Relearning history with professor Lange. Thank you for your hard work. God bless.

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Always appreciate you brother!!

I hope you are well my friend!

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‘Removing Gaddafi didn’t bring peace and freedom to the Libyan people, like Obama, Hillary and McCain had promised. It was the opposite.’

Obama always promised, stated, directed, appealed…to the people one thing….then did the exact opposite. The first time (literally) I saw Obama speak, I turned to my husband and told him he (Obama) was a master manipulator. It was in-one’s-face obvious that Obama was Muslim, that he lied about everything, and was complicit in every evil act accomplished by State, CIA, etc. I still can’t believe everyone was fooled by this blatant fraud..the true Manchurian leader. Same with Jarrett and Brennan. The first time I saw Brennan, my immediate observation was this is the absolute fave of evil. Which he, too, turned out to be.

Stevens wasn’t innocent and it’s crystal clear, as your dives into this have reinforced, he was untouchable until he wasn’t, just like Osama binLadin. The only innocents in this entire episode of cabal evil was the soldiers who were assigned to protect American civilians, traitors, but citizens nevertheless.

The connections between the Bush and the binLadin families is also telling, but that’s for another story.

Joe, your research and analysis of all of this is exceptional and clearly exposes, detail by detail, the evidence of a cabal/nazi/Marxist shadow government that was in complete control of D.C. This exposure of DC’a treason is why Trump has just been given a mandate by the American citizens. Exposing this is still only the top layers of this onion, but it’s been enough to mandate our return to our constitutional republic roots.

You’ve been one of the heroes in this fight and I know I speak for many telling you thank you!! God bless you, Joe!🙏🇺🇸🙏.

As always….waiting with much anticipation for the next one!

PS: interesting that I never picked up on big Mike like I did Clinton, et.al….

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Those are really great comments ALtab. I couldn’t agree more with what you said.

I too, immediately knew Obama was a liar and corrupt.

I think discernment played a role in that.

And just wait. The Bush Bin Laden connections are still coming in this series as I come to 9/11.

Blessings friend!

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Even the top cabal minions here in the US must know that they are untouchable….until they aren’t. It’s an interesting observation about humanity that we can be so aware in one sense, yet so blinded in another…. There is no loyalty in these traitors.

There truly must be public justice for them as we need to send a strong message to both the cabal and our people. We must not let this go and we must send the message that we are NOT trading one set of masters for another.

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You’re exactly right. Public justice is a deterrent. I’ve only scratched the surface of what these traitors have actually done.

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until they aren’t”

Wonderful comments ALtab ❤️

We would be derelict in our duty to the values of our Country if we let these treasonous criminals escape Justice. Dark to Light 💫🕊

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My two sons, who were in their early 20’s in ‘08, were on the Barry Sotero bandwagon and thought I was being somewhat racist with my strong opinions against him. I will always remember, and they do also, me telling them that my guts told me Barry did not love this country. Boy was I spot on with those gut instincts.

As always, I really appreciate your try thorough research and writing. Great article.

I’m wondering though what your current thoughts are about Flynn not being named (yet anyway) to a cabinet position.

Looking forward to the next segment of this sordid story of the history we’ve all witnessed. So sad.

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Thank you KC and you were right about Obama.

I think Flynn and others are playing roles in the background already and Flynn will also be a big witness in coming trials.

He still might be back in the Trump administration later on.

I think there will be changes in a few years but it is certainly possible that he is a more valuable resource in the background right now.

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Hi KC, just wondering where your sons are in their thinking today? Have they been awakened at all?

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Youngest one saw the light early on but his wife is die hard left! Why did I get stuck with a daughter in law like that??? 🙄. The oldest - well I’m not sure to be honest. He lives in Chicago and has since 2004, so that’s a strike against him! Honestly he blows me away with his mindset! We don’t talk politics much (or the forbidden jab topic) and we’re mostly estranged for the past several years, unfortunately, because of those issues. All my fault of course. Coming around now and I believe he was going to vote independent party but also believe he’d never admit he voted for DJT! Not to me anyway. His wife also of pants suit/break glass ceiling mindset (Lord help me when dealing with these gals!). So I’m not sure what the answer is with him. I’m going to try my best to steer clear of those subjects at Thanksgiving, as I’m thankful we will finally all be together for first time in 3 years! It’s been rough 🥲. I didn’t attend his graduation ceremony at Northwestern when he got his Masters’ and it broke my heart but I refused to kowtow to wearing the required mask so watched on TV instead at his home. I know his feelings were hurt but I hope someday, if not yet, he admires me for standing my ground on such a major issue I was vehemently against.

