Regarding Burning Bright 🐯 Tiger's take about President Trump trolling Macron's Canadian boyfriend (and maybe Castro's illegitimate son ??) Trudeau, I'd add some contextual details I just shared in the comments.
Please consider everything President Trump purposefully put in his powerful "mean picture":
I think I can enlight you regarding the specific Swiss mountain President Trump precisely chose for his trolling photo op.
Don't forget Switzerland is worldly well-known for its banking system and its banking secrecy/secret(S) AND its gigantic reserves in cash (fiat currencies) and further more in all sorts of useful valuables in case of a major crisis (artworks, gold, silver, diamonds and jewelry....).
And to focus back to the Matterhorn (Cervin in French, Cervino in Italian), it is particularly identifiable by its typically pyramidal shape.
Isn't that the main feature of a financial Ponzi fraud scheme?
You can also think about this symbolism 😉:
And add some cryptos to the equation !
And please don't forget these useful contextual details:
- The mineralogic plates code for Switzerland is CH (which officially stands for Confédération Helvétique / Helvetic Confederation), but has often been read in the French-speaking European countries for these alternative meanings: "Coffre Helvétique" (Swiss Safe !!) or "Château Helvétique" (Helvetic Castle), and even "Crédit Helvétique" (Helvetic Crédit, thinking about Crédit Suisse !)
- WHY does the Vatican use and need a Swiss Guard (Latin name: Pontificia Cohors Helvetica), which are "official" mercenaries, to secure itself and the "pontifical sovereign" ?
- And please look what is the shared main symbol of the would be Illuminati and the freemasonry...
I do like my choice to illustrate it powerfully (read ALL the details!):
Populists the world over are gaining traction and hauling back the bullshit curtain which has been draped over them since sometime before “prussiagate” except in the state of Colorado. Who knew Colorado would be the last bastion of world communism? Kidding (not kidding)
Bibi, how's your Asov Buds' invasion of Kursks working out? Isn't URK shrinking by the minute? hmmmm ... wonder how long it's gonna take for DJT boomerang to hit Zionists right in the nuts? Ouchie!
While Jena Griswold doesn't have nuts, maybe she should get acquainted w/ penalty for treason.
And, U F-ing DC Swamp Creatures, U can Run ... but U can't hide from Ron Paul, Vivek, Elon & No Such Agency! No slipping back into the slime! Complete evisceration of All Zionist Mafia Corruption!
GBPH: "When is the last time any of these sociopaths had an original thought?"
From where I sit, the implications of that statement are much more far reaching than even this round of "non-kinetic" (as in "we do not fight with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers, and rulers of the darkness" and "we are ready to tear down the strongholds of thoughts and ideas that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God") warfare suggests.
Our adversary has used the same tactic (Doubt, Deny, Deceive, Divide) and the same strategy (Steal, Kill, Destroy) for thousands of years. The love of money (and the "power" it brings) leads to every type of evil! Our adversary is not omnipotent - in fact its power comes from us directly. As the old song asks: "When will we ever learn..."
There is nothing new under the sun…until there is! What a privilege to be part of The Great Awakening…we awaken not just to clearly seeing the darkness that has held sway over humanity for centuries but we awaken to the new creative freedom inherent in a rise in consciousness that comes from defeating the dark lord🙏❤️🕊
That’s the thing, until we accept the Power God has given us, never reliant on some bull shit artist expert. Seems to me people have authority issues when they do not claim their own authority.
We have allowed the demons in positions to assume
We accept their unearned power, and since few fight back, they continue until stopped.
Prayer, shedding light, keeping rage in a channeling expression.
HOW is it possible that we can find such a new in these specific transition period ??
WHY Klaus Schwab ??
"POWDER KEG EUROPE: Twelve Members of Italian neo-nazi group "Werewolf Division" arrested, accused of planning to zssassinate Prime Minister Meloni and Klaus Schwab"
I think it was an interview on Judge Napolitano with Prof Jeffrey Sachs who pointed out that for 2 years, Iran has been repeatedly reaching out to Biden Admin stating they want peace; they Do Not want nuclear weapons…
But Netanyahu advises Biden to turn up the pressure! Israel doesn’t want Peace, it wants Military Victory!
Maybe that is WHY I recently read a news telling us President Trump would have told Netanyahu / Israel 🇮🇱 he wanted them having a victory upon Hamas BEFORE he comes back in office.
I have been luckily able to find the sources in my browser history:
It is worth looking at this from a Sovereign Alliance vs. Cabal viewpoint.
The allegiances of many of the partners are clear: US (present gov't), and Israel clearly Cabal.
Russia, Sovereign. China too; though this article does not mention it, the importance will become clear.
Iran used to be Cabal since what was it, 1953 when [they] installed the Shah and then ca. 1978 when they deposed the Shah for the Ayatollah. But recently Iran has allied itself with Russia and China -- both Sovereign. The Cabal has lost Iran.
Turkiye is an enigma. It is a member of NATO (Cabal) but also friendly with Russia (Sovereign) and wants to join BRICS (Sovereign). Erdogan has a long history of playing both sides so this should not be a surprise. He will soon need to choose which side of the fence to be on, else he will be toppled off the fence and likely not at a time or place of his preference.
So Iran used to be Cabal, and the Israel-Iran conflict was managed by the Cabal to create forever enemies and forever wars. But as Erik Carlson said, you need to control both sides to create a world war. The Cabal has lost Iran -- so [they] cannot use it to start WW3 -- but then why is Iran continuing this belligerent approach to Israel, when many Arab (n.b.: Persia/Iran is majority Muslim, but not Arab) nations have been making peace with Israel?
Remember Q said (post 916) "We're saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time."
