Great analysis and evaluation under solid discernment applied to this world and the Scripture - God's Word. We must encourage all to read God's Word, the Bible, with discernment and thought. God will give them the wisdom and win them over, if not already saved.

I do have one suggestion to add to your clarity:

"As for the actions represented, Bitcoin is the first and only discovery and technology to date with the ability to address the root cause that has plagued humanity with an endless cycle of destruction and bloodshed for millennia—the centralized control of money."

... the centralized control of money by ungodly men, whose love of money has supplanted the love of God.

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Great addition to the end of that statement. It is definitely the [love] of money, not the money itself! God bless!

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I find it interesting that there are parallels in all this and even within the Bible itself (Mount Sinai/Mount Zion, slave/free, blood sacrifice/spiritual sacrifice, born under law/born under promise, false god/true God, etc). Maybe parallel is not the word I’m trying to convey here. More like opposite?? We must use His discernment in what is important, like the condition of our hearts. Money certainly wasn’t important to Jesus. I believe what is important in His teachings is loving each other perfectly (Matt.5:48). The biggest parts of loving perfectly is forgiveness and NOT returning evil for evil, which he showed us on the cross. I also believe it was EVIL that put him on that cross, not God. His Father did not desire sacrifice, sin offering, nor REQUIRE it (Ps 40:6). Question is, who did? I believe it was ordered by the false god, the father of lies, the devil (Satan) who owned death, the enemy of the true God. Once we understand that God is ALL love and NO darkness in Him at all, 1John 1:5, then we will see that being angry with someone without just cause is same as killing that person, Matt 5:21-22. The intent of the heart! Looking at a woman with wrong thoughts is same as committing adultery with her, Matt 5:27-28. And hating our enemy is the same as returning evil for evil. We must love them, do good to them, bless them, and pray for them, Matt 5:43-48, for God loves ALL! Once we have His loving Spirit in us, we will overcome death as He did. It’s our choice and the most important choice! That’s all that matters to me. I don’t have to figure anything else out. I choose Jesus and perfect love and everything else falls into place. I say repent and further develop your relationship with Jesus for the end is near. Peace, love and blessings to all! ❤️❤️❤️

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Well said!

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You have tackled two topics that are too intense for my little brain. The book of Revelation and Bitcoin. Both are hard to understand, so I appreciate this article. However things play out, I trust in Christ alone and know my future is with him. God Bless.

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Amen! We don't know, but we know Who knows! Was a fun article to write. Can't wait to start on the next one. God bless!

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Let me help simplify Bitcoin/crypto for you. Crypto is not only the epitome of artificial intelligence but nothing more than monetized derivative transgender ideology. Although blockchain may be a ledger system, electrically derived virtual one's and zero's are neither a store of value nor money. This article clearly puts it in the light of a pseudo religious cult ushering in a demonic cashless society, don't be fooled.

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Don't confuse crypto (shitcoin) with Bitcoin.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Regardless of what you call it, unless you're a brainwashed cult member, electrically derived virtual one's and zero's are neither money nor a store of value. Spare me your fake and irrelevant God references.

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You sound vaccinated.

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God loving pure blood, thanks for confirming your cult status!

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Your welcome.

If you won't or can't do the research you are best served to remain quiet, least you prove your ignorance.

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Your response was not helpful or clarifying in any way.

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I have been aware of bitcoin since they were $8 apiece. Many wonderful claims were made about privacy, avoiding the Cabal control, etc. etc. But one thing bothered me: this did not come into existence from any kind of productivity, but from wasting energy and computer power solving math puzzles nobody cares about.

While bitcoin supposedly can never be expanded beyond 21 million bitcoin (or whatever it is), it is cumbersome and not as private as claimed, and when it was $20 a bitcoin, Mt. Gox exploded--and some people's bitcoin was stolen. So there are now around a thousand dogecoin, stable coin, monero, etc. etc. etc. Anybody with sufficient computer literacy can make another one.

