I just changed the banner on my FB page early this morning. I used the "mugshot" of Trump and lettered over it, "Georgia.....defying the Constitution since 1861."
A pain in the keester, these guys. The other two have sullied my notifications with a “follow” and “follow requests “. If you know how to remove them, I’d sure like to know!
Substack is aware of this professional spammer and works against him. He changes IP addresses constantly and uses "disposable" email domains. His redirect links and text of the message also change a lot. He's a tough nut to crack which further shows what a shady operation he has.
I have noted these persistent spams myself. Tammy sounds like Tami reminding me of Tamiflu, a rather nasty big pharma drug. In this instance perhaps they are related!
Thank you! I think people here see through it & ignore, but it’s still annoying. Would you be able to tell me about the “follow” feature & how to navigate & edit?
Ramaswami was educated by a Soros Grant of 90K and I wish you and others would stop promoting him as the next great TRUMP. Ramaswami paid to have info of him removed from the net because he knew it wouldnt be good for him if it was exposed. REPORT THAT!
Can you share where you found that info? It would be great info to spread among patriots who are considering him. But we all want the "sauce" :) Thanks!
Thank you!! This is exactly why I'm active in this chat, to learn things I might not otherwise have known. Thank you, Catherine! Appreciation to you and others who cite articles generously and kindly to help other patriots. We need to work together. 😄
Thanks, Catherine! I’m sharing with my husband who has liked him; he’s thought Ramaswamy would make a good VP to Trump. He’s wavering now that I’ve shared the information in your links!
May not be Natural Born Citizen, He was born here, his Mother is Citizen, he did not say whether his Dad is or not. Requires all 3—Candadate is Natural Born, Parents both Citizens, naturalized or by birth. 3-Legged Stool.
True, sharing info is what will help us AVOID voting for wrong people, but mistakes will still be made.
IT IS UNCLEAR HOW REPUBLICAN VOTERS WOULD REACT IF THEY KNEW….for example, that as recently as last year Ramaswamy was touting mask mandates and physical distancing as effective. In a January 2022 article for the Wall Street Journal, Ramaswamy claimed that such mandates prevent hospitalizations and deaths but should be discontinued anyway because of the “antigenic drift”.
Ramaswamy, A PHARMACEUTICAL EXECUTIVE HIMSELF, also declared that distribution of the mRNA vaccines was “the most important step in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic”. The statement was congruent with his suggestion that the unvaccinated were responsible for new COVID variants:."
Ramaswampy(!), it would appear. (That nickname was so easy, I’m sure it’s been around for a while!)
Maybe just ‘Swampy for short 😇. ..I have a feeling the expose is just getting started. A silver-tongued astro-turf candidate amidst the crabgrass and guinea grass. This excursion onto the field is just getting good! As for me, I’ll take my shoes off & settle my toes in the real green grass surrounding this little patch of hopefulls.
PATHY : -Pathy : denotes (with a negative sense) a disease, or disorder; Greek (pathose) suffering, accident
GANA (from Wiki) “The word gaṇa (/ˈɡʌnə/; Sanskrit: गण) in Sanskrit and Pali means "flock, troop, multitude, number, tribe, category, series, or class". It can also be used to refer to a "body of attendants" and can refer to "a company, any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims". The word "gana" can also refer to councils or assemblies convened to discuss matters of religion or other topics.
—In Hinduism, the Gaṇas are attendants of Shiva and live on Mount Kailash. Ganesha was chosen as their leader by Shiva, hence Ganesha's title gaṇeśa or gaṇapati, "lord or leader of the ganas".[1]“
He is ineligible to be POTUS according to the Constitution. He's not a natural born citizen. SCOTUS has Clarified the definition of natural born citizen in three challenges. Natural born means BOTH parents have to be US Citizens at the time of the baby's birth. No ifs, and, or buts...Vivek doesn't qualify, neither does Kamala, Obama, or a lot of other people who have tried (recently) to run. No one seems interested in following the Constitution...even the GOP. 😠
1.). The 4th SCOTUS defined it in The Venus, 12 U.S. (8 Cranch) 253, 289 (1814)
SCOTUS defined Natural Born Citizen (NBC) in 3 Opinions. 1st Opinion cited Emmerich Vattel's Law of Nations Sect. 212. (Citizens and natives: The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.)
2.) the 7th SCOTUS in Minor v. Happersett 88 U.S. 162 (1874) Chief Justice Waite and Unanimous Court.
3.)The 7th SCOTUS again in Ex Parte Reynolds, 1879, 5 Dill., 394, 402.
Sorry, do not have link, only screen shot. A search for Natural Born Citizen and the case should pull up the links.
No, they all knew. It came out that the Klinton's checked into his BC. They covered, that allowed any future blackmail, but, since they are spiritual dark side kinsmen, no need for blackmail. If they knew, everyone knew in Congress unless their head was in the sand.
Sharon Rondeau on The Post & Email covers this brilliantly every time it comes up. Ryan, McShame, Cruz, Rubio, none were NBC. Nor was Jindal. Shows how R's expose who they are for those who dare to search out the thing. Just think, 5 Non-NBC all on the stage at one time. All Repubs. Now, Haley and Vivek are not NBC. Kamala is not NBC either, Father not Citizen.
Found this: Emmetich de Vattel’s book, “The Law ofNations”, 1758, in chapter 19.
Also read John Jay’s letter to George Washington from July 25, 1787.
The original entry by Alexander Hamilton read “born citizen”.
John Jay’s letter adds natural born status to the Presidential eligibility clause. John Jay expressed his concern for foreign influence. Because Nikki Haley’s parents did NOT naturalize before her birth, therefore they passed their Indian citizenship and allegiance to Nikki Haley.at best Nikki Haley has dual citizenship and is NOT natural born.
The XIVth Amendment, ratified in 1868, says, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
Representatives and senators are required to be U.S. citizens, but there is no requirement that they be natural born, in contrast to the presidential requirement. (Art II)
A distinction is made, then, between a “NATURAL born” citizen vs a citizen by virtue of birth in the US or by naturalization — the key word being the unique qualifier “natural” wrt eligibility to serve as either president or VP, but NOT in any other offices (as this qualifier is not used.) (Art II, secs 1 & 2)
So: All “NATURAL BORN CITIZENS ” are CITIZENS. BUT all CITIZENS are NOT “NATURAL BORN CITIZENS”. Are the courts and people conflating these two distinctions & categories? Are they using the 14th amendment to define & change the intent of Article II, which is clearly much narrower in scope, since article I merely holds that senators (Art I, sec 3) and congressmen (Art I, Sec 2) must be CITIZENS.