I believe the answer is that this is kayfabe -- fake. A show. A movie. It suits the Sovereign Alliance to perpetuate this apparent hostility for now, until such time as they make their move. I don't know what that move will be, but I strongly suspect that it ties in with Trump (Sovereign) and Ukraine (Cabal, for now). As well of course with Putin and Xi.
Otherwise why would Iran have fired hundreds of missiles into Israel without hitting anything? Israel shot down some but not most of them, and Iran's missiles are not that inaccurate. They missed on purpose. A show of force, not intended to do major damage. Kayfabe.
The show is beginning to play out. As Tolkien put it, "The board is set, and the pieces are moving. So we come to it in the end, the great battle of our time, in which many things shall pass away." Those guys -- Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Orwell -- they did seem to sense what was coming long before it would come to pass.
I always say " follow the money ", so, does big money benefit or suffer as a result of this M.E. realignment process? ( Ottoman Empire reset?) What does this do to BRICS?, did Trump, Putin, Xi, just manipulate a complete redo of the " deep state " new world order? Who's moving the chess pieces?
The questions you raise are complex ones. Rather than try to answer myself, I'll first point out that you are in the right place, here on Badlands, to learn about these things. And I will point you to one series, 'Righteous Russia' from Burning Bright, here:
Thks, will review listed material. I have followed Badlands for about a year, but I read to many others, and get easily confused with all the varied info and analysis. Being a retired cop, the " follow the money " route always had a high % return and more often shone a light on specific players and their intentions/desires. I really struggle with " Q" theories(?), but can accept the aspect of a higher level of play occuring. Back to the books!
I just read it Feather (the link is in my inbox but lately I've been pretty busy keeping up).
This squares with my understanding of China, much of which comes from my father's time there as a young man, in the service of the US Army Air Corps (predecessor to the USAF) in WW2. He spent the entirety of his service in Yunnan Province (southern China) as a radio operator. He was often assigned to smaller airports where his main duty was keeping the radiolocation transmitter running, to guide the C-46 cargo planes (the only ones with turbocharged motors, which allowed them to fly over the Hump -- the Himalayan Mountains) bringing in supplies, at great expense and danger to the aircrews, to support American and Nationalist Chinese military operations driving out the Japanese further north.
Occasionally, he would venture into town for supplies (like fresh eggs) that could not be brought in by the Army. He and his comrades were often the only foreigners the locals had ever met. He developed a great respect and love for the Chinese people, who returned the favor. The locals loved the GIs because unlike the nationalist Chinese army, who basically 'lived off the land' which meant stealing what they needed from the locals, the Americans in contrast brought in most of what they needed, bought the few things they did not have from the local Chinese at a fair price, and gave the locals everything they did not need. An empty steel fuel drum, for instance, could be used as a water tank, or to cut bits of steel sheet for fixing worn-out shoes. Nothing would go to waste, and the GIs refused to accept money for these things. (There was likely an Army regulation forbidding such actions anyway.) The GIs would often give things they didn't need from their C-rations (cigarettes if they didn't smoke, or extra pieces of candy) to the locals. The kids of course loved the candy -- something rural Chinese did not have.
He had nothing but good to say about the Chinese people, and cautioned all who would listen that governments -- including the Chinese Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek, or the Communists under Mao -- were not representative of the Chinese people, who detested the Nationalists and probably also the Communists once they drove the Nationalists out to Taiwan.
What a wonderful comment! Really loved reading it!! ❤️
History of a people and culture right from your own father. Thank You for writing it down to share with us here. 🙏
China is so rich with culture!
I fell in love with a Zhang Yimou film years ago. House of Flying Daggers. The cinematography was magical and I went thru a phase of admiring their long traditions of martial arts. And Classical Chinese music is so beautiful.
China is also a beautiful country, at least once you get away from the urban sprawl of major cities. Yunnan was and still is largely rural. The provincial capital, Kunming (now has a population of 8+ million, but was much less in the '40s) was the home of Claire Chennault's Flying Tigers -- the First American Volunteer Group (AVG) of the Republic of China Air Force, who were sent to China to fight against the Japanese before Pearl Harbor. (Bureaucratic delays resulted in their first combat action being after Dec. 7, 1941 -- some things never change.)
My dad loved the countryside, which was lush and temperate all year round, due to its location not far from the equator at relatively high altitude. He thought that the mythical Shangri-La might have been in a place like Yunnan Province.
He traveled to and through Kunming occasionally, but spent the majority of his service in small, rural communities. The airfields there no longer saw much action, the war mostly having moved farther north; but a couple Zeros came through one day and shot up their runway and a couple of parked aircraft. There wasn't much damage and nobody got hurt -- that was the closest he came to real combat. The only reasons they kept these smaller airfields active was for the radio beacons, and occasional use as emergency backup fields. They also handled some message traffic, as long as they were there; but the main mission was keeping the generator and transmitter running, 24-7. (There was of course no GPS back then 😎)
Just an edit re the movie…although I enjoyed The House of Flying Daggers, it was Quentin Tarantino’s movie “Hero” that has the amazing cinematography…I saw it in the cinema and some of the scenes and colors are breathtakingly beautiful
What a blessing to read this account from your own father…certainly for you and your family but now to me and others who may read it.
Some of the landscapes in China (which I’ve only seen on YouTube videos or google images) are breathtaking. Your Dad was right…there are places in China that resonate with Shangri-La! 🙏❤️💫
—I have to agree that Assad’s ‘overthrow’ might be a distraction from the potential exposure of Netanyahu’s corruption. Ghost is very likely correct, ‘Do you mean like the Al Qaeda terrorists that you just hired to overthrow Assad?’ Seems obvious.🧐
—Wray’s leaving is convenient. However, any pardon an illegitimate president executes is void. Meaningless. DECLASS and publish!
