I’ve tried to remain patient as you’ve painstakingly gathered the connections and evidence in the most planned, egregious treasonous acts in US history. Finally we’re getting to the meat of the Prussian-style infiltration to destroy the very fabric of America and gradually institute the totalitarian government under the guise of Sharia law. I clearly remember each event you’ve covered here; in fact the Clinton Lewinsky case was the catalyst for my writing letters to the editor for years. My first, 1996, was titled, ‘Bread and Circuses’ as it was obvious Clinton’s lies were covering up something else and we eventually found out. The CIA’s mouthpiece refused to cover it..
You’ve just described how a great nation can be destroyed ‘from within’ by larger forces using the Prussian infiltration model. (The frog in a pot of cold water gradually heated comes to mind.). This is evil, but it won’t hold a candle to what you’re covering next. I wasn’t fully awake, but I knew Jarrett and Abedin were some kind of handler.
God bless you, Joe!🙏🙏. What a wonderful mind coupled with tenacity…beautiful combination. Thank you!!
I really appreciate your encouragement and comments ALtab!
You are well versed in all of this history which was unfortunately a lie. The depth of corruption is mind boggling probably for those just now waking up.
Sharing truth is the mission and our numbers grow every day!
I agree with you 100%, I can wait to the entrance of another players into this story (George H Bush, Brenan, Debbie W. Schultz & the Pakistani Awan brothers, etc). Joe you are the best. Thank you 🙏
You write very clearly in language we can quickly grasp, but I have to search for "cavil", new word for me! Thanks! Though not in the definition, I'd call it drivel!!
I think that’s a reference to James Carville, he is a political consultant and strategist for the Democratic party. I think he may have worked a few presidential campaigns.
Google had an explanation of the word. Didn't seem to be from Carville, but could be. I heard Rush play clips of his fast talking. He was married to Mary Madeline was it? She was opposite James' politics supposedly. Long time ago now to remember so clearly. Thanks!
I can’t remember his wife’s name, but I do know she was as much a conservative as he was a liberal, so the story goes. I don’t remember ever seeing them together, but what a better way to bounce around ideas on how to keep the parties divided. And there’s no better way to keep the flies off your wall during pillow talk.
I took HIllsdale College free online course, Constitution 101. Learned that in the 1880's Marx though Teddy Roosevelt brought communism here. I remember Khrushchev banging his shoe on the desk of the UN saying the USSR would bury us, but not through war. Infiltration is what started in the 1880s. But the Fed Reserve in, under Wilson, and further communism (socialism, not a lot of difference) and the bankers owned us. I believe this is all going to crash. I keep saying, read, "The Creature from Jekyll Island." This is a good book to refer others to read, it's not R or D, it's about money! Maybe more people will open their eyes. I hope Joe's writings will open more eyes!
The universities from top down and the nursery schools from bottom up with this crazy transgender nonsense break up the family. Then put in LBJ and the Great Society that broke up the families of the working poor that were trying to get up a rung, and you have more socialism.
Oh, ALtab, I so look forward to reading your responses and insights. You are always on target. I wish I had your insight and knowledge. Thank you and God Bless
imho Monica wuz a plant by Killary! Both Bill & Killary are bloodline an' their marriage was set up by the Cabal, neither none too fond of each other, both power-hungry. Clinton wuz a Rhodes Scholar trained in England... he arrived as part of the "cabal" and many SRA victims were abused by him... Epstein didn't introduce him to anyone BUT it's possible the two had "work together." Killary wuz an' IS a Mother of Darkness in the SRA Cabal... hence the rituals w/ Huma & small children, blood sacrifice, mutilation (Cathy O'Brien cites her as her MOST brutal abuser) She's WAY more evil than even Bill... So anywhoo... Bill had been pegged (literally but also work-wise) as an operative early on--but sometimes he got a bit too independent minded an' the cabal didn't like that an' Killary was tasked with keepin' him in his place. Monica protected Huma & the takedown of the USA an' only embarrassed Bill ("Choco Chip Baker" Killary came out smellin' like a rose). Bill's big biz wuz drug runnin'... Killary was FAR more inta child traffickin', together they made bundles. Epstein worked FOR them not the oppysit--but both B&H worked fer "The Crown" (not the royals, the CROWN) which wuz right under the Vatican...power-wise...
But as I recall from his corrupt days as Arkansas governor, Clinton was already knee deep in CIA drug running and other terrible crimes the discovery of which has caused numerous people to lose their lives. Perhaps he still had a bit of independence, but remember, Monica Lewinsky was nothing new for Clinton...he had been sleeping around for quite a while.
This is an interesting theory from Erik, but I "intuit" it to be less than 50% on my own personal scale of probability. BUT.....that could have been the proverbial last straw, and Epstein then lassoed Clinton into the pedophilia, satanism, horrific sacrifices, etc. of the Luciferian cabal.
Now I'm talking myself into a probability greater than 50%, lol! Way to go Eric...
The coup that finally ended our Republic occurred on 22 November 1963.
We should have overthrown the Johnson Administration and restored the Republic in strict compliance with the Constitution as intended by the founders after we executed every person involved in the assassination of JFK.
I don't believe for one moment that the future inhabitant of the Executive Branch has a strong enough affinity to the founders view of the Constitution, note his affection for red flag laws and lack of support for the Second Amendment.