I agree with you that bitcoin just does not look like God's answer.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. It will be what it will be. God is always in control. I stopped worrying about what i don’t understand. As long as me and Him are good.. He knows my heart. Mainstream religion messed me up but I’m coming out of her! God bless and much ❤️

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Great article and thank you for qualifying my deepest disappointment with my local church, for bending their knee to government, instead of bending their knee to the Lord. I went from being actively involved every single week to only watching online. I was so dismayed at the churches blatant disregard for Christ. Even after in person services were allowed back, after the SCAMdemic, I couldn’t bring myself to attend wearing a diaper on my face, standing 6 feet away from the next person & by NO means was I going to talk about getting jabbed, bc I didn’t. It wasn’t mandatory to attend, but the fact they pushed so hard for it was so off putting to me, it literally made me sick. Jesus would have never closed down his church bc everyone had the flu!!!

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An unfortunate experience for so many, including myself. I do have faith that there will be a great revival as we carry out the end phase of the war. While many may have fallen, I do see more and more repentance! God bless!

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From your lips (fingertips) to Gods ears! God Bless🙏🏼

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I am complete agreement with you. We left our church in early 2021. We were entrenched in everything and so active. I tried to warn our pastor but there was no getting through to him. He had to follow the diocese. I went to him about having outside services where people could be in their cars and we decided to do it. I was on the Flower Guild and two of us decorated the cross and had a base surrounding it of beautiful flowers. It was well attended and it was very healing having everyone nearby, able to speak from their cars and use being part of a service. The next week the diocese found out and stopped it. We watched the diocese turn into a Satan driven church. Promoting transgenderism, etc. When services did resume, our pastor got crazy enough to call out related parishioners who came into church and sat together!!!! He made them separate six feet apart!!!! He pitted the vaccinated against the unvaccinated by telling the unvaccinated they still had to wear masks. It was insane. Thank God I wasn’t going then. These were good friends of mine who were outraged with his behavior. Mind you these families were together all the time. I wrote the pastor a very strong letter that one day he would regret all that he allowed to happen to our church and all that he did to march to those unconstitutional orders including the jabs! I refused to wear a mask. So I still have to find that church to call home again after over 35 years. My sons were baptized there and we were all so active it makes me sick to see how easy they were all misled and swallowed the nonsense, hook line and sinker.

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Oh Joni my dear sister in Christ, my heart is breaking with you reading your post. I live in GA & our rules weren’t bent quite as badly as those states with democratic leaders and the Catholic Church down the street from my house had service outside with chairs set up and displayed beautifully as you described your church. I thought to myself, “at least those parishioners are being allowed to have service”. My church, a baptist church didn’t have in person services but could watch on line. So my pastor would hold service to an empty church except for the employee's that worked there and there families. But my husband and I that were regular attendees and volunteered as hospitality greeters, could not attend. Make that make sense to me!🤔. We received all the emails & online announcements of following the “CDC Guidelines”, and would return to in person service when THEY deemed it safe!!! How about following Jesus’ guidelines like I had been taught and preached to my whole life instead of the worldly noise we were hearing on TV, news, radio, online, etc. I’m beyond disappointed, I’m deflated from having any ties to my church of the last 15 years. I’m sorry for your loss also Joni. God will lead us to where we need to be, I’m sure of it🙏🏼

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Thank you so much, Karen! They have lost a number of parishioners from the jabs and employees who were young and healthy have had major health issues, one gal, in her late twenties has massive stroke and will never walk again. I’ve never seen anything like it. Some of the gals I served on the Flower Guild with kept in touch and proudly bragged that they all had been jabbed!!!! No thanks. They know my feelings on it. What happened to trusting in God and his God given immunity! How they all forgot as soon as the Nazi’s spewed the directions out of their mouths! This sure tested the real walks of these so called Christians and their leaders. I am grateful God gave me discernment and there was nothing in my being that believed a word of all of this! It was planned and it was about control. The behavior out of so many was astounding. They will stand before our maker one day and be reminded of that!!

