No matter how good a movie script is, if the actors are bad, then the movie will be a disappointment.
Guess who is the most disappointed right now?
The cabal of elite puppet masters.
They are in disbelief at how fast they are losing control of the world that they had enslaved.
The enemy had a script that they were going by called “The sixteen year plan,” which was designed to destroy America and the constitution. I talked about that in my last article:
Part of that script involved starting World War III between the United States and Russia in order to eliminate a large portion of the world population to make it easier for the cabal of elites to maintain control. It would also eliminate the two biggest threats to their control, which are Russia and the United States constitution.
Why was this World War so important for the cabal of puppet masters?
Everything is connected.
The entire worldwide financial debt system based on Federal Reserve Notes (fiat money), is going bankrupt. The cabal needs a new “Great Reset.” They need a new financial system to replace the current one that is failing. War is used as the “distraction” for the people and the “excuse” for a new global reset.
This has happened several times in history. Both world wars were used to cull the world’s population and to launch a new global reset. But things have changed. They aren’t going to get their world war this time, and Trump is purposely bankrupting the system as the BRICS+ nations build the new financial system that is no longer centralized. This new system also protects countries’ sovereignty, and is based on honest money backed by gold or other commodities.
All of the cabal’s plans were destroyed when Trump won the election in 2016, and took away their control of the most powerful position in the world.
Q asked this question in drop #199, from Nov 22, 2017:
Hillary was not supposed to lose that election.
Obama had played his part of the “sixteen year plan” to weaken the United States and destroy the constitution. Now it was supposed to be Hillary’s turn to finish the job. They were never supposed to relinquish control of the Commander in Chief position in the United States. They now no longer control the greatest military in the world and because of that, they are more vulnerable than they have ever been.
They failed because “good actors” prevented Hillary’s election.
Her loss came as a total surprise to the cabal.
They didn’t believe there was any possible way for her to lose because the election was already rigged.
The enemy has been rigging elections for a long time, but this time they vastly underestimated how much Hillary was hated in America and how much Trump is loved. Their fraud wasn’t enough to steal the election in 2016. It shocked them, which is why Hillary never gave a concession speech.
Most people don’t know that Obama was going to prevent Trump from taking office, but it was stopped by the military.
What was Obama preparing to do?
From Q drop 36 on Nov 02, 2017:
The military was prepared to do the UNTHINKABLE—a planned military coup to remove the Obama administration along with corrupt politicians. This plan was purposely leaked to Obama and his officials as a warning if they tried to prevent Trump from being declared the winner. They backed down.
Hillary was never going to be allowed to become president. The military was going to make sure of that. They valued their oath and deserve credit for that.
But I would like to make an important point:
The military stepped in BEHIND the scenes to prevent the enemy from stealing the election in 2016. Trump was president and Commander in Chief of the military in 2020. Why didn’t Trump’s military step in again to prevent the stolen election in 2020? They certainly had the power to prevent it, but instead, they allowed it to happen.
The plan was always to let them steal the election so that Biden would be installed and become a millstone around the democrats’ neck. They would use Biden to expose the corruption in every system, including elections and the justice system.
I wrote about how Trump helped choose Biden as the democrat nominee in my article titled The Chosen One. The stolen election has helped ignite an awakening among the public from a deep slumber. The American people know Biden didn’t get 81 million votes, and also know that he is corrupt. The large majority of Americans have turned against the democrats, and our numbers grow daily. It is a beautiful thing to witness.
I would like to make another point:
What Biden is doing is not part of the sixteen year plan.
The plan was to start World War III between the U.S. and Russia, so that both countries would be devastated. It’s not going to happen, regardless of how much rhetoric we hear from Biden. It’s a narrative war.
Starting a war based on Russia getting the blame for a bomb going off in America is completely different than wanting to go to war against Russia over Ukraine. The enemy can’t sell that to the American people. What Biden is destroying is the democrat party, and there’s nothing the democrats can do to stop it. Even the media is having a hard time defending Biden, as they know the American people have turned against him. Their poll numbers are a complete disaster, and underestimate the red wave that is coming. The Great Awakening is real, and we are witnessing it.