I regret to say it WILL take a bloody civil war to restore the Constitution, if we have the strength and fortitude to fight like hell for the Constitution.
I’ve said from the beginning, there won’t be a civil war.
The chance for that ended on Jan 6.
And Trump is closer to the founding fathers than any president in our lifetimes and most of United States history in my opinion and will easily prove that.
Well, about 3 weeks in and Trump is proving his moxie. The DOGE team has put fear into the DEEPSTATE at speed so great that one bureaucrat said "it's going through the system faster than we can think" speaking about the algo mapping the Treasury Department computers. The fraud at the USAID was so bad that it has been closed down. And that was 2 weeks ago, as I recall it was 2-days in. I don't get ever get too impressed or excited, but this has me beyond myself with Joy and Amazement. 7 decades of building walls and levels of impenetrable codes, unmasked in a few hours, by 4 coders, ya gotta love it. And all done under Constitutional rights.
The Leftist/Commies are lining up Obama Judges to sue The Executive Branch for doing what the Executive Branch should have been doing for decades. Weeding out deepstate corruption.
I hope not. The whole effort of the Q movement was to get aware folks involved. Maybe more 2nd amendment advocates will get involved. SCOTUS came down to protect that right. Q didn't want a bloody war. DJT wants to do everything legally, by the Constitution. Let's see how SCOTUS goes. We got Chevron Deference already. Praying more wins are in store after Jan 20. But I understand your concern.
I try to stay up on things. I am born 1947 after Dad came back from the Pacific, a Marine who saw the flag go up on Iwo. He told me how he felt about it later in his life. RIP. As a woman I am not a military person, but I support them and our country with deep feeling. This is my Iwo Jima battle. I am not on the beach, but a committee woman who woke up after Nov 2020 when I knew DJT won!! Got into action as a cp, appointed to an empty spot, Then won election. I knock on doors, contact people who appreciate my communication. I won't last forever, but doing what I can, without children and a widow(hubby was older and a 22 retiree of the USA). He told me a lot. My parents were conservative. I grew up the old fashioned way, more like Depression mentality! We share those Boomer values!
SANDRA, YOU ARE A STAR AND HEROINE! Very similar history, I am so proud of you. I type my fingers to the bone, but stroke does not allow me to walk around much. Georgia healthcare is the Worst Ever, no Laws in Effect, so it is the wild west with a RINO GOVERNOR. God Bless You for your GREAT EFFORTS. You are appreciated. We will survive this, Obama is going down, and hopefully the Clintons, and MANY others. We have not forgotten what evil they brought.
No star, I know a number of very dedicated people who just don't have the time or ability ( like you ) to do physical, work. But passionate as you are. Good for you for writing. PA and GA, I think most states have Uniparty at the top. And we are trying our best to get back to the Constitution. i think in Jan Audit the Vote PA will start back with Patriot Academy, small fee for weekly courses ($10 or $15, Constitution Alive and one with the Bible and the constitution. First one just about the constitution and referring to the founders diaries to know the arguments pro and con. We have a zoom chat after the video on the subject of the night is over. People from a lot of states join in. Some first time, me I keep doing it. We hear what's going on in more than PA. You can check them out. fun way to pass a cold winter 2- 21/2 hours on a zoom.
I would hope not as well. Q helped a lot. SCOTUS has been a mixed bag, mostly good (IMO). DJT doesn't truly understand the Constitution (again IMO). SCOTUS, we'll see. Chevron, don't see how that helps. More wins in store, with RINO's running rampant? I really don't see but many peaceful options remaining - IMO - except that "Praying" part.
Chevron, I believe, stopped the alphabet agencies from making rules that Congress did not make. Like EPA rules. Some state sued, (W VA? I can't remember) but the result was EPA rules can't be enforced. A fishing company doesn't have to pay for a person to watch (and maybe count?) the fish they catch. It was expensive and invasive. The court went in favor of the fishing company. I think under Trump we will see more. And Roe v Wade put it back to the states.
DJT went to a military school. I can't believe he is not aware of 2nd amendment. But to run on that, he would have lost support. So better to deal with it after Jan 20, I think. The bumpstock rule by SCOTUS pretty much but the kabash on laws against guns from what I understand. It was featured in Epoch Times that I get in my inbox. I don't think DJT had to make a campaign issue on this. SCOTUS ruled! (IMHO)
You HAVE GOT to be kidding me. As far as I know there is NO one who sticks up for our beloved constitution than DJT. If so would someone inform me, PLEASE
Should I remind you of his support for "red flag" laws? an obvious violation of the Fourth Amendment. Should I remind you of his support for the "bump stock ban"? He has also expressed support for "assault weapon" bans. Both egregious violations of the Second Amendment. Hey, I voted for Trump. He is, after all, the far lesser of the two evils we were offered in the last three elections. Much of what he supports the federal government doing are serious violations of the Constitution, as intended by the Founders of our Republic. FYI, I'm an anti-Federalist type.
How about we go back to 1861 and correct the first time our Constitution was severely violated (in many ways), which, by the way, led to the disastrous Act of 1871.
Different generations. I grew up baby sitting with cloth diapers! There is a different outlook among the generations. Some young people are getting involved with Patriot Academy and Constitution Alive and Audit the Vote. The Constitution needs to be taught in the public schools again as when I grew up.
