Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Wow. I’m speechless. I read a lot of this twice but will be reading it again later after more ☕️! I took interest in this:

He was being groomed. There is no bigger example of a puppet being groomed to be installed at the highest position in the United States than Barack Obama.

That man is, well, can’t even put into words how I feel about him. Remember the verse in the Bible saying basically that God gave them over to their wickedness? THAT APPLIES HERE. No redeeming qualities. Maybe I’m wrong, I’m no holy judge. But Bush is approaching that level after reading this article.

So much information. What did they see in BO? Why him? I wonder how he would have turned out left to his own devices.

This is more evidence of what drives Trump so powerfully to keep at this holy war. We need to continue to pray for strength for him and his family and trusted circle. The danger they must be in is mind blowing.

Great job Joe! Thank you so much. 😊 💯

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Thank you my friend but I’ve barely scratched the surface on Obama, Hillary and George W. Bush. So much more to be revealed yet.

I hope you have gone back in this series and read what I’ve written on the Bush family.

They are the worst.

McCain is about to enter the picture too and he’s as bad as any of them.

All puppets controlled by the same guy.

Blessings my friend!

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

McCain. This is one instance where it's really important to speak ill of the dead. Thank you, Joe.

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I will definitely speak ill of him in my next article.

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

I’m old enough to remember when McCain was running for president. I actually volunteered for his campaign. It truly makes my stomach turn to learn how evil these people really are.

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You might have a hard time with my next article my friend. It might turn your stomach. McCain is the worst kind of traitor.

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I think all of your loyal fans are ready for your next article, Joe. You never, ever disappoint

God bless you, young man

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

I held my nose and voted for him, mostly because of Sarah Palin - and then the way she was treated sealed it for me, that he was a complete villain.

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Likewise on Sarah. I have to believe that she'll have a roll in Our President's next official administration.

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Me too- I supported No Name because of Sarah.

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Well, it was no name or Hussein - we didn’t have much to choose from so don’t feel guilty. We have been sold a load of _hit by the politicians/media most of our lives. How were we to know any better ?

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I volunteered also. Geez. We didn’t know anything then.

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My anger for the Bushes grows with each article. They were smooth “American patriots”—disgusting to think I liked the family and voted for them. I long for the day that the rest of sleepy Americans will learn all of this too. Still so many “out to lunch” Thanks for these great articles. Hope you will put them into a book someday after we take back this country and take care of ALL traitors. Always look forward to your drops. 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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I'm still eagerly waiting for Joe's take on what was in those envelopes at GHWB's funeral.

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Me as well. We know it had to be succinct. "They know everything" or "Executed for Treason. " Who knows, but I really enjoy their torment after what they've collectively done.

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Me too. I even volunteered to be Bush Jr’s nurse when he campaigned in our town while running for reelection. It was only a physician and myself in the room with him for 4-5 minutes before the event. It surprised me that he barely made eye contact. All he wanted to do was get out of there. I understand since I had worked in politics for years. However, I never experienced anyone quite as arrogant. He could have at least pretended to be cordial. But, it all makes sense now. He was simply playing a roll.

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Thank you for your excellent and thoughtful comments! Everyone that speaks and writes the truth about the Cabal and what they planned to do to take down America and the world, are contributing to this war we are in. God wins. Praise and worship to the Lord our God Jesus Christ 🙏.

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Don’t you think they had been grooming Obama before he got into Harvard? Or maybe they had their eye on him for many years, while getting to know him through his acquaintances. He had a pretty good radical pedigree.

I remember my husband telling me what a big deal it was when Alwaleed was killed. Then there was the sword dance with Trump & the new king.

It’s all coming together, but much more to come, I’m sure.

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There’s a book I have, Revolution Q, that states that BO was born into the CIA programs. His entire life was controlled because of his mother. It claims that she had been an MK Ultra victim or something similar. Under the complete control of the puppet masters, and so is he—from birth

No idea if it’s true but it is compelling, given all that we now have on him

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Joe, you are God sent to our community. I will never be able to give enough kudos for your outstanding work! Thank you!

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I really do appreciate that encouragement Bridget!! Thank you my friend!

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Oh I so totally agree, Bridget, Joe you are awesome & one of my absolute FAVS. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

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Major "DITTO"!!!

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Worth the wait, excellent as always. The downfall of the Cabal is that their puppets are obedient and evil but extremely dumb. Like Q often said, these people are stupid!

Keep up the good work my fellow patriot!

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You’re right Arlene! They aren’t the smartest people, they are used to taking orders and acting like big shots with the power handed to them.

