This article only promotes the "benefits" of the CBDC and relies on trusting some mysterious plan with no actual proof. Sorry Joe but I do believe you lack a true understanding of what you are talking about here. Bitcoin is the only truly trustless permissionless protocol that will save humanity from central bankers.
Unfortunately the constitution defines what money is. It’s backed by gold and silver.
Trump, in my opinion is taking us back to the original constitution and unless we are going to change the constitution, then we are returning to the gold standard as I wrote about in my previous article.
You don’t have to believe in a mysterious plan to see what’s happening and discern the reasons for it.
I’ve made my case in my last 7 or 8 articles on what I see happening.
Joe, I have to agree with your take. Marketing virtual one's and zero's as a store of value or money is the epitome of Artificial Intelligence. It's nothing more than monetized derivative transgender ideology. Ledgers, spreadsheets and records of activity have never been nor ever will be a store of value or money. I believe GMONEY is the one lacking understanding here and fear he envisions some sort of virtual cashless society which would be the ruin of us all.
WRONG... For more than a century, the official money of the United States consisted of gold coins and silver coins. That was the monetary system called for in the Constitution. No, it wasn’t a paper-money system that was “backed by gold,” as the mainstream press often claims. It was a monetary system in which the official money was gold coins and silver coins.
Under the Constitution, the federal government was authorized to borrow money. They exercised that power by issuing notes, bills, and bonds, which people would purchase with their gold coins. These debt instruments promised to pay the lenders back in gold coins.
In the 1930s, the Franklin Roosevelt administration declared an end to America’s gold-coin, silver-coin system. FDR did this without even the semblance of a constitutional amendment. Displaying the attributes of a European dictator, he ordered every American to deliver his gold coins to the federal government. FDR threatened that if anyone got caught violating his edict, he would slap him with a federal criminal indictment, conviction, and incarceration for 10 years in a federal penitentiary. Not surprisingly, most Americans hurriedly rushed to turn in their gold in exchange for irredeemable paper money.
What about those notes, bills, and bonds in which the federal government promised to pay people back their gold coins? FDR had a quick answer: Tough luck. We are going to pay you back in devalued, irredeemable paper money. And there is nothing you can do about it.
In a word: Default. People had in good faith loaned their gold coins to the federal government. The federal government had promised in writing to pay back its loans with gold coins. The federal government knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately broke its promise by refusing to pay back its loans with gold coins. Instead, it chose to pay back its loans with cheapened, debased, irredeemable paper money. In taking this route, the government defaulted.
Did the United States fall into the ocean? Nope. It simply became a paragon of immorality, one that people could no longer trust.
FDR’s nationalization of gold, along with his conversion of the federal government to a welfare state, set the stage for a century of out-of-control federal spending, debt, and monetary debauchery. Once President Truman converted the federal government to a national-security state in 1947, so much paper money was printed to cover federal welfare-warfare state expenditures that silver coins, which FDR had not made illegal to own, were driven out of circulation.
You’re right! In my previous article I wrote about our return to the gold standard and what I believe is purposely being set up, which is a showdown at the Supreme Court by the states over the constitutional definition of money and whether the central bank is constitutional or not.
I think this is all done purposely so the SC can revisit those unconstitutional decisions such as the Legal Tender acts and the Gold Clause decisions along with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
I think Trump welcomes this court fight so it will set precedent for the future.
As per my response, the Constitution defines what money was according to the historical context. If you think of gold as a technology, it is, like the Dollar and all fiat money, fiat technology; and was engineered for man--but this doesn’t mean that there cannot be another form of hard money better engineered for man. If the Constitution was written under different forms of hard money, such as pepper/spices (used in Florence, Italy during specific periods, etc.), then this context would inform the Constitution. As you know, Gold is inflationary, centralized, cannot be audited, can be weaponized to devalue money, etc. Your theory would make more sense w/out a gold backing. But there is this mental block. The fact that countries are now actively hoarding gold says nothing about a return to a gold standard. Rather, this is historically what countries do when they debase their fiat to egregious levels. A CBDC would, like Gold, still give centralized control (or turn the CBDC into a single-node blockchain ledger system. The market will choose in the end. But telling the people you are sticking with a gold standard is still FIAT, DEBT BASED, monopolistic, and compulsory. This is not the way...
It still doesn’t get around the fact that the constitution defines what money is.
It defines it as a specific measurement of gold and silver. That’s what is legal tender under the constitution.
The constitution is still the law of the land and as in all my articles, I believe Trump is taking us back to the constitution and the founders original intent.
I see Trump taking us back to a gold standard for that very reason which I’ve written about.
I have seen no evidence of Trump trying to make Bitcoin our nation’s currency or the world’s currency.
I see the opposite.
I see a return to the gold standard coming and it’s being led by Trump.
People can use Bitcoin all they want for buying or selling but that doesn’t make it legal tender according to the constitution.
The constitution also says only the Treasury can coin money.
So the real question is, are we going back to the constitution, changing it, or ignoring that part of it?
I believe all the evidence points to us returning to the original intent of the constitution and sound money in gold and silver.
Currently according to what is in circulation in the form of "paper" silver, which is supposed to be able to exchanged on par for actual silver the value of a one ounce silver coin would be 750 FED NOTES! Not what it is now. I just traded a 20 roll of one ounce coins for $750 fed notes. That comes out to $37.50 PER coin. What is spot? SPOT IS A LIE!
You’re exactly right. The price of silver has been manipulated, especially by JPM, for a long time in order to suppress the gold price too. I think silver will eventually make a bigger percentage gain than gold when the fiat system collapses.
A lot of people don’t know about a recent development in the manipulation.
JPM is making a lot of news lately, especially Dimon connected to Epstein. But I think their entire metals trading desk being criminally investigated in a RICO case is a much bigger deal. They were investigated by RICO in 2019 while Trump was president. I think that’s changed things and now made the cost of manipulation much greater.
Here’s part of an article on that.
“Then on September 16, 2019 the DOJ dropped its bombshell. It charged three more traders on the precious metals desk at JPMorgan Chase under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) – the same statute that was used to indict members of the Gambino crime family in 2017. The trading desk, itself, was named a racketeering enterprise. The traders were charged with rigging the precious metals market during a period spanning more than eight years – from May 2008 to August 2016. One of those charged in that action was Michael Nowak, a Managing Director at the bank and the head of its Global Precious Metals Desk. The other two traders indicted were Gregg Smith and Christopher Jordan.”
Here’s the link to the article.
I think the days of the cabal’s manipulation of gold and silver is coming to an end.
Learn something about computing power Joe. If you don’t understand it, we don’t have any more time to try and convince you. You’re way outta your league:
Michael, it is you who are out of your league. Take off your virtual reality helmet for a minute and consider this - Marketing virtual one's and zero's as a store of value or money is the epitome of Artificial Intelligence. It's nothing more than monetized derivative transgender ideology. Ledgers, spreadsheets and records of activity have never been nor ever will be a store of value or money.
So the power goes off and bitcoin goes where? Talk about NOTHING for SOMETHING. At least fed notes are a NOTHING you can hold in your hand and trade for SOMETHING. But BitCON?
I can tell you’re a newb. You don’t need the internet to run bitcoin. Maybe do some study before putting forth what you think are legitimate criticisms. Bitcoin is the weapon you’re looking for guys. Stop searching…adapt or die.
Let me see here...lookin back at my comment I find no mention of the internet. But I would like to ask HOW you are going to use BIT COIN if the power goes off? How about loosing it like many have because of an issue with their "wallet". And PROVE to me that bitcoin isn't a big con game for the most part. They "claim" it can only have so many of them made. OK, HOW do you know that isn't a bullshit claim? My son was an original miner of bit coin. He mined 21 when it cost $2.50 in electricity to do so. He has "explained" to me the way it's SUPPOSED to work. For THOUSANDS of years we have used gold and silver to barter among each other. It is DURABLE, DIVISIBLE and a STORE OF VALUE, which obviously bit coin is NOT. I have watch bitcoin "value" go all over the place. Maybe YOU should do some studying and read the book let by Judge Roger Sherman entitled.. A CAVEAT AGAINST INJUST, OR AN INQUIRY INTO THE EVILS OF A FLUCTUATING MEDIUM of EXCHANGE. Instead of projecting your arrogance on the rest of us. "Bitcoin is the "weapon" you're looking for guys"????? Give me a break. Here I'll help you get out of your mindset:
"The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."
~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8
ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?
"...Keynes argues that inflation is a 'method of taxation' which the government uses to 'secure the command over real resources, resources just as real as those obtained by [ordinary] taxation'. 'What is raised by printing notes, ' he writes, is just as much taken from the public as is a beer duty or an income tax.' "
- 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 10
"All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy."