But who was controlling this “sixteen year plan” by the enemy?
Do you remember the questions I asked at the end of my last article? Here’s one.
Who was the biggest contributor to the Clinton Foundation?
There were a lot of contributors to the Clinton Foundation over the years, but one was the largest, and expected the most for his contribution.
From Q drop 10 on Oct 29, 2017:
Everything is connected. There’s a reason that both Hillary and Obama were part of the sixteen year plan and were also deeply connected to both the Uranium 1 deal and the Iran nuclear deal. Both were puppets, and were being controlled by the same person.
Let’s connect some dots.
Here’s more from Q drop 36 on Nov 2, 2017:
Did Obama make cash payments to foreign states or organizations at the last minute in order to pay back their puppet master?
Hillary owed a lot of money to bad actors that had donated to the Clinton Foundation and were assuming she would become the next president. She made a lot of promises to those people who were donating big money to her private little piggy bank. One bad actor in particular was not only disappointed that she lost, but demanded his money back.
Because puppet masters don’t lose their money. They control governments, and governments are their personal piggy banks. Obama made sure that his puppet master got paid back with taxpayers’ money.
This really bad actor who had contributed to the Clinton Foundation was expecting her to win the election so that he could control the presidency ‘ONCE AGAIN.’ He expected both Hillary and Obama to ensure an election victory. He was the one controlling the “sixteen year plan” because he controlled both Obama and Hillary.
How did this really BAD ACTOR get paid back?
According to The Hill:
The Obama administration sent $221 million to the Palestinian Authority on Friday as President Obama prepared to leave the White House for the last time, The Associated Press reports.
The outgoing administration formally notified Congress of the decision just hours before President Trump was inaugurated.
Does anybody remember that? Just hours before Trump took office, Obama gave $221 million of taxpayers’ money to the Palestinian Authority.
Why the Palestinian Authority?
We don’t hear much about the Palestinian Authority since Hamas took over Gaza, but it’s important to know who the Palestinian Authority is and why Obama would give so much of the taxpayers’ money to them at the last minute.
According to Newsweek:
The PA has long incentivized violence with the infamous "pay to slay" program. Perversely, the program is even enshrined in its laws.
In 2004, the PA passed a law that guaranteed salaries for convicted terrorists and their families. The legislation specified that "prisoners and released prisoners are a fighting sector and integral part of the fabric of Arab Palestinian society."
In 2010, the PA passed a series of resolutions stipulating that every Palestinian inmate in an Israeli prison who is convicted of a "terrorism-related offense" is to receive a monthly payment. In 2013, the PA's prime minister at the time, Rami Hamdallah, amended the law, offering additional benefits to prisoners upon their release. For example, any male ex-prisoner who was incarcerated for 10 or more years, and every female ex-prisoner who served five years, is entitled to a position in the PA.
Obama gave a lot of taxpayers’ money to a governing body in Gaza that has a “pay to slay” program to pay terrorists and their families for violence against the Israeli people. They have made it the law of the land in Gaza, and it has been known for many years.
Was this the money being paid back to the BAD ACTOR who controlled Hillary and Obama?
According to The Independent:
The Trump administration has reportedly frozen a multimillion dollar aid package granted to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the final hours of Barack Obama’s presidency.
Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah was told by US officials not to expect the $220 million payout earlier this week, the Times of Israel reported, citing a senior PA source.
Mr Obama had overruled Congress to make the decision, with the money intended to support good governance and humanitarian aid.
This wasn’t something planned. Obama overruled Congress and made a last-minute payout to the Palestinian Authority as he left office.
Why was it so important? Because they didn’t expect Hillary to lose.
Trump then cancelled it. More money flow disruption.
Was this money really just for good governance and humanitarian aid? Was it really going to the Palestinian Authority?
More from The Independent:
The House was informed by former Secretary of State John Kerry hours before Mr Trump’s inauguration.
