Ha ha ha. CNN printed the story about the pipe bomb threats. Now makes you wonder if it’s true at all. Or. Did those allegedly ‘threatened’. Make it all up to continue to make his supporters look bad. Geesh. They’re struggling to even get creative anymore.

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I have a friend who works at NASA. He has a friend in DoD who received that email from DOGE. The next email he received was from senior leadership in DoD who literally instructed employees not to respond to the DOGE email. I have the screen shot right here.

For those of us working private sector, this is like the CEO emailing everyone to list 5 things done last week and then the Directors all emailing their reports "Ignore the CEO". We'd be getting fired. The CEO wants to fire you, and you just gave him free reign to do so. Stunning insubordination considering Trump's title is literally Commander in CHIEF.

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Gregory, DM me on Telegram or X. Let's talk.



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Ok, got it sent via T from my "real" acct.

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My daughter works at DOD. They had a face to face with DOGE last week. They were able to justify their work.

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You know Janet, when you can justify your work, you have nothing to fear from a 'five bullets' sort of email. It's only when you haven't been to the office for 5 years, haven't done a damn thing, and in fact you've had another full-time job for 4 of those years -- those are the folks who are in trouble. And a quick check of their government pay stubs and reported W2 income on their 1040s will be very revealing. No wonder they are worried...

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I also think that some of it is willful rebellion against Orange Man, maybe most of it. I'm glad Janet's daughter complied. I wish federal employees would work as hard at keeping their political views out of their work behavior!

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That's tough. For many of them, they are their job and their job is their mission. They are true liberal believers. Folks like that cannot separate their personal feelings (including political views) from their work life.

Evidence of this is all of the folks the news shows crying over losing their job. You don't often see that in the private sector.

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Re: declass. To me the most concerning part about this story is the lack of response to Congress from the DOJ.

Delay and refusal was the hallmark of the prior regime’s DOJ.

Apparently nothing has changed.

As a former lawyer, I totally understand that investigations, document production, subpoenas and the like take time. So I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

But let’s not pretend. Bondi has been in office for nearly a month. And what has her office produced? A couple civil suits. Some strongly worded tweets. A couple interviews. Some weak performances by DOJ lawyers in front of corrupt left wing judges. And that’s about it.

The dangling of the Epstein files was a massive unforced error. Because having admitted she had them, then failing to release them, failing to even respond to a request from a Congress controlled by her own party, has just fueled the conspiracy theorists. And they are likely correct, to wit, they are being carefully redacted before being released and we will learn nothing of value. Other than the govt is continuing to lie to us.

It all stinks.

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Maybe Maddow and Olbermann should have posted the viewership numbers to support their opinion that the FIRINGS were racist. Ah, oh right, they couldn't show numbers that I am sure could be found by any 4 yr old on the internet.

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Feb 25Edited

From Dr Malone 's substack this AM:

MSNBC only reached 734,000 viewers for the ENTIRE month of January, during its primetime hours. Its total viewership for January 2025 was 1.3 million people.

Not to make it about me, but I know my own stats. Consider that my substack reaches almost 10 million direct views per month, and with republishing, that number is probably doubled.

As you all know, I don’t have a podcast but I am on other podcasts almost daily and reach an audience there of about 10 million people a month.

In total, not including social media, I have about 20 million people reading or watching my work a month.

My numbers aren’t Joe Rogan’s, but I do ok. As crazy as it seems, my print and video viewers are about 20 times more than the viewership of MSNBC for the month of January."


Joy Reid was reportedly earning $3M/year. The math doesn't work anymore. Besides, if she is that much in demand, she should be able to build her own - there are plenty of formerly fired hosts out there doing it and doing quite well. Tucker. Megyn Kelly. Sage Steele. Hell, even Bill O'Reilly is still going.

(The Malone stack is worth a read because he goes into the advertising angle - I was not aware there us another boogie man there.)


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Was sorta tongue in cheek. I KNEW if they used the numbers the reasons the recent peeps were let go was because of low viewership.

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I read some of it. Honestly kind of a waste of my time. Interesting that the network is being called racist for getting rid of Joy Reid but they are replacing one “brown” person with 3 brown people. Isn’t that a win for them??