Something only we Boomers can relate to, and you are correct but the Constitution is NOT being taught in public schools. Why? We Boomers fell in love with the Nanny state and Big Brother. Hopefully those young folks figure it out fast, for their sake. Boomer's 'bout to die out soon.
Agree. I follow the Audit the Vote gals, take their Constitution classes over and over to enjoy the chat on the zoom after. Toni and Karen are young, young children. See the value of home schooling or alternative. Toni works with Patriot Academy. Moms for Liberty another good organization. Helped at their convention in Philly 2 summers ago. They have great break out sessions. I attended a few and learned a lot as a volunteer. The moms are taking the lead for their children. There is hope! They don't make the news. I believe DJT wants a curriculum much improved with true history of the US. Let's see what happens. He wants the lawyers and judges to be re-educated. Again, let's see what happens. Sometimes I think it is Utopia!
Wow Joe! Of course Monica was a false flag for bigger stories! Holy cow! Very very interesting info you revealed here. Man I hope you’re well into writing Part 2 so we don’t have to wait too long!
It is simply astounding the depth of corruption in our country. The Clintons have to go and we all need to see it happen. Soon! All I can say is wow! And thanks. I’m going to re-listen now!
Hi @joelange-a Merry Christmas 🎄 Eve to you! I’ve heard x22 mention you twice this past week. The cool thing about the second mention is that it was in the context of Huma and I’m starting to think he follows you! 😁
Listening to Rush all the days this was going on right under everyone’s noses, takes me back, but also makes me think he was only snipping around the edges of a much more sinister plot---guess we’ve come along way since then. God Bless!!!
The MSM played a huge role in covering up the treason and the scandals.
Unfortunately, at that time, I fell into the trap at that time by arguing about politics, republican vs democrat. Right vs left. Conservative vs liberal.
All designed to fool us and hide the fact that the Bush family etc, we’re just as evil.
The uniparty was a hidden enemy and arguing over politics was a distraction.
Finding out the truth about the Bush family was a real shocker to me. I think the thing that opened my eyes was the behavior of Laura Bush at one of those White House Press dinners, or something like that, and she was basically telling dirty jokes. She showed her true character, not quite the "lady" we were led to believe.
Agree totally about Uniparty in PA politics. We at the grassroots are trying to make inroads. Hard to get people involved, too busy or old to get involved. We the People have to do it!
I learned much more about the Bill Clinton days than I knew. Also, interesting that the 30 years of wars in the Middle East started with his Presidency . It was also Bill Clinton who made the decision to expand NATO into Ukraine back then.
Since I followed Q from the beginning, I am familiar with much of your report but nevertheless, reading it gave me chills…it sinks in how close we came to loosing our country and the nightmare that would have happened if Trump hadn’t come along. Only their / HRC’s arrogance prevented them from stealing the election - they tried but underestimated Trump and enough Americans who understood the urgent need to change course.
Curious if you ever came across any link to HRC and Huma with regards to JFK Jr’s “plane crash”. His magazine, George, had actually published an article about the Clinton body count. Then suddenly, JFK Jr was out of the way and she won the Senate seat!
You are an excellent researcher and writer! Blessings to you and your family for a lovely Christmas. Thank you, Joe❤️
That is an interesting question on the JFK Jr and Huma aspect. I haven’t looked into that. I know that the search and investigation were both bumbled on purpose and it has always been my assumption that the CIA was involved because they were involved with JFK’s assassination too.
I think Trump was in the picture long before, watching and being presented to the public with The Apprentice that I never watched. He had the military behind him or he wouldn't have been able to even win against the corrupt elections. His grew up in a patriotic family. Just waiting for more reveal nationally. But Joe gives us great background to fortify our intuition that something was wrong.
You might like this article, referencing an interview with ex Navy Seal Bill Wood.
I watched the interview but can’t find it anywhere and this article is from that interview and has very interesting quotes by Bill Wood talking about LookingGlass and the Ascension Timeline (Q mentioned LookingGlass and Ascension)
You never disappoint, Joe! I get so caught up in this, I have to stop and turn my mind away from unprintable thoughts and instead remind myself of the only thing I have to do today is Follow HIM!! May God bless and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you His peace. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours! ⭐️🇺🇸
One thing I remember looking into was Bill Clinton when he was governor of Arkansas, enabling as well as profiting from the blood trade that began with prisoners.
Red Cross are a bunch of blood suckers along with the Clintons! After 9-11, they kept advertising in MSM for blood donations for twin tower victims even though they knew no one survived.
I have two questions. (I lived through all this back in the day but there were things I missed.)
1) the bullet hole, was Brown shot before getting on the plane, or after the crash? Maybe you said, but I missed that.
2) I'm trying to reconcile the Saudi power structure and the Zionist power structure. Which one has the upper hand? Or, was the Muslim Brotherhood just a useful tool to subvert our nation so the other power could crush everyone else in the end?
When I read the Noahide laws, I felt like I was reading Sharia law. Two sides of the same coin. Which one thinks it will win? Heads, or Tails?
I believe the Q drop that said Israel was saved for last. I have faith that Trump and us, we the people, will win, but only if we keep our trust in God.
