Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Oblama was a Terrorist from the beginning. He gave thousands of new Jeeps and tanks left behind to the enemy and left Soldiers without food and Ammo during middle east conflicts. He reported to the enemy where a Naval ship was stranded, so they could jump on board and force Navy Men down on their knees for a photo. So much more he did as well. The entire middle east war(s) were scripted, planned and executed by Washington and their Donors for Cash and those who gave their lives meant nothing to these SOBs. GW and his Daddy orchestrated the 911 and every other evil thing with their Billionaire friends and CIA partners.

Oblama caused civil unrest and promoted BLM, even stating his daughters were part of BLM.

I think most believe He is the Puppet Master after he stated how he would love to have a 3rd term if he could be relaxing and orchestrating it from a lazy boy in his home, or words to that effect.

His Grandma stated "HE WAS BORN IN KENYA" she was there. An eye witness.

He should never have been able to run for President let alone any office because he was NOT a "Natural Born Citizen" which is different than having citizenship, which there is no proof he has either, besides possibly forged documents.

Is Michael a Man or a woman? WHO is she/He? Is she even a citizen? If she is a man than who's children are those? Joan Rivers said EVERYONE KNOWS.. Who is "Everyone"

Crack smoking, sex with men, Dead Chef, Pizza-gate????? Who the HELL are these people?

I doubt the outcome would have been much different with ROMNEY, another Traitor owned by the CIA. They all know Child Trafficking/Human Trafficking/Drug trafficking exist and that the tunnels are built with American Taxes. Big Pharma has taken over as the world biggest pushers of drugs, owned and operated by the GATES FOUNDATION. Foundations pay NO TAXES!

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Also I think Obama caused the Seal Team 6 crash.

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No coincidences.

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Kinda pisses one off when you think about it.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Yes and Cocaine MITCH McConnell is playing the "FROZEN GAME". Why were 80 lbs of cocaine in your shipping containers Mitch? answer 'Freeze'' Why are children found in your shipping containers Mitch?, answer 'Freeze". Why is the head of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children losing 750,000 children/adults give or take, Missing persons a year? (They found 20 kids with their parents in 2022). Why are taxpayers paying MILLIONS in Grants for this? Why are there reports that Head of MISSING and EXPLOITED knew Epstein? Why has she remained in her position for 20 years with that kind on record? Why do we even have an organization thats supposedly independent, looking for kids? or Missing? Why was Epstein property (A Crime Scene) sold? Why did Epstein make a will 2 days before he disappeared or was killed protecting his assets if he had no intention of living/returning? Where is Mark Epstein? His Brother who also owns a modeling agency? Where is Epstein's plane? Where are the fingerprints from Epstein's planes, forensics from the plane, the property? Where are all these children from Epstein's Island? Where are the confiscated phones and computers of all those on the Epstein list? Or was that never done??? Why have there been no arrest of the powerful from Epstein log? Freeze Freeze Freeze!!!! WHY is Congress MUTE? What the hell is happening there? What is the relationship between Missing and Exploited and the FBI/CIA? Why is the number of Missing persons almost the same every year? Where the hell are all the 80K kids who are now MISSING at HHS? Why havent they been located? Who is the child on Epstiens lap?

Hard to watch but pause the pics to see some of the Heathens of our society:


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You know the answer. They are all in on it. Human trafficking is the most lucrative business in the world. Drug trafficking is right behind. Adrenochrome, pizzagate, Lolita Express... they aren't even hiding it anymore.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Yes, and they should be reminded often that we will not forget it and give them a pass.

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Like C19: "mistakes were made, let's learn from it and move on."

To hell with that -- a full scale investigation must happen and those responsible must pay the price. That is how society learns from the actions of psychopaths -- they learn that we won't move on until accounts are settled.

Same for all of the rest of [their] evil. [They] must be held to account.

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Yes, they MUST!

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Likely MOST of Congress are Epstein’s clients...to start with.

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Sure seems obvious... Sickening bunch of child Torturers. Judgement cometh!

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

It's all bullshit propaganda. These psychopaths want 500 million people left by 2030. Every nation earth just injected their citizens with a slow-kill bioweapon injection of death.

Please turn off the TV. It's called a nightly "program" for a reason.

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Haven’t watched MSM for decades and turned off Fox immediately after Fox came out for AZ...that has more meaning now, doesn’t it?

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Maybe their own creations from our DNA. Sick Bastards!

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

An absolutely intense history lesson for me. If I printed this out and distributed it at work in an attempt to "wake people up" I am sure that I would be derided and reviled without exception. That's how good this research is! Thank You Erik, and Badland Media! You are head and shoulders above the crowd.

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Thanks Erik, this was a very good read.

I don't worry about being a conspiracy theorist in "their" eyes because if someone still believes in conspiracy theories then they are still living in Normieville. Once your eyes are open you can never go back.

Love your work, keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Great article and history lesson by Erik. I too no longer fall into the cabal trap of "how to think, believe, or feel." There are many questions and as individuals, we should be asking questions, and not have to be afraid to ask!

I found it interesting that what is happening today begins with WWI.

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Been going on longer than that. Once you go down this rabbit hole, it just gets deeper... and deeper... and deeper.

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I call it UKRAINE II

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same crisis actors, same ideas different geoloogy.

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OBribem was already set to send I think $6 Billion, but Trump stopped him.

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I think you are right.

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Hello Erik Carlson !