Sorry for the long response. It’s been a sad and lonely time for many over these same issues.

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Good for you, and you are & were right to stand your ground. Whether they come round or not. I have similar where I’m considered nuts but we just get on with it. All the Best.

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Your story is so many others stories. These years of Covid have made many riffs in normal family relations. My hope, and it’s truly a hope, is that one day the whole truth will emerge and many of us will be vindicated and healing will begin. Again, it’s a hope, but miracles do happen.

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KC, Thank you so much for sharing that - I don't have children but my brother and his wife will be coming for Thanksgiving, and I have some of the same issues with my sister-in-law. Will be praying for you! God bless you

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Hi Joe, you did not disappoint us with your assessment, it is brilliant the way you connect the dots. Back then in those days we already had some awareness for Husain Barack when Dr. Corsi wrote his book about the birth certificate. And show him as the Manchurian candidate.

I don’t know how accurate is that story,

That the night of the Correspondan Dinner on April 2011, Donal J Trump made the decision to run for president and destroy the cabal.

And the rest is history…

Thank you again for your service, patriot brother.

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Obama’s birth certificate was certainly fake and Trump made a huge deal about that back then.

A lot more is going to come out about Obama that will shock a lot of people and my next article will begin to go down the road on Obama and all his crimes.

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“Osama bin Laden” — really CIA operative Tim Osman body had to be pulled out of a deep freeze, shot thru the eye, and flown several hundred miles for burial at sea, in order to get Trump/Birth Certificate off the front pages. Fake, fake, fake, fake, fake!

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I remember being outraged and puzzled when they so suddenly buried him AT SEA! We wondered at the time, why on earth they would do that! I hope Mr Lange will talk about this if he has more on the death of OBL/UBL/TO - whatever his real name was.

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We can hardly wait brother.

May The Lord bless you and keep you safe.

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OH LORDY!!!!!!!!!

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I believe the Apocalypse will reveal the kwear mulatto Bathhouse Barry to be a ✡️ (via his slut mother) wrapped in Muslim cover. Look to the ✡️ troika that created him out of whole cloth: David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, and Betty Lu Saltzman. Turned Big Mike into Michelle and 2 girls for a fake family on loan from Nesbit and Blanchard.

Fake American, Fake woman, fake children, fake family.

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JW, that all sounds TOO far out there to be true, but....now, I don't think I would be too shocked by anything!

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Oh my gosh ALtab, if only I had the ability that you have in expressing your views. I love reading your remarks and always agree with them.

Thank you form the bottom of my heart and God bless you and your wisdom.

Although I do believe that Joe Lange is the BEST EVER

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Traitors all. Hunt them down, military tribunal and execution.

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I couldn’t agree more!

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Hope I live to see this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Excellent article! It was very educational to me... connection of many dots... brilliant work!

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Thank you so much my friend!!👊🏼👊🏼

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Hillary’s comment, “ If that bastard wins, we’re all gonna hang from nooses” it’s been long enough.

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She was right for once!!

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Where did she say that?

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I think it was in an email uncovered by Wikileaks...but am not sure...

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Oct. 17, 2016. Email to Donna Brazil. Wikileaks

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Do you think Julian Assange will be a big witness at some point?

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When and where did she say this? I get nauseated every time I see her or hear about her.. evil.

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Oct 17, 2016. Email to Donna Brazil, which included “you better fix this shit.” Wikileaks

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And the "B-word" is BACK! Bring on the trials/tribunals and the gallows, where necessary!