Acting State Department Spokesperson Mark Toner told The Independent: “In a final act, then-Secretary of State John Kerry instructed USAID to release $220.3 million for Gaza recovery programs.
So, Obama’s Secretary of State told USAID to give almost $221 million to Gaza recovery programs?
USAID is just a CIA front group and always has been. I covered that in my article titled, ‘The Difference Between Friend And Foe.’
USAID has been a tax payer slush fund for the CIA since its inception.
Here’s how much money was designated to the State Department and USAID in Obama’s budget proposal in 2016, his last year in office:
It was almost $33 billion.
The State Department and USAID go hand-in-hand because both are controlled by the CIA. The CIA was getting by far the most foreign aid money. That’s one of the ways we were funding our enemies.
Who was controlling the CIA?
As I’ve been saying, when Trump became president, Alwaleed bin Talal controlled the CIA which is why he was Trump’s biggest threat.
So why did Obama feel obligated to pay back Hillary’s debt to Alwaleed?
He was following orders from his puppet master.
From Q drop 199 on Nov 22, 2017:
Q connected Obama’s Harvard education with contributions to the Clinton Foundation because they were obligations to the same person.
I will get deeper into the Clinton Foundation in a coming article.
Alwaleed controlled both U.S. and U.K. politicians, which gave him control of both governments. But who was the biggest politician that Alwaleed ever controlled?
A portion of Q drop 1948 from Aug 28, 2018
Why hasn’t the media ever told us that Prince Alwaleed funded Obama’s Harvard education?
Why was it so important to hide that fact from the American people?
According to Politico:
Barack Obama's campaign is flatly denying a story told by former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton, who cast an ex-Black Panther turned Muslim businessman and lecturer as a key Obama mentor, but whose story seems off in at least one key detail.
Sutton, now in his late 80s and mostly off the public stage, told NY1's Dominic Carter that he was asked to write a letter of recommendation to Harvard Law School on Obama's behalf by a man named Khalid al-Mansour of Texas, "the principle adviser to one of the world's richest men," who was also "raising money for [Obama]."
Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt told Politico that "Obama did not know and does not know Khalid al-Mansour."
This story is a huge deal.
Barack Obama and everyone connected to him feared this story getting out. They were doing everything they could to deny this story, and even portrayed this long time democrat operative as being old and senile. They had someone claim to be a “spokesperson” for his family who was then telling the media that the whole family said Sutton had retracted the story, which was a lie.
Obama claimed he didn’t even know Khalid al-Mansour and had never met him.
This connection was the type of exposure that could have derailed the cabal’s sixteen year plan.
This Politico story was written to help hide the connection to Al-Mansour and make the story go away because it may have ended Obama’s presidential run.
More from Politico:
LaBolt said Obama doesn't have a relationship with Sutton and that "to our knowledge, no such letter was written." Obama was in Chicago, not New York, when he applied to Harvard.
Sutton's story is particularly difficult to follow at one point: that al-Mansour was "raising money" for Obama. Obama attended Harvard with the help of student loans, as the Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet reported in detail at one point, writing that he had $42,753 in debt.
Mansour said he admires Obama, but first heard of him when a relative sent him a copy of Obama's 2004 convention speech.
"I've never met him," he said.
These are all well-scripted LIES.
There are zero records of Obama taking out any student loan to go to Harvard or that he was in any debt. That is just one of the many reasons that Obama’s records are sealed and hidden from the public.
But why was Obama desperately trying to distance himself from Khalid al-Mansour? And why did Al-Mansour claim that he never met Obama? Does anybody really believe he would be raising money for him if they had never met? What are they hiding?
Who is Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour?
According to Newsmax:
Al-Mansour’s rise to fame and fortune began with an introduction to the Saudi king in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 1977.
“I was asked by a Saudi friend – he was a student down in Newport (Calif.) –to go home with him to Riyadh,” al-Mansour told Newsmax.
