On the --- ‘safest and most secure election in history’, the very moment someone says THAT, I know for sure they are lying so bad, you should be able to smell the stench from miles away. Especially when the use of ANY digital tech is employed to tally the votes. California is a place that has normalized this since the late 80's. It's a clown show.

By the way, in another quote:

""This is the woman that claims that ‘there is no way Russia, Iran or any other foreign adversary will be able to alter the results.’ I’ve said this before, but it warrants repeating, actual cyber experts don’t make absolute statements about security."" Of course nobody should call themselves an "expert."

First and most importantly:

Iran and Russia are not the actual "Enemy," they could be considered puppets for everyone to focus on, since the biggest distraction ever, is war. All Wars are Banker's Wars.

The real enemy is located in Basel, Switzerland and their HQ is the Bank of International Settlements. Their proxies are the US Inc. (not to be confused with "these states united," the Republic)

All governments in the western orbit are Corporate Franchises that are linked together through the Economic System that uses the Debt Note, US Dollar. Iran and Russia don't care about our "Selections," but we have been misled to believe they do. The real Stakeholder Democracy is the ONLY Global interest involved in perverting the system of Representation. Puppeticians are irrelevant.

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I find it fascinating that she chose to name Russia and Iran but never mentioned China as an election threat. Have we forgotten the hours long movie made by Mike Lindell in November of 2020? He had detailed data showing how China switched millions of our votes by hacking into our machines in virtually every state? I watched the thing many times and I found it to be very credible. But, our government just ignored it completely.

The report gave the precise location in China of every computer making the hacks and it also gave the location of the hacked device. All within 2 feet of accuracy concerning the location. Most China computers proved to be in CCP controlled offices.

I took the time to copy down several pages of data and found more than enough stolen votes to change Arizona and Georgia to Trump victories. But, here we are almost four years down the road and Tampon Tim confronts Vance in the debate with the challenge to admit Trump lost and lied to steal the election.

Isn’t it about time to get the NSA data out in front of the public? “We have it all” sounds great, but the proof is in the data. I am quite tired of pretending the last four years are a damned movie to bring the public around. If we have the proof, let’s see it!

I know what I believe, but watching the VP debate shows me the Democrats are throwing the lack of proof directly in our face. Walz did it three times with direct challenges to Vance and each time Vance sidestepped. Why?

Why not just say, “Yes Tim, I know the 2020 election was absolutely stolen and I have seen the proof! So, let’s put the proof out for the public! I am ready.”

Then, turn to the bogus CBS ladies and challenge them to do a telecast to allow the data to be exposed. Now, that would have made that debate memorable. Instead, he just changed the subject and punted.

I do not need more bullshit. I need some truth on the table. We have 32 damned days to make the election useless. Instead we are still playing games, or making a movie. This is sick.

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Sure wish you lived in my neighbourhood. I'm dying for real conversation with an intelligent person.

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I actually downloaded the video you mentioned, showing that the election was stolen. I completely agree with you.

Again, ANYTHING that uses digital technology can and will be vulnerable for manipulation, either by hacking or by "pre installed algorithms."

While we can point to a state actor, we should absolutely be aware of the interests of embedded CIA, Mossad, and IFC. All coordinated by the Atlantic Council. The web is big, we must be able to see it all.

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After watching that video, wouldn’t any intelligent human expect our government to at least offer a rebuttal? Instead, they merely chose to completely ignore it. They proceeded to bring lawsuits against everyone who cared enough to use the data to question the election.

January 6th was the last chance to correct the injustice. But, instead of getting to produce the proof of election fraud, the riot stopped the proceeding. Now, how did that help Trump? Why would Trump want to stop the proof of election fraud from being told? Do we see how absurd the story being pushed by the Democrats is in reality?

My GOD! This is just so simple, logical, and easily proven. We have to ask why we are this far past the election theft and still being sucked along. But, how do we end the lying? No matter how the election comes out, the lies will continue, but why? What is to be gained by holding back the truth? I am sorry, it alludes me. It just looks crazy to me.

Something this simple just cannot be ignored, especially when the future of America is at stake. Quite frankly I feel sorry for all Democrats that remain this stupid. It cannot be ignorance because education corrects ignorance. Stupidity is not correctable. It is a lack of mental capacity and we must feel sorry for those of us who are that slow.

