Trump and Putin…At long last, true Statesmen rise to power on the world stage of Peace, the reverberations of which will be a powerful exposure of the criminal mindset of forever wars!


Zuckerberg is playing the only card he has left to play - the “forgiveness” card. The problem is that “forgiveness” in this case reeks of self-preservation the same way going along with the censorship was all about his own self preservation. It all suggests a glaring lack of integrity and certainly a lack of courage and moral character.


Blessings to Justin Bieber on his spiritual path for healing 💫🕊


Love Trump giving a h/t to Prof Jeffrey Sachs interview. Prof Sachs is wonderful to listen to and learn from…

“The picture is getting more clear.”– GhostofBasedPatrickHenry ❤️


“The $750,000-a-year LA water czar”

Reminds us of Q and Watch the Water…and in this context, BB: “shedding light on systemic corruption and long-buried truths.”


Ashe: “Freedom of expression will be protected by banning X? For democracy!”. It takes common sense to see the message…thanks in no small part to Elon Musk, the EU Disruptor


Wow…great start to a very interesting week ahead!! Thank You, Badlands Contributors 🙏❤️🕊🕊💫🇺🇸🕊🌎

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Most IT nerds are cerebral introverted spineless cowards. Elon is a significant exception, but he's not defined by IT, rather he uses it as a tool. Try to imagine any of our recent IT "heros" surviving the old west as gunslingers. They all would avoid those fights every time. Just sayin.

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Bowing reflexively to Altar of Reason instead of Divine Heart/Soul has consequences = Selling one's Soul. Just like Bowing to Altars of Greed ... Fame .... Religion over God ... Ephemeral Power ... Fortunately redemption is never far away ... one simply need to align with the Mighty I AM Presence = Source of All Creation

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This is a resonant perspective however I do have a question in how you personally apply this to your life.

Clearly, some of us are gifted with strong reasoning skills while others lack the ability which leads to criminals getting away with murder under our collective noses.

You're implying that aligning with sovereign Creator overrides the need for reason, as one would simply know the truth without thought. I call this intuition myself, but divinely inspired.

My question is, how does one provide for the needs of a family without applied reason to maximize ones value in this fake economic game we all play? Please understand I am asking from a genuine space here. I hold similar core values as yourself, but to my awareness, for matters of "money" I've never heard guidance from God. Reason has been my only means of advancement. But, I'm tired of it. I hate this game TBH.

Anyway, quite curious how you manage your affairs with only divine inspiration.

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Didn't St Francis say, "You can't make God and Money your master. You MUST pick One!" I'm probably butchering what he said. But it's a question of priorities. 35 yrs ago my guru said, "Put the first thing first. And the second thing second. If you put the second thing first and the first thing second, that can be enough to screw up a man's life."

Back in college long ago I had the insight ... while reason had its place ... if & when I bowed at the altar of reason over divine insight, I felt I'd cut myself in half. I felt I'd lost my soul. Since I'd been meditating since age 15, I'd had glimpses of viscerally connecting to my soul & source.

When I opened my heart fully to kundalini awakening (age 27) my life could never go back to tiny box of pure reason. I'd make an unusual wayshower regarding taking care of fam responsiblities since I didn't get a checking acct until I was 32 yrs old. Fortunately I am financially prosperous b/c I followed my passion 100%. At 38 yrs old I opened N Shore Boston's 1st hot yoga studio (Yoga Passion) & earned enough money to buy a couple multi-fam properties & contribute to a series of g-friends who had children (none of mine).

To say that my journey is unique would be a gross understatement. Since age 13 I have been ALL-IN on awakening direct Divinity in my being, I walked to the beat of my own drum. Much to the consternation of blood family. No one in my family thought it was prudent to open a yoga studio or write a novel about spiritual truth which I finished on 50th b-day on banks of Ganges River in Rishikesh, India. 'The Secret of Enduring Love: Yoga Romance of Damayanti and Nala.' What I've discovered is that life has always provided for me even when I couldn't see it.