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It amazes me that You, Joe, can dig into these treasons and connect the dots, and after 12 years ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has been connected to bring treason against these traitors responsible for the killing of Americans. And, they’re still walking freely and still working to destroy this nation! By the grace of God, I pray President Trump brings justice to our land, and the likes of Obamas, Clintons, Pelosi, Brennan etal receive their due and soon so this nation can heal! Thank you, Joe, for your hard work. May the Lord God bless you and keep you safe so more revelations of truth will bring exposure to the blind people. You ROCK, my friend!

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I really appreciate that Carol. Trump is going to bring justice to all of these people, which is why they are so panicked.

Q told us that transparency and prosecution is the only way.

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What amazes me is Joe Lange has been able to put all of this together, but 12 years have passed. It is obvious to me a number of people inside of our government knew all of this as it was transpiring. I cannot believe the traitors were doing all of this evil without others seeing it and questioning the rationality of what they were seeing.

I was questioning many of the events like the helicopter downing. My question was about how the enemy got their stingers? That made no sense, but I recall the MSM never asked or pretended that question was not important.

So, my question now is, “Why has nothing happened in the past 12 years?” That makes no sense to me. The story is elaborate, but surely Joe Lange is not the only one who has figured it out. We have highly paid and super skilled intelligence agents on our payroll. Why no results in over a decade?

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You ask great questions and make valid points.

I think the answer to those questions is fear.

I have discovered many instances of people within the three letter agencies and military that discovered parts of these treasonous operations but the investigations were shut down with complicit government officials and Congress would often run interference by holding investigations that would focus on red herring arguments in order to give cover for the real operations.

Benghazi was a perfect example.

The investigations all focused on whether it was a terrorist attack, which was already obvious, and why the consulate lacked security rather than why Stevens was at the consulate instead of the embassy and what Stevens was actually doing there.

There were hints of the truth. Rand Paul knew it was a weapons smuggling operation to Syria but nobody talked about those Syrian rebels actually being ISIS.

I talked in a previous article about how the DEA discovered that Hezbollah was trafficking drugs through the cartels in Central America and laundering billions of dollars through used car dealerships in the US. That’s why Obama created “Cash For Clunkers” so more Americans would trade in their used cars.

Obama shut down that investigation after the DEA had traced the evidence right to the top leadership of Hezbollah.

There have been stories in the media that offer nuggets of truth but none of them give you the full picture.

The question why, is fear.

Fear of a lost career, fear of prison, fear of bankruptcy, fear of death and fear for your family’s lives.

And many who have been brave enough to stand up and blow the whistle have wound up dead or their lives destroyed.

The entire world feared this CIA/shadow government.

That all changed when Trump became president.

The military has been planning for a long time to remove this evil insurgency, but they needed the right man to spearhead the fight or it would fail.

I believe God raised up Trump for such a time as this.

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The more I learn about all of this craziness, the more I fear for the life of Donald Trump. He is definitely risking his life and his family’s lives for no personal financial gain. In other words, he is exhibiting precisely the opposite motivation of the ones who failed to perform when they witnessed the corruption years ago.

I hope we see Trump inaugurated on January 20th. That will reveal a lot about everything!

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Didn't you see how God saved his life on July 13? Fear not - trust God and pray. Nothing can touch DJT (or anyone) that the Lord does not permit.

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Compromised captured media. It has kept us in the dark for decades.

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Many of the ones who tried to come forward were murdered. Anyone with a family would realize if they spoke, they'd be screwed. And when the "most powerful position on Earth" is a bastion of evil, that tends to force insiders to wonder just how protected they could possibly be. So there's the psychological deterrent.

But now consider the "intelligence" community. The CIA has been proven to be running money, drugs, and guns since at least the 70s! The FBI looks the other way doing God knows what.

Think of the vastness of the obvious corruption across so many agencies and businesses! Now, realize that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Try to imagine how much corruption was ongoing underneath the obvious.

Basically since shortly after WW2, especially the last 50 years, it was not a fun or safe time to be a good guy.

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You’re exactly right.

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Honestly... just can't thank Badlandians enough. This confirmed for me that we had won. Not saying we're done with the work, but that the good guys actually did beat the bad guys. Clean up stage on deck.

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You’re right. The enemy has been weakened beyond recovery.

It’s just a matter of time.

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Praise the LORD!