~ The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, pg 4
Faith is what backs our monetary system. YOUR faith. Do you still have faith?
"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
~ Frederic Bastiat in "The Law"
"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."
~ 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond, pg 6
Isn't confiscation of the wealth of the citizens a nice way of saying STEALING?
Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) over 50 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~ John Locke (1690)
If the money you earn has no value and you are forced through fiat paper legislation to take it for your labor, are you not having your property (labor) destroyed and are you not being reduced to nothing but slavery? Is not the state at war with the people?
5th Plank Communist Manifesto: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a “national bank” and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.
"The writers of the constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote in Article I Section 10 paragraph 1 'No state shall... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. ' People able to barter with gold and silver coin control government and are free. Loss of the right to trade in gold and silver coin enslaves people to the creators of psychological 'money.'":
I agree with you , CBDC after all is central bank issued currency and there is no way that they will give up their control over money. We do not need CBDC, we already can do it with bitcoin this is all about control of the masses just like covid. And when they issue their digital money, they will get rid of bitcoin. There will never be a gold backed dollar again while they are in control. BTW, you talk like Trump is still a president, yet he will have a fight of his life to stay out of jail. He has no say on anything now and when he could have done something he did not , or they did not let him.
Weapons? Adapt or die? Who are you really working for Michael? I've heard it said, "All wars are Central Bankers wars" and we're not seeking weapons and war just artfully peaceful resolution.
I think with a bit of BB Bicameral Thinking I can see both Joe & GMoney being correct.
Joe paints the picture of how we pivot from the fiat dollar to a new honest monetary system and I believe gold/silver backed money is a part of that pivot. BRICS new system looks like it could also be a major part of the pivot.
GMoney knows that Bitcoin is much more than just a financial (money) play. What Major Jason Lowery points out in his Softwar book is that blockchain without the hash power of Bitcoin can be corrupted by the likes of the DS Central bankers.
So to move to Joe's frame of reference CBDCs would have to ride on the Bitcoin train not just any blockchain.
Time will tell but I think you guys are closer that you might feel right now.
Keep up the great work guys. Joe I really enjoyed this article. GMoney Let's Fuggen Go :-)
I really appreciate your perspective Joseph! I agree with you. I think both things are very important. Admittedly, I don’t know all the details of the plan, I just see what I think is the outline of the plan. I don’t know the details.
I just believe Trump is trying to take us back to the constitution, not something different. There are several possibilities
Joe some of your thoughts process is good and on track. I humbly suggest you look into Gmoney's Covfefe dig, Rugpull Radio, The Creature from Jekyll Island book. Centralized money control is how we got into this mess, it is not the way out.
GMONEY...JL makes perfect sense should you understand COG which Trump initiated before he left office. You my friend are blinded by your fervently entrenched view you fail to see the whole battlefield. Your work has merit..:no one is totally dismissing that. The grid of COG blends in a broader and effective battlefield wide counter strike against the Cabal! Your dismissive, derisive haughty demeanor does not serve you or your mission well! Suggest you step back and smell the Devo roses!
Kinesis has designed and implemented exactly what Joe is talking about here. It uses the blockchain and the digital coins are redeemable for physical gold/silver. The vaults are located all over the world with more coming, if I understand the recent announcements. They did a great job and recommend everyone check it out. You can now travel anywhere in the world with your wealth.
I think you need to modify your terminology or people will automatically close their minds to your article.
You use CBDC interchangeably with Digital dollar while confirming Trump’s goal of eliminating the Central banks which is a contradiction.
CBDCs are the problem precisely because it’s centralized, the CB part of the term is what’s going to kill any support for it.
In Canada, Cabal puppet Justin Trudeau is beginning his push for its adoption and linked it with the Bank of Canada’s overall control of all financial transactions through the commercial banks, he even established the precedent of freezing accounts without due process back when they crushed the trucker protests here. There is no indication of a separate digital currency being adopted here.
In fact the true Digital dollar should be termed something like SDC: Secure Digital Currency with no central authority issuing it.
As for blockchain based DCs, I don’t think they’re quite ready for prime time yet, Bitcoin use is still a very tiny number of overall financial transactions, the problem here is technical, the amount of computing power needed to compute and synthesize updates to these ledgers isn’t trivial, power consumption isn’t trivial as well.
Imagine expanding the number of Bitcoin transactions by a factor of say 100 million.
The other Achilles heel of digital currency is that it’s network based, without network access you can’t really complete a transaction. You can temporarily store them in phones but you still require networks to validate the transaction.
I can see Bitcoin or similar SDCs being used for large purchases on the level of hundreds of dollars, can’t see them being used to buy candy bars.
I don’t think physical currencies will vanish and if/when the financial system disruption(not the economic system) comes people will revert back to their old habits and use coins or paper.
Also some people will absolutely refuse to participate in a digital currency system out of principle, there are people who refuse to use banks, period and I can’t blame them.
Great points! I wrote that cash is not going away and it will be redeemable for gold again.
We are going back to the original constitutional protections.
As far as the way our digital currency will work is going to depend on a future events I see happening.
A court showdown coming from the states on the constitutional definition of money and a new MAGA Congress along with Trump after the election fraud is exposed and mass arrests happen, that will enshrine the American peoples constitutional rights into our money.
It’s true we are getting rid of the central bank but right now Trump is using it as a weapon against our enemies.
I purposely used the term CBDC because of the angst and fear it causes amongst people.
My previous articles have all been parts of the puzzle in the global plan that I see playing out. I believe this is one aspect of that puzzle that helps prevent a global financial collapse of the fiat system from turning into a global depression.
It fits based on things Trump has said and “Q” and other little hints here and there. Lots of times these articles trigger or expand on other thought I’ve had if that makes sense. But everything is a puzzle of sorts. Of course no one KNOWS except those directly involved and we don’t want to expose too much. I’d better quit before my brain catches fire !
I liked the article, but like many others, I have a problem with the term CBDC. The new paradigm that many of us see coming involves the fact that real power has to lie with, and in, the people. Also, although I understand little about digital currency, and even less about blockchain technology, I venture this: Is it Venezuela which is already investing in, and allowing/promoting the use of Bitcoin? Could it be that Venezuela is the guinea pig, the canary in the coal mine? If Bitcoin works, and already exists, why reinvent the wheel?
Joe, it is so great to have your studied opinion in article form here. I completely see and agree with you, as I find myself doing frequently. There is no doubt the world is turning back to solid money and privacy even as it moves forward in the digital world.
Hope our country catches on sooner than later.
Thank you, Joe, for your weekly, sometimes daily pump of sanity.
You have a gift for making the complicated much easier to understand. That usually occurs when the writer understands the subject he’s writing about. The best teachers I had could do this! I look forward to your articles.
The problem with BTC and blockchain, at least as of today, is confirmation time. Confirming BTC transactions requires extensive computations, performed by 'miners' while also consuming fairly significant amounts of energy. Somewhere I read that BTC mining now uses about 1% of the world's electricity.
BTC confirmation times are now running about an hour, and up to 16 hours at peak times.
According to research done by BCG and published by the Bank of England, the annual cross-border exchange totals approximately USD 200 TRILLION per year -- about $550 billion per DAY. And that is only cross-border exchanges; internal trade is no doubt many times that.
Imagine scaling the BTC system up by 10000x, to $2 trillion per day (probably low but it won't matter). If nothing else, we would have to increase the world's electrical supply to one hundred times what it is today, just to process the blockchain confirmations!! (The global warming people will have a total meltdown about that one 🤔 )
Now before anyone says 'well, there will be some sort of technological improvement that will reduce this by orders of magnitude,' remember that the whole point of the BTC blockchain system is to make the calculations very difficult. BTC miners have gone from high-performance PCs to GPUs to FPGAs and now to custom ASICs to improve performance, and it has -- but not enough to come anywhere close to what is needed. And also remember, that if the computations CAN be accelerated that much, then the whole BTC security promise (based on difficulty of computations, message hashes in this case) collapses. This is why all the cyber gurus are worried about quantum computing.
So I do not believe that a system based on blockchain can deliver on this promise. Not with today's technology, and not with any foreseeable technological advance that will not simultaneously break blockchain's security.
Great points Bill. All valid issues with the technology.
