This is a follow-up to Clowns in America, School of Assassins and Dictators, The Shadow Game, Shadow Government Exposed, Follow the Money and The Legacy of George H.W. Bush, an introduction into the seedy origins and consequences of the CIA.
Q often said “Follow the family.”
Corruption can be revealed when you follow the money, but it can also be revealed when you follow the “family.”
Family connections can reveal a lot of things. They can reveal who are loyal to the country and who are traitors. They can also reveal a level of corruption that is hidden beyond the mainstream media narrative.
An example from Q drop #3381:
The mainstream media is now being forced to reveal the Biden family corruption, and their crimes seem to be based on greed. The Bush family corruption is far more evil. It involves far more money and they don’t value our lives at all. They have been above the law for a long time and involved in some of the worst corruption in our country’s history. They’re traitors.
The truth will be hard to take for those of us who supported and defended them in the past, but the truth will also set us free.
In my last article, I connected the Bush and Salinas families to a massive increase in drug trafficking across the Mexican border, under the guise of free trade. NAFTA was all about increasing drug trafficking across the southern border in order to increase the CIA’s profits.
The two families weren’t just connected, they were actually very close friends. They were “Intimo Amigos.”
But there was a third family that was connected to the NAFTA scandal and drug trafficking. This family will lead to another interesting connection and a lot more Bush family crimes. This family was mentioned in my last article, but I didn’t fully connect the dots.
This story is really hard to believe. It is an example of how the “love of money” can truly be the root of all kinds of evil. This is why Q kept telling us to “follow the money.” If you want to expose all the corruption and evil, you just have to follow the money.
Raul Salinas, the brother of Mexico’s president Carlos Salinas, went to prison because he was involved in a murder. But there’s more to the story, and it reveals an interesting connection.
According to The Washington Post:
But Federal Judge Ricardo Ojeda Bohorquez said in a written explanation of his verdict that evidence "logically and judicially interwoven" proved that Salinas was "the intellectual author" of the September 1994 killing of Jose Francisco Ruiz Massieu, the secretary general and second-ranking official in Mexico's ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party, known by its initials as the PRI. Ruiz Massieu also had once been married to Adriana Salinas, sister of Raul and Carlos Salinas.
Jose Francisco Ruiz Massieu was previously married to the sister of Raul Salinas and was second in command of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) that ruled Mexico. Raul Salinas was the mastermind behind his murder.
But here is where the story takes a bizarre twist and introduces us to another family member and more corruption.
More from The Washington Post:
Despite the prosecution's victory today, the investigation and trial have left a number of questions unresolved. Principal among those is whether Mario Ruiz Massieu, brother of the murder victim, helped cover up Raul Salinas's role in the killing.
Late in his term as president, Carlos Salinas appointed Mario Ruiz Massieu as a special prosecutor to investigate the assassination. A few months later, he resigned that post, saying his investigation was being blocked by ruling party power brokers. Subsequently, however, Mexican investigators declared they had uncovered evidence that Mario Ruiz Massieu had altered witnesses' statements to delete numerous references to Raul Salinas's role in the slaying. He has denied the accusation.
This story is really unbelievable.
Raul Salinas was the person behind the murder of Jose Francisco Ruiz Massieu. Raul’s brother Carlos, the president of Mexico, then appoints the victim’s brother, Mario Ruiz Massieu, to investigate the murder.
Why would Carlos do that?
Mario then quits and declares that party leaders are blocking the investigation.
But a later investigation finds evidence that Mario had altered witness’ statements to delete numerous references to Raul Salinas and his role in the murder.
He was literally altering evidence to protect the man who murdered his brother.
Why in the world would he do that?
More from The Washington Post:
Mario Ruiz Massieu was arrested in Newark in March 1994 and has been held under house arrest there despite Mexico's repeated efforts in U.S. courts to have him returned to Mexico City for trial. In 1997, a federal judge and jury in Houston confiscated $9 million from a Texas bank account of Ruiz Massieu, concluding the funds were proceeds of the illicit drug trade.