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I continue to pray for our country to become a light to all nations as it should be and was so many years ago. The people have been fooled for so long by the Cabal of evil but isn’t that biblical? We know God wins over evil. Our nation needs a cleansing & a return to God

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There is a great book that shows how old is the cabal movement.

The Devil Chessboard by David Talbot

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I have obviously never understood the depth of our problem. I have known several FBI agents and they were all top-notch, honest and dedicated. I figured if 100% of the ones I knew were great, surely no more than 1% might be corrupt. It sounds like my assumptions were way off.

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Q told us that the large majority of the people working in the three letter agencies are good and honest people.

It’s the political top of these agencies that needed a housecleaning.

But even the good ones, often knew better than to say something or try and buck the system because their career, lives and family were at risk.

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I'm sorry. I think we've all been there. We were all deceived. General Smedley Butler, General Patton, JFK, McCarthy, they all warned us but then more recently and directly over the target was William Cooper. Behold a Pale Horse. And the rabbit holes get progressively deeper into areas i wonder how comfortable people here would be.

Teaser? in its present form both legal government and money can be completely unwound.

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Art Bell exposed a lot of things too, on his late-night radio show

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"Good guys finish last" - wonder who coined that phrase.

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IMO, Joe can do an article like this safely since about 2018-2020. If he'd written this before then (def before 2016), he very likely would be dead.

That's not dramatic hyperbole. I'm telling you, nearly ALL the truthsayers I saw coming forward on their various domains, they were murdered. Danny Jowenko was the first I noticed. America has been on the highway to hell since 9/11. We were only saved by the grace of God and the Plan.

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I think you’re exactly right.

My wife was warning me about writing the things I write in fear of repercussions of some kind.

I had decided that it was in God’s hands and that I felt He was actually calling me to do it.

I also knew the military was fighting like crazy to degrade the enemy’s power in the background and that they weren’t nearly as powerful as they were before Trump took office.

Placing Pompeo into the CIA to free CIA controlled nation states like North Korea and cut off the dark money streams. He also took down the CIA super computers.

Then Trump put him as head of the State Department to clean out that department that was the handmaiden of the CIA.

The enemy has been in a shambles and reacting rather than controlling things ever since.

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My wife was encouraging me to write about these things back in 2014 timeframe but our son was just born and there were numerous whistleblowers who'd been silenced. I just couldn't take the risk. You really had perfect timing. I honestly figured you all were working with mil insiders to release timed information at first. It's totally brilliant what you all are doing. You, GBPH and American Hypnotist are just scorching Earth and far more thorough than I ever was.

PS be sure you're backing all this content up on the regular.

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I'm hoping for some old-fashioned hardcover printed books on all this someday! Yum.

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Pompeo? The same one who put together a plan to kill assange? Not a good guy.

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I've heard that too, but things may not always be what they seem. Irregular warfare

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Threats to anyone and their families who knew what was happening. Clinton ice

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There used to be a website called something like theclintonbodycount.com or something that exposed some bad bad "coincidences."

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So many deaths that weren’t coincidences.

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I agree 1000%!

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God's timing, Carol. That is my great comfort in this horror show. Almighty God has permitted this evil for His purposes, and we know from His word that for His people, ALL things work together for good (Romans 8:28 and others). No one can hide from God, and He has no statute of limitations for His and our enemies.

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Great post! Amen and Amen!

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Carol - fully agree with your comments but Joe has this uncanny knack of timing his Substack releases to perfection. He may be Tom Clancy in disguise.!! 😊😊

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O-M-G!!! Those POS govt whores!!! I can’t wait until President Trump gets back in so he can eviscerate the CIA & FBI!!! Kash Patel would excellent taking on this task!! Thank you Joe for each installment…it keeps me on the edge of my seat. GREAT JOB!!

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I appreciate you Shifti!!

Thank you my friend!

I have one more Benghazi article coming that will give the big picture that everyone is missing about Benghazi and it will wrap it all in a big bow.

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can't wait for the grand finale.

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Joe, I can’t wait!! SOOO excited to read everything you write!

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Ooh! I love pretty wrappings and big bows!! You're the best!!! And I love me some exclamation points.