I think one thing missing is that right now we have a world still controlled by the cabal that is purposely limiting energy supply. The need for energy might just be the catalyst to lift that restraint and foster the advancement of better technology and energy sources. It is interesting that FedNow is open source. I don’t think anybody expected that. I think along with my article on Elon and Dorsey, open sourcing might very well be the key to get us over some of those hurdles.
regarding "The need for energy might just be the catalyst to lift that restraint and foster the advancement of better technology and energy sources",
please remember the question I asked you (or Erik Carlson ?) in last March: what about the role and links of Donald Trump's uncle AND Elon MUSK pertaining the work documents of Nikola TESLA especially about an form of universal and widely available energy ?
I think this is a main point of this whole matter (and better future project / plan) ...
The only way that software can be trusted is when it is open source. That way the 'coder community' for lack of a better term, can inspect the code and perform crowd-source validation that the software does indeed do what it claims to do, and nothing else. Voting machines could be made accurate, dependable and trustworthy if they used open-source software. (After all, adding numbers is not a terribly difficult job. What makes it challenging is when you want a number, that is not really there, without anyone being the wiser.)
As for the energy supply, supposedly the lizard people have some answers 😎
Seriously though I think that something along the lines of open-source peer-to-peer 'banking' could be made to work. Right now everything financial is regulated to death (which does not seem to work very well, BTW) but if the incentives were there, such a system could likely be developed. It would require establishment of trust by some other method than fiat guarantee or blockchain proof-of-work, but there are a lot of clever minds out there and this is a problem that they would find challenging.
More excellent comments my friend! I believe the door is about to be opened for financial freedom along with unfettered technological advances when everything plays out.
Very nice. Thank you for sending this link. I encourage everyone who has read this far to check it out.
edit: though here is one summary number: confirming a single blockchain transaction requires as much energy as an average American home consumes in 20 days...
As I said in my post below, this is non trivial and hence why the Cabal won’t be using any form of blockchain in their fiat digital currency.
Putin announced he will accept Bitcoin for oil, meaning international trade involving trust(or the lack thereof) and huge transactions can and will use BTC.
Energy consumption for single transactions if factored into the ‘cost’ of the transaction itself would put a floor on the minimum dollar amount.
From the link I posted and you mentioned the energy of one bitcoin transaction is 584kWh. The average cost of electricity at residential rates in the US is $0.1585/kWh so the total cost of that transaction is $92.56 USD.
Nor will they be happy with having $100 docked from their direct-deposit paycheck to cover transaction costs...
Did you check out the 'Ethereum' tab on your link? Last September Ethereum changed from the standard 'proof of work' method used by BTC to a 'proof of stake' method. Apparently takes power requirements down, confirming one transaction at your average electric rate would only cost half a cent. 'Proof of stake' requires the creator of a block to 'stake' some of their worth, apparently as some sort of guarantee. Not sure exactly how it works but apparently this method was designed to overcome the power requirements of PoW.
I'm a tech/gaming nerd so I follow the pricing and technology found in PC gaming.
When the Etherium switchover happened last year it killed the mining GPU market and especially hurt NVidia last year.
They had been scoring great revenues from miners buying up tens of thousands of GPUs while the gamers were left paying scalper pricing on the scarce supply left on the free market.
As for the whole proof of work vs proof of stake I'm not too clear on all the details but from what I've learned about proof of stake, the "issuer" of the block has both a "reputation" score and also has collateral assets available to back up that transaction block to prevent fraudulent transactions, hence a "reputation stake".
It's almost like commercial banking where you need to put up assets and collateral to secure any loans and guarantee it in case of default.
So very similar to having a gold backed currency.
The only thing which needs to be questioned is, who decides what is legit collateral? and who assigns the reputation score?
For Ethereum, the collateral is ETH coins. You have to 'stake' coins to back up transactions, and you are paid something in return for 'locking up' your coins for a period of time. I assume if there's also a reputation score that it can be determined algorithmically based on past history.
I think proof of stake is the only realistic avenue at the moment, the energy consumption costs of proof of work is going to make widespread use of BTC impossible.
The biggest problem with cryptocurrencies is trust and legitimacy, it didn't help crypto's reputation that "fun coins" were put out there as a joke and some of them were taken seriously "dogecoin" anyone?.
I can see the Cabal seriously trying break the proof of stake system to issue counterfeit transactions, the issue with money laundering will persist when you have an enemy with as much financial resources as the Cabal has(had?) and are willing to push their fiat currencies to "poison" legit cryptocurrencies while laundering their assets out of the collapsing fiat system.
Well, all technologies can be used for good or bad. When the fiat system falls, a new system will replace it, and the rules will be different. As with all forms of human endeavor, there will be 'cat and mouse' games. One of the toughest challenges for fiat currency has always been counterfeiting. After all if a government can print money out of thin air, why wouldn't everyone else want to?
So it will be for any new system. There will be false starts, there will be folks that lose money and others that steal it. The Cabal, or whatever remains of it after many of its actors experience Nuremberg 2.0, will no doubt try to maintain as much power and wealth as it can. All I can say is that it will be an interesting show 🍿
Yep, Nuremberg 2.0, the final "accounting" for the Cabal.
The profession of "forensic accountant" might actually be a fun and dangerous one if you're given the job of smoking out all the financial assets of the Cabal.
I'm reminded of the movie the Untouchables with Sean Connery and what happened to the financial agent on his team after Capone got nailed for tax evasion.
Cbdc- the title itself has the enemy on it... we do t need a “central banking system” we also don’t want a specialized coin controlled for tax purposes etc either.. you mention the fed reserve? Why would they even still be existing in all this??? Nooo wayyy... blockchain, decentralized cryptos yea, centralized bank coin for all -no way
I like the idea of a new national usd backed by gold and silver and interchangeable with crypto currencies at their values and there doesn’t need tii or be co troll or scrutiny on individuals handling and payments they make- that would be freedom. Cabal is out of we throw them out- furthermore we know who the cabal are, why are they still breathing? The snake keeps biting til it’s dead
Make no mistake, the Cabal is losing now as you've stated, however are they losing fast enough?
I've said this on other blogs but I'll say it here.
I think the Cabal is now bent on murder-suicide, they know they're losing, their members know what awaits them when Trump comes back into power.
They know there is no country on the planet they could run to which would have the power to shield them.
They don't really have any kind of fallback plan where they're safe.
What they did during covid at a minimum are war crimes of the highest order, there will be no mercy for them.
So I think they're going "double or nothing", I think they're going to deploy whatever weapons of mass destruction they may have left in their arsenal.
They want to regain total control or they'll kill as much of humanity as they can before their final downfall, they will NEVER admit defeat, they will NEVER voluntarily surrender because they've never lost before in history and can't bear the thought of losing now.
This is the logical end where an organization of psychopaths and sociopaths are concerned.
I'm praying they can be crippled enough to be stopped when Trump gets in and the Great Purge follows the Great Awakening.
Nuremberg 2.0 will only happen for the lower level scumbags who have a sense of self-preservation. I don't think we'll capture the masterminds alive.
"No quarter will be asked, and none given in this war."
You make really important points my friend. I think I’m seeing signs of weakness among the enemy already though. I agree that there are a segment that know they have no choice but to burn down as much as possible, but I’m seeing them turning on each other and more importantly, choosing to not make things worse for themselves. It’s beginning to look like every man for himself which really divides the enemy. I also think the most important thing that is crippling their ability to launch destruction is that our military intelligence along with Space Force literally controls the electronic and communications battlefield globally. We know everything they even plan before they attempt it.
Criminals have no loyalty to each other, especially sociopaths and psychopaths who have no concept of what true loyalty is, they are only loyal to themselves.
I think the whole Ukraine situation served several purposes at this time.
The first of which was the elimination of the bioweapons labs there and which were being prepared for another launch of pathogens into the world.
The second was the destruction of the physical base of the Cabal's power structure.
Ukraine was literally the center of their empire in terms of having the troops, the financial (banking and money laundering) and economic (human and child trafficking, weapons and drug smuggling) infrastructure, and their organization was fully entwined with the corrupt government in that country. They even had homegrown "muscle" in the form of neo-nazi troops straight out of WW2 era Germany.
The public reaction of both Klaus Schwab and George Soros to the Special Military Operation was far beyond what you've been expected from people who ran an "advisory" organization like the WEF. They looked like home owners who just saw their property overrun by armed squatters.
I do think they're turning on each other as you've stated and the Cabal is losing power world wide.
A clear example of this is their inability to kick off WW3, they know they're going to lose Ukraine, if they have the influence they are supposed to have in the west why haven't they been able to fully escalate?
NATO brass and commanders don't seem to be supporting any kind of direct military intervention even when the EU political leaders are going out of their way to try and start an open war with Russia.