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I agree -- what a test it all was, and how surprising some reactions were! I do think the closer we get to the end, the more God is wanting hearts to BE REVEALED for what's really in them. HARVEST time is coming (of the wicked and the righteous), and everyone must BEAR THE FRUIT that comes out of the bottom-line choices of their hearts. I.e., "come out from behind the mask of pretense and acceptability, and reveal who you really are. This is hard, because it means that wicked behavior is going to become more and more wicked and exposed.... 🤔 Having said all that, I also think there is time yet for people to repent, change their choices, and choose to receive Christ and walk with Him all the way to the end. Might be too soon to draw conclusions about people... still a time of mercy....

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This reference shows that masks, six foot distancing, excess handwashing are all Satanic:


In addition to that, I have a breathing challenge and cannot wear a mask safely. When I went into what I thought was an Orthodox church in Sept 2020, masks were enFORCED, no alternatives, no concern whatever that it might be Satanic, and zero mercy for the handicapped. They are not a Christian church at all. When the terror died down, I attended Easter and other services for the glorious music, but it was just entertainment. It is simply not a Christian church.

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Great example. While I don’t condem all those deceived during this time. Covid did reveal worship to false gods within the church.

In retrospect I think by gods design. A way of separating the sheep and goats. To bring into focus what true worship is

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Wheat and tares my friend. It’s that time.

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Most not all churches are a racket. It’s a hard pill to swallow but like most in our lives it’s all been to indoctrinate us. Maybe not all churches cuz I wouldn’t know. Church is us. We are the church! Church isn’t a building..it’s HIS PEOPLE.. His Children 🥰

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I don’t think the church impressed him much.

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Thank you for this dense and comprehensive article about the "Book of Revelation" (In French, we speak of "The Book of Apocalypse" (according to Saint John)).

I'll have to read this article many time to understand all te details and subtilities !

I do support the choice of explaining it to the many people not familiar with the Bible !

To me it's a POSITIVE and CONSTRUCTIVE incentive to BIG CHANGES to come (the END of the world as we KNEW it, not as it had to be ...)

DON'T FEAR ! He LOVES you ...


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Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏

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Beautifully said. What most of us have been taught in church isn’t always the truth. Pastors go to a school. That now I understand. Exactly why no man tells me what the Bible means. I’m reading praying and learning the truth only through my Father.

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I’ll have to read many times as well !

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Well done and fascinating. You raise a whole bunch of interesting points. I can't think of anything that counters anything that you said, offhand.

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Very thought provoking. Thank you for stretching my mind and heart

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Glad it stirred your mind and heart! May you grow stronger as a result! Glory to God!

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Hi, I read just the first few paragraphs which I thoroughly endorse….can’t wait to dig into this…

So glad to see this topic here. I am a student of Revelation….a Bible believing follower of Jesus, trying to stay humble and teachable, yet strong in faith

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What an awesome post! The possibilities you’ve described are just possibly that: possibilities! Gods knows no time; the men He spoke through over the eons of our times tried to describe the indescribable; even a short 100 years ago people would have a difficulty describing the technology of today. I confess I know little about Bitcoin and now (obviously) must go find out! I agree that God gave us many descriptions of what the future holds through His Word; how it actually unfolds only He knows. Thank you and God bless you!

Our fearless tiger has had long posts, too!!🙏

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Appreciate the feedback! Glad my point came across clear and has been well received. These are striking questions and thoughts I have had, which have non-zero probability, that I couldn't possibly keep to myself! Very much enjoyed compiling the data and analysis for everyone! Oh, and thank you for the re-assurance on the whole BB thing. Kek.