Al-Mansour was introduced to the king of Saudi Arabia back in 1977 by a “Saudi friend” he met in California. Guess who was going to Menlo College back in 1977 and was probably living in the Newport area because it is a wealthy enclave in California?
More from Newsmax:
He met and befriended Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the world’s 19th wealthiest person, when the prince was studying at Menlo College in California in the late 1970s. Al-Mansour’s law partner was representing the prince in a court case in California.
After getting a degree in business administration from Menlo in 1979, Prince Alwaleed went back to Saudi Arabia determined to become extremely successful, Al-Mansour recalled.
Al-Mansour said he is aware of Percy Sutton’s revelations that identified him as raising money for Obama’s law school education when the presidential candidate was 25.
“But I’ve never confirmed it,” he said.
Al-Mansour was friends with Prince Alwaleed going back to the 1970’s. What a coincidence.
When asked about Percy Sutton’s interview that revealed he was raising money for Obama’s Harvard education, Al-Mansour still denies it.
Is he telling the truth?
Why would he not want to be associated with the new political rising star of the democrat party? Seems strange, doesn’t it?
There’s always more to the story.
According to ‘another’ Newsmax article:
New evidence has emerged that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was closely associated as early as age 25 to a key adviser to a Saudi billionaire who had mentored the founding members of the Black Panthers.
So Khalid Al-Mansour was a “key adviser” to Prince Alwaleed?
No wonder Obama and Al-Mansour both were denying ever knowing each other or having met. Puppet masters are supposed to stay hidden, not be exposed funding the education of the future president of the United States.
Percy Sutton wasn’t supposed to ever mention any of this publicly.
More from Newsmax:
Sutton, the founder of Inner City Broadcasting, said Al-Mansour contacted him to ask a favor: Would Sutton write a letter in support of Obama’s application to Harvard Law School?
He wrote to me about him, Sutton recalled. And his introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard.
I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?
Al-Mansour didn’t just introduce Percy Sutton to a young Obama, he also asked him to write a letter of recommendation to his friends at Harvard in order to get Obama accepted.
More from Newsmax:
Sutton said he acted on his friend al-Mansours advice.
I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available, and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly, Sutton told NY1.
Sutton did not say why al-Mansour was helping Obama, how he discovered him, or from whom he was raising money on Obama’s behalf.
Aren’t those some good questions to ask?
Why was Al-Mansour helping Obama? How did he meet him, and who really wanted him to try and raise money for Obama?
It was obviously Prince Alwaleed, as Q already suggested.
More from Newsmax:
As it turned out, Obama did attend Harvard Law School after graduating from Columbia University in New York and doing a stint as a community organizer in Chicago.
If you ever wondered why Obama was such a Marxist, you just need to know that in his formative years, he graduated from Columbia University, which is known for turning out young, know-nothing Marxists.
He was also a community organizer in Chicago and then got help from a known Marxist, who mentored the Black Panther political organization. Al-Mansour helped get him into Harvard, and raised money for him because of his family background, which is deeply tied to the CIA, which Alwaleed controlled. (More on that in a coming article.)
He was being groomed. There is no bigger example of a puppet being groomed to be installed at the highest position in the United States than Barack Obama.
More from Newsmax:
The New York Times described how transformative his Harvard experience became for the young Obama: He arrived there as an unknown, Afro-wearing community organizer who had spent years searching for his identity; by the time he left, he had his first national news media exposure, a book contract and a shot of confidence from running the most powerful legal journal in the country.
Isn’t that amazing?
A guy who couldn’t get into Harvard on his merits or afford it, and was an unknown was suddenly given a book deal which gave him media attention along with personal wealth. He was also put in charge of the Harvard Law Review.
Doesn’t that raise an important question?
Did Barack Obama really write his own book, or even run the Harvard Law Review?
His puppet master was really pulling some strings on his behalf.
Did you know that Khalid Al-Mansour (A.K.A Donald Warden), is an author and has written a lot of books, mostly anti American topics promoting racism and division?
What are the odds that Al-Mansour wrote Obama’s book to raise him some money and elevate him politically?
