct usage of the word.

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Damn spell checkers don't even bother to check basic grammar. 'Incite' is a verb, 'insight' a noun. We depend to our detriment on such poor quality tools.

There is no substitute for a strong education in fundamentals. Which unfortunately is getting hard to find, these days.

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I commented on the correct use of the subjunctive for conditional statements not based in reality such as "If the government was to shut down..." so I'm glad there is another close reader to help edit the otherwise great pieces by Erik because if I were an editor, not if I was one, I'd make him rewrite his screw ups over, and over on a blackboard as if he were, not was, Bart Simpson. I'd just sip on some Duff beer, and make fun of him while he wrote away.

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We are interested in the meat of the articles, Mr. O’Neill, not the grammatical mistakes. Blessings to you.🙏

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Agreed ALtab, 100%. I (like Manolis) almost always spot these mistakes because back when this 70-year-old was in grammar school, they actually TAUGHT grammar. And spelling, and times tables... all that stuff that they're too busy having trannies come for story hour, to do anymore.

BUT -- the important thing Substack provides is a forum for our Badlands authors to get important subjects out there to the masses, or at least us 😎 I don't mind an occasional spelling or grammar error, in fact, it keeps me sharp!

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What oh what would we ever do if we didn't have others mistakes to correct??? 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣

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Good one, Anna. Maybe the grammar police should try doing the research and therefore the writing the articles

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Thank you ALtab.

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Well, that's autocorrect/spellcheck for you. The wrong word gets substituted on my end all the time, but because it is spelled correctly, the system gives the go ahead to post.

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Great article!

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This past week after Jimmy Carter died, I saw some of my former friends write about how "wasn't that a great time when Jimmy Carter was President?" and "now we're back to the meanness and thuggery of the Trump era..." etc etc. Some people still don't get it.

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Yes. Wasn't that a great time when we were all asleep?

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You hit the core issue! ‘In reality, the government isn’t just unneeded, they actually create many of the problems they claim to be protecting us from.’ Plus, it was PLANNED to be this way. Wall Street! 🤣 ‘In truth, the white-collar criminals can’t hold a candle to the corruption of the regulators who are in charge of overseeing them.’

This now happens within minutes instead of months….’…I just assume the FBI and CIA are connected to it. How connected are they? Did they manipulate a patsy into doing it? Did they do it themselves and are they blaming it on a patsy? Was the perpetrator on their radar? Was the perpetrator one of their MK Ultra mind control victims?’

‘How is the government any different than the Mob and organized crime?’ It’s not and the CIA first and later our Prussian-influenced infiltrated shadow government was patterned after the Mob. A RICO approach applies to the entire government now.

The entire assessment you’ve put forth here is absolutely correct. My recommendation is that if we know this is coming, then expose it ALL. We likely won’t have more innocents suffer from exposure than if we let the remaining cabal’s minions execute their false flags….

BTW: Zuckerbucks and others sucking up to Trump and playing the ‘blame others’ game are NOT to be left off the hook. Using a myriad of ways, they committed treason. Tribunals.

God bless you, Erik, for your well researched work!🙏

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“BTW: Zuckerbucks and others sucking up to Trump and playing the ‘blame others’ game are NOT to be left off the hook. Using a myriad of ways, they committed treason. Tribunals.” 👍 👏

Zuckerbucks was looking out for his own best interest when he willingly censored and he is looking out for his own best interests now with the forgiveness angle. I doubt he will ever escape the narcissistic program of his own ego!

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Yes nowadays with the access to substacks and other reports on the internet, as soon as something happens, we are all analyzing it. No one is fooled anymore. In years gone by, such as the 9/11 event, it took me years to figure it all out. The internet has really exposed a lot of the Deep State deceptions and trickery.

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Your Zuckerbucks comment reminds me of an Eagles song I heard this morning in the dentist's chair:

"There's talk on the street, it sounds so familiar

Great expectations, everybody's watching you

People you meet, they all seem to know you

Even your old friends treat you like you're something new

Johnny-come-lately, the new kid in town

Everybody loves you, so don't let them down

You look in her eyes, the music begins to play

Hopeless romantics, here we go again

But after a while, you're lookin' the other way

It's those restless hearts that never mend (Oh)

Johnny-come-lately, the new kid in town

Will she still love you when you're not around?"

-- JD Souther, Don Henley & Glenn Frey, “New Kid in Town,” released Dec. 1976

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“Be leery of anyone who says one thing and does another”

Actions rarely lie. Words are cheap.

Proverbs 10:19 (AMP) When there are many words, transgression and offense are unavoidable, But he who controls his lips and keeps thoughtful silence is wise.

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I always found it interesting that Carl Bernstein’s CIA revelation cough limited hangout cough was the last serious journalism he ever did.

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He did it to get a larger pay-off from his owners.

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He's actually former CIA, or at least a former asset, from what I have read.

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