Thanks for getting my week started.

The 1st SNL skit of Family Feud made me laugh a number of times. The best line was about the Diddy Parties. The Dem characters were all pretty funny. Since I consume no DS Rat Bastard MSM the Trump "jokes" made no sense, anybody who actually watches any Trump (65-80% of society) knows that none of their attempts at "jokes" comes close to playing on a real weakness.. I could not make it through the whole 2nd SNL Weekend Update clip, I thought it was that bad.

Overall what I see is how We the People are the news now and the DS Rat Bastard MSM nolonger controls the story.. Before Trump all they had to do is run a few stories and we were sending troops and blowing shit up. Now we simply call bullshit and move forward.

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I don’t believe in early voting, however, as a ‘floating’ poll worker, I fill in for others and cannot leave on Election Day. My question is…how do they know who voted? Our absentee ballots are double sealed….NOT opened until Election Day. So, who’s cheating?

Ghost’s take reminds me of something…the intelligence agencies are pure evil, created to do the cabal’s will, only and always…no matter what they tell us their roles are. Assassinations, murders, coups, child and drug trafficking….nothing is beyond them. (Chemical attacks, too)

Joe Rogan and Trump! It just keeps getting better.

SNL….just another cabal tool…at least up until lately. 🧐 Interesting.

Cabal still trying so very hard to start WWIII and draw us in to distract from the ‘deep state’ demise in the US.

BB’s right! Timing is everything!⏰

Accelerating and escalating narratives and ‘events’ leading up to the election. Pretty late for a swap-out of Okamala and the pedo…

God bless the badlander community!🙏🙏

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Tracking depends on state. In CO the outer envelopes are scanned in and you get a notification on “ballot trax” when they receive your ballot back. The envelope isn’t opened, but they know you’ve returned it.

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I am voting by mail for the first time - mostly to get ahead of shenanigans. In TN they request a full name and address on the return envelope - from which (if TN reports) they would know that I voted early. Assuming they remove the sealed ballot once the return envelope is processed and hold it for counting, that sealed ballot envelope also has my full name along with the county's ballot number tag that also has my full name printed on it (the tag number was also on the confirmation email I received after ordering my mail-in ballot). That is how it works (hopefully) here in TN.

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Just so you are aware, in 2020 the return envelopes for R vs D voters were marked differently. That resulted in some observers claiming they found literal BAGS of Trump votes in dumpsters.

It is my opinion anyone voting Trump should do so in person only. Just sayin.

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Thanks GP - and the reminder does not go unappreciated.

The good news (I hope) for us - TN was ranked highest for integrity of voter rights by the Heritage Foundation!

As for in person...how many precincts had voting machine problems and where were they primarily located...!

God Bless us everyone!!!

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Here in the Oregon, backwater or wellspring, depending on where you are & how you view it, we’ve had mail-in voting for many years. So, I feel like a mere watcher in the national voting process. Our vote never counts for much, we’re last to close & count & the major players never visit. Trump/Vance opted to not submit their voter pamphlet blurb so they aren’t there, not even their pictures. Bumper stickers and lawn signs are non-existent except for a few on local races & issues.

The local votes count.

In a few days our ballots will once again land in our boxes. Even though it isn’t, It looks like politics as usual.

Who knows where our hearts & minds are? We keep pretty mum & cheerful.

I know where mine is — swimming the undercurrents to high, dry ground. & I think there are quite a few of us. Still water does run deep.

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I was born in Silverton, Oregon. I love the state and the people. Hate the politics.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

Yep. That about sums it up! Upper Willamette Valley here 😊. The land of nuts and berries and overflowing with good raw milk raw honey and real pinot noir. If Cascadia happens, we’ll be stuck with Portland. So I hope for no secession. We need those sane guys!)

Much love & God’s blessings!

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SNL Weekend Update: We don’t know who is controlling the weather, but it WAS a suspiciously nice Rosh Hashanah.

And “JaBiden” will never be president.

SNL might be relevant again

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UK PAPER had the most info. And what there is is fishy.

Trump in new assassination scare as gunman arrested outside Coachella rally


Miller was found to be in illegal possession of the firearms, magazines and ammo when his black SUV was checked by law enforcement on Saturday.

He was booked at John Benoit Detention Center, made his $10,000 bail – $5,000 for each of two misdemeanors for which he was charged – and as of Sunday was no longer in custody.

Miller has his next court appearance set for January 2.

'There was no assassination attempt in CA yesterday,' a source close with Trump's campaign told DailyMail.com. 'A man at a perimeter checkpoint had a gun but there was no incident.'