Mario Ruiz Massieu was arrested in Newark, New Jersey, where he was trying to board a flight, that would have taken him to Spain. He was arrested because he was carrying $46,000 dollars in cash that he didn’t declare. Further investigations found that he had over $9 million dollars in a Texas bank that was connected to drug trafficking.
This is a far bigger story than anybody realizes.
Why did Mario Massieu try to protect the guy who murdered his brother?
The “love of money” is the root of all kinds of evil.
President Carlos Salinas put Mario in charge of the murder investigation in order to cover up the investigation against his brother Raul. They paid him a lot of money to do it.
Nobody would question the results of the investigation if the brother of the victim was in charge of it. The money was paid to Mario from the Gulf Cartel in Mexico. The Gulf Cartel, led by Juan Garcia Abrego, was the cartel that the Salinas family was connected to. It was the Gulf Cartel’s drugs that were being given the “green light protection” through Mexico, by Raul Salinas.
Who is Juan Garcia Abrego?
According to Wikipedia:
Juan García Abrego is widely known for innovating Mexican trafficking operations, turning them from smugglers into suppliers. By renegotiating deals with the Cali Cartel, García Abrego was able to secure 50% of every shipment out of Colombia as payment for delivery, instead of the US $1,500 per kilo they were previously receiving. The renegotiating, however, brought a price: the cartel would have to guarantee any shipment from Colombia to its destination.
Juan Garcia Abrego turned the Gulf Cartel into a cocaine supplier instead of just a smuggler, but they had to guarantee all delivery of shipments. The Salinas family was connected to the Gulf Cartel. Can you see why NAFTA was so important to them? NAFTA made it a lot easier to smuggle drugs across the southern border, so they could more easily guarantee their delivery.
But here’s the big connection that nobody knows about, which leads to another family.
What was the Texas bank that Mario Massieu was depositing all his drug money into, and where was it located?
According to The Guardian:
December 1993, he made an initial deposit of $40,000 in what was then the Texas Commerce Bank in Houston. Between then and February 1995, he made a further 25 deposits, all of them in cash, of sums varying between $98,000 and $800,000.
According to US grand jury testimony, Ruiz Massieu's bagman, Jorge Stergios, would carry the money, in cardboard boxes or suitcases, from Mexico to Texas on commercial flights. Stergios is currently on the run.
It is the US justice department's contention that the $9.9m Mario Ruiz Massieu accumulated in this way consisted of bribes paid by drug traffickers in exchange for immunity from prosecution. Ruiz Massieu always insisted that it was family money, or "bonuses" paid by the Mexican presidency. He had a further $3m in accounts in Mexico.
These were suspected “bribes paid by drug traffickers in exchange for immunity from prosecution.” The Salinas family were all cartel members, and Raul Salinas was suspected of the murder of his brother in law. It all makes sense. I can see how, in Mexico, bribes would be called “bonuses.”
How does large amounts of money, carried in cardboard boxes and suitcases, not raise any suspicion? Was this bank “complicit?”
Did you catch the name of the bank?
The Texas Commerce Bank based in Houston, Texas.
Mario Ruiz Massieu had deposited almost 10 million dollars of cash into this Houston bank.
Of all the banks in Texas, why go to Houston?
Who’s famous for making Houston his home and also has close connections to the Salinas family?
President George H.W. Bush not only made Houston his home, but it has also been his base of operations going back to the 1950s for his CIA front company, Zapata Offshore. Do you think that’s just a coincidence?
Here’s where those interesting connections come in.
Do you know the history of Texas Commerce Bank and how much the Bush family is connected to it?
According to Wikipedia:
Texas Commerce Bank was the result of a merger between two banks in 1964; the National Bank of Commerce and Texas National Bank.
Guess who had close connections to Texas National Bank going way back to the 1950s?
According to the Intrepid Report:
A vanity book marking Texas Commerce Bank’s centenary in 1986 and commissioned by bank president Ben Love in 1981 describes the bank’s cozy relationship with George H.W. Bush and his Zapata Off-Shore Company. Zapata was linked to the CIA’s abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961.
It was a real “cozy” relationship.
Are you surprised to hear that Bush’s CIA front company, Zapata Offshore, was linked to the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961?