I bet the odds are pretty high. I’ll also bet the odds are pretty high that Al-Mansour was helping the unknown Obama run the Harvard Law Review, too.
More from Newsmax:
The details of Obamas academic performance are well known: At Harvard, Obama rose to academic distinction, becoming the editor of the Harvard Law Review and graduating magna cum laude.
Less known are the reasons al-Mansour, an activist African-American Muslim, would be a key backer for a young man from Hawaii seeking to attend the most Ivy of the Ivy League law schools.
Sorry, but the details of Obama’s academic performance are not well known. What the public knows is what they’ve been told. That doesn’t make it true. Everything about Obama was a lie to the American people to make him acceptable. His school records were sealed.
What is he hiding?
This is an important Q drop.
Alwaleed controlled the democrat party under both Hillary and Obama. This drop reveals how much power Alwaleed had over our government. That’s why he was Trump’s biggest threat, and needed to be taken off the chessboard first.
Different factions of foreign [primary] control? Who paid _Hussein's Harvard Law Degree? Who financed _Hussein's political life? Who is Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal? Why are Hussein's school records under seal?
Q tied Alwaleed directly to Obama’s Harvard education, which gave him the pedigree needed to be installed as the president of the United States.
Q says there are competing factions for control of the White House. Soros was a big backer of Hillary way back in 2008, while Alwaleed had groomed Obama to become president. Alwaleed was more powerful than Soros because he controlled the CIA.
What were the two puppet masters competing for?
Competing factions [each with a horse in the race] seeking direct WH control [+USMIL][+Trillions _overseas transfer of US taxpayer FUNDS]? All working together [coordinated][infiltration not invasion][VJ _HA]. What happens to US taxpayer FUNDS transferred overseas under guise of AID, MIL, CLIMATE, etc.? US taxpayers funding the destruction of America? Q
It is always about the money, because money equals power.
White House CONTROL equals [US military] plus [Trillions of overseas transfer of US taxpayer FUNDS].
Most of the funds going overseas do not go towards what is being told to the American people.
“All working together [coordinated] [infliltration not invasion] [Valerie Jarret _ Huma Abedin].”
Everything is connected.
We are fighting an insurgency infiltration within our government, not an invasion.
But why did Q mention Valerie Jarrett and Huma Abedin right after that?
Answer: They were the “handlers” for Obama and Hillary, and I will prove their connections to Prince Alwaleed in a coming article that will open the door to many things.
Everything is connected.
Do you think Obama was the only president that Alwaleed controlled?
Guess what other president sent tax payers money overseas to fund our enemies? You’ll never guess where it ended up.
Have you ever heard the name Stuart W. Bowen Jr.?
From The Boston Globe:
Not long after American forces defeated the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein in 2003, caravans of trucks began to arrive at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington on a regular basis, unloading an unusual cargo — pallets of shrink-wrapped $100 bills. The cash, withdrawn from Iraqi government accounts held in the United States, was loaded onto Air Force C-17 transport planes bound for Baghdad, where the Bush administration hoped it would provide a quick financial infusion for Iraq’s new government and the country’s battered economy.
Over the next year and a half, $12 billion to $14 billion was sent to Iraq in the airlift, and an additional $5 billion was sent by electronic transfer. Exactly what happened to that money after it arrived in Baghdad became one of the many unanswered questions from the chaotic days of the American occupation, when billions were flowing into the country from the United States and corruption was rampant.
I had mentioned this story at the very end of my article titled ‘Profiting From War,’ but I didn’t give the full story.
Tens of billions of dollars in cash were flown to Iraq by President George W. Bush. Why didn’t they just send ALL of the money by electronic transfer?
Cash is much harder to trace. Most of the money disappeared and nobody seemed to care. Except, of course, Stuart W. Bowen Jr.