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I think it's more a lack of spiritual capacity, rather than mental. It reminds me of this passage from Paul's 2nd letter to the Corinthians, about why people cannot understand or believe the Gospel: "If the good news we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the good news. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, Who is the exact likeness of God." 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4 (NLT)

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I love your position. However, there is a distinct difference between believing in the gospel versus believing absolute proof beyond reasonable doubt. One is based on faith, the other is based on opening your eyes to facts.

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"Isn’t it about time to get the NSA data out in front of the public? “We have it all” sounds great, but the proof is in the data." Jim, I share your frustration. I often feel the same way. The reason has to be timing. Irregular warfare. My only comfort is in trusting God's control and God's timing.

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I really dig the Trump, Kanye, MBS triangulation. I really hope one day that Yeezy will turn out to have been totally sane all along. What about Kim? Remember how she had access to Trump during his first few months in office, highlighting the overly punitive sentences of blacks convicted of drug possession?

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Is "Yeezy" the same person as Kanye West? I don't know that much about him, but do remember his professed conversion to Christianity a few years ago, and how excitied a lot of believers were about that. Now he's divorced from Kim Kardashian, and has remarried or taken up with some other woman, whom he parades around in bottomless pants. That's not the behavior of a Christian man. I just had to throw that out there.

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I have seen Bianca Censori wearing what looks like a dry cleaning bag over her birthday suit. Kanye himself wears a black rubber mask. From appearances, they are both mentally ill and attention seeking. The attention seeking part, definite. Alas, for what reason?

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Bottomless pants?

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Thank you Ashe for the passion and insight you bring regarding our elections. I would anticipate that this audience has come to expect (and therefore, to a degree ,"accept") that shenanigans are again on the docket this year. From where I sit personally I will do everything I can to encourage voting in a way that makes it difficult for a ballot to be "lost" or mis-counted. But ultimately I will exercise my right and privilege to pray for God's intervention and protection.

(And I look forward to the opportunity to celebrate or commiserate with this crowd - for sanity's sake - in the soon approaching future!)


Let's assume for a moment that the title "mothership of global terror" is not a hyperbolic phrase when applied to Iran: can journalists not remind the world who funded (and re-funded) Iran and who defunded them, as a byline for every article that calls Iran out? PLEASE!?!

(BTW GBPH - I would be happy to curate citations from the Revelation should anyone be so bold as to attempt to justify the current events by Jesus' words or John's visions and witness. In reality it is usually the mis-interpretations of Ezekiel, Zechariah and even Isaiah that get used on this topic. Jesus made it clear to Pilate: "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world then My servants would be fighting so that I WOULD NOT BE HANDED OVER TO THE JEWS; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm." (John 18:36 emphasis mine) And in case anyone thinks I am anti-anyone: God loves us all and wants to share eternity with us, the choice remains ours.

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Iran has been painted as the global source of terror at least since I was in middle school. I actually have yearbooks with cartoon caricature of the ayatollah of the time as the big global evil. And yet, if we actually sum the real actions of all nations who dispense violence in all that time, it is very sadly - towering above all nations combined - the USA who dispenses the most actual death. That's not really the people of the USA, but the evil that overtook it. And, who is closely aligned with this and certainly directly benefits from both Iraq and Iran out of the picture? Israel.

Curious about your thoughts on this?

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I agree! And going back to the JFK assassination, connections to Mossad - Jack Ruby being a Mossad agent - but also Israel was bent on pressuring both Eisenhower and then Kennedy to be given the nuclear bomb (apparently Israel thought that since the bomb was created by Jews they felt entitled to have it) Kennedy flat out refused…another piece of the complex puzzle behind the assassination. A couple yrs later, LBJ (also connected to JFK’s assassination) is at the helm when uranium goes missing from Pennsylvania (200-600 lbs of highly enriched uranium - the Apollo Afair - after which Israel starts their nuclear program….and then there is the “conspiracy” that Mossad trains the 4 Arabs who flew the planes on 9/11.

We save Israel for last

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Yes we do.

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I wonder if the last bit of jfk files not yet released are all about Israel’s involvement in jfks murder.

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Well we know for sure GHWB was overseeing the operation on the ground, but no matter how powerful he was he certainly didn't act in a vacuum. I'd wager very high odds we'll see more of Israel as a serious antagonist in global affairs.