Bear with me. I’m just working my way through & processing 😂 ...trying to get a foundation.
You are exactly correct. There is a reason [they] are making all of these unforced errors. Which is, they are the finite player in an infinite game, and they are running out of ammo, both Actual and Narrative. They are infighting and acting in haste, making stupid mistakes.
The 'Moloch Speech' was the event that proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Normally they would run an idea like that past a PR firm or focus group, but they just ran with it. And it backfired badly on them.
This will continue, and it will get worse for [them]. Trump and the White Hats have had this whole thing planned out, and [they] -- the DS in this case -- are falling for the bait: hook, line and sinker. On the surface it may appear that they have Trump where they want him -- the Mockingbirds are telling everyone this is so -- but the reality is exactly the opposite. Trump and the White Hats are trolling the Deep State, forcing them to make plays that in just a few moves, are shown to have been huge mistakes. Plays that, if thought through, could have been avoided. Sometimes it is better, when people think you are an idiot, to keep your mouth shut, rather than opening it and proving the point.
Newt revealed that a trusted source told him that the DC Swamp ordered Fani to indict Trump Monday morning, to take the heat off of them for the Hunter/Weiss kerfuffle. So it's out of the frying pan and into the fire for them. Time and again. Even the normies are now starting to see.
Yeah I do subscribe to Burning Bright and Badlands, but I have a hard time finding several hours to listen to podcasts. That's a problem also with Clif High -- much of his content is put out on roughly half-hour podcasts, recorded on his way to town and back. I read much faster than I can listen, others are different...
Wild Bill! I’m exactly like you regarding reading, although when I am canning or something similar, I listen while working. Prefer reading ALL the time, too.🙏🙏
I knew you did…could tell by your language & thoughts!! That was mainly for anyone else reading your posts— for more context — & a little wink & nod to you.
I’m not a fan of Cliff High. His analyses & info can be found elsewhere & his prognostications & bases are wanting. Imo, it’s a limited hangout. I also find him insufferably full of himself! Sorry to be so opinionated! Some people just bug me, especially when half-truths, special “knowledge”, insights derived from special “Real Truth” sources, etc. gain such trust with so many. My BS detector goes wild!
Clif is a mixed bag for sure. I have a hard time with his spacemen and yoga stuff, but occasionally he comes up with some good material. 'Self-organized collective' for one.
Most everything in life, we have to separate the wheat from the chaff. Discernment. Some sources have more wheat than chaff, others not. But still, there is often a grain of truth there for those who cut through to find it.
Your opinions are as valid as anyone's. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. 💖
Didn't he say he would close the border as the first thing and round up all those who came in illegally and send them back from whence them came?? That sounds good to me!! What would you have liked him to say?
This is the comment in the wltreport.com I was referring to, not your comment. "I’ve heard a lot of people comment on Tucker’s final question, asking Trump what his #1 priority will be when back in office, and most feedback I’ve heard on that answer is that it wasn’t his best".
"I agree, I think it was a chance for him to announce his retribution tour and promise to fully and finally secure our democracy and he didn’t do it." Closing the border would be fully and finally securing our country!!!
I think that the Left's unprecedented use of Lawfare is frightening. We have always had the Constitution. But the Globalist Left through the UN and Deep State have sought to undermine all we have. They have shown that they will try to win AT ALL COST. And use the media to justify it. And the minds and bodies of the drones they have hypnotized to enforce their will. We need a collective awakening. All of you. Please keep exposing it!
It has been said here before. We are at war right now. But unlike WW1 or WW2, this one is being fought without physical battle fronts. Without knowing who are the generals or who are making decisions. And add to that, who is fighting on each side. But it is more and more clear every day that the fight is happening. I often wonder what will be said in History books in 50 years about this time. It is WW3. We had better unravel it to know where to fight. Or else we will all be in slavery to the overlords who won.
Trumpist is right — the Alpha and Omega. At the end God will win. He is winning now, in ways we cannot see. There was utter darkness at noon on calvary’s hill. But was God winning? Not to our eyes.
We are fighting even now — have been. Our words are the weapons and the armor our faith. We walk in the light as He is in the light. His Word lights our way — our thoughts and actions, our sure, calm steps. Never panic; Never give up.
👍 Our fearless tiger was the first writer I subscribed to. His Righteous Russia series was an excellent introduction to the extremely gifted mind God has given him. Given him for this specific war and BB’s clear role in it. We need to all remind ourselves occasionally that God has gifted so very many people for each necessary step in this ancient battle between good and evil and be grateful! God’s word must be a priority in these times, as is prayer.🙏🙏
WE will be writing the history books. They’re being rewritten now by people like you and me and the Badlands kiddos and millions of others. Rewriting the truth, crossing out the lies filling the books we’ve come to know tell lies. Libraries will be very different when truth is written.
Ramaswami was educated by a Soros Grant of 90K and I wish you and others would stop promoting him as the next great TRUMP. Ramaswami paid to have info of him removed from the net because he knew it wouldnt be good for him if it was exposed. REPORT THAT!
Thank you. We should be skeptical of people with ties to known bad actors like Soros. That said, we shouldn't become like the radical left, assuming wrong doing merely due to an association not because we can cite an actual event or occurrence. Innocent till proven guilty isn't something we can throw away when it's convenient.
Good caution, Justin. In the case of ‘Swamy, though, we see his own actions and words. Perhaps someone could ask him and give him an opportunity to explain them.
And please don't forget President Trump himself published his own mugshot in his very FIRST Tweet from his personal account for the first time since he had been banned in 2021 !
God does marvelous things these days and we have to give Him grace ! 🙏🏻🕊️✝️
Since now, NCSWIC, absolutely NOTHING but God Himself ... 🙏🏻✝️🕊️🇺🇲
The Saint celebrated each August 25th is French king Louis XI, called "Saint Louis" because of his immense Christian legacy while leading "The Eldest Daughter of the Roman Catholic Church".
I am so happy to read your words regarding America’s involvement in the French victory…my grandfather and great uncles. This was the real America perhaps…
I was amazed and humbled when visiting Normandy and other parts of N France to see such living and present love and gratitude to Americans for their sacrifice on behalf of the French so long ago!
We Americans have such short memories. But there, it was as if the liberation had happened just yesterday. This meant that it was passed on from fathers to children, imbedded on the consciousness of the people!
Would that we would revive in us the kind of gratitude that keeps alive a memory of those great and sacrificial deeds of ordinary men.