GP, Thx for reaching out!

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That's the truth in the end: what is needed is provided. My mind fills with worry about "how to pay for all my obligations" but that worry is generated in my own mind, not a real issue per se.

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I know it may sound weird ... when I embrace God as my beloved and Ascended Masters and Saints are my dear friends, e/t works out.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/5nLAVxwFoT

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⚠️ WARNING !⚠️



h/t TdLF

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That’s because they were the ‘front men’ selected for the role of inventor when, in fact, the military industrial complex (DARPA) developed the surveillance and control systems to work forward to the 2030 goal. They were cowards and easily manipulated to fulfill their roles.

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for Zuck I 100% agree.

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Bingo! Seems the collective mind has largely forgotten where these companies, and people, came from.

We ignore this lesson at our peril.

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Zuckerberg and his WIFE should fry like the rest. Their Victims on Pedo Island should have closure.

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⚠️ WARNING !⚠️



h/t Trumpist

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Thanks for your Take on Iran, Ghost!

“the US would be wise to allow trusted partners in the region work to serve their own self-interest — which is peace.”

Why can’t we just let the MiddleEast solve their own problems? They have a better chance of doing so without our captured-by-the-DeepState State Department and the Military Industrial Complex constantly meddling there to serve their own interests that have nothing to do with Peace!

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I think the reductive answer is because of the money and the laundering of said money back into the pockets of those who justified sending it to our "friends" in the first place.

But I may be missing some humanitarian reason behind forever wars...

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Consider how dissemination of FREE ENERGY changes so many political equations & redefines our rel-ship w/ money

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No, I don’t believe you’re missing a thing! 🙏🇺🇸🕊️

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Actually, their (DS/MIC) interests do have to do with peace -- they oppose it at all costs!

War is their only surefire way to make money, and [they] love it. Playing with toys (all designed to kill people and blow stuff up) and sending off their lessers to die or be maimed sates [their] evil souls.

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Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men;

...For they sleep not unless they have done mischief, and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall.

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Love your take on Dennis Rodman.

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I think Rodman is the only true friend that Un really has. It's lonely at the top, especially when you're at the top of a reclusive country like NorK.

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$750k working for the government? My God!!!

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Actually, it's $750k for a criminal who was also hired by, and for serving criminals but getting paid using tax payer money to do so. It's well worth it to install incompetent minorities that are known to be incompetent because it meets the racist goals of the low life filth personified most succinctly, and almost perfectly by the rascist, serial rapist, Bill Clinton, and morons like Karen Bass, and Barack Obama, which is to keep minorities down, and use them to divide Americans on class, race, and other socioeconomic characteristics all while using tax payer money to screw taxpayers.

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Seriously? The Vatican has always sanctioned queer priests. That's why they've had to cover up all the child rapes. People have known about it since Dante's Inferno was written!

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What does Chris mean by “their boy JD is in place if they ever do”?

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I'm puzzled by that as well. Does he mean JD Vance?

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Me too…

I interpreted JD to be Vance …but why is he “their” boy and not ours?

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Chris sometimes confuses me although he speaks a lot of truths. President Trump knows it all and so I just trust that he chose JD Vance for a reason. So I’m not worried.

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Read his book and you’ll see exactly why Trump chose JD Vance. It’s very clear.

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Whose book?

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"Hillbilly Elegy" by JD Vance. Written a while back, 2013 IIRC.

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Why do believe Trump chose him?

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Does Chris read comments? Maybe he’ll clarify? Or, maybe BB??

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I think he means Vance is solidly on the Trump MAGA team and will pick up the reigns should he need to like in the event of tragedy or in four more years. I doubt he's referring to Vance being a sleeper agent just because he bashed Trump before he had a change of opinion or somebody made him see the light.

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I learned something yesterday that ties the California fires directly to the deep state. It is a connection no one ever seems to make, so this is cutting edge hypothesis on my part.