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Excellent timeline these traitors hitlary yomama brennan all of them need to be reckoned with. Stevens mccaingarbage. Mccain was a weak coward. RIP glen ty sean and the guys on extortion 17 who barry sold out. When are we going after this cretin he was illegitimate and con man manchurian The American people are too dumb to survive

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Hopefully soon Jim! A reckoning is coming!

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Not all of us are dumb….hence the many who quit all MSM years ago….we’ll get there. It’s ALL about timing.

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True, but after COVID-19, we very truly saw with complete transparency that FAR AND AWAY.... well, "the [...] people are too dumb to survive."

Everyone believes whatever authority says, and even if they don't, the rest succumb to peer pressure to fit in. It was honestly a gut check wake up call for me. But it showed who my friends were and we were walking advertisements of "abnormalcy" to a sleep walking populace.

This is not boasting. It was abject confirmation that the people that made America are already dead and as I've said before, ALL of us owe our lives to the architects and executors of...

"The Plan" - rated R

starring Donald Trump, Mel Gibson, Jon Voight, and anyone else who wasn't a rat bastard commie satanist who can act...

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I realize that, people suffer from normalcy bias, to lazy to dig deep. 65 million vote for a vessel that cant form a coherent thought and all about government control of your life. The takers outnumber the makers here and most people look out for their own delf interest. Just look at health no one take ownership of their own health. Obama illegitimate treasonous criminal elected twice. Government is cancer and it doesn’t want to kill itself off. 70% vaxxed, wheres the simple thought process about human immunity and you listen to government cretins. I want elon/vivek to whack 80% minimum the ole 20/80 rule. 80% of the work is done by 20%. I do appreciate your optimism

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All the difference in the world. Deep State= REAL FASCISTS

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You’re exactly right Daniel!!

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Anyone with a brain knew something was fishy with the public Benghazi story. Thank you for all the research and facts you provided in this writing. We are all expendable as long as their pet programs succeed and the cash is deposited. "O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." I hope BHO & HRC are scheduled for military tribunals at Gitmo.

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I want to see those tribunals for them. I want them to be public.

I have one more Benghazi article coming that will focus on the public Benghazi story that I think everyone missed.

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Now it makes complete sense on why Clinton and Brennan don't like Tulsi Gabbard, she knew all of this. Am I right?

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I think there were lots of people within our government that knew what was going on but weren’t willing to risk their lives to try and expose it.

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There are 2 things circling my mind reading this.

1) There are still people today who'd vote for HRC.

2) Hierarchical power structures need better governance from below.

I'll start with 2. Yes, there were good guys in all the alphabet agencies, but the cold fact is: only a handful of positions needed to be infiltrated before the entire agency was compromised and then it could be neutered or weaponized, as the cabal needed and no one could stop them. That's the alarming piece of this to me. How to PREVENT this from recurring. Because I guarantee [they] are already analyzing strategies to avoid detection even longer "next time."

"Next timmmee Gadget. NEXT TIMMMME"

But seriously. Wikileaks was instrumental in helping insiders expose reality to the public. Even while many knew damn well the "War on Terror" would be endless, and that nothing about 9/11 made any sense, there was little to nothing any outsider could do about it. Any insider was murdered before they could expose too much.

Elon and Vivek need to develop a block chained and hardened "wikileaks" that is impossible to compromise and always available for insider leaks. Suspicious actions by top brass could be reported. Something to force transparency into these structures. Agents could ID themselves using an anonymizing hash that would help authenticate credible insider leaks vs truly anonymous leaks.

Regardless of the details, a public transparent accountability solution is needed so that moles, security breaches, power anomalies, and infiltrators have a far more difficult time moving through the system as long as they do. Remember: this was going on for DECADES. McCarthy was correct, he was just 30 years too late. And all of us are still paying for that failure of oversight today and we need to be sure it cannot be repeated.

As for 1... I feel like we need to totally change the way voting is done in this county. Too many people are too easily manipulated and too dumb to understand why it matters and yet, their vote matters just as much as anyone else's. That's an idiodic way to run a business. Dumb people will always exist. Intelligent and wise people will always be rare. And the majority of humanity thinks with their emotions as its modus operandi.

No solution there yet. But noted something more is needed.