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I just finished studying Revelation , over the past year. Your article is very interesting , agree with most of it , not sure how Bitcoin fits in , but there will be a universal currency and those left here will not be able to buy or sell without the mark . I totally believe that Christians will be caught up( raptured) before the tribulation, this is Not the second coming . (After chapter 3 in Rev the church is Never mentioned again ) Second coming is when Christ returns with the raptured saints to fight the battle of Armageddon at the end of 7 yrs . Then satan is bound for the 1,000 yr millennium after which he is loosed for a short time , before being thrown in the abyss (hell) with his false prophets. Several Old Testament books also foretold the prophecies of Revelation : Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah, & Jeremiah . A Holy City (New Jerusalem) will come down and a new Heaven will be created here , with Christ our Lord , as King.

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I totally agree with you and will add that the main reason I believe as followers of Christ, we will not go through the 7 year tribulation is because God's Word states in many places that we are not "appointed to wrath"! The tribulation is God pouring put His wrath on a sinful world that has rejected His grace that He has bestowed upon the world by providing salvation through His "only begotten Son, Jesus Christ"! You can find the scripture references of God not appointing us to His wrath by looking up the word wrath in a concordance!

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Pre tribulation rapture is a very seductive theology that has deceived numerous, maybe most, Christians. Who doesnt want to be rescued from calamitous circumstances?However, this theory wasn't conceived until the 1700s by a Jesuit priest named Father Ribera. If you know anything about Jesuits, you know that they aren't to be trusted.

Then, in the 1800s, John Nelson Darby, a Freemason and satanist, was employed by Rothschilds to push this pretrib rapture theory to fundamentalist churches to enlist their support for Zionism. Cyrus Scofield was also enlisted in this endeavor, resulting in him publishing the Scofield Reference Bible. The second edition came out in 1917 and was marketed heavily, "coincidentally" the same year as the Balfour Declaration, by which Britain's government pledged to Lord Walter Rothschild and the Zionist Federation to establish a national home for Jews in Palestine. There's an exceptional article on this at jamesperloff.com/tag/john-nelson -darby/

If you type that much into a search engine, the article should come up.

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Dear Sister, I would remind you of multiple passages that indicate the church will be here until the second coming -- e.g., 1 Cor. 15:22-23, 1 Thess. 2:19, 1 Thess. 5:23, James 5:7-8, 1 John 2:28, and the classic rapture passage, 1 Thess. 4:15, as well, of course, as Matt. 24:30-31.

Interesting, there IS no period of time called 'the tribulation' in the Bible, there is only 'the GREAT tribulation" which begins at the midpoint of the last seven years. That begins the time of Satan's wrath (Rev. 12, Matt. 24:25), which is not to be confused with GOD'S wrath. Satan's wrath is entirely evil and brings total oppression, idolatry, and Satanic control to the earth, persecuting and seeking to kill all who will not worship the Beast. GOD'S wrath, on the other hand, begins soon after that midpoint (the same day as the rapture - see Luke 17), and is FILLED WITH RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT against and destruction of the wicked. His wrath will purge the earth in preparation of the Millennium. God's wrath is known in the New Testament as the 'day of Christ,' 'that day,' etc., and there are multiple scriptures indicating that the church will be here until that day (e.g., Phil. 1:6, 10; 2 Tim. 1:12; 2 Tim. 4:8; 1 Cor. 1:7-8), which makes sense, as the rapture takes place and then, the same day, God begins to pour out His wrath in judgment on the wicked.

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So you really believe that God is going to beat up His bride during The Tribulation and then take her to the marriage Feast. Hmmm. Not the God I know. God bless you.

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"In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome,..." etc. Are you aware of what 'the Bride' went through under the Roman emperors -- and throughout the Middle Ages at the hands of rabid Roman Catholics, and under Communism (and still continuing under Communism), and at the hands of Muslims and Hindus yet today in Iran, Indonesia, Africa, India???? "If they hated Me, they will hate you!"

