My adult kids have this subtle way of urging things unto me, without ever speaking a word (My wife; "gee I wonder where they picked up on that"). They gave me a rocking chair after I was 11 years into my retirement, but come Oct 2017, I moved that rocking chair out into my wood shop 20 yards from our house (away from my thinking chamber adjoining the living room).

Us old Boomers welcomed the greatest intelligence dump of all time, with a, "about damn time"! And it is the greatest intelligence dump civilians ever had dumped on them, whereas in the past, you would have to be in the intel work whether it be military or LEO, known as "Analyst" (Agent no matter what color you paint it). Many boomers as the youngster call us, have long known much of what was dumped in the 4 cloves website, but try talking about it in the mainstream, and you were dubbed as an idiot long pasted his usefulness, but I let it be bygones (dwelling on things does the body and mind no good anyhoo).

By now every Americans (86%+) knows that circular air with a bottom slash PDJT does at many of the rallies, we just don't say it aloud, and we get it! So day by day we have trekked so many miles together, many of our youngster doubted their sanity (information overload is real), we didn't look down on them, but despite how tired we were, we doubled back, lifted them up, and carried them through the digital minefield. So now we seem to be getting closer, and closer to "saving Israel for last", but before that happens, we need to take out a cleaning cloth and wipe those mirrors free of soot, a lot of smoke can blur an image in a mirror!

Dan Scavino, Steve Bannon, Sean Spicer, and the British lad - they all have something very much in common, and they know a hell of a lot more than they want us to believe!


Mil/LEO Analyst Retired

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Jan 8Edited
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⚠️ WARNING !⚠️



Free 🇫🇷 sample available for free reuse at your convenience ! 😉🕊️

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GHOST - If someone could copy your response about the Global North and Global South and have it sent to every high school civics teacher (if such still exists in our upside down common core education system), there might be some hope for the younger generation.

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I agree! This is a teaching tool for sure, but not for obvious reasons. This is about Albert Einstein.

He said man’s greatest invention was compound interest and this is what separates the Global North and Global South. The zero sum idiots refuse to acknowledge the time value of money. So they are destined to be slaves by design.

Meanwhile the Global North is prospering with wealth generation, but American schools are not teaching this to our students. Our government is going into debt at a record breaking pace and destroying our free enterprise system…intentionally!

Again, it is the time value of money being worked in reverse. Here is my simple proof. The 30-year Treasury bond is paying 4.8% annually on debt. So, each dollar of debt is actually creating unfunded liability for us. What confuses this is time. How long will we figure for the lifetime of our national debt of $36.3 Trillion?

Based on our history I say the answer is infinity! Our debt increases yearly which makes the calculation impossible, but let’s just say it is 60 years. That says each dollar of debt is, in reality, has a present negative value of $16.67! So, our present national debt is really $606 Trillion and each new debt dollar should be justified with a savings to us greater than $16.67. But, politicians refuse to do the damned math.

This is an algebra problem that can be taught in the seventh or eighth grade. Plus, it is a history class discussion and needs to be taught in Civics class as well as in English class. We have allowed our language to be screwed with to sell the idea that more debt is an “investment”. Meanwhile, it is precisely the opposite.

Donald Trump knows exactly what I have just written. How many other Americans know this? I say the number is ridiculously low. And there we have problem in a nutshell.

It is really not hard to define at all.

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“successfully rewilded”

this sounds very canadian adjacent

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Ghost, I was so deeply touched by your revelation about your experience with corruption in the courts and so sorry that your family endured such suffering. It would appear to me that any shred of a veil was torn from your eyes and you became an amazing TRUTH seeker and TRUTH teller. Because of you and your amazing research and reporting, we all now know the level of corruption that exists here at home. While we rend our hearts in utter sorrow as our false beliefs are shattered, we know it is always better to know the TRUTH. Isaiah 59:14 &15 states:

Isaiah 59:14-15 NIV

[14] So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. [15] Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice.