Bush always denied being a member of the CIA before he became the director in 1976.
Admit nothing and deny everything!
How close are the connections between Texas National Bank and Zapata Offshore?
More from the Intrepid Report:
The book describes how the “major predecessor of Texas Commerce… Texas National Bank,” played a “significant role in helping finance the early development of Zapata Off-Shore Company . . . which grew to national prominence beginning in the mid-1950s.”
The book also states, “George H.W. Bush, who later became vice-president of the United States, and J. Hugh Liedtke, subsequently the head of Pennzoil, formed Zapata Petroleum Corporation with headquarters in Houston in 1953, the same year Texas National Bank (TNB) was created through the merger of South Texas National and Union National Bank.
TNB quickly established mutually profitable working ties with Zapata Off-Shore Company, an 80 percent-owned subsidiary of Zapata Petroleum . . . Loans from Texas National to Zapata for drilling rigs and vessels to tend to the rigs established the growing company as one of the bank’s most significant oil-related accounts in the late 1950s.”
Don’t miss these important points;
Texas National Bank in Houston, was created the same year that Zapata Petroleum Corporation was created. That’s not a coincidence. It was a CIA bank set up to service a CIA front company. This CIA bank would later become the Texas Commerce Bank, which is where Mario Ruiz Massieu was depositing his drug money from the Gulf Cartel.
The Texas National Bank was directly connected to Bush, who was heavily involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion using his offshore front company.
The mainstream media has never mentioned that Bush is connected to the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Bush was an untouchable of the highest order.
He was far more involved with the Bay of Pigs invasion than most people know. Why was it important to keep that fact hidden from the American people?
More from the Intrepid Report:
Three ships owned by Zapata and which were financed by TNB—the Houston, Barbara J, and Zapata—were loaned by George H. W. Bush’s firm to the CIA for the 1961 invasion by exiled Cuban mercenaries of Cuba. Not coincidentally, the Bay of Pigs invasion was code-named OPERATION ZAPATA by the CIA.
Three ships used during the invasion were named—Houston, Barbara J and Zapata, all owned by Zapata Offshore. Bush is directly connected to the Bay of Pigs.
Did you know the CIA “code-name” for the Bay of Pigs invasion was called “Operation Zapata?”
Is that just a coincidence?
Was Bush running the operation?
George H.W. Bush has been a major figure in the CIA for a long time, and has deep connections to the Cuban exile population that the CIA recruited for the Bay of Pigs and lots of other clandestine operations.There’s a reason the CIA named their new headquarters after him. He had been a leader of clandestine operations going back to the early 1950’s. He has also been a leader of this large Cuban exile force, which is trained in everything from paramilitary expertise, terrorism, assassination and money laundering.
But guess who else had a “cozy relationship” with Texas Commerce Bank?
According to another article in the Intrepid Report:
One of the last things then-Central Intelligence Agency director George H. W. Bush did for his son Jeb, whose actual name is John Ellis Bush from which the “Jeb” is derived as an acronym, is to have him hired by the international division of the Texas Commerce Bank as a CIA “non-official cover” officer, or “NOC.”
Texas Commerce Bank was an optimal cover for CIA activities. The bank was founded by the family of James Baker. All the elder Bush had to do was to call his close friend Baker to have his son hired by the bank’s international division, the usual branch where CIA NOCs were placed within banks and investment firms.
James Baker was a very close and loyal friend of George H.W. Bush. He also served in his administration. His family founded the Texas Commerce Bank in Houston and he gave Jeb a job in the “international division” of his bank, at the request of his father.
Connections are everything.
Jeb was working for the CIA and also for the Texas Commerce Bank, which was connected to the CIA. Here’s a picture of a letter that Jeb sent to a CIA operative who helped train him to become an expert in “overseas banking.”
This letter from Jeb to the CIA operative Robert Gambino, while he worked at Texas Commerce Bank, was dug up by the Wayne Madsen Report. There are no mainstream media reports that describe Jeb Bush as a CIA operative, but it turns out that his first job was a CIA cover. It really shouldn’t surprise anybody.
If you’re going to be the “bagman” for your dad, who is head of the CIA’s shadow government, you’re going to need to be a member of the CIA, too.