It was never reported if he was shot while in flight or after the crash. The speculation is that he survived the crash, and was thus executed. The power structure in the Middle East us way deeper than just the Israeli, and Saudi powers, and the entire region is full of evil tools that the U.K., the U.S., and other powers created, and propped up to control energy, and wage war to create greater Israel.
That's a great take Dennis! I wondered if anyone survived crashing into a mountain, or if a gunshot in flight brought the aircraft down. The shooter either had a Jack Ruby situation in play or a suicide wish.
And, I can see the UK/US pulling the strings on both SA and Israel. One, or both, are controlling the coin toss. Really, such evil in place. Praying 🙏!
Anna, some of the stories around that crash from back in the day when I was deep diving into many of Clinton's crimes. First there was an anomolie with the airport beacon signal that happened to get turned off at a certain time. At the same time a Mobile beacon signal was set off on the side of the mountain. Two survived the crash, Ron Brown and a stewardists. It took the medical evacuation helicoptor quite some time to get to the crash site. The stewardist, supposedly died in route in the helicoptor due to a severed femoral artery. If she had severed the artery in the crash she would have blead out before the coptor arrived. The person who was in charge of the mobile beacon fled the country and supposedly committed suicide about a week later. This is all heresay information, I haven't confirmed any of it. But it made sense to me at the time...
I believe we will find when the dust settles that the Zionists are the ones who established the religion called Islam. They have more points of congruence than divergence.
I don't believe they established Islam, but I believe they tried twenty ways from Sunday to corrupt it. Do a deep dive comparison between Talmud/Mishnah and Hadith/Sunnah. I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for saying that, but my studies indicate that is true. Just my opinion, though, to borrow a phrase.
That is interesting and something I never thought of because it’s so conniving. But Abraham did father both peoples one through Hagar and the other through Sarah.
A very comprehensive and excellent LIGHT coverage of the Clinton deadly enterprise. Light only insomuch as, with actual prosecution, conviction, and the legally sanctioned hanging of all involved, voluminous will be the legal paper alone and not counting the tomes of private works following.
Brilliant piece, Joe... bringing the saucy receipts! Love the chronological through-line, great connections. Very nicely done.
Thank you OC!! Really appreciate that my friend!!
I’ve tried to remain patient as you’ve painstakingly gathered the connections and evidence in the most planned, egregious treasonous acts in US history. Finally we’re getting to the meat of the Prussian-style infiltration to destroy the very fabric of America and gradually institute the totalitarian government under the guise of Sharia law. I clearly remember each event you’ve covered here; in fact the Clinton Lewinsky case was the catalyst for my writing letters to the editor for years. My first, 1996, was titled, ‘Bread and Circuses’ as it was obvious Clinton’s lies were covering up something else and we eventually found out. The CIA’s mouthpiece refused to cover it..
You’ve just described how a great nation can be destroyed ‘from within’ by larger forces using the Prussian infiltration model. (The frog in a pot of cold water gradually heated comes to mind.). This is evil, but it won’t hold a candle to what you’re covering next. I wasn’t fully awake, but I knew Jarrett and Abedin were some kind of handler.
God bless you, Joe!🙏🙏. What a wonderful mind coupled with tenacity…beautiful combination. Thank you!!
I really appreciate your encouragement and comments ALtab!
You are well versed in all of this history which was unfortunately a lie. The depth of corruption is mind boggling probably for those just now waking up.
Sharing truth is the mission and our numbers grow every day!
Blessings friend.
You are awesome, Joe Lange
Thank you Florida!
I agree with you 100%, I can wait to the entrance of another players into this story (George H Bush, Brenan, Debbie W. Schultz & the Pakistani Awan brothers, etc). Joe you are the best. Thank you 🙏
Those people are all about to make grand entrances into this storyline.
You write very clearly in language we can quickly grasp, but I have to search for "cavil", new word for me! Thanks! Though not in the definition, I'd call it drivel!!
Maybe it's a regional usage. I'm from Philly.
I think that’s a reference to James Carville, he is a political consultant and strategist for the Democratic party. I think he may have worked a few presidential campaigns.
Google had an explanation of the word. Didn't seem to be from Carville, but could be. I heard Rush play clips of his fast talking. He was married to Mary Madeline was it? She was opposite James' politics supposedly. Long time ago now to remember so clearly. Thanks!
I can’t remember his wife’s name, but I do know she was as much a conservative as he was a liberal, so the story goes. I don’t remember ever seeing them together, but what a better way to bounce around ideas on how to keep the parties divided. And there’s no better way to keep the flies off your wall during pillow talk.
Oh boy!!!!! Maybe a New Years present???????
Oh yes, I failed to mention Valerie Jarrett in my comment. I intended to ask Joe if she was going to be a hot topic soon. So excited …..
Yes. She’s coming into the picture soon!
I took HIllsdale College free online course, Constitution 101. Learned that in the 1880's Marx though Teddy Roosevelt brought communism here. I remember Khrushchev banging his shoe on the desk of the UN saying the USSR would bury us, but not through war. Infiltration is what started in the 1880s. But the Fed Reserve in, under Wilson, and further communism (socialism, not a lot of difference) and the bankers owned us. I believe this is all going to crash. I keep saying, read, "The Creature from Jekyll Island." This is a good book to refer others to read, it's not R or D, it's about money! Maybe more people will open their eyes. I hope Joe's writings will open more eyes!