More from The Boston Globe:
Finding the answer became first the job and then the obsession of Stuart W. Bowen Jr., a friend from Texas of President George W. Bush, who in 2004 was appointed to serve as a special inspector general to investigate corruption and waste in Iraq. Before his office was finally shut down last year, Mr. Bowen believed he might have succeeded — but only partly — in that mission.
Bush had placed his friend from Texas, Stuart Bowen Jr. as a “Special IG” to investigate corruption and waste in Iraq. Why?
Because Congress was investigating all the waste and fraud of taxpayers’ money in the Iraq war.
I’m sure Bush thought his “friend” would make the story go away, but Mr. Bowen was actually a man of character, and put his country over his friendship.
More from The Boston Globe:
Much of the money was probably used by the Iraqi government in some way, he concluded. But for years, Mr. Bowen could not account for billions more until his investigators finally had a breakthrough, discovering that $1.2 billion to $1.6 billion had been stolen and moved to a bunker in rural Lebanon for safe keeping.
“I don’t know how the money got to Lebanon,” Mr. Bowen said. “If I knew that, we would have made more progress on the case.”
He had tracked down part of the stolen money and discovered it had found its way to a bunker in Lebanon, which is the home base of Hezbollah and also the place where Alwaleed was raised as a young child, and has many family connections. Do you think those are just coincidences?
Bush was funding terrorism long before Obama flew billions of dollars into Iran in the middle of the night. While Bush was creating the phony image of himself waging war against terrorism, he was funding those same terrorist groups.
We were funding our enemies.
Why haven’t the American people been told this important information?
More from The Boston Globe:
Mr. Bowen kept the discovery and his investigation of the cash-filled bunker in Lebanon, which his office code-named Brick Tracker, secret. He has never publicly discussed it until now, and his frustration that neither he nor his investigators can fully account for the missing money was evident in a series of interviews.
“Billions of dollars have been taken out of Iraq over the last 10 years illegally,” he said. “In this investigation, we thought we were on the track for some of that lost money. It’s disappointing to me personally that we were unable to close this case, for reasons beyond our control.”
They were stopped from further investigation. The rug was pulled out from under them after they tracked a lot of money to Lebanon.
More from The Boston Globe:
He is equally frustrated that the Bush administration, apart from his office, never investigated reports that huge amounts of money had disappeared, and that after his investigators found out about the bunker, the Obama administration did not pursue that lead, either.
Mr. Bowen said his investigators briefed the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. on what they found. But Mr. Bowen added that he believed one reason American officials had not gone after it was “because it was Iraqi money stolen by Iraqis.”
Bush and Obama couldn’t care less that billions of dollars had been stolen, or that some of it wound up in terrorists hands while we were ‘supposedly’ in a never-ending war on terror. It shouldn’t surprise anybody. Both of them were puppets of Alwaleed’s, who was also controlling the terrorist groups through his control of the CIA.
But do not miss that last line in this quote. This is an important reveal.
When it was discovered by Congress and the public that billions of dollars were stolen in Iraq, the enemy quickly created a narrative.
What was it?
It’s Iraq’s money, so who cares if Iraqis are stealing it.
They were doing one of two things: the CIA/shadow government was either stealing taxpayers’ money, or they were pilfering and stealing the wealth from the Iraqi people. Which is it?
Maybe it’s both.
This is the scam Q often references. Foreign aid is being stolen to fund our enemies, and it’s been going on for a very long time.
According to ShadowProof.com:
Risen reports that in the first days after the fall of Baghdad and continuing for over a year, American proconsul Paul Bremer, on his own, somehow ordered $12-$14 billion (note the uncertainty factor of two billion dollars, itself a crime) to be sent to Iraq in the airlift, and an additional $5 billion was sent by electronic transfer. Some sources put the total as high as $20 billion.
“We did not know that Bremer was flying in all that cash,” said the head of the Treasury Department team that worked on Iraq’s financial reconstruction after the invasion. “I can’t see a reason for it.”
This is an important point: The Treasury didn’t know why Bremer authorized all of that cash to be flown to Iraq. There was no reason for it, unless your plan is to make it easier to steal. The CIA/shadow government controlled this cash flow into and out of Iraq.