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Agreed! Kids just click around on their laptop or phone and figure things out. That’s why my grandchildren are limited to contacting family only, have parent permission for any games and other guard rails! My 8 year old granddaughter has taught me a few things!😂

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I watched the Rachel MadCow video and realized that I had absolutely no words for her. If this had been on Facebook, I would have replied with the vomiting emoji. And after listening more, Words came to me.

Rachel, this is happening because . . . NO ONE WANT TO LISTEN TO YOUR COLLEAGUES BS.

Me either.

It is not racism. It is not sexism. It is simply that you (collectively) are irrelevant.

I also want to thank The MadCow for another thing. And that is for being on a channel like MSNBC. I always know not to turn on that channel unless I want to hear what you have to say. And most times, that is not.

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How can DJT deliver his historic March 4 State of the Union Speech in 1 week if Bondi hasn't disclosed Epstein//Diddy lists/videos, JFK/911/UFO etc Files? Friday Bondi got all this material & she said she'd need 1 day to take a peek. And it's 3+ days & we ain't seen shit. Pam, Be the Flamethrower we know U can be. No more F-ing around. We the People have waited decades for truth disclosure. So it's time to finally shine the torch of justice on fake-Jew Zionists. Pull back the damn curtain! Let's go! What's the mantra? Promises made ... Promised kept? Well ... We're waitin'

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If the files confirm the US acted against itself, what result precipitates? If the files SPECIFICALLY EXPOSE other indisclosable news, perhaps that Israel was directly involved and US worked with them in the planning, what happens to the innocent Jews of the world? I imagine this can of worms is going to be stuffed with festering rot and might actually need some delicate hands.

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Expose KM Fakery on every level. Serial Pedo Satanists did NOT restrict stealing IDs to Jews. They bastards steal e/t sacred. Plus "their Trump card" = Religion Matrix. ONLY 1 Tribe was chosen by God. ONLY 1 Savior was God's begotten son. All Hi-Low games designed to permanently divide man into winners & losers. In God's heart, every son & daughter is Christed (we just haven't accepted it yet). Disclosure in necessary to start dissolving spells which likely trace from KM to Borg AI. Gotta start somewhere!

MAGA Patriots have been remarkably patient & restrained .... but, White Hats, there are limits! Get on w/ it!

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I have to agree with you, S.Y. Only reason to delay, is to cover up.

Even Trump and Bondi must have things they don't want to see the light of day. Too bad they don't know that this stuff will eventually get out anyway, and it will only make them look bad.

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To quote: il Donaldo ... FAFO

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Rumors flying that FBI is deleting evidence.

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Rep. Luna has a right to ask, of course, but we've seen all too often how Commissions, Committees, and Investigations by Congress have been used (not necessarily by the members) to obfuscate the very thing they were ostensibly meant to examine - the J6 Committee and - relevantly - the Warren Commission come readily to mind. The specific files in question likely expose a number of very bad actors to potential prosecution, both outside and within government. I'd like to see those happen.

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BREAKING NEWS: 🇫🇷🤬 Censorship in France! 🤬🇫🇷

The government shuts down C8, the most-watched conservative channel, this is a blow to freedom !



French Government Proves JD Vance Right After Silencing Conservative Broadcaster


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Is Xavier Poussard's book melting down MSM in France? Was CB taking on exposed Brigitte as Roth male?Or was it another hot button that got pushed?

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They did that in Canada, to Sun News back in... maybe 2015, when Trudeau was running for PM and Sun News, especially Ezra Levant, was making Trudeau look stupid (an easy task, admittedly; but not one the CBC would ever take on). Ezra went on to form Rebel News, a perennial thorn in Trudeau's side.

And then there was Glenn Beck in the USA... back when Obama was running for his first term, Beck was mysteriously dumped by CNN, which was not at that time as far left as it is now. He just disappeared, like Sun News -- here today, gone tomorrow. He reappeared, safely after the election, IIRC on FOX, where he was again mysteriously dumped a few months before Obama's 2nd run. And he also started an independent outlet, Blaze News.

[They] do the same thing everywhere. Liberal politicians cannot stand sunlight, for they live in the dark underbelly of society. Most of their connections are illegal and immoral, they live on grift and trafficking. They cannot survive if the public knows the truth.

JD Vance, Trump, Musk, Bondi, Kash -- [they] are scared to death. Rightly so, I imagine.

