We can send $200 Billion to Ukraine to blow up Russian troops, but we cannot fund a pipeline to save the failing aquifers in our own country. Does that make sense to anyone? Priorities matter and our politicians seem to have no common sense at all.

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Hi Jim !


Please compare your 200 billions $ cost to this one quoted by Elon for his own proposal... 😉


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I wasn’t saying the pipeline could be built for $200 Billion. My point was $200 Billion to kill Russian soldiers is not a productive use of our tax dollars. I do think $200 Billion would go a long way toward building the pipes and pumping facilities.

Based on the per mile cost of the Alaska Oil pipeline, $100 Billion would do it, and the increase in the value of the land all along the way would be huge. Unusable land would become productive. Selling the land for farming would help to pay for the project.

I have no idea who would justify $20 Trillion for a tunnel to Europe. To me, a pipeline to solve our water shortage makes much better use of a dollar.

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Hi Jim !

Sorry, I misspoke.

I just wanted to put in parallel the $200 billion spent to kill Russians in Ukraine and what could be done with the same amount of money to improve the life of US citizens by taking example on this project cited by Elon Musk...

So many things could be done for the well being rather than for killing and destroying our own world 🌎 !

May God bless those who will become our Peacemakers and bring prosperous tiles back throughout the World!


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I see your point. I think the idea of a tunnel to Europe or a station on Mars by Elon Musk are “pie in the sky” concepts of little importance to the long term health of America. These ideas are fun to conceptualize but are really not worth a huge amount of serious dedication.

Conversely, getting huge volume of water to the western part of Canada and the U.S. from Alaska is of vital importance today. In fact, it was seen as vital in 1962 by JFK. But, he was shot and the plan apparently died along with him. So, here we are 60 years down the road and we have an emergency of aquifer depletion. The question is, “Why”?

I was at Lake Meade in 2004 and the problem was obvious then. Lake Powell was down 20 feet and no relief was in sight. But, we keep finding crazy things to waste our tax money on. That seems to be our plan. Break America by being stupid and keep the public confused. Like getting them thinking about a $20 Trillion Turley to Europe.

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Dec 30Edited
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⚠️ WARNING !⚠️

⚠️ TOXIC and RADIOACTIVE SCAM inside !⚠️


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Great and timely article. Living suburban Phoenix, water is a constant concern, along with the lower levels of Lake Mead. Yet leftist city councils keep allowing and endorsing mega apartment complexes (15-minute city concepts) under the ruse that we need more apartments and apartments use less water. . . not compared to single family housing or townhouses which also allow for pride of ownership.

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I lived in apartments when I was young. Horrible existence.

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Dec 29Edited
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I'm already a genius.


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⚠️ WARNING !⚠️

⚠️ TOXIC and RADIOACTIVE SCAM inside !⚠️


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Matt I enjoyed this article. I believe we are on the verge of breaking out of the NWO zero sum gain anti-human world.

As the Best that is Yet to Come become reality projects like this will/must be part of how humanity moves forward.

Will be interesting to see what becomes of the 51st State Narrative :-)

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Hi Joe !


WHY would you need such a 51st US state when you have already a gigantic "terra incognita" in your own Area 51 ?? 😉

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Thanks for the reminder in this excellent and timely article on NAWAPA and the battle that occurred throughout the 60’s for its implementation. The crazed degradation of our society via the drug, sex, and rock’n roll counterculture of the 60’s, combined with the wars in Indochina, inevitably led to its demise.

Given that “Sustainment is a Strategic Imperative” and that Water and Power are critical for Economic Development, NAWAPA must be revisited. Essayons…

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We’ve been under attack by using all varieties and means to destroy the entire country and its citizens for more than a century.

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President Trump can getter done!!!

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"The crazed degradation of our society via the drug, sex, and rock’n roll counterculture of the 60’s, combined with the wars in Indochina"

All products of the CIA and MIC, I'm afraid...

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1 Mo' Reason to completely eviscerate 100% of Global UniParty Swamp + Corrupt Courts. If even .1% of DS harpies linger, visionary courageous much-needed projects will get swallowed up in lawsuits. In Boston, no bold projects can move forward w/o incredible bribes & years of wrangling in courts. Even then, 95% never happen.

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Not if their treason is exposed first.

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That's why I wrote: 1 mo reason to EVISCERATE da Bastards! No deals. Permanent Mass Transfers to new planetary schools = Only Way! Get off my Planet Treasonous Assholes!

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Great article. Bringing water to the southwest from the northwest, Washington state, British Columbia is a very real solution to the real problem of inadequate water, where the sun shines the best. To have abundant agriculture you need water, sunlight, and of course soil. One solution to the pipe would be to make a large diameter fabric pipe that goes through the ocean thousands of feet deep from British Columbia to Los Angeles; the pressure would be slightly positive inside the pipe. The fabric pipe could have a diameter of 20,30,100 feet.

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Hi John !


What you're talking about and hoping for resembles much to a gigantic project by Elon Musk's Boring company specialized in building big tunnels...