—BB’s observation: ‘In the war between Sovereignty and Collectivism, we're playing a zero sum game, and both sides know this.’ 👏
—Ghost: ‘But sovereignty is not a privilege; it is a responsibility. And sometimes, that means cleaning up the filth and rot that so often overtakes society.’ Africa will finally be able to thrive (with the right leaders)!🙏
—Ashe: ‘The investigator found that rules and policies were violated; but she finds all the people in CDoS — the ones paying her — credible and lovely….’ Aah, the very definition of corruption and, more importantly, the coverup!
—‘…causing the Russophobes in the media to go ballistic over the implementation of common sense and sound judgement.’ Ghost has hit upon the absolute best way to determine the intent of the enemy…
—The State Department apparently has a LOT to hide. No surprise there. Did they not read ‘we have everything’?
—The holiday dances of the cabal minions around the globe are especially entertaining!
God bless all the world’s patriots He has gifted for this ancient war.🙏🙏
Assad’s overthrow reminds me of Operation Gladio that was written about here just months ago. Gladio was a “left behind” intentional retreat designed to undermine the “winning” side.
If the people of Syria actually like what Assad accomplished, the guys taking over are screwed. They are outnumbered 10,000 to one. So, we shall see how this plays out. Trump says to leave it alone. I assume he knows what is going to happen already.
Well this Bibi story makes complete sense to my Christian knowledge of what sits in Syria. Guess Netanyahu still hasn't realized nobody defeats
Almighty God. Probably one last ditch effort before he's taken out for good.
It always tickles me when the trash takes itself out-Boy Blue really lobbed a homerun there. Zero sum game sounds perfect and almost like a backhanded bonus.
Thanks GBPH on that Africa info. It's truly a tragedy how evil has pillaged the third world. Jenna the jerk deserves a massive public takedown- she's as irritating as a bad rash without air conditioning. Thanks to the News Brief for keeping me informed and content. You guys rock!
James — Are you an Oregonian too? We can do with some good Scotsmen! I hope we do move more purple cuz the little towns are being hit since 2017 and we’re ruinously being the harbor state for abortions & trans “care” and radicalized schools.
Now, those who ran & won town & county elections are posing as moderates but are just smiley-faced radicals. I suppose that posture might indicate a shift of the overton window back to sanity, but it seems to have just put everyone back to sleep, as the infiltration & subversion proceed apace. The stasis here gives the illusion that all is just…Oregon as usual.
Well from what I’m certain my Great Grandfather was a Sheep herder, my moms side farmers and prosperous ones to boot. I’m 57 sauce wee bit scotch Irish English.
We hit the beach 🏝️ and only had we known Hawaii was waiting dang!!!
My old boss said if Europe was west of the USA
The west coast would look like what the east coast looks like. Lots of truth to that.,
Funny I was born in Missouri
Went to Oregon
Went to Massachusetts
Went back to Oregon
I like the space out here Not the politics
But fix the damn voting 🗳️
Then we be more in tune with what the true will of those damn white Presbyterians be.
At this point we need bonding and reinforcing each other.
I read this last. Ok that explains jokes in my understanding re dispensation and the watering dumbing down of churches like our educational system. Slow descent.
How could my great grandfather America 🇺🇸
He came at 20 years then had learned:
Spoke 3 languages.
Got a better education than I did.
He wasn’t much for church. Going inside on a sunny Sunday made little sense to the high lander and I get his drift.
I get I’m called.
Israel is the Nation who believes Jesus is The Christ.
Not some artificial lines of lands
Read Rothschilds helped finance this Israel
By their actions certainly have no fear of God in their constant abusive killing.
Yeah Oregon meeting Great NW
OR WA ID MO VAN BC we even let the CA in lol
We’ll gather like minds hearts ReUNITE the Clans
The praise God first then put on their boots or sandals and walk among the lost
Being Light Salt to a noble thought Liberty Freedom Justice at all cost.
For we be not free
Until we
Declare our own selves to be.
As Emerson said para
Take a back seat to no one. Not even Caesar whom you read in the book.
My friend we sell ourselves short. Not for long 🏴🤠🇺🇸
Nice. I live in hazelnut & farm country, but too many vineyards & encroaching development. Nice little town, tho. Goofy & kind folks. Christian ethos. People still pray in restaurants.
…Both OR & WA are in the same boat, as states — rough around the edges independent people enclosed in tech and socialist structures.
How to break the mindsets & political monopoly stranglehold — I don’t know.
I’m a PCA Christian, (fully thawed) — If you know what that means. Great theology when rightly taught.
Terribly, when wrongly, as is often the case. I mention that because it’s a fine lens through which to view the haps in the world and keep steady, keep loving & thinking. That, and this lens right here, in the Badlands.
Ha ha. The PCA is the Prespyterian Church in America, one of the smaller, unliberalized denominations that did not go with the mainline United Presbyterian Church in the early part of the 20th century. It’s standard, historical Christianity. Bright, Biblical and vibrant. My joke was bc modern evangelicalism has painted it and other historical churches, born in the Reformation, as Calvinist bogeymen — those that don’t adhere to the “Left Behind”scenario & don’t take all Israelis (as in “State of Israel”) to be the same as ancient Israel, or “God’s People” (tho’ that is indeed true of the OT Abraham> Isaac> Jacob God-honoring people). But, that is not an accurate reading of the whole of scripture & is actually part of newer, aberrant doctrines poured into the unsuspecting churches of America 100-130 yrs ago (& grown now into prevalence). There’s a lot to THAT story, too(!), and you can see how its supplanting of the historic church has affected us and the larger world, geopolitically — especially evident now. This was, incidentally, no less a part of the cabal’s design than was the formation of Israel and the machinations since, fulfilling the prophesy model they’d also infused into the church.