I believe we are going to return to the decent days, Sir. It starts with hanging our harps in the trees and crying while we sing songs and lament the loss of what we were. It seems to be happening to the righteous during the tyranny. (Psalms)…
Thanks 🙏🏻🙏🏻 to our friend Dick who helped me find this "old" discussion we had 7 weeks ago I sincerely invite you to read in chronological order starting with this comment by ALtab:
Who would have thought that one of the finest patriots and banner-carriers would be encouraging us from France, renewing long forgotten ties? We pray for and with you and salute you, son of that original friend of Liberty we casual Americans know as Lafayette. Let’s revisit his friendship with George Washington.
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Trumpist!
Prayers & Godspeed!
PS. Any updates about life in France would be most welcome, since things seem to have settled down, the operative word here being “seem”.
Thank you very much for your very kind and healing words !
My life has always been built like a bridge between many people of all sorts, and I have been deeply pleased when I came in the USA (the last time made me discover "Trump for President" signs on many front yards when we visited Florida in 2013; I didn't know his name at this time but I instantly knew he WILL be President!!).
Responding about France: things have calmed down with the holidays and very hot weather, but the social situation is a whole failure and our leadership don't even deserve this single word !! They're just failed political figures our squarely frauds ! 😡🤬
There's no more national feeling, no more pride, no more faith to motive the people, much less unite them ...
We'll need God's help in the time He'll choose... 🙏🏻✝️🕊️🇫🇷
Events like those we will be watching in the next while are difficult to control. I like to say "You can light the fire; but you cannot control the wind."
The embers are glowing, now we are waiting for a hurricane 800 km away to whip up the winds... 🙏🏻🕊️✝️
Jesus said 'I am the bread of life'. In French this is 'je suis le pain de vie'.
This can anagram in English words to 'I Jesus I leavened pi'. Jesus became leavened by our sins as it were on the cross, strictly a 'T' with a little headboard.
Or if you try French words here is an example.
'avilie d'épine jésus' meaning I gather 'debased with thorn Jesus', He wore a crown of thorns on the cross.
Everything is in the words and in the beginning was the word.
In an other comment you wrote "my text although it is a little mad in places"; I can confirm as I didn't manage to understood the full meaning of this present comment, even the French parts ! 😥
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.“
I discover your comment after my breakfast and it made me smile!! 😃
You can't imagine how this quote is exact ...
Especially "for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."
It's been days I have been wondering HOW I could express to God what I need, what I just wanted to ask for, and I was in the dark (but with faith and no doubt !)...
Thank you so much for your lightning of my own path 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I'm convinced we're many around here who are praying and interceding for each other 🕊️✝️
May His Spirit stay beside of you and your beloved ones! 🙏🏻🕊️✝️
My wife and I have friends in France, mostly French although I have one English friend in Brittany. I have wanted to stir up and unite the French as far as I could. I did this as a consequence. The speech of De Gaulles is updated to suit today's madness and spoken by Google Translate.
My wife was a french teacher and checked as far as possible my text although it is a little mad in places.
Well done for trying. It is the madness and eccentricities of the English language that I use. It is difficult to translate into idioms for use in other languages.
"But since no one ever checked to see who these fraudulent voters voted for, the claim that ‘there is no evidence of wide-scale voter fraud’ is somewhat accurate.
"On this point, claiming there is no evidence of wrongdoing—when one never bothers to look—is an indictment against the office holders put in charge of vetting elections, from the poll worker all the way to the Vice President of the United States—Mike Pence, formerly. Every single gatekeeper who knew in their heart there was fraud or bad faith, and certified anyway with the full support of other actors doing the same, is guilty of conspiracy, if not much more."
when one never bothers . . .
This is the exact same fraudulent play driving artificial scarcity and manipulating everything.
• Don't manage forests and plant trees - no lumber
• Don't mine the planet for necessary materials, and prevent/reduce through enviro-nazi threats and control, then there are no commodity or specialty metals or minerals to feed industry
• Buy up and shut down small/local farming operations, to make way for premature, wholesale implementation of (unreliable , overpriced, foreign-made) green energy and agri-conglomerates, people will hunger and their health will fail; and suffer/perish in winter storms and frigid weather
• Fail to build reservoirs and aqueducts, allowing plenteous rainwater and yearly snow melt to go to sea, and then justify draconian water rationing because we're in a drought
I believe that both Democrat and Republican parties are on their last legs. The Biden affair will soon taint the whole party, and Trump is leading the destruction of the 'old guard' GOP.
Your "name" made me think about the character in Zorro (De La Vega).
President Trump created powerful antecedents when booking in Fulton jail and letting [Them] make his incredible warry mugshot: NOBODY, even well-known powerful political figures will be able to ask for ANY form of privilege in the same case !!
But some (many ??) could be given the time to reflect and really appreciate [their] own stay in such a place ...
And it must be underscored the attitude of the very average people of the popular Atlanta neighborhoods where President Trump's motorcade drove through after leaving Fulton. That says ALL!
I read reports talking about the many deaths, some recent! But they minimized the filthy conditions & few actually showed interior pictures.
By the way, to actually jail Trump they’d have to also house all his secret service guys in there with him. An impossible situation! But the story does highlight just how slimy & rotten to the core the Georgia govt. & their “Justice” system is, top to bottom. The DC jails holding the J6 prisoners & their systems are about the same. The systemic evil is being exposed and rooted out at every level. God’s timeline unfolding. 🙏🏽✝️🙏🏽
“ The Grand Ol’ Party is dead. America First is now the party” - Ashe ❤️🇺🇸
Love Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan's statement: “the special, strategic relations with the BRICS nations promotes common principles, most importantly the firm belief in the principle of respect for sovereignty, independence and non-interference in internal affairs.”
Echoes of these words are living in the hearts and minds of humanity. Decades of foreign interference across the globe are what Patriotic Americans are not only waking up to on a deep and historical scale but are adamantly against!
God Bless the Great Disruptor, Trump ❤️
And Blessings to all the Badlands contributors. Thank You!!❤️🇺🇸🌎
That would be very interesting. But if the Supreme Court determines Trump is the "current" president, how will that affect the 24' run? With the fraudulent 2020 Selection, what needs to happen is to correctly identify who is REALLY pulling the strings. Obama in the basement, or City of London Criminal Cabal.
I think you're right about that. The real grand master parasites are mostly in London. The ones that really avoid being noticed are hiding in the Cayman Islands.
I just hope it could be one alternative way, as for the Brunson case which seems going to return in the SC docket !