The connection is left wing government with insurance. If we think about America since the Great Depression, Democrats have sold us insurance. That is the bottom line. Social Security was retirement insurance. When the Ponzi scheme was going bankrupt, LBJ doubled down with Medicare which was health insurance on top of retirement insurance. In other words, they bailed out one Ponzi scheme with an even more expensive scheme that was going belly-up in 2008 when Obama came up with Obamacare which forced our youth to buy un-needed insurance to bail out the losing proposition of Medicare for old folks. I hope the government’s pattern of selling insurance is clear to us.

Now to California. I learned the state has made the insurance laws so onerous that almost all providers have pulled out and the state has been charging the residents for homeowners insurance and is responsible for 85% of all of the loss in the high income areas that burned. Where did all of those billions of dollars go? California has a debt today of 1.6 Trillion despite the insurance money being wasted on left wing craziness. I have no idea the lost value in burning 13,200 homes, but the news says the average price is $3.5 million and that doesn’t include other assets that were lost and insured.

So, do we increase our national debt to bail out a corrupt California Ponzi scheme, or does California somehow borrow another couple hundred billion?

We may be witnessing the final straw for our insurance fraud. It isn’t like California invented it. But, the progressive left politically invented it over a hundred years ago in Jekyll Island, Ga. Isn’t it time to just stop the foolishness? This Ponzi scheme has run it’s course and us suckers should recognize our stupidity and prosecute the perpetrators on the Left and Right. Both sides have aided and abetted this catastrophe. And, it can only get worse for us because we have not put a stop to it long ago.

The good news is Trump is going back to change things for the good in one week from today. He understands the true problem and is on top of the solution. Think about those planes filled with Gold! He did that eight years ago and then let the Left do it’s thing since 2021! We can all see how well that has worked out.

I hope we can all agree that a huge change is needed. First, we must get our government out of the insurance business. They are not good at business of any kind. They have proven that beyond any reasonable doubt!

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“Don’t ask don’t tell” has always been in effect when it comes to priests and religious. As a lifelong catholic, I am FOR “gay” priests. I am not for gay priests who have a boyfriend visiting the rectory. I am not for married priests. Priests are on duty 24/7. They are humans just like the rest of us. Young men today don’t give a second thought to “the sake of the Kingdom,” because our society celebrates and affirms the sexual behaviors which are antithetical to LIFE. God please come to our aid.

”For there are different reasons why men cannot marry: some, because they were born that way; others, because men made them that way; and others do not marry for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven. Let him who can accept this teaching do so.”“

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19‬:‭12‬ ‭GNTD‬‬


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Can you tell me where God or Jesus instructed that priests need to be celibate? I don't recall this being required of any of his disciples.

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Whether you called them, priests, pastors or ministers, there is no requirement for celibacy. Marriage was allowed since the beginning. Aaron, the first high priest appointed under Moses was married. When Paul set the churches in order, he remarked that he wished The pastors could be like him (celibate) but also said better to marry than to burn. he wasn’t talking about burning in hell he was talking about burning with lust.

If I’m not mistaken, I believe that the Catholic Church says that the disciple Peter was their first pope. In Matthew Peter is referenced as married.

When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him.

Matt 8:14-15, NIV

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Marriage and celibacy are two different kettles of fish. But I do refer to Paul’s compassionate declaration in his first letter to the Corinthians (8:32) “I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to please the Lord; but the married man is anxious to please his wife, and his interests are divided.”

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Don't you find this to be an odd apparently mandatory practice for the catholic church in priesthood? Could be possible that the repression of sexuality holds some benefit for the papacy that doesn't align with Jesus's intentions for his ministry?

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The historical reason for this practice is primogeniture -- a man's estate passing to his firstborn son. This practice ensured that the estate (farm or whatever) would not be divided endlessly.

So the Roman Catholic Church establishes two policies: (a) encouraging (requiring) first-born sons to join the priesthood; and (b) requiring priests to remain single and celibate.