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‘Mr. Musk was neither nominated nor confirmed.’ Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!😂. Brad is right, ‘People who want this to continue are essentially admitting to benefitting from it.’ My take: directly or indirectly complicit!

—-Tim Cook isn’t the only CEO of corporations getting the bribes ready. What part of ‘we have it all’ doesn’t he understand? Or, no one escapes justice under the rule of law….

—-Ghost, I hope so, too. It’s time to begin the final awakening for the justice phase. Pray for those still asleep as to find out all at once will be devastating. We will need to work with these folks, too….🙏🙏. A specific non-anon role, I suspect…

—-I’m with Ashe: ‘Finish the job.’

—-Chris, the only thing he can’t do without Congress is extending (or making permanent) the tax hikes…correct?

—-Panic in all of the government agencies, big pharma and associated corporations, media and the never ending NGOs is increasingly daily! As it should! It’s time to remember that Justice is ours, vengeance is God’s. International news is a whole lot of moves on the chess board.

—-🤔. Buildup to Kash….then quiet.🤔😊

—-Core evil, the children, is increasingly becoming public.

—-If ANYONE cannot put 5 bullet points of what they did in a WEEK??? I never watched the Apprentice, but I’d fire ‘em in a second…

God bless these people dedicated to truth.🙏🙏

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Great post as always ALtab -- but when you said "extending (or making permanent) the tax hikes" I believe you were referring to the tax CUTS in TCJA 2017. And yes, they do soon expire otherwise.

And I find the kayfabe from some of Trump's picks about the 'five bullets' emails interesting. Clearly some undercurrents going on... can't wait to find out what they are!

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Thanks, I was referring to the cuts…. I found the 5 bullet comment interesting, too. Irritating the real workers could apply that to a single morning, or even in an hour. My comment about government slugs is true (at our state level , too). There was usually only a single person in each organization that I could call early or late and would be there. Only 1 out of dozens typically…. This was the military that was supposed to have a better quality of civil servants….

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In my experience, every organization I have ever been affiliated with or exposed to believes that their people are the best and brightest. Since that cannot be true of every organization, that leaves me with two possibilities:

-- I have had the exceptional luck in my lifetime of only ever being associated with excellent organizations; or

-- It is a common delusion for organizations to believe they are somehow better than the rest.

Given the choice, I'll take the 'common delusion' option. The other alternative is highly improbable. There are of course exceptional individuals in many if not all organizations, but as you point out they are -- well, exceptional, and there are not that many of them.

I think the biggest problem with the current government employees, that they do not want Elon or Trump to know, is that ever since the C19 shenanigans, most of them have been 'working from home' which basically means 'not working much, or at all.' To the extent that many of them also have full-time paid work elsewhere. Just the sort of things that Elon's Aspies will find in a few minutes of AI searching, comparing agency payroll records to IRS 1040/W-2 documents. If, that is, DOGE is allowed access -- wonder why they are pushing back so hard on that?? 🙊

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Yes, I concur with your assessment. I did have a 2- year period in my career before the (then) political correctness began where we had an exceptional team of mil/civ mix. I commented on it often to my wing CC. Told him it was a unique period in time and to enjoy! All the team had great work ethics, each brought different perspectives and skills and it was a true joy! Have never forgotten how fun it was!

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There seems to be a lot of high expectations, that declassification of these files will answer a lot of lingering questions. In my elders years, I've seen enough to know, not get my hopes up. All these classified documents are supposed to be stored, and secured, in our national archives. What does one hope to learn from released declassified documents, ....answers? Especially the JFK files, an assassination of one of our president, where cover up operations began within minutes, and never seem to have stopped. All interested or involved parties, have been in charge, like a fox guarding the hen house. Does anyone believe, GHWB Sr would never venture into the national archives, would Obama allow his personnel data to be filed in the national archives? What are we learning from the USAID DOGE audits, what does it tell us, what kind of employees or SES tenured do/did we have in various agencies within our government, and how deep is the corruption in our US Government, conveniently situated on a land island named Washington, DC?!!

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"Have you ever witnessed such INCOMPETENCE and CONTEMPT for how YOUR TAXES are being spent? Makes old Twitter look good. Didn't think that was possible."

Man. Musk is almost as funny as Trump. I am really gonna hafta get some non-GMO popcorn.