Regarding the ID of puppetmasters I think there could be other names to emerge through some deep discovery processes to come ...
I take advantage of this comment for asking for your support on this thread: I answered my best as a 🇫🇷 foreigner but need some US 🇺🇲 help if available... 😉
"The arrest of Donald Trump would cause the Supreme Court to disclose their decision that Trump is the president of the USA and therefore cannot be indicted while he is in office. This would probably trigger the military to explain through an emergency broadcast that Trump is the president of the
USA because massive fraud in 2020 produced false results.”
—Says it’s from Australia One (which is worth keeping up with)
I’m not sold on this happening in that way. It assumes that SCOTUS knows currently?! I’ll tuck it away with the other speculations, tho’ & think about it. Thanks.
*I cut & pasted a screenshot of the photo, pasted it to notes & then copy/pasted the text here. Nice iphone feature.
Thank you for allowing us to access this text more easily! 🙏🏻
I personally don't know what to think of this stance.
It seems to be just another potential way, among many others.
You could add the Brunson case which seems to be coming back on SCOTUS docket... The large picture tends to reveal many simultaneous fronts/moves towards SCOTUS, making it very difficult for [Them] to fight each side with the resources needed, and there are probably many decoys...
I just changed the banner on my FB page early this morning. I used the "mugshot" of Trump and lettered over it, "Georgia.....defying the Constitution since 1861."
Linda, Heather ...and now, Tammy? Marketing with blackpills again?
Please take your spam elsewhere.
Really! Go elsewhere. Who wants to listen to a marketing infomercial. You have to be an idiot to believe that!
*Sigh*. Guess I’ll report Tammy too.
A pain in the keester, these guys. The other two have sullied my notifications with a “follow” and “follow requests “. If you know how to remove them, I’d sure like to know!
Substack is aware of this professional spammer and works against him. He changes IP addresses constantly and uses "disposable" email domains. His redirect links and text of the message also change a lot. He's a tough nut to crack which further shows what a shady operation he has.
I have noted these persistent spams myself. Tammy sounds like Tami reminding me of Tamiflu, a rather nasty big pharma drug. In this instance perhaps they are related!
Thank you! I think people here see through it & ignore, but it’s still annoying. Would you be able to tell me about the “follow” feature & how to navigate & edit?
I understood for the flamethrower! 🔥🔥🔥😬
😡😤 Advertising / Spam ... 😤😡
Duely REPORTED ! 😡🤬
Hi Gail ! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
There's NO other way than President TRUMP (+ possible VP: Kari "Watch the water" LAKE or maybe MTG or RFK Jr.) !
MAGA Powa! 🇺🇲💪🏻🇺🇲
Ramaswami was educated by a Soros Grant of 90K and I wish you and others would stop promoting him as the next great TRUMP. Ramaswami paid to have info of him removed from the net because he knew it wouldnt be good for him if it was exposed. REPORT THAT!
It’s going to be especially interesting how his role plays out, won’t it?😊
Can you share where you found that info? It would be great info to spread among patriots who are considering him. But we all want the "sauce" :) Thanks!
Thank you!! This is exactly why I'm active in this chat, to learn things I might not otherwise have known. Thank you, Catherine! Appreciation to you and others who cite articles generously and kindly to help other patriots. We need to work together. 😄
This is an eye opener as well so im just sharing it. Everyone should watch how maipulated we all are. "Monopoly Who Owns the World"
Thanks, Catherine! I’m sharing with my husband who has liked him; he’s thought Ramaswamy would make a good VP to Trump. He’s wavering now that I’ve shared the information in your links!
Hi ALtab! 🇫🇷🙋🏼♂️
I think NO one among the debating candidates has any chance nor statute or credibility for becoming President Trump's next VP.
And Vivek seems to become more and more questionable each time he speaks publicly! ☹️
I hope God will enlight your path and help you to discern HIS best VP for HIS nominee 🙏🏻✝️🇺🇲🕊️
May not be Natural Born Citizen, He was born here, his Mother is Citizen, he did not say whether his Dad is or not. Requires all 3—Candadate is Natural Born, Parents both Citizens, naturalized or by birth. 3-Legged Stool.
📢📢 Vivek Ramaswamy’s Voting Record Shows He is Not a Registered Republican, and Has Donated to Anti-Trump Democrat Candidate in 2016 📢📢
Blow him a kiss — at this point he might tip over 😊
God Bless you both!
Thank you TdLF!! 💖
Hi Silent scorn 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
Please have a look 😉
True, sharing info is what will help us AVOID voting for wrong people, but mistakes will still be made.
IT IS UNCLEAR HOW REPUBLICAN VOTERS WOULD REACT IF THEY KNEW….for example, that as recently as last year Ramaswamy was touting mask mandates and physical distancing as effective. In a January 2022 article for the Wall Street Journal, Ramaswamy claimed that such mandates prevent hospitalizations and deaths but should be discontinued anyway because of the “antigenic drift”.
Ramaswamy, A PHARMACEUTICAL EXECUTIVE HIMSELF, also declared that distribution of the mRNA vaccines was “the most important step in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic”. The statement was congruent with his suggestion that the unvaccinated were responsible for new COVID variants:."
Thank you!!!
Ramaswampy(!), it would appear. (That nickname was so easy, I’m sure it’s been around for a while!)
Maybe just ‘Swampy for short 😇. ..I have a feeling the expose is just getting started. A silver-tongued astro-turf candidate amidst the crabgrass and guinea grass. This excursion onto the field is just getting good! As for me, I’ll take my shoes off & settle my toes in the real green grass surrounding this little patch of hopefulls.
Interestingly Vivek does have a 'p' in his middle name (Ganapathy) so swampy is a part anagram. We can have in full:
Ava Ava KY Swampy nightmare
But there's the smarmy side perhaps:
Ava gap hawk Smarmy naivety
And Satan!:
Vivek away gym Satan pharma
Now you have me doing it👇🏼 😂...
Looky here: GANA + PATHY
PATHY : -Pathy : denotes (with a negative sense) a disease, or disorder; Greek (pathose) suffering, accident
GANA (from Wiki) “The word gaṇa (/ˈɡʌnə/; Sanskrit: गण) in Sanskrit and Pali means "flock, troop, multitude, number, tribe, category, series, or class". It can also be used to refer to a "body of attendants" and can refer to "a company, any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims". The word "gana" can also refer to councils or assemblies convened to discuss matters of religion or other topics.