Then there is China and Taiwan, another flash point that the Americans are trying to get started, the Chinese aren't really playing along, they make feints and jabs to enrage the Biden administration but they won't take that extra-step of a full invasion yet.
The Q drops indicated back in 2018 that the CIA and Cabal's comm systems had already been compromised and bugged for quite a few years and then the CIA comm sat system was put out of action that year(Snow White and the seven dwarves).
Space Force along with the NSA are supposedly still operating under the guidelines of a devolved government that the Biden administration can't control.
Rumors are that NORAD HQ at Cheyenne Mtn is still locked down and inaccessible to outsiders including any Biden affiliated officials.
As I said, I hope the Cabal have been weakened enough so that no further WMDs are deployed, especially the bioweapons we know were in Ukraine at the time and possibly in Taiwan as well.
You make so many excellent points my friend. I couldn’t agree more. So many things have gone against the enemy’s plans and it had to be coordinated amongst world leaders. We are witnessing an uprising globally and for the first time in my life, I see the enemy panicked and on the defensive rather than in control.
It’s shocking to see how it’s happened so fast considering I never expected to see it in my lifetime at all.
Thanks for that (digital!) contribution, Joe. My head just starts swimming when this topic is brought up. Your explanation here is making me feel like I’ve finally got the beginnings of a foundation to understand what this business is all about.
This was a TERRIFIC article! Thanks Joe Lange. By the way, I’m a white haired old gal, and I understood every word of it. Don’t dumb down. You’re encouraging us!
Thank you Joe!!! You promised and delivered. I’m going to read this again and digest it as as well. I’ll probably have some questions, although they are largely being answered as other’s comment. I see where you are going and how it fits with gold and silver. I think the energy mining issue is an interesting one and isn’t necessity the mother of invention?
Nice work! A few things to point out.. what’s with all the CBDC terminology? It should strictly being digital currency based around bitcoin platform back by gold & silver. Or “Digital Currency”. When using CBDC in your paragraph subtitles it doesnt add up to the point of your article.
Secondly, who is the entire world in debt to?
The Decepticons? Lol serious question because if the central banks run by kazerian mafia are the final debt holders and they are a transnational criminal org then that would mean all those assets would be confiscated and or given back to society.
I believe you’re exactly right. Their assets will be confiscated when this is over. Their hard assets. Their fiat money though, is being bankrupted and nobody wants to be left holding the bag so they are all being forced into a gold/commodities backed money system. It’s accelerating.
Yes we need to really define the constraints, regulations and interoperability internationally.
1. Need to remove the FOREX in favor of fixed exchange system. Gold is the first to be established for nation's to exchange. But other commodities will be the backbone and life blood of a real working economys.
2. Larouche was the first to propose a four country fixed exchange bric type idea. The cabal/ deep state rejected it and the U.S. did not join the brics. In the future under the right leadership I hope that the USA will join the brics.
Like most of us here around, I do agree about the important role BRICS will have in a very next future.
If you haven't already do it, I offer you to read the powerful articles about BRICS you can easily find on Badlands and Burning Bright "Tiger" 🐯 Substacks. And complete them with the articles about the FED, and these steps President Trump did already take ...
Joe, I Think you nailed it. Great explanation of whats really going on with our money. And yes for any Crypto Currency or Digital Dollar to have value it must be backed by Gold or Silver. Thank You for all your hard work.
Amazing work Joe. I’m so glad we have your insight. What you write always makes sense, and as a follower of you, it’s all lining up, I can buy what you’re selling, every bit of it. You align so perfectly with the Badlands point of view, devolution, Trump is the master, gold is the currency according to our constitution. Well done, I’m much more at ease, which is typical after reading your work. 👏🏻👏🏻 Keep it coming!!
Thank you, Joe, for all your contributions to this community! This is a great article, with just one necessary edit: change all references to "CBDC" to say "Bitcoin" instead. A key premise to this article is that "digital currency is based on blockchain technology", which "is a distributed ledger technology that is decentralized". This is true, but there is a HUGE difference between a public blockchain and a private blockchain. Bitcoin is a public blockchain, which anyone can join and create their own anonymous account (aka, wallet). This is what makes Bitcoin good. CBDC, on the other hand, is by definition a private blockchain, owned by the Central Bank. Users will have to register with the Central Bank to create an account, which makes it possible for the Central Bank to track each user's activity and control each user's access. This is what makes CBDC bad. This article does a great job of extolling the virtues of a public blockchain like Bitcoin, but (in my opinion) largely overlooks the tremendous down sides of a private blockchain like CBDC. So if you just change all references from CBDC to Bitcoin, it's all good!
I appreciate your comments my friend. I have to disagree slightly though. I might not have made a great enough emphasis on why Trump is pushing a CBDC in the background.
I believe he is purposely setting up a showdown at the SC over the definition of money along with whether a central bank is even constitutional.
I believe that’s how everything will change.
I think Trump wants a legal precedent that will define those very principles that you are talking about but needs the showdown in the courts from the states in order to protect the peoples constitutional rights in the future. I think that’s the exact reason some states are banning CBDC. To set the table for that fight that Trump welcomes.
My article was already too long and I couldn’t emphasize that enough unfortunately
I agree completely and thank you for bringing that up. To me that is the real crypto battle: centralized (CBDC) vs. decentralized (Bitcoin). I wish I agreed with Joe’s optimism, but to me we’re in a race as to which digital currency will prevail. Also, I seem to remember Trump stating his disfavor for cryptocurrencies and that he still believed in the US dollar? Then again that could of been one of his 5G/Game Theory tactics to throw people off.
Joe, heart attack Wy Dave here! On behalf of my wife and little older self here, thank you for your efforts as this matters to many of us! We understand much but not nearly as well as you so we rely on folks like you Joe. You have opened our eyes on this (we too feared CBDC) but this makes perfect sense...for now. I define “now” for maybe a half dozen generations. You and I along with many in this community understand that humanity has an engagement with the end of this age. Anti Christ does reign for a time prior to Christs second coming. BUT GOD, maybe the most important two words in scripture. BUT GOD defeats anti christ and sets up His kingdom for a designated period. We believe God is giving us a reprieve now for His glory! His glory and our good. Praise Him!
We love and thank you again for your informed insights with respect and kindness toward those who disrespectfully ignorantly disagree. Your hard work matters and you are greatly loved and appreciated by many! Soli Deo Gloria.
I really appreciate your comments Dave! You really made my heart smile!
What a great point you make.
With everything we see happening in the world that’s bad and the possibility of much worse, it is easy to forget that God is in control.
He gets the final say in what ultimately happens to His creation.
I’ve seen His mighty hand in this fight from the beginning and that’s the only reason the hidden enemy has been exposed globally as much as it has. It’s also why they are panicked.
Evil knows they have no power to stop God when He engages in the fight.
One thing I know.
God is full of grace and delights in mercy. He is also a mighty warrior and our champion!
It’s Friday, the weather is nice, and Joe Lange posted an article. Can’t complain.
Thank you so much Erik!! I really appreciate you my friend!
Amen!!! Love Joe Lange!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Joe, always love your articles! Just a question. Why are you and Badlands pushing Bitcoin? What about other crypto like XRP and XLM ?
This article only promotes the "benefits" of the CBDC and relies on trusting some mysterious plan with no actual proof. Sorry Joe but I do believe you lack a true understanding of what you are talking about here. Bitcoin is the only truly trustless permissionless protocol that will save humanity from central bankers.
Unfortunately the constitution defines what money is. It’s backed by gold and silver.
Trump, in my opinion is taking us back to the original constitution and unless we are going to change the constitution, then we are returning to the gold standard as I wrote about in my previous article.
You don’t have to believe in a mysterious plan to see what’s happening and discern the reasons for it.
I’ve made my case in my last 7 or 8 articles on what I see happening.
Let’s see what happens.
Joe, I have to agree with your take. Marketing virtual one's and zero's as a store of value or money is the epitome of Artificial Intelligence. It's nothing more than monetized derivative transgender ideology. Ledgers, spreadsheets and records of activity have never been nor ever will be a store of value or money. I believe GMONEY is the one lacking understanding here and fear he envisions some sort of virtual cashless society which would be the ruin of us all.
WRONG... For more than a century, the official money of the United States consisted of gold coins and silver coins. That was the monetary system called for in the Constitution. No, it wasn’t a paper-money system that was “backed by gold,” as the mainstream press often claims. It was a monetary system in which the official money was gold coins and silver coins.
Under the Constitution, the federal government was authorized to borrow money. They exercised that power by issuing notes, bills, and bonds, which people would purchase with their gold coins. These debt instruments promised to pay the lenders back in gold coins.