Walz goes pheasant hunting with his own Beretta as campaign makes appeal to gun owners https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tim-walz-pheasant-hunting-beretta-minnesota/ This one shows inept gun handling. NO kills.

No kills, carrying gun wrong, only Walz and 1 other with guns. Lots of cameras.

Watch: Tim Walz Roasted Over Disastrous Shotgun Video


Vice presidential nominee, Tim Walz, is accused of ‘staging’ a pheasant hunting stunt to ‘woo’ male voters, as critics spot a glaring gaffe. STAGED.

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Thanks for the daily dose of hopium. Nothing significant here.

Not one bit if coverage on Ashville becoming a 15 minute city. Nor anything about Blackrock and the lithium mining.

What about the mass casualty events the government has been planning for?

The storms in the Carolinas and Florida are part of the mass casualty events.

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Yes. What are you reading & watching? Please tell us how you know so much! Don’t be bashful.

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Will you post what you’re finding, please? We need all in information available. Blessings.🙏

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$5000 bail?

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If nothing about the story sounds right it is because it isn’t. The person the California Sheriff arrested is a Trump supported and well known by many Patriots in the Truth movement, including Don Jr. He exposed the Bundy Ranch crime scene and its connection to U1, which is all tied to Hillary Clinton, and the Las Vegas shooting. She’ll soon be back in the news cycle, but not for the reasons many think.

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I just read that he is Ivan Raiklan's camera man. Ivan Raiklan is under Miichael Flynn. Michael Flynn and Ivan Raiklan among others were present at J6. Why were they not arrested like all of the other Trump supporters? Hmmmmm..

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Raiklin was also in that lame clip with Alex Jones where they shockingly talked about T being killed. I have disliked and distrusted them both anyway, but discerning guilt by association to find facts, as in this latest tale, can find us in very tricky waters.

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Trump encouraged people to vote early, and we did. I see no problem either way.

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Im quite sure IRANs hits are cheered on and supported by Obastard, the CIA media and the rest of the deep state Douchebags! I 🙏 the Lord above protect all of these TRUMP people and all of us who will VOTE for him!

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I miss Belushi, Akroyd and Murray back in the days of SNL. They all did a VP debate earlier which was

Kinda funny.

Joe Rogan pod cast Trump. “ in action watch the timing”

Slow infusion of Truth keeps exposing what and who…

The Rogan interview will be huge.

Only a $5,000 dollar bail?

Where’s the Weiner laptop?

When do we shatter the cia into 10,000 pieces?

Can we fix the voting 🗳️ so we can all know with

Voter ID CARDS each vote is counted, voting only by US Citizens.

Trump Wins.

God Wins

Run through the finish line and let’s restore some

Common sense Patriotism and Love of our country.


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I'm also against early voting... there also could be a November Suprise!

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Agree! Election Day should be a national holiday, and a paid one for workers. People should treat going to the polls to vote as they would showing up for a scheduled lifesaving surgery

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SNL alum Jim Breuer did a better take on the political situation last year. The current cast should take lessons. But my guess is they probably aren't allowed.


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“A person familiar with the situation told Axios that Biden hadn't been briefed on Harris' comments.” Puppets don’t get briefed.

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SNL is terribly boring and predictable. Dave Chappelle & Jim Breuer know how to make me laugh!!

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

Ash I totally agree and always vote on election day! However, fake ballots were produced hours after the polls closed in 2020 and we had a bunch of kissass incriminated paid off politicians who never spoke up. We have to end this entire way politicians are paid off to vote a certain way. The only fair election is to change the way elections are conducted and to make it illegal to accept money. This entire system has to be changed. None of it is free or fair.

Speaking of LIST:

Where's the HIT LIST from DC Demons and their WHO WEF Partners to knock off sitting US Government Politicians who haven't taken a bribe or Natural true Medical professionals who object to the poisoning by Big Pharma Gates? The patented 'Weather War' KILL LIST for American Cities? The Blackrock list of incoming Trump ASSASINATORS? The DIDDY list and the Epstein list? Lets get them all! I especially want the list of Animals who raped Justin Bieber and all the other children in Hollyweird and throw in the list of dead children who gave up their lives for a body part, satanic ritual for Killary, and blood for an Adreno-Chrome high, 🙊coincidentally, two operating systems of GOOGLE. The Bill Gates Vaccine list of intended manufactured Bio-variants to poison and sterilize the population of the world? Waiting patiently for the Guantanamo execution list🎇🍵🙏😂🍿🍿🍿


Does anyone else think this pretend father of Kamala looks like he could be related to Obama?

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thx 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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