—In Hinduism, the Gaṇas are attendants of Shiva and live on Mount Kailash. Ganesha was chosen as their leader by Shiva, hence Ganesha's title gaṇeśa or gaṇapati, "lord or leader of the ganas".[1]“
...And more, disambiguated :
Have fun, Baldmichael! 😎
Thank you very much.
Haa anyone asked if his company mandated vax for employment? That would be very telling.
Kiss of death on that.
Think OBAMA 2.0
In a word: PharmaExecutive…
He is ineligible to be POTUS according to the Constitution. He's not a natural born citizen. SCOTUS has Clarified the definition of natural born citizen in three challenges. Natural born means BOTH parents have to be US Citizens at the time of the baby's birth. No ifs, and, or buts...Vivek doesn't qualify, neither does Kamala, Obama, or a lot of other people who have tried (recently) to run. No one seems interested in following the Constitution...even the GOP. 😠
Do you have a link, Pupastuff?
1.). The 4th SCOTUS defined it in The Venus, 12 U.S. (8 Cranch) 253, 289 (1814)
SCOTUS defined Natural Born Citizen (NBC) in 3 Opinions. 1st Opinion cited Emmerich Vattel's Law of Nations Sect. 212. (Citizens and natives: The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.)
2.) the 7th SCOTUS in Minor v. Happersett 88 U.S. 162 (1874) Chief Justice Waite and Unanimous Court.
3.)The 7th SCOTUS again in Ex Parte Reynolds, 1879, 5 Dill., 394, 402.
Sorry, do not have link, only screen shot. A search for Natural Born Citizen and the case should pull up the links.
Thank you!
Did you see any more recent rulings? Because surely an ineligibility suit with BHO would have been pursued...???
👍Great. Thanks!
No, they all knew. It came out that the Klinton's checked into his BC. They covered, that allowed any future blackmail, but, since they are spiritual dark side kinsmen, no need for blackmail. If they knew, everyone knew in Congress unless their head was in the sand.
Ok, but his “father” was still Kenyan, as his “BC” states.
Wouldn't that still disqualify?
Sharon Rondeau on The Post & Email covers this brilliantly every time it comes up. Ryan, McShame, Cruz, Rubio, none were NBC. Nor was Jindal. Shows how R's expose who they are for those who dare to search out the thing. Just think, 5 Non-NBC all on the stage at one time. All Repubs. Now, Haley and Vivek are not NBC. Kamala is not NBC either, Father not Citizen.
Found this: Emmetich de Vattel’s book, “The Law ofNations”, 1758, in chapter 19.
Also read John Jay’s letter to George Washington from July 25, 1787.
The original entry by Alexander Hamilton read “born citizen”.
John Jay’s letter adds natural born status to the Presidential eligibility clause. John Jay expressed his concern for foreign influence. Because Nikki Haley’s parents did NOT naturalize before her birth, therefore they passed their Indian citizenship and allegiance to Nikki Haley.at best Nikki Haley has dual citizenship and is NOT natural born.
Ok. So I went to my Constitution.
The XIVth Amendment, ratified in 1868, says, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
Representatives and senators are required to be U.S. citizens, but there is no requirement that they be natural born, in contrast to the presidential requirement. (Art II)
A distinction is made, then, between a “NATURAL born” citizen vs a citizen by virtue of birth in the US or by naturalization — the key word being the unique qualifier “natural” wrt eligibility to serve as either president or VP, but NOT in any other offices (as this qualifier is not used.) (Art II, secs 1 & 2)
So: All “NATURAL BORN CITIZENS ” are CITIZENS. BUT all CITIZENS are NOT “NATURAL BORN CITIZENS”. Are the courts and people conflating these two distinctions & categories? Are they using the 14th amendment to define & change the intent of Article II, which is clearly much narrower in scope, since article I merely holds that senators (Art I, sec 3) and congressmen (Art I, Sec 2) must be CITIZENS.
Bear with me. I’m just working my way through & processing 😂 ...trying to get a foundation.
God Bless! & Thanks!
Wow and wow!!!
Too much here to take in one gulp. Wow!
But I will read and thank you so, so very much!
But, so now, what do we do? What is being done?
Not only—but he has NOT addressed whether both parents are Citizens. During debate, he said his Mom is a Citizen. He did not say his Dad was.
📢📢 Vivek Ramaswamy’s Voting Record Shows He is Not a Registered Republican, and Has Donated to Anti-Trump Democrat Candidate in 2016 📢📢
Memo to the left: You should have thought this one through.
You are exactly correct. There is a reason [they] are making all of these unforced errors. Which is, they are the finite player in an infinite game, and they are running out of ammo, both Actual and Narrative. They are infighting and acting in haste, making stupid mistakes.
The 'Moloch Speech' was the event that proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Normally they would run an idea like that past a PR firm or focus group, but they just ran with it. And it backfired badly on them.
This will continue, and it will get worse for [them]. Trump and the White Hats have had this whole thing planned out, and [they] -- the DS in this case -- are falling for the bait: hook, line and sinker. On the surface it may appear that they have Trump where they want him -- the Mockingbirds are telling everyone this is so -- but the reality is exactly the opposite. Trump and the White Hats are trolling the Deep State, forcing them to make plays that in just a few moves, are shown to have been huge mistakes. Plays that, if thought through, could have been avoided. Sometimes it is better, when people think you are an idiot, to keep your mouth shut, rather than opening it and proving the point.
Newt revealed that a trusted source told him that the DC Swamp ordered Fani to indict Trump Monday morning, to take the heat off of them for the Hunter/Weiss kerfuffle. So it's out of the frying pan and into the fire for them. Time and again. Even the normies are now starting to see.
Game Theory
🤣 🍳🔥
Need some efficient help ?
Just call Kristie... 🔥🔥
Get this to Linda, Heather and Tammy quick!!!
Who ??? ❓❓
A good segue into another commercial break: Don’t miss Devolution Power hour & Defected on Badlands Media — & these guys’ substacks & sms.
Now resuming your regular Wild Bill broadcast.
Yeah I do subscribe to Burning Bright and Badlands, but I have a hard time finding several hours to listen to podcasts. That's a problem also with Clif High -- much of his content is put out on roughly half-hour podcasts, recorded on his way to town and back. I read much faster than I can listen, others are different...
Wild Bill! I’m exactly like you regarding reading, although when I am canning or something similar, I listen while working. Prefer reading ALL the time, too.🙏🙏
I knew you did…could tell by your language & thoughts!! That was mainly for anyone else reading your posts— for more context — & a little wink & nod to you.