I hold fast to this verse for its literal and figurative depiction of TRUTH: Jesus buckling under the weight of the cross, heading to Golgotha, and the current state of our world.

Thank you for your work.

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Anti-Bible, anti-Christian "boy-Lover" logo wearing Francis, who has stated that the Bible MUST be rewritten with an AI Version, that Jesus is the son of lucifer, is nothing more than a fraud, a liar, and a demon. A wolf in sheep's clothing. To hell with him and what he wants. His minions will use the 'wall', LGBTQ-AI or IA to lie and manipulate, push their anti-GOD, anti-human agenda because that's satans' agenda.

The pope who stated "We should ALL be like (fellow pedo) Bill Gates" who showers him with millions of dollars gained from drugging and sterilizing the world and especially children, forcing them into a haze of mental illness and demonic possession. I have distain for this demonic pope who has pushed the one world religion of CHRISLAM (the marriage of islam-chistianity and AI). He supported the gay Obamas and their evil agenda as well. Im not surprised he despises Trump and all of his supporters. In 2021 he withdrew ALL of the "Vatican Money" from the American banks (from American Catholics who gave it) and ordered it all returned to the Vatican bank. The Vatican pope, and his NWO friends in the USA have worked to undermine Christianity. Catholic schools force Catholic children to attend a Mosque as a requirement. More indoctrination into the CHRISLAM one world religion! Even my daughter in her 1st yr of college at a Catholic university was required to pray at a mosque to receive her grade 6 yrs ago. I hope the pope chokes on all the money hand delivered to him by the Gates, Soros and NWO friends he surrounds himself with. This Ol Boys club of Pedos trafficking children under the guise of a false religion, must be destroyed! Exposure is coming and fortunately incriminating video proof of these monsters too. Pedo/Pizzagate 1 and 2 on my page.





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The evil one was very successful in usurping Christianity with the Catholic (Roman) church who in actuality worships him via Mary (Diana, Isis, etc.) There was a reason the Roman church incorporated so many pagan traditions at the onset.

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Given time, all of man's creation ends up corrupted. We are weak and Satan is strong.

But not as strong as our God, who is not amused.

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So true!!

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Thanks for today's Takes, since Trump's Landslide Narrative Win my smile continues to grow.

I was most fascinated today with BB's Take on our 51st State... The Great White North, Eh:-) It occurs to me that Trump doesn't just resonate with the VAST majority of We the People here in the US he also resonates the same way with the Vast Majority of We the People across the World. Canada, Greenland. Australia. etc. would definitely benefit from and most likely welcome Trump as their leader too. We all have the same enemy, united we are very powerful.

The Best Is Yet To Come!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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…I don’t think this was an act of restraint, but one of an absolute lack of power. “It was the first time congressional Democrats did not raise a challenge to a Republican winner of the presidential election since certifying George H.W. Bush’s victory in 1989.”

…BB is succinct as always, ‘The Deep State is coming undone because strings run both ways…’. Yes, indeed they do and it’s time for the long series of wins around the world to publicly expose the enslaving ‘system of systems’! His ‘take’ on the Canadian events is, too, ‘Trump told you his asides have meaning. When are you going to start believing him?’

…Ghost absolutely nails it with his laying out the role and evil of the Global North’s intelligence agencies. ‘…globalism is a system of feudal slavery that artificially makes economics a zero-sum equation…’. This use of the cabal-created intelligence agencies (in the Prussian model) is definitely losing steam and the exposure of their true purpose will galvanize the world.

…Ashe is correct that the balance of the seat of global (and evil power of DC, London, and the Vatican) is changing and it’s obvious the revelations are moving up the steps. I know Israel was saved for last, but the Vatican and its egregious evils are intricately entwined.

…I’ve thought for a long time now that the Jewish support in Trump’s nominees isn’t what people expect. I concur completely with Ghost, ‘…and it's about to get yanked out from under them.’ The nominees ‘all are worried about’ likely have specific roles in the unveiling of the evil that is Israel’s government (and very likely its founding)!