Here’s more on the history of this bank:
More from the Intrepid Report:
Texas Commerce Bank, bought by Chemical Bank in 1987 and which is now part of JPMorgan Chase, had the right pedigree to enable it to work closely with the CIA. In 1977, its board members included Lady Bird Johnson and the recently-defeated President Gerald Ford. In the 1980s, Kenneth Lay, who founded the CIA-connected Enron, became a board member of Texas Commerce Bank. Howard Hughes’s CIA-linked Summa Corporation used Texas Commerce Bank to purchase a number of properties on the Las Vegas strip.
This bank has been a CIA bank from its beginning.
Lyndon B. Johnson’s wife sat on the board along with president Ford, after he had chosen Bush to lead the CIA in 1976.
Are you surprised that Kenneth Lay was a board member and that Enron was a CIA connected business? Nothing should surprise you anymore.
Jeb was part of the “international” division at Texas Commerce Bank, but what country was he working in?
More from the Intrepid Report:
In 1977, a short time after his father left the CIA as director, Jeb, fluent in Spanish as a result of his time as an exchange student in Guadalajara, was sent, along with his Mexican wife, Columba, to Caracas, Venezuela, to work as a “branch manager” and “vice president” at the young age of 24.
Jeb Bush, with no banking experience, was made Vice President and branch manager of the bank in Caracas, Venezuela at the young age of 24, because of his father.
Connections mean everything.
Jeb getting this job was questionable, but there are much bigger questions out there that nobody is asking.
Why does a local Texas bank have a branch in Caracas, Venezuela in the first place?
And why was it so important for Jeb Bush to be the leader of that branch?
There are two main reasons:
First, Jeb is the son of George H.W.Bush, so he could be trusted and kept in close contact. Second, he was also “fluent” in Spanish. Both would make Jeb very valuable to the shadow government.
More from the Intrepid Report:
But Jeb was no ordinary “branch manager.” He was, officially, Texas Commerce Bank’s top point man in the Venezuelan capital and, unofficially, the CIA’s main financial liaison to the Venezuelan oil industry and the Colombian narcotics cartels. Jeb would regularly report to his CIA “official cover” counterpart attached to the U.S. embassy in Caracas as a State Department “diplomat.”
Did you catch that?
Jeb was his father’s “point man” for the Venezuelan government, the oil industry and the Colombian drug cartels. They are all directly connected to the Bush family and Houston, Texas.
More from the Intrepid Report:
Jeb helped lay the groundwork for the future Reagan-Bush administration’s 1980s covert war against Nicaragua and leftist guerrillas in El Salvador by establishing banking and money laundering links between the CIA and the Medellin and Cali drug cartels. Jeb’s friends in the Colombian cartels, particularly Medellin cartel boss Pablo Escobar, would help finance the Nicaraguan contras in return for CIA-supplied weapons.
While in Venezuela, Jeb cleverly managed to hide the Colombian cartel’s drug revenues as oil industry revenues of “front” companies. Texas Commerce Bank was the bank of choice for Latin American drug cartels. It was later discovered to have stashed $7 million in drug profits for the Gulf cartel of Mexico.
It shouldn’t surprise anybody that Jeb Bush would have connections to the Medellin cartel and Pablo Escobar. Raul Salinas wasn’t the only drug trafficker that Jeb was good friends with. The Medellin cartel was connected to the CIA, who trained their accountants and private bankers to help them launder their billions of dollars every year.
Jeb was his father’s point man. Do you think Pablo Escobar didn’t know that?
According to Yahoo Finance:
In the late 1980s, Pablo Escobar's Medellin cartel was the most powerful drug-trafficking organization in the world.
As such, Escobar and his associates had attracted the attention of Colombian authorities.
Violence in Colombia had increased throughout the decade, and by 1988, Escobar and the Colombian government had entered into "indirect" negotiations, during which the cartel leaders proposed a deal to preserve their wealth and end the government's efforts to hunt them down.
You’ll never guess who Pablo Escobar tried to get ahold of in order to help approve the deal.