I’m not a fan of Cliff High. His analyses & info can be found elsewhere & his prognostications & bases are wanting. Imo, it’s a limited hangout. I also find him insufferably full of himself! Sorry to be so opinionated! Some people just bug me, especially when half-truths, special “knowledge”, insights derived from special “Real Truth” sources, etc. gain such trust with so many. My BS detector goes wild!
Clif is a mixed bag for sure. I have a hard time with his spacemen and yoga stuff, but occasionally he comes up with some good material. 'Self-organized collective' for one.
Most everything in life, we have to separate the wheat from the chaff. Discernment. Some sources have more wheat than chaff, others not. But still, there is often a grain of truth there for those who cut through to find it.
Your opinions are as valid as anyone's. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. 💖
Thanks! Always appreciate your articulate insight, Bill. Glad you’re here!
God Bless & keep you & yours!
I think Noah is RIGHT and I hope the marvelous Badlands Team will dig his information and develop it !
🔥⚖️ https://t.co/qIbYCOfqfW ⚖️🔥
"The One Thing From The Tucker-Trump Interview NO ONE Is Talking About!"
This STAND is absolutely incredible!!
🙏🏻✝️ God bless President Trump and all of those who are fighting for the Truth alongside him ! ✝️🙏🏻
Didn't he say he would close the border as the first thing and round up all those who came in illegally and send them back from whence them came?? That sounds good to me!! What would you have liked him to say?
What would you have liked him to say?
>> Absolutely NOTHING ELSE!!
This is the comment in the wltreport.com I was referring to, not your comment. "I’ve heard a lot of people comment on Tucker’s final question, asking Trump what his #1 priority will be when back in office, and most feedback I’ve heard on that answer is that it wasn’t his best".
"I agree, I think it was a chance for him to announce his retribution tour and promise to fully and finally secure our democracy and he didn’t do it." Closing the border would be fully and finally securing our country!!!
No offense was intended Kris 🙂🕊️
Just a stupid misunderstanding...
I think President Trump's deep values don't drive him towards negative or evil choices.
He'll listen to God's voice and will for the best of the plurality! 🙏🏻✝️🕊️
Totally agree!!
I think that the Left's unprecedented use of Lawfare is frightening. We have always had the Constitution. But the Globalist Left through the UN and Deep State have sought to undermine all we have. They have shown that they will try to win AT ALL COST. And use the media to justify it. And the minds and bodies of the drones they have hypnotized to enforce their will. We need a collective awakening. All of you. Please keep exposing it!
I think the MIC / MSM is doomed to seriously and rapidly reform itself or it will die by losing most users and readers.
NCSWIC ! ⚖️🇺🇲⚖️
It has been said here before. We are at war right now. But unlike WW1 or WW2, this one is being fought without physical battle fronts. Without knowing who are the generals or who are making decisions. And add to that, who is fighting on each side. But it is more and more clear every day that the fight is happening. I often wonder what will be said in History books in 50 years about this time. It is WW3. We had better unravel it to know where to fight. Or else we will all be in slavery to the overlords who won.
Trumpist is right — the Alpha and Omega. At the end God will win. He is winning now, in ways we cannot see. There was utter darkness at noon on calvary’s hill. But was God winning? Not to our eyes.
We are fighting even now — have been. Our words are the weapons and the armor our faith. We walk in the light as He is in the light. His Word lights our way — our thoughts and actions, our sure, calm steps. Never panic; Never give up.
Thank you for the tears !
IMO, at the last end only God will win and prevail !
I highly recommend this piece, especially in the wake of the BRICS announcements:
Burning Bright wrote this almost exactly a year ago, and its content has never been more relevant.
👍 Our fearless tiger was the first writer I subscribed to. His Righteous Russia series was an excellent introduction to the extremely gifted mind God has given him. Given him for this specific war and BB’s clear role in it. We need to all remind ourselves occasionally that God has gifted so very many people for each necessary step in this ancient battle between good and evil and be grateful! God’s word must be a priority in these times, as is prayer.🙏🙏
I agree 💯/💯 when you write "God’s word must be a priority in these times..." !
So much so that at first reading I did understood "His Righteous Russia series" meant it had been written by God Himself!! 😲😬
🙏🏻✝️ Glory and Grace go to God ONLY ! 🙏🏻✝️
Never fear, Andrew.
WE will be writing the history books. They’re being rewritten now by people like you and me and the Badlands kiddos and millions of others. Rewriting the truth, crossing out the lies filling the books we’ve come to know tell lies. Libraries will be very different when truth is written.
Well said.
Ramaswami was educated by a Soros Grant of 90K and I wish you and others would stop promoting him as the next great TRUMP. Ramaswami paid to have info of him removed from the net because he knew it wouldnt be good for him if it was exposed. REPORT THAT!
Thank you. We should be skeptical of people with ties to known bad actors like Soros. That said, we shouldn't become like the radical left, assuming wrong doing merely due to an association not because we can cite an actual event or occurrence. Innocent till proven guilty isn't something we can throw away when it's convenient.
Good caution, Justin. In the case of ‘Swamy, though, we see his own actions and words. Perhaps someone could ask him and give him an opportunity to explain them.
You read my mind.
Yes, I discovered during my mind-probe a vast and richly endowed terrain.
The very BEST mugshot we could all ever hope about !! 🤩😍
And Pamela Geller's article and quotes are 💯/💯 absolutely RIGHT !
"Trump’s Mugshot: The Face That Launched the Second American Revolution !"
And please don't forget President Trump himself published his own mugshot in his very FIRST Tweet from his personal account for the first time since he had been banned in 2021 !
God does marvelous things these days and we have to give Him grace ! 🙏🏻🕊️✝️
Since now, NCSWIC, absolutely NOTHING but God Himself ... 🙏🏻✝️🕊️🇺🇲
The Saint celebrated each August 25th is French king Louis XI, called "Saint Louis" because of his immense Christian legacy while leading "The Eldest Daughter of the Roman Catholic Church".
And in France 🇫🇷, I can NOT forget today is the anniversary date of the Liberation of Paris in 1944 ! 🇫🇷❤️🕊️🇺🇲
🙏🏻✝️🕊️ May God have Mercy and pity to [Them] and bless all of those who are fighting for His Word and HIS Truth ! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻
I am so happy to read your words regarding America’s involvement in the French victory…my grandfather and great uncles. This was the real America perhaps…
I was amazed and humbled when visiting Normandy and other parts of N France to see such living and present love and gratitude to Americans for their sacrifice on behalf of the French so long ago!