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You bring up two huge and important points.

You almost let the cat out of the bag.

I think I already know the solution to point #2 and the crumbs have been dropped for some time.

My plan was to write an article about it at the end of my current substack series.

Now, I’m not sure whether I should wait or do a write up on it and post it on Telegram and X.

Gonna have to think about that.

As for point # 1

Don’t forget why a large part of the population are brainwashed. It’s the same reason I was for most of my life.

The CIA has expanded on project Mockingbird and has completely controlled the narrative our entire lives.

That is coming to an end.

If you can guarantee truth telling and rid the media of propaganda, everything will change.

How do you do it?

It’s really easy and Trump and Q have mentioned how.

First, you prosecute all of those involved, in both the CIA and the media.

Q said that is coming.

Second, you put the people in control of the media.


The “public airwaves” belong to the people.

Any media corporation that pushes propaganda, automatically loses its license.

The media companies using “public airwaves” is a privilege, not a right. They have a responsibility and I think some of these companies are about to find that truth out.

Great comments my friend!

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It's truly going to be glorious. 😁

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Write the article Joe. Don't keep us waiting. 😀 Love your work!

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I might do that, but it would fit nicely at the end of this series and help me end on a positive note.

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Sounds great, but pray tell who can be trusted to determine what is propaganda, and how? Do we the people get to vote? Or does the FCC who doles out (or withholds) the licenses have the power, who appoints them, and who oversees them? It seems we have that problem now with the government/CIA telling their DARPA creations (Facebook, Google, et al) what to censor. Sincerely asking.

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We already have all the evidence of who the CIA controlled. Q gave us a list of them.

Second, we already know how they communicate with each other to get their daily talking points.

Q told us that too.

Military intelligence controls the electronic and information battlefield. They collect everything. Nothing is deleted.

They also know which CEO’s of these media companies were working with the CIA too.

Mass arrests are going to set a precedent for the future and I also believe that these media companies will have their licenses reviewed every year and the people are going to get a say because if you go on X, literally all the media lies get exposed by the people within an hour.

Truth is going to rule the day going forward in my opinion.

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All of the above!!👏. The good thing about thing free is the ability to create ideas, workarounds, solutions, etc. I believe the cabal lost most of that a long time ago are have been using the old Prussian playbook, threats, infiltration, spying, honeypots, etc.

This is how we can beat them. Plus, once the truth regarding the children (all of it) comes out, it will enrage the entire world. Many other countries do not have the restraint of the constitutional rights afforded criminals and they likely will solve much of the source problem(s)….

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Wow! It’s hard to believe that this treachery will go unpunished! It has me so angry just reading this!

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It is infuriating. But justice is coming. We are just at the doorstep of what we’ve been waiting for.

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Very Good article on Benghazi and the treachery that existed in the obama and hrc era.

The original interview done after Bengazi with Obama and Hilary was redone. The one online now is not the original. The original, had a clearly shaken, woman that clung to every word obama said and she was dressed in black. The remake has a confident hrc and in bright clothes.

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Very interesting. Do you have a link??

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Hey Joe, Back on that day, (I did not like either bama or hrc) so when they were on TV together, I distinctly remember saying to myself. She is clinging to his every word, waiting to be vindicated. she looked like she had not slept in days. she looked pathetic. I tried finding the old interview, but could only find the one where she is wearing pink after Bengazhi. Clearly a remake for history! she messed up over there and American Soldiers paid for it.

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That is interesting.

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Great article, Joe. When this comes out I think we will see people who were threatened to keep them silent will speak up. The fact that you and so many Badlanders are still alive is proof that the DS is not as in control as they were.

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I agree. The enemy has been weakened in so many ways, which is why they can only react to things happening and don’t control the chessboard.

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I would really like to find that one. As it showed how desperate she was to have bama's approval. he could have thrown her under the bus, but she clearly knew too much and still does!

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Well they both were puppets of Alwaleed and both were using the illegal secret server to hide their crimes.

They were two puppets and I believe only Alwaleed would make the call if Hillary was thrown under the bus, but she was the second part of the sixteen year plan.

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"Untouchable until they're not."