In 1989, they "dispatched Vallejo to Miami to discuss their proposal with a lawyer who had at one time ‘sorted out legal difficulties' for Jorge Ochoa [a member of the Medellin cartel] in the United States and who just happened to be working with a team of corporate attorneys headed by Jeb Bush, the then-president's son," according to Clawson and Lee.
“The idea was for the lawyer to persuade Bush's son to talk privately to the president" about the cartel leaders' proposal, Vallejo told Strong.
Did you catch that little bombshell?
Jeb Bush was working at a law firm that did work for the Medellin cartel. Do you think that’s just a coincidence?
Why didn’t the deal happen?
More from Yahoo Finance:
One of the events that may have ended any chance at a successful negotiation was one of the most notorious political killings in Colombian history.
In August 1989, Luis Galán, the leading presidential candidate — who had promised to extradite drug traffickers to the US — was assassinated, a killing orchestrated in part by Escobar and reportedly at the urging of Galán's political rivals.
This political assassination is what made Pablo Escobar expendable.
But did you catch what Jeb’s specialty was as a banker in Venezuela?
He established the money laundering links between the CIA and the Colombian drug cartels. He also “cleverly managed” to hide the drug cartel’s profits as Venezuelan oil industry revenues in CIA “front companies.”
This is one of the big reasons that the CIA and Bush’s shadow government have such close ties to the oil industry—oil revenues would be used to launder drug money through lots of oil industry “front companies.” That’s exactly what Zapata Offshore was, a CIA front company.
Texas Commerce Bank was the bank of choice for CIA-controlled drug cartels, and that’s not just a coincidence. It had all the right connections. It was discovered to have millions of dollars in Gulf Cartel drug profits but nothing ever happened to this bank legally. It was well protected by the shadow government.
What was the real reason Jeb was in Caracas, Venezuela?
He was helping to set up future drug trafficking operations out of Venezuela.
According to The New York Times:
CARACAS, Venezuela, June 13 — When American agents in Florida found 6,600 pounds of cocaine hidden in huge containers of furniture last year, they discovered that their largest seizure ever of the Colombian-made drug had been loaded onto a Venezuelan ship at a Venezuelan port.
Venezuela produces no narcotics and consumes very little. But, sharing 1,300 miles of poorly patrolled border with Colombia, the world's largest cocaine producer, this country is rapidly emerging as an important new transshipment point for drugs heading to the United States and Western Europe.
Venezuela was a very strategic country for Bush’s worldwide drug trafficking operations. So he sent his son Jeb there to set up and expand the operations.
Venezuela had a lax banking industry along with corrupt politicians. That wasn’t a coincidence.
Who was the leader of Venezuela while Jeb was working there?
According to Wikipedia:
Carlos Andrés Pérez Rodríguez (27 October 1922 – 25 December 2010) also known as CAP and often referred to as El Gocho (due to his Andean origins), was a Venezuelan politician and the president of Venezuela from 12 March 1974 to 12 March 1979 and again from 2 February 1989 to 21 May 1993. He was one of the founders of Acción Democrática, the dominant political party in Venezuela during the second half of the twentieth century. His first presidency was known as the Saudi Venezuela due to its economic and social prosperity thanks to enormous income from petroleum exportation.
He was president of Venezuela while Jeb was a leading banker in Caracas, and the country made “enormous” income from their oil industry during this time. How much of that “oil income” was actually drug profits hidden in transactions to CIA shell companies at the time?
I bet it was a lot.
But did you know that Carlos Perez had help getting elected?
More from Wikipedia:
In 1973, Carlos Andrés Pérez was nominated to run for the presidency for AD. Youthful and energetic, Pérez ran a vibrant and triumphalist campaign, one of the first to use the services of American advertising gurus and political consultants in the country's history.
Who do you think provided those American advertising and political consultants?
It sure seems like something Bush and the CIA would do, in order to install another puppet government.
More from Wikipedia:
He was elected in December of that year, receiving 48.7% of the vote against the 36.7% of his main rival. Turnout in these elections reached an unprecedented 97% of all eligible voters, a level which has not been achieved since.
Does that election seem suspicious at all?
Turnout was 97% of all eligible voters. Do you know how hard it is to achieve that number? No surprise that it hasn’t been duplicated since.