…Patrick Gunnels definitely looks at all ‘actions’ with a game theory focus and I concur, ‘you end up blaming "Islam" for the grooming gangs, then the psyop worked perfectly.’ Gang rape has been a tool of armies forever. There is definitely a different message here.

…The current and almost fully revealed system of lawfare can be summed up in Ghost’s comment, “have no right to the truth." Ashe has revealed this, too, in her many analyses of legal machinations.

…The need to keep eyes on as we move to the main event is important and it’s possible the potential terror, etc., is a nothing burger, but in the end, God is in control and has gifted so many to fight this war. God bless each of them.🙏

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Jan 7Edited

Another bravo Daily takes ALtab take ! …I always look forward to your pithy distillations & takeaways.

God bless you too!


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So do I ! 👍🏻🙏🏼


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I agree the Canada 51st State narrative is pretty mind blowing.

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If this turns out to be actually real, I hope the individual provinces will become their own states (Ontario, BC, etc)? Canada as one gigantic state seems to miss the identity of the locales. Of course, oust the governance that doesn't work first. lol

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To a certain extent that will likely be true. Some of the smaller provinces and territories might combine -- or not. Rhode Island and Delaware are not that large or populous, but nobody says they should be incorporated with other states.

Bottom line, once Canada decides to join the USA, if that happens, the details will be worked out.

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Hi Wild Bill!


Some questioning seems to emerge and could need clear answers ...


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Great analysis by GBPH regarding the implications of trade dependency from both sides of the transaction. It seems reductive, yet increasingly obvious: If the mouthpiece of those who want a one-world solution like and tout a thing - it is likely filthy.

It's weird - unity because of diversity can and should be the organic result of Loving like Jesus, the Anointed One loved. Whatever it is the globalists are selling - it will neither produce unity nor truly honor the glorious individuality with which we were all created - no matter how slinky their marketing!

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The Election Certification show was not entirely without Dem-drama, as when the honorary representative from one of the territories complained that people not authorized by the US Constitution to take part in that particular vote were unable to vote. "Our Duh-mocracy" on display (these people should at least take a fifth-grade civics class). But Kamala Harris gave probably the best speech we've heard from her, not a single platitude or cackle.

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That was the speaker vote on Friday. I was hoping she’d whine again during the certification but she didn’t.

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Thais brings to mind an observation I made of Ted Cruz while being interviewed by Kudlow. (Husband watches) Cruz is supposedly a Constitutional legal scholar, but he kept referring to our country as a democracy….🧐. He likely is controlled opposition….

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Not only that, but he kept making political arguments against Larry Kudlow’s economic arguments. The discussion was really eye opening because it showed the real conflict.

Rational thought is not going to be employed because the politicians cannot stand reality. Reality says our system is bankrupt and always will be until it collapses. The economics prove it beyond reasonable doubt. But, according to the politicians that reality is false because we are still here and we can keep printing money to pay for more debt.

So, who is right? The arguments are clear but the power is on our hands. Kudlow and Cruz are just acting their parts in the show.

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Some crisis will come along and leave the Treasury unable to settle its obligations. Then everyone will see the naked emperor, and from that point the system will spiral out of control down the sewer faster than you can blink your eyes.

Then we rebuild, because what other choice will we have?

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My solution says we solve the problem in 2025 with sanity. First we cut 100% of all pork out of the budget and fund just what the Constitution demands. Any residue may be applied to entitlements or to congressional pay. Let’s see how the paid politicians vote.

Balancing our budget is not hard when we have over $4 Trillion in revenue. The problem is in priorities. Politicians love promising goodies based on borrowing from our future using the FED credit card.

What is going to be on Trump’s Great Big Beautiful Bill? I am afraid it will have lots of pork that the rejected CR contained. But, I guess Trump has a big plan and one more omnibus spending package can’t kill us. Or, maybe the DOGE can cut the pork after the bad guys shovel it into the bill. This may get interesting.