Without heirs, the property then passed to the Church.

This is how the Catholic Church became the wealthiest organization in the world.

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It's right after the part where Christ Jesus gave a sermon about what areas of society homosexuals were to be banned from so that Buddy the bigot bonehead Brown can sleep well at night.

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That’s right Dennis I sleep very well at night. Thank you. I often dream about the day they bring back stoning for homosexuals. Wouldn’t that be great,eh

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I have to disagree with you on this one Kelly. The main reason is because I have six grandchildren and my 10th great grandchild is on the way. Homeschooling has always been big in the Brown family, but not everyone is able to do it. I would prefer that my great grandchildren, not be influenced by a homosexual teacher in their school. And if we can’t even keep them from teaching in the churches how will we ever get them out of the schools? Since you posted a scripture, I will also post one.:

Leviticus, 18 and 22:

22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

God doesn’t change. It was an abomination when that was written and it’s an abomination today. Do we really want an abominable person in the ministry?

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I'd hate to preclude my children being educated by people like Tchaikovsky, Alan Turing, or any number of other homosexual geniuses just because I'm a bigot. There were, likely still are, people who wouldn't have their children taught by black folks too. Ignorant bigots love religious support for their hatred. In sure Christ Jesus would support your view of banning homosexuals from aspects of society. I think it's recorded somewhere in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. Maybe it's that part where Christ Jesus heals the man who was often at the healing pool where after Jesus heals him he tells the guy to get lost because he's an abomination.

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Buddy, I get it. I feel pretty sure I have encountered some priests who decided to become ordained because it got their mother to quit hounding them about getting married. Plus it gave them status as a favored son. None of them have ever given me the heebie-jeebies. Did they have a hidden life? I sincerely hope not. Did they have sinful thoughts? At least as many as I do, I’m sure. Those guys are old now. Today you can be a counselor in a parochial school while in a common-law, same-sex marriage. I know one! (He is Trump-deranged, but I digress!) We are all God’s children. Grooming is disgusting. Pedophilia is from the devil. We can’t stand for these things. But we should celebrate and encourage those who are willing remain celibate for the good of the kingdom.

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You don't agree with married priests but you're okay with gay priests? WTH?

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It is about the commitment required. If a person is called to serve, I don’t care who they had a crush on in high school as long as they are committed to celibacy and the requirements of the divine office. Married people IMO cannot commit that strongly.

I might add that marriage is nearly incompatible with commanding a company of soldiers. No days off to nurture your spouse. Thankfully those assignments last only a few years, not lifetimes.

Hope that makes sense.

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But why does it matter to Catholics at all if they are commited to celibacy? This was never anything God or Jesus required. My father was catholic as well but I never got to ask him this.

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The Catechism forbids any sexual activity that subverts procreation. That is pretty radical. Most catholics haven’t read the catechism and don’t understand the extreme beauty in this. I was raised in a family that wanted me to save myself for marriage, but never dreamed of telling me how my marital relations should always be open to procreation, and if not, abstinence would be the order of the day. Pope John Paul II wrote a very comprehensive document entitled “Theology of the Body” which explains all of this doctrine of our church. The church relies of the Word of God, but also oral tradition. Many other christian historical documents help to make up the catechism. It is incredibly cross-resourced. Many of the ten commandments get broken everyday by good people. It does not mean we should discard them. We should strive to live lives of holiness, and affirm the sanctity of God given life.

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The Roman church should have followed the Greek Orthodox as their priests do marry and it is a much better place.

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I have had a priest with a wife and (grown) kids. Formerly episcopal. A priest such as this may have time, or not, to perform the duties of an associate pastor, but the spectrum of work and prayer expected of the head of a parish, such as the one I belong to, would not allow proper attentiveness to a wife. I feel very fortunate to have multiple priests assigned to our church, and two deacons. It is a thriving body of Christ. Our head priest is at the bedside of every person who goes to the hospital or is home bound. Day/Night. He also says mass at the University every Sunday night. I don’t know how he keeps up. Our other priests are getting up there in years.