In the 1930s, the Franklin Roosevelt administration declared an end to America’s gold-coin, silver-coin system. FDR did this without even the semblance of a constitutional amendment. Displaying the attributes of a European dictator, he ordered every American to deliver his gold coins to the federal government. FDR threatened that if anyone got caught violating his edict, he would slap him with a federal criminal indictment, conviction, and incarceration for 10 years in a federal penitentiary. Not surprisingly, most Americans hurriedly rushed to turn in their gold in exchange for irredeemable paper money.
What about those notes, bills, and bonds in which the federal government promised to pay people back their gold coins? FDR had a quick answer: Tough luck. We are going to pay you back in devalued, irredeemable paper money. And there is nothing you can do about it.
In a word: Default. People had in good faith loaned their gold coins to the federal government. The federal government had promised in writing to pay back its loans with gold coins. The federal government knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately broke its promise by refusing to pay back its loans with gold coins. Instead, it chose to pay back its loans with cheapened, debased, irredeemable paper money. In taking this route, the government defaulted.
Did the United States fall into the ocean? Nope. It simply became a paragon of immorality, one that people could no longer trust.
FDR’s nationalization of gold, along with his conversion of the federal government to a welfare state, set the stage for a century of out-of-control federal spending, debt, and monetary debauchery. Once President Truman converted the federal government to a national-security state in 1947, so much paper money was printed to cover federal welfare-warfare state expenditures that silver coins, which FDR had not made illegal to own, were driven out of circulation.
Pasted from
You’re right! In my previous article I wrote about our return to the gold standard and what I believe is purposely being set up, which is a showdown at the Supreme Court by the states over the constitutional definition of money and whether the central bank is constitutional or not.
I think this is all done purposely so the SC can revisit those unconstitutional decisions such as the Legal Tender acts and the Gold Clause decisions along with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
I think Trump welcomes this court fight so it will set precedent for the future.
As per my response, the Constitution defines what money was according to the historical context. If you think of gold as a technology, it is, like the Dollar and all fiat money, fiat technology; and was engineered for man--but this doesn’t mean that there cannot be another form of hard money better engineered for man. If the Constitution was written under different forms of hard money, such as pepper/spices (used in Florence, Italy during specific periods, etc.), then this context would inform the Constitution. As you know, Gold is inflationary, centralized, cannot be audited, can be weaponized to devalue money, etc. Your theory would make more sense w/out a gold backing. But there is this mental block. The fact that countries are now actively hoarding gold says nothing about a return to a gold standard. Rather, this is historically what countries do when they debase their fiat to egregious levels. A CBDC would, like Gold, still give centralized control (or turn the CBDC into a single-node blockchain ledger system. The market will choose in the end. But telling the people you are sticking with a gold standard is still FIAT, DEBT BASED, monopolistic, and compulsory. This is not the way...
It still doesn’t get around the fact that the constitution defines what money is.
It defines it as a specific measurement of gold and silver. That’s what is legal tender under the constitution.
The constitution is still the law of the land and as in all my articles, I believe Trump is taking us back to the constitution and the founders original intent.
I see Trump taking us back to a gold standard for that very reason which I’ve written about.
I have seen no evidence of Trump trying to make Bitcoin our nation’s currency or the world’s currency.
I see the opposite.
I see a return to the gold standard coming and it’s being led by Trump.
People can use Bitcoin all they want for buying or selling but that doesn’t make it legal tender according to the constitution.
The constitution also says only the Treasury can coin money.
So the real question is, are we going back to the constitution, changing it, or ignoring that part of it?
I believe all the evidence points to us returning to the original intent of the constitution and sound money in gold and silver.
I’m okay with those that don’t agree.
Let’s see what happens.
Currently according to what is in circulation in the form of "paper" silver, which is supposed to be able to exchanged on par for actual silver the value of a one ounce silver coin would be 750 FED NOTES! Not what it is now. I just traded a 20 roll of one ounce coins for $750 fed notes. That comes out to $37.50 PER coin. What is spot? SPOT IS A LIE!
You’re exactly right. The price of silver has been manipulated, especially by JPM, for a long time in order to suppress the gold price too. I think silver will eventually make a bigger percentage gain than gold when the fiat system collapses.
A lot of people don’t know about a recent development in the manipulation.
JPM is making a lot of news lately, especially Dimon connected to Epstein. But I think their entire metals trading desk being criminally investigated in a RICO case is a much bigger deal. They were investigated by RICO in 2019 while Trump was president. I think that’s changed things and now made the cost of manipulation much greater.
Here’s part of an article on that.
“Then on September 16, 2019 the DOJ dropped its bombshell. It charged three more traders on the precious metals desk at JPMorgan Chase under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) – the same statute that was used to indict members of the Gambino crime family in 2017. The trading desk, itself, was named a racketeering enterprise. The traders were charged with rigging the precious metals market during a period spanning more than eight years – from May 2008 to August 2016. One of those charged in that action was Michael Nowak, a Managing Director at the bank and the head of its Global Precious Metals Desk. The other two traders indicted were Gregg Smith and Christopher Jordan.”
Here’s the link to the article.
I think the days of the cabal’s manipulation of gold and silver is coming to an end.
Learn something about computing power Joe. If you don’t understand it, we don’t have any more time to try and convince you. You’re way outta your league:
Michael, it is you who are out of your league. Take off your virtual reality helmet for a minute and consider this - Marketing virtual one's and zero's as a store of value or money is the epitome of Artificial Intelligence. It's nothing more than monetized derivative transgender ideology. Ledgers, spreadsheets and records of activity have never been nor ever will be a store of value or money.
So the power goes off and bitcoin goes where? Talk about NOTHING for SOMETHING. At least fed notes are a NOTHING you can hold in your hand and trade for SOMETHING. But BitCON?
I can tell you’re a newb. You don’t need the internet to run bitcoin. Maybe do some study before putting forth what you think are legitimate criticisms. Bitcoin is the weapon you’re looking for guys. Stop searching…adapt or die.
Adapt or die. Bitcoin or slavery.
Empty platitude.
Trump seems to think differently.
He’s not pushing Bitcoin as a currency either for the nation or the people.
He’s doing the opposite.
He’s returning us to the original intent of the constitution and back to a gold standard.
You don’t have to believe that but the evidence it is happening is everywhere.
Gold and silver are still the only real money and always will be.
Let me see here...lookin back at my comment I find no mention of the internet. But I would like to ask HOW you are going to use BIT COIN if the power goes off? How about loosing it like many have because of an issue with their "wallet". And PROVE to me that bitcoin isn't a big con game for the most part. They "claim" it can only have so many of them made. OK, HOW do you know that isn't a bullshit claim? My son was an original miner of bit coin. He mined 21 when it cost $2.50 in electricity to do so. He has "explained" to me the way it's SUPPOSED to work. For THOUSANDS of years we have used gold and silver to barter among each other. It is DURABLE, DIVISIBLE and a STORE OF VALUE, which obviously bit coin is NOT. I have watch bitcoin "value" go all over the place. Maybe YOU should do some studying and read the book let by Judge Roger Sherman entitled.. A CAVEAT AGAINST INJUST, OR AN INQUIRY INTO THE EVILS OF A FLUCTUATING MEDIUM of EXCHANGE. Instead of projecting your arrogance on the rest of us. "Bitcoin is the "weapon" you're looking for guys"????? Give me a break. Here I'll help you get out of your mindset:
"The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."
~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8
ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?
"...Keynes argues that inflation is a 'method of taxation' which the government uses to 'secure the command over real resources, resources just as real as those obtained by [ordinary] taxation'. 'What is raised by printing notes, ' he writes, is just as much taken from the public as is a beer duty or an income tax.' "
- 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 10
"All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy."
~ The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, pg 4
Faith is what backs our monetary system. YOUR faith. Do you still have faith?
"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
~ Frederic Bastiat in "The Law"
"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."
~ 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond, pg 6
Isn't confiscation of the wealth of the citizens a nice way of saying STEALING?
Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) over 50 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~ John Locke (1690)
If the money you earn has no value and you are forced through fiat paper legislation to take it for your labor, are you not having your property (labor) destroyed and are you not being reduced to nothing but slavery? Is not the state at war with the people?
5th Plank Communist Manifesto: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a “national bank” and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.