That aberrant, introduced doctrinal system is called Dispensationalism and rarely do the modern churchgoers even know its name nor its rather checkered, recent origin (and it’s a fascinating story, very relevant to today!). This is where Zionism was melded into Christianity — why the State of Israel and the Jewish “race” is sacrosanct and why Christians can leap over the most basic tenets of Christ to cheer and bless Israel (in any of its myriad senses & forms —except the Biblical one: that believers in Christ are now “Israel”). This is why many Christians can overlook egregious crimes, glorifying whatever successes come at any cost to others (even including to Christians in the Middle East!); why they lap up the propaganda, watching avidly the wars unfold like blind, lost, sincere little lambs — certain they’ll be raptured out before the tribulation sh*t really hits the fan.
It’s a sad thing to see. And it explains the dumbing-down of the church in America and its selective (albeit extensive) reading of Scripture — All through the lens of Premillennial Dispensationalism (which was greatly popularized by a charlatan & petty criminal, Cyrus Scofield, was predicated on John Darby’s work & had very shady Cabal origins & impetus).
This is what explains much of why people find it so hard to find a church with depth, reverence and great theology & choose instead to go it alone. Explains many of the very popular megachurches too. A reinvented church. An overarching of the Gospel with a religio-political system supplanting historic Christianity, but pretending to restore it to Biblical intent.
Well… too many words here but not enough at the same time! It’s a huge story and every Christian ought to look into it. But all that to explain my joke. …No, The PCA is not a cult at all, though in today’s topsy turvy world it and others like it are often deemed so …by a demi-cult that happens to be vastly popular every Sunday — and blindingly influential.
…As for our beautiful NW, governed & influenced by a demented and corrupt political class — Yes. fix elections, reverse the ngo & captured press machinations and we can restore our states. We’re a tough nut to crack, though. We’re largely hardy & independent pioneer stock, not deep academics or activists. When those wolves come in, we’re the last to recognize their devices & the first to just hunker in. I think we need to have an Oregon Badlands meet-up, but I sure don’t know how to make it happen. What a motley crew that would be — great fun! 😂
Here’s a clip from a movie…House of Flying Daggers. I loved that movie for it’s stunning cinematography (thinking of Chinese culture after reading M Ehret’s wonderful substack, Understanding the Soul of China
To me, the most important word in this entire substack is "responsibility." The corrupt and dishonest deep staters and deep worlders must not be absolved of responsibility for what they have wrought. They must be held to account. They must be exposed and punished.
We are witnessing a whole new twist on Presidential pardons. No longer just leniency for time served or to correct the injustice of a harsh sentence or to correct an unlawful guilty verdict. Now we see their use as admissions of guilt by players who knowingly broke the law but escape justice.
I am not in the camp who think Wray or Pence are secret good guys. Disinformation (Q) in Wray’s case was necessary to get the rot fully exposed by letting a corrupt player run the system. Good job, Wray! now you should be tried for treason.
Awesome pic of Kash ❤️
“Trump knows he has the Globalists over a barrel. He's asking them how long they want to push the timelines out with regards to capitulation with the resurgent Sovereign American Empire.”
We sure have learned a lot from Art of the Deal and The Art of War ❤️
I do not want to speculate about Wray’s hat color, but there is one way to look at this positively. If Wray is a good guy playing the part of an evil guy, when Kash puts him on the witness stand he will tell the truth.
When asked about the raid on Trump’s home he can say the argued against it but was over-ridden by his boss. Who was the boss?
Here we have a direct connection to the top that is easily proven. I bet it is well documented too. Weasels know how to cover their ass. They will sell out for money but will have plausible deniability galore. That is why they never go to prison.
So, it doesn’t matter if Wray wears any hat of any color. He just needs to be on the stand and asked the correct questions. The rest is already a done deal! The deal was done November 5, 2024. We the People cut the deal!
Regarding Burning Bright 🐯 Tiger's take about President Trump trolling Macron's Canadian boyfriend (and maybe Castro's illegitimate son ??) Trudeau, I'd add some contextual details I just shared in the comments.
Please consider everything President Trump purposefully put in his powerful "mean picture":
I think I can enlight you regarding the specific Swiss mountain President Trump precisely chose for his trolling photo op.
Don't forget Switzerland is worldly well-known for its banking system and its banking secrecy/secret(S) AND its gigantic reserves in cash (fiat currencies) and further more in all sorts of useful valuables in case of a major crisis (artworks, gold, silver, diamonds and jewelry....).
And to focus back to the Matterhorn (Cervin in French, Cervino in Italian), it is particularly identifiable by its typically pyramidal shape.
Isn't that the main feature of a financial Ponzi fraud scheme?
You can also think about this symbolism 😉:
And add some cryptos to the equation !
And please don't forget these useful contextual details:
- The mineralogic plates code for Switzerland is CH (which officially stands for Confédération Helvétique / Helvetic Confederation), but has often been read in the French-speaking European countries for these alternative meanings: "Coffre Helvétique" (Swiss Safe !!) or "Château Helvétique" (Helvetic Castle), and even "Crédit Helvétique" (Helvetic Crédit, thinking about Crédit Suisse !)
- WHY does the Vatican use and need a Swiss Guard (Latin name: Pontificia Cohors Helvetica), which are "official" mercenaries, to secure itself and the "pontifical sovereign" ?
- And please look what is the shared main symbol of the would be Illuminati and the freemasonry...
I do like my choice to illustrate it powerfully (read ALL the details!):
Thank you for the details!
Great comment, Trumpist!! ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇫🇷❤️🌎🕊
The Masonic Lodge is accepting new members.
Fascinating, no doubt at least a portion of this is true. Why indeed are the Swiss “neutral?”