It's GOD'S WRATH that we are promised protection from (1 Thess. 5:9), NOT the tribulation triggered by the enemy!! God has always used the suffering of the Bride for her purification, even as He used Jesus' suffering: "It was fitting that God... should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering as part of His plan to bring many sons unto glory..." If Jesus Himself was brought to fullness of maturity through suffering, why would we assume we are exempt from it??? 🤔 "Forasmuch then as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind; for he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin..." 1 Peter 4:1

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Thank you for stating my thoughts exactly. The rapture (harpodzu in Greek I think) is the next event we are suppose to anticipate. We don’t get to evaluate how bad it is and say it’s the tribulation!! And if the church is the bride of Christ, why would he beat her up for seven years and then welcome her to the “ marriage feast”??? No you are right on. Thank you!!

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Thank you , I like the way you worded that !

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Hmmm. If the rapture is the next thing, I wonder why Jesus said in Luke 21:28, "when these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws nigh....." What are "these things...."?

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Hmmm not very specific. You’re equating redemption with .....what exactly. Careful how you do this. Paul was much clearer in I Thess 4. THAT was the next event Paul told the church to expect.

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Actually, Paul said nothing in 1 Thess. 4 about timing or precursors (or not). Rather, he was offering the RAPTURE as comfort for those who had lost loved ones (v. 13). He said nothing there that addressed imminency or not. However, in 2 Thess. 2, he DID address that issue, saying that that day -- that is, the day of His coming and of our gathering together unto Him -- (notice the specific association of the two) would NOT HAPPEN until there is 'the falling away and the man of sin be revealed.' These two events are ALSO associated with one another, the apostasy occurring when the man of sin is revealed -- i.e., at the midpoint of the seven years, when his mask of piety comes off and his true, malignant nature is revealed. Paul is saying clearly that Jesus' coming and our gathering to Him (rapture) will not happen until AFTER the antichrist is revealed (as evil), at the midpoint (Dan. 9:27b and Matt. 24:15). That puts our gathering together unto Him after the midpoint, while the Gt. Trib. is occurring -- even as Matt. 24 makes explicitly clear. All those other events of Matt. 24 which precede vv. 30-31 are the things we are to BE WATCHING FOR, even as Jesus said in Luke 21: "When these things begin to come to pass, look up...," etc. Biblically, there is overwhelming evidence AGAINST imminency.

And I think my previous post was quite clear - our redemption will occur at the rapture/resurrection, when we get our new, immortal bodies. Redemption completed for us, according to Scripture (the ones I mentioned).

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You subscribe to a mid-tribulation rapture. This is one of 4 approaches out there. I think you misread I Thess and II Thess. I take the position of a pre-tribulation rapture. I have no intention of attempting to change your mind. I disagree with your reading and we will have to agree to disagree.

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I believe Scripture says that the Gt. Trib. (there is nothing termed "tribulation" except for general tribulation, as in "We must through much tribulation enter the Kingdom of God," etc.) will begin in the middle of the last seven years and last for 3 1/2 years. At some point (Matt. 24 says "immediately") after the Gt. Trib. begins, the Day of the Lord will begin (signaled by the sun being darkened, etc.,), immediately preceded by the rapture. So sun darkened, etc., rapture, and Day of the Lord's wrath -- all on the same day. I don't call that 'mid-tribulation rapture'... I would call it 'pre-wrath rapture.' 👍🙂 It lines up with a simple, untwisted reading of Scripture, as in Matt. 24. We are raptured at His COMING (as per MANY NT scriptures) and His coming occurs in Matt. 24:30-31, directly following the cosmic signs (sun darkened, etc.). Just for clarification of my view. :-)

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One other thing. By "mid-tribulation" do you mean the middle of the seven years, or the middle of the Gt. Tribulation, which begins at the midpoint of the seven years. Just wondering on the vocabulary.

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We know we've been redeemed through faith in Jesus' death and resurrection. Our spirits have been reborn, our soul is in the process of being saved as we yield to Him and walk with Him, but our bodies won't be fully REDEEMED until we get our new bodies - the incorruptible ones. So at the rapture, our redemption will be complete! "... we groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, that is, the redemption of our bodies." Romans 8:23 "And we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is" 1 John 3:2. That will be the completion of our redemption. The whole context in Luke 21 is looking for the rapture (our redemption) and events that will PRECEDE it which we are to keep our eyes on so we can be ready, watching, and waiting.