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Actually, that former episcopal priest I think was not married. He may have perhaps been widowed. I do remember his children were adopted. He was on a contract with the military at Ft. Knox in the 90’s

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As one who lived in celibate ashram for 6 yrs, I treasured every moment (well I was challenged for 20 mins on 1 occasion & 1 day on another occasion). Our Ashram had roughly more sisters than brother yogis. It was an extemely vibrant healthy community. So there were lots of beautiful bodies and souls. And there were definitely homosexual residents which wasn't an issue b/c the collective and personal missions were the same. For each individual to transform his or her consciousness w/n energetic context of Shiva/Shakti Lineage with a guru & disciples.

Such missions are not easy to sustain. This ashram did it for almost 30 years. And it was a truly remarkable place on planet earth. And then it changed into a Yoga Center (like so many other yoga centers). It must be exceedingly challenging for religious organizations to keep reinventing divine authenticity unless they keep rediscovering the divine energy and commensurate transformational tools.

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Beautiful testimony. Nothing worth having comes without denial of self.

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In this edition of the News Brief it's the bonus items that are almost more interesting than the briefs that have commentary attached to them.

The first two, and likely the last of the bonus items are substantially about compromise due to sexual perversions which applies not only to the Vatican criminal child trafficking org, sexual deviant Starmer's latest reign of terror in the U.K., much of Congress, the permanent administrative totalitarian deep state, and the National Security Council, but also to most of Hollywood, and the music industry too. It's also good to see the criminal Zionist goon Netanyahu being exposed, and hopefully he'll be brought to justice.

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—Something big is coming and it will be great for nationalism, patriotism, and individual freedom.

—Jon, thankful you’re going to dig through J. Smith’s documents. I couldn’t stand the details, but your willingness is much appreciated!!

—Ashe is right, ‘-but the Constitution cannot stand such an offense.’ True, but we must remember his is an illegitimate administration and as such, no ‘pardon’ is valid. Plus, their #1 crime is treason which is outside the realm of a pardon. Either way, no pardon will stand.

—Ghost. ‘This is about being seen at an event that symbolizes the start of a new epoch in world history.’ Indeed!!

—The Zuck is trying hard. Treason. Remember.

—Israel is being prepped. It likely starts with Netanyahu and no matter what is publicly stated, one cannot convince me that Trump is a fan.

—God bless these dedicated researchers and reporters as they are using the gifts you gave them!!🙏🇺🇸

I’ve thought from the beginning that the fires would reveal what is beneath and the planning by the cabal is key and obvious to these readers. The evil of the cabal is under the surface.

EU apparently is trying to change the future, but all of the signs say otherwise!

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A/o else feeling nauseous about DJT becoming 47 instead of 19 (US Republic)? How can repeated White Hat narrative about Good Guys being in Final Phase Mop-up Op of defeating DS KM Enemy be true & DJT become 47 POTUS of bankrupt City of London corp?

If DJT becomes 47, doesn't it mean humanity will just keep telling public lies to each other while secret War-to-End-All-Wars continues on & on & on thru-out '25? I realize White Hat Mil can derive benefit from lying to Global Patriots (cuz other side is listening). Golly Gee, it's taking a long time. BRICS + UKR USD/Laundry Grinder + Project Sandman will eventually bleed out these F-ing Vampires. Iraq & rest of Non US/EU World is screaming for honest asset-backed money.

But if DJT becomes 47 on Jan 20, it looks like we ain't getting our Global Perp Walk anytime soon (which I confess is discouraging). Cuz it means public Truth Disclosure & Mil Justice ain't happening. How DJT & Putin have the infinite patience to stay in character for decades-long movie is truly impressive. I'm visualizing Global Mil Martial Law + GESARA on Jan 20. How 'bout u?