"The writers of the constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote in Article I Section 10 paragraph 1 'No state shall... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. ' People able to barter with gold and silver coin control government and are free. Loss of the right to trade in gold and silver coin enslaves people to the creators of psychological 'money.'":
-Merrill Jenkins, Sr.,
Money - The Greatest Hoax on Earth
I agree with you , CBDC after all is central bank issued currency and there is no way that they will give up their control over money. We do not need CBDC, we already can do it with bitcoin this is all about control of the masses just like covid. And when they issue their digital money, they will get rid of bitcoin. There will never be a gold backed dollar again while they are in control. BTW, you talk like Trump is still a president, yet he will have a fight of his life to stay out of jail. He has no say on anything now and when he could have done something he did not , or they did not let him.
I talk like Trump is still president? Where did I mention Trump at all?
I am sorry, that was my reply to the writer of this article
Weapons? Adapt or die? Who are you really working for Michael? I've heard it said, "All wars are Central Bankers wars" and we're not seeking weapons and war just artfully peaceful resolution.
I think with a bit of BB Bicameral Thinking I can see both Joe & GMoney being correct.
Joe paints the picture of how we pivot from the fiat dollar to a new honest monetary system and I believe gold/silver backed money is a part of that pivot. BRICS new system looks like it could also be a major part of the pivot.
GMoney knows that Bitcoin is much more than just a financial (money) play. What Major Jason Lowery points out in his Softwar book is that blockchain without the hash power of Bitcoin can be corrupted by the likes of the DS Central bankers.
So to move to Joe's frame of reference CBDCs would have to ride on the Bitcoin train not just any blockchain.
Time will tell but I think you guys are closer that you might feel right now.
Keep up the great work guys. Joe I really enjoyed this article. GMoney Let's Fuggen Go :-)
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
I really appreciate your perspective Joseph! I agree with you. I think both things are very important. Admittedly, I don’t know all the details of the plan, I just see what I think is the outline of the plan. I don’t know the details.
I just believe Trump is trying to take us back to the constitution, not something different. There are several possibilities
I agree.
I also often say that if we could figure out the Plan... it would be a pretty shitty plan 😎
Joe some of your thoughts process is good and on track. I humbly suggest you look into Gmoney's Covfefe dig, Rugpull Radio, The Creature from Jekyll Island book. Centralized money control is how we got into this mess, it is not the way out.
Hi Joseph !
I share a similar view, even if I don't understand the whole matter (I don't care about it).
Thank you for explaining your stand !
Bicameral Thinking = Doublethink
GMONEY...JL makes perfect sense should you understand COG which Trump initiated before he left office. You my friend are blinded by your fervently entrenched view you fail to see the whole battlefield. Your work has merit..:no one is totally dismissing that. The grid of COG blends in a broader and effective battlefield wide counter strike against the Cabal! Your dismissive, derisive haughty demeanor does not serve you or your mission well! Suggest you step back and smell the Devo roses!
Kinesis has designed and implemented exactly what Joe is talking about here. It uses the blockchain and the digital coins are redeemable for physical gold/silver. The vaults are located all over the world with more coming, if I understand the recent announcements. They did a great job and recommend everyone check it out. You can now travel anywhere in the world with your wealth.
I think you need to modify your terminology or people will automatically close their minds to your article.
You use CBDC interchangeably with Digital dollar while confirming Trump’s goal of eliminating the Central banks which is a contradiction.
CBDCs are the problem precisely because it’s centralized, the CB part of the term is what’s going to kill any support for it.
In Canada, Cabal puppet Justin Trudeau is beginning his push for its adoption and linked it with the Bank of Canada’s overall control of all financial transactions through the commercial banks, he even established the precedent of freezing accounts without due process back when they crushed the trucker protests here. There is no indication of a separate digital currency being adopted here.
In fact the true Digital dollar should be termed something like SDC: Secure Digital Currency with no central authority issuing it.
As for blockchain based DCs, I don’t think they’re quite ready for prime time yet, Bitcoin use is still a very tiny number of overall financial transactions, the problem here is technical, the amount of computing power needed to compute and synthesize updates to these ledgers isn’t trivial, power consumption isn’t trivial as well.
Imagine expanding the number of Bitcoin transactions by a factor of say 100 million.
The other Achilles heel of digital currency is that it’s network based, without network access you can’t really complete a transaction. You can temporarily store them in phones but you still require networks to validate the transaction.
I can see Bitcoin or similar SDCs being used for large purchases on the level of hundreds of dollars, can’t see them being used to buy candy bars.
I don’t think physical currencies will vanish and if/when the financial system disruption(not the economic system) comes people will revert back to their old habits and use coins or paper.
Also some people will absolutely refuse to participate in a digital currency system out of principle, there are people who refuse to use banks, period and I can’t blame them.
Great points! I wrote that cash is not going away and it will be redeemable for gold again.
We are going back to the original constitutional protections.
As far as the way our digital currency will work is going to depend on a future events I see happening.
A court showdown coming from the states on the constitutional definition of money and a new MAGA Congress along with Trump after the election fraud is exposed and mass arrests happen, that will enshrine the American peoples constitutional rights into our money.
It’s true we are getting rid of the central bank but right now Trump is using it as a weapon against our enemies.
I purposely used the term CBDC because of the angst and fear it causes amongst people.
My previous articles have all been parts of the puzzle in the global plan that I see playing out. I believe this is one aspect of that puzzle that helps prevent a global financial collapse of the fiat system from turning into a global depression.
Just my opinion though
It fits based on things Trump has said and “Q” and other little hints here and there. Lots of times these articles trigger or expand on other thought I’ve had if that makes sense. But everything is a puzzle of sorts. Of course no one KNOWS except those directly involved and we don’t want to expose too much. I’d better quit before my brain catches fire !
You’re right Diane! We are all just searching for pieces of the puzzle and trying to figure things out.
It’s not just game theory but the most complicated strategy ever.
Here is a good site on the pros/cons of the adoption of Bitcoin as a standard digital currency.
I liked the article, but like many others, I have a problem with the term CBDC. The new paradigm that many of us see coming involves the fact that real power has to lie with, and in, the people. Also, although I understand little about digital currency, and even less about blockchain technology, I venture this: Is it Venezuela which is already investing in, and allowing/promoting the use of Bitcoin? Could it be that Venezuela is the guinea pig, the canary in the coal mine? If Bitcoin works, and already exists, why reinvent the wheel?
Joe, it is so great to have your studied opinion in article form here. I completely see and agree with you, as I find myself doing frequently. There is no doubt the world is turning back to solid money and privacy even as it moves forward in the digital world.
Hope our country catches on sooner than later.
Thank you, Joe, for your weekly, sometimes daily pump of sanity.
Your encouragement really means a lot my friend! I really appreciate you!
You have a gift for making the complicated much easier to understand. That usually occurs when the writer understands the subject he’s writing about. The best teachers I had could do this! I look forward to your articles.
Thank you Diane! I do think teaching is one of my gifts that I do try to use as much as possible.
Blessings friend
You’re doing it!!!
The problem with BTC and blockchain, at least as of today, is confirmation time. Confirming BTC transactions requires extensive computations, performed by 'miners' while also consuming fairly significant amounts of energy. Somewhere I read that BTC mining now uses about 1% of the world's electricity.
BTC confirmation times are now running about an hour, and up to 16 hours at peak times.
This is with BTC transactions valued in the ~USD200MM per day range.
According to research done by BCG and published by the Bank of England, the annual cross-border exchange totals approximately USD 200 TRILLION per year -- about $550 billion per DAY. And that is only cross-border exchanges; internal trade is no doubt many times that.
Imagine scaling the BTC system up by 10000x, to $2 trillion per day (probably low but it won't matter). If nothing else, we would have to increase the world's electrical supply to one hundred times what it is today, just to process the blockchain confirmations!! (The global warming people will have a total meltdown about that one 🤔 )
Now before anyone says 'well, there will be some sort of technological improvement that will reduce this by orders of magnitude,' remember that the whole point of the BTC blockchain system is to make the calculations very difficult. BTC miners have gone from high-performance PCs to GPUs to FPGAs and now to custom ASICs to improve performance, and it has -- but not enough to come anywhere close to what is needed. And also remember, that if the computations CAN be accelerated that much, then the whole BTC security promise (based on difficulty of computations, message hashes in this case) collapses. This is why all the cyber gurus are worried about quantum computing.
So I do not believe that a system based on blockchain can deliver on this promise. Not with today's technology, and not with any foreseeable technological advance that will not simultaneously break blockchain's security.
Great points Bill. All valid issues with the technology.
I think one thing missing is that right now we have a world still controlled by the cabal that is purposely limiting energy supply. The need for energy might just be the catalyst to lift that restraint and foster the advancement of better technology and energy sources. It is interesting that FedNow is open source. I don’t think anybody expected that. I think along with my article on Elon and Dorsey, open sourcing might very well be the key to get us over some of those hurdles.