The universities from top down and the nursery schools from bottom up with this crazy transgender nonsense break up the family. Then put in LBJ and the Great Society that broke up the families of the working poor that were trying to get up a rung, and you have more socialism.
Oh, ALtab, I so look forward to reading your responses and insights. You are always on target. I wish I had your insight and knowledge. Thank you and God Bless
Amazing as usual.
I’ve written about the possibility of Monica being an Epstein plant. The timing is right. Clinton could have leaned into it to avoid a bigger scandal.
That’s a really interesting possibility!
imho Monica wuz a plant by Killary! Both Bill & Killary are bloodline an' their marriage was set up by the Cabal, neither none too fond of each other, both power-hungry. Clinton wuz a Rhodes Scholar trained in England... he arrived as part of the "cabal" and many SRA victims were abused by him... Epstein didn't introduce him to anyone BUT it's possible the two had "work together." Killary wuz an' IS a Mother of Darkness in the SRA Cabal... hence the rituals w/ Huma & small children, blood sacrifice, mutilation (Cathy O'Brien cites her as her MOST brutal abuser) She's WAY more evil than even Bill... So anywhoo... Bill had been pegged (literally but also work-wise) as an operative early on--but sometimes he got a bit too independent minded an' the cabal didn't like that an' Killary was tasked with keepin' him in his place. Monica protected Huma & the takedown of the USA an' only embarrassed Bill ("Choco Chip Baker" Killary came out smellin' like a rose). Bill's big biz wuz drug runnin'... Killary was FAR more inta child traffickin', together they made bundles. Epstein worked FOR them not the oppysit--but both B&H worked fer "The Crown" (not the royals, the CROWN) which wuz right under the Vatican...power-wise...
But as I recall from his corrupt days as Arkansas governor, Clinton was already knee deep in CIA drug running and other terrible crimes the discovery of which has caused numerous people to lose their lives. Perhaps he still had a bit of independence, but remember, Monica Lewinsky was nothing new for Clinton...he had been sleeping around for quite a while.
This is an interesting theory from Erik, but I "intuit" it to be less than 50% on my own personal scale of probability. BUT.....that could have been the proverbial last straw, and Epstein then lassoed Clinton into the pedophilia, satanism, horrific sacrifices, etc. of the Luciferian cabal.
Now I'm talking myself into a probability greater than 50%, lol! Way to go Eric...
Thank you Erik!!
The coup that finally ended our Republic occurred on 22 November 1963.
We should have overthrown the Johnson Administration and restored the Republic in strict compliance with the Constitution as intended by the founders after we executed every person involved in the assassination of JFK.
Yep. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough allies in the government or the military at that time.
Taking control of the Executive Branch, was the only way we were going to win without a bloody civil war.
I don't believe for one moment that the future inhabitant of the Executive Branch has a strong enough affinity to the founders view of the Constitution, note his affection for red flag laws and lack of support for the Second Amendment.
I regret to say it WILL take a bloody civil war to restore the Constitution, if we have the strength and fortitude to fight like hell for the Constitution.
I’ve said from the beginning, there won’t be a civil war.
The chance for that ended on Jan 6.
And Trump is closer to the founding fathers than any president in our lifetimes and most of United States history in my opinion and will easily prove that.
Well, about 3 weeks in and Trump is proving his moxie. The DOGE team has put fear into the DEEPSTATE at speed so great that one bureaucrat said "it's going through the system faster than we can think" speaking about the algo mapping the Treasury Department computers. The fraud at the USAID was so bad that it has been closed down. And that was 2 weeks ago, as I recall it was 2-days in. I don't get ever get too impressed or excited, but this has me beyond myself with Joy and Amazement. 7 decades of building walls and levels of impenetrable codes, unmasked in a few hours, by 4 coders, ya gotta love it. And all done under Constitutional rights.
The Leftist/Commies are lining up Obama Judges to sue The Executive Branch for doing what the Executive Branch should have been doing for decades. Weeding out deepstate corruption.
I hope not. The whole effort of the Q movement was to get aware folks involved. Maybe more 2nd amendment advocates will get involved. SCOTUS came down to protect that right. Q didn't want a bloody war. DJT wants to do everything legally, by the Constitution. Let's see how SCOTUS goes. We got Chevron Deference already. Praying more wins are in store after Jan 20. But I understand your concern.
I try to stay up on things. I am born 1947 after Dad came back from the Pacific, a Marine who saw the flag go up on Iwo. He told me how he felt about it later in his life. RIP. As a woman I am not a military person, but I support them and our country with deep feeling. This is my Iwo Jima battle. I am not on the beach, but a committee woman who woke up after Nov 2020 when I knew DJT won!! Got into action as a cp, appointed to an empty spot, Then won election. I knock on doors, contact people who appreciate my communication. I won't last forever, but doing what I can, without children and a widow(hubby was older and a 22 retiree of the USA). He told me a lot. My parents were conservative. I grew up the old fashioned way, more like Depression mentality! We share those Boomer values!
SANDRA, YOU ARE A STAR AND HEROINE! Very similar history, I am so proud of you. I type my fingers to the bone, but stroke does not allow me to walk around much. Georgia healthcare is the Worst Ever, no Laws in Effect, so it is the wild west with a RINO GOVERNOR. God Bless You for your GREAT EFFORTS. You are appreciated. We will survive this, Obama is going down, and hopefully the Clintons, and MANY others. We have not forgotten what evil they brought.