We Americans have such short memories. But there, it was as if the liberation had happened just yesterday. This meant that it was passed on from fathers to children, imbedded on the consciousness of the people!
Would that we would revive in us the kind of gratitude that keeps alive a memory of those great and sacrificial deeds of ordinary men.
I believe we are going to return to the decent days, Sir. It starts with hanging our harps in the trees and crying while we sing songs and lament the loss of what we were. It seems to be happening to the righteous during the tyranny. (Psalms)…
Beautiful!! Thank you for this 🙏🏽🕊👆🏼✝️
Dick, by respect to those who gave their lives to make it possible, please use the respectuous form "Libération" 🙏🏻🕊️❤️🇺🇲
Ah! You are so right! Thank you!
This was probably more the real great America at its sunset, and a declining France 🇫🇷 beginning its long slope down towards the hell ... 😢🤬
Yes! Well put. It was the last of the great before insidious communism.
Thanks 🙏🏻🙏🏻 to our friend Dick who helped me find this "old" discussion we had 7 weeks ago I sincerely invite you to read in chronological order starting with this comment by ALtab:
It's my pleasure to share it with you...🇫🇷🕊️🇺🇲
Are you sure that’s the link you wanted to send that 👆🏼and not this one👇🏼?
https://badlands.substack.com/p/badlands-news-brief-c50/comments#comment-18189712 (after “returned to thread” on your link. — our conv. About blm 😂)
(Alternate Thread: https://badlands.substack.com/p/badlands-news-brief-c50/comments#comment-18205169)
I think they're all useful and heartly written by the different commentators.
She'll probably see them to (and I offer you to add them yourself in reply to her last one 🇫🇷🇺🇲)
Just reading all of the Geller link posted above by Trumpist & here. https://gellerreport.com/2023/08/face-that-launched-the-second-american-revolution.html/
Great quotes & vids. Best collection post-mugshot.
Must read!!
(👍Thanks Trumpist!)
You're welcome 🤗❤️
Super posts, Trumpist!
Who would have thought that one of the finest patriots and banner-carriers would be encouraging us from France, renewing long forgotten ties? We pray for and with you and salute you, son of that original friend of Liberty we casual Americans know as Lafayette. Let’s revisit his friendship with George Washington.
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Trumpist!
Prayers & Godspeed!
PS. Any updates about life in France would be most welcome, since things seem to have settled down, the operative word here being “seem”.
Thank you very much for your very kind and healing words !
My life has always been built like a bridge between many people of all sorts, and I have been deeply pleased when I came in the USA (the last time made me discover "Trump for President" signs on many front yards when we visited Florida in 2013; I didn't know his name at this time but I instantly knew he WILL be President!!).
Responding about France: things have calmed down with the holidays and very hot weather, but the social situation is a whole failure and our leadership don't even deserve this single word !! They're just failed political figures our squarely frauds ! 😡🤬
There's no more national feeling, no more pride, no more faith to motive the people, much less unite them ...
We'll need God's help in the time He'll choose... 🙏🏻✝️🕊️🇫🇷
The time is coming. Slowly at first, and then suddenly.
Does anybody know where the accelerator could be find please (asking for a foreigner...) ?? 😬🤗
Yeah, I wish it was that simple 😎
Events like those we will be watching in the next while are difficult to control. I like to say "You can light the fire; but you cannot control the wind."
The embers are glowing, now we are waiting for a hurricane 800 km away to whip up the winds... 🙏🏻🕊️✝️
Thank you for teaching me this new expression "The embers are glowing" ! 🙏🏻
All of us around here are probably already walking on glowing embers waiting for the starter shot ... 😬🤗
Waiting is hard I know, but as they say Rome wasn't built in a day. However, you might like this.
Jesus said 'I am the bread of life'. In French this is 'je suis le pain de vie'.
This can anagram in English words to 'I Jesus I leavened pi'. Jesus became leavened by our sins as it were on the cross, strictly a 'T' with a little headboard.
Or if you try French words here is an example.
'avilie d'épine jésus' meaning I gather 'debased with thorn Jesus', He wore a crown of thorns on the cross.
Everything is in the words and in the beginning was the word.
Hello Baldmichael ! 🇫🇷 🙋♂️
In an other comment you wrote "my text although it is a little mad in places"; I can confirm as I didn't manage to understood the full meaning of this present comment, even the French parts ! 😥
I'm sorry ...
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.“
Romans 8:26-39
Pray pray pray. Please remind me of this too!
Hi Dick ! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
I discover your comment after my breakfast and it made me smile!! 😃
You can't imagine how this quote is exact ...
Especially "for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."
It's been days I have been wondering HOW I could express to God what I need, what I just wanted to ask for, and I was in the dark (but with faith and no doubt !)...
Thank you so much for your lightning of my own path 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I'm convinced we're many around here who are praying and interceding for each other 🕊️✝️
May His Spirit stay beside of you and your beloved ones! 🙏🏻🕊️✝️
Hi Wild Bill ! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
I come back here with a question and an invitation ...
Regarding your post:
Time is coming... but WHICH time ??
I think your contribution to the debate would be welcome to enrich this thread of discussion:
🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽For the people of France — and the world.
For the generations to come.
God’s plan is always achieved! I often think with gratitude Romans 8:28
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
“ Romans 8:28
‘And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.’ “
! ! !
Amen Amen Amen
My wife and I have friends in France, mostly French although I have one English friend in Brittany. I have wanted to stir up and unite the French as far as I could. I did this as a consequence. The speech of De Gaulles is updated to suit today's madness and spoken by Google Translate.
My wife was a french teacher and checked as far as possible my text although it is a little mad in places.
I read and write commonly in English but I didn't manage to understand what you wanted to express here.
I tried to make Deepl translate it in French to see alternative translations, but their meaning was not intelligible ...
Well done for trying. It is the madness and eccentricities of the English language that I use. It is difficult to translate into idioms for use in other languages.
I wholeheartedly add my appreciation for our Patriot friend from France!!
"But since no one ever checked to see who these fraudulent voters voted for, the claim that ‘there is no evidence of wide-scale voter fraud’ is somewhat accurate.
"On this point, claiming there is no evidence of wrongdoing—when one never bothers to look—is an indictment against the office holders put in charge of vetting elections, from the poll worker all the way to the Vice President of the United States—Mike Pence, formerly. Every single gatekeeper who knew in their heart there was fraud or bad faith, and certified anyway with the full support of other actors doing the same, is guilty of conspiracy, if not much more."
when one never bothers . . .
This is the exact same fraudulent play driving artificial scarcity and manipulating everything.