As a neutral nation, the Swiss can be nowhere AND they can be everywhere at the same time ...
It may be very useful when you're working with / acting for so different people or enemies!
Populists the world over are gaining traction and hauling back the bullshit curtain which has been draped over them since sometime before “prussiagate” except in the state of Colorado. Who knew Colorado would be the last bastion of world communism? Kidding (not kidding)
Bibi, how's your Asov Buds' invasion of Kursks working out? Isn't URK shrinking by the minute? hmmmm ... wonder how long it's gonna take for DJT boomerang to hit Zionists right in the nuts? Ouchie!
While Jena Griswold doesn't have nuts, maybe she should get acquainted w/ penalty for treason.
And, U F-ing DC Swamp Creatures, U can Run ... but U can't hide from Ron Paul, Vivek, Elon & No Such Agency! No slipping back into the slime! Complete evisceration of All Zionist Mafia Corruption!
GBPH: "When is the last time any of these sociopaths had an original thought?"
From where I sit, the implications of that statement are much more far reaching than even this round of "non-kinetic" (as in "we do not fight with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers, and rulers of the darkness" and "we are ready to tear down the strongholds of thoughts and ideas that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God") warfare suggests.
Our adversary has used the same tactic (Doubt, Deny, Deceive, Divide) and the same strategy (Steal, Kill, Destroy) for thousands of years. The love of money (and the "power" it brings) leads to every type of evil! Our adversary is not omnipotent - in fact its power comes from us directly. As the old song asks: "When will we ever learn..."
Love it!
There is nothing new under the sun…until there is! What a privilege to be part of The Great Awakening…we awaken not just to clearly seeing the darkness that has held sway over humanity for centuries but we awaken to the new creative freedom inherent in a rise in consciousness that comes from defeating the dark lord🙏❤️🕊
That’s the thing, until we accept the Power God has given us, never reliant on some bull shit artist expert. Seems to me people have authority issues when they do not claim their own authority.
We have allowed the demons in positions to assume
We accept their unearned power, and since few fight back, they continue until stopped.
Prayer, shedding light, keeping rage in a channeling expression.
Methinks Bibi is going Bye-bye
I hope @AmericanHypnotist will read this news and share his own take.
I'm thinking of him because of his powerful series I'm still reading carefully:
HOW is it possible that we can find such a new in these specific transition period ??
WHY Klaus Schwab ??
"POWDER KEG EUROPE: Twelve Members of Italian neo-nazi group "Werewolf Division" arrested, accused of planning to zssassinate Prime Minister Meloni and Klaus Schwab"
Why kill Klaus? Not that I’d object. Not going to own nothing and eat bugs in my empty shell of a Tesla
In post apocalyptic america.
Do you/we actually know where Iran stands on the Middle East stage ?
"Khamenei says US, Israel were behind fall of Syrian regime, also alludes to Turkey"
I think it was an interview on Judge Napolitano with Prof Jeffrey Sachs who pointed out that for 2 years, Iran has been repeatedly reaching out to Biden Admin stating they want peace; they Do Not want nuclear weapons…
But Netanyahu advises Biden to turn up the pressure! Israel doesn’t want Peace, it wants Military Victory!
Hello Featherjourney 🪶
Maybe that is WHY I recently read a news telling us President Trump would have told Netanyahu / Israel 🇮🇱 he wanted them having a victory upon Hamas BEFORE he comes back in office.
I have been luckily able to find the sources in my browser history:
In any case, Netanyahu is under heavy and constant pressure from all powers and leaders having any role regarding the future of Gaza !
Friendly regards 😉🕊️
Thank you, Trumpist🇫🇷❤️
** UPDATE **
🇺🇲🕊️🌿 Trump says Netanyahu knows he wants Gaza war to end ! 🌿🕊️🇺🇲
It is worth looking at this from a Sovereign Alliance vs. Cabal viewpoint.
The allegiances of many of the partners are clear: US (present gov't), and Israel clearly Cabal.
Russia, Sovereign. China too; though this article does not mention it, the importance will become clear.
Iran used to be Cabal since what was it, 1953 when [they] installed the Shah and then ca. 1978 when they deposed the Shah for the Ayatollah. But recently Iran has allied itself with Russia and China -- both Sovereign. The Cabal has lost Iran.
Turkiye is an enigma. It is a member of NATO (Cabal) but also friendly with Russia (Sovereign) and wants to join BRICS (Sovereign). Erdogan has a long history of playing both sides so this should not be a surprise. He will soon need to choose which side of the fence to be on, else he will be toppled off the fence and likely not at a time or place of his preference.
So Iran used to be Cabal, and the Israel-Iran conflict was managed by the Cabal to create forever enemies and forever wars. But as Erik Carlson said, you need to control both sides to create a world war. The Cabal has lost Iran -- so [they] cannot use it to start WW3 -- but then why is Iran continuing this belligerent approach to Israel, when many Arab (n.b.: Persia/Iran is majority Muslim, but not Arab) nations have been making peace with Israel?
Remember Q said (post 916) "We're saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time."
I believe the answer is that this is kayfabe -- fake. A show. A movie. It suits the Sovereign Alliance to perpetuate this apparent hostility for now, until such time as they make their move. I don't know what that move will be, but I strongly suspect that it ties in with Trump (Sovereign) and Ukraine (Cabal, for now). As well of course with Putin and Xi.
Otherwise why would Iran have fired hundreds of missiles into Israel without hitting anything? Israel shot down some but not most of them, and Iran's missiles are not that inaccurate. They missed on purpose. A show of force, not intended to do major damage. Kayfabe.
The show is beginning to play out. As Tolkien put it, "The board is set, and the pieces are moving. So we come to it in the end, the great battle of our time, in which many things shall pass away." Those guys -- Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Orwell -- they did seem to sense what was coming long before it would come to pass.