Perez started out popular too, just like Carlos Salinas in Mexico, but what happened to his legacy?
More from Wikipedia:
Towards the end of his first term in office, Pérez's reputation was tarnished by accusations of excessive, and disorderly, government spending. His administration was often referred to as Saudi Venezuela for its grandiose and extravagant ambitions. In addition, there were allegations of corruption and trafficking of influence, often involving members of Pérez's intimate circle, such as his mistress Cecilia Matos, or financiers and businessmen who donated to his election campaign, known as the "Twelve Apostles".
Sounds like a lot of corruption, just like what happened in Mexico.
More from Wikipedia:
By the 1978 elections, there was a sense among many citizens that the influx of petrodollars after 1973 had not been properly managed. The country was importing 80% of all foodstuffs consumed. Agricultural production was stagnant. The national debt had skyrocketed.
In February 1989, at the beginning of his second term as president, he accepted an International Monetary Fund proposal known as the Washington consensus. In return for accepting this proposal, the International Monetary Fund offered Venezuela a loan for 4.5 billion US dollars. This cooperation with the IMF came about weeks after his victory in the 1988 presidential election.
He had blown or “stolen” all the oil profits during the boom years and now, because of massive debt, sold the country out to the cabal’s IMF.
Then what happened?
More from Wikipedia:
On 20 March 1993, Attorney General Ramón Escovar Salom introduced action against Pérez for the embezzlement of 250 million bolivars belonging to a presidential discretionary fund, or partida secreta.
Pérez' trial concluded in May 1996, and he was sentenced to 28 months in prison.
In 1998 he was prosecuted again, this time on charges of embezzlement on public funds, after secret joint bank accounts held with his mistress, Cecilia Matos, were discovered in New York.
Secret bank accounts in New York?
I wonder if he had a private banker at Citibank just like Raul Salinas?
Connections are everything!
More from Wikipedia:
On 20 December 2001, while in the Dominican Republic, a court in Caracas ordered his detention, on charges of embezzlement of public funds. On 3 February 2002, he was formally asked in extradition. After that, he self-exiled in Miami, Florida, from where he became one of the most vehement opponents of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.
He was charged for a third time with more crimes after he fled to the Dominican Republic. He then went into self-exile, just like Mexican president Carlos Salinas. The similarities in this story are unbelievable. It sure seems like a CIA template. Jeb was connected to “both” corrupt presidents, and that’s not a coincidence.
Did you catch where president Carlos Perez fled to and decided to make his new home?
Of all the places in the world, why would he choose Miami, Florida?
Can you think of a Bush family member who also set up his home base of operations in Miami, “after” leaving Venezuela?
You guessed it! Jeb Bush.
Just a coincidence?
Jeb made some really good connections in Venezuela, and he would also make a lot of important connections in the Miami area.
One of those important connections was with Miguel Recarey.
Who is he?
According to the Tampa Bay Times:
Miguel Recarey, a Medicare fraud suspect who used to get invited to the White House, slipped out of the United States in 1987. He slipped out of Venezuela in 1988. And now, a Spanish court has freed him from a Madrid jail cell.
Miguel Recarey had committed Medicare fraud. At the time, it was the biggest Medicare fraud case in US history. He had been invited to the Reagan White House. Guess who he is connected to?
He fled the US and went to Venezuela.
Then he went into hiding in Spain. He was finally tracked down and arrested, but then the court released him and refused to extradite him. He was protected by a shadow government.
More from Tampa Bay Times:
A Cuban emigre, he built his Miami-based HMO, International Medical Centers, by flexing political muscle. He contributed to Democrats and Republicans and hired well-connected lobbyists.
Among his supporters: defeated Florida GOP gubernatorial candidate Jeb Bush, who not only did business with Recarey, but also intervened on his behalf when a federal agency was about to crack down on him.
From 1980 to 1987, the U.S. government gave Recarey kid-glove treatment and almost $1-billion from Medicare.
Are you surprised that yet another Cuban exile with ties to the Bush family would get special treatment?
How did Jeb intervene for Recarey?
