Excellent as always, but “Sovereignty radiates from the ground up" is the keystone. Our system of government was originally based on the philosophy that "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Our votes are not affirmations of some aristocratic entitlement, but a temporary loan of a specific portion of our sovereignty to someone we trust, no different than temporarily entrusting my retirement funds to a fiduciary, or my health to a doctor - not forfeiting those things, but merely hiring some help. When the Uber driver starts telling me where to go, I'd be a fool to blithely accept their authority.

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Well said.

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Love that line that Trump is fighting for our right to choose. Everyone who is "waiting to be saved" needs to realize God wants us taking action. Think mirror and get comfy is perfect for me because that rape case is disgusting and enrages my sense of decency because DJT is not someone who would need to resort to rape! Great writing guys!

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E Jean Carroll’s disgusting over-the-top absurd claims are outrageously infuriating!!

Deep breath..this too shall pass ❤️🙏

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I’m looking forward to the time when we can break from the MSM celebrating IDIOTS!

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That will be when the MSM is gone... a day fast approaching.

"Ding, Dong, the witch is dead! The evil witch, the wicked witch.

Ding, Dong, the wicked witch is dead!"

-- from "The Wizard of Oz" (1939)

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I’m from Kansas originally…..

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Well, ALtab, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore... 💖

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Absolutely 💯!!

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The best part E.Jean Carroll's comments to Anderson Cooper when she said Rape is Sexy were NOT allowed in court. If you watch that video Cooper couldn't go to a commercial quick enough. ANd how many normal people name their cat Vagina? E.Jean Carroll did. Now convince me this lady is normal.

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Ewww.... she's a freak. But I bet they find a way for the info to come out. Just when I think I've heard it all🤦‍♀️ Oh and awarding her 83 million... wtf🤷‍♀️

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Good morning - and thank you for all the work that goes into providing these takes!

I am afraid I am in a position to question the declaration of the Independent Sovereignty of Mankind as a First Principle (a position that, even here might be found as unwelcome).

The first principle, as stated by the founders as an affirmation of the Truth of creation, is that our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit (not attainment) of happiness have been endowed by our Creator. If that is what was intended by the Take's statement, please forgive my interruption.

The uncomfortable Truth is that we as Eternal, Created selves (or beings) do not have the option of pure Sovereignty - only the option of to whom we will pledge our allegiance. The work of the Enlightenment era (the kind of name the Dems would have come up with) was to place man on the throne - of whatever sized kingdom was desired - replacing the "archaic" ideas (religions) of Good and Evil; God and Devil; Truth and Falsehood; Christianity and Paganism. And while some level of justification might be claimed because of the failures of those who insisted that they were serving God but did not actually do so; their failures do not disprove the premise - but quite the opposite: they exemplify it!

"You shall know them by their fruit." This is the metric that Christ gave. Words come easy; actions, however, include consequences. Words like "Has God said?" and "You shall not die." were just words - until they were acted upon - that action led to almost immeasurable pain and anguish and suffering - for Mankind and for God (Jesus' pain and anguish and suffering is proof that God does not ask us to do anything He has not already done.)

The First Principle is that God so Loved us all that He gave us both the ability to choose and the right to experience Choice's consequences. If that is what is meant by "sovereignty" then again, please excuse my misunderstanding.

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Very well said!

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I believe that the word 'sovereign' as used in the Take follows definition 2(c) from Merriam-Webster:


"2 c: enjoying autonomy : independent

ex: sovereign states"

I would say that that comports pretty accurately with your statement "the ability to choose and the right to experience Choice's consequences."

Which to me is a consequence of "our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit (not attainment) of happiness have been endowed by our Creator."

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In all these stories I continue to see the demise of the DS Rat Bastards and my smile just keeps getting bigger.

It's not even the end of January yet and we have had a whole year's worth of good news.

Thanks for y'all's Takes today, it was a great start to my week.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Our fearless Tiger sums it up today. “Everything they've done against him (and us) will and is being turned around on them.

Think Mirror, and be comfy.”

Everything covered today demonstrates the fact that the sovereign agenda vs the global agenda is not going the way the cabal would like. From the desperate attempts to gen up WWIII via proxy entities...even to the killing of US military that normally would cause a rapid, targeted response, to the desperate attempts to keep the cabal’s minions in power; all revealing ineptitude at all levels across the cabal’s ranks!

BTW: Why ARE American troops there (and all over East Africa) when there is a massive invasion of our own country?

Trump truly is the President of precedence and just as the false charges establish precedent; that precedent will ultimately lead to charges of treason and crimes against humanity of the corrupt government.

Chris Paul accurately states: “No deals. No deals on the border. No deals for foreign proxy ‘wars.’ Don't even discuss any of the rest. This is all you need to say. The full authority to solve the problem already exists. The problem exists because both sides of the Uniparty want it to.”

This is the crux of Congress and the citizens ARE taking note. BB: “Sovereignty is THE First Principle.”

Simon notes the cabal’s old approach hasn’t changed at all, “Our enemy has sought to utilize their own family legacies for the incremental implementation of a New World Order over many generations.” Inbreeding sucks and one thinks they should have leaned that from the ancients they claim to have descended from....

I enthusiastically celebrate Snoop’s change of direction as the Blacks have been treated terribly by the Dems and their good friends in the GOP...it’s past time for all peoples to be free to live up the their own abilities!

This is a great start to the year watching the cabal’s plans and criminal organization imploding! God bless our truth warriors.🙏🙏

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"Everything covered today demonstrates the fact that the sovereign agenda vs the global agenda is not going the way the cabal would like."

Featherjourney's comment a few days back is relevant:


"In this context of the “Game” being played by the White Hats vs the Black Hats…the good guys have already won…just playing it out so that humanity gets it - thus The Great Awakening ❤️"

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Thanks Bill ❤️🕊🇺🇸

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

Defend the Republic Quote: (A look back at how corrupt the FAKE NEWS MEDIA is)

“There are two reasons why all of these left-wing outlets are bleeding cash and staff: 1) Biden tanked the economy, and 2) see below... • Russia Collusion Hoax • Hands Up, Don't Shoot Hoax • Jussie Smollett Hoax • Covington KKKids Hoax • Very Fine People Hoax • Seven-Hour Gap Hoax • Russian Bounties Hoax • Trump Trashes Troops Hoax • Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax • Rittenhouse Hoax • Eating While Black Hoax • Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax • NASCAR Noose Hoax • The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax • Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax • MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax • COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax • Hunter Biden's Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax • Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax • COVID Deaths are Over-Counted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax • Mass Graves of Native Children in Canada Hoax • The Trump Killed All the Fish Hoax • Hamas Hospital Hoax • John Fetterman Is Healthy Hoax • If Reelected, Trump Will Execute People Hoax • The Alfa Bank Hoax The very same people telling us that the only problem with Biden's awesome economy is public misperception have lost their jobs in massive numbers.

The corporate media are cancer — an evil, bigoted, ignorant, entitled, dangerous, elite, fascist cancer on our republic, and I refuse to pretend I'm anything other than joyful to see these spoiled, entitled cry bullies shoved off their Ivy League glide paths into the adversity of the Real World.”

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And one of my favorites - to add to your impressive list - the

Fact Checker’s Hoax

Wow…reading through that is a trip into some alternate reality … that we had to live through!


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It’s a paid episode for paying subscribers only.

I’ll check on rumble the next few days, there are a few ch that will want to interview him and have in the past ❤️

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Simon's notion: RFK can unite US in ways 45 can't ... is utter nonsense. STOP It NOW! Look, of course, I admire RFK for his dedicated vigilance on V injuries + other issues critical to wellbeing of ordinary ppl. Simon, If UR proposing RFK for VP ... hmmm, now that's interesting. BUT any mention of RFK as great unifier is doing work on behalf of DS Globalists. MAGA = 45 turning 19 = Trump shifting from 45th POTUS of bankrupt US Corporation to Trump as 19th POTUS of US Constitutional Republic.

DS will utilize every asset to stop 45 from turning 19. All Patriots would be wise 2 keep our eyes on the prize! Regaining our Constitutional Republic ... dissolving all institutionally corrupt KM judicial, political, economic, educational, spiritual structues ... Nuremberg 2.0 Global Mil /courts w/ swift Justice ... so We the Ppl can get on w/ MEGA = Make Earth Great Again!

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I thought Simon’s “Take” on RFK Jr was an odd one for a devoted Trump MAGA audience.

Implying that RFK Jr could have “insights unavailable to Trump” - I doubt it!!!

It almost seemed a pitch suggesting that, oh well, if Trump doesn’t get elected, then RFK Jr wouldn’t be a bad 2nd. I’m not even in favor of RFK Jr being picked for VP. I do feel grateful for his contribution waking people up to the bioweapon jabs…but that doesn’t sway me that he would make a good VP and definitely doesn’t even give me a moment’s pause to thinking of him as POTUS.

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I believe that RFK might be able to make a valuable contribution to a new Trump admin, perhaps cleaning out that nest of vipers known as the food and drug regulatory tyranny.

Just as Vivek might do a great job as head of OMB, defunding the Deep State Cabal. (You can't just fire them because they have recourse. But if you defund 'em, their jobs disappear. POOF!! And so do they.)

But for RFK to be acceptable to MAGA, he will have to get rid of his generally-leftist views. That will take time, but it is possible. Most dems are hidebound in their positions, RFK has shown that he is open to change. He just has not changed enough, yet.

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I like RFK Jr… just not for our next Administration.

A story I liked about RFK Jr was how he overcame his long 14 yr battle with drug addiction. He finally gave in to the “fake it til you make it” strategy that AA is well known for by “pretending” that God was with him, watching and helping, every moment…before long he was miraculously (as he put it) healed of his addictions. It renewed and deepened his faith.

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Great work as always!!

Fani's getting kicked in her behind... Love it!

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“No deals.”

Where have I read that?

Passes. Does anyone playing game get a pass?

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

RFK Wealth is 60 million. How does a Lawyer make that kind of money? The thing that bothers me about him is that he's been mostly mute through the Obama yrs., and then all of a sudden with TRUMP, he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Let's remember there was a dead teenage girl crime associated with his powerful family, that was never solved, A woman left in a Car to die that was covered up too, and I don't trust people who cover up crimes. I'm not a fan of RFK jr. If he wants to expose the Vaccines and the environmental crimes, why doesn't he just do that on a large scale and go after the Big Pharma Giants right now. NAME NAMES!? The floor is his and we are open ears, and yet he is mum right now. Hés made his money suing Big Pharma and the EPA but how much money has he given the actual victims? Have there been any changes or have things just gotten worse? How effective has he really been? The Doctor Heroes exposing the "Vaccines" coming forward NOW, have been 1000 times more effective than JFK Jr in my opinion. TRUMP was at the train toxin explosion in OHIO exposing the EPA. Where was RFK during one of the worst environmental disasters?

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Thanks for covering the weekend news with this mornings Briefs and Takes!!

My weekend was spent (when I had time) mostly catching up on the bioweapon jabs and the latest from Geert Vanden Bossche.

So I really appreciate today’s updates❤️

Anyone following Vanden Bossche’s insights, here’s a link to a “cliff notes” summary of his concerns regarding the new variant JN.1

The cliff notes contains links to his most recent interview.


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Isn't it interesting that Trump owned the Miss Universe contest for a number of years and was never accused of inappropriate behavior. Of course those women can't compete with E.Jean Carroll.

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People always jump too fast for a candidate without doing any research. Yes RFK sounds wonderful compared to Biden but so does my dog. I like his stance on vaccines, but he avoids the transgender question, he thinks climate deniers should be in prison and he doesn't believe in the second amendment. I'm not telling anyone who to vote for but at least research your candidate hasn't Obama taught us that?

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