Without their puppet master, they are weak and scrambling. Always on the defensive.

It’s panic time in DC.

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Another excellent article, and you make me want to know more about Obama, Hillary, Bush, and McCain. Do I remember rightly that Trump once said he didn’t like McCain, and he got a lot of criticism for saying it? Thank for all your work. I have learned so much from you. I’m already ready for your next piece. Keep ‘em coming, please.

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Trump’s bashing of McCain was a purposeful battle in this narrative war and I will get into that in my next article.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 30Liked by Joe Lange

Trump does nothing without a purpose. He is one of the most disciplined individuals I have ever become aware of. Even his apparent mis-speaks have a purpose: '... look for the Oranges.'

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You are so right Bill!!

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I agree, Wild Bill. Trump is one-of-a-kind‼️

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Yes, it surely was!👍

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

What a great read, Joe! 🙏❤️

I think because I followed Q from the beginning and learned how to jump over to 4 chan - 8 chan - 8 kun for interpretation and insight from anons much much smarter than me, I had many threads…but the complexities of weaving the threads altogether into a tapestry of Truth, well, I am finally getting that from You! What a thrill, and so satisfying, to watch - through your articles- the true history come together in greater and greater focus. I just love it!!

Thank you, Joe! I still look forward to the envelopes at GHW Bush’s funeral. The speculation that : “They know it all” seemed the closest guess and as we learn it all, I can only imagine the fear and panic it would cause them.

Well written, as always! 🙏❤️🧩🦅🕊🌎

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Thank you very much Feather!! I haven’t forgotten about those envelopes at the Bush funeral. It’s coming in this series!

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As usual, Featherjourney, you remarks amaze me

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Oh my goodness…so kind of you Floridafan 🙏. Thank you❤️

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

But how did Alaweed gain control of the CIA?

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That answer is coming my friend in this series.

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Just recently a podcaster was talking about the CIA connections of Obama's mother

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The CIA has always been an ‘organized crime’ group….from the onset.

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Even before it was officially born, and was known as the OSS.

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What was OSS? I remember my Mom after Kennedy was shot (I was in 6th grade) saying we will someday know what happened but she wouldn’t be alive to see it. I wonder if now is the time it comes out? 🙏

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A lot will be coming out in the next year. This will likely be part of it.

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The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was an intelligence agency of the United States during World War II.

It basically became the CIA after the war.

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So glad you answered that question. Is there someone above Alwaleed?

I know. I’ll just have to wait 😬

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I heard an anon say a couple of years ago, “The spider at the center of this web, is the devil himself”. And the guy claimed to be an atheist previously

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I took the time to read Q late in the game therefore much of the connections (though accepted by me) remained a mystery. Thank you for bringing them back to the surface and tying them in to where we are today. I can only guess how many hours you have spent! My prayers for wisdom, discernment and safety.

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Love your detail Joe! Our country has been corrupt for so long! I was just a toddler when JFK was killed but know this corruption & Shadow Government have been at work my entire life! I will definitely go back & read your article on the Bush’s, as HW was head of the CIA during JFK & I believe RFK’s & for sure had a hand in the Reagan’s assassination attempt! Excellent ❤️

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My Bush articles are titled:

Clowns In America

The Legacy of George H.W. Bush

A Family Affair

They will completely change people’s view of the Bush family.

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I remember being blown away by “Clowns in America.” I’m going to read it again right now 🥰

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And they are ALL brilliant!! What a series Joe. Thank you my friend.

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“Murder So Foul” - Dylan song - everyone knows by now how clowns killed a to be great president

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

I was so glad to see this article in my in-box, I love your work.

Like you said I believe We the People won the day Trump won the election and the takedown of the DS Rat Bastards was initiated as was the Awakening. As I look back it amazes me how far we have come on this journey. It stared as a tremendous roller coaster ride but now I am comfyAF.

Thanks for another great article. The Ah-Ha moment's are spread throughout each of your articles.

Keep up the great work.

How about that debate... HYSTERICAL :-) If that doesn't prove WH in control nothing ever will.

God Wins!

God Bless!!

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Yup. All part of the plan.

And if they do start talking seriously about bringing Big Mike off the bench for Brandon, that will re-open all of the investigations Hussein has been trying desperately to keep shut.

That may also be part of the plan -- bring up Big Mike so that the Obummer family evil can be exposed.

Trump said 'we caught them all,' they're only waiting for the right time to make it public. I sense that the time is rapidly approaching, Joe.

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Everything seems to be accelerating Bill!! Hard to keep up with things.