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I think he is both 19 and 47 at the same inauguration ceremony. The difference is in the exposure to the public of the difference.

We know the difference, but what percentage of the population are we? The truth can set America free, but we have a lot of teaching to do. How Trump goes about uncovering the details of our slavery will be worth the time. Heck, he did the heavy lifting eight years ago! He had to let 46 screw everything up beyond reason. Next week he will unleash 19 onto America while still playing the part of 47.

I am loving this beyond words!

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I'm guessing most of the American people are not ready for the conversion from 47 to 19. I've heard Patriots scoff at the details behind the takeover of the U.S. in 1871. Just as DJT had to have an awakened voting public to win in a landslide, so I think the rest of the Awakening has to occur after he is sworn in as 47. More red pills 💊 needed.

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I never feel nauseous in that I hope I don't make people sick although sometimes I feel nauseated by the sickening criminals, and pedophiles running much of civil society. I think NESARA, and GESARA are likely total nonsense, and I'm not sure I believe the Organic Act has been completely obliterated by actions of the past several years but we'll see.

I tend to put NESARA, GESARA, and Trump 19 into the same category I out JFK, Jr. Is still alive, viruses don't exist, the earth is flat, and we never went to the moon. I suppose all are possible, and we've been lied to about so much else so it wouldn't really surprise me if it's all true.

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I was surprised to learn that NESARA actually was officially proposed to Congress and thean who brought it forward made reference to draining the swamp in the 1990s. Unfortunately, I forget his name. Regardless, it wasn't passed into law.

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The elections for the Republic weren't even held yet, so for me this is fine. I hope/ expect the people will be educated during the 47th and then the UNITED STATES Federal Corporation will be liquidated into the Republic.

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Truth and reconciliation? Nah. Give me truth and retribution! All the talk about democracy is driving me crazy. Forget democracy. Give me a benevolent dictatorship. And I'd be happy to appoint our Mikado, as long as I can be the Lord High Executioner. Haha.

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Retribution cannot be achieved without facts that refute the accepted narrative. What is needed is proof of fraud, but for some reason that proof is being withheld. I have no idea why the theft of the 2020 election is so hard to get exposed. It is what has driven the deep state to extraordinary extremes to hide the truth. Maybe, just maybe, that is why the facts have been allowed to be concealed.

DEI, Global Warming, run away debt, inflation, assassination attempts, LA fires, selling border wall components, and just about everything in the news today results from the bottom line which is stopping Trump’s agenda. Retribution comes from unraveling the fraud one step at a time. The key is to realize 100% of it all is manmade, except Global Warming. Man just made a hoax out of that to steal our tax money. Trump knows how to get his proof on the table and it is going to be fabulous in my opinion. Our job is to stay calm and let the truth set us free.

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Here is another fact for us to ponder. Only Donald Trump is aware of the true facts because he has inserted himself into the center of it all. He has exposed himself personally to a very dangerous place and is risking his very life to get the fraud exposed. How many other Americans would do this? How many could afford to do this? There is the key. Trump is losing huge amounts of money by dedicating his time, risking his life and ignoring his business completely to help save America from itself.

Anyone who does not admire this man is an idiot. He was asked to do this job by our military so a peaceful destruction of the deep state could be achieved and we are seeing that happen today. As bad as things look, this is about as good as it gets.

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I suspect if Trump had not chosen to accept the challenge to become Potus, it's possible his future fortunes would have dried up. This evil cabal cares for no one. Its a good talking point to say he didn't have to do this, but the handwriting was on the wall. He might have been okay doing nothing, but his children and grandchildren would have been destroyed down the road. I appreciate that he cared for all of us to take the arrows and slings. I see a lot of Tolkien's Aragorn in DJT.

Now if Frodo can just drop that ring into the fire on Mount Doom....but I digress. 🙏🙏🙏

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You make a point I had never thought about before. Quite frankly, back in 2015 Trump could see that if he did not help get this under control, not just his kids and grand kids, but all of our collective offspring were doomed. The national debt is not the real problem, the time bomb we face is time!