Just a thought
regarding "The need for energy might just be the catalyst to lift that restraint and foster the advancement of better technology and energy sources",
please remember the question I asked you (or Erik Carlson ?) in last March: what about the role and links of Donald Trump's uncle AND Elon MUSK pertaining the work documents of Nikola TESLA especially about an form of universal and widely available energy ?
I think this is a main point of this whole matter (and better future project / plan) ...
Certainly possibilities!!
The only way that software can be trusted is when it is open source. That way the 'coder community' for lack of a better term, can inspect the code and perform crowd-source validation that the software does indeed do what it claims to do, and nothing else. Voting machines could be made accurate, dependable and trustworthy if they used open-source software. (After all, adding numbers is not a terribly difficult job. What makes it challenging is when you want a number, that is not really there, without anyone being the wiser.)
As for the energy supply, supposedly the lizard people have some answers 😎
Seriously though I think that something along the lines of open-source peer-to-peer 'banking' could be made to work. Right now everything financial is regulated to death (which does not seem to work very well, BTW) but if the incentives were there, such a system could likely be developed. It would require establishment of trust by some other method than fiat guarantee or blockchain proof-of-work, but there are a lot of clever minds out there and this is a problem that they would find challenging.
More excellent comments my friend! I believe the door is about to be opened for financial freedom along with unfettered technological advances when everything plays out.
Here is a site which tries nominally to track Bitcoin energy consumption.
I believe BTC will be reserved for very large dollar amount transactions because of these technical limitations you’ve outlined.
Very nice. Thank you for sending this link. I encourage everyone who has read this far to check it out.
edit: though here is one summary number: confirming a single blockchain transaction requires as much energy as an average American home consumes in 20 days...
As I said in my post below, this is non trivial and hence why the Cabal won’t be using any form of blockchain in their fiat digital currency.
Putin announced he will accept Bitcoin for oil, meaning international trade involving trust(or the lack thereof) and huge transactions can and will use BTC.
Energy consumption for single transactions if factored into the ‘cost’ of the transaction itself would put a floor on the minimum dollar amount.
From the link I posted and you mentioned the energy of one bitcoin transaction is 584kWh. The average cost of electricity at residential rates in the US is $0.1585/kWh so the total cost of that transaction is $92.56 USD.
So nobody is going to be buying a pack of peanuts at the grocery store with Bitcoin if they were charged the transaction cost as well.
Nor will they be happy with having $100 docked from their direct-deposit paycheck to cover transaction costs...
Did you check out the 'Ethereum' tab on your link? Last September Ethereum changed from the standard 'proof of work' method used by BTC to a 'proof of stake' method. Apparently takes power requirements down, confirming one transaction at your average electric rate would only cost half a cent. 'Proof of stake' requires the creator of a block to 'stake' some of their worth, apparently as some sort of guarantee. Not sure exactly how it works but apparently this method was designed to overcome the power requirements of PoW.
I'm a tech/gaming nerd so I follow the pricing and technology found in PC gaming.
When the Etherium switchover happened last year it killed the mining GPU market and especially hurt NVidia last year.
They had been scoring great revenues from miners buying up tens of thousands of GPUs while the gamers were left paying scalper pricing on the scarce supply left on the free market.
As for the whole proof of work vs proof of stake I'm not too clear on all the details but from what I've learned about proof of stake, the "issuer" of the block has both a "reputation" score and also has collateral assets available to back up that transaction block to prevent fraudulent transactions, hence a "reputation stake".
It's almost like commercial banking where you need to put up assets and collateral to secure any loans and guarantee it in case of default.
So very similar to having a gold backed currency.
The only thing which needs to be questioned is, who decides what is legit collateral? and who assigns the reputation score?
For Ethereum, the collateral is ETH coins. You have to 'stake' coins to back up transactions, and you are paid something in return for 'locking up' your coins for a period of time. I assume if there's also a reputation score that it can be determined algorithmically based on past history.
I think proof of stake is the only realistic avenue at the moment, the energy consumption costs of proof of work is going to make widespread use of BTC impossible.
The biggest problem with cryptocurrencies is trust and legitimacy, it didn't help crypto's reputation that "fun coins" were put out there as a joke and some of them were taken seriously "dogecoin" anyone?.
I can see the Cabal seriously trying break the proof of stake system to issue counterfeit transactions, the issue with money laundering will persist when you have an enemy with as much financial resources as the Cabal has(had?) and are willing to push their fiat currencies to "poison" legit cryptocurrencies while laundering their assets out of the collapsing fiat system.
Well, all technologies can be used for good or bad. When the fiat system falls, a new system will replace it, and the rules will be different. As with all forms of human endeavor, there will be 'cat and mouse' games. One of the toughest challenges for fiat currency has always been counterfeiting. After all if a government can print money out of thin air, why wouldn't everyone else want to?
So it will be for any new system. There will be false starts, there will be folks that lose money and others that steal it. The Cabal, or whatever remains of it after many of its actors experience Nuremberg 2.0, will no doubt try to maintain as much power and wealth as it can. All I can say is that it will be an interesting show 🍿
Yep, Nuremberg 2.0, the final "accounting" for the Cabal.
The profession of "forensic accountant" might actually be a fun and dangerous one if you're given the job of smoking out all the financial assets of the Cabal.
I'm reminded of the movie the Untouchables with Sean Connery and what happened to the financial agent on his team after Capone got nailed for tax evasion.
"After all if a government can print money out of thin air, why wouldn't everyone else want to?"
Bravo !
That's so easy to understand... You're RIGHT !
Another excellent article with hindsight, foresight and logical explanation of your discernment and take on this.
Thank you for your time, energy and sacrifice to present this in an understandable format. God bless you brother.
Blessings brother! I really appreciate your encouragement! It means a lot to me!
Cbdc- the title itself has the enemy on it... we do t need a “central banking system” we also don’t want a specialized coin controlled for tax purposes etc either.. you mention the fed reserve? Why would they even still be existing in all this??? Nooo wayyy... blockchain, decentralized cryptos yea, centralized bank coin for all -no way
I like the idea of a new national usd backed by gold and silver and interchangeable with crypto currencies at their values and there doesn’t need tii or be co troll or scrutiny on individuals handling and payments they make- that would be freedom. Cabal is out of we throw them out- furthermore we know who the cabal are, why are they still breathing? The snake keeps biting til it’s dead
The cabal is not only going to lose but is losing now. I’ve made that case in all my previous articles.
Make no mistake, the Cabal is losing now as you've stated, however are they losing fast enough?
I've said this on other blogs but I'll say it here.
I think the Cabal is now bent on murder-suicide, they know they're losing, their members know what awaits them when Trump comes back into power.
They know there is no country on the planet they could run to which would have the power to shield them.
They don't really have any kind of fallback plan where they're safe.
What they did during covid at a minimum are war crimes of the highest order, there will be no mercy for them.
So I think they're going "double or nothing", I think they're going to deploy whatever weapons of mass destruction they may have left in their arsenal.
They want to regain total control or they'll kill as much of humanity as they can before their final downfall, they will NEVER admit defeat, they will NEVER voluntarily surrender because they've never lost before in history and can't bear the thought of losing now.
This is the logical end where an organization of psychopaths and sociopaths are concerned.
I'm praying they can be crippled enough to be stopped when Trump gets in and the Great Purge follows the Great Awakening.
Nuremberg 2.0 will only happen for the lower level scumbags who have a sense of self-preservation. I don't think we'll capture the masterminds alive.
"No quarter will be asked, and none given in this war."
You make really important points my friend. I think I’m seeing signs of weakness among the enemy already though. I agree that there are a segment that know they have no choice but to burn down as much as possible, but I’m seeing them turning on each other and more importantly, choosing to not make things worse for themselves. It’s beginning to look like every man for himself which really divides the enemy. I also think the most important thing that is crippling their ability to launch destruction is that our military intelligence along with Space Force literally controls the electronic and communications battlefield globally. We know everything they even plan before they attempt it.
Control more than people know in my opinion.
I agree with signs of their weakness.
Criminals have no loyalty to each other, especially sociopaths and psychopaths who have no concept of what true loyalty is, they are only loyal to themselves.
I think the whole Ukraine situation served several purposes at this time.
The first of which was the elimination of the bioweapons labs there and which were being prepared for another launch of pathogens into the world.
The second was the destruction of the physical base of the Cabal's power structure.
Ukraine was literally the center of their empire in terms of having the troops, the financial (banking and money laundering) and economic (human and child trafficking, weapons and drug smuggling) infrastructure, and their organization was fully entwined with the corrupt government in that country. They even had homegrown "muscle" in the form of neo-nazi troops straight out of WW2 era Germany.