No star, I know a number of very dedicated people who just don't have the time or ability ( like you ) to do physical, work. But passionate as you are. Good for you for writing. PA and GA, I think most states have Uniparty at the top. And we are trying our best to get back to the Constitution. i think in Jan Audit the Vote PA will start back with Patriot Academy, small fee for weekly courses ($10 or $15, Constitution Alive and one with the Bible and the constitution. First one just about the constitution and referring to the founders diaries to know the arguments pro and con. We have a zoom chat after the video on the subject of the night is over. People from a lot of states join in. Some first time, me I keep doing it. We hear what's going on in more than PA. You can check them out. fun way to pass a cold winter 2- 21/2 hours on a zoom.
May God Bless You
I would hope not as well. Q helped a lot. SCOTUS has been a mixed bag, mostly good (IMO). DJT doesn't truly understand the Constitution (again IMO). SCOTUS, we'll see. Chevron, don't see how that helps. More wins in store, with RINO's running rampant? I really don't see but many peaceful options remaining - IMO - except that "Praying" part.
Chevron, I believe, stopped the alphabet agencies from making rules that Congress did not make. Like EPA rules. Some state sued, (W VA? I can't remember) but the result was EPA rules can't be enforced. A fishing company doesn't have to pay for a person to watch (and maybe count?) the fish they catch. It was expensive and invasive. The court went in favor of the fishing company. I think under Trump we will see more. And Roe v Wade put it back to the states.
DJT went to a military school. I can't believe he is not aware of 2nd amendment. But to run on that, he would have lost support. So better to deal with it after Jan 20, I think. The bumpstock rule by SCOTUS pretty much but the kabash on laws against guns from what I understand. It was featured in Epoch Times that I get in my inbox. I don't think DJT had to make a campaign issue on this. SCOTUS ruled! (IMHO)
In my humble opinion, I think DJT knows everything and is smarter than the average person or maybe an intellectual could even imagine.
I believe from the bottom of my heart that he was heavenly appointed. Just wish he would have entered this filthy political arena sooner
You HAVE GOT to be kidding me. As far as I know there is NO one who sticks up for our beloved constitution than DJT. If so would someone inform me, PLEASE
Should I remind you of his support for "red flag" laws? an obvious violation of the Fourth Amendment. Should I remind you of his support for the "bump stock ban"? He has also expressed support for "assault weapon" bans. Both egregious violations of the Second Amendment. Hey, I voted for Trump. He is, after all, the far lesser of the two evils we were offered in the last three elections. Much of what he supports the federal government doing are serious violations of the Constitution, as intended by the Founders of our Republic. FYI, I'm an anti-Federalist type.
Even better… the plan is taking us all the way back to 1871. Play at .25 speed no sound
How about we go back to 1861 and correct the first time our Constitution was severely violated (in many ways), which, by the way, led to the disastrous Act of 1871.
Yes, but our parents were in pampers and they would not and still don’t believe what happened.
Cloth diapers were the norm in the early 60's, sorry, your argument doesn't fly.
Different generations. I grew up baby sitting with cloth diapers! There is a different outlook among the generations. Some young people are getting involved with Patriot Academy and Constitution Alive and Audit the Vote. The Constitution needs to be taught in the public schools again as when I grew up.
Something only we Boomers can relate to, and you are correct but the Constitution is NOT being taught in public schools. Why? We Boomers fell in love with the Nanny state and Big Brother. Hopefully those young folks figure it out fast, for their sake. Boomer's 'bout to die out soon.
Agree. I follow the Audit the Vote gals, take their Constitution classes over and over to enjoy the chat on the zoom after. Toni and Karen are young, young children. See the value of home schooling or alternative. Toni works with Patriot Academy. Moms for Liberty another good organization. Helped at their convention in Philly 2 summers ago. They have great break out sessions. I attended a few and learned a lot as a volunteer. The moms are taking the lead for their children. There is hope! They don't make the news. I believe DJT wants a curriculum much improved with true history of the US. Let's see what happens. He wants the lawyers and judges to be re-educated. Again, let's see what happens. Sometimes I think it is Utopia!
The government putting diapers on the faces of the up and coming leaders of America, has left a lasting impression that is yet to be known.
After the total dismantling of the education system happens!
Wow Joe! Of course Monica was a false flag for bigger stories! Holy cow! Very very interesting info you revealed here. Man I hope you’re well into writing Part 2 so we don’t have to wait too long!
It is simply astounding the depth of corruption in our country. The Clintons have to go and we all need to see it happen. Soon! All I can say is wow! And thanks. I’m going to re-listen now!
Merry Christmas to you and yours Joe!
I’m a third of the way done with Part 2 because I had to pull a huge chunk out of this article because there was just too much information.
You are really going to like Part 2 if you are eager for Hillary to face justice.
It’s coming!
So excited….will be a great Christmas gift to your readers!
I already know I'll like Part 2
Cannot wait!
Hi @joelange-a Merry Christmas 🎄 Eve to you! I’ve heard x22 mention you twice this past week. The cool thing about the second mention is that it was in the context of Huma and I’m starting to think he follows you! 😁
Your detailed, indepth, unbiased, analysis is by far the best there is, Sir.
I'm amazed everytime you post something.