• Don't manage forests and plant trees - no lumber
• Don't mine the planet for necessary materials, and prevent/reduce through enviro-nazi threats and control, then there are no commodity or specialty metals or minerals to feed industry
• Buy up and shut down small/local farming operations, to make way for premature, wholesale implementation of (unreliable , overpriced, foreign-made) green energy and agri-conglomerates, people will hunger and their health will fail; and suffer/perish in winter storms and frigid weather
• Fail to build reservoirs and aqueducts, allowing plenteous rainwater and yearly snow melt to go to sea, and then justify draconian water rationing because we're in a drought
I could go on . . .
Excellent, Bob Travis!
Unfortunately, the Republicans are weak, feckless losers and will go nothing...
The GOP has become unuseful and MUST must melt or dissolve in MAGA rather than merging with it and wearing the whole movement !
I believe that both Democrat and Republican parties are on their last legs. The Biden affair will soon taint the whole party, and Trump is leading the destruction of the 'old guard' GOP.
It can't happen soon enough.
Good riddance for both of [Them] ! 😡🤬
Mug Shot: "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, . . ." Sun Tzu
"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible, swift sword;
His truth is marching on." Glory, Glory Hallelujah 🫵🏻CIC TRUMP🇺🇸
Hello Al Vega ! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
Your "name" made me think about the character in Zorro (De La Vega).
President Trump created powerful antecedents when booking in Fulton jail and letting [Them] make his incredible warry mugshot: NOBODY, even well-known powerful political figures will be able to ask for ANY form of privilege in the same case !!
But some (many ??) could be given the time to reflect and really appreciate [their] own stay in such a place ...
And it must be underscored the attitude of the very average people of the popular Atlanta neighborhoods where President Trump's motorcade drove through after leaving Fulton. That says ALL!
The Fulton County, Georga Jail : https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/25/trump-fulton-county-jail-unsafe-violent-conditions
Filthy, bug-ridden, inhumane and deadly conditions.
I wonder if your TV networks ever showed any tiny bit of this hard reality...
Booking President Trump in such an evil and dirty place shows clearly [Their] WILL to publicly humiliate and dishonor him ! 😡🤬
President Trump's firm and strong attitude as heralded on his mugshot made a hell 🔥🔥 of [Their] own choice !!
MAGA Powaaa !!
Yep ! !
I read reports talking about the many deaths, some recent! But they minimized the filthy conditions & few actually showed interior pictures.
By the way, to actually jail Trump they’d have to also house all his secret service guys in there with him. An impossible situation! But the story does highlight just how slimy & rotten to the core the Georgia govt. & their “Justice” system is, top to bottom. The DC jails holding the J6 prisoners & their systems are about the same. The systemic evil is being exposed and rooted out at every level. God’s timeline unfolding. 🙏🏽✝️🙏🏽
If I may, I did this for the USA, some alternative lyrics.
“ The Grand Ol’ Party is dead. America First is now the party” - Ashe ❤️🇺🇸
Love Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan's statement: “the special, strategic relations with the BRICS nations promotes common principles, most importantly the firm belief in the principle of respect for sovereignty, independence and non-interference in internal affairs.”
Echoes of these words are living in the hearts and minds of humanity. Decades of foreign interference across the globe are what Patriotic Americans are not only waking up to on a deep and historical scale but are adamantly against!
God Bless the Great Disruptor, Trump ❤️
And Blessings to all the Badlands contributors. Thank You!!❤️🇺🇸🌎
So well said!
What a time to be alive 😎
Amen BB, the Mug "Shot Heard Around the World"!!!
Good stuff Ashe & Justin too!
Keep it flowing, man it's getting good!
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Hi Joe/Seph ! 🇫🇷🙋🏼♂️
Nice take, nicely put 👋🏻🔥
What great comments ! ! ! ! Y'all are the best.
And you are among them ! 😉
Welcome onboard! 🕊️🇺🇲
Thank you so much ! 🙏🏻🇺🇲🕊️
I’m waiting on my decision regarding this. It sounds wonderful and would be fair. Time will tell and whatever transpires will be God’s will.🙏
What is this about?
Hello Jennifer ! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
The link is too much long for me to be able to read it... 🥴
But I think it's tied/linked to this snapshot on his/her Substack profile:
It's getting interesting... 🇺🇲⚖️
That would be very interesting. But if the Supreme Court determines Trump is the "current" president, how will that affect the 24' run? With the fraudulent 2020 Selection, what needs to happen is to correctly identify who is REALLY pulling the strings. Obama in the basement, or City of London Criminal Cabal.
Let's hope for the best.
Obama isn’t close to the top tier of the cabal; he’s just another puppet in their great reset, like all of the political elites here.
I think you're right about that. The real grand master parasites are mostly in London. The ones that really avoid being noticed are hiding in the Cayman Islands.
What about the black pope? Have you read anything about him?
Hello Nefahotep ! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
I just hope it could be one alternative way, as for the Brunson case which seems going to return in the SC docket !
Regarding the ID of puppetmasters I think there could be other names to emerge through some deep discovery processes to come ...
I take advantage of this comment for asking for your support on this thread: I answered my best as a 🇫🇷 foreigner but need some US 🇺🇲 help if available... 😉
Here’s the message at that link*:
"The arrest of Donald Trump would cause the Supreme Court to disclose their decision that Trump is the president of the USA and therefore cannot be indicted while he is in office. This would probably trigger the military to explain through an emergency broadcast that Trump is the president of the
USA because massive fraud in 2020 produced false results.”
—Says it’s from Australia One (which is worth keeping up with)
I’m not sold on this happening in that way. It assumes that SCOTUS knows currently?! I’ll tuck it away with the other speculations, tho’ & think about it. Thanks.
*I cut & pasted a screenshot of the photo, pasted it to notes & then copy/pasted the text here. Nice iphone feature.
Thank you for allowing us to access this text more easily! 🙏🏻
I personally don't know what to think of this stance.
It seems to be just another potential way, among many others.
You could add the Brunson case which seems to be coming back on SCOTUS docket... The large picture tends to reveal many simultaneous fronts/moves towards SCOTUS, making it very difficult for [Them] to fight each side with the resources needed, and there are probably many decoys...
Only God knows! 🙏🏻✝️
Interesting thought to tuck in one’s cap. Many possibilities are stowed up there!😉
"If you fall for another 'plandemic' you are a special kind of stupid"
I can't take credit for this sentence, only thing i changed was to add an 'L' in pandemic.
A healthy life style is your best defense.