Please have a look there:


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Nestle and others have been stealing Americas water and selling it to China for a very long time. We have been forced to drink our local recycled piss and drugs from our neighbor's urine instead of fresh clean natural water. Most of us drink the bottled stuff but still...These companies have to be punished along with the lawmakers who know exactly how corrupt this is. They supported it and go along with it still. When have you heard one complain about Nestles? MICHIGAN lakes levels for years have been lowered from tankers siphoning the lake waters. It has been reported, Nestle responsible for wells drying up in N MI, yet not a peep about it. Allowing old lead pipes to deliver the tainted recycled piss to your home via, "wastewater" treatment plants, thats not safe to drink, loaded with fluoride and other chemicals and the CDC takeover of water treatment plants 2020, ie Snake venom COVID 'Cobra Venom ID-2019' outbreaks, described by DR Ardis. The poisoning continues. Those paid to look out for us are on the dole!=doubling their money$$$$ TREASON!

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Good article, I didn't realize there are so many water projects underway, I live in Nebraska with the Ogalala aquifer under most of the state.

All of this boring for tunnels must be good for Elon Musks Boring Co.

Gary Krajicek

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This is fascinating! I have always found myself uncomfortable in cities out west where the water supply seems precarious at best. Vegas seems even crazier to me than cities built out on the ocean. I believe there are big changes to come.

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Typo in the article: it is Lake Mead, not Mean.

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Good Grief!!!!

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It occurs to me that this could actually be more like the hydroelectric projects from the 1930’s. Why not make this about water resources and energy?

A small modular nuclear plant requires one resource external to that device. That resource is water to cool the spent steam from the turbine after producing electricity. The very clean raw water needed to the south can also be used for steam condensation.

But why make electricity? Why not eliminate two energy transfers and make this more efficient? We need to pump water in a number of lifts to get it to much higher elevations due to the topography we are forced to deal with. Why not drive the pumps directly with the turbine and use the water being pumped for cooling? A very small portion of the steam could generate electricity for the site. This makes the operation self perpetuating with just nuclear fuel being delivered to drive the operation. And, it can be located anywhere needed.

Each storage lake along the way can become a hydroelectric producer as well as a source of irrigation water. This puts the water resource to multipurpose duty and makes the entire plan almost energy free while opening up millions of new acres of land for agriculture.

We have the technology today to take us back to the revolutionary ideas of the 1930’s. Great engineering is not dead, it has just been ignored. The environmentalists claim that dams hurt nature. But this pipeline would benefit nature as well as save America. What do you bet the environmentalists will hate this idea?

Nuclear energy creates no carbon dioxide but all of the new farmland will suck it up like crazy. Funding this project makes good sense on every level. Why it has not been completed 30 years ago is the question. Why do we point to China for inspiration? We have done this for a hundred years already. This ain’t rocket science.

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You're linking and associating different solutions which are already available to be implemented together ASAP...

May God bless and drive those who will lead our nations towards The Best is Yet To Come... ! 💒🕊️💕🇺🇲

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That was my whole point. The technology was here a century ago. In fact, the most efficient pumps ever designed were invented in the 1930’s. They were sold back then and the original molds exist. They are not made today because our government will not pay for higher priced efficiency. We find cheapest available product, not the most efficient.

The turbines in Bolder Dam were of this high efficient design and are turning generators today. After all, they are essentially pumps operating in reverse.

The only new technology is the small modular nuclear devices which are prefabricated and can be shipped to a site. That is what makes this idea so practical. The rest of the technology is so old most engineers do not know it even exists. Thank goodness for our Boulder Dam and it’s generating capability.

The government wants to take down all of our dams. I say it is destroy the proof of our past successes.

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[They] do the same in France 🇫🇷 and in Europe 💶!

[They] let our long-standing successes and treasures decay and sink into oblivion by new generations of engineers, who often don't even realize that they are "reinventing" solutions that proved their worth a long time ago...

Our present is built on the solid foundations of the past, enabling us to project ourselves effectively far into the future...

May God enlight and bless our way to the shining life He intended for us !


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Yes, indeed, the robbing of the US (all things sustainable water) by the creatures of the cabal has been in effect for a long time. It’s been a couple of years since I have been able to visit the west, but back then Mead and Powell were so low it was terrible. We can’t go back, but we can move forward. First thing is to expose and destroy the cabal’s minions that are determined to destroy us completely.

Thank you for the excellent work in exposing the conditions and what needs to be done. Blessings.

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Zionist bankers are behind virtually all wars. Lots of Zionists working for the Donald.

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Agree totally

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A fascinating read! Send this to President Trump to review!

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I always enjoy Mr. Ehret's thought provoking essays, so thank you sir. As I have been on this earth more than 70 years having lived not only in Michigan (Great Lakes) and Scottsdale Arizona (Colorado River) I am astounded by the idiocy I have witnessed. Lake Erie was so polluted and with massive oil spills I saw hundreds of sea birds dead on the shore. In Arizona I saw massive golf courses with irrigation that went on every day to keep the grass green and landscapes so lush with non-native flora also requiring massive amounts of water.

I must admit our Great Lakes are cleaner now than they were fifty years ago and a real effort was being made in Arizona to plant native flora and use drip irrigation when needed.

We must address this and so many other pressing problems we face as a country I am hopeful Trump will stop the wars, end illegal immigration, lay out a path to solve our energy problems and to instill a sense of hope & patriotism in our citizens.

Right now I see China inching every closer to dominating us on so many fronts and I surely don't want my great grandchildren speaking Chinese because they have to.

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Despite media and scientific gaslighting, Geoengineering of our skies (Chem trails) has been at the core of many of our atmospheric/weather changes including droughts, poisoning of crops resulting in dwindling food supplies. Dumping millions of pounds of particulate matter into our atmosphere to thwart global warming when it’s having the opposite effect? Our government is killing us through this weather manipulation and anything else positive, going forward, is moot if we’re all dead.


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