The public reaction of both Klaus Schwab and George Soros to the Special Military Operation was far beyond what you've been expected from people who ran an "advisory" organization like the WEF. They looked like home owners who just saw their property overrun by armed squatters.
I do think they're turning on each other as you've stated and the Cabal is losing power world wide.
A clear example of this is their inability to kick off WW3, they know they're going to lose Ukraine, if they have the influence they are supposed to have in the west why haven't they been able to fully escalate?
NATO brass and commanders don't seem to be supporting any kind of direct military intervention even when the EU political leaders are going out of their way to try and start an open war with Russia.
Then there is China and Taiwan, another flash point that the Americans are trying to get started, the Chinese aren't really playing along, they make feints and jabs to enrage the Biden administration but they won't take that extra-step of a full invasion yet.
The Q drops indicated back in 2018 that the CIA and Cabal's comm systems had already been compromised and bugged for quite a few years and then the CIA comm sat system was put out of action that year(Snow White and the seven dwarves).
Space Force along with the NSA are supposedly still operating under the guidelines of a devolved government that the Biden administration can't control.
Rumors are that NORAD HQ at Cheyenne Mtn is still locked down and inaccessible to outsiders including any Biden affiliated officials.
As I said, I hope the Cabal have been weakened enough so that no further WMDs are deployed, especially the bioweapons we know were in Ukraine at the time and possibly in Taiwan as well.
This has been quite a beneficial conversation.
You make so many excellent points my friend. I couldn’t agree more. So many things have gone against the enemy’s plans and it had to be coordinated amongst world leaders. We are witnessing an uprising globally and for the first time in my life, I see the enemy panicked and on the defensive rather than in control.
It’s shocking to see how it’s happened so fast considering I never expected to see it in my lifetime at all.
I really appreciate your insights!
Thanks for that (digital!) contribution, Joe. My head just starts swimming when this topic is brought up. Your explanation here is making me feel like I’ve finally got the beginnings of a foundation to understand what this business is all about.
I really appreciate that Steve! Thx for your encouragement!
This was a TERRIFIC article! Thanks Joe Lange. By the way, I’m a white haired old gal, and I understood every word of it. Don’t dumb down. You’re encouraging us!
I really appreciate you Patricia! Thank you for that!
Blessings my friend!
This is what we've been waiting for today Joe, thanks. I'm going to read and digest before commenting.
One thing we do know, the Federal Reserve/Central bank has enslaved us for a century, and that has to be abolished and replaced.
That is going to happen and I believe Trump is setting up a showdown in the SC to end it and set precedent for the future.
Thank you Joe!!! You promised and delivered. I’m going to read this again and digest it as as well. I’ll probably have some questions, although they are largely being answered as other’s comment. I see where you are going and how it fits with gold and silver. I think the energy mining issue is an interesting one and isn’t necessity the mother of invention?
I appreciate that my friend! Thank you for your support. It really means a lot!
Nice work! A few things to point out.. what’s with all the CBDC terminology? It should strictly being digital currency based around bitcoin platform back by gold & silver. Or “Digital Currency”. When using CBDC in your paragraph subtitles it doesnt add up to the point of your article.
Secondly, who is the entire world in debt to?
The Decepticons? Lol serious question because if the central banks run by kazerian mafia are the final debt holders and they are a transnational criminal org then that would mean all those assets would be confiscated and or given back to society.
I believe you’re exactly right. Their assets will be confiscated when this is over. Their hard assets. Their fiat money though, is being bankrupted and nobody wants to be left holding the bag so they are all being forced into a gold/commodities backed money system. It’s accelerating.
Thx for your comments. You make great points.
Yes we need to really define the constraints, regulations and interoperability internationally.
1. Need to remove the FOREX in favor of fixed exchange system. Gold is the first to be established for nation's to exchange. But other commodities will be the backbone and life blood of a real working economys.
2. Larouche was the first to propose a four country fixed exchange bric type idea. The cabal/ deep state rejected it and the U.S. did not join the brics. In the future under the right leadership I hope that the USA will join the brics.
Hello Mr Mushroom 🍄 !
Like most of us here around, I do agree about the important role BRICS will have in a very next future.
If you haven't already do it, I offer you to read the powerful articles about BRICS you can easily find on Badlands and Burning Bright "Tiger" 🐯 Substacks. And complete them with the articles about the FED, and these steps President Trump did already take ...
Enjoy !
Hi D82 ! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
I agree 💯/💯 with your second point: that's a very huge and serious question, and a main obstacle to overcome!
Joe, I Think you nailed it. Great explanation of whats really going on with our money. And yes for any Crypto Currency or Digital Dollar to have value it must be backed by Gold or Silver. Thank You for all your hard work.
Thank you Paul! I really appreciate your encouragement my friend!!
Amazing work Joe. I’m so glad we have your insight. What you write always makes sense, and as a follower of you, it’s all lining up, I can buy what you’re selling, every bit of it. You align so perfectly with the Badlands point of view, devolution, Trump is the master, gold is the currency according to our constitution. Well done, I’m much more at ease, which is typical after reading your work. 👏🏻👏🏻 Keep it coming!!
Thanks so much Lisa!!! Thank you for following me and supporting my work my friend!
Thank you, Joe, for all your contributions to this community! This is a great article, with just one necessary edit: change all references to "CBDC" to say "Bitcoin" instead. A key premise to this article is that "digital currency is based on blockchain technology", which "is a distributed ledger technology that is decentralized". This is true, but there is a HUGE difference between a public blockchain and a private blockchain. Bitcoin is a public blockchain, which anyone can join and create their own anonymous account (aka, wallet). This is what makes Bitcoin good. CBDC, on the other hand, is by definition a private blockchain, owned by the Central Bank. Users will have to register with the Central Bank to create an account, which makes it possible for the Central Bank to track each user's activity and control each user's access. This is what makes CBDC bad. This article does a great job of extolling the virtues of a public blockchain like Bitcoin, but (in my opinion) largely overlooks the tremendous down sides of a private blockchain like CBDC. So if you just change all references from CBDC to Bitcoin, it's all good!
I appreciate your comments my friend. I have to disagree slightly though. I might not have made a great enough emphasis on why Trump is pushing a CBDC in the background.
I believe he is purposely setting up a showdown at the SC over the definition of money along with whether a central bank is even constitutional.
I believe that’s how everything will change.
I think Trump wants a legal precedent that will define those very principles that you are talking about but needs the showdown in the courts from the states in order to protect the peoples constitutional rights in the future. I think that’s the exact reason some states are banning CBDC. To set the table for that fight that Trump welcomes.
My article was already too long and I couldn’t emphasize that enough unfortunately
I agree completely and thank you for bringing that up. To me that is the real crypto battle: centralized (CBDC) vs. decentralized (Bitcoin). I wish I agreed with Joe’s optimism, but to me we’re in a race as to which digital currency will prevail. Also, I seem to remember Trump stating his disfavor for cryptocurrencies and that he still believed in the US dollar? Then again that could of been one of his 5G/Game Theory tactics to throw people off.
Great piece Joe!
Thanks my friend!! So glad you liked it!😁
Joe, heart attack Wy Dave here! On behalf of my wife and little older self here, thank you for your efforts as this matters to many of us! We understand much but not nearly as well as you so we rely on folks like you Joe. You have opened our eyes on this (we too feared CBDC) but this makes perfect sense...for now. I define “now” for maybe a half dozen generations. You and I along with many in this community understand that humanity has an engagement with the end of this age. Anti Christ does reign for a time prior to Christs second coming. BUT GOD, maybe the most important two words in scripture. BUT GOD defeats anti christ and sets up His kingdom for a designated period. We believe God is giving us a reprieve now for His glory! His glory and our good. Praise Him!
We love and thank you again for your informed insights with respect and kindness toward those who disrespectfully ignorantly disagree. Your hard work matters and you are greatly loved and appreciated by many! Soli Deo Gloria.
I really appreciate your comments Dave! You really made my heart smile!
What a great point you make.
With everything we see happening in the world that’s bad and the possibility of much worse, it is easy to forget that God is in control.
He gets the final say in what ultimately happens to His creation.
I’ve seen His mighty hand in this fight from the beginning and that’s the only reason the hidden enemy has been exposed globally as much as it has. It’s also why they are panicked.
Evil knows they have no power to stop God when He engages in the fight.
One thing I know.
God is full of grace and delights in mercy. He is also a mighty warrior and our champion!
To Him be the glory.
Blessings my dear friend!
I loudly applause! 👋🏻👋🏻
May the glory go to God !