Trump knows the time value of money and debt works precisely the same way in reverse. I wrote the other day that the future negative value of our debt is $643 Trillion. That is basically $17.70 per dollar of debt today and if we were to stop borrowing today that $643 Trillion is still going to be there. That is the real problem and no politician except Trump is even talking about the time bomb.

The truth is, every dollar of debt today they vote to add should be accounted for at $17.70 rather than $1.00 because that is the reality of adding debt. This should be the "talking point" on every financial show. Why isn't it?

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Great point to remember, Jim!

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You make a great point!

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Likin’ your post, Anna 😊

~A fellow hobbit


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I doubt Trump has forgone revenue because he's too savvy to do that. His organization is likely making huge money due to having very advanced understandings of where the global economy is really heading which is why Don, Jr. is working the Middle East, Greenland, and other relatively risky ventures both political ones and personal Trump org investment wise too. Trump surely demanded absolute rock solid inside info about the who, what, why, and when of all the crimes, and therefore eventual justice for all the politicians, CEO's, criminal military goons, CIA, FBI, etc. or why take the risks he is taking? Most people in Trump's position would demand a file many, many feet thick containing ALL the inside info on the criminal network.

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Feet thick? That file would likely extend a fair distance toward the moon...

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Speaking of stacks to the moon. Has anyone besides me calculated the height of a stack of dollar bill equal to our debt? It is actually measured in stacks to the moon! How many stacks is my question?

All you need to know is the thickness of a dollar is 0.0043 inches. Ten thousand make a stack 43” high. $36.4 Trillion is how high?

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Sure, Jim.

36.4 trillion * 0.0043" = 156 billion inches.

156 billion / (12 inch per foot * 5280 feet per mile) = 2.47 million miles.

IIRC the distance to the moon is 238,000 miles, so:

2.47 million / 238,000 = 10.38 stacks to the moon.

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I beleive the issue still plaguing us is the media grip of millions of minds. The readers of Badlands material are FAR MORE educated than even some of the best informed conspiracy theorists out there, and we are but 1000 or so readers of this material. In metaphorical terms, we are the tip of the first molecule of steel on the spear.

The masses and the media they are addicted to is a significant hurdle to overcome and we must somehow remain patient.

Military cannot take over media. We cannot shut it down. Trump cannot EO it to death. If it doesn't collapse under it's own weight organically, the masses will simply believe Trump is actually the fascist dictator he's been seeded to be all these years. We can't burn books. We can't wipe the internet. We can't execute media executives.

We must awaken the public using the media as our tool.

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Most of the media is experiencing extreme distress right now. It will not look like it has in the past, for much longer. Some outlets that were already weak will shut their doors, others will attempt to rebrand.

Time will tell how they fare, but one thing that I think is certain is that the media landscape in 2028 will be far different than it was in 2024. It's already happening.

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The media can do an about face in an instant if they choose. They may just blame the Democrats for lying! They can claim that all they did was to report the news and Democrats lying to them was the news they got. The fact that they did no real investigating reporting they can blame on not being taught that in college.

That is a win win for us as it kills two birds with one stone. Two serious lib problems go down together. Will it happen? I can hope.

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I had some brief interactions on a few occasions with Stephen Baldwin at the local grocery store about 15 years ago.

As we say down here in the South; "That boy ain't right".

In other words, he's a nutcase. So, I would take anything he has to say with multiple grains of salt.

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Thanks for a home-grown take! As far as I’m concerned, I see celebrities as having nothing to do with me — don’t give a rip. If one lives next door, great, I’ll regard him through the same lens as I would anyone else and act accordingly.

The celebrity aura is pure horsepucky, resulting in much mischief and warping of psyches, and we’d be much the wiser to just not step in it & to ignore whatever stories are dropped in our way.

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A lot of them lived in Pacific Palisades and environs. Everyone there is 'somebody,' or thinks they are. So said the wife of one of them, a well-known actor I've heard of but I did not think to take note of it at the time so I don't recall. Anyway she was on Newsmax this morning talking about how things were going in the fire zone -- her hubby the actor was still in the neighborhood, with maybe ten neighbors, beating down little fires as they start and so forth. She said they could leave, but they would not be allowed back in. So they are staying, for now anyway.

edit: I recall now, this actor is Steve Guttenberg.

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This story happens all the time in situations like this. It doesn’t matter who they are. Still don’t give a rip whether someone has a “name” or not, so Steve whatizface or Joe Doaks, it matters not. …Nice to see people helping one another in exhausting & trying circumstances showing courage, stamina, resourcefulness, pluck, teamwork and character.

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It matters if you're trying to get your face and story on TV. Even at Newsmax, a lot of the people are star-struck. They work in the TV industry, after all, and many have hopes of glory.

And if that is what it takes to get a good story out, well sometimes ya just gotta play the game.

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I’m not sure what you’re saying or what you think I’m saying 😂 …prolly talking past each other. My dismay centers around how the stories alway seem to degrade & detour into gossipy opinions about the personalities while whatever meat might have been in the story gets lost or tossed … 🤷🏻‍♂️

What can I say, WB? I detest the banality, the whole soul- & mind-numbing nature of the celebrity culture. I guess that’s underlying it all.

— If your point is that it often takes name & face recognition to get a valuable idea or story across, you may be right — Sure, we’re that preoccupied with the hyped ones. But, we don’t have to attach ourselves to those players, in the process — nor think of them more highly or lowly than we ought. The stories may or may not have import, but the means to them rarely do, yet we get so caught up.

The reality is not about them. So, essentially THEY have nothing to do with us. And thinking they do, apart from being mere humans like us, living before the face of God (whether they know it or not) degrades & diminishes us, our lives, who we are, who we see ourselves to be and what we’re called to.

(It’s also a really sad & foolish aspect of our nature being exploited).

Naw. I lived with ‘em & knew a number of the who’s whos. Some were of a rich character and intellect and I respect & love them very much… but, most are no more than big Selves.

For me, the same standards apply to all. Who are you? not What are you?

So, I dunno if that addresses your point, but it elaborates mine some.

Thanks for your reply, WB. I always value your ideas and insights shared here!

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"— If your point is that it often takes name & face recognition to get a valuable idea or story across, you may be right — Sure, we’re that preoccupied with the hyped ones. But, we don’t have to attach ourselves to those players, in the process — nor think of them more highly or lowly than we ought."

Yes, that was basically my point. And while I agree with you, and think most of the folks here are self-actualized enough to feel the same, the point is that many of these 'people in the industry' care about fame and fortune. They may also care about character, but clearly some of them are so vacuous that they don't. Like that show 'the View' which I never watch, but quite a bit of what happens there is so ridiculous that it gets picked up and parodied on more serious shows. So we get to see some of their lunacy. Clearly their audience is not people who follow Badlands. 💖

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A girlfriend of mine dated him very briefly decades ago, and said he's very, very odd. She wouldn't sleep with him because be was too odd to get involved with so she took a pass.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/5nLAVxwFoT

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⚠️ WARNING !⚠️

⚠️ TOXIC and RADIOACTIVE SCAM inside this BOTPOST👆🏼!⚠️


h/t TdLF

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The only rules at the Vatican under the Pedo-Pope and the Satanism he practices are PERVERSION towards children and an allegiance to the Devil.


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TRUMP.... Like a BOSS! Cleaning House. Taking down the Deep state one day at a time. Deep state plotting and sabotaging; crimes against humanity. Nothing can stop the judgment of God. Every evil thing they do, just adds to their downfall. Remain calm, prepare. Thank you, Jesus, ❤️🤍💙🙏

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