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Thank you! So much to ponder in this great essay.

God bless!


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Very interesting. Thinking outside the box.

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Mission accomplished. As an engineering and leader, I am confident that the more time we can spend "working out" our brain through critical and outside of the box thinking, regardless of topic. God bless!

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"Thinking outside the box" can help to think BIGGER (no box limits) AND to meet God ...


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Hope you get Patrick to read this one. I will need a couple of passes to take it all in 😀

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Oh man! That would be awesome. I love listening to Patrick. That is how I got through my [many] reads of Devolution.

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Thanks my brother 🙏❤️🇺🇸😇

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God bless!

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Only problem is that Trump said he wouldn't trust a crypto that he couldn't get someone on the phone about a problem. Although supposedly decentralized (or at least the gov tells us that), there is a video of a Dept of Homeland Security agent discussing that they have met with the 4 satoshis. So why do they continue to say they don't know who it is. There is also patent evidence of Bitcoin being created by the NSA after the 2008 crash.

However, the crooked SEC with Hillary '16 Campaign CFO Gensler was going after Ripple until this recent settlement. Why would Hillary go after it? Because Trump laid out the Faster Payments Council in his 2018 EO 13772. Written by Mnuchin & now Ripple Board member Craig Phillips. Trump went around the world pushing he BRICS plan we see rolling out now.

Left with few options, Ripple gets integrated into FedNow that launched 7/20/23.

The former Treasurer who's signature is on your money is also on the Board at Ripple and says the train has already left the station.

The Gov has left Bitcoin alone BECAUSE IT does NOT settle the payments fast enough for retail use.

This was shown in the El Salvador trial

This is the narrative that Hillary & Elizabeth Warren want you to believe so they can say:

See! We tried.. Didn't work.. So we are gonna need to use a CCP-like CBDC..

Instead we could use Circle's USDC coin & settle through the XRP Ledger in 5 seconds.

Ripple was sued by the swamp because they didn't sell out to the dark side!

XRP is the Standard

& the XRP Ledger is the Level Playing Field Trump has discussed is coming.

Instead of 5 day Swift settlements so Nancy can tip off her friends to front run a stock, she will have 5 seconds instead now so that crap is over.

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XRP is a corporate controlled WEF shitcoin

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This is why I hodl both XRP and BTC. Equal amounts of both...

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Wow so much you said confirmed things the Lord has shown me. 35 years ago I felt He impressed on me, we are in the womb of the morning!

I believe we are not only in as others claim the Great reset but to me we are in the Great Reveal!

I often say where are you living and what are you seeing in THIS DAY OF THE LORD!

Like John while on Patmos, He was caught up in the Spirit on the Lords Day what did He see, A New Heaven and a New Earth! And so should we!

I know nothing about Bitcoin, but I sure believe we are seeing the breaking of a new day, the millennial

Kingdom and to think we were born for such a time as this!

About the mark of the beast, one way I also look at it is on one’s hand represents (our works) and our forehead ( our mind, emotions and will). 6 is the number of Man and we are a Spirit, that lives in a body and has a soul rep our (mind, emotions and our will). Therefore when Man’s ( own Spirit )Sits in the Temple ( Naos) as God , he being a three part being, fully ruling His life as God apart , separately from the Holy Spirit, he has the mark of the antichrist 666.

May the Lord continue to open our Spiritual eyes and ears as we look forward to the Day when all the ends of the earth may see The Salvation of our God!

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Amen! Thank you for sharing your experience and perspective. Very glad to be on this ride, at this time, with the energies this movement brings togethers. God bless!

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Great read. Very thought provoking.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Glad you enjoyed! I figured you might. God bless!

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