I always say " follow the money ", so, does big money benefit or suffer as a result of this M.E. realignment process? ( Ottoman Empire reset?) What does this do to BRICS?, did Trump, Putin, Xi, just manipulate a complete redo of the " deep state " new world order? Who's moving the chess pieces?
The questions you raise are complex ones. Rather than try to answer myself, I'll first point out that you are in the right place, here on Badlands, to learn about these things. And I will point you to one series, 'Righteous Russia' from Burning Bright, here:
And also a piece from Erik Carlson, posted right after the Oct 7 attack, which covers the situation in Israel and the Middle East in some detail:
Thks, will review listed material. I have followed Badlands for about a year, but I read to many others, and get easily confused with all the varied info and analysis. Being a retired cop, the " follow the money " route always had a high % return and more often shone a light on specific players and their intentions/desires. I really struggle with " Q" theories(?), but can accept the aspect of a higher level of play occuring. Back to the books!
As always, I love your thinking and benefit from reading your perspective, WildBill. 🙏❤️
You may have already read it but if not find some time to catch Matthew Ehret’s new stack post: Understanding the Soul of China
I just read it Feather (the link is in my inbox but lately I've been pretty busy keeping up).
This squares with my understanding of China, much of which comes from my father's time there as a young man, in the service of the US Army Air Corps (predecessor to the USAF) in WW2. He spent the entirety of his service in Yunnan Province (southern China) as a radio operator. He was often assigned to smaller airports where his main duty was keeping the radiolocation transmitter running, to guide the C-46 cargo planes (the only ones with turbocharged motors, which allowed them to fly over the Hump -- the Himalayan Mountains) bringing in supplies, at great expense and danger to the aircrews, to support American and Nationalist Chinese military operations driving out the Japanese further north.
Occasionally, he would venture into town for supplies (like fresh eggs) that could not be brought in by the Army. He and his comrades were often the only foreigners the locals had ever met. He developed a great respect and love for the Chinese people, who returned the favor. The locals loved the GIs because unlike the nationalist Chinese army, who basically 'lived off the land' which meant stealing what they needed from the locals, the Americans in contrast brought in most of what they needed, bought the few things they did not have from the local Chinese at a fair price, and gave the locals everything they did not need. An empty steel fuel drum, for instance, could be used as a water tank, or to cut bits of steel sheet for fixing worn-out shoes. Nothing would go to waste, and the GIs refused to accept money for these things. (There was likely an Army regulation forbidding such actions anyway.) The GIs would often give things they didn't need from their C-rations (cigarettes if they didn't smoke, or extra pieces of candy) to the locals. The kids of course loved the candy -- something rural Chinese did not have.
He had nothing but good to say about the Chinese people, and cautioned all who would listen that governments -- including the Chinese Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek, or the Communists under Mao -- were not representative of the Chinese people, who detested the Nationalists and probably also the Communists once they drove the Nationalists out to Taiwan.
What a wonderful comment! Really loved reading it!! ❤️
History of a people and culture right from your own father. Thank You for writing it down to share with us here. 🙏
China is so rich with culture!
I fell in love with a Zhang Yimou film years ago. House of Flying Daggers. The cinematography was magical and I went thru a phase of admiring their long traditions of martial arts. And Classical Chinese music is so beautiful.
Wow…thanks WBill❤️💫
You are welcome as always, Feather 💖🕊🕊
China is also a beautiful country, at least once you get away from the urban sprawl of major cities. Yunnan was and still is largely rural. The provincial capital, Kunming (now has a population of 8+ million, but was much less in the '40s) was the home of Claire Chennault's Flying Tigers -- the First American Volunteer Group (AVG) of the Republic of China Air Force, who were sent to China to fight against the Japanese before Pearl Harbor. (Bureaucratic delays resulted in their first combat action being after Dec. 7, 1941 -- some things never change.)
My dad loved the countryside, which was lush and temperate all year round, due to its location not far from the equator at relatively high altitude. He thought that the mythical Shangri-La might have been in a place like Yunnan Province.
He traveled to and through Kunming occasionally, but spent the majority of his service in small, rural communities. The airfields there no longer saw much action, the war mostly having moved farther north; but a couple Zeros came through one day and shot up their runway and a couple of parked aircraft. There wasn't much damage and nobody got hurt -- that was the closest he came to real combat. The only reasons they kept these smaller airfields active was for the radio beacons, and occasional use as emergency backup fields. They also handled some message traffic, as long as they were there; but the main mission was keeping the generator and transmitter running, 24-7. (There was of course no GPS back then 😎)
Just an edit re the movie…although I enjoyed The House of Flying Daggers, it was Quentin Tarantino’s movie “Hero” that has the amazing cinematography…I saw it in the cinema and some of the scenes and colors are breathtakingly beautiful
What a blessing to read this account from your own father…certainly for you and your family but now to me and others who may read it.
Some of the landscapes in China (which I’ve only seen on YouTube videos or google images) are breathtaking. Your Dad was right…there are places in China that resonate with Shangri-La! 🙏❤️💫
Another amazing “ brief”! So thankful I don’t have cable and don’t have to filter the words of talking heads on my own.
Badlands brief writers are exceptional !!
—I have to agree that Assad’s ‘overthrow’ might be a distraction from the potential exposure of Netanyahu’s corruption. Ghost is very likely correct, ‘Do you mean like the Al Qaeda terrorists that you just hired to overthrow Assad?’ Seems obvious.🧐
—Wray’s leaving is convenient. However, any pardon an illegitimate president executes is void. Meaningless. DECLASS and publish!
