"The people, who have inalienable rights, convey those rights to the government via a trust process whereby the government must defend and foster the fair use of those rights on behalf of the people. If the trustees, the government, fail to do their duty, then the people can and must take back their rights from the government and remove the incompetence.

When open bad faith..."

~ Justin Deschamps




"But when a long train

of abuses and usurpations,

pursuing invariably

the same Object

evinces a design

to reduce them

under absolute Despotism,

it is their right,

it is their duty,

to throw off such Government,

and to provide new Guards

for their future security."

~ Excerpted, The Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

John Adams

Benjamin Franklin

Robert Livingston

Roger Sherman

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Hmmm... Today’s news surely ‘feels’ like the moment when the Jewish slaves stood before the Red Sea as the non-repentant Egyptian warriors were directly advancing. Thinking rationally, however, it also seems like the precursor to more serious revelations about to be released. We must stand fast and trust in our Creator as we prepare for our own independence and survival as best we are able. The number of sealed indictments has increased dramatically in the last few years, something that has not been remembered by most. Seems pertinent when considering we must save our constitutional republic in accordance with the rule of law, doesn’t it?

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The stage is being set. We must be ready for our role in bringing the normies along. Soon the master returns...

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Oh yeah!

I remember that fable!

The "jew slaves" in Egypt.

You've never studied Egyptian history have you?

It amazes me how easily manipulated people are.


A good book to start with is Egypt knew no Pharoahs.

Love the hopium here 😂😂

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Of course that wasn’t a reference to Jews, but to the point where they felt all hope was lost. I’m surprised that someone as obviously much more intelligent than me didn’t pick up on that. God bless you!

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Check this article out I received thru my subscription to Dr. Mercola...

https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/02/16/did-us-build-bioweapons-in-ukraine.aspx?ui=65971aea76bd2ffefbda1e36d54e2b9c56059727a76cd7ccdc40f6a2df376316&sd=20230110&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20230216&cid=DM1347562&bid=1722461484 and the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtOsKvFdhjg&ab_channel=RussellBrand

Above state that ... " • Ukraine is slated to be the largest, most comprehensive test lab for globalist takeover tools such as digital ID, central bank digital currency (CBDC), a social credit system and even an AI-aided judicial system.

• American citizens are helping to pay for the implementation of this Orwellian techno-dystopia through U.S. “security assistance,” which as of October 20, 2022, had surpassed $98 billion

• Ukraine is also a “testbed for Western weapons and battlefield innovation”

• The CIA and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) have also been funding a company called Metabiota to aid in the development of biological weapons in Ukraine ETC.

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You’ve described exactly why Putin went into Ukraine.

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Bingo, again, ALtab -- excellent!

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Life will follow fiction - for the fiction was prophetic: https://rwasamizdat.substack.com/p/the-small-life-of-stuart-calvin-zabuzhko

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When the NYT starts screaming, you know you're over the target. Pre-emptive discrediting nonetheless. Can't wait to see the goods.

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What is going on for this days in any remote places of the USA?

The most improbable events are happening everywhere, like the crazy and burning train that ended up derailing and triggering a large-scale disaster in the depths of Ohio!

Have you heard from Greta?

She hasn't spoken yet on the spot, nor on the front line in Ukraine or in the rubble of the earthquakes in Turkey?

It looks like the country (the World ?) is undergoing the 7 plagues of Egypt, but these seem to be rather man-made!

I hope this is not an expression of divine anger, and I invite all those who have faith to pray for all.

May God keep you and bless you!

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I’m really starting to worry about the destruction of farmland with these “accidental” toxic spills... we will truly have to make a hard decision if it comes to starvation. My farm has always been my last line of defense against tyrannical government abuses, if I don’t have that I’ve lost my standing. Already the chicken feed problem has cut into reserves, how much more can people take before we break? I guess we’ll see come planting season what our choices are, if acid rain ruins the soil and nothing germinates it will be GO time, we’ll have no other choice, but I hope it doesn’t come to that.

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We're "winning"

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Ryan Wrote:

“If patriots hope to save this nation, we'd better all get more serious about becoming as self sufficient as possible, and helping our neighbors to do the same.”

Look at the toxic mess in Ohio. The land in the area are approximately 75,000 privately owned farms (many organic). The water and soil toxicity will prevent farming, livestock probably will die, they intend to destroy our means to become self sufficient. Even feed for chickens is now tampered with to prevent egg laying. With three toxic spills in one week, and if this trend continues, we may not have land, wildlife or safe drinking water. Even fish won’t be an option.

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Hey! We're "winning" 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Actually, it would help Durham if he separated from Barr. I really didn't know they had any connection to each other, but Barr is compromised.

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The ChatGTP AI freely states that it can't discuss certain things because it was trained not to discuss them. (begin sarcasm) I'm sure the WEF would make sure to disable that "feature" before unleashing it on the world. (end sarcasm)

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I'm still here I'd you guys really want to talk.

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If you want to talk Bad lands media don't post something then delete it. You want to talk I'm down. Let's do it.

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". . . master of the World" 🤣 'Open. Naked. Disclosure.' IS THEIR DOWNFALL✔️

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Why would the media or anyone else "panic" over Durham?

Hes done absolutely nothing. NOTHING!!!!

Who has he indicted let alone prosecuted?

I get it this is a hopium dealing site.

Excellent propaganda by the way!

You guys are actually worse than the MSM.

I'm still waiting for one of you cowards authors here to publicly debate me.

First line defenders in 3.....2.....1

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Great job on the brief guys!! The brief slept in a bit this morning!!! Not a problem but it was missed!!

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I appreciate your news briefs.

Thank you!

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