To think these venomous Traitors actually thought they were above this reality is amusing, in a Patriotic way.

They honestly thought they would have each other to save each other's sorry asses, all the while bowing down to the god of this earth, whom they thought had the power to save them infinitively.

How wrong they were, are and will be!


It's truly hard, and I mean REALLY hard, to wrap one's mind around the level of absolute diabolical evil corruption that has gone on for the sake of LITERALLY limited power, control and wealth.

Death and destruction used as a tool, no matter the actual intrinsic massive cost to whomever stands in the way, or is there by happenstance, is a thunderbolt of pain to the heart.

TBH, rather glad I don't, can't and won't, even try to understand the magnitude of it. Knowing it's there, realizing the reality of it, and accepting that fact is enough. Learning the dot connection of it through amazing Patriotic writers is as eye opening as it is dumfounding. True history will not be wiped out, and the movies are gonna be lit!

In their quest for forever chaos and world domination, did they ever stop to ask themselves why?

Did they ever TRULY ask themselves, "For what?"


Apparently the term "mortality" conveniently escaped them.

There are not enough words in the entirety of the world to capture the DISGUST of ALL these evil incarnate jackasses The People will have towards them once this becomes main stream knowledge.

And it IS coming.

Retribution style from the mighty CIC in DC, for the decades of here and now,


[They] truly will NOT be able to walk down the streets.

As always Joe,

Well Done and Thank You.

*Tips hat


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Thank you so much DD.

Those are some really great comments and I appreciate you.

You raise such good questions.

It is hard to fathom this kind of evil because most of us, thankfully, might be sinners, but we’re not totally evil.

These people literally value money more than anyone else’s life.

They are warped in their thinking because they now fear the justice that is about to knock on their door, but they don’t fear the creator that values these lives, that they so eagerly destroy.

Thankfully they won’t escape justice in this life or the next.

Blessings friend.

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Blessings INDEED in return dearest Joe.

Is it the money though?

Or is it the perceived power they think to gain? I honestly think they truly believe they can pull a fast one on God, backed by God's (and man's) greatest enemy, whom they have sold their very souls to, for the very things they can never truly own. Or appreciate. Or be buried with.

They really ARE stupid.

Dangerous, but stupid.

And exceedingly short sighted!

60 some odd years filled with the riches of the 7 deadliest sins - or Eternity enjoying the Riches of God's ENTIRE Creation and Immense Universe?

They've chose unwisely.

MUCH Love to you my Friend.

I appreciate you as well, very much.

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Great comments, DD. I completely agree with your thinking: "I honestly think they truly believe they can pull a fast one on God, backed by God's (and man's) greatest enemy, whom they have sold their very souls to". It's the same old lie satan told Adam and Eve, "You can be like God!" I truly believe at least some of the evil cabal think they can find a way to live forever and "cheat" God out of sending them to hell for eternity. They are in for a very rude awakening.

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Thank you Margot. 💞

The very first lie by the Father of ALL Deception, 'you won't die, you'll become like God.'

Genesis 3:4-6

1599 Geneva Bible

4 Then the serpent said to the woman, Ye shall not die at all,

5 But God doth know that when ye shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

[They] believe the Enemy of GOD.

[They] indeed chose unwisely.

Yes, my Friend, [they] are in for a very rude awakening. And one where all the riches, all the power and all the wealth of all the world will mean absolutely nothing!

Stay Well

Stay Blessed


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It's true they were stupid and sloppy with their narratives but I wouldn't get cocky. I don't think people realize what it actually took to get here, and it wasn't organic. If you think Trump won in 2016 by himself, you would be wrong.

I won't share too much on this point yet but someday, I hope we really do get the full truth, even the embarrassing and unethical bits, because I can tell you that it *wasn't happening* from any grassroots effort. Every single grassroots effort failed. The opposition ALWAYS found a way to lead. It got hopeless. Even I became blackpilled until around 2017... HRC should have won, the machine was certain she would. Imagine where we'd be now if she had.

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Another can't stop reading article, I love your work.

Evil is the only way to describe all these DS Rat Bastards. I hope they all have been no named...

Looking forward to your next installment.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you Joe! One more big Benghazi article incoming!

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