God Bless you.
That is very encouraging and I really do thank you my friend!
Listening to Rush all the days this was going on right under everyone’s noses, takes me back, but also makes me think he was only snipping around the edges of a much more sinister plot---guess we’ve come along way since then. God Bless!!!
The MSM played a huge role in covering up the treason and the scandals.
Unfortunately, at that time, I fell into the trap at that time by arguing about politics, republican vs democrat. Right vs left. Conservative vs liberal.
All designed to fool us and hide the fact that the Bush family etc, we’re just as evil.
The uniparty was a hidden enemy and arguing over politics was a distraction.
It still is today for most people.
It's the same basic strategy, again and again.
Keep us divided and fighting each other, and we won't see (much less fight) what [they] are doing.
Divide and conquer! Yup! That's communism.
Finding out the truth about the Bush family was a real shocker to me. I think the thing that opened my eyes was the behavior of Laura Bush at one of those White House Press dinners, or something like that, and she was basically telling dirty jokes. She showed her true character, not quite the "lady" we were led to believe.
Agree totally about Uniparty in PA politics. We at the grassroots are trying to make inroads. Hard to get people involved, too busy or old to get involved. We the People have to do it!
Thank you, Joe ❤️
I learned much more about the Bill Clinton days than I knew. Also, interesting that the 30 years of wars in the Middle East started with his Presidency . It was also Bill Clinton who made the decision to expand NATO into Ukraine back then.
Since I followed Q from the beginning, I am familiar with much of your report but nevertheless, reading it gave me chills…it sinks in how close we came to loosing our country and the nightmare that would have happened if Trump hadn’t come along. Only their / HRC’s arrogance prevented them from stealing the election - they tried but underestimated Trump and enough Americans who understood the urgent need to change course.
Curious if you ever came across any link to HRC and Huma with regards to JFK Jr’s “plane crash”. His magazine, George, had actually published an article about the Clinton body count. Then suddenly, JFK Jr was out of the way and she won the Senate seat!
You are an excellent researcher and writer! Blessings to you and your family for a lovely Christmas. Thank you, Joe❤️
That is an interesting question on the JFK Jr and Huma aspect. I haven’t looked into that. I know that the search and investigation were both bumbled on purpose and it has always been my assumption that the CIA was involved because they were involved with JFK’s assassination too.
Before long the world will learn that those deaths in the plane (like some other important deaths) didn't happen.
I’m 50/50 on it. Very plausible explanations exist that he and his wife and SIL are still alive…but Q was asked and said no, he is not still alive.
Wouldn’t it be grand if he was though!
Hoping it's true, but prepared it's not. I've also heard the plausible explanation. And see how masks are used.
I just hope we find out for sure one way or the other.
I have a feeling that topic will be an upcoming article from our beloved Joe Lange
And Merry Christmas back to you my friend!
I think Trump was in the picture long before, watching and being presented to the public with The Apprentice that I never watched. He had the military behind him or he wouldn't have been able to even win against the corrupt elections. His grew up in a patriotic family. Just waiting for more reveal nationally. But Joe gives us great background to fortify our intuition that something was wrong.
You might like this article, referencing an interview with ex Navy Seal Bill Wood.
I watched the interview but can’t find it anywhere and this article is from that interview and has very interesting quotes by Bill Wood talking about LookingGlass and the Ascension Timeline (Q mentioned LookingGlass and Ascension)
Just read the article, Feather. Quite informative and interesting, Thank you for sharing
You never disappoint, Joe! I get so caught up in this, I have to stop and turn my mind away from unprintable thoughts and instead remind myself of the only thing I have to do today is Follow HIM!! May God bless and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you His peace. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours! ⭐️🇺🇸
Merry Christmas Carol!
Blessed my friend.
God wins!!
Here’s a list of **20 scandals and controversies** associated with the Clinton administration:
1. **Whitewater** - Real estate investment controversy in Arkansas.
2. **Lewinsky Scandal** - Affair with Monica Lewinsky, leading to impeachment.
3. **Travelgate** - Firing of White House Travel Office staff.
4. **Filegate** - Unauthorized access to FBI files on political opponents.
5. **Paula Jones Lawsuit** - Sexual harassment lawsuit by Paula Jones.
6. **Chinagate** - Alleged campaign donations tied to Chinese influence.
7. **Campaign Finance Controversies** - Illegal fundraising accusations during the 1996 campaign.
8. **Vince Foster's Death** - Speculation surrounding the deputy counsel's suicide.
9. **Marc Rich Pardon** - Controversial pardon of financier Marc Rich.
10. **Lincoln Bedroom Scandal** - Selling overnight stays in the White House for campaign donations.
11. **Waco Siege** - Handling of the standoff with the Branch Davidians in Texas.
12. **Ruby Ridge** - Controversial FBI actions during a standoff under Janet Reno’s Justice Department.
13. **Loral Space & Technology** - Allegations of sensitive technology transfers to China.
14. **Ron Brown's Death** - Questions surrounding the plane crash that killed Commerce Secretary Ron Brown.
15. **Clinton Foundation Beginnings** - Early scrutiny over donations and conflicts of interest.
16. **Drug Use Allegations** - Claims of cocaine use during Clinton’s time as Arkansas governor.
17. **Rose Law Firm Records** - Missing records related to Hillary Clinton’s work in Arkansas.