—BB’s observation: ‘In the war between Sovereignty and Collectivism, we're playing a zero sum game, and both sides know this.’ 👏
—Ghost: ‘But sovereignty is not a privilege; it is a responsibility. And sometimes, that means cleaning up the filth and rot that so often overtakes society.’ Africa will finally be able to thrive (with the right leaders)!🙏
—Ashe: ‘The investigator found that rules and policies were violated; but she finds all the people in CDoS — the ones paying her — credible and lovely….’ Aah, the very definition of corruption and, more importantly, the coverup!
—‘…causing the Russophobes in the media to go ballistic over the implementation of common sense and sound judgement.’ Ghost has hit upon the absolute best way to determine the intent of the enemy…
—The State Department apparently has a LOT to hide. No surprise there. Did they not read ‘we have everything’?
—The holiday dances of the cabal minions around the globe are especially entertaining!
God bless all the world’s patriots He has gifted for this ancient war.🙏🙏
Assad’s overthrow reminds me of Operation Gladio that was written about here just months ago. Gladio was a “left behind” intentional retreat designed to undermine the “winning” side.
If the people of Syria actually like what Assad accomplished, the guys taking over are screwed. They are outnumbered 10,000 to one. So, we shall see how this plays out. Trump says to leave it alone. I assume he knows what is going to happen already.
Great Brief and thanks to everyone for it!
Well this Bibi story makes complete sense to my Christian knowledge of what sits in Syria. Guess Netanyahu still hasn't realized nobody defeats
Almighty God. Probably one last ditch effort before he's taken out for good.
It always tickles me when the trash takes itself out-Boy Blue really lobbed a homerun there. Zero sum game sounds perfect and almost like a backhanded bonus.
Thanks GBPH on that Africa info. It's truly a tragedy how evil has pillaged the third world. Jenna the jerk deserves a massive public takedown- she's as irritating as a bad rash without air conditioning. Thanks to the News Brief for keeping me informed and content. You guys rock!
Jenna actually did us a huge favor. Now she may be excused. Colorado makes Oregon look Red. We’re blushing purple 🤠
James — Are you an Oregonian too? We can do with some good Scotsmen! I hope we do move more purple cuz the little towns are being hit since 2017 and we’re ruinously being the harbor state for abortions & trans “care” and radicalized schools.
Now, those who ran & won town & county elections are posing as moderates but are just smiley-faced radicals. I suppose that posture might indicate a shift of the overton window back to sanity, but it seems to have just put everyone back to sleep, as the infiltration & subversion proceed apace. The stasis here gives the illusion that all is just…Oregon as usual.
Best to you
Well from what I’m certain my Great Grandfather was a Sheep herder, my moms side farmers and prosperous ones to boot. I’m 57 sauce wee bit scotch Irish English.
We hit the beach 🏝️ and only had we known Hawaii was waiting dang!!!
My old boss said if Europe was west of the USA
The west coast would look like what the east coast looks like. Lots of truth to that.,
Funny I was born in Missouri
Went to Oregon
Went to Massachusetts
Went back to Oregon
I like the space out here Not the politics
But fix the damn voting 🗳️
Then we be more in tune with what the true will of those damn white Presbyterians be.
At this point we need bonding and reinforcing each other.
I read this last. Ok that explains jokes in my understanding re dispensation and the watering dumbing down of churches like our educational system. Slow descent.
How could my great grandfather America 🇺🇸
He came at 20 years then had learned:
Spoke 3 languages.
Got a better education than I did.
He wasn’t much for church. Going inside on a sunny Sunday made little sense to the high lander and I get his drift.
I get I’m called.
Israel is the Nation who believes Jesus is The Christ.
Not some artificial lines of lands
Read Rothschilds helped finance this Israel
By their actions certainly have no fear of God in their constant abusive killing.
Yeah Oregon meeting Great NW
OR WA ID MO VAN BC we even let the CA in lol
We’ll gather like minds hearts ReUNITE the Clans
The praise God first then put on their boots or sandals and walk among the lost
Being Light Salt to a noble thought Liberty Freedom Justice at all cost.
For we be not free
Until we
Declare our own selves to be.
As Emerson said para
Take a back seat to no one. Not even Caesar whom you read in the book.
My friend we sell ourselves short. Not for long 🏴🤠🇺🇸
I live in the Columbia Gorge but am an Oregonian
Grew up portland area.
Live in Washington tho.
I escaped Portland willamette valley
Now more space less people
Nice. I live in hazelnut & farm country, but too many vineyards & encroaching development. Nice little town, tho. Goofy & kind folks. Christian ethos. People still pray in restaurants.
…Both OR & WA are in the same boat, as states — rough around the edges independent people enclosed in tech and socialist structures.
How to break the mindsets & political monopoly stranglehold — I don’t know.
I’m a PCA Christian, (fully thawed) — If you know what that means. Great theology when rightly taught.
Terribly, when wrongly, as is often the case. I mention that because it’s a fine lens through which to view the haps in the world and keep steady, keep loving & thinking. That, and this lens right here, in the Badlands.
Thanks for listening, James.
Always enjoy your comments!
PCA Christian idk ??
Do know Oregon Washington have been suffocated by the looney left.
By 2000 they learned how to rig the voting 🗳️
51% to 49%
Me thinks this is what has happened.
Pretty sure 2020 CA went red, WA may have too.
Until we fix the vote 🗳️ we will continue to get looney left
Now you have vaxxinated people
The strange sexual confused
Antifa blm blue dogs
I remember Tom McCall we need him back
We need real vote 🗳️ counting
I love hazelnuts especially dark chocolate ones.
I grew up in portland but happy in my redneck neighborhood here.
Keep in touch !!!
Merry Christmas 🎁🎄
You’ll need to briefly explain your Christian cult ?