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I like Gato's Law:

"as soon as you allow politicians to determine that which is bought or sold, the first thing bought and sold will always be politicians."


"and so we arrive at gato’s postulate:

a democratic government powerful enough to dictate that which is bought and sold will inevitably devolve into rule by rube.

and this is how you wind up with government where the people running the scam not only have no conception that they are running a scam but have subsumed their entire identities into it."

Worth the time, if you haven't read it.

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Love your news briefs. Please keep up the good work. Consider the following to upgrade your world view:

"My Lunch Break" is an internet video channel whose subject matter is discussed below:

In Our-World, all technologies advance as the decades advance. As we go back in time, all technologies become more primitive until they don't exist. Examples are cars, airplanes, trains, telephones, personal computers, refrigerators, war weapons, etc.

All technologies advance EXCEPT constructing gorgeous buildings. In the building construction technology, during the 1800s and early 1900s, they could construct spectacular buildings with horse, donkey and pull carts. The small populations only had hand tools like hammer, chisel, shovel, saw, and drill. Our-World should be constructing even more gorgeous buildings. It should be easy stuff for us in the 2020s. Instead, we build plain box buildings.

So, we caught them in a worldwide lie, in every major city around the world and many towns. These Old-World buildings are from a former advanced civilization!!! My Lunch Break also covers catacombs (many thousands of skulls and bones below cathedrals and tunnel systems below cities. Also discussed are incubator babies at the state fairs, adoptions, insane asylums (A place to incarcerate troublemaker parents?), etc.

My Lunch Break has about 100+ videos showing proof of the Old-World, that they don't want us to know about. With the internet, we now know that these fantastic buildings have been there in plain sight all along and, we have believed their non-stop lying until now.

We repopulated the earth in about 300 years, and he theorizes that there was a worldwide reset about 300 years ago, a return to primitive technologies and that these buildings are left over.

They have destroyed many Old-World buildings (and homes) in fires and wars so we wouldn't catch on. The previous civilization was much more advanced than we are. They likely saved the technologies and have been feeding them out to Our-World, with them leading the way and gaining all the wealth in the process. (And there is evidence elsewhere that they want to do another world-depopulation-reset down to 500,000,000 people.) I watch My Lunch Break on Rumble.com.














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I say old chap, how British of you to promote an agenda on someone else’s page.

Also, feel free to disregard this rebuke, as I am always wrong and a heathen. cheerio.

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It's together and cross posting that we can all advance our knowledge fastest. My Lunch Break covers a different topic line of the truth movement. The authors at badlands must confront the truth of Old-World buildings left over from the last reset.

Badlands news briefs is one of my favorites. I want everyone to know the scam of history that My Lunch Break expertly covers.

I also learned about Q in comment sections back in early 2018. Do not trust sites who claim to be free speech and then disable comments.

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Don’t mind me, I’m just pissed off because I no longer get a lunch break. The catering truck quit coming years ago, although we do have a Family that drives in every day in a 1955 Pontiac safari with a bucket of tamales, and a can that once held refried beans full of hot sauce. I swear that hot sauce is teaming with new life.

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Once again, there's almost too much silliness and evil in this world to cover in one nice stack. Perhaps the most disgusting item in a long time is the grooming gang child rape scandal in England. Calls for fresh national investigations should be replaced by demands for fresh national resignations and arrests and trials and imprisonment, as well as mass deportations back to Pedoistan.

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Missing comments from Joe " the coward" Lange 🤪 anyone else?

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He always fully benefits his 1A Right here ... 🕊️🇺🇲🕊️

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“…from the right wing of the Texas GOP”

says more than most understand about the Tejas “GOP”.

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Thank you all! So much great work here daily!❤️🇺🇸😊

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zuck. meta. dana white. everyone has a price. everyone.

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