18. **Susan McDougal** - Refusal to testify about Whitewater, resulting in jail time.
19. **Project X** - Allegations of taxpayer money being funneled into questionable projects.
20. **Troopergate** - Claims by Arkansas state troopers of facilitating Clinton’s extramarital affairs.
This is a non-exhaustive list, as controversies extended beyond his presidency. Let me know if you'd like details on any of these!
That’s a great job making the list!!
Bravo my friend!
Thank you!
ChatGPT 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you…I remember most of them as I was reading through! Great list!!
The little kid they forced to go back to Cuba comes to mind as well; what was his name? Elian Gonzales, or something like that?
That WAS interesting. Another distraction?
One thing I remember looking into was Bill Clinton when he was governor of Arkansas, enabling as well as profiting from the blood trade that began with prisoners.
Here’s an article about that:
Red Cross are a bunch of blood suckers along with the Clintons! After 9-11, they kept advertising in MSM for blood donations for twin tower victims even though they knew no one survived.
Just read the article and I am sick as these EVIL PEOPLE must be stopped and impaled but crucifixion is toooooo good for them
Great article, Joe!
I have two questions. (I lived through all this back in the day but there were things I missed.)
1) the bullet hole, was Brown shot before getting on the plane, or after the crash? Maybe you said, but I missed that.
2) I'm trying to reconcile the Saudi power structure and the Zionist power structure. Which one has the upper hand? Or, was the Muslim Brotherhood just a useful tool to subvert our nation so the other power could crush everyone else in the end?
When I read the Noahide laws, I felt like I was reading Sharia law. Two sides of the same coin. Which one thinks it will win? Heads, or Tails?
I believe the Q drop that said Israel was saved for last. I have faith that Trump and us, we the people, will win, but only if we keep our trust in God.
It was never reported if he was shot while in flight or after the crash. The speculation is that he survived the crash, and was thus executed. The power structure in the Middle East us way deeper than just the Israeli, and Saudi powers, and the entire region is full of evil tools that the U.K., the U.S., and other powers created, and propped up to control energy, and wage war to create greater Israel.
That's a great take Dennis! I wondered if anyone survived crashing into a mountain, or if a gunshot in flight brought the aircraft down. The shooter either had a Jack Ruby situation in play or a suicide wish.
And, I can see the UK/US pulling the strings on both SA and Israel. One, or both, are controlling the coin toss. Really, such evil in place. Praying 🙏!
Anna, some of the stories around that crash from back in the day when I was deep diving into many of Clinton's crimes. First there was an anomolie with the airport beacon signal that happened to get turned off at a certain time. At the same time a Mobile beacon signal was set off on the side of the mountain. Two survived the crash, Ron Brown and a stewardists. It took the medical evacuation helicoptor quite some time to get to the crash site. The stewardist, supposedly died in route in the helicoptor due to a severed femoral artery. If she had severed the artery in the crash she would have blead out before the coptor arrived. The person who was in charge of the mobile beacon fled the country and supposedly committed suicide about a week later. This is all heresay information, I haven't confirmed any of it. But it made sense to me at the time...
I dug up the same information. It was a complete setup. I didn’t include that info because my article was over 6000 words.
I used to struggle keeping them to 5000 words and I gave up on that.
I believe Ron Brown survived the crash and was executed.
I discovered an article that mentioned some Americans that were first to the crash site but weren’t mentioned in any of the MSM stories.
I didn’t add it because of the length of the article.
I can’t remember which group arrived at the crash site and reported there were Americans there already.
They’re both evil. Satan attacks from multiple fronts.
And learn the Constitution, what federal gov't is responsible. And have state leaders who are not part of the Cabal.
I believe we will find when the dust settles that the Zionists are the ones who established the religion called Islam. They have more points of congruence than divergence.
I don't believe they established Islam, but I believe they tried twenty ways from Sunday to corrupt it. Do a deep dive comparison between Talmud/Mishnah and Hadith/Sunnah. I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for saying that, but my studies indicate that is true. Just my opinion, though, to borrow a phrase.
That is interesting and something I never thought of because it’s so conniving. But Abraham did father both peoples one through Hagar and the other through Sarah.
A very comprehensive and excellent LIGHT coverage of the Clinton deadly enterprise. Light only insomuch as, with actual prosecution, conviction, and the legally sanctioned hanging of all involved, voluminous will be the legal paper alone and not counting the tomes of private works following.
That justice phase is coming but Trump’s people must be in place at the DOJ and FBI first.
Will take place by Military Tribunal for sedition, treason, crimes against humanity, if it hasn't happened already.
I agree.
Great article, Joe!
Excellent tying together HA & VJ with HC and BO and Alaweed.
Interesting how Alaweed's attempts to assassinate MBS did not work out and now MBS is in charge and Alaweed is gone!
I'm sure you will bring that out in due time.
Yes my friend, that’s all coming. I’m just now starting to build back into the Alwaleed connections and his true power and control.
GReat! I can't wait for the blow by blow details!
This explains the Huma/Soros connection…she has to stay in the game any way she can. I could be wrong.
I think you may be right and there may be another possibility.
More in my next article.
God Bless you Joe! We are all so grateful to you and your work. I’m thankful for my Great Awakening and Father God!
Blessings Beth!!
Thank you for the kind words!