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That Epstein was a criminal genius. He played on human weakness like a true champ. Let's hope Bondi backs up her boast. ASAP.

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Investment pledges are nothing more than headline grabbers. Show us the money! Pssst: Don't trust Apple, Saudi Arabia, or Hussain Sajwani.

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Bondi, Trump, and Musk, have made it very clear that they are extremely pro-Israel.

That's a major concern.

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Remember it could all be kayfabe. 5GW, after all... much is not as it appears, but they have to keep up an appearance of playing the game -- until they don't.

EDIT: This post from Pepe Lives Matter has some interesting connections between Michael Jackson and Donald Trump, who were great friends back in the day. Trump knew who killed MJ and why, and about the Israel/Mossad connection. I do not believe Trump is really pro-Israel, Pepe's piece just provides a bit of confirmation.


Don't be surprised to hear 'yuuge news' re. Netanyahu/Mossad/Zionists soon.

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The problem for Trump/Musk regarding all things Israel is the Khazarian Mafia.

We're talking Trillionaires, not lowly Billionaires.


So, he may not really be pro-Israel. But he damn well better watch his step.

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Exactly. Thanks for the link, BTW; much of it I already knew, some new stuff; but a great introduction to the 'Khazarian problem' for those new to the concept -- not surprising since the victors write the history books, and they don't write what really happened, only what they want people to believe happened.

And your 'watch his step' comment highlights the fact that this 5GW is a war to the death -- either the Khazarians are extirpated, or the rest of the world ends up slaves. We are well on the way to that fate, but if the Sovereign Alliance has their way, the bad guys are goners. And all the money in the world will not help them, if the people of the world turn against them. First comes the exposure -- which is going on as we speak.

[They] have always counted on having control of other peoples to fight for them, most recently the most powerful military in the world, the US military with people like Victoria Nuland calling the shots. But that might well be changing, seems to me Trump is making major moves in the command structure, cleaning house so to speak. The Cabal has lost Russia, it has lost Iran, Xi is leading China in an independent direction away from the WEF while trying to appear 'part of the team' for the time being. If [they] lose the US, they're finished. The rest of the world will carve up the corpses of what power and money they have left.

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"Rachel" (Richard?) Maddow is so full of shit. "Anchors concern are only for our supporting cast" GMAFB. 🤣

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Anyone here think to do the math?

Apple plans to spend "more than $500 billion in the U.S. and hire 20,000 people ..."

Those numbers are outside of most peoples' reality, so it is likely that nobody thought to do the exercise... so let's divide by 1000 where the numbers might seem to make a little more sense:

"... more than $500 million in the U.S. and hire 20 people ..."

Starting to see what I see? $500MM for 20 people? Hell, they could put it in a savings account at a local bank, paying 2% interest (which would be $10MM per year), and pay each of those people $500,000 a year, just from the meagre interest.

If I had $10MM to invest in my company, I could hire a lot more than 20 people, and they would all earn their keep by making things that people want to buy, of their own free will.

Apparently the guys at Apple don't have the know-how to do that. Sad, I used to have at least a modicum of respect for them. No longer. If I owned any Apple stock, I'd sell it today and not look back.

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It’s $500m and 20k jobs. The money is building data centers which requires cutting roads and other infrastructure projects. The money is not just people costs.

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Ashe, here is the headline of the article (copied and pasted to avoid transcription errors, as I also did in my original comment):

"Trump Manufacturing Win: Apple to Spend $500 Billion in U.S., Hire 20,000"

Also repeated in the first line of the article itself.

I don't know what the truth is; I don't have the time to try to verify everything in the News Brief. (That's why I read the News Brief.)

And data centers are also not manufacturing plants. I work in the electronics industry and have my entire life; I am very familiar with the differences. Data centers generally have very few staff; they normally only turn the lights on for maintenance. Much like the super-factories in Asia (which are manufacturing plants) where everything is done by robots.

Manufacturing plants in general are fairly capital-intensive. But not normally $25MM per employee capital intensive. Typically somewhere between $100K -- $1MM per employee, depending on what you're building and how much of it can be automated.

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Thank you, Wild Bill! That puts a completely different perspective. I didn’t do the actual math, but have done enough in my head to question where all the ‘extra’ profits went. Under the current system we have a good idea….but that’s to change. Wonder what the real move is going to actually be?

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