The law prevents healthcare groups like Recarey’s from having more than 50% of their enrollees as Medicare patients. That law is meant to limit the size of possible fraud cases.
Jeb Bush picked up the phone and lobbied the federal agency to give Recarey’s HMO an exemption, which they did. Then what happened?
More from the Tampa Bay Times:
Recarey's HMO collapsed amid allegations of shoddy medical care, forged HMO enrollments, phony billings and bribery of union officials.
As the state of Florida sorted through $230-million in unpaid claims—money owed to old people, medical providers, trade firms, taxpayers and other creditors—Recarey led a luxurious life in Venezuela. Then, in 1989, Recarey married a Spanish woman and became a Spanish citizen.
Jeb’s phone call getting him an exemption allowed Miguel Recarey to forge Medicare enrollments way more than 50% and bill the government for phony bills. It cost the state of Florida $230 million dollars and Recarey was living the good life in Venezuela before he met his Spanish wife and became a citizen of Spain.
Bush family connections are very lucrative to their good friends and always seem to cost tax payers millions of dollars.
How about another example?
Did you know that before he became governor, Jeb served as Florida’s commerce secretary?
That was very lucrative to another Bush crony.
According to another Tampa Bay Times article:
Richard Lawless, a former 15-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency who won state contracts to promote exports in Asia when Jeb Bush served as Florida commerce secretary. Later, he joined with Bush and paid him to find real estate property for Japanese investors. Just one deal in 1993 gave Bush a commission of $213,000.
As commerce secretary, Jeb gave Richard Lawless state contracts. Graft is very lucrative. Later, Lawless paid him back by giving him commissions on real estate deals.
Quid pro quo.
Speaking of real estate:
Have you ever heard of Armando Codina?
He’s a famous and very successful real estate developer in the Miami area. He was a big financial supporter of George H.W. Bush when he was running for president, and he and Jeb would become business partners.
More from the Tampa Bay Times:
Armando Codina, a Coral Gables Cuban-American real estate investor who was one of George Bush's earliest supporters. He was so tight with the president that he gave Jeb Bush more than his first job in Florida. Codina put Bush's name on the company and gave him 40 percent of its profits.
Jeb Bush had no experience in real estate.
Codina is just another Cuban exile friend of George H.W. Bush, who helped to enrich the Bush family.
While everyone makes a big deal out of Hunter Biden giving his dad a ten percent cut of every deal, he’s an amateur compared to Jeb Bush. Jeb didn’t have to contribute a dime in order to become a partner with Codina, he got a 40 percent cut, and the Bush name was added to the business.
More from the Tampa Bay Times:
In 1984, Bush put just $1,000 in an office building called Museum Tower. By 1990, he sold out for about $346,000. Similar deals followed. Who made it possible? Armando Codina.
Sweetheart deals based on family connections.
More from the Tampa Bay Times:
Bush's political connections have intersected nicely with his business ventures. In one of the biggest real estate deals in South Florida, IBM Corp. hired Bush's company to sell its massive Boca Raton office park. Bush found a buyer: a group that included Mark Guzzetta, a key fund-raiser for former President Bush. Guzzetta is now finance co-chairman of Jeb Bush's campaign for governor.
This IBM deal would reveal a much bigger scam and payoff.
More from the Tampa Bay Times:
Bush made numerous pitches to IBM executives in New York on how the Codina Bush firm could find a buyer. The maze of buildings with 2-million square feet of space, on about 565 acres, had an assessed value of $100-million. It was Boca Raton's biggest tract of developable land.
The IBM property was assessed at $100 million dollars and was sold to a Bush crony. But guess what price he paid for the property?
More from the Tampa Bay Times:
The property sold for $46.1-million, less than half of the assessed value, in early 1997 to a group called Blue Lake Ltd. Among the partners was Mark Guzzetta, the Republican fund-raiser. Jeb Bush was best man at Guzzetta's wedding. Guzzetta is now finance co-chairman of Bush's campaign.
Officials at Codina Bush won't disclose their commission. "It was an important transaction for us, not just for fees, but who the client was," said Hank Klein, a Codina associate that worked on the deal. "It was a trophy property . . . one of the largest we've ever done."