Regarding the "Pearl Harbor" style you evoked, I offer you o have a look on this article:

"Patrick Byrne claims to know why Israel had such an unprecedented Intelligence failure"


🙏🏻✝️🕊️ May God have Mercy and pity to [Them] and bless all of those who are fighting for His Word and HIS Truth ! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻

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Israel didn't have an intelligence failure. The establishment of it had been planning the attack on itself for months. They enlisted many other countries.

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We could add this last analysis and questioning:

"You Have No Idea What's Happening In Israel

Before America gets dragged into another Middle East war, let's ask some questions first !"


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Just like 9/11. [They] ALL knew -- Mossad, Shin Bet, CIA, MI6 etc.

I believe that Israel wants to decapitate the regime in Tehran. They could not just do that, they needed a reason. Now they have it.

And it doesn't hurt that Netanyahu, who was barely holding a coalition together, has now used this to unify the Israeli government.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson


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Do you mean geography?

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Yes, I'm not immune to typos.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Voice of calm and reason. Let’s wait and see, we’ve been here before many times.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Eric, a ‘hit it out of the ballpark piece’ and there is not a single thing I don’t agree with! On 911 I was working for the AF (civ, 25 yrs, ret.) and watched the second tower get ‘attacked’ with a co-worker whose wife had called, telling us to turn on the TV. Shock immediately, of course, but I question most things, so wondered about the building collapses. Saw a controlled demolition once and the similarity was beyond obvious to me... Secondly, I couldn’t figure out what Iraq and Afghanistan had to do with the attacks as the attackers came from Saudi Arabia. I became a true ‘conspiracy theorist’ at that time after years of questioning many, many things. Now it must be proven that something is real. Obama was the true Manchurian candidate and I agree he’s about to be up front and center. Remember how much wound up being revealed with Fauci ‘up front and center’?? Another great article, and you’re right....NO coincidences.

God bless you.🙏🙏

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As soon as the hijackers' passports were magically "found" intact (at least enough to identify them quickly) so soon after 9/11, I wondered about that. What are the odds?? No stinking way.

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Right! NO stinking way!👍👍

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The best documentary on 9/11 is "9/11 The New Pearl Harbor" by Massimmo Mazucco- it's about 5 hrs (on bitchute) and destroys all aspects of the official narrative.

And here's more on who was behind the false flag:

9/11 Missing Links (USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, 9/11)


Masters of Deception


9/11 The Deception That Changed the World- Christopher Bollyn


9/11 Enemies Foreign and Domestic By Ed Hendrie





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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Excellent article Erik. The more I read and hear of the info on Badlands the more I question what I believed in the past. I agree that what we are seeing is to get an emotional response instead of thinking it through. One of the first thoughts I had when I heard of this attack is how could Israel have been taken by surprise like that it just didn't make sense. Anyway keep up the good work.

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Once you realize all this narrative creation of the cabal is to generate certain emotional responses -- fear, horror, anger, outrage -- in the mass population, you have the ticket to freedom and to the cabal's implosion. Don't buy in. Do not hold those emotions. Do not let them throw you off balance with stories we know are being manipulated and controlled. Decide what we want instead of this. Choose the energy / emotion we want instead. The resonance of 100 truth. Accountability for the puppet masters. Our energetic choice affects the collective. This is the human power they don't want us to figure out.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Absolutely brilliant. I always look forward to your articles that so well written. Everyone needs to breathe, be patient, seek out articles like yours. The best part about Badlands & Substack is this: you help us REMEMBER, you back it up with historical facts, and always remind us how to gently wake the sleeping. Bravo!

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

This article is so well-written and echos virtually my sentiments exactly. I’m 66 and believed Nixon, Vietnam, the Bushes and weapons of mass destruction, 911--swallowed all of it. Could never reconcile Mexican punk drug cartels befuddling the best US intel and military services. Now when news reports of 80,000 people in the US dying of fentanyl poisoning EVERY year is dwarfed by a few thousand Israeli casualties (terrible in themselves--but what about those dead US kids?) it’s obvious where our priorities are. With the new media, I’ve seen it all fall---and with it a desperate push by governments to ‘protect us from disinformation’ by crush-censoring all media. Badlands keep it coming.

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The evil in this world are the rich power mongers over working class. We support their lazy evil a@@es, They are depopulating for control. Wait til the truth comes out about the experimental drug jab. God sees all the greed by capitalism and all the power monger democrats. Which side folks? Independent!

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Back when Obama was running for his first term, and Glenn Beck was still on CNN, Glenn said something that has stuck with me for all these what, 15 years?

Glenn said "Folks, you have to pick which side you're on. You can't keep sitting there on the fence. You have to decide. Because if you don't, someone will come along and knock you off the fence into the fray, almost certainly not at a time or place that would have been of your choosing. I'm serious, folks -- you have to decide what side you are on."

Still excellent advice 15 years later.

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I remember that! Yes, all have to pick between evil or good. Nothing in between now.

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Independent for years.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

A very good piece Erik. Well thought through and a good insight into some history points often overlooked. I for one don’t buy the BS. I sit, I watch, I wait and then I do it again. I think we will learn in the not too distant future the hand the very far right hostile Israel PM had in all of this!! A much bigger story at play here. We watch and we wait.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Excellent, well done! Thank you! I'm sharing.

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Excellent Substack! Thank you

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Insightful. Thanks. Erik.

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