More from ShadowProof.com:
Even the Iraqi government has not tried to retrieve the money, and has kept information about the Lebanese bunker secret. When Bowen and his staff tried to move the search into Lebanon themselves, he met with resistance from the U.S. embassy in Beirut. Bowen himself was not allowed to travel to Lebanon, and two of his investigators who did travel were denied permission from the embassy to see the bunker.
Bowen’s staff members instead met with Lebanon’s prosecutor general, who initially agreed to cooperate on an investigation, but later decided against it.
President George W. Bush never really wanted to investigate the stolen cash. It was a complete whitewash to make the Congressional investigations go away.
How much money was potentially stolen?
More from ShadowProof.com:
Of all the missing money, by 2011 the Pentagon and the Iraqi government claim to have accounted for all but $6 billion of it, as if missing the target by six billion spaces is an OK result. And even that assumes one believes the Pentagon and Iraqi audit.
How did all that money go missing?
That, at least, is something we know.
U.S. officials claimed in the early days of the war that they didn’t have time or staff to keep strict financial controls. Millions of dollars were stuffed in gunnysacks and hauled on pickups to Iraqi agencies or contractors, officials have testified. House Government Reform Committee investigators charged in 2005 that U.S. officials “used virtually no financial controls to account for these enormous cash withdrawals once they arrived in Iraq, and there is evidence of substantial waste, fraud and abuse in the actual spending and disbursement of the Iraqi funds.”
The shadow government was using “no financial controls” for all of this cash, and that was purposeful. They robbed both the American people and the Iraqi people of their wealth, and used it to fund our enemies.
Speaking of stealing the wealth from other countries, I was going to talk about Libya in this article, but I needed to set the table first. I will go into Libya in my next article.
Alwaleed controlled a lot of bad actors which gave him a lot of power.
By controlling presidents, Alwaleed controlled the government and the country. That also gave him control of the military along with the worldwide financial debt system. This infiltration had been going on for generations, and had finally reached a tipping point. The military had stepped in to prevent Hillary from becoming president, and now they are executing a plan to remove this insurgency and the puppet masters that control it.
Here’s a Q drop explaining this critical juncture in our history.
This drop happened just four days before Alwaleed would be arrested in Saudi Arabia, along with hundreds of his allies:
Trump took out Alwaleed first, which cut a lot of puppet strings. There were lots of bad actors that needed to be removed.
Obama, Hillary and Bush are three of the biggest, but there was another bad actor that is connected to a lot of things, and who hasn’t entered the picture yet in this series.
Q gave this individual a specific moniker for a reason. He is one of the biggest traitors in this war:
The flow of information is vital in a narrative war.
Who is John M?
John McCain was a traitor who portrayed himself as a war hero and a patriot. He was mentioned with Pelosi because he also took a trip to a country in secret that would reveal that he was also playing a part in the “sixteen year plan.”
“No-name” was removed from the chessboard for a reason, and in my next article, I will tie him to Libya and the “The Sum of All Fears.”
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Joe’s work is brilliant. I’m dumbfounded by the abundance of information he finds. I don’t think most people can appreciate how hard it is to uncover what the Deep State wants covered up.
Wow. I’m speechless. I read a lot of this twice but will be reading it again later after more ☕️! I took interest in this:
He was being groomed. There is no bigger example of a puppet being groomed to be installed at the highest position in the United States than Barack Obama.
That man is, well, can’t even put into words how I feel about him. Remember the verse in the Bible saying basically that God gave them over to their wickedness? THAT APPLIES HERE. No redeeming qualities. Maybe I’m wrong, I’m no holy judge. But Bush is approaching that level after reading this article.
So much information. What did they see in BO? Why him? I wonder how he would have turned out left to his own devices.
This is more evidence of what drives Trump so powerfully to keep at this holy war. We need to continue to pray for strength for him and his family and trusted circle. The danger they must be in is mind blowing.
Great job Joe! Thank you so much. 😊 💯