Jeb’s good friend Mark Guzzetta bought the property for less than half of what it was worth. He instantly had more than fifty million dollars in equity, and Jeb got a big enough commission that they didn’t want to disclose it publicly.
Why not?
If the deal is on the up and up, why won’t you disclose how much you made in commission? What do you have to hide?
Speaking of not disclosing payoffs:
Do you remember how Jeb helped Miguel Recarey to commit fraud against Medicare?
Did you know he got paid for that too?
More from the Tampa Bay Times:
Jeb Bush agreed to call to urge "fair treatment" for Recarey, but denies seeking special favors. Recarey paid Bush's real estate company $75,000, a fee some say was payment for Bush's intervention. Bush says it was for his real estate work. IMC never picked a building shown by Bush. (Bush has since said he wasn't aware that Recarey already had an arrest record and spent 30 days in jail in 1973 for income tax evasion.
Remember, Jeb is a CIA operative, so he’s well versed in his father’s motto: Admit nothing and deny everything. Jeb was doing business with a guy who has a criminal record and went to jail for tax evasion.
The CIA = “Criminals In Action”.
There are a lot more corrupt business deals that Jeb was involved in. Too many to mention. But there is one that I want to share that will lead us into my next article.
Do you remember the global financial crisis that began in 2008?
You’ll never guess who Jeb was working for when that happened?
Have you heard of Lehman Brothers?
According to Fox Business:
Jeb Bush apparently doesn’t want people to know that he worked at Lehman Brothers, the now-defunct investment bank whose collapse led to the broader financial meltdown in 2008.
For about seven years, Bush earned more than $14 million as an adviser to Lehman and, after its 2008 bankruptcy, Barclays, which took over Lehman.
Jeb was making a whole lot of money on Wall Street. He was working for the investment bank that went bankrupt and triggered the global financial collapse.
More from Fox Business:
Dig a little deeper and you will find that Bush may be downplaying his role at the firm, particularly when it mattered the most: Those turbulent months in 2008 just before Lehman filed for the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.
Here’s what we know: In 2008, as Lehman was falling into insolvency because of its bad bet on real estate—among the first of many banks that would do so that year—Bush took part in a firm effort to save the company. Inside Lehman, the process of raising new capital and trying to dispose of all those bad assets on its balance sheet was known as “Project Green.”
Bush’s piece of this firm-wide effort was termed “Project Verde” (Spanish for Green), and it involved convincing the world’s richest man, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, to make a potentially life-saving investment into Lehman.
Jeb Bush was working for the failing Lehman Brothers, and he was at the center of trying to save the bank by trying to convince his friend, Carlos Slim, to inject a large amount of cash into the firm. Carlos Slim was a client and had already lost a lot of money as the bank’s stock price collapsed.
More from Fox Business:
Project Verde was ultimately unsuccessful, or as Valukas points out: “On July 5, 2008, Bush reported that the meeting had been unsuccessful because Slim ‘did not express interest in jv (joint venture) or stock purchase.’”
How detailed were Bush’s discussions with Slim? Slim declined to comment other than to say, through a spokesman, that the two have been “friends for 20 years, but they have never done business together.”
Jeb has been friends with Carlos Slim for a long time. They might not have done business “directly” with each other, but as I wrote about in my last article, they were both good friends with the Salinas family, who were huge drug traffickers in Mexico.
I purposely ended this article with a global financial crisis that Jeb was connected to.
My next article will focus on another financial crisis that is centered around the Bush family, and then I will share what I believe is Trump’s plan to prevent another financial crisis in the future.
Trump is going to give the “power” of the banking system back to the people.
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Joe’s research is overwhelming. I’m floored by how many facts and details he brings to an article. I feel they are like semester courses condensed down to 20 minutes. Thank you professor Joe.
Someday, someone will compile all of these nefarious deals into a compendium of what actually happened to the U.S. since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. This compendium will be massive, as large as one or two sets of World Book encyclopedias. There will be chapters which you should write. This collection of articles would be an excellent basis for those.
I want the leather-bound collector's edition.
Thank you so much for all you're doing, Joe; you da Man!