I’m my own church at moment ⭕️
Have considered joining one but I work all week
And like my seclusion. Rest and own Bible study 📖
Ha ha. The PCA is the Prespyterian Church in America, one of the smaller, unliberalized denominations that did not go with the mainline United Presbyterian Church in the early part of the 20th century. It’s standard, historical Christianity. Bright, Biblical and vibrant. My joke was bc modern evangelicalism has painted it and other historical churches, born in the Reformation, as Calvinist bogeymen — those that don’t adhere to the “Left Behind”scenario & don’t take all Israelis (as in “State of Israel”) to be the same as ancient Israel, or “God’s People” (tho’ that is indeed true of the OT Abraham> Isaac> Jacob God-honoring people). But, that is not an accurate reading of the whole of scripture & is actually part of newer, aberrant doctrines poured into the unsuspecting churches of America 100-130 yrs ago (& grown now into prevalence). There’s a lot to THAT story, too(!), and you can see how its supplanting of the historic church has affected us and the larger world, geopolitically — especially evident now. This was, incidentally, no less a part of the cabal’s design than was the formation of Israel and the machinations since, fulfilling the prophesy model they’d also infused into the church.
That aberrant, introduced doctrinal system is called Dispensationalism and rarely do the modern churchgoers even know its name nor its rather checkered, recent origin (and it’s a fascinating story, very relevant to today!). This is where Zionism was melded into Christianity — why the State of Israel and the Jewish “race” is sacrosanct and why Christians can leap over the most basic tenets of Christ to cheer and bless Israel (in any of its myriad senses & forms —except the Biblical one: that believers in Christ are now “Israel”). This is why many Christians can overlook egregious crimes, glorifying whatever successes come at any cost to others (even including to Christians in the Middle East!); why they lap up the propaganda, watching avidly the wars unfold like blind, lost, sincere little lambs — certain they’ll be raptured out before the tribulation sh*t really hits the fan.
It’s a sad thing to see. And it explains the dumbing-down of the church in America and its selective (albeit extensive) reading of Scripture — All through the lens of Premillennial Dispensationalism (which was greatly popularized by a charlatan & petty criminal, Cyrus Scofield, was predicated on John Darby’s work & had very shady Cabal origins & impetus).
This is what explains much of why people find it so hard to find a church with depth, reverence and great theology & choose instead to go it alone. Explains many of the very popular megachurches too. A reinvented church. An overarching of the Gospel with a religio-political system supplanting historic Christianity, but pretending to restore it to Biblical intent.
Well… too many words here but not enough at the same time! It’s a huge story and every Christian ought to look into it. But all that to explain my joke. …No, The PCA is not a cult at all, though in today’s topsy turvy world it and others like it are often deemed so …by a demi-cult that happens to be vastly popular every Sunday — and blindingly influential.
…As for our beautiful NW, governed & influenced by a demented and corrupt political class — Yes. fix elections, reverse the ngo & captured press machinations and we can restore our states. We’re a tough nut to crack, though. We’re largely hardy & independent pioneer stock, not deep academics or activists. When those wolves come in, we’re the last to recognize their devices & the first to just hunker in. I think we need to have an Oregon Badlands meet-up, but I sure don’t know how to make it happen. What a motley crew that would be — great fun! 😂
Merry Christmas back!
& All Blessings on you.
Holes not jokes
I wanted to share some "smiling" thing among the darkness we often witness.
I just wanted a "Code Pink"-dressed comparison between two female figures in the news these last days.
Not the same pink but it doesn't matter 😉:
😂 at least Fanny put the dress on the right way
Still in the mood for pink? 😊💕
Here’s a clip from a movie…House of Flying Daggers. I loved that movie for it’s stunning cinematography (thinking of Chinese culture after reading M Ehret’s wonderful substack, Understanding the Soul of China
I like it ! 🤩
I like to go and see shows by Chinese artists when they're not too far from where I live!
They're often excellent performers ! 👏🏻👏🏻
To me, the most important word in this entire substack is "responsibility." The corrupt and dishonest deep staters and deep worlders must not be absolved of responsibility for what they have wrought. They must be held to account. They must be exposed and punished.
We are witnessing a whole new twist on Presidential pardons. No longer just leniency for time served or to correct the injustice of a harsh sentence or to correct an unlawful guilty verdict. Now we see their use as admissions of guilt by players who knowingly broke the law but escape justice.
I am not in the camp who think Wray or Pence are secret good guys. Disinformation (Q) in Wray’s case was necessary to get the rot fully exposed by letting a corrupt player run the system. Good job, Wray! now you should be tried for treason.
Awesome pic of Kash ❤️
“Trump knows he has the Globalists over a barrel. He's asking them how long they want to push the timelines out with regards to capitulation with the resurgent Sovereign American Empire.”
We sure have learned a lot from Art of the Deal and The Art of War ❤️
I do not want to speculate about Wray’s hat color, but there is one way to look at this positively. If Wray is a good guy playing the part of an evil guy, when Kash puts him on the witness stand he will tell the truth.
When asked about the raid on Trump’s home he can say the argued against it but was over-ridden by his boss. Who was the boss?
Here we have a direct connection to the top that is easily proven. I bet it is well documented too. Weasels know how to cover their ass. They will sell out for money but will have plausible deniability galore. That is why they never go to prison.
So, it doesn’t matter if Wray wears any hat of any color. He just needs to be on the stand and asked the correct questions. The rest is already a done deal! The deal was done November 5, 2024. We the People cut the deal!
jena griswold is a fat chick
After rebels seized control and ousted President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, pallets of cash were found in government buildings across Damascus.
Each pallet was labeled with a QR code, which, when scanned, revealed an unexpected link to none other than the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
It makes you wonder who is funding this overthrow.