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Great comments Joe. I thought the debate was great and you said something that will be a topic in my next “faith based” article on my personal substack for next Sunday.

Roller coaster!

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Another excellent chapter in the history of the cabal’s puppet masters and the corruption and extraordinary theft they implemented…. I’ve said for years that Obama was the Manchurian candidate and that Jarrett was his handler. His mother had extensive connections with the CIA and (I assume) so did his stepfather and birth father. I also assumed Huma was Hillary’s after reading about her mother’s connections.

When one researches and finds the evil to children, tying it into the MKULTRA mind controlled project of the CIA, (brought over by the Nazis post WWII) one realizes that this program never ended, just retreated back into the shadows. The torture of children is key to splitting the mind to control it, and Obama likely suffered this torture as a very young child. I have believed for a long time now (read several books) this is the source of the multiple personality disorder as well as ‘lone wolf’ attacks. Turning ‘people’ gay, and other aberrant behaviors, etc., is another control method and explains Obama’s history as a homosexual, relationship with Mike (Michelle) and the death of another homosexual friend before he campaigned. (The $60k pizza party at the WH?). The children were likely given to the Obama’s to raise as their own. I can’t remember the name of this couple, but they have been good friends.

I had read that Saudi Arabia was the CF biggest donor, but until your articles, was unaware of the puppet master behind it. (Wait until Haiti-I know you know) I was also unaware of Bush’s cash flows, but was aware his family history appears ‘engineered’ and there are definitely ties back to Prussia. I’ve looked many times but haven’t been able to find anything on Rumsfeld’s admission of DOD’s missing ($3 trillion) dollars on September 10, 2001… This, too, will be connected. Hmm…covering up the theft and creating the forever war on terror…& who knows what else…?

What is amazing to me is that your (and others) research includes so many public articles that when connected, show that they told much of the story, but of course, none of the connections…. Interesting that Bush’s friend investigating the Iraq & US funds wasn’t taken out….expect had he gotten closer to ‘the rest of the story’ he would’ve been.

You are so gifted in this area it’s hard to imagine, but we are so thankful for your gifts and your willingness to share it!

God bless you, Joe,can’t wait for the next installment. No name’s treason must have been egregious…..


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Thanks for your kind words and great comments ALtab!! I will get deeper into some of those subjects. I’ve got a long way to go still!

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Well said my friend

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You hit the nail on the head when you referenced the public articles but without context and without connection. That is the 'normalcy bias' that I refer too.

For me, with only grunt level special access deeper than public, but far more than most, there was also indoctrination added to reinforce said normalcy biases and present the data in the context they wanted.

A few of my old team have also reached the same conclusions as well.

It was Daddy Bush's alphabet that disillusioned me when I served, yet I STILL didn't conceive of any wrongdoing beyond a handful of power hungry bad actors.

I find it embarrassing to admit that...

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There is so much open source information out there but none of it really connects and reveals the hidden enemy and their control of the world. I have to Glenn little nuggets of information gathered in articles that almost always have a leftwing bias.

It takes a lot of reading but researching and then finding information not being talked about is what keeps me going.

Blessings my friend!

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Jun 30Liked by Joe Lange

Me, too, ShanghiMoon; I worked and retired as a civil servant in the AF. Had a very high clearance and didn’t question things until the political correctness drive caused us to do more busy work than the mission….had 25 years in, so just flat-out retired. Embarrassing, indeed!

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

The other backers of Obama were the Ashkenazim gangsters in Chicago. Penny Pritzker, a class A piece of shit, used to lead Obana around on a leash like he was her pet poodle to fundraisers for him.

AN Pritzker was a five foot tall creepy Ashkenazim gangster who founded Hyatt Hotels. AN used to have lunch with his sons Bob, and Jay at the La Tour restaurant in the old Park Hyatt Hotel. Tom Pritzker, who is on Epstein's flight logs, ran the hotel business for the Pritzker Crime Family.

JB Pritzker owns a horse farm in Racine, WI where billionaire pedophiles reign supreme.


After locking down Illinois during the scamdemic JB Pritzker disappeared to his farm. Racine is, along with Shenzhen, China, a pilot site for the eternal enslavement of humanity. That's why Biden showed up in Racine to help rig a billion dollar bond referendum vote. Zuckerberg's not-for-profit vote rigging NGO headquartered in Chicago's West Loop worked in Racine to help rig Biden's election months later.


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That is some great info on the Pritzker family Dennis. They are corrupt as hell and been connected to the CIA for a long time, which is why I think they were connected to Obama.

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Jun 30Liked by Joe Lange

Penny owns a full block in Chicago's Lincoln Park except for a house on one corner of the block which a guy I know owns. He rents it out. Penny wanted it so she low-balled an offer. Joe can't stand the bitch so he declined it. JB Pritzker and his behemoth wife illegally ripped out all the toilets in a mansion they were rehabbing in order to declare it uninhabitable so to lower the property taxes on it. Sleazy billionaires that inherit money need to penny pinch in order to satisfy their lust for power in their miserable little lives.

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Jun 30Liked by Joe Lange

It’s about time communities of color realize they have been used as puppets every 4 years and then thrown away by the Democrats. Just like the war War on drugs, War on Terror, War on poverty, IT NEVER GETS BETTER and that is by design!!!!

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

There's supposedly a deep underground maglev train that runs between Racine and Cornell U, another hotspot of evil.

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Jun 30Liked by Joe Lange

There probably is. The missing $22 trillion that Catherine Austin Fitts discovered was missing from our federal budgets, confirmed by a team of accountants at Michigan State University, likely has been spent building underground bases, and building a space-based, off-the-books economy. That amount is now likely more like $50 trillion.

The billionaire pedo Johnson family funds Cornell University which is a hotbed of CIA activity and Cornell is known for Hospitality & Hotel management which is an industry that is a big front for child trafficking and child sexual abuse. When I spoke with author Elana Feeland, an expert on geoengineering who has published a number of books on that subject, about Racine, the first thing she asked me is if there was a military base near by. Great Lakes Naval Base is close to Racine.

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Jun 30Liked by Joe Lange

Interesting. Much will be coming out in the months to come. The People are, I think, finally ready... those not yet, will be once they see the shenanigans their political parties will go through to remove the 'peoples' choice' candidates of Joe Biden and Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot. To be replaced with cabal-friendly candidates, apparently Nikki Haley 🤮 on the elephant side. Donkeys are still vying for the spot on their side of the fracas. 🍿🎉

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Jun 30Liked by Joe Lange

This is making me sick to my stomach, but thank the Lord there are wonderful people like all of you for helping to enlighten this "old girl". God bless all of you

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Thanks for this info, Dennis. I live in Illinois and Prickster is worse than I thought.

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Jun 30Liked by Joe Lange

He's a fat gangster. Most of the Pritzkers are despicable filth. My ex wife did all the Marmon Group's legal work when she became a partner at the now dissolved firm of Fagel & Haber. AN Pritzker's sons Bob, and Jay were actually pretty decent men who built up legit corporations.

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Jun 30Liked by Joe Lange

Wow - not familiar with this family but it rings true to all the other evil ones - they are everywhere and run everything. I still say Joe needs to put this in a book for everyone to read. May God protect Joe Lange 🙏🙏

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Thank you Cheryl!!

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Can you elaborate on Shenzhen China?

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Brilliant as always! Left me speechless! Never ending evil! Thank God for Trump, the military and you who brings it forward!

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I second that! Thank God for Trump and our military patriots!


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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange


Another awesome investigated report. The way you write places everything in perspective. We as a country have been taken over by outsiders. I hope our New President has the people and the time to remove these bad actors. I want those responsible for tearing our country down to be charged with treason and suffer the retribution to the maximum. Again, thank you Joe.

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It’s coming Robert! We are near the end of the exposure phase and then we will enter the justice phase which will shock the world.

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

I believe that task has been happening for a number of years now.

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Decades, actually. It's a deep, wide rabbit hole, with connections (many of which Joe is exposing for us) that go just about everywhere.

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Outstanding article again, Joe! Excellent reasoning, research and dot-connecting. Very few out here like you………..

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I so appreciate you Phil! Thank you very much brother!👊🏼👊🏼

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

Wow unbelievably good stuff here. It’s all about connecting the dots. I’ve been awake since Trump/2017, but never really understood how it all connected. Thank you for making it so clear and concise. Question? With PAlweed T out, is he still considered a big threat to T? If not, is it bc MBS is in control? Keep it coming!!! Can’t wait for the next article.

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Alwaleed is no longer a threat to Trump or anybody else and I will get into that near the end of this series.

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

'so good, this article needs wide circulation.

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Thank you Jonathan!!!

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Jun 29Liked by Joe Lange

I'd forward to my friends, but they're all already subscribers... days like today when I've been busy with other stuff I start getting tweaks -- "Did you see Joe Lange's latest piece today??"

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Love that!!

Thank you for sharing my work.

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