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And sooner than later

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Let’s not forget the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (which then created the Soviet Union)

To quote SOLZHENITSYN: “66 Million Murdered By Jewish Bolsheviks…Solzhenitsyn asserts that since 1917, the Bolsheviks, continuing under assassin Stalin, through and even after WW2, systematically executed, and inside (and outside) their thousands of Gulags, worked, starved and froze to death, SIXTY-SIX million people, not all, but most of them CHRISTIANS (whom the Bolsheviks hated). = This mass death was THE LARGEST REAL “HOLOCAUST” in modern history”

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Two streams of thought. (and thank you for asking! and sorry for the length)

I had an uncle who was married to the niece of the shah of Iran when the country was pulled down...by us. He was exiled with her family in Switzerland and we never saw him again (I believe, since he is scrubbed from the internet, that he was somehow attached to one of our intelligence agencies). So I am biased.

As for your main point - I love our roots as a nation in the same way as I love the roots of the fellowships of saints (what, for some odd reason, we call church (phonetically "kurk")). I regret what they have become as they have gone the way of all flesh.

We (people as groups) tend to marvel at God's blessings when they are first bestowed, then begin to believe they were earned by our own goodness, after which we deny the original source of our blessings and declare our independence and self sufficiency, which eventually leads to our downfall - the removal of God's bestowed blessings (when we are prone to recognize our errors and beseech God to forgive us and bless us again). I am afraid the USofA is in the third phase - maybe even the fourth. I believe we as a government, embraced a lie early last century (give or take) that enabled pride to replace our reliance on justice and goodness. And, unfortunately, history has few examples of nations or groups changing their way of thinking without a crisis of sufficient magnitude.

As for Israel as a nation - geopolitics is not my forte - so my lens is less about what a nation says and more about what it does. I do believe that the doctrine put forth in the late 17th century that justified the imposition of the Pope on international affairs, had the (possibly) unintended consequence of creating a (growing) mass of Christians, over the last 100 years, who believe that the end of the age will be fulfilled in the establishment of a utopian, "earthly" kingdom - and that idea was then bent to suggest that "Israel" would be at the head of that "divinely instituted" realm. I, for one, accept the long held position that I wrote about here. https://hisgloriousvictory.substack.com/p/a-laymens-guide-to-the-last-things?r=q0fod

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The Kingdom of Heaven is a state of mind…a level of consciousness far above the collective level of humanity at present. The teachings of Jesus, incorporating His wisdom into our lives, is one way to raise the consciousness of mankind.

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Every time I hear or read anything about Netanyahu fighting and taking out the terrorist groups, I tell my husband….yes, the terrorist groups Mossad, MI6 and the CIA created in the first place….. Jesus’ kingdom isn’t of this world as God’s Word tells us repeatedly. We know who is in control UNTIL HE ISN’T. Blessings!🙏🙏

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ALtab, I always love your comments. I want to make sure I understand what you mean. Re " We know who is in control UNTIL HE ISN’T. " - are you referring to the temporary "god" or "prince" of this world"? (2nd Cor. 4:4, John 12:31)

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Based upon the evil we know the intelligence world is involved in, plus this woman’s close relationship with the Manchurian responsible for the first part of the 16 year plan to destroy America; who would believe a single word ahead of states? In fact, you can bet CISA is neck deep in the plan to steal this election. I’m with Ashe, ‘…I have some very specific questions.’

Kenye: ‘…days later was checked into a mental institution by his personal trainer, Harley Pasternak.’ Doesn’t this read as ‘personal handler?’ Sounds like Trump and Kenye reached an agreement to how to begin the flood of exposures in the clown world that is Hollywood.

BB:👍👍 ‘As always, this sort of narrative chaos tends to behoove the Infinite Player on the game board. And that's usually Trump.’

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I imagine harvest time is time demanding for you these days…but if you find time this is one of the most fascinating interviews with Dr Jack Kruse I’ve listened to. Quite long…I’ve been listening in time segments and nearly there😊❤️🇺🇸


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Thanks for the link Feather. I've been following Dr. Kruse since before covid. Haven't seen this video but God willing have it cued up to watch. 😊

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Hope you can find time for it, Anna. It was the first time I listened to Dr Kruse


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Just started watching your link. Thank you so much, I'm going to enjoy every minute.

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You’re welcome. I got there via Frances Lederer’s substack. Talk about connecting the dots!

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We need to pray for Kanye. He became a Christian but because of his history with the satanic and drugs he has a long way to go to detox from all that garbage. I serve an amazing merciful God but it will still take time and he needs all the support he can get

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Yes, good reminder, we certainly do need to pray for him. He needs godly MEN to counsel him on what God's word says and how Christian men are to behave. I commented on someone else's remarks that he certainly hasn't shown fruit of being a TRUE believer. Only God knows for sure.

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"This Diddy thing is not some distraction psyop."

No, that's exactly what it is!

People thought Ghislaine Maxwell was a big deal too until she got 20 years for a lifetime of human trafficking. There's people who get 20 years for selling a bag of weed. It's a joke and unfortunately the walking dead don't realize they're the punchline.

Why aren't you talking about all the mass casualty events the government/deep state have in store for us? They don't plan these and do test runs for no reason.

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This is going to sound very cold and calloused, but my question to all the black pilled "truthers" who've become permanently jaded is: if you're so certain we're all going to die by the cabal's hand - why don't you congregate at Jonestown for round 2?

There's absolutely no chance a grassroots effort to overcome cabal military will ever work. Just look how weak humanity is right now. How many Americans, historically the most defiant and resistant people on Earth, actually stood fast resisting the COVID measures and jabs? Basically none.

In my very populated and well educated area, my kids and I were the ONLY FAMILY i ever witnessed who never masked, never sheltered, and of course never jabbed (but hopefully more resisted that). Out of literally 1000s of interactions, everyone was masked. We were shouted at, mocked, etc. And people STILL wear masks to this day.

If you beleive you can organize those people into effective resistance, you're just plain delusional. Alpha male energy has been bred out by feminism at all levels for 50+ years now as part of the Marxist takeover of America which has been ongoing since at least the early 1900s as publicly exposed by General Smedley Butler.

You can't undo that damage with a peppering of social media posts. People need to be fully reschooled at this point because 3+ generations have already been trained from birth to adulthood. Read The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. This is all by design.

So, what are you hoping to achieve here? I've been at this "game" since shortly after 9/11. Many people here are very well versed on these topics. The authors are taking considerable time to assemble evidence backed articles to educate people, if only several 1000 readers. So what, you want to undo that effort? You want readers to hopelessly believe mass murder is on the horizon?

So I just SMH. Black pillers are the worst of the Truthers. You offer no solutions. No material evidence. No productive direction. You enjoy undermining strategy and injecting unfounded drama. So, again, wouldn't Jonestown 2.0 be a better option so you won't feel so afraid and miserable anymore?

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Well stated, Gregory! 👍

Covid was a compliance test. God Bless the “compliance resistors”. ❤️ For hundreds of years, the cabal has been trying to figure out how to kill us slowly…they just need the dumbing down compliant masses to pay no attention to the barbarians inside the gate.

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Some 5-6 billion people either were forced or volunteered their bodies with maybe little thought

That they were the sheep to slaughter.

Covid test 101.

Weather wars

Grifting by treasonous pirates who somehow infiltrate every position of authority pushing the kool aid.

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All depends on the Kool aid one drinks. 3 generations of indoctrination is apparent when in the street ask young people geography, math, political questions. Astounding ignorance.

Dumb and dumber.

Raised on screens.

Video games.

The end of the world screams

No more pains.

What kool aid flavors ya got?

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Time will most certainly tell. The ‘deep state’ is publicizing the plan as you’ve mentioned, but their plans are well known with countermeasures planned…the very actions/counteractions of an operation plan. October is definitely the month of convergence….Burning Bright has been addressing this over the past several months.


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If NOV 5 elections happen, look 4 Nationwide Downed Cell Towers ... so Dominion machines don't work ... SCOTUS will announce Brunson Bros decision after Nov 5 elections during Activated Sleeper Cells Mass Chaos & Mil Martial Law!

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50,000 Israelis making Holy Pilgrimage to UKR - Huh? Today's BIGGEST Story. WTF? But GPH, it should say: 50,000 Khazarian Fake-Jew Zionists Make UnHoly Pilgrimage Party b4 Igniting WW3 Madness ... Some dogs need to be put down! R these freaks the reason Israel is saved for Last?

On Piers Morgan: Jaguar Wright droppin credible truth bombs on Diddy's head + advise for Diddy to Sing baby sing. That's gonna get lotta eyes. Hope Candace picks it tomorrow.

Q: How tall JD Vance is? Just askin' Wasn't JD was much much better other night than previous JD in senate debate. It's all a movie! NCSWIC.

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I applaud your efforts, but some of your writing is too obtuse and confusing.

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I will say this... if you're relatively new to this space, there is a lot of background the authors must assume readers know. I can imagine that would be difficult to follow...

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